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 <TITLE>BIRD Programmer's Documentation: Configuration</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s3">3.</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc3">Configuration</A></H2>

<H2><A NAME="ss3.1">3.1</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc3.1">Configuration manager</A>

<P>Configuration of BIRD is complex, yet straightforward. There are three
modules taking care of the configuration: config manager (which takes care
of storage of the config information and controls switching between configs),
lexical analyzer and parser.
<P>The configuration manager stores each config as a <I>config</I> structure
accompanied by a linear pool from which all information associated
with the config and pointed to by the <I>config</I> structure is allocated.
<P>There can exist up to four different configurations at one time: an active
one (pointed to by <B>config</B>), configuration we are just switching from
(<B>old_config</B>), one queued for the next reconfiguration (<B>future_config</B>; if
there is one and the user wants to reconfigure once again, we just free the
previous queued config and replace it with the new one) and finally a config
being parsed (<B>new_config</B>). The stored <B>old_config</B> is also used for undo
reconfiguration, which works in a similar way. Reconfiguration could also
have timeout (using <B>config_timer</B>) and undo is automatically called if the
new configuration is not confirmed later. The new config (<B>new_config</B>) and
associated linear pool (<B>cfg_mem</B>) is non-NULL only during parsing.
<P>Loading of new configuration is very simple: just call <B>config_alloc()</B> to get
a new <I>config</I> structure, then use <B>config_parse()</B> to parse a configuration
file and fill all fields of the structure and finally ask the config manager
to switch to the new config by calling <B>config_commit()</B>.
<P>CLI commands are parsed in a very similar way -- there is also a stripped-down
<I>config</I> structure associated with them and they are lex-ed and parsed by the
same functions, only a special fake token is prepended before the command
text to make the parser recognize only the rules corresponding to CLI commands.
<P><I>struct config *</I>
(<I>const byte *</I> <B>name</B>) --     allocate a new configuration
<DT><I>const byte *</I> <B>name</B><DD><P>name of the config
<P>This function creates new <I>config</I> structure, attaches a resource
pool and a linear memory pool to it and makes it available for
further use. Returns a pointer to the structure.

(<I>struct config *</I> <B>c</B>) --     parse a configuration
<DT><I>struct config *</I> <B>c</B><DD><P>configuration
<P><B>config_parse()</B> reads input by calling a hook function pointed to
by <B>cf_read_hook</B> and parses it according to the configuration
grammar. It also calls all the preconfig and postconfig hooks
before, resp. after parsing.
<P>1 if the config has been parsed successfully, 0 if any
error has occurred (such as anybody calling <B>cf_error()</B>) and
the <B>err_msg</B> field has been set to the error message.

(<I>struct config *</I> <B>c</B>) --     parse a CLI command
<DT><I>struct config *</I> <B>c</B><DD><P>temporary config structure
<P><B>cli_parse()</B> is similar to <B>config_parse()</B>, but instead of a configuration,
it parses a CLI command. See the CLI module for more information.

(<I>struct config *</I> <B>c</B>) --     free a configuration
<DT><I>struct config *</I> <B>c</B><DD><P>configuration to be freed
<P>This function takes a <I>config</I> structure and frees all resources
associated with it.

(<I>struct config *</I> <B>c</B>, <I>int</I> <B>type</B>, <I>int</I> <B>timeout</B>) --     commit a configuration
<DT><I>struct config *</I> <B>c</B><DD><P>new configuration
<DT><I>int</I> <B>type</B><DD><P>type of reconfiguration (RECONFIG_SOFT or RECONFIG_HARD)
<DT><I>int</I> <B>timeout</B><DD><P>timeout for undo (or 0 for no timeout)
<P>When a configuration is parsed and prepared for use, the
<B>config_commit()</B> function starts the process of reconfiguration.
It checks whether there is already a reconfiguration in progress
in which case it just queues the new config for later processing.
Else it notifies all modules about the new configuration by calling
their <B>commit()</B> functions which can either accept it immediately
or call <B>config_add_obstacle()</B> to report that they need some time
to complete the reconfiguration. After all such obstacles are removed
using <B>config_del_obstacle()</B>, the old configuration is freed and
everything runs according to the new one.
<P>When <B>timeout</B> is nonzero, the undo timer is activated with given
timeout. The timer is deactivated when <B>config_commit()</B>,
<B>config_confirm()</B> or <B>config_undo()</B> is called.
<P><I>CONF_DONE</I> if the configuration has been accepted immediately,
<I>CONF_PROGRESS</I> if it will take some time to switch to it, <I>CONF_QUEUED</I>
if it's been queued due to another reconfiguration being in progress now
or <I>CONF_SHUTDOWN</I> if BIRD is in shutdown mode and no new configurations
are accepted.

