Annotation of embedaddon/bird/doc/prog-5.html, revision 1.1

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        !             5:  <TITLE>BIRD Programmer's Documentation: Protocols</TITLE>
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        !            15: <H2><A NAME="s5">5.</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc5">Protocols</A></H2>
        !            16: 
        !            17: <H2><A NAME="ss5.1">5.1</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc5.1">The Babel protocol</A>
        !            18: </H2>
        !            19: 
        !            20: <P>
        !            21: <P>Babel (RFC6126) is a loop-avoiding distance-vector routing protocol that is
        !            22: robust and efficient both in ordinary wired networks and in wireless mesh
        !            23: networks.
        !            24: <P>The Babel protocol keeps state for each neighbour in a <I>babel_neighbor</I>
        !            25: struct, tracking received Hello and I Heard You (IHU) messages. A
        !            26: <I>babel_interface</I> struct keeps hello and update times for each interface, and
        !            27: a separate hello seqno is maintained for each interface.
        !            28: <P>For each prefix, Babel keeps track of both the possible routes (with next hop
        !            29: and router IDs), as well as the feasibility distance for each prefix and
        !            30: router id. The prefix itself is tracked in a <I>babel_entry</I> struct, while the
        !            31: possible routes for the prefix are tracked as <I>babel_route</I> entries and the
        !            32: feasibility distance is maintained through <I>babel_source</I> structures.
        !            33: <P>The main route selection is done in <B>babel_select_route()</B>. This is called when
        !            34: an entry is updated by receiving updates from the network or when modified by
        !            35: internal timers. It performs feasibility checks on the available routes for
        !            36: the prefix and selects the one with the lowest metric to be announced to the
        !            37: core.
        !            38: <P>
        !            39: <P><HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !            40: <P><I>void</I>
        !            41: <B>babel_announce_rte</B>
        !            42: (<I>struct babel_proto *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>struct babel_entry *</I> <B>e</B>) --     announce selected route to the core
        !            43: <P>
        !            44: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !            45: <P>
        !            46: <DL>
        !            47: <DT><I>struct babel_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>Babel protocol instance
        !            48: <DT><I>struct babel_entry *</I> <B>e</B><DD><P>Babel route entry to announce
        !            49: </DL>
        !            50: <H3>Description</H3>
        !            51: <P>This function announces a Babel entry to the core if it has a selected
        !            52: incoming path, and retracts it otherwise. If the selected entry has infinite
        !            53: metric, the route is announced as unreachable.
        !            54: 
        !            55: 
        !            56: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !            57: <P><I>void</I>
        !            58: <B>babel_select_route</B>
        !            59: (<I>struct babel_entry *</I> <B>e</B>) --     select best route for given route entry
        !            60: <P>
        !            61: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !            62: <P>
        !            63: <DL>
        !            64: <DT><I>struct babel_entry *</I> <B>e</B><DD><P>Babel entry to select the best route for
        !            65: </DL>
        !            66: <H3>Description</H3>
        !            67: <P>Select the best feasible route for a given prefix among the routes received
        !            68: from peers, and propagate it to the nest. This just selects the feasible
        !            69: route with the lowest metric.
        !            70: <P>If no feasible route is available for a prefix that previously had a route
        !            71: selected, a seqno request is sent to try to get a valid route. In the
        !            72: meantime, the route is marked as infeasible in the nest (to blackhole packets
        !            73: going to it, as per the RFC).
        !            74: <P>If no feasible route is available, and no previous route is selected, the
        !            75: route is removed from the nest entirely.
        !            76: 
        !            77: 
        !            78: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !            79: <P><I>void</I>
        !            80: <B>babel_send_update</B>
        !            81: (<I>struct babel_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B>, <I>bird_clock_t</I> <B>changed</B>) --     send route table updates
        !            82: <P>
        !            83: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !            84: <P>
        !            85: <DL>
        !            86: <DT><I>struct babel_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B><DD><P>Interface to transmit on
        !            87: <DT><I>bird_clock_t</I> <B>changed</B><DD><P>Only send entries changed since this time
        !            88: </DL>
        !            89: <H3>Description</H3>
        !            90: <P>This function produces update TLVs for all entries changed since the time
        !            91: indicated by the <I>changed</I> parameter and queues them for transmission on the
        !            92: selected interface. During the process, the feasibility distance for each
        !            93: transmitted entry is updated.
        !            94: 
        !            95: 
        !            96: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !            97: <P><I>void</I>
        !            98: <B>babel_handle_update</B>
        !            99: (<I>union babel_msg *</I> <B>m</B>, <I>struct babel_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B>) --     handle incoming route updates
        !           100: <P>
        !           101: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           102: <P>
        !           103: <DL>
        !           104: <DT><I>union babel_msg *</I> <B>m</B><DD><P>Incoming update TLV
        !           105: <DT><I>struct babel_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B><DD><P>Interface the update was received on
        !           106: </DL>
        !           107: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           108: <P>This function is called as a handler for update TLVs and handles the updating
        !           109: and maintenance of route entries in Babel's internal routing cache. The
        !           110: handling follows the actions described in the Babel RFC, and at the end of
        !           111: each update handling, <B>babel_select_route()</B> is called on the affected entry to
        !           112: optionally update the selected routes and propagate them to the core.
        !           113: 
        !           114: 
        !           115: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           116: <P><I>void</I>
        !           117: <B>babel_iface_timer</B>
        !           118: (<I>timer *</I> <B>t</B>) --     Babel interface timer handler
        !           119: <P>
        !           120: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           121: <P>
        !           122: <DL>
        !           123: <DT><I>timer *</I> <B>t</B><DD><P>Timer
        !           124: </DL>
        !           125: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           126: <P>This function is called by the per-interface timer and triggers sending of
        !           127: periodic Hello's and both triggered and periodic updates. Periodic Hello's
        !           128: and updates are simply handled by setting the next_{hello,regular} variables
        !           129: on the interface, and triggering an update (and resetting the variable)
        !           130: whenever 'now' exceeds that value.
        !           131: <P>For triggered updates, <B>babel_trigger_iface_update()</B> will set the
        !           132: want_triggered field on the interface to a timestamp value. If this is set
        !           133: (and the next_triggered time has passed; this is a rate limiting mechanism),
        !           134: <B>babel_send_update()</B> will be called with this timestamp as the second
        !           135: parameter. This causes updates to be send consisting of only the routes that
        !           136: have changed since the time saved in want_triggered.
        !           137: <P>Mostly when an update is triggered, the route being modified will be set to
        !           138: the value of 'now' at the time of the trigger; the &gt;= comparison for
        !           139: selecting which routes to send in the update will make sure this is included.
        !           140: 
        !           141: 
        !           142: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           143: <P><I>void</I>
        !           144: <B>babel_timer</B>
        !           145: (<I>timer *</I> <B>t</B>) --     global timer hook
        !           146: <P>
        !           147: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           148: <P>
        !           149: <DL>
        !           150: <DT><I>timer *</I> <B>t</B><DD><P>Timer
        !           151: </DL>
        !           152: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           153: <P>This function is called by the global protocol instance timer and handles
        !           154: expiration of routes and neighbours as well as pruning of the seqno request
        !           155: cache.
        !           156: 
        !           157: 
        !           158: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           159: <P><I>uint</I>
        !           160: <B>babel_write_queue</B>
        !           161: (<I>struct babel_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B>, <I>list *</I> <B>queue</B>) --  Write a TLV queue to a transmission buffer
        !           162: <P>
        !           163: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           164: <P>
        !           165: <DL>
        !           166: <DT><I>struct babel_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B><DD><P>Interface holding the transmission buffer
        !           167: <DT><I>list *</I> <B>queue</B><DD><P>TLV queue to write (containing internal-format TLVs)
        !           168: </DL>
        !           169: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           170: <P>This function writes a packet to the interface transmission buffer with as
        !           171: many TLVs from the <I>queue</I> as will fit in the buffer. It returns the number of
        !           172: bytes written (NOT counting the packet header). The function is called by
        !           173: <B>babel_send_queue()</B> and <B>babel_send_unicast()</B> to construct packets for
        !           174: transmission, and uses per-TLV helper functions to convert the
        !           175: internal-format TLVs to their wire representations.
        !           176: <P>The TLVs in the queue are freed after they are written to the buffer.
        !           177: 
        !           178: 
        !           179: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           180: <P><I>void</I>
        !           181: <B>babel_send_unicast</B>
        !           182: (<I>union babel_msg *</I> <B>msg</B>, <I>struct babel_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B>, <I>ip_addr</I> <B>dest</B>) --  send a single TLV via unicast to a destination
        !           183: <P>
        !           184: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           185: <P>
        !           186: <DL>
        !           187: <DT><I>union babel_msg *</I> <B>msg</B><DD><P>TLV to send
        !           188: <DT><I>struct babel_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B><DD><P>Interface to send via
        !           189: <DT><I>ip_addr</I> <B>dest</B><DD><P>Destination of the TLV
        !           190: </DL>
        !           191: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           192: <P>This function is used to send a single TLV via unicast to a designated
        !           193: receiver. This is used for replying to certain incoming requests, and for
        !           194: sending unicast requests to refresh routes before they expire.
        !           195: 
        !           196: 
        !           197: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           198: <P><I>void</I>
        !           199: <B>babel_enqueue</B>
        !           200: (<I>union babel_msg *</I> <B>msg</B>, <I>struct babel_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B>) --  enqueue a TLV for transmission on an interface
        !           201: <P>
        !           202: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           203: <P>
        !           204: <DL>
        !           205: <DT><I>union babel_msg *</I> <B>msg</B><DD><P>TLV to enqueue (in internal TLV format)
        !           206: <DT><I>struct babel_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B><DD><P>Interface to enqueue to
        !           207: </DL>
        !           208: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           209: <P>This function is called to enqueue a TLV for subsequent transmission on an
        !           210: interface. The transmission event is triggered whenever a TLV is enqueued;
        !           211: this ensures that TLVs will be transmitted in a timely manner, but that TLVs
        !           212: which are enqueued in rapid succession can be transmitted together in one
        !           213: packet.
