Annotation of embedaddon/bird/doc/prog-8.html, revision 1.1

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        !             5:  <TITLE>BIRD Programmer's Documentation: Resources</TITLE>
        !             6:  <LINK HREF="prog-7.html" REL=previous>
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        !            11: <A HREF="prog-7.html">Previous</A>
        !            12: <A HREF="prog.html#toc8">Contents</A>
        !            13: <HR>
        !            14: <H2><A NAME="s8">8.</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc8">Resources</A></H2>
        !            15: 
        !            16: <H2><A NAME="ss8.1">8.1</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc8.1">Introduction</A>
        !            17: </H2>
        !            18: 
        !            19: <P>Most large software projects implemented in classical procedural
        !            20: programming languages usually end up with lots of code taking care
        !            21: of resource allocation and deallocation. Bugs in such code are often
        !            22: very difficult to find, because they cause only `resource leakage',
        !            23: that is keeping a lot of memory and other resources which nobody
        !            24: references to.
        !            25: <P>
        !            26: <P>We've tried to solve this problem by employing a resource tracking
        !            27: system which keeps track of all the resources allocated by all the
        !            28: modules of BIRD, deallocates everything automatically when a module
        !            29: shuts down and it is able to print out the list of resources and
        !            30: the corresponding modules they are allocated by.
        !            31: <P>
        !            32: <P>Each allocated resource (from now we'll speak about allocated
        !            33: resources only) is represented by a structure starting with a standard
        !            34: header (struct <I>resource</I>) consisting of a list node (resources are
        !            35: often linked to various lists) and a pointer to <I>resclass</I> -- a resource
        !            36: class structure pointing to functions implementing generic resource
        !            37: operations (such as freeing of the resource) for the particular resource
        !            38: type.
        !            39: <P>
        !            40: <P>There exist the following types of resources:
        !            41: <P>
        !            42: <UL>
        !            43: <LI><I>Resource pools</I> (<I>pool</I>)</LI>
        !            44: <LI><I>Memory blocks</I></LI>
        !            45: <LI><I>Linear memory pools</I> (<I>linpool</I>)</LI>
        !            46: <LI><I>Slabs</I> (<I>slab</I>)</LI>
        !            47: <LI><I>Events</I> (<I>event</I>) </LI>
        !            48: <LI><I>Timers</I> (<I>timer</I>) </LI>
        !            49: <LI><I>Sockets</I> (<I>socket</I>) </LI>
        !            50: </UL>
        !            51: <H2><A NAME="ss8.2">8.2</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc8.2">Resource pools</A>
        !            52: </H2>
        !            53: 
        !            54: <P>
        !            55: <P>Resource pools (<I>pool</I>) are just containers holding a list of
        !            56: other resources. Freeing a pool causes all the listed resources
        !            57: to be freed as well. Each existing <I>resource</I> is linked to some pool
        !            58: except for a root pool which isn't linked anywhere, so all the
        !            59: resources form a tree structure with internal nodes corresponding
        !            60: to pools and leaves being the other resources.
        !            61: <P>Example: Almost all modules of BIRD have their private pool which
        !            62: is freed upon shutdown of the module.
        !            63: <P>
        !            64: <P><HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !            65: <P><I>pool *</I>
        !            66: <B>rp_new</B>
        !            67: (<I>pool *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>char *</I> <B>name</B>) --     create a resource pool
        !            68: <P>
        !            69: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !            70: <P>
        !            71: <DL>
        !            72: <DT><I>pool *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>parent pool
        !            73: <DT><I>char *</I> <B>name</B><DD><P>pool name (to be included in debugging dumps)
        !            74: </DL>
        !            75: <H3>Description</H3>
        !            76: <P><B>rp_new()</B> creates a new resource pool inside the specified
        !            77: parent pool.
        !            78: 
        !            79: 
        !            80: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !            81: <P><I>void</I>
        !            82: <B>rmove</B>
        !            83: (<I>void *</I> <B>res</B>, <I>pool *</I> <B>p</B>) --     move a resource
        !            84: <P>
        !            85: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !            86: <P>
        !            87: <DL>
        !            88: <DT><I>void *</I> <B>res</B><DD><P>resource
        !            89: <DT><I>pool *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>pool to move the resource to
        !            90: </DL>
        !            91: <H3>Description</H3>
        !            92: <P><B>rmove()</B> moves a resource from one pool to another.
        !            93: 
        !            94: 
        !            95: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !            96: <P><I>void</I>
        !            97: <B>rfree</B>
        !            98: (<I>void *</I> <B>res</B>) --     free a resource
        !            99: <P>
        !           100: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           101: <P>
        !           102: <DL>
        !           103: <DT><I>void *</I> <B>res</B><DD><P>resource
        !           104: </DL>
        !           105: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           106: <P><B>rfree()</B> frees the given resource and all information associated
        !           107: with it. In case it's a resource pool, it also frees all the objects
        !           108: living inside the pool.
        !           109: <P>It works by calling a class-specific freeing function.