(<B>void</B>) --     confirm a commited configuration
<P>When the undo timer is activated by <B>config_commit()</B> with nonzero timeout,
this function can be used to deactivate it and therefore confirm
the current configuration.
<P><I>CONF_CONFIRM</I> when the current configuration is confirmed,
<I>CONF_NONE</I> when there is nothing to confirm (i.e. undo timer is not active).

(<B>void</B>) --     undo a configuration
<P>Function <B>config_undo()</B> can be used to change the current
configuration back to stored <I>old_config</I>. If no reconfiguration is
running, this stored configuration is commited in the same way as a
new configuration in <B>config_commit()</B>. If there is already a
reconfiguration in progress and no next reconfiguration is
scheduled, then the undo is scheduled for later processing as
usual, but if another reconfiguration is already scheduled, then
such reconfiguration is removed instead (i.e. undo is applied on
the last commit that scheduled it).
<P><I>CONF_DONE</I> if the configuration has been accepted immediately,
<I>CONF_PROGRESS</I> if it will take some time to switch to it, <I>CONF_QUEUED</I>
if it's been queued due to another reconfiguration being in progress now,
<I>CONF_UNQUEUED</I> if a scheduled reconfiguration is removed, <I>CONF_NOTHING</I>
if there is no relevant configuration to undo (the previous config request
was <B>config_undo()</B> too)  or <I>CONF_SHUTDOWN</I> if BIRD is in shutdown mode and
no new configuration changes  are accepted.

(<B>void</B>) --     order BIRD shutdown
<P>This function initiates shutdown of BIRD. It's accomplished by asking
for switching to an empty configuration.

(<I>char *</I> <B>msg</B>, <I>...</I> <B>...</B>) --     report a configuration error
<DT><I>char *</I> <B>msg</B><DD><P>printf-like format string
<DT><I>...</I> <B>...</B><DD><P>variable arguments
<P><B>cf_error()</B> can be called during execution of <B>config_parse()</B>, that is
from the parser, a preconfig hook or a postconfig hook, to report an
error in the configuration.

<P><I>char *</I>
(<I>const char *</I> <B>c</B>) --     copy a string to config memory
<DT><I>const char *</I> <B>c</B><DD><P>string to copy
<P><B>cfg_strdup()</B> creates a new copy of the string in the memory
pool associated with the configuration being currently parsed.
It's often used when a string literal occurs in the configuration
and we want to preserve it for further use.

<H2><A NAME="ss3.2">3.2</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc3.2">Lexical analyzer</A>

<P>The lexical analyzer used for configuration files and CLI commands
is generated using the <CODE>flex</CODE> tool accompanied by a couple of
functions maintaining the hash tables containing information about
symbols and keywords.
<P>Each symbol is represented by a <I>symbol</I> structure containing name
of the symbol, its lexical scope, symbol class (<I>SYM_PROTO</I> for a
name of a protocol, <I>SYM_CONSTANT</I> for a constant etc.) and class
dependent data.  When an unknown symbol is encountered, it's
automatically added to the symbol table with class <I>SYM_VOID</I>.
<P>The keyword tables are generated from the grammar templates
using the <CODE>gen_keywords.m4</CODE> script.
(<B>void</B>) --     unwind lexer state during error
<H3>Lexical analyzer</H3>
<P><B>cf_lex_unwind()</B> frees the internal state on IFS stack when the lexical
analyzer is terminated by <B>cf_error()</B>.

<P><I>struct symbol *</I>
(<I>struct config *</I> <B>cfg</B>, <I>byte *</I> <B>c</B>) --     find a symbol by name
<DT><I>struct config *</I> <B>cfg</B><DD><P>specificed config
<DT><I>byte *</I> <B>c</B><DD><P>symbol name
<P>This functions searches the symbol table in the config <B>cfg</B> for a symbol of
given name. First it examines the current scope, then the second recent one
and so on until it either finds the symbol and returns a pointer to its
<I>symbol</I> structure or reaches the end of the scope chain and returns <I>NULL</I> to
signify no match.