        !           214: 
        !           215: 
        !           216: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           217: <P><I>void</I>
        !           218: <B>babel_process_packet</B>
        !           219: (<I>struct babel_pkt_header *</I> <B>pkt</B>, <I>int</I> <B>len</B>, <I>ip_addr</I> <B>saddr</B>, <I>struct babel_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B>) --  process incoming data packet
        !           220: <P>
        !           221: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           222: <P>
        !           223: <DL>
        !           224: <DT><I>struct babel_pkt_header *</I> <B>pkt</B><DD><P>Pointer to the packet data
        !           225: <DT><I>int</I> <B>len</B><DD><P>Length of received packet
        !           226: <DT><I>ip_addr</I> <B>saddr</B><DD><P>Address of packet sender
        !           227: <DT><I>struct babel_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B><DD><P>Interface packet was received on.
        !           228: </DL>
        !           229: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           230: <P>This function is the main processing hook of incoming Babel packets. It
        !           231: checks that the packet header is well-formed, then processes the TLVs
        !           232: contained in the packet. This is done in two passes: First all TLVs are
        !           233: parsed into the internal TLV format. If a TLV parser fails, processing of the
        !           234: rest of the packet is aborted.
        !           235: <P>After the parsing step, the TLV handlers are called for each parsed TLV in
        !           236: order.
        !           237: 
        !           238: <H2><A NAME="ss5.2">5.2</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc5.2">Bidirectional Forwarding Detection</A>
        !           239: </H2>
        !           240: 
        !           241: <P>
        !           242: <P>The BFD protocol is implemented in three files: <CODE>bfd.c</CODE> containing the
        !           243: protocol logic and the protocol glue with BIRD core, <CODE>packets.c</CODE> handling BFD
        !           244: packet processing, RX, TX and protocol sockets. <CODE>io.c</CODE> then contains generic
        !           245: code for the event loop, threads and event sources (sockets, microsecond
        !           246: timers). This generic code will be merged to the main BIRD I/O code in the
        !           247: future.
        !           248: <P>The BFD implementation uses a separate thread with an internal event loop for
        !           249: handling the protocol logic, which requires high-res and low-latency timing,
        !           250: so it is not affected by the rest of BIRD, which has several low-granularity
        !           251: hooks in the main loop, uses second-based timers and cannot offer good
        !           252: latency. The core of BFD protocol (the code related to BFD sessions,
        !           253: interfaces and packets) runs in the BFD thread, while the rest (the code
        !           254: related to BFD requests, BFD neighbors and the protocol glue) runs in the
        !           255: main thread.
        !           256: <P>BFD sessions are represented by structure <I>bfd_session</I> that contains a state
        !           257: related to the session and two timers (TX timer for periodic packets and hold
        !           258: timer for session timeout). These sessions are allocated from <B>session_slab</B>
        !           259: and are accessible by two hash tables, <B>session_hash_id</B> (by session ID) and
        !           260: <B>session_hash_ip</B> (by IP addresses of neighbors). Slab and both hashes are in
        !           261: the main protocol structure <I>bfd_proto</I>. The protocol logic related to BFD
        !           262: sessions is implemented in internal functions bfd_session_*(), which are
        !           263: expected to be called from the context of BFD thread, and external functions
        !           264: <B>bfd_add_session()</B>, <B>bfd_remove_session()</B> and <B>bfd_reconfigure_session()</B>, which
        !           265: form an interface to the BFD core for the rest and are expected to be called
        !           266: from the context of main thread.
        !           267: <P>Each BFD session has an associated BFD interface, represented by structure
        !           268: <I>bfd_iface</I>. A BFD interface contains a socket used for TX (the one for RX is
        !           269: shared in <I>bfd_proto</I>), an interface configuration and reference counter.
        !           270: Compared to interface structures of other protocols, these structures are not
        !           271: created and removed based on interface notification events, but according to
        !           272: the needs of BFD sessions. When a new session is created, it requests a
        !           273: proper BFD interface by function <B>bfd_get_iface()</B>, which either finds an
        !           274: existing one in <I>iface_list</I> (from <I>bfd_proto</I>) or allocates a new one. When a
        !           275: session is removed, an associated iface is discharged by <B>bfd_free_iface()</B>.
        !           276: <P>BFD requests are the external API for the other protocols. When a protocol
        !           277: wants a BFD session, it calls <B>bfd_request_session()</B>, which creates a
        !           278: structure <I>bfd_request</I> containing approprite information and an notify hook.
        !           279: This structure is a resource associated with the caller's resource pool. When
        !           280: a BFD protocol is available, a BFD request is submitted to the protocol, an
        !           281: appropriate BFD session is found or created and the request is attached to
        !           282: the session. When a session changes state, all attached requests (and related
        !           283: protocols) are notified. Note that BFD requests do not depend on BFD protocol
        !           284: running. When the BFD protocol is stopped or removed (or not available from
        !           285: beginning), related BFD requests are stored in <B>bfd_wait_list</B>, where waits
        !           286: for a new protocol.
        !           287: <P>BFD neighbors are just a way to statically configure BFD sessions without
        !           288: requests from other protocol. Structures <I>bfd_neighbor</I> are part of BFD
        !           289: configuration (like static routes in the static protocol). BFD neighbors are
        !           290: handled by BFD protocol like it is a BFD client -- when a BFD neighbor is
        !           291: ready, the protocol just creates a BFD request like any other protocol.
        !           292: <P>The protocol uses a new generic event loop (structure <I>birdloop</I>) from <CODE>io.c</CODE>,
        !           293: which supports sockets, timers and events like the main loop. Timers
        !           294: (structure <I>timer2</I>) are new microsecond based timers, while sockets and
        !           295: events are the same. A birdloop is associated with a thread (field <B>thread</B>)
        !           296: in which event hooks are executed. Most functions for setting event sources
        !           297: (like <B>sk_start()</B> or <B>tm2_start()</B>) must be called from the context of that
        !           298: thread. Birdloop allows to temporarily acquire the context of that thread for
        !           299: the main thread by calling <B>birdloop_enter()</B> and then <B>birdloop_leave()</B>, which
        !           300: also ensures mutual exclusion with all event hooks. Note that resources
        !           301: associated with a birdloop (like timers) should be attached to the
        !           302: independent resource pool, detached from the main resource tree.
        !           303: <P>There are two kinds of interaction between the BFD core (running in the BFD
        !           304: thread) and the rest of BFD (running in the main thread). The first kind are
        !           305: configuration calls from main thread to the BFD thread (like <B>bfd_add_session()</B>).
        !           306: These calls are synchronous and use <B>birdloop_enter()</B> mechanism for mutual
        !           307: exclusion. The second kind is a notification about session changes from the
        !           308: BFD thread to the main thread. This is done in an asynchronous way, sesions
        !           309: with pending notifications are linked (in the BFD thread) to <B>notify_list</B> in
        !           310: <I>bfd_proto</I>, and then <B>bfd_notify_hook()</B> in the main thread is activated using
        !           311: <B>bfd_notify_kick()</B> and a pipe. The hook then processes scheduled sessions and
        !           312: calls hooks from associated BFD requests. This <B>notify_list</B> (and state fields
        !           313: in structure <I>bfd_session</I>) is protected by a spinlock in <I>bfd_proto</I> and
        !           314: functions <B>bfd_lock_sessions()</B> / <B>bfd_unlock_sessions()</B>.
        !           315: <P>There are few data races (accessing <B>p</B>-&gt;p.debug from <B>TRACE()</B> from the BFD
        !           316: thread and accessing some some private fields of <I>bfd_session</I> from
        !           317: <B>bfd_show_sessions()</B> from the main thread, but these are harmless (i hope).
        !           318: <P>TODO: document functions and access restrictions for fields in BFD structures.
        !           319: <P>Supported standards:
        !           320: - RFC 5880 - main BFD standard
        !           321: - RFC 5881 - BFD for IP links
        !           322: - RFC 5882 - generic application of BFD
        !           323: - RFC 5883 - BFD for multihop paths
        !           324: <P>
        !           325: <P>
        !           326: <H2><A NAME="ss5.3">5.3</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc5.3">Border Gateway Protocol</A>
        !           327: </H2>
        !           328: 
        !           329: <P>
        !           330: <P>The BGP protocol is implemented in three parts: <CODE>bgp.c</CODE> which takes care of the
        !           331: connection and most of the interface with BIRD core, <CODE>packets.c</CODE> handling
        !           332: both incoming and outgoing BGP packets and <CODE>attrs.c</CODE> containing functions for
        !           333: manipulation with BGP attribute lists.
        !           334: <P>As opposed to the other existing routing daemons, BIRD has a sophisticated core
        !           335: architecture which is able to keep all the information needed by BGP in the
        !           336: primary routing table, therefore no complex data structures like a central
        !           337: BGP table are needed. This increases memory footprint of a BGP router with
        !           338: many connections, but not too much and, which is more important, it makes
        !           339: BGP much easier to implement.
        !           340: <P>Each instance of BGP (corresponding to a single BGP peer) is described by a <I>bgp_proto</I>
        !           341: structure to which are attached individual connections represented by <I>bgp_connection</I>
        !           342: (usually, there exists only one connection, but during BGP session setup, there
        !           343: can be more of them). The connections are handled according to the BGP state machine
        !           344: defined in the RFC with all the timers and all the parameters configurable.
        !           345: <P>In incoming direction, we listen on the connection's socket and each time we receive
        !           346: some input, we pass it to <B>bgp_rx()</B>. It decodes packet headers and the markers and
        !           347: passes complete packets to <B>bgp_rx_packet()</B> which distributes the packet according
        !           348: to its type.
        !           349: <P>In outgoing direction, we gather all the routing updates and sort them to buckets
        !           350: (<I>bgp_bucket</I>) according to their attributes (we keep a hash table for fast comparison
        !           351: of <I>rta</I>'s and a <I>fib</I> which helps us to find if we already have another route for
        !           352: the same destination queued for sending, so that we can replace it with the new one
        !           353: immediately instead of sending both updates). There also exists a special bucket holding
        !           354: all the route withdrawals which cannot be queued anywhere else as they don't have any
        !           355: attributes. If we have any packet to send (due to either new routes or the connection
        !           356: tracking code wanting to send a Open, Keepalive or Notification message), we call
        !           357: <B>bgp_schedule_packet()</B> which sets the corresponding bit in a <B>packet_to_send</B>
        !           358: bit field in <I>bgp_conn</I> and as soon as the transmit socket buffer becomes empty,
        !           359: we call <B>bgp_fire_tx()</B>. It inspects state of all the packet type bits and calls
        !           360: the corresponding <B>bgp_create_xx()</B> functions, eventually rescheduling the same packet
        !           361: type if we have more data of the same type to send.