        !           110: 
        !           111: 
        !           112: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           113: <P><I>void</I>
        !           114: <B>rdump</B>
        !           115: (<I>void *</I> <B>res</B>) --     dump a resource
        !           116: <P>
        !           117: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           118: <P>
        !           119: <DL>
        !           120: <DT><I>void *</I> <B>res</B><DD><P>resource
        !           121: </DL>
        !           122: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           123: <P>This function prints out all available information about the given
        !           124: resource to the debugging output.
        !           125: <P>It works by calling a class-specific dump function.
        !           126: 
        !           127: 
        !           128: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           129: <P><I>void *</I>
        !           130: <B>ralloc</B>
        !           131: (<I>pool *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>struct resclass *</I> <B>c</B>) --     create a resource
        !           132: <P>
        !           133: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           134: <P>
        !           135: <DL>
        !           136: <DT><I>pool *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>pool to create the resource in
        !           137: <DT><I>struct resclass *</I> <B>c</B><DD><P>class of the new resource
        !           138: </DL>
        !           139: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           140: <P>This function is called by the resource classes to create a new
        !           141: resource of the specified class and link it to the given pool.
        !           142: Allocated memory is zeroed. Size of the resource structure is taken
        !           143: from the <B>size</B> field of the <I>resclass</I>.
        !           144: 
        !           145: 
        !           146: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           147: <P><I>void</I>
        !           148: <B>rlookup</B>
        !           149: (<I>unsigned long</I> <B>a</B>) --     look up a memory location
        !           150: <P>
        !           151: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           152: <P>
        !           153: <DL>
        !           154: <DT><I>unsigned long</I> <B>a</B><DD><P>memory address
        !           155: </DL>
        !           156: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           157: <P>This function examines all existing resources to see whether
        !           158: the address <B>a</B> is inside any resource. It's used for debugging
        !           159: purposes only.
        !           160: <P>It works by calling a class-specific lookup function for each
        !           161: resource.
        !           162: 
        !           163: 
        !           164: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           165: <P><I>void</I>
        !           166: <B>resource_init</B>
        !           167: (<B>void</B>) --     initialize the resource manager
        !           168: <P>
        !           169: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           170: <P>
        !           171: <P>This function is called during BIRD startup. It initializes
        !           172: all data structures of the resource manager and creates the
        !           173: root pool.
        !           174: 
        !           175: <H2><A NAME="ss8.3">8.3</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc8.3">Memory blocks</A>
        !           176: </H2>
        !           177: 
        !           178: <P>
        !           179: <P>Memory blocks are pieces of contiguous allocated memory.
        !           180: They are a bit non-standard since they are represented not by a pointer
        !           181: to <I>resource</I>, but by a void pointer to the start of data of the
        !           182: memory block. All memory block functions know how to locate the header
        !           183: given the data pointer.
        !           184: <P>Example: All "unique" data structures such as hash tables are allocated
        !           185: as memory blocks.
        !           186: <P>
        !           187: <P><HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           188: <P><I>void *</I>
        !           189: <B>mb_alloc</B>
        !           190: (<I>pool *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>unsigned</I> <B>size</B>) --     allocate a memory block
        !           191: <P>
        !           192: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           193: <P>
        !           194: <DL>
        !           195: <DT><I>pool *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>pool
        !           196: <DT><I>unsigned</I> <B>size</B><DD><P>size of the block
        !           197: </DL>
        !           198: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           199: <P><B>mb_alloc()</B> allocates memory of a given size and creates
        !           200: a memory block resource representing this memory chunk
        !           201: in the pool <B>p</B>.
        !           202: <P>Please note that <B>mb_alloc()</B> returns a pointer to the memory
        !           203: chunk, not to the resource, hence you have to free it using
        !           204: <B>mb_free()</B>, not <B>rfree()</B>.
        !           205: 
        !           206: 
        !           207: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           208: <P><I>void *</I>
        !           209: <B>mb_allocz</B>
        !           210: (<I>pool *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>unsigned</I> <B>size</B>) --     allocate and clear a memory block
        !           211: <P>
        !           212: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           213: <P>
        !           214: <DL>
        !           215: <DT><I>pool *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>pool
        !           216: <DT><I>unsigned</I> <B>size</B><DD><P>size of the block
        !           217: </DL>
        !           218: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           219: <P><B>mb_allocz()</B> allocates memory of a given size, initializes it to
        !           220: zeroes and creates a memory block resource representing this memory
        !           221: chunk in the pool <B>p</B>.
        !           222: <P>Please note that <B>mb_allocz()</B> returns a pointer to the memory
        !           223: chunk, not to the resource, hence you have to free it using
        !           224: <B>mb_free()</B>, not <B>rfree()</B>.