<P><I>struct symbol *</I>
(<I>byte *</I> <B>c</B>) --     get a symbol by name
<DT><I>byte *</I> <B>c</B><DD><P>symbol name
<P>This functions searches the symbol table of the currently parsed config
(<B>new_config</B>) for a symbol of given name. It returns either the already
existing symbol or a newly allocated undefined (<I>SYM_VOID</I>) symbol if no
existing symbol is found.

<P><I>struct symbol *</I>
(<I>struct symbol *</I> <B>sym</B>, <I>int</I> <B>type</B>, <I>void *</I> <B>def</B>) --     define meaning of a symbol
<DT><I>struct symbol *</I> <B>sym</B><DD><P>symbol to be defined
<DT><I>int</I> <B>type</B><DD><P>symbol class to assign
<DT><I>void *</I> <B>def</B><DD><P>class dependent data
<P>Defines new meaning of a symbol. If the symbol is an undefined
one (<I>SYM_VOID</I>), it's just re-defined to the new type. If it's defined
in different scope, a new symbol in current scope is created and the
meaning is assigned to it. If it's already defined in the current scope,
an error is reported via <B>cf_error()</B>.
<P>Pointer to the newly defined symbol. If we are in the top-level
scope, it's the same <B>sym</B> as passed to the function.

(<I>int</I> <B>is_cli</B>, <I>struct config *</I> <B>c</B>) --     initialize the lexer
<DT><I>int</I> <B>is_cli</B><DD><P>true if we're going to parse CLI command, false for configuration
<DT><I>struct config *</I> <B>c</B><DD><P>configuration structure
<P><B>cf_lex_init()</B> initializes the lexical analyzer and prepares it for
parsing of a new input.

(<I>struct symbol *</I> <B>sym</B>) --     enter new scope
<DT><I>struct symbol *</I> <B>sym</B><DD><P>symbol representing scope name
<P>If we want to enter a new scope to process declarations inside
a nested block, we can just call <B>cf_push_scope()</B> to push a new
scope onto the scope stack which will cause all new symbols to be
defined in this scope and all existing symbols to be sought for
in all scopes stored on the stack.

(<B>void</B>) --     leave a scope
<P><B>cf_pop_scope()</B> pops the topmost scope from the scope stack,
leaving all its symbols in the symbol table, but making them
invisible to the rest of the config.

<P><I>char *</I>
(<I>struct symbol *</I> <B>sym</B>) --     get name of a symbol class
<DT><I>struct symbol *</I> <B>sym</B><DD><P>symbol
<P>This function returns a string representing the class
of the given symbol.

<H2><A NAME="ss3.3">3.3</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc3.3">Parser</A>

<P>Both the configuration and CLI commands are analyzed using a syntax
driven parser generated by the <CODE>bison</CODE> tool from a grammar which
is constructed from information gathered from grammar snippets by
the <CODE>gen_parser.m4</CODE> script.
<P>Grammar snippets are files (usually with extension <CODE>.Y</CODE>) contributed
by various BIRD modules in order to provide information about syntax of their
configuration and their CLI commands. Each snipped consists of several
sections, each of them starting with a special keyword: <CODE>CF_HDR</CODE> for
a list of <CODE>#include</CODE> directives needed by the C code, <CODE>CF_DEFINES</CODE>
for a list of C declarations, <CODE>CF_DECLS</CODE> for <CODE>bison</CODE> declarations
including keyword definitions specified as <CODE>CF_KEYWORDS</CODE>, <CODE>CF_GRAMMAR</CODE>
for the grammar rules, <CODE>CF_CODE</CODE> for auxiliary C code and finally
<CODE>CF_END</CODE> at the end of the snippet.
<P>To create references between the snippets, it's possible to define
multi-part rules by utilizing the <CODE>CF_ADDTO</CODE> macro which adds a new
alternative to a multi-part rule.
<P>CLI commands are defined using a <CODE>CF_CLI</CODE> macro. Its parameters are:
the list of keywords determining the command, the list of parameters,
help text for the parameters and help text for the command.
<P>Values of <CODE>enum</CODE> filter types can be defined using <CODE>CF_ENUM</CODE> with
the following parameters: name of filter type, prefix common for all
literals of this type and names of all the possible values.
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