        !           362: <P>The processing of attributes consists of two functions: <B>bgp_decode_attrs()</B> for checking
        !           363: of the attribute blocks and translating them to the language of BIRD's extended attributes
        !           364: and <B>bgp_encode_attrs()</B> which does the converse. Both functions are built around a
        !           365: <B>bgp_attr_table</B> array describing all important characteristics of all known attributes.
        !           366: Unknown transitive attributes are attached to the route as <I>EAF_TYPE_OPAQUE</I> byte streams.
        !           367: <P>BGP protocol implements graceful restart in both restarting (local restart)
        !           368: and receiving (neighbor restart) roles. The first is handled mostly by the
        !           369: graceful restart code in the nest, BGP protocol just handles capabilities,
        !           370: sets <B>gr_wait</B> and locks graceful restart until end-of-RIB mark is received.
        !           371: The second is implemented by internal restart of the BGP state to <I>BS_IDLE</I>
        !           372: and protocol state to <I>PS_START</I>, but keeping the protocol up from the core
        !           373: point of view and therefore maintaining received routes. Routing table
        !           374: refresh cycle (<B>rt_refresh_begin()</B>, <B>rt_refresh_end()</B>) is used for removing
        !           375: stale routes after reestablishment of BGP session during graceful restart.
        !           376: <P>
        !           377: <P><HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           378: <P><I>int</I>
        !           379: <B>bgp_open</B>
        !           380: (<I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B>) --     open a BGP instance
        !           381: <P>
        !           382: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           383: <P>
        !           384: <DL>
        !           385: <DT><I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>BGP instance
        !           386: </DL>
        !           387: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           388: <P>This function allocates and configures shared BGP resources.
        !           389: Should be called as the last step during initialization
        !           390: (when lock is acquired and neighbor is ready).
        !           391: When error, state changed to PS_DOWN, -1 is returned and caller
        !           392: should return immediately.
        !           393: 
        !           394: 
        !           395: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           396: <P><I>void</I>
        !           397: <B>bgp_close</B>
        !           398: (<I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>int</I> <B>apply_md5</B>) --     close a BGP instance
        !           399: <P>
        !           400: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           401: <P>
        !           402: <DL>
        !           403: <DT><I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>BGP instance
        !           404: <DT><I>int</I> <B>apply_md5</B><DD><P>0 to disable unsetting MD5 auth
        !           405: </DL>
        !           406: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           407: <P>This function frees and deconfigures shared BGP resources.
        !           408: <B>apply_md5</B> is set to 0 when bgp_close is called as a cleanup
        !           409: from failed <B>bgp_open()</B>.
        !           410: 
        !           411: 
        !           412: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           413: <P><I>void</I>
        !           414: <B>bgp_start_timer</B>
        !           415: (<I>timer *</I> <B>t</B>, <I>int</I> <B>value</B>) --     start a BGP timer
        !           416: <P>
        !           417: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           418: <P>
        !           419: <DL>
        !           420: <DT><I>timer *</I> <B>t</B><DD><P>timer
        !           421: <DT><I>int</I> <B>value</B><DD><P>time to fire (0 to disable the timer)
        !           422: </DL>
        !           423: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           424: <P>This functions calls <B>tm_start()</B> on <B>t</B> with time <B>value</B> and the
        !           425: amount of randomization suggested by the BGP standard. Please use
        !           426: it for all BGP timers.
        !           427: 
        !           428: 
        !           429: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           430: <P><I>void</I>
        !           431: <B>bgp_close_conn</B>
        !           432: (<I>struct bgp_conn *</I> <B>conn</B>) --     close a BGP connection
        !           433: <P>
        !           434: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           435: <P>
        !           436: <DL>
        !           437: <DT><I>struct bgp_conn *</I> <B>conn</B><DD><P>connection to close
        !           438: </DL>
        !           439: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           440: <P>This function takes a connection described by the <I>bgp_conn</I> structure,
        !           441: closes its socket and frees all resources associated with it.
        !           442: 
        !           443: 
        !           444: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           445: <P><I>void</I>
        !           446: <B>bgp_update_startup_delay</B>
        !           447: (<I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B>) --     update a startup delay
        !           448: <P>
        !           449: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           450: <P>
        !           451: <DL>
        !           452: <DT><I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>BGP instance
        !           453: </DL>
        !           454: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           455: <P>This function updates a startup delay that is used to postpone next BGP connect.
        !           456: It also handles disable_after_error and might stop BGP instance when error
        !           457: happened and disable_after_error is on.
        !           458: <P>It should be called when BGP protocol error happened.
        !           459: 
        !           460: 
        !           461: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           462: <P><I>void</I>
        !           463: <B>bgp_handle_graceful_restart</B>
        !           464: (<I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B>) --     handle detected BGP graceful restart
        !           465: <P>
        !           466: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           467: <P>
        !           468: <DL>
        !           469: <DT><I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>BGP instance
        !           470: </DL>
        !           471: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           472: <P>This function is called when a BGP graceful restart of the neighbor is
        !           473: detected (when the TCP connection fails or when a new TCP connection
        !           474: appears). The function activates processing of the restart - starts routing
        !           475: table refresh cycle and activates BGP restart timer. The protocol state goes
        !           476: back to <I>PS_START</I>, but changing BGP state back to <I>BS_IDLE</I> is left for the
        !           477: caller.
        !           478: 
        !           479: 
        !           480: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           481: <P><I>void</I>
        !           482: <B>bgp_graceful_restart_done</B>
        !           483: (<I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B>) --     finish active BGP graceful restart
        !           484: <P>
        !           485: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           486: <P>
        !           487: <DL>
        !           488: <DT><I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>BGP instance
        !           489: </DL>
        !           490: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           491: <P>This function is called when the active BGP graceful restart of the neighbor
        !           492: should be finished - either successfully (the neighbor sends all paths and
        !           493: reports end-of-RIB on the new session) or unsuccessfully (the neighbor does
        !           494: not support BGP graceful restart on the new session). The function ends
        !           495: routing table refresh cycle and stops BGP restart timer.
        !           496: 
        !           497: 
        !           498: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           499: <P><I>void</I>
        !           500: <B>bgp_graceful_restart_timeout</B>
        !           501: (<I>timer *</I> <B>t</B>) --     timeout of graceful restart 'restart timer'
        !           502: <P>
        !           503: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           504: <P>
        !           505: <DL>
        !           506: <DT><I>timer *</I> <B>t</B><DD><P>timer
        !           507: </DL>
        !           508: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           509: <P>This function is a timeout hook for <B>gr_timer</B>, implementing BGP restart time
        !           510: limit for reestablisment of the BGP session after the graceful restart. When
        !           511: fired, we just proceed with the usual protocol restart.
        !           512: 
        !           513: 
        !           514: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           515: <P><I>void</I>
        !           516: <B>bgp_refresh_begin</B>
        !           517: (<I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B>) --     start incoming enhanced route refresh sequence
        !           518: <P>
        !           519: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           520: <P>
        !           521: <DL>
        !           522: <DT><I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>BGP instance
        !           523: </DL>
        !           524: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           525: <P>This function is called when an incoming enhanced route refresh sequence is
        !           526: started by the neighbor, demarcated by the BoRR packet. The function updates
        !           527: the load state and starts the routing table refresh cycle. Note that graceful
        !           528: restart also uses routing table refresh cycle, but RFC 7313 and load states
        !           529: ensure that these two sequences do not overlap.
        !           530: 
        !           531: 
        !           532: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           533: <P><I>void</I>
        !           534: <B>bgp_refresh_end</B>
        !           535: (<I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B>) --     finish incoming enhanced route refresh sequence
        !           536: <P>
        !           537: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           538: <P>
        !           539: <DL>
        !           540: <DT><I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>BGP instance
        !           541: </DL>
        !           542: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           543: <P>This function is called when an incoming enhanced route refresh sequence is
        !           544: finished by the neighbor, demarcated by the EoRR packet. The function updates
        !           545: the load state and ends the routing table refresh cycle. Routes not received
        !           546: during the sequence are removed by the nest.
        !           547: 
        !           548: 
        !           549: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           550: <P><I>void</I>
        !           551: <B>bgp_connect</B>
        !           552: (<I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B>) --     initiate an outgoing connection
        !           553: <P>
        !           554: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           555: <P>
        !           556: <DL>
        !           557: <DT><I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>BGP instance
        !           558: </DL>
        !           559: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           560: <P>The <B>bgp_connect()</B> function creates a new <I>bgp_conn</I> and initiates
        !           561: a TCP connection to the peer. The rest of connection setup is governed
        !           562: by the BGP state machine as described in the standard.
        !           563: 
        !           564: 
        !           565: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           566: <P><I>struct bgp_proto *</I>
        !           567: <B>bgp_find_proto</B>
        !           568: (<I>sock *</I> <B>sk</B>) --     find existing proto for incoming connection
        !           569: <P>
        !           570: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           571: <P>
        !           572: <DL>
        !           573: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>sk</B><DD><P>TCP socket
        !           574: </DL>
        !           575: 
        !           576: 
        !           577: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           578: <P><I>int</I>
        !           579: <B>bgp_incoming_connection</B>
        !           580: (<I>sock *</I> <B>sk</B>, <I>uint dummy</I> <B>UNUSED</B>) --     handle an incoming connection
        !           581: <P>
        !           582: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           583: <P>
        !           584: <DL>
        !           585: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>sk</B><DD><P>TCP socket
        !           586: <DT><I>uint dummy</I> <B>UNUSED</B><DD><P>-- undescribed --
        !           587: </DL>
        !           588: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           589: <P>This function serves as a socket hook for accepting of new BGP
        !           590: connections. It searches a BGP instance corresponding to the peer
        !           591: which has connected and if such an instance exists, it creates a
        !           592: <I>bgp_conn</I> structure, attaches it to the instance and either sends
        !           593: an Open message or (if there already is an active connection) it
        !           594: closes the new connection by sending a Notification message.
