File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / bird / doc / sbase / dist /
Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs - revision graph
Tue Aug 22 12:33:54 2017 UTC (7 years, 1 month ago) by misho
Branches: bird, MAIN
CVS tags: v1_6_8p3, v1_6_3p0, v1_6_3, HEAD
bird 1.6.3

#  $Id:,v 2017/08/22 12:33:54 misho Exp $
#  LaTeX-specific driver stuff
#  © Copyright 1996, Cees de Groot
#  Support for PDF files: added by Juan Jose Amor, January 2000
#  © Copyright 2000, Juan Jose Amor
package LinuxDocTools::fmt_latex2e;
use strict;

use LinuxDocTools::CharEnts;
use LinuxDocTools::Vars;
use LinuxDocTools::Lang;

use File::Copy;

my $latex2e = {};
$latex2e->{NAME} = "latex2e";
$latex2e->{HELP} = <<EOF;
  Note that this output format requires LaTeX 2e.

$latex2e->{OPTIONS} = [
   { option => "output", type => "l", 
     'values' => [ "dvi", "tex", "ps", "pdf" ], short => "o" },
   { option => "bibtex", type => "f",  short => "b" },
   { option => "makeindex", type => "f",  short => "m" },
   { option => "pagenumber", type => "i", short => "n" },
   { option => "quick",  type => "f",  short => "q" },
   { option => "dvips",  type => "l",
     'values' => [ "dvips", "dvi2ps", "jdvi2kps" ], short => "s" },
   { option => "latex",  type => "l",  
     'values' => [ "latex", "hlatexp", "platex", "jlatex" ], short => "x" }
$latex2e->{output} = "tex";
$latex2e->{pagenumber} = 1;
$latex2e->{quick}  = 0;
$latex2e->{bibtex}  = 0;
$latex2e->{makeindex} = 0;
$latex2e->{latex} = "unknown";
$latex2e->{dvips} = "unknown";
$Formats{$latex2e->{NAME}} = $latex2e;

$latex2e->{preNSGMLS} = sub {
  $global->{NsgmlsOpts} .= " -ifmttex ";

  #  for Japanese jlatex users
  if ($global->{language} eq "ja" && $latex2e->{latex} eq "unknown") {
  	$latex2e->{latex} = "jlatex";
	$latex2e->{dvips} = "dvi2ps";
  # for Japanese platex users
  #	$latex2e->{latex} = "platex";
  #	$latex2e->{dvips} = "dvips";

  # for Korean users
  if ($global->{language} eq "ko" && $latex2e->{latex} eq "unknown") {
  	$latex2e->{latex} = "hlatexp";

  # default process command
  $latex2e->{latex} = "latex" if ($latex2e->{latex} eq "unknown");
  $latex2e->{dvips} = "dvips" if ($latex2e->{dvips} eq "unknown");

  $global->{NsgmlsPrePipe} = "cat $global->{file} ";

# extra `\\' here for standard `nsgmls' output
my %latex2e_escapes;
$latex2e_escapes{'#'} = '\\\\#';
$latex2e_escapes{'$'} = '\\\\$';
$latex2e_escapes{'%'} = '\\\\%';
$latex2e_escapes{'&'} = '\\\\&';
$latex2e_escapes{'~'} = '\\\\~{}';
$latex2e_escapes{'_'} = '\\\\_';
$latex2e_escapes{'^'} = '\\\\^{}';
$latex2e_escapes{'\\'} = '\\verb+\\+';
$latex2e_escapes{'{'} = '\\\\{';
$latex2e_escapes{'}'} = '\\\\}';
$latex2e_escapes{'>'} = '{$>$}';
$latex2e_escapes{'<'} = '{$<$}';	# wouldn't happen, but that's what'd be
$latex2e_escapes{'|'} = '{$|$}';

my $in_verb;
my $remove_comment; # added 2000 Jan 25 by t.sano

# passed to `parse_data' below in latex2e_preASP
my $latex2e_escape = sub {
    my ($data) = @_;

    if (!$in_verb) {
	# escape special characters
	$data =~ s|([#\$%&~_^\\{}<>\|])|$latex2e_escapes{$1}|ge;

    return ($data);

#  Translate character entities and escape LaTeX special chars.
$latex2e->{preASP} = sub
  my ($infile, $outfile) = @_;

  # note the conversion of `sdata_dirs' list to an anonymous array to
  # make a single argument
  my $tex_char_maps = load_char_maps ('.2tex', [ Text::EntityMap::sdata_dirs() ]);