        !           225: 
        !           226: 
        !           227: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           228: <P><I>void *</I>
        !           229: <B>mb_realloc</B>
        !           230: (<I>void *</I> <B>m</B>, <I>unsigned</I> <B>size</B>) --     reallocate a memory block
        !           231: <P>
        !           232: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           233: <P>
        !           234: <DL>
        !           235: <DT><I>void *</I> <B>m</B><DD><P>memory block
        !           236: <DT><I>unsigned</I> <B>size</B><DD><P>new size of the block
        !           237: </DL>
        !           238: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           239: <P><B>mb_realloc()</B> changes the size of the memory block <B>m</B> to a given size.
        !           240: The contents will be unchanged to the minimum of the old and new sizes;
        !           241: newly allocated memory will be uninitialized. Contrary to <B>realloc()</B>
        !           242: behavior, <B>m</B> must be non-NULL, because the resource pool is inherited
        !           243: from it.
        !           244: <P>Like <B>mb_alloc()</B>, <B>mb_realloc()</B> also returns a pointer to the memory
        !           245: chunk, not to the resource, hence you have to free it using
        !           246: <B>mb_free()</B>, not <B>rfree()</B>.
        !           247: 
        !           248: 
        !           249: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           250: <P><I>void</I>
        !           251: <B>mb_free</B>
        !           252: (<I>void *</I> <B>m</B>) --     free a memory block
        !           253: <P>
        !           254: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           255: <P>
        !           256: <DL>
        !           257: <DT><I>void *</I> <B>m</B><DD><P>memory block
        !           258: </DL>
        !           259: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           260: <P><B>mb_free()</B> frees all memory associated with the block <B>m</B>.
        !           261: 
        !           262: <H2><A NAME="ss8.4">8.4</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc8.4">Linear memory pools</A>
        !           263: </H2>
        !           264: 
        !           265: <P>
        !           266: <P>Linear memory pools are collections of memory blocks which
        !           267: support very fast allocation of new blocks, but are able to free only
        !           268: the whole collection at once.
        !           269: <P>Example: Each configuration is described by a complex system of structures,
        !           270: linked lists and function trees which are all allocated from a single linear
        !           271: pool, thus they can be freed at once when the configuration is no longer used.
        !           272: <P>
        !           273: <P><HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           274: <P><I>linpool *</I>
        !           275: <B>lp_new</B>
        !           276: (<I>pool *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>uint</I> <B>blk</B>) --     create a new linear memory pool
        !           277: <P>
        !           278: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           279: <P>
        !           280: <DL>
        !           281: <DT><I>pool *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>pool
        !           282: <DT><I>uint</I> <B>blk</B><DD><P>block size
        !           283: </DL>
        !           284: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           285: <P><B>lp_new()</B> creates a new linear memory pool resource inside the pool <B>p</B>.
        !           286: The linear pool consists of a list of memory chunks of size at least
        !           287: <B>blk</B>.
        !           288: 
        !           289: 
        !           290: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           291: <P><I>void *</I>
        !           292: <B>lp_alloc</B>
        !           293: (<I>linpool *</I> <B>m</B>, <I>uint</I> <B>size</B>) --     allocate memory from a <I>linpool</I>
        !           294: <P>
        !           295: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           296: <P>
        !           297: <DL>
        !           298: <DT><I>linpool *</I> <B>m</B><DD><P>linear memory pool
        !           299: <DT><I>uint</I> <B>size</B><DD><P>amount of memory
        !           300: </DL>
        !           301: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           302: <P><B>lp_alloc()</B> allocates <B>size</B> bytes of memory from a <I>linpool</I> <B>m</B>
        !           303: and it returns a pointer to the allocated memory.
        !           304: <P>It works by trying to find free space in the last memory chunk
        !           305: associated with the <I>linpool</I> and creating a new chunk of the standard
        !           306: size (as specified during <B>lp_new()</B>) if the free space is too small
        !           307: to satisfy the allocation. If <B>size</B> is too large to fit in a standard
        !           308: size chunk, an "overflow" chunk is created for it instead.
        !           309: 
        !           310: 
        !           311: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           312: <P><I>void *</I>
        !           313: <B>lp_allocu</B>
        !           314: (<I>linpool *</I> <B>m</B>, <I>uint</I> <B>size</B>) --     allocate unaligned memory from a <I>linpool</I>
        !           315: <P>
        !           316: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           317: <P>
        !           318: <DL>
        !           319: <DT><I>linpool *</I> <B>m</B><DD><P>linear memory pool
        !           320: <DT><I>uint</I> <B>size</B><DD><P>amount of memory
        !           321: </DL>
        !           322: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           323: <P><B>lp_allocu()</B> allocates <B>size</B> bytes of memory from a <I>linpool</I> <B>m</B>
        !           324: and it returns a pointer to the allocated memory. It doesn't
        !           325: attempt to align the memory block, giving a very efficient way
        !           326: how to allocate strings without any space overhead.