        !           595: 
        !           596: 
        !           597: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           598: <P><I>void</I>
        !           599: <B>bgp_error</B>
        !           600: (<I>struct bgp_conn *</I> <B>c</B>, <I>unsigned</I> <B>code</B>, <I>unsigned</I> <B>subcode</B>, <I>byte *</I> <B>data</B>, <I>int</I> <B>len</B>) --     report a protocol error
        !           601: <P>
        !           602: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           603: <P>
        !           604: <DL>
        !           605: <DT><I>struct bgp_conn *</I> <B>c</B><DD><P>connection
        !           606: <DT><I>unsigned</I> <B>code</B><DD><P>error code (according to the RFC)
        !           607: <DT><I>unsigned</I> <B>subcode</B><DD><P>error sub-code
        !           608: <DT><I>byte *</I> <B>data</B><DD><P>data to be passed in the Notification message
        !           609: <DT><I>int</I> <B>len</B><DD><P>length of the data
        !           610: </DL>
        !           611: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           612: <P><B>bgp_error()</B> sends a notification packet to tell the other side that a protocol
        !           613: error has occurred (including the data considered erroneous if possible) and
        !           614: closes the connection.
        !           615: 
        !           616: 
        !           617: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           618: <P><I>void</I>
        !           619: <B>bgp_store_error</B>
        !           620: (<I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>struct bgp_conn *</I> <B>c</B>, <I>u8</I> <B>class</B>, <I>u32</I> <B>code</B>) --     store last error for status report
        !           621: <P>
        !           622: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           623: <P>
        !           624: <DL>
        !           625: <DT><I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>BGP instance
        !           626: <DT><I>struct bgp_conn *</I> <B>c</B><DD><P>connection
        !           627: <DT><I>u8</I> <B>class</B><DD><P>error class (BE_xxx constants)
        !           628: <DT><I>u32</I> <B>code</B><DD><P>error code (class specific)
        !           629: </DL>
        !           630: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           631: <P><B>bgp_store_error()</B> decides whether given error is interesting enough
        !           632: and store that error to last_error variables of <B>p</B>
        !           633: 
        !           634: 
        !           635: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           636: <P><I>int</I>
        !           637: <B>bgp_fire_tx</B>
        !           638: (<I>struct bgp_conn *</I> <B>conn</B>) --  transmit packets
        !           639: <P>
        !           640: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           641: <P>
        !           642: <DL>
        !           643: <DT><I>struct bgp_conn *</I> <B>conn</B><DD><P>connection
        !           644: </DL>
        !           645: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           646: <P>Whenever the transmit buffers of the underlying TCP connection
        !           647: are free and we have any packets queued for sending, the socket functions
        !           648: call <B>bgp_fire_tx()</B> which takes care of selecting the highest priority packet
        !           649: queued (Notification &gt; Keepalive &gt; Open &gt; Update), assembling its header
        !           650: and body and sending it to the connection.
        !           651: 
        !           652: 
        !           653: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           654: <P><I>void</I>
        !           655: <B>bgp_schedule_packet</B>
        !           656: (<I>struct bgp_conn *</I> <B>conn</B>, <I>int</I> <B>type</B>) --  schedule a packet for transmission
        !           657: <P>
        !           658: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           659: <P>
        !           660: <DL>
        !           661: <DT><I>struct bgp_conn *</I> <B>conn</B><DD><P>connection
        !           662: <DT><I>int</I> <B>type</B><DD><P>packet type
        !           663: </DL>
        !           664: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           665: <P>Schedule a packet of type <B>type</B> to be sent as soon as possible.
        !           666: 
        !           667: 
        !           668: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           669: <P><I>const char *</I>
        !           670: <B>bgp_error_dsc</B>
        !           671: (<I>unsigned</I> <B>code</B>, <I>unsigned</I> <B>subcode</B>) --  return BGP error description
        !           672: <P>
        !           673: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           674: <P>
        !           675: <DL>
        !           676: <DT><I>unsigned</I> <B>code</B><DD><P>BGP error code
        !           677: <DT><I>unsigned</I> <B>subcode</B><DD><P>BGP error subcode
        !           678: </DL>
        !           679: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           680: <P><B>bgp_error_dsc()</B> returns error description for BGP errors
        !           681: which might be static string or given temporary buffer.
        !           682: 
        !           683: 
        !           684: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           685: <P><I>void</I>
        !           686: <B>bgp_rx_packet</B>
        !           687: (<I>struct bgp_conn *</I> <B>conn</B>, <I>byte *</I> <B>pkt</B>, <I>unsigned</I> <B>len</B>) --  handle a received packet
        !           688: <P>
        !           689: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           690: <P>
        !           691: <DL>
        !           692: <DT><I>struct bgp_conn *</I> <B>conn</B><DD><P>BGP connection
        !           693: <DT><I>byte *</I> <B>pkt</B><DD><P>start of the packet
        !           694: <DT><I>unsigned</I> <B>len</B><DD><P>packet size
        !           695: </DL>
        !           696: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           697: <P><B>bgp_rx_packet()</B> takes a newly received packet and calls the corresponding
        !           698: packet handler according to the packet type.
        !           699: 
        !           700: 
        !           701: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           702: <P><I>int</I>
        !           703: <B>bgp_rx</B>
        !           704: (<I>sock *</I> <B>sk</B>, <I>uint</I> <B>size</B>) --  handle received data
        !           705: <P>
        !           706: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           707: <P>
        !           708: <DL>
        !           709: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>sk</B><DD><P>socket
        !           710: <DT><I>uint</I> <B>size</B><DD><P>amount of data received
        !           711: </DL>
        !           712: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           713: <P><B>bgp_rx()</B> is called by the socket layer whenever new data arrive from
        !           714: the underlying TCP connection. It assembles the data fragments to packets,
        !           715: checks their headers and framing and passes complete packets to
        !           716: <B>bgp_rx_packet()</B>.
        !           717: 
        !           718: 
        !           719: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           720: <P><I>uint</I>
        !           721: <B>bgp_encode_attrs</B>
        !           722: (<I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>byte *</I> <B>w</B>, <I>ea_list *</I> <B>attrs</B>, <I>int</I> <B>remains</B>) --  encode BGP attributes
        !           723: <P>
        !           724: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           725: <P>
        !           726: <DL>
        !           727: <DT><I>struct bgp_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>BGP instance
        !           728: <DT><I>byte *</I> <B>w</B><DD><P>buffer
        !           729: <DT><I>ea_list *</I> <B>attrs</B><DD><P>a list of extended attributes
        !           730: <DT><I>int</I> <B>remains</B><DD><P>remaining space in the buffer
        !           731: </DL>
        !           732: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           733: <P>The <B>bgp_encode_attrs()</B> function takes a list of extended attributes
        !           734: and converts it to its BGP representation (a part of an Update message).
        !           735: <H3>Result</H3>
        !           736: <P>Length of the attribute block generated or -1 if not enough space.
        !           737: 
        !           738: 
        !           739: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           740: <P><I>struct rta *</I>
        !           741: <B>bgp_decode_attrs</B>
        !           742: (<I>struct bgp_conn *</I> <B>conn</B>, <I>byte *</I> <B>attr</B>, <I>uint</I> <B>len</B>, <I>struct linpool *</I> <B>pool</B>, <I>int</I> <B>mandatory</B>) --  check and decode BGP attributes
        !           743: <P>
        !           744: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           745: <P>
        !           746: <DL>
        !           747: <DT><I>struct bgp_conn *</I> <B>conn</B><DD><P>connection
        !           748: <DT><I>byte *</I> <B>attr</B><DD><P>start of attribute block
        !           749: <DT><I>uint</I> <B>len</B><DD><P>length of attribute block
        !           750: <DT><I>struct linpool *</I> <B>pool</B><DD><P>linear pool to make all the allocations in
        !           751: <DT><I>int</I> <B>mandatory</B><DD><P>1 iff presence of mandatory attributes has to be checked
        !           752: </DL>
        !           753: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           754: <P>This function takes a BGP attribute block (a part of an Update message), checks
        !           755: its consistency and converts it to a list of BIRD route attributes represented
        !           756: by a <I>rta</I>.
        !           757: 
        !           758: <H2><A NAME="ss5.4">5.4</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc5.4">Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)</A>
        !           759: </H2>
        !           760: 
        !           761: <P>
        !           762: <P>The OSPF protocol is quite complicated and its complex implemenation is split
        !           763: to many files. In <CODE>ospf.c</CODE>, you will find mainly the interface for
        !           764: communication with the core (e.g., reconfiguration hooks, shutdown and
        !           765: initialisation and so on). File <CODE>iface.c</CODE> contains the interface state
        !           766: machine and functions for allocation and deallocation of OSPF's interface
        !           767: data structures. Source <CODE>neighbor.c</CODE> includes the neighbor state machine and
        !           768: functions for election of Designated Router and Backup Designated router. In
        !           769: <CODE>packet.c</CODE>, you will find various functions for sending and receiving generic
        !           770: OSPF packets. There are also routines for authentication and checksumming.
        !           771: In <CODE>hello.c</CODE>, there are routines for sending and receiving of hello packets
        !           772: as well as functions for maintaining wait times and the inactivity timer.
        !           773: Files <CODE>lsreq.c</CODE>, <CODE>lsack.c</CODE>, <CODE>dbdes.c</CODE> contain functions for sending and
        !           774: receiving of link-state requests, link-state acknowledgements and database
        !           775: descriptions respectively.  In <CODE>lsupd.c</CODE>, there are functions for sending and
        !           776: receiving of link-state updates and also the flooding algorithm. Source
        !           777: <CODE>topology.c</CODE> is a place where routines for searching LSAs in the link-state
        !           778: database, adding and deleting them reside, there also are functions for
        !           779: originating of various types of LSAs (router LSA, net LSA, external LSA).
        !           780: File <CODE>rt.c</CODE> contains routines for calculating the routing table. <CODE>lsalib.c</CODE>
        !           781: is a set of various functions for working with the LSAs (endianity
        !           782: conversions, calculation of checksum etc.).