  # ASCII char maps are used in the verbatim environment because TeX
  # ignores all the escapes
  my $ascii_char_maps = load_char_maps ('.2ab', [ Text::EntityMap::sdata_dirs() ]);
  $ascii_char_maps = load_char_maps ('.2l1b', [ Text::EntityMap::sdata_dirs() ]) if $global->{charset} eq "latin";

  my $char_maps = $tex_char_maps;

  # used in `latex2e_escape' anonymous sub to switch between escaping
  # characters from SGML source or not, depending on whether we're in
  # a VERB or CODE environment or not
  $in_verb = 0;

  # switch to remove empty line from TeX source or not, depending
  # on whether we're in a HEADING or ABSTRACT environment or not
  $remove_comment = 0;

  while (<$infile>)
      if (/^-/)
	    my ($str) = $';
	    chop ($str);
	    $_ = parse_data ($str, $char_maps, $latex2e_escape);
	    if ($remove_comment)
	    print $outfile "-" . $_ . "\n";
      elsif (/^A/)
	      || die "bad attribute data: $_\n";
	  my ($name,$type,$value) = ($1,$2,$4);
	  if ($type eq "CDATA")
	      # CDATA attributes get translated also
	      if ($name eq "URL" or $name eq "ID" or $name eq "CA")
		  # URL for url.sty is a kind of verbatim...
		  # CA is used in "tabular" element.
		  # Thanks to Evgeny Stambulchik, he posted this fix
		  # on sgml-tools list. 2000 May 17, t.sano
		  my $old_verb = $in_verb;
		  $in_verb = 1;
		  $value = parse_data ($value, $ascii_char_maps, 
		  $in_verb = $old_verb;
	          $value = parse_data ($value, $char_maps, $latex2e_escape);
	  print $outfile "A$name $type $value\n";
      elsif (/^\((VERB|CODE)/)
	  print $outfile $_;
	  # going into VERB/CODE section
	  $in_verb = 1;
	  $char_maps = $ascii_char_maps;
      elsif (/^\)(VERB|CODE)/)
	  print $outfile $_;
	  # leaving VERB/CODE section
	  $in_verb = 0;
	  $char_maps = $tex_char_maps;
      elsif (/^\((HEADING|ABSTRACT)/)
	  print $outfile $_;
	  # empty lines (comment in sgml source) do harm 
          # in HEADING or ABSTRACT
	  $remove_comment = 1;
      elsif (/^\)(HEADING|ABSTRACT)/)
	  print $outfile $_;
	  # leaving HEADING or ABSTRACT section
	  $remove_comment = 0;
	  print $outfile $_;

# return the string of the name of the macro for urldef
sub latex2e_defnam($)
    my ($num) = @_;

    if ($num > 26*26*26) {
       die "Too many URLs!\n";

    my $anum = ord("a");

    my $defnam = chr ($anum + ($num / 26 / 26)) .
                 chr ($anum + ($num / 26 % 26)) .
                 chr ($anum + ($num % 26));

    return ($defnam);

#  Take the sgmlsasp output, and make something
#  useful from it.
$latex2e->{postASP} = sub
  my $infile = shift;
  my $filename = $global->{filename};
  my $tmplatexdir = $global->{tmpbase} . "-latex-" . $$ . ".dir";
  my $tmplatexnam = $tmplatexdir . "/" . $filename;
  my @epsfiles = ();
  my @texlines = ();
  my @urldefines = ();
  my @urlnames = ();
  my $urlnum = 0;
  my $tmpepsf;
  my $saved_umask = umask;
  $ENV{TEXINPUTS} .= ":$main::DataDir";

  umask 0077;
  mkdir ($tmplatexdir, 0700) || return -1;

  # check epsfile is specified in source file
  # check nameurl specified in source file
      my $epsf;
      open SGMLFILE, "<$filename.sgml";
      while (<SGMLFILE>)
	# for epsfile
           if ( s/^\s*<eps\s+file=(.*)>/$1/ )
               $epsf = $_;
               chop ( $epsf );
               push @epsfiles, $epsf;
           if ($latex2e->{output} eq "pdf")
	       if ( s/^\s*<img\s+src=(.*)>/$1/ )
                   $epsf = $_;
                   chop ( $epsf );
                   push @epsfiles, $epsf;
      close SGMLFILE;
      my $urlid;
      my $urlnam;
      my $urldef;
      while (<$infile>)
	   push @texlines, $_;
	# for nameurl
	   if ( /\\nameurl/ )
		($urlid, $urlnam) = ($_ =~ /\\nameurl\{(.*)\}\{(.*)\}/);
		print $urlnum . ": " . $urlid . "\n" if ( $global->{debug} );