        !           327: 
        !           328: 
        !           329: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           330: <P><I>void *</I>
        !           331: <B>lp_allocz</B>
        !           332: (<I>linpool *</I> <B>m</B>, <I>uint</I> <B>size</B>) --     allocate cleared memory from a <I>linpool</I>
        !           333: <P>
        !           334: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           335: <P>
        !           336: <DL>
        !           337: <DT><I>linpool *</I> <B>m</B><DD><P>linear memory pool
        !           338: <DT><I>uint</I> <B>size</B><DD><P>amount of memory
        !           339: </DL>
        !           340: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           341: <P>This function is identical to <B>lp_alloc()</B> except that it
        !           342: clears the allocated memory block.
        !           343: 
        !           344: 
        !           345: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           346: <P><I>void</I>
        !           347: <B>lp_flush</B>
        !           348: (<I>linpool *</I> <B>m</B>) --     flush a linear memory pool
        !           349: <P>
        !           350: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           351: <P>
        !           352: <DL>
        !           353: <DT><I>linpool *</I> <B>m</B><DD><P>linear memory pool
        !           354: </DL>
        !           355: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           356: <P>This function frees the whole contents of the given <I>linpool</I> <B>m</B>,
        !           357: but leaves the pool itself.
        !           358: 
        !           359: <H2><A NAME="ss8.5">8.5</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc8.5">Slabs</A>
        !           360: </H2>
        !           361: 
        !           362: <P>
        !           363: <P>Slabs are collections of memory blocks of a fixed size.
        !           364: They support very fast allocation and freeing of such blocks, prevent memory
        !           365: fragmentation and optimize L2 cache usage. Slabs have been invented by Jeff Bonwick
        !           366: and published in USENIX proceedings as `The Slab Allocator: An Object-Caching Kernel
        !           367: Memory Allocator'. Our implementation follows this article except that we don't use
        !           368: constructors and destructors.
        !           369: <P>When the <CODE>DEBUGGING</CODE> switch is turned on, we automatically fill all
        !           370: newly allocated and freed blocks with a special pattern to make detection
        !           371: of use of uninitialized or already freed memory easier.
        !           372: <P>Example: Nodes of a FIB are allocated from a per-FIB Slab.
        !           373: <P>
        !           374: <P><HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           375: <P><I>slab *</I>
        !           376: <B>sl_new</B>
        !           377: (<I>pool *</I> <B>p</B>, <I>uint</I> <B>size</B>) --     create a new Slab
        !           378: <P>
        !           379: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           380: <P>
        !           381: <DL>
        !           382: <DT><I>pool *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>resource pool
        !           383: <DT><I>uint</I> <B>size</B><DD><P>block size
        !           384: </DL>
        !           385: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           386: <P>This function creates a new Slab resource from which
        !           387: objects of size <B>size</B> can be allocated.
        !           388: 
        !           389: 
        !           390: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           391: <P><I>void *</I>
        !           392: <B>sl_alloc</B>
        !           393: (<I>slab *</I> <B>s</B>) --     allocate an object from Slab
        !           394: <P>
        !           395: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           396: <P>
        !           397: <DL>
        !           398: <DT><I>slab *</I> <B>s</B><DD><P>slab
        !           399: </DL>
        !           400: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           401: <P><B>sl_alloc()</B> allocates space for a single object from the
        !           402: Slab and returns a pointer to the object.
        !           403: 
        !           404: 
        !           405: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           406: <P><I>void</I>
        !           407: <B>sl_free</B>
        !           408: (<I>slab *</I> <B>s</B>, <I>void *</I> <B>oo</B>) --     return a free object back to a Slab
        !           409: <P>
        !           410: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           411: <P>
        !           412: <DL>
        !           413: <DT><I>slab *</I> <B>s</B><DD><P>slab
        !           414: <DT><I>void *</I> <B>oo</B><DD><P>object returned by <B>sl_alloc()</B>
        !           415: </DL>
        !           416: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           417: <P>This function frees memory associated with the object <B>oo</B>
        !           418: and returns it back to the Slab <B>s</B>.
        !           419: 
        !           420: <H2><A NAME="ss8.6">8.6</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc8.6">Events</A>
        !           421: </H2>
        !           422: 
        !           423: <P>
        !           424: <P>Events are there to keep track of deferred execution.
        !           425: Since BIRD is single-threaded, it requires long lasting tasks to be split to smaller
        !           426: parts, so that no module can monopolize the CPU. To split such a task, just create
        !           427: an <I>event</I> resource, point it to the function you want to have called and call <B>ev_schedule()</B>
        !           428: to ask the core to run the event when nothing more important requires attention.
        !           429: <P>You can also define your own event lists (the <I>event_list</I> structure), enqueue your
        !           430: events in them and explicitly ask to run them.
        !           431: <P>
        !           432: <P><HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           433: <P><I>event *</I>
        !           434: <B>ev_new</B>
        !           435: (<I>pool *</I> <B>p</B>) --     create a new event
        !           436: <P>
        !           437: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           438: <P>
        !           439: <DL>
        !           440: <DT><I>pool *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>resource pool
        !           441: </DL>
        !           442: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           443: <P>This function creates a new event resource. To use it,
        !           444: you need to fill the structure fields and call <B>ev_schedule()</B>.