        !           783: <P>One instance of the protocol is able to hold LSA databases for multiple OSPF
        !           784: areas, to exchange routing information between multiple neighbors and to
        !           785: calculate the routing tables. The core structure is <I>ospf_proto</I> to which
        !           786: multiple <I>ospf_area</I> and <I>ospf_iface</I> structures are connected. <I>ospf_proto</I> is
        !           787: also connected to <I>top_hash_graph</I> which is a dynamic hashing structure that
        !           788: describes the link-state database. It allows fast search, addition and
        !           789: deletion. Each LSA is kept in two pieces: header and body. Both of them are
        !           790: kept in the endianity of the CPU.
        !           791: <P>In OSPFv2 specification, it is implied that there is one IP prefix for each
        !           792: physical network/interface (unless it is an ptp link). But in modern systems,
        !           793: there might be more independent IP prefixes associated with an interface.  To
        !           794: handle this situation, we have one <I>ospf_iface</I> for each active IP prefix
        !           795: (instead for each active iface); This behaves like virtual interface for the
        !           796: purpose of OSPF.  If we receive packet, we associate it with a proper virtual
        !           797: interface mainly according to its source address.
        !           798: <P>OSPF keeps one socket per <I>ospf_iface</I>. This allows us (compared to one socket
        !           799: approach) to evade problems with a limit of multicast groups per socket and
        !           800: with sending multicast packets to appropriate interface in a portable way.
        !           801: The socket is associated with underlying physical iface and should not
        !           802: receive packets received on other ifaces (unfortunately, this is not true on
        !           803: BSD). Generally, one packet can be received by more sockets (for example, if
        !           804: there are more <I>ospf_iface</I> on one physical iface), therefore we explicitly
        !           805: filter received packets according to src/dst IP address and received iface.
        !           806: <P>Vlinks are implemented using particularly degenerate form of <I>ospf_iface</I>,
        !           807: which has several exceptions: it does not have its iface or socket (it copies
        !           808: these from 'parent' <I>ospf_iface</I>) and it is present in iface list even when
        !           809: down (it is not freed in <B>ospf_iface_down()</B>).
        !           810: <P>The heart beat of ospf is <B>ospf_disp()</B>. It is called at regular intervals
        !           811: (<I>ospf_proto</I>-&gt;tick). It is responsible for aging and flushing of LSAs in the
        !           812: database, updating topology information in LSAs and for routing table
        !           813: calculation.
        !           814: <P>To every <I>ospf_iface</I>, we connect one or more <I>ospf_neighbor</I>'s -- a structure
        !           815: containing many timers and queues for building adjacency and for exchange of
        !           816: routing messages.
        !           817: <P>BIRD's OSPF implementation respects RFC2328 in every detail, but some of
        !           818: internal algorithms do differ. The RFC recommends making a snapshot of the
        !           819: link-state database when a new adjacency is forming and sending the database
        !           820: description packets based on the information in this snapshot. The database
        !           821: can be quite large in some networks, so rather we walk through a <I>slist</I>
        !           822: structure which allows us to continue even if the actual LSA we were working
        !           823: with is deleted. New LSAs are added at the tail of this <I>slist</I>.
        !           824: <P>We also do not keep a separate OSPF routing table, because the core helps us
        !           825: by being able to recognize when a route is updated to an identical one and it
        !           826: suppresses the update automatically. Due to this, we can flush all the routes
        !           827: we have recalculated and also those we have deleted to the core's routing
        !           828: table and the core will take care of the rest. This simplifies the process
        !           829: and conserves memory.
        !           830: <P>Supported standards:
        !           831: - RFC 2328 - main OSPFv2 standard
        !           832: - RFC 5340 - main OSPFv3 standard
        !           833: - RFC 3101 - OSPFv2 NSSA areas
        !           834: - RFC 6549 - OSPFv2 multi-instance extensions
        !           835: - RFC 6987 - OSPF stub router advertisement
        !           836: <P>
        !           837: <P><HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           838: <P><I>void</I>
        !           839: <B>ospf_disp</B>
        !           840: (<I>timer *</I> <B>timer</B>) --     invokes routing table calculation, aging and also <B>area_disp()</B>
        !           841: <P>
        !           842: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           843: <P>
        !           844: <DL>
        !           845: <DT><I>timer *</I> <B>timer</B><DD><P>timer usually called every <B>ospf_proto</B>-&gt;tick second, <B>timer</B>-&gt;data
        !           846: point to <B>ospf_proto</B>
        !           847: </DL>
        !           848: 
        !           849: 
        !           850: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           851: <P><I>int</I>
        !           852: <B>ospf_import_control</B>
        !           853: (<I>struct proto *</I> <B>P</B>, <I>rte **</I> <B>new</B>, <I>ea_list **</I> <B>attrs</B>, <I>struct linpool *</I> <B>pool</B>) --     accept or reject new route from nest's routing table
        !           854: <P>
        !           855: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           856: <P>
        !           857: <DL>
        !           858: <DT><I>struct proto *</I> <B>P</B><DD><P>OSPF protocol instance
        !           859: <DT><I>rte **</I> <B>new</B><DD><P>the new route
        !           860: <DT><I>ea_list **</I> <B>attrs</B><DD><P>list of attributes
        !           861: <DT><I>struct linpool *</I> <B>pool</B><DD><P>pool for allocation of attributes
        !           862: </DL>
        !           863: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           864: <P>Its quite simple. It does not accept our own routes and leaves the decision on
        !           865: import to the filters.
        !           866: 
        !           867: 
        !           868: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           869: <P><I>int</I>
        !           870: <B>ospf_shutdown</B>
        !           871: (<I>struct proto *</I> <B>P</B>) --     Finish of OSPF instance
        !           872: <P>
        !           873: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           874: <P>
        !           875: <DL>
        !           876: <DT><I>struct proto *</I> <B>P</B><DD><P>OSPF protocol instance
        !           877: </DL>
        !           878: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           879: <P>RFC does not define any action that should be taken before router
        !           880: shutdown. To make my neighbors react as fast as possible, I send
        !           881: them hello packet with empty neighbor list. They should start
        !           882: their neighbor state machine with event <I>NEIGHBOR_1WAY</I>.
        !           883: 
        !           884: 
        !           885: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           886: <P><I>int</I>
        !           887: <B>ospf_reconfigure</B>
        !           888: (<I>struct proto *</I> <B>P</B>, <I>struct proto_config *</I> <B>c</B>) --     reconfiguration hook
        !           889: <P>
        !           890: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           891: <P>
        !           892: <DL>
        !           893: <DT><I>struct proto *</I> <B>P</B><DD><P>current instance of protocol (with old configuration)
        !           894: <DT><I>struct proto_config *</I> <B>c</B><DD><P>new configuration requested by user
        !           895: </DL>
        !           896: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           897: <P>This hook tries to be a little bit intelligent. Instance of OSPF
        !           898: will survive change of many constants like hello interval,
        !           899: password change, addition or deletion of some neighbor on
        !           900: nonbroadcast network, cost of interface, etc.
        !           901: 
        !           902: 
        !           903: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           904: <P><I>struct top_hash_entry *</I>
        !           905: <B>ospf_install_lsa</B>
        !           906: (<I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>struct ospf_lsa_header *</I> <B>lsa</B>, <I>u32</I> <B>type</B>, <I>u32</I> <B>domain</B>, <I>void *</I> <B>body</B>) --  install new LSA into database
        !           907: <P>
        !           908: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           909: <P>
        !           910: <DL>
        !           911: <DT><I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>OSPF protocol instance
        !           912: <DT><I>struct ospf_lsa_header *</I> <B>lsa</B><DD><P>LSA header
        !           913: <DT><I>u32</I> <B>type</B><DD><P>type of LSA
        !           914: <DT><I>u32</I> <B>domain</B><DD><P>domain of LSA
        !           915: <DT><I>void *</I> <B>body</B><DD><P>pointer to LSA body
        !           916: </DL>
        !           917: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           918: <P>This function ensures installing new LSA received in LS update into LSA
        !           919: database. Old instance is replaced. Several actions are taken to detect if
        !           920: new routing table calculation is necessary. This is described in 13.2 of RFC
        !           921: 2328. This function is for received LSA only, locally originated LSAs are
        !           922: installed by <B>ospf_originate_lsa()</B>.
        !           923: <P>The LSA body in <B>body</B> is expected to be mb_allocated by the caller and its
        !           924: ownership is transferred to the LSA entry structure.
        !           925: 
        !           926: 
        !           927: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           928: <P><I>void</I>
        !           929: <B>ospf_advance_lsa</B>
        !           930: (<I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>struct top_hash_entry *</I> <B>en</B>, <I>struct ospf_lsa_header *</I> <B>lsa</B>, <I>u32</I> <B>type</B>, <I>u32</I> <B>domain</B>, <I>void *</I> <B>body</B>) --  handle received unexpected self-originated LSA
        !           931: <P>
        !           932: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           933: <P>
        !           934: <DL>
        !           935: <DT><I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>OSPF protocol instance
        !           936: <DT><I>struct top_hash_entry *</I> <B>en</B><DD><P>current LSA entry or NULL
        !           937: <DT><I>struct ospf_lsa_header *</I> <B>lsa</B><DD><P>new LSA header
        !           938: <DT><I>u32</I> <B>type</B><DD><P>type of LSA
        !           939: <DT><I>u32</I> <B>domain</B><DD><P>domain of LSA
        !           940: <DT><I>void *</I> <B>body</B><DD><P>pointer to LSA body
        !           941: </DL>
        !           942: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           943: <P>This function handles received unexpected self-originated LSA (<B>lsa</B>, <B>body</B>)
        !           944: by either advancing sequence number of the local LSA instance (<B>en</B>) and
        !           945: propagating it, or installing the received LSA and immediately flushing it
        !           946: (if there is no local LSA; i.e., <B>en</B> is NULL or MaxAge).
        !           947: <P>The LSA body in <B>body</B> is expected to be mb_allocated by the caller and its
        !           948: ownership is transferred to the LSA entry structure or it is freed.