		$urldef = latex2e_defnam($urlnum) . "url";
		s/\\nameurl\{.*\}\{.*\}/{\\em $urlnam} {\\tt \\$urldef}/;
		push @urlnames, $_;
		push @urldefines, "\\urldef{\\$urldef} \\url{$urlid}\n";
      close $infile;

  open OUTFILE, ">$tmplatexnam.tex";
  #  Set the correct \documentclass options.
      my $langlit = ISO2English ($global->{language});
      $langlit = ($langlit eq 'english') ? "" : ",$langlit"; 
      my $replace = $global->{papersize} . 'paper' .   $langlit;
      my $hlatexopt = "";
      $global->{charset} = "nippon" if ($global->{language} eq "ja");
      $global->{charset} = "euc-kr" if ($global->{language} eq "ko");
      $replace = $global->{papersize} . 'paper' if ($global->{charset} eq "nippon") || ($global->{charset} eq "euc-kr");
      while (defined($texlines[0]))
	  $_ = shift @texlines;
          if (/^\\documentclass/) 
	      if ($global->{language} ne "en" ||
		  $global->{papersize} ne "a4")
	      if ($global->{charset} eq "nippon") {
		 if ($latex2e->{latex} eq "platex") {
		 } elsif ($latex2e->{latex} eq "jlatex") {
              $_ = $_ . "\\makeindex\n" if ($latex2e->{makeindex});
          if (/^\\usepackage.epsfig/ && ($global->{charset} eq "euc-kr"))
              $hlatexopt = "[noautojosa]" if ($latex2e->{latex} eq "hlatexp");
              $_ = $_ . "\\usepackage" . "$hlatexopt" . "{hangul}\n"
          if ((/\\usepackage.t1enc/) &&
		 (($global->{charset} eq "nippon") || 
		  ($global->{charset} eq "euc-kr")))
          if (/%end-preamble/)
	      if ($latex2e->{pagenumber}) 
		  $_ = $_ . '\setcounter{page}{'. 
		       $latex2e->{pagenumber} . "}\n";
		  $_ = $_ . "\\pagestyle{empty}\n";
	      $_ = $_ . $global->{pass} . "\n" if ($global->{pass});
       	  if (/\\nameurl/ && $latex2e->{output} ne "pdf")
		$_ = shift @urlnames;
	  print OUTFILE;
          if (/%end-preamble/)
		if ($urlnum && $latex2e->{output} ne "pdf")
			while (defined($urldefines[0]))
				$_ = shift @urldefines;
				print OUTFILE;
  close OUTFILE;

  #  LaTeX, dvips, and assorted cleanups.
  if ($latex2e->{output} eq "tex")
# comment out, because this backup action is not documented yet.
#      if ( -e "$filename.tex" ) {
#         rename ("$filename.tex", "$filename.tex.back");
#      }

      umask $saved_umask;
      copy ("$tmplatexnam.tex", "$filename.tex");
      if ( ! $global->{debug} )
          unlink ("$tmplatexnam.tex");
          rmdir ($tmplatexdir) || return -1;

      return 0; 

  # Run LaTeX in nonstop mode so it won't prompt & hang on errors.
  # Suppress the output of LaTeX on all but the last pass, after
  # references have been resolved.  This avoids large numbers of
  # spurious warnings.
  my $current_dir;
  chop ($current_dir = `pwd`);
  print $current_dir . "\n" if ( $global->{debug} );

  # copy epsfiles specified in tex file
  for my $epsf ( @epsfiles )
      $tmpepsf = $tmplatexdir . "/" . $epsf; 
      print $epsf . " " . $tmpepsf . "\n" if ( $global->{debug} );
      copy ("$epsf", "$tmpepsf") or die "can not copy graphics\n";

  # go to the temporary directory
  chdir ($tmplatexdir);

  my ($latexcommand) = "$latex2e->{latex} '\\nonstopmode\\input{$filename.tex}'";