        !           445: 
        !           446: 
        !           447: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           448: <P><I>void</I>
        !           449: <B>ev_run</B>
        !           450: (<I>event *</I> <B>e</B>) --     run an event
        !           451: <P>
        !           452: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           453: <P>
        !           454: <DL>
        !           455: <DT><I>event *</I> <B>e</B><DD><P>an event
        !           456: </DL>
        !           457: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           458: <P>This function explicitly runs the event <B>e</B> (calls its hook
        !           459: function) and removes it from an event list if it's linked to any.
        !           460: <P>From the hook function, you can call <B>ev_enqueue()</B> or <B>ev_schedule()</B>
        !           461: to re-add the event.
        !           462: 
        !           463: 
        !           464: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           465: <P><I>void</I>
        !           466: <B>ev_enqueue</B>
        !           467: (<I>event_list *</I> <B>l</B>, <I>event *</I> <B>e</B>) --     enqueue an event
        !           468: <P>
        !           469: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           470: <P>
        !           471: <DL>
        !           472: <DT><I>event_list *</I> <B>l</B><DD><P>an event list
        !           473: <DT><I>event *</I> <B>e</B><DD><P>an event
        !           474: </DL>
        !           475: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           476: <P><B>ev_enqueue()</B> stores the event <B>e</B> to the specified event
        !           477: list <B>l</B> which can be run by calling <B>ev_run_list()</B>.
        !           478: 
        !           479: 
        !           480: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           481: <P><I>void</I>
        !           482: <B>ev_schedule</B>
        !           483: (<I>event *</I> <B>e</B>) --     schedule an event
        !           484: <P>
        !           485: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           486: <P>
        !           487: <DL>
        !           488: <DT><I>event *</I> <B>e</B><DD><P>an event
        !           489: </DL>
        !           490: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           491: <P>This function schedules an event by enqueueing it to a system-wide
        !           492: event list which is run by the platform dependent code whenever
        !           493: appropriate.
        !           494: 
        !           495: 
        !           496: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           497: <P><I>int</I>
        !           498: <B>ev_run_list</B>
        !           499: (<I>event_list *</I> <B>l</B>) --     run an event list
        !           500: <P>
        !           501: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           502: <P>
        !           503: <DL>
        !           504: <DT><I>event_list *</I> <B>l</B><DD><P>an event list
        !           505: </DL>
        !           506: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           507: <P>This function calls <B>ev_run()</B> for all events enqueued in the list <B>l</B>.
        !           508: 
        !           509: <H2><A NAME="ss8.7">8.7</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc8.7">Timers</A>
        !           510: </H2>
        !           511: 
        !           512: <P>
        !           513: <P>Timers are resources which represent a wish of a module to call
        !           514: a function at the specified time. The platform dependent code
        !           515: doesn't guarantee exact timing, only that a timer function
        !           516: won't be called before the requested time.
        !           517: <P>In BIRD, time is represented by values of the <I>bird_clock_t</I> type
        !           518: which are integral numbers interpreted as a relative number of seconds since
        !           519: some fixed time point in past. The current time can be read
        !           520: from variable <B>now</B> with reasonable accuracy and is monotonic. There is also
        !           521: a current 'absolute' time in variable <B>now_real</B> reported by OS.
        !           522: <P>Each timer is described by a <I>timer</I> structure containing a pointer
        !           523: to the handler function (<B>hook</B>), data private to this function (<B>data</B>),
        !           524: time the function should be called at (<B>expires</B>, 0 for inactive timers),
        !           525: for the other fields see <CODE>timer.h</CODE>.
        !           526: <P>
        !           527: <P><HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           528: <P><I>timer *</I>
        !           529: <B>tm_new</B>
        !           530: (<I>pool *</I> <B>p</B>) --     create a timer
        !           531: <P>
        !           532: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           533: <P>
        !           534: <DL>
        !           535: <DT><I>pool *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>pool
        !           536: </DL>
        !           537: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           538: <P>This function creates a new timer resource and returns
        !           539: a pointer to it. To use the timer, you need to fill in
        !           540: the structure fields and call <B>tm_start()</B> to start timing.
        !           541: 
        !           542: 
        !           543: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           544: <P><I>void</I>
        !           545: <B>tm_start</B>
        !           546: (<I>timer *</I> <B>t</B>, <I>unsigned</I> <B>after</B>) --     start a timer
        !           547: <P>
        !           548: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           549: <P>
        !           550: <DL>
        !           551: <DT><I>timer *</I> <B>t</B><DD><P>timer
        !           552: <DT><I>unsigned</I> <B>after</B><DD><P>number of seconds the timer should be run after
        !           553: </DL>
        !           554: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           555: <P>This function schedules the hook function of the timer to
        !           556: be called after <B>after</B> seconds. If the timer has been already
        !           557: started, it's <B>expire</B> time is replaced by the new value.
        !           558: <P>You can have set the <B>randomize</B> field of <B>t</B>, the timeout
        !           559: will be increased by a random number of seconds chosen
        !           560: uniformly from range 0 .. <B>randomize</B>.
