/************************************************************************* * (C) 2011 AITNET - Sofia/Bulgaria - * by Michael Pounov * * $Author: misho $ * $Id: utils.c,v 1.1 2011/10/04 22:37:46 misho Exp $ * *************************************************************************/ #include "global.h" void Get1stEth(char *psDev, int devlen) { struct ifaddrs *ifa; assert(psDev); assert(devlen > 0); getifaddrs(&ifa); strlcpy(psDev, ifa->ifa_name, devlen); freeifaddrs(ifa); } int PrepareL2(const char *psDev, int *bpflen) { int h, n = 1; register int i; char szStr[STRSIZ]; struct ifreq ifr; FTRACE(3); assert(psDev); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { memset(szStr, 0, sizeof szStr); snprintf(szStr, sizeof szStr, "/dev/bpf%d", i); h = open(szStr, O_RDWR); if (h > 2) break; } if (h < 3) { printf("Error:: open bpf %s #%d - %s\n", szStr, errno, strerror(errno)); return -1; } strlcpy(ifr.ifr_name, psDev, sizeof ifr.ifr_name); if (ioctl(h, BIOCSETIF, &ifr) == -1) { printf("Error:: bind interface %s to bpf #%d - %s\n", psDev, errno, strerror(errno)); close(h); return -1; } if (ioctl(h, BIOCIMMEDIATE, &n) == -1) { printf("Error:: set interface %s to bpf #%d - %s\n", psDev, errno, strerror(errno)); close(h); return -1; } if (ioctl(h, BIOCGBLEN, bpflen) == -1) { printf("Error:: get interface %s buffer length #%d - %s\n", psDev, errno, strerror(errno)); close(h); return -1; } VERB(3) LOG("Openned device handle %d with bpf buflen %d", h, *bpflen); return h; } int PrepareL3(const struct sockaddr *sa, int *bpflen) { int h, n = 1; FTRACE(3); assert(sa); h = socket(sa->sa_family, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP); if (h == -1) { printf("Error:: Cant open raw socket #%d - %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return -1; } /* if (setsockopt(h, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &n, sizeof n) == -1) { printf("Error:: Cant set raw socket #%d - %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); close(h); return -1; } */ if (bind(h, sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) { printf("Error:: Cant bind to raw socket #%d - %s\n", errno, strerror(errno)); close(h); return -1; } n = fcntl(h, F_GETFL); fcntl(h, F_SETFL, n | O_NONBLOCK); *bpflen = USHRT_MAX; VERB(3) LOG("Openned socket handle %d", h); return h; } char icmpRecv(int s, u_short * __restrict id, u_char * __restrict data, int * __restrict datlen, struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t *salen) { int ret = 0; struct icmp *icmp; struct ansh_hdr *hdr; u_char buf[USHRT_MAX] = { 0 }; u_int crc; ret = recvfrom(s, buf, sizeof buf, 0, sa, salen); if (ret == -1) { ERR("Receive recvfrom() #%d - %s", errno, strerror(errno)); return ANSH_FLG_ERR; } else VERB(4) LOG("Get packet with len=%d", ret); /* check header len */ if (ret < (sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct icmp) + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr))) { VERB(1) LOG("Discard packet too short %d ...", ret); return ANSH_FLG_ERR; } else icmp = (struct icmp*) (buf + sizeof(struct ip)); /* check echo magic ansh code */ if (icmp->icmp_type != ICMP_ECHOREPLY || icmp->icmp_code != ANSH_CODE) { VERB(3) LOG("Packet isnt for me %d ... icmp_code=%d", ret, icmp->icmp_code); return ANSH_FLG_ERR; } else hdr = (struct ansh_hdr*) (buf + sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct icmp)); /* check version and total size of packet */ if (hdr->ansh_ver != ANSH_VERSION) { VERB(3) LOG("Packet with wrong version ..."); return ANSH_FLG_ERR; } /* check crc of packet */ crc = hdr->ansh_crc; hdr->ansh_crc ^= hdr->ansh_crc; hdr->ansh_crc = htonl(crcAdler((u_char*) hdr, ntohs(hdr->ansh_len))); if (crc != hdr->ansh_crc) { VERB(3) LOG("Packet with wrong crc ..."); return ANSH_FLG_ERR; } /* copy data */ if (data && datlen) { memset(data, 0, *datlen); *datlen = ntohs(hdr->ansh_len) - sizeof(struct ansh_hdr); memcpy(data, buf + sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct icmp) + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr), *datlen); } if (id) *id = ntohs(icmp->icmp_id); return hdr->ansh_flg; } int icmpSend(int s, u_short id, char flg, u_char *data, int datlen, struct sockaddr *sa, socklen_t salen) { u_char *pos, buf[USHRT_MAX] = { 0 }; struct icmp *icmp; struct ansh_hdr *hdr; int ret = 0; assert(data); if ((sizeof buf - sizeof(struct icmp) + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr)) < datlen) return