Annotation of embedaddon/bird/doc/prog-1.html, revision

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                      5:  <TITLE>BIRD Programmer's Documentation: BIRD Design</TITLE>
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                     15: <H2><A NAME="s1">1.</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc1">BIRD Design</A></H2>
                     17: <H2><A NAME="ss1.1">1.1</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc1.1">Introduction</A>
                     18: </H2>
                     20: <P>This document describes the internal workings of BIRD, its architecture,
                     21: design decisions and rationale behind them. It also contains documentation on
                     22: all the essential components of the system and their interfaces.
                     23: <P>
                     24: <P>Routing daemons are complicated things which need to act in real time
                     25: to complex sequences of external events, respond correctly even to the most erroneous behavior
                     26: of their environment and still handle enormous amount of data with reasonable
                     27: speed. Due to all of this, their design is very tricky as one needs to carefully
                     28: balance between efficiency, stability and (last, but not least) simplicity of
                     29: the program and it would be possible to write literally hundreds of pages about
                     30: all of these issues. In accordance to the famous quote of Anton Chekhov "Shortness
                     31: is a sister of talent", we've tried to write a much shorter document highlighting
                     32: the most important stuff and leaving the boring technical details better explained
                     33: by the program source itself together with comments contained therein.
                     34: <P>
                     35: <H2><A NAME="ss1.2">1.2</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc1.2">Design goals</A>
                     36: </H2>
                     38: <P>When planning the architecture of BIRD, we've taken a close look at the other existing routing
                     39: daemons and also at some of the operating systems used on dedicated routers, gathered all important
                     40: features and added lots of new ones to overcome their shortcomings and to better match the requirements
                     41: of routing in today's Internet: IPv6, policy routing, route filtering and so on. From this
                     42: planning, the following set of design goals has arisen:
                     43: <P>
                     44: <UL>
                     45: <LI><I>Support all the standard routing protocols and make it easy to add new ones.</I>
                     46: This leads to modularity and clean separation between the core and the protocols.
                     47: </LI>
                     48: <LI><I>Support both IPv4 and IPv6 in the same source tree, re-using most of the code.</I>
                     49: This leads to abstraction of IP addresses and operations on them.
                     50: </LI>
                     51: <LI><I>Minimize OS dependent code to make porting as easy as possible.</I>
                     52: Unfortunately, such code cannot be avoided at all as the details of communication with
                     53: the IP stack differ from OS to OS and they often vary even between different
                     54: versions of the same OS. But we can isolate such code in special modules and
                     55: do the porting by changing or replacing just these modules.
                     56: Also, don't rely on specific features of various operating systems, but be able
                     57: to make use of them if they are available.
                     58: </LI>
                     59: <LI><I>Allow multiple routing tables.</I>
                     60: Easily solvable by abstracting out routing tables and the corresponding operations.
                     61: </LI>
                     62: <LI><I>Offer powerful route filtering.</I>
                     63: There already were several attempts to incorporate route filters to a dynamic router,
                     64: but most of them have used simple sequences of filtering rules which were very inflexible
                     65: and hard to use for non-trivial filters. We've decided to employ a simple loop-free
                     66: programming language having access to all the route attributes and being able to
                     67: modify the most of them.
                     68: </LI>
                     69: <LI><I>Support easy configuration and re-configuration.</I>
                     70: Most routers use a simple configuration language designed ad hoc with no structure at all
                     71: and allow online changes of configuration by using their command-line interface, thus
                     72: any complex re-configurations are hard to achieve without replacing the configuration
                     73: file and restarting the whole router. We've decided to use a more general approach: to
                     74: have a configuration defined in a context-free language with blocks and nesting, to
                     75: perform all configuration changes by editing the configuration file, but to be able
                     76: to read the new configuration and smoothly adapt to it without disturbing parts of
                     77: the routing process which are not affected by the change.
                     78: </LI>
                     79: <LI><I>Be able to be controlled online.</I>
                     80: In addition to the online reconfiguration, a routing daemon should be able to communicate
                     81: with the user and with many other programs (primarily scripts used for network maintenance)
                     82: in order to make it possible to inspect contents of routing tables, status of all
                     83: routing protocols and also to control their behavior (disable, enable or reset a protocol without restarting all the others). To achieve
                     84: this, we implement a simple command-line protocol based on those used by FTP and SMTP
                     85: (that is textual commands and textual replies accompanied by a numeric code which makes
                     86: them both readable to a human and easy to recognize in software).