        !           561: <P>You can call <B>tm_start()</B> from the handler function of the timer
        !           562: to request another run of the timer. Also, you can set the <B>recurrent</B>
        !           563: field to have the timer re-added automatically with the same timeout.
        !           564: 
        !           565: 
        !           566: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           567: <P><I>void</I>
        !           568: <B>tm_stop</B>
        !           569: (<I>timer *</I> <B>t</B>) --     stop a timer
        !           570: <P>
        !           571: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           572: <P>
        !           573: <DL>
        !           574: <DT><I>timer *</I> <B>t</B><DD><P>timer
        !           575: </DL>
        !           576: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           577: <P>This function stops a timer. If the timer is already stopped,
        !           578: nothing happens.
        !           579: 
        !           580: 
        !           581: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           582: <P><I>bird_clock_t</I>
        !           583: <B>tm_parse_datetime</B>
        !           584: (<I>char *</I> <B>x</B>) --     parse a date and time
        !           585: <P>
        !           586: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           587: <P>
        !           588: <DL>
        !           589: <DT><I>char *</I> <B>x</B><DD><P>datetime string
        !           590: </DL>
        !           591: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           592: <P><B>tm_parse_datetime()</B> takes a textual representation of
        !           593: a date and time (dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss)
        !           594: and converts it to the corresponding value of type <I>bird_clock_t</I>.
        !           595: 
        !           596: 
        !           597: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           598: <P><I>bird_clock_t</I>
        !           599: <B>tm_parse_date</B>
        !           600: (<I>char *</I> <B>x</B>) --     parse a date
        !           601: <P>
        !           602: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           603: <P>
        !           604: <DL>
        !           605: <DT><I>char *</I> <B>x</B><DD><P>date string
        !           606: </DL>
        !           607: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           608: <P><B>tm_parse_date()</B> takes a textual representation of a date (dd-mm-yyyy)
        !           609: and converts it to the corresponding value of type <I>bird_clock_t</I>.
        !           610: 
        !           611: 
        !           612: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           613: <P><I>void</I>
        !           614: <B>tm_format_datetime</B>
        !           615: (<I>char *</I> <B>x</B>, <I>struct timeformat *</I> <B>fmt_spec</B>, <I>bird_clock_t</I> <B>t</B>) --     convert date and time to textual representation
        !           616: <P>
        !           617: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           618: <P>
        !           619: <DL>
        !           620: <DT><I>char *</I> <B>x</B><DD><P>destination buffer of size <I>TM_DATETIME_BUFFER_SIZE</I>
        !           621: <DT><I>struct timeformat *</I> <B>fmt_spec</B><DD><P>specification of resulting textual representation of the time
        !           622: <DT><I>bird_clock_t</I> <B>t</B><DD><P>time
        !           623: </DL>
        !           624: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           625: <P>This function formats the given relative time value <B>t</B> to a textual
        !           626: date/time representation (dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss) in real time.
        !           627: 
        !           628: <H2><A NAME="ss8.8">8.8</A> <A HREF="prog.html#toc8.8">Sockets</A>
        !           629: </H2>
        !           630: 
        !           631: <P>
        !           632: <P>Socket resources represent network connections. Their data structure (<I>socket</I>)
        !           633: contains a lot of fields defining the exact type of the socket, the local and
        !           634: remote addresses and ports, pointers to socket buffers and finally pointers to
        !           635: hook functions to be called when new data have arrived to the receive buffer
        !           636: (<B>rx_hook</B>), when the contents of the transmit buffer have been transmitted
        !           637: (<B>tx_hook</B>) and when an error or connection close occurs (<B>err_hook</B>).
        !           638: <P>Freeing of sockets from inside socket hooks is perfectly safe.
        !           639: <P>
        !           640: <P><HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           641: <P><I>int</I>
        !           642: <B>sk_setup_multicast</B>
        !           643: (<I>sock *</I> <B>s</B>) --     enable multicast for given socket
        !           644: <P>
        !           645: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           646: <P>
        !           647: <DL>
        !           648: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>s</B><DD><P>socket
        !           649: </DL>
        !           650: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           651: <P>Prepare transmission of multicast packets for given datagram socket.
        !           652: The socket must have defined <B>iface</B>.
        !           653: <H3>Result</H3>
        !           654: <P>0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !           655: 
        !           656: 
        !           657: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           658: <P><I>int</I>
        !           659: <B>sk_join_group</B>
        !           660: (<I>sock *</I> <B>s</B>, <I>ip_addr</I> <B>maddr</B>) --     join multicast group for given socket
        !           661: <P>
        !           662: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           663: <P>
        !           664: <DL>
        !           665: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>s</B><DD><P>socket
        !           666: <DT><I>ip_addr</I> <B>maddr</B><DD><P>multicast address
        !           667: </DL>
        !           668: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           669: <P>Join multicast group for given datagram socket and associated interface.
        !           670: The socket must have defined <B>iface</B>.