        !           949: 
        !           950: 
        !           951: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           952: <P><I>struct top_hash_entry *</I>
        !           953: <B>ospf_originate_lsa</B>
        !           954: (<I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>struct ospf_new_lsa *</I> <B>lsa</B>) --  originate new LSA
        !           955: <P>
        !           956: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           957: <P>
        !           958: <DL>
        !           959: <DT><I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>OSPF protocol instance
        !           960: <DT><I>struct ospf_new_lsa *</I> <B>lsa</B><DD><P>New LSA specification
        !           961: </DL>
        !           962: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           963: <P>This function prepares a new LSA, installs it into the LSA database and
        !           964: floods it. If the new LSA cannot be originated now (because the old instance
        !           965: was originated within MinLSInterval, or because the LSA seqnum is currently
        !           966: wrapping), the origination is instead scheduled for later. If the new LSA is
        !           967: equivalent to the current LSA, the origination is skipped. In all cases, the
        !           968: corresponding LSA entry is returned. The new LSA is based on the LSA
        !           969: specification (<B>lsa</B>) and the LSA body from lsab buffer of <B>p</B>, which is
        !           970: emptied after the call. The opposite of this function is <B>ospf_flush_lsa()</B>.
        !           971: 
        !           972: 
        !           973: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           974: <P><I>void</I>
        !           975: <B>ospf_flush_lsa</B>
        !           976: (<I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>struct top_hash_entry *</I> <B>en</B>) --  flush LSA from OSPF domain
        !           977: <P>
        !           978: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           979: <P>
        !           980: <DL>
        !           981: <DT><I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>OSPF protocol instance
        !           982: <DT><I>struct top_hash_entry *</I> <B>en</B><DD><P>LSA entry to flush
        !           983: </DL>
        !           984: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           985: <P>This function flushes <B>en</B> from the OSPF domain by setting its age to
        !           986: <I>LSA_MAXAGE</I> and flooding it. That also triggers subsequent events in LSA
        !           987: lifecycle leading to removal of the LSA from the LSA database (e.g. the LSA
        !           988: content is freed when flushing is acknowledged by neighbors). The function
        !           989: does nothing if the LSA is already being flushed. LSA entries are not
        !           990: immediately removed when being flushed, the caller may assume that <B>en</B> still
        !           991: exists after the call. The function is the opposite of <B>ospf_originate_lsa()</B>
        !           992: and is supposed to do the right thing even in cases of postponed
        !           993: origination.
        !           994: 
        !           995: 
        !           996: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           997: <P><I>void</I>
        !           998: <B>ospf_update_lsadb</B>
        !           999: (<I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B>) --  update LSA database
        !          1000: <P>
        !          1001: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1002: <P>
        !          1003: <DL>
        !          1004: <DT><I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>OSPF protocol instance
        !          1005: </DL>
        !          1006: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1007: <P>This function is periodicaly invoked from <B>ospf_disp()</B>. It does some periodic
        !          1008: or postponed processing related to LSA entries. It originates postponed LSAs
        !          1009: scheduled by <B>ospf_originate_lsa()</B>, It continues in flushing processes started
        !          1010: by <B>ospf_flush_lsa()</B>. It also periodically refreshs locally originated LSAs --
        !          1011: when the current instance is older <I>LSREFRESHTIME</I>, a new instance is originated.
        !          1012: Finally, it also ages stored LSAs and flushes ones that reached <I>LSA_MAXAGE</I>.
        !          1013: <P>The RFC 2328 says that a router should periodically check checksums of all
        !          1014: stored LSAs to detect hardware problems. This is not implemented.
        !          1015: 
        !          1016: 
        !          1017: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1018: <P><I>void</I>
        !          1019: <B>ospf_originate_ext_lsa</B>
        !          1020: (<I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>struct ospf_area *</I> <B>oa</B>, <I>ort *</I> <B>nf</B>, <I>u8</I> <B>mode</B>, <I>u32</I> <B>metric</B>, <I>u32</I> <B>ebit</B>, <I>ip_addr</I> <B>fwaddr</B>, <I>u32</I> <B>tag</B>, <I>int</I> <B>pbit</B>) --  new route received from nest and filters
        !          1021: <P>
        !          1022: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1023: <P>
        !          1024: <DL>
        !          1025: <DT><I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>OSPF protocol instance
        !          1026: <DT><I>struct ospf_area *</I> <B>oa</B><DD><P>ospf_area for which LSA is originated
        !          1027: <DT><I>ort *</I> <B>nf</B><DD><P>network prefix and mask
        !          1028: <DT><I>u8</I> <B>mode</B><DD><P>the mode of the LSA (LSA_M_EXPORT or LSA_M_RTCALC)
        !          1029: <DT><I>u32</I> <B>metric</B><DD><P>the metric of a route
        !          1030: <DT><I>u32</I> <B>ebit</B><DD><P>E-bit for route metric (bool)
        !          1031: <DT><I>ip_addr</I> <B>fwaddr</B><DD><P>the forwarding address
        !          1032: <DT><I>u32</I> <B>tag</B><DD><P>the route tag
        !          1033: <DT><I>int</I> <B>pbit</B><DD><P>P-bit for NSSA LSAs (bool), ignored for external LSAs
        !          1034: </DL>
        !          1035: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1036: <P>If I receive a message that new route is installed, I try to originate an
        !          1037: external LSA. If <B>oa</B> is an NSSA area, NSSA-LSA is originated instead.
        !          1038: <B>oa</B> should not be a stub area. <B>src</B> does not specify whether the LSA
        !          1039: is external or NSSA, but it specifies the source of origination -
        !          1040: the export from <B>ospf_rt_notify()</B>, or the NSSA-EXT translation.
        !          1041: 
        !          1042: 
        !          1043: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1044: <P><I>struct top_graph *</I>
        !          1045: <B>ospf_top_new</B>
        !          1046: (<I>struct ospf_proto *p UNUSED4</I> <B>UNUSED6</B>, <I>pool *</I> <B>pool</B>) --  allocated new topology database
        !          1047: <P>
        !          1048: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1049: <P>
        !          1050: <DL>
        !          1051: <DT><I>struct ospf_proto *p UNUSED4</I> <B>UNUSED6</B><DD><P>-- undescribed --
        !          1052: <DT><I>pool *</I> <B>pool</B><DD><P>pool for allocation
        !          1053: </DL>
        !          1054: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1055: <P>This dynamically hashed structure is used for keeping LSAs. Mainly it is used
        !          1056: for the LSA database of the OSPF protocol, but also for LSA retransmission
        !          1057: and request lists of OSPF neighbors.
        !          1058: 
        !          1059: 
        !          1060: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1061: <P><I>void</I>
        !          1062: <B>ospf_neigh_chstate</B>
        !          1063: (<I>struct ospf_neighbor *</I> <B>n</B>, <I>u8</I> <B>state</B>) --  handles changes related to new or lod state of neighbor
        !          1064: <P>
        !          1065: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1066: <P>
        !          1067: <DL>
        !          1068: <DT><I>struct ospf_neighbor *</I> <B>n</B><DD><P>OSPF neighbor
        !          1069: <DT><I>u8</I> <B>state</B><DD><P>new state
        !          1070: </DL>
        !          1071: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1072: <P>Many actions have to be taken acording to a change of state of a neighbor. It
        !          1073: starts rxmt timers, call interface state machine etc.
        !          1074: 
        !          1075: 
        !          1076: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1077: <P><I>void</I>
        !          1078: <B>ospf_neigh_sm</B>
        !          1079: (<I>struct ospf_neighbor *</I> <B>n</B>, <I>int</I> <B>event</B>) --  ospf neighbor state machine
        !          1080: <P>
        !          1081: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1082: <P>
        !          1083: <DL>
        !          1084: <DT><I>struct ospf_neighbor *</I> <B>n</B><DD><P>neighor
        !          1085: <DT><I>int</I> <B>event</B><DD><P>actual event
        !          1086: </DL>
        !          1087: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1088: <P>This part implements the neighbor state machine as described in 10.3 of
        !          1089: RFC 2328. The only difference is that state <I>NEIGHBOR_ATTEMPT</I> is not
        !          1090: used. We discover neighbors on nonbroadcast networks in the
        !          1091: same way as on broadcast networks. The only difference is in
        !          1092: sending hello packets. These are sent to IPs listed in
        !          1093: <B>ospf_iface</B>-&gt;nbma_list .
        !          1094: 
        !          1095: 
        !          1096: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1097: <P><I>void</I>
        !          1098: <B>ospf_dr_election</B>
        !          1099: (<I>struct ospf_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B>) --  (Backup) Designed Router election
        !          1100: <P>
        !          1101: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1102: <P>
        !          1103: <DL>
        !          1104: <DT><I>struct ospf_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B><DD><P>actual interface
        !          1105: </DL>
        !          1106: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1107: <P>When the wait timer fires, it is time to elect (Backup) Designated Router.
        !          1108: Structure describing me is added to this list so every electing router has
        !          1109: the same list. Backup Designated Router is elected before Designated
        !          1110: Router. This process is described in 9.4 of RFC 2328. The function is
        !          1111: supposed to be called only from <B>ospf_iface_sm()</B> as a part of the interface
        !          1112: state machine.
        !          1113: 
        !          1114: 
        !          1115: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1116: <P><I>void</I>
        !          1117: <B>ospf_iface_chstate</B>
        !          1118: (<I>struct ospf_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B>, <I>u8</I> <B>state</B>) --  handle changes of interface state
        !          1119: <P>
        !          1120: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1121: <P>
        !          1122: <DL>
        !          1123: <DT><I>struct ospf_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B><DD><P>OSPF interface
        !          1124: <DT><I>u8</I> <B>state</B><DD><P>new state
        !          1125: </DL>
        !          1126: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1127: <P>Many actions must be taken according to interface state changes. New network
        !          1128: LSAs must be originated, flushed, new multicast sockets to listen for messages for
        !          1129: <I>ALLDROUTERS</I> have to be opened, etc.