                     87: </LI>
                     88: <LI><I>Respond to all events in real time.</I>
                     89: A typical solution to this problem is to use lots of threads to separate the workings
                     90: of all the routing protocols and also of the user interface parts and to hope that
                     91: the scheduler will assign time to them in a fair enough manner. This is surely a good
                     92: solution, but we have resisted the temptation and preferred to avoid the overhead of threading
                     93: and the large number of locks involved and preferred a event driven architecture with
                     94: our own scheduling of events. An unpleasant consequence of such an approach
                     95: is that long lasting tasks must be split to more parts linked by special
                     96: events or timers to make the CPU available for other tasks as well.
                     97: </LI>
                     98: </UL>
                     99: <P>
                    100: <H2><A NAME="ss1.3">1.3</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc1.3">Architecture</A>
                    101: </H2>
                    103: <P>The requirements set above have lead to a simple modular architecture containing
                    104: the following types of modules:
                    105: <P>
                    106: <DL>
                    107: <P>
                    108: <DT>Core modules<DD><P>implement the core functions of BIRD: taking care
                    109: of routing tables, keeping protocol status, interacting with the user using
                    110: the Command-Line Interface (to be called CLI in the rest of this document)
                    111: etc.
                    112: <P>
                    113: <DT>Library modules<DD><P>form a large set of various library functions
                    114: implementing several data abstractions, utility functions and also functions
                    115: which are a part of the standard libraries on some systems, but missing on other
                    116: ones.
                    117: <P>
                    118: <DT>Resource management modules<DD><P>take care of resources, their allocation
                    119: and automatic freeing when the module having requested shuts itself down.
                    120: <P>
                    121: <DT>Configuration modules<DD><P>are fragments of lexical analyzer,
                    122: grammar rules and the corresponding snippets of C code. For each group
                    123: of code modules (core, each protocol, filters) there exist a configuration
                    124: module taking care of all the related configuration stuff.
                    125: <P>
                    126: <DT>The filter<DD><P>implements the route filtering language.
                    127: <P>
                    128: <DT>Protocol modules<DD><P>implement the individual routing protocols.
                    129: <P>
                    130: <DT>System-dependent modules<DD><P>implement the interface between BIRD
                    131: and specific operating systems.
                    132: <P>
                    133: <DT>The client<DD><P>is a simple program providing an easy, though friendly
                    134: interface to the CLI.
                    135: <P>
                    136: </DL>
                    137: <P>
                    138: <H2><A NAME="ss1.4">1.4</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc1.4">Implementation</A>
                    139: </H2>
                    141: <P>BIRD has been written in GNU C. We've considered using C++, but we've
                    142: preferred the simplicity and straightforward nature of C which gives us fine
                    143: control over all implementation details and on the other hand enough
                    144: instruments to build the abstractions we need.
                    145: <P>
                    146: <P>The modules are statically linked to produce a single executable file
                    147: (except for the client which stands on its own).
                    148: <P>
                    149: <P>The building process is controlled by a set of Makefiles for GNU Make,
                    150: intermixed with several Perl and shell scripts.
                    151: <P>
                    152: <P>The initial configuration of the daemon, detection of system features
                    153: and selection of the right modules to include for the particular OS
                    154: and the set of protocols the user has chosen is performed by a configure
                    155: script generated by GNU Autoconf.
                    156: <P>
                    157: <P>The parser of the configuration is generated by the GNU Bison.
                    158: <P>
                    159: <P>The documentation is generated using <CODE>SGMLtools</CODE> with our own DTD
                    160: and mapping rules which produce both an online version in HTML and
                    161: a neatly formatted one for printing (first converted
                    162: from SGML to LaTeX and then processed by TeX and <CODE>dvips</CODE> to
                    163: get a PostScript file).
                    164: <P>
                    165: <P>The comments from C sources which form a part of the programmer's
                    166: documentation are extracted using a modified version of the <CODE>kernel-doc</CODE>
                    167: tool.
                    168: <P>
                    169: <P>If you want to work on BIRD, it's highly recommended to configure it
                    170: with a <CODE>--enable-debug</CODE> switch which enables some internal consistency
                    171: checks and it also links BIRD with a memory allocation checking library
                    172: if you have one (either <CODE>efence</CODE> or <CODE>dmalloc</CODE>).
                    173: <P>
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