        !           671: <H3>Result</H3>
        !           672: <P>0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !           673: 
        !           674: 
        !           675: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           676: <P><I>int</I>
        !           677: <B>sk_leave_group</B>
        !           678: (<I>sock *</I> <B>s</B>, <I>ip_addr</I> <B>maddr</B>) --     leave multicast group for given socket
        !           679: <P>
        !           680: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           681: <P>
        !           682: <DL>
        !           683: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>s</B><DD><P>socket
        !           684: <DT><I>ip_addr</I> <B>maddr</B><DD><P>multicast address
        !           685: </DL>
        !           686: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           687: <P>Leave multicast group for given datagram socket and associated interface.
        !           688: The socket must have defined <B>iface</B>.
        !           689: <H3>Result</H3>
        !           690: <P>0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !           691: 
        !           692: 
        !           693: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           694: <P><I>int</I>
        !           695: <B>sk_setup_broadcast</B>
        !           696: (<I>sock *</I> <B>s</B>) --     enable broadcast for given socket
        !           697: <P>
        !           698: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           699: <P>
        !           700: <DL>
        !           701: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>s</B><DD><P>socket
        !           702: </DL>
        !           703: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           704: <P>Allow reception and transmission of broadcast packets for given datagram
        !           705: socket. The socket must have defined <B>iface</B>. For transmission, packets should
        !           706: be send to <B>brd</B> address of <B>iface</B>.
        !           707: <H3>Result</H3>
        !           708: <P>0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !           709: 
        !           710: 
        !           711: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           712: <P><I>int</I>
        !           713: <B>sk_set_ttl</B>
        !           714: (<I>sock *</I> <B>s</B>, <I>int</I> <B>ttl</B>) --     set transmit TTL for given socket
        !           715: <P>
        !           716: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           717: <P>
        !           718: <DL>
        !           719: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>s</B><DD><P>socket
        !           720: <DT><I>int</I> <B>ttl</B><DD><P>TTL value
        !           721: </DL>
        !           722: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           723: <P>Set TTL for already opened connections when TTL was not set before. Useful
        !           724: for accepted connections when different ones should have different TTL.
        !           725: <H3>Result</H3>
        !           726: <P>0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !           727: 
        !           728: 
        !           729: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           730: <P><I>int</I>
        !           731: <B>sk_set_min_ttl</B>
        !           732: (<I>sock *</I> <B>s</B>, <I>int</I> <B>ttl</B>) --     set minimal accepted TTL for given socket
        !           733: <P>
        !           734: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           735: <P>
        !           736: <DL>
        !           737: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>s</B><DD><P>socket
        !           738: <DT><I>int</I> <B>ttl</B><DD><P>TTL value
        !           739: </DL>
        !           740: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           741: <P>Set minimal accepted TTL for given socket. Can be used for TTL security.
        !           742: implementations.
        !           743: <H3>Result</H3>
        !           744: <P>0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !           745: 
        !           746: 
        !           747: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           748: <P><I>int</I>
        !           749: <B>sk_set_md5_auth</B>
        !           750: (<I>sock *</I> <B>s</B>, <I>ip_addr</I> <B>local</B>, <I>ip_addr</I> <B>remote</B>, <I>struct iface *</I> <B>ifa</B>, <I>char *</I> <B>passwd</B>, <I>int</I> <B>setkey</B>) --     add / remove MD5 security association for given socket
        !           751: <P>
        !           752: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           753: <P>
        !           754: <DL>
        !           755: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>s</B><DD><P>socket
        !           756: <DT><I>ip_addr</I> <B>local</B><DD><P>IP address of local side
        !           757: <DT><I>ip_addr</I> <B>remote</B><DD><P>IP address of remote side
        !           758: <DT><I>struct iface *</I> <B>ifa</B><DD><P>Interface for link-local IP address
        !           759: <DT><I>char *</I> <B>passwd</B><DD><P>Password used for MD5 authentication
        !           760: <DT><I>int</I> <B>setkey</B><DD><P>Update also system SA/SP database
        !           761: </DL>
        !           762: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           763: <P>In TCP MD5 handling code in kernel, there is a set of security associations
        !           764: used for choosing password and other authentication parameters according to
        !           765: the local and remote address. This function is useful for listening socket,
        !           766: for active sockets it may be enough to set s-&gt;password field.
        !           767: <P>When called with passwd != NULL, the new pair is added,
        !           768: When called with passwd == NULL, the existing pair is removed.
        !           769: <P>Note that while in Linux, the MD5 SAs are specific to socket, in BSD they are
        !           770: stored in global SA/SP database (but the behavior also must be enabled on
        !           771: per-socket basis). In case of multiple sockets to the same neighbor, the
        !           772: socket-specific state must be configured for each socket while global state
        !           773: just once per src-dst pair. The <B>setkey</B> argument controls whether the global
        !           774: state (SA/SP database) is also updated.