        !          1130: 
        !          1131: 
        !          1132: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1133: <P><I>void</I>
        !          1134: <B>ospf_iface_sm</B>
        !          1135: (<I>struct ospf_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B>, <I>int</I> <B>event</B>) --  OSPF interface state machine
        !          1136: <P>
        !          1137: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1138: <P>
        !          1139: <DL>
        !          1140: <DT><I>struct ospf_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B><DD><P>OSPF interface
        !          1141: <DT><I>int</I> <B>event</B><DD><P>event comming to state machine
        !          1142: </DL>
        !          1143: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1144: <P>This fully respects 9.3 of RFC 2328 except we have slightly
        !          1145: different handling of <I>DOWN</I> and <I>LOOP</I> state. We remove intefaces
        !          1146: that are <I>DOWN</I>. <I>DOWN</I> state is used when an interface is waiting
        !          1147: for a lock. <I>LOOP</I> state is used when an interface does not have a
        !          1148: link.
        !          1149: 
        !          1150: 
        !          1151: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1152: <P><I>int</I>
        !          1153: <B>ospf_rx_hook</B>
        !          1154: (<I>sock *</I> <B>sk</B>, <I>uint</I> <B>len</B>)
        !          1155: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1156: <P>
        !          1157: <DL>
        !          1158: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>sk</B><DD><P>socket we received the packet.
        !          1159: <DT><I>uint</I> <B>len</B><DD><P>size of the packet
        !          1160: </DL>
        !          1161: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1162: <P>This is the entry point for messages from neighbors. Many checks (like
        !          1163: authentication, checksums, size) are done before the packet is passed to
        !          1164: non generic functions.
        !          1165: 
        !          1166: 
        !          1167: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1168: <P><I>int</I>
        !          1169: <B>lsa_validate</B>
        !          1170: (<I>struct ospf_lsa_header *</I> <B>lsa</B>, <I>u32</I> <B>lsa_type</B>, <I>int</I> <B>ospf2</B>, <I>void *</I> <B>body</B>) --  check whether given LSA is valid
        !          1171: <P>
        !          1172: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1173: <P>
        !          1174: <DL>
        !          1175: <DT><I>struct ospf_lsa_header *</I> <B>lsa</B><DD><P>LSA header
        !          1176: <DT><I>u32</I> <B>lsa_type</B><DD><P>one of <I>LSA_T_xxx</I>
        !          1177: <DT><I>int</I> <B>ospf2</B><DD><P><I>true</I> means OSPF version 2, <I>false</I> means OSPF version 3
        !          1178: <DT><I>void *</I> <B>body</B><DD><P>pointer to LSA body
        !          1179: </DL>
        !          1180: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1181: <P>Checks internal structure of given LSA body (minimal length,
        !          1182: consistency). Returns true if valid.
        !          1183: 
        !          1184: 
        !          1185: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1186: <P><I>void</I>
        !          1187: <B>ospf_send_dbdes</B>
        !          1188: (<I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>struct ospf_neighbor *</I> <B>n</B>) --  transmit database description packet
        !          1189: <P>
        !          1190: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1191: <P>
        !          1192: <DL>
        !          1193: <DT><I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>OSPF protocol instance
        !          1194: <DT><I>struct ospf_neighbor *</I> <B>n</B><DD><P>neighbor
        !          1195: </DL>
        !          1196: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1197: <P>Sending of a database description packet is described in 10.8 of RFC 2328.
        !          1198: Reception of each packet is acknowledged in the sequence number of another.
        !          1199: When I send a packet to a neighbor I keep a copy in a buffer. If the neighbor
        !          1200: does not reply, I don't create a new packet but just send the content
        !          1201: of the buffer.
        !          1202: 
        !          1203: 
        !          1204: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1205: <P><I>void</I>
        !          1206: <B>ospf_rt_spf</B>
        !          1207: (<I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B>) --  calculate internal routes
        !          1208: <P>
        !          1209: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1210: <P>
        !          1211: <DL>
        !          1212: <DT><I>struct ospf_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>OSPF protocol instance
        !          1213: </DL>
        !          1214: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1215: <P>Calculation of internal paths in an area is described in 16.1 of RFC 2328.
        !          1216: It's based on Dijkstra's shortest path tree algorithms.
        !          1217: This function is invoked from <B>ospf_disp()</B>.
        !          1218: 
        !          1219: <H2><A NAME="ss5.5">5.5</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc5.5">Pipe</A>
        !          1220: </H2>
        !          1221: 
        !          1222: <P>
        !          1223: <P>The Pipe protocol is very simple. It just connects to two routing tables
        !          1224: using <B>proto_add_announce_hook()</B> and whenever it receives a <B>rt_notify()</B>
        !          1225: about a change in one of the tables, it converts it to a <B>rte_update()</B>
        !          1226: in the other one.
        !          1227: <P>To avoid pipe loops, Pipe keeps a `being updated' flag in each routing
        !          1228: table.
        !          1229: <P>A pipe has two announce hooks, the first connected to the main
        !          1230: table, the second connected to the peer table. When a new route is
        !          1231: announced on the main table, it gets checked by an export filter in
        !          1232: ahook 1, and, after that, it is announced to the peer table via
        !          1233: <B>rte_update()</B>, an import filter in ahook 2 is called. When a new
        !          1234: route is announced in the peer table, an export filter in ahook2
        !          1235: and an import filter in ahook 1 are used. Oviously, there is no
        !          1236: need in filtering the same route twice, so both import filters are
        !          1237: set to accept, while user configured 'import' and 'export' filters
        !          1238: are used as export filters in ahooks 2 and 1. Route limits are
        !          1239: handled similarly, but on the import side of ahooks.
        !          1240: <P>
        !          1241: <P>
        !          1242: <H2><A NAME="ss5.6">5.6</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc5.6">Routing Information Protocol (RIP)</A>
        !          1243: </H2>
        !          1244: 
        !          1245: <P>
        !          1246: <P>The RIP protocol is implemented in two files: <CODE>rip.c</CODE> containing the protocol
        !          1247: logic, route management and the protocol glue with BIRD core, and <CODE>packets.c</CODE>
        !          1248: handling RIP packet processing, RX, TX and protocol sockets.
        !          1249: <P>Each instance of RIP is described by a structure <I>rip_proto</I>, which contains
        !          1250: an internal RIP routing table, a list of protocol interfaces and the main
        !          1251: timer responsible for RIP routing table cleanup.
        !          1252: <P>RIP internal routing table contains incoming and outgoing routes. For each
        !          1253: network (represented by structure <I>rip_entry</I>) there is one outgoing route
        !          1254: stored directly in <I>rip_entry</I> and an one-way linked list of incoming routes
        !          1255: (structures <I>rip_rte</I>). The list contains incoming routes from different RIP
        !          1256: neighbors, but only routes with the lowest metric are stored (i.e., all
        !          1257: stored incoming routes have the same metric).
        !          1258: <P>Note that RIP itself does not select outgoing route, that is done by the core
        !          1259: routing table. When a new incoming route is received, it is propagated to the
        !          1260: RIP table by <B>rip_update_rte()</B> and possibly stored in the list of incoming
        !          1261: routes. Then the change may be propagated to the core by <B>rip_announce_rte()</B>.
        !          1262: The core selects the best route and propagate it to RIP by <B>rip_rt_notify()</B>,
        !          1263: which updates outgoing route part of <I>rip_entry</I> and possibly triggers route
        !          1264: propagation by <B>rip_trigger_update()</B>.
        !          1265: <P>RIP interfaces are represented by structures <I>rip_iface</I>. A RIP interface
        !          1266: contains a per-interface socket, a list of associated neighbors, interface
        !          1267: configuration, and state information related to scheduled interface events
        !          1268: and running update sessions. RIP interfaces are added and removed based on
        !          1269: core interface notifications.
        !          1270: <P>There are two RIP interface events - regular updates and triggered updates.
        !          1271: Both are managed from the RIP interface timer (<B>rip_iface_timer()</B>). Regular
        !          1272: updates are called at fixed interval and propagate the whole routing table,
        !          1273: while triggered updates are scheduled by <B>rip_trigger_update()</B> due to some
        !          1274: routing table change and propagate only the routes modified since the time
        !          1275: they were scheduled. There are also unicast-destined requested updates, but
        !          1276: these are sent directly as a reaction to received RIP request message. The
        !          1277: update session is started by <B>rip_send_table()</B>. There may be at most one
        !          1278: active update session per interface, as the associated state (including the
        !          1279: fib iterator) is stored directly in <I>rip_iface</I> structure.
        !          1280: <P>RIP neighbors are represented by structures <I>rip_neighbor</I>. Compared to
        !          1281: neighbor handling in other routing protocols, RIP does not have explicit
        !          1282: neighbor discovery and adjacency maintenance, which makes the <I>rip_neighbor</I>
        !          1283: related code a bit peculiar. RIP neighbors are interlinked with core neighbor
        !          1284: structures (<I>neighbor</I>) and use core neighbor notifications to ensure that RIP
        !          1285: neighbors are timely removed. RIP neighbors are added based on received route
        !          1286: notifications and removed based on core neighbor and RIP interface events.
        !          1287: <P>RIP neighbors are linked by RIP routes and use counter to track the number of
        !          1288: associated routes, but when these RIP routes timeout, associated RIP neighbor
        !          1289: is still alive (with zero counter). When RIP neighbor is removed but still
        !          1290: has some associated routes, it is not freed, just changed to detached state
        !          1291: (core neighbors and RIP ifaces are unlinked), then during the main timer
        !          1292: cleanup phase the associated routes are removed and the <I>rip_neighbor</I>
        !          1293: structure is finally freed.
        !          1294: <P>Supported standards:
        !          1295: - RFC 1058 - RIPv1
        !          1296: - RFC 2453 - RIPv2
        !          1297: - RFC 2080 - RIPng
        !          1298: - RFC 4822 - RIP cryptographic authentication
        !          1299: <P>
        !          1300: <P><HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1301: <P><I>void</I>
        !          1302: <B>rip_announce_rte</B>
        !          1303: (<I>struct rip_proto *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>struct rip_entry *</I> <B>en</B>) --     announce route from RIP routing table to the core
        !          1304: <P>
        !          1305: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1306: <P>
        !          1307: <DL>
        !          1308: <DT><I>struct rip_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>RIP instance
        !          1309: <DT><I>struct rip_entry *</I> <B>en</B><DD><P>related network
        !          1310: </DL>
        !          1311: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1312: <P>The function takes a list of incoming routes from <B>en</B>, prepare appropriate
        !          1313: <I>rte</I> for the core and propagate it by <B>rte_update()</B>.