ANSH_FLG_ERR; icmp = (struct icmp*) buf; hdr = (struct ansh_hdr*) (buf + sizeof(struct icmp)); pos = buf + sizeof(struct icmp) + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr); memcpy(pos, data, datlen); hdr->ansh_ver = ANSH_VERSION; hdr->ansh_flg = flg; hdr->ansh_len = htons(datlen + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr)); hdr->ansh_crc = 0; hdr->ansh_crc = htonl(crcAdler((u_char*) hdr, ntohs(hdr->ansh_len))); icmp->icmp_type = ICMP_ECHOREPLY; icmp->icmp_code = ANSH_CODE; icmp->icmp_id = htons(id); icmp->icmp_seq = htons(datlen); icmp->icmp_cksum = 0; icmp->icmp_cksum = crcIP(buf, sizeof(struct icmp) + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr) + datlen); if ((ret = sendto(s, buf, sizeof(struct icmp) + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr) + datlen, 0, sa, salen)) == -1) { ERR("Send sendto() #%d - %s", errno, strerror(errno)); return ANSH_FLG_ERR; } else VERB(4) LOG("Put packet with len=%d", ret); if (ret != sizeof(struct icmp) + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr) + datlen) { VERB(3) LOG("Sended data %d is different from source data len %d", ret, sizeof(struct icmp) + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr) + datlen); return ANSH_FLG_ERR; } return ret; } int pktSend(int s, u_short id, char flg, u_char *data, int datlen, struct ether_addr *ea) { u_char *pos, buf[USHRT_MAX] = { 0 }; struct ether_header *e = (struct ether_header*) buf; struct ansh_hdr *hdr; int ret = 0; assert(data); if ((sizeof buf - ETHER_HDR_LEN + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr)) < datlen) return ANSH_FLG_ERR; e->ether_type = htons(id); memcpy(e->ether_dhost, ea->octet, ETHER_ADDR_LEN); hdr = (struct ansh_hdr*) (buf + ETHER_HDR_LEN); pos = ((u_char*) hdr) + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr); memcpy(pos, data, datlen); hdr->ansh_ver = ANSH_VERSION; hdr->ansh_flg = flg; hdr->ansh_len = htons(datlen + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr)); hdr->ansh_crc = 0; hdr->ansh_crc = htonl(crcAdler((u_char*) hdr, ntohs(hdr->ansh_len))); if ((ret = write(s, buf, ETHER_HDR_LEN + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr) + datlen)) == -1) { ERR("Send packet() #%d - %s", errno, strerror(errno)); return ANSH_FLG_ERR; } else VERB(4) LOG("Put packet with len=%d", ret); if (ret != ETHER_HDR_LEN + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr) + datlen) { VERB(3) LOG("Sended data %d is different from source data len %d", ret, ETHER_HDR_LEN + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr) + datlen); return ANSH_FLG_ERR; } return ret; } char pktRecv(int s, u_char * __restrict data, int * __restrict datlen, struct ether_header *eth) { int ret = 0; struct bpf_hdr *bpf; struct ether_header *e; struct ansh_hdr *hdr; u_char *buf; u_int crc; if (!eth || !datlen) return ANSH_FLG_ERR; if (!(buf = malloc(*datlen))) { ERR("malloc() #%d - %s", errno, strerror(errno)); return ANSH_FLG_ERR; } ret = read(s, buf, *datlen); if (ret == -1) { ERR("Receive packet() #%d - %s", errno, strerror(errno)); free(buf); return ANSH_FLG_ERR; } else VERB(4) LOG("Get packet with len=%d", ret); /* check header len */ if (ret < (sizeof(struct bpf_hdr) + ETHER_HDR_LEN + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr))) { VERB(1) LOG("Discard packet too short %d ...", ret); free(buf); return ANSH_FLG_ERR; } else { bpf = (struct bpf_hdr*) buf; e = (struct ether_header*) (buf + bpf->bh_hdrlen); memcpy(eth, e, ETHER_HDR_LEN); hdr = (struct ansh_hdr*) (buf + bpf->bh_hdrlen + ETHER_HDR_LEN); } /* check version and total size of packet */ if (hdr->ansh_ver != ANSH_VERSION) { VERB(3) LOG("Packet with wrong version ... %d", hdr->ansh_ver); free(buf); return ANSH_FLG_ERR; } /* check crc of packet */ crc = hdr->ansh_crc; hdr->ansh_crc ^= hdr->ansh_crc; hdr->ansh_crc = htonl(crcAdler((u_char*) hdr, ntohs(hdr->ansh_len))); if (crc != hdr->ansh_crc) { VERB(3) LOG("Packet with wrong crc ..."); free(buf); return ANSH_FLG_ERR; } /* copy data */ if (data) { memset(data, 0, *datlen); *datlen = ntohs(hdr->ansh_len) - sizeof(struct ansh_hdr); memcpy(data, hdr + sizeof(struct ansh_hdr), *datlen); } ret = (char) hdr->ansh_flg; free(buf); return (char) ret; } void * TOfunc(sched_task_t *task) { struct tagProc *proc; FTRACE(3); /* not found argument, drop data */ if (!(proc = TASK_ARG(task))) return (void*) -1; if (proc->proc_pid) kill(proc->proc_pid, SIGTERM); return NULL; }