        !           775: <H3>Result</H3>
        !           776: <P>0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !           777: 
        !           778: 
        !           779: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           780: <P><I>int</I>
        !           781: <B>sk_set_ipv6_checksum</B>
        !           782: (<I>sock *</I> <B>s</B>, <I>int</I> <B>offset</B>) --     specify IPv6 checksum offset for given socket
        !           783: <P>
        !           784: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           785: <P>
        !           786: <DL>
        !           787: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>s</B><DD><P>socket
        !           788: <DT><I>int</I> <B>offset</B><DD><P>offset
        !           789: </DL>
        !           790: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           791: <P>Specify IPv6 checksum field offset for given raw IPv6 socket. After that, the
        !           792: kernel will automatically fill it for outgoing packets and check it for
        !           793: incoming packets. Should not be used on ICMPv6 sockets, where the position is
        !           794: known to the kernel.
        !           795: <H3>Result</H3>
        !           796: <P>0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !           797: 
        !           798: 
        !           799: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           800: <P><I>sock *</I>
        !           801: <B>sock_new</B>
        !           802: (<I>pool *</I> <B>p</B>) --     create a socket
        !           803: <P>
        !           804: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           805: <P>
        !           806: <DL>
        !           807: <DT><I>pool *</I> <B>p</B><DD><P>pool
        !           808: </DL>
        !           809: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           810: <P>This function creates a new socket resource. If you want to use it,
        !           811: you need to fill in all the required fields of the structure and
        !           812: call <B>sk_open()</B> to do the actual opening of the socket.
        !           813: <P>The real function name is <B>sock_new()</B>, <B>sk_new()</B> is a macro wrapper
        !           814: to avoid collision with OpenSSL.
        !           815: 
        !           816: 
        !           817: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           818: <P><I>int</I>
        !           819: <B>sk_open</B>
        !           820: (<I>sock *</I> <B>s</B>) --     open a socket
        !           821: <P>
        !           822: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           823: <P>
        !           824: <DL>
        !           825: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>s</B><DD><P>socket
        !           826: </DL>
        !           827: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           828: <P>This function takes a socket resource created by <B>sk_new()</B> and
        !           829: initialized by the user and binds a corresponding network connection
        !           830: to it.
        !           831: <H3>Result</H3>
        !           832: <P>0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !           833: 
        !           834: 
        !           835: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           836: <P><I>int</I>
        !           837: <B>sk_send</B>
        !           838: (<I>sock *</I> <B>s</B>, <I>unsigned</I> <B>len</B>) --     send data to a socket
        !           839: <P>
        !           840: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           841: <P>
        !           842: <DL>
        !           843: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>s</B><DD><P>socket
        !           844: <DT><I>unsigned</I> <B>len</B><DD><P>number of bytes to send
        !           845: </DL>
        !           846: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           847: <P>This function sends <B>len</B> bytes of data prepared in the
        !           848: transmit buffer of the socket <B>s</B> to the network connection.
        !           849: If the packet can be sent immediately, it does so and returns
        !           850: 1, else it queues the packet for later processing, returns 0
        !           851: and calls the <B>tx_hook</B> of the socket when the tranmission
        !           852: takes place.
        !           853: 
        !           854: 
        !           855: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           856: <P><I>int</I>
        !           857: <B>sk_send_to</B>
        !           858: (<I>sock *</I> <B>s</B>, <I>unsigned</I> <B>len</B>, <I>ip_addr</I> <B>addr</B>, <I>unsigned</I> <B>port</B>) --     send data to a specific destination
        !           859: <P>
        !           860: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           861: <P>
        !           862: <DL>
        !           863: <DT><I>sock *</I> <B>s</B><DD><P>socket
        !           864: <DT><I>unsigned</I> <B>len</B><DD><P>number of bytes to send
        !           865: <DT><I>ip_addr</I> <B>addr</B><DD><P>IP address to send the packet to
        !           866: <DT><I>unsigned</I> <B>port</B><DD><P>port to send the packet to
        !           867: </DL>
        !           868: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           869: <P>This is a <B>sk_send()</B> replacement for connection-less packet sockets
        !           870: which allows destination of the packet to be chosen dynamically.
        !           871: Raw IP sockets should use 0 for <B>port</B>.
        !           872: 
        !           873: 
        !           874: <HR><H3>Function</H3>
        !           875: <P><I>void</I>
        !           876: <B>io_log_event</B>
        !           877: (<I>void *</I> <B>hook</B>, <I>void *</I> <B>data</B>) --     mark approaching event into event log
        !           878: <P>
        !           879: <H3>Arguments</H3>
        !           880: <P>
        !           881: <DL>
        !           882: <DT><I>void *</I> <B>hook</B><DD><P>event hook address
        !           883: <DT><I>void *</I> <B>data</B><DD><P>event data address
        !           884: </DL>
        !           885: <H3>Description</H3>
        !           886: <P>Store info (hook, data, timestamp) about the following internal event into
        !           887: a circular event log (<B>event_log</B>). When latency tracking is enabled, the log
        !           888: entry is kept open (in <B>event_open</B>) so the duration can be filled later.
        !           889: 
        !           890: <P>
        !           891: <HR>
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