        !          1314: 
        !          1315: 
        !          1316: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1317: <P><I>void</I>
        !          1318: <B>rip_update_rte</B>
        !          1319: (<I>struct rip_proto *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>ip_addr *</I> <B>prefix</B>, <I>int</I> <B>pxlen</B>, <I>struct rip_rte *</I> <B>new</B>) --     enter a route update to RIP routing table
        !          1320: <P>
        !          1321: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1322: <P>
        !          1323: <DL>
        !          1324: <DT><I>struct rip_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>RIP instance
        !          1325: <DT><I>ip_addr *</I> <B>prefix</B><DD><P>network prefix
        !          1326: <DT><I>int</I> <B>pxlen</B><DD><P>network prefix length
        !          1327: <DT><I>struct rip_rte *</I> <B>new</B><DD><P>a <I>rip_rte</I> representing the new route
        !          1328: </DL>
        !          1329: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1330: <P>The function is called by the RIP packet processing code whenever it receives
        !          1331: a reachable route. The appropriate routing table entry is found and the list
        !          1332: of incoming routes is updated. Eventually, the change is also propagated to
        !          1333: the core by <B>rip_announce_rte()</B>. Note that for unreachable routes,
        !          1334: <B>rip_withdraw_rte()</B> should be called instead of <B>rip_update_rte()</B>.
        !          1335: 
        !          1336: 
        !          1337: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1338: <P><I>void</I>
        !          1339: <B>rip_withdraw_rte</B>
        !          1340: (<I>struct rip_proto *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>ip_addr *</I> <B>prefix</B>, <I>int</I> <B>pxlen</B>, <I>struct rip_neighbor *</I> <B>from</B>) --     enter a route withdraw to RIP routing table
        !          1341: <P>
        !          1342: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1343: <P>
        !          1344: <DL>
        !          1345: <DT><I>struct rip_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>RIP instance
        !          1346: <DT><I>ip_addr *</I> <B>prefix</B><DD><P>network prefix
        !          1347: <DT><I>int</I> <B>pxlen</B><DD><P>network prefix length
        !          1348: <DT><I>struct rip_neighbor *</I> <B>from</B><DD><P>a <I>rip_neighbor</I> propagating the withdraw
        !          1349: </DL>
        !          1350: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1351: <P>The function is called by the RIP packet processing code whenever it receives
        !          1352: an unreachable route. The incoming route for given network from nbr <B>from</B> is
        !          1353: removed. Eventually, the change is also propagated by <B>rip_announce_rte()</B>.
        !          1354: 
        !          1355: 
        !          1356: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1357: <P><I>void</I>
        !          1358: <B>rip_timer</B>
        !          1359: (<I>timer *</I> <B>t</B>) --     RIP main timer hook
        !          1360: <P>
        !          1361: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1362: <P>
        !          1363: <DL>
        !          1364: <DT><I>timer *</I> <B>t</B><DD><P>timer
        !          1365: </DL>
        !          1366: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1367: <P>The RIP main timer is responsible for routing table maintenance. Invalid or
        !          1368: expired routes (<I>rip_rte</I>) are removed and garbage collection of stale routing
        !          1369: table entries (<I>rip_entry</I>) is done. Changes are propagated to core tables,
        !          1370: route reload is also done here. Note that garbage collection uses a maximal
        !          1371: GC time, while interfaces maintain an illusion of per-interface GC times in
        !          1372: <B>rip_send_response()</B>.
        !          1373: <P>Keeping incoming routes and the selected outgoing route are two independent
        !          1374: functions, therefore after garbage collection some entries now considered
        !          1375: invalid (RIP_ENTRY_DUMMY) still may have non-empty list of incoming routes,
        !          1376: while some valid entries (representing an outgoing route) may have that list
        !          1377: empty.
        !          1378: <P>The main timer is not scheduled periodically but it uses the time of the
        !          1379: current next event and the minimal interval of any possible event to compute
        !          1380: the time of the next run.
        !          1381: 
        !          1382: 
        !          1383: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1384: <P><I>void</I>
        !          1385: <B>rip_iface_timer</B>
        !          1386: (<I>timer *</I> <B>t</B>) --     RIP interface timer hook
        !          1387: <P>
        !          1388: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1389: <P>
        !          1390: <DL>
        !          1391: <DT><I>timer *</I> <B>t</B><DD><P>timer
        !          1392: </DL>
        !          1393: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1394: <P>RIP interface timers are responsible for scheduling both regular and
        !          1395: triggered updates. Fixed, delay-independent period is used for regular
        !          1396: updates, while minimal separating interval is enforced for triggered updates.
        !          1397: The function also ensures that a new update is not started when the old one
        !          1398: is still running.
        !          1399: 
        !          1400: 
        !          1401: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !          1402: <P><I>void</I>
        !          1403: <B>rip_send_table</B>
        !          1404: (<I>struct rip_proto *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>struct rip_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B>, <I>ip_addr</I> <B>addr</B>, <I>bird_clock_t</I> <B>changed</B>) --  RIP interface timer hook
        !          1405: <P>
        !          1406: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !          1407: <P>
        !          1408: <DL>
        !          1409: <DT><I>struct rip_proto *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>RIP instance
        !          1410: <DT><I>struct rip_iface *</I> <B>ifa</B><DD><P>RIP interface
        !          1411: <DT><I>ip_addr</I> <B>addr</B><DD><P>destination IP address
        !          1412: <DT><I>bird_clock_t</I> <B>changed</B><DD><P>time limit for triggered updates
        !          1413: </DL>
        !          1414: <H3>Description</H3>
        !          1415: <P>The function activates an update session and starts sending routing update
        !          1416: packets (using <B>rip_send_response()</B>). The session may be finished during the
        !          1417: call or may continue in <B>rip_tx_hook()</B> until all appropriate routes are
        !          1418: transmitted. Note that there may be at most one active update session per
        !          1419: interface, the function will terminate the old active session before
        !          1420: activating the new one.
        !          1421: 
        !          1422: <H2><A NAME="ss5.7">5.7</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc5.7">Router Advertisements</A>
        !          1423: </H2>
        !          1424: 
        !          1425: <P>
        !          1426: <P>The RAdv protocol is implemented in two files: <CODE>radv.c</CODE> containing
        !          1427: the interface with BIRD core and the protocol logic and <CODE>packets.c</CODE>
        !          1428: handling low level protocol stuff (RX, TX and packet formats).
        !          1429: The protocol does not export any routes.
        !          1430: <P>The RAdv is structured in the usual way - for each handled interface
        !          1431: there is a structure <I>radv_iface</I> that contains a state related to
        !          1432: that interface together with its resources (a socket, a timer).
        !          1433: There is also a prepared RA stored in a TX buffer of the socket
        !          1434: associated with an iface. These iface structures are created
        !          1435: and removed according to iface events from BIRD core handled by
        !          1436: <B>radv_if_notify()</B> callback.
        !          1437: <P>The main logic of RAdv consists of two functions:
        !          1438: <B>radv_iface_notify()</B>, which processes asynchronous events (specified
        !          1439: by RA_EV_* codes), and <B>radv_timer()</B>, which triggers sending RAs and
        !          1440: computes the next timeout.
        !          1441: <P>The RAdv protocol could receive routes (through
        !          1442: <B>radv_import_control()</B> and <B>radv_rt_notify()</B>), but only the
        !          1443: configured trigger route is tracked (in <I>active</I> var).  When a radv
        !          1444: protocol is reconfigured, the connected routing table is examined
        !          1445: (in <B>radv_check_active()</B>) to have proper <I>active</I> value in case of
        !          1446: the specified trigger prefix was changed.
        !          1447: <P>Supported standards:
        !          1448: - RFC 4861 - main RA standard
        !          1449: - RFC 6106 - DNS extensions (RDDNS, DNSSL)
        !          1450: - RFC 4191 (partial) - Default Router Preference
        !          1451: <P>
        !          1452: <P>
        !          1453: <H2><A NAME="ss5.8">5.8</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc5.8">Static</A>
        !          1454: </H2>
        !          1455: 
        !          1456: <P>
        !          1457: <P>The Static protocol is implemented in a straightforward way. It keeps
        !          1458: two lists of static routes: one containing interface routes and one
        !          1459: holding the remaining ones. Interface routes are inserted and removed according
        !          1460: to interface events received from the core via the <B>if_notify()</B> hook. Routes
        !          1461: pointing to a neighboring router use a sticky node in the neighbor cache
        !          1462: to be notified about gaining or losing the neighbor. Special
        !          1463: routes like black holes or rejects are inserted all the time.
        !          1464: <P>Multipath routes are tricky. Because these routes depends on
        !          1465: several neighbors we need to integrate that to the neighbor
        !          1466: notification handling, we use dummy static_route nodes, one for
        !          1467: each nexthop. Therefore, a multipath route consists of a master
        !          1468: static_route node (of dest RTD_MULTIPATH), which specifies prefix
        !          1469: and is used in most circumstances, and a list of dummy static_route
        !          1470: nodes (of dest RTD_NONE), which stores info about nexthops and are
        !          1471: connected to neighbor entries and neighbor notifications. Dummy
        !          1472: nodes are chained using mp_next, they aren't in other_routes list,
        !          1473: and abuse some fields (masklen, if_name) for other purposes.
        !          1474: <P>The only other thing worth mentioning is that when asked for reconfiguration,
        !          1475: Static not only compares the two configurations, but it also calculates
        !          1476: difference between the lists of static routes and it just inserts the
        !          1477: newly added routes and removes the obsolete ones.
        !          1478: <P>
        !          1479: <P>
        !          1480: <H2><A NAME="ss5.9">5.9</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc5.9">Direct</A>
        !          1481: </H2>
        !          1482: 
        !          1483: <P>
        !          1484: <P>The Direct protocol works by converting all <B>ifa_notify()</B> events it receives
        !          1485: to <B>rte_update()</B> calls for the corresponding network.
        !          1486: <P>
        !          1487: <P>
        !          1488: <P>
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