# # ELWIX project build helper subroutines # # (C) AITNET ltd - Sofia/Bulgaria # by Michael Pounov # # $Id: rc.subr,v 2011/12/19 20:43:07 misho Exp $ # ### Dont edit this file !!! CheckVer() { [ -z "$1" -o ! -r "$1" ] && return 1 cat $1 | awk '($1 == "ELWIX") { split($3, arr, ":"); printf("%s", arr[2]); }' return 0 } SnitVer() { install -d ${TOPDIR} V=$(CheckVer $1) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # file not found return 1 elif [ X"$V" != X"${VERSION}" ]; then # different ELWIX version return 2 fi # already present file with same version return 0 } # $1 = ELWIX install list config # $2 = From World dir # $3 = To Dest dir InstallList() { sed -nE -e 's/^ *([^ #]+) */\1/p' < $1 | tr ':' '\n' | tar -C $2 -cvf - -T - | tar -C $3 -x -f - } # $1 = From dir # $2 = To dir InstallDir() { cd $1 pax -rw -pe -X . $2 cd - } # $* = Program arguments for install tool InstallProg() { install -c $* } # $1 = file_pattern # $2 = To dir # $3 = From dir InstallFiles() { cd $2 find . -type f -name "$1" | tar -cvf - -T - | tar -C $3 -xf - cd - } # $1 = Directory for clean CleanCVS() { find $1 -type d -name CVS -exec rm -rf {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1 find $1 -type f -name .#\* -exec rm -f {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1 }