  # We run pdflatex instead of latex if user selected pdf output
  if ($latex2e->{output} eq "pdf")
      $latexcommand = "pdflatex '\\nonstopmode\\input{$filename.tex}'";

  # run hlatex if hlatexp is used
  # for pdf: how about status?(for hlatex and hlatexp)
  if ($latex2e->{latex} eq "hlatexp")
      #$latex2e->{output} = "ps" if ($latex2e->{output} eq "pdf");
      $latexcommand = "hlatex '\\nonstopmode\\input{$filename.tex}'";

  # We use jlatex for Japanese encoded (euc-jp) characters.
  # pdf support for Japanese are not yet. use ps for the time being.
  if ($global->{charset} eq "nippon")
      $latex2e->{output} = "ps" if ($latex2e->{output} eq "pdf");
      $latexcommand = "$latex2e->{latex} '\\nonstopmode\\input{$filename.tex}'"
  my ($suppress) = $latex2e->{quick} ? "" : ' >/dev/null';

  system $latexcommand . $suppress  || die "LaTeX problem\n";
  $latex2e->{bibtex} && system "bibtex $filename.tex";
  $latex2e->{quick} || system $latexcommand . ' >/dev/null';
  $latex2e->{quick} || system $latexcommand;
  if ( ! $global->{debug} )
      my @suffixes = qw(log blg aux toc lof lot dlog bbl out);
      for my $suf (@suffixes)
          unlink "$tmplatexnam.$suf";
  # go back to the working directory
  chdir ($current_dir);
  # output dvi file
  if ($latex2e->{output} eq "dvi")
# comment out, because this backup action is not documented yet.
#      if ( -e "$filename.dvi" )
#        {
#          rename ("$filename.dvi", "$filename.dvi.back");
#        }
      umask $saved_umask;
      copy ("$tmplatexnam.dvi", "$filename.dvi");
      if ( $global->{debug} )
          print "Temporary files are in $tmplatexdir\n";
          print "Please check there and remove them manually.\n";
        } else {
          unlink ("$tmplatexnam.tex", "$tmplatexnam.dvi");
          for my $epsf ( @epsfiles )
               $tmpepsf = $tmplatexdir . "/" . $epsf; 
               print $tmpepsf . "\n" if ( $global->{debug} );
               unlink ("$tmpepsf");
          rmdir ($tmplatexdir) || return -1;
      return 0;
  # output pdf file
  if ($latex2e->{output} eq "pdf")
# comment out, because this backup action is not documented yet.
#      if ( -e "$filename.pdf" )
#        {
#          rename ("$filename.pdf", "$filename.pdf.back");
#        }
      umask $saved_umask;
      copy ("$tmplatexnam.pdf", "$filename.pdf");
      if ( $global->{debug} )
          print "Temporary files are in $tmplatexdir\n";
          print "Please check there and remove them manually.\n";
        } else {
          unlink ("$tmplatexnam.tex", "$tmplatexnam.pdf");
          for my $epsf ( @epsfiles )
               $tmpepsf = $tmplatexdir . "/" . $epsf; 
               print $tmpepsf . "\n" if ( $global->{debug} );
               unlink ("$tmpepsf");
          rmdir ($tmplatexdir) || return -1;
      return 0;
  # convert dvi into ps using dvips command
  chdir ($tmplatexdir);
  if ($latex2e->{dvips} eq "dvi2ps")
      `dvi2ps -q -o $global->{papersize} -c $ $filename.dvi`;
  elsif ($latex2e->{dvips} eq "jdvi2kps")
      `jdvi2kps -q -pa $global->{papersize} -o $ $filename.dvi`;
      `dvips -R -q -t $global->{papersize} -o $ $filename.dvi`;

  chdir ($current_dir);

# comment out, because this backup action is not documented yet.
#  if ( -e "$" )
#    {
#      rename ("$", "$");
#    }
  umask $saved_umask;
  copy ("$", "$");
  unlink ("$");
  if ( $global->{debug} )
      print "Temporary files are in $tmplatexdir\n";
      print "Please check there and remove them manually.\n";
    } else {
      unlink ("$tmplatexnam.tex", "$tmplatexnam.dvi", "$");
      for my $epsf ( @epsfiles )
           $tmpepsf = $tmplatexdir . "/" . $epsf; 
           print $tmpepsf . "\n" if ( $global->{debug} );
           unlink ("$tmpepsf");
      rmdir ($tmplatexdir) || return -1;
  return 0;



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