Annotation of embedaddon/bird/nest/cli.c, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: /*
        !             2:  *     BIRD Internet Routing Daemon -- Command-Line Interface
        !             3:  *
        !             4:  *     (c) 1999--2000 Martin Mares <>
        !             5:  *
        !             6:  *     Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL.
        !             7:  */
        !             8: 
        !             9: /**
        !            10:  * DOC: Command line interface
        !            11:  *
        !            12:  * This module takes care of the BIRD's command-line interface (CLI).
        !            13:  * The CLI exists to provide a way to control BIRD remotely and to inspect
        !            14:  * its status. It uses a very simple textual protocol over a stream
        !            15:  * connection provided by the platform dependent code (on UNIX systems,
        !            16:  * it's a UNIX domain socket).
        !            17:  *
        !            18:  * Each session of the CLI consists of a sequence of request and replies,
        !            19:  * slightly resembling the FTP and SMTP protocols.
        !            20:  * Requests are commands encoded as a single line of text, replies are
        !            21:  * sequences of lines starting with a four-digit code followed by either
        !            22:  * a space (if it's the last line of the reply) or a minus sign (when the
        !            23:  * reply is going to continue with the next line), the rest of the line
        !            24:  * contains a textual message semantics of which depends on the numeric
        !            25:  * code. If a reply line has the same code as the previous one and it's
        !            26:  * a continuation line, the whole prefix can be replaced by a single
        !            27:  * white space character.
        !            28:  *
        !            29:  * Reply codes starting with 0 stand for `action successfully completed' messages,
        !            30:  * 1 means `table entry', 8 `runtime error' and 9 `syntax error'.
        !            31:  *
        !            32:  * Each CLI session is internally represented by a &cli structure and a
        !            33:  * resource pool containing all resources associated with the connection,
        !            34:  * so that it can be easily freed whenever the connection gets closed, not depending
        !            35:  * on the current state of command processing.
        !            36:  *
        !            37:  * The CLI commands are declared as a part of the configuration grammar
        !            38:  * by using the |CF_CLI| macro. When a command is received, it is processed
        !            39:  * by the same lexical analyzer and parser as used for the configuration, but
        !            40:  * it's switched to a special mode by prepending a fake token to the text,
        !            41:  * so that it uses only the CLI command rules. Then the parser invokes
        !            42:  * an execution routine corresponding to the command, which either constructs
        !            43:  * the whole reply and returns it back or (in case it expects the reply will be long)
        !            44:  * it prints a partial reply and asks the CLI module (using the @cont hook)
        !            45:  * to call it again when the output is transferred to the user.
        !            46:  *
        !            47:  * The @this_cli variable points to a &cli structure of the session being
        !            48:  * currently parsed, but it's of course available only in command handlers
        !            49:  * not entered using the @cont hook.
        !            50:  *
        !            51:  * TX buffer management works as follows: At cli.tx_buf there is a
        !            52:  * list of TX buffers (struct cli_out), cli.tx_write is the buffer
        !            53:  * currently used by the producer (cli_printf(), cli_alloc_out()) and
        !            54:  * cli.tx_pos is the buffer currently used by the consumer
        !            55:  * (cli_write(), in system dependent code). The producer uses
        !            56:  * cli_out.wpos ptr as the current write position and the consumer
        !            57:  * uses cli_out.outpos ptr as the current read position. When the
        !            58:  * producer produces something, it calls cli_write_trigger(). If there
        !            59:  * is not enough space in the current buffer, the producer allocates
        !            60:  * the new one. When the consumer processes everything in the buffer
        !            61:  * queue, it calls cli_written(), tha frees all buffers (except the
        !            62:  * first one) and schedules cli.event .
        !            63:  * 
        !            64:  */
        !            65: 
        !            66: #include "nest/bird.h"
        !            67: #include "nest/cli.h"
        !            68: #include "conf/conf.h"
        !            69: #include "lib/string.h"
        !            70: 
        !            71: pool *cli_pool;
        !            72: 
        !            73: static byte *
        !            74: cli_alloc_out(cli *c, int size)
        !            75: {
        !            76:   struct cli_out *o;
        !            77: 
        !            78:   if (!(o = c->tx_write) || o->wpos + size > o->end)
        !            79:     {
        !            80:       if (!o && c->tx_buf)
        !            81:        o = c->tx_buf;
        !            82:       else
        !            83:        {
        !            84:          o = mb_alloc(c->pool, sizeof(struct cli_out) + CLI_TX_BUF_SIZE);
        !            85:          if (c->tx_write)
        !            86:            c->tx_write->next = o;
        !            87:          else
        !            88:            c->tx_buf = o;
        !            89:          o->wpos = o->outpos = o->buf;
        !            90:          o->end = o->buf + CLI_TX_BUF_SIZE;
        !            91:        }
        !            92:       c->tx_write = o;
        !            93:       if (!c->tx_pos)
        !            94:        c->tx_pos = o;
        !            95:       o->next = NULL;
        !            96:     }
        !            97:   o->wpos += size;
        !            98:   return o->wpos - size;
        !            99: }
        !           100: 
        !           101: /**
        !           102:  * cli_printf - send reply to a CLI connection
        !           103:  * @c: CLI connection
        !           104:  * @code: numeric code of the reply, negative for continuation lines
        !           105:  * @msg: a printf()-like formatting string.
        !           106:  *
        !           107:  * This function send a single line of reply to a given CLI connection.
        !           108:  * In works in all aspects like bsprintf() except that it automatically
        !           109:  * prepends the reply line prefix.
        !           110:  *
        !           111:  * Please note that if the connection can be already busy sending some
        !           112:  * data in which case cli_printf() stores the output to a temporary buffer,
        !           113:  * so please avoid sending a large batch of replies without waiting
        !           114:  * for the buffers to be flushed.
        !           115:  *
        !           116:  * If you want to write to the current CLI output, you can use the cli_msg()
        !           117:  * macro instead.
        !           118:  */
        !           119: void
        !           120: cli_printf(cli *c, int code, char *msg, ...)
        !           121: {
        !           122:   va_list args;
        !           123:   byte buf[CLI_LINE_SIZE];
        !           124:   int cd = code;
        !           125:   int errcode;
        !           126:   int size, cnt;
        !           127: 
        !           128:   if (cd < 0)
        !           129:     {
        !           130:       cd = -cd;
        !           131:       if (cd == c->last_reply)
        !           132:        size = bsprintf(buf, " ");
        !           133:       else
        !           134:        size = bsprintf(buf, "%04d-", cd);
        !           135:       errcode = -8000;
        !           136:     }
        !           137:   else if (cd == CLI_ASYNC_CODE)
        !           138:     {
        !           139:       size = 1; buf[0] = '+'; 
        !           140:       errcode = cd;
        !           141:     }
        !           142:   else
        !           143:     {
        !           144:       size = bsprintf(buf, "%04d ", cd);
        !           145:       errcode = 8000;
        !           146:     }
        !           147: 
        !           148:   c->last_reply = cd;
        !           149:   va_start(args, msg);
        !           150:   cnt = bvsnprintf(buf+size, sizeof(buf)-size-1, msg, args);
        !           151:   va_end(args);
        !           152:   if (cnt < 0)
        !           153:     {
        !           154:       cli_printf(c, errcode, "<line overflow>");
        !           155:       return;
        !           156:     }
        !           157:   size += cnt;
        !           158:   buf[size++] = '\n';
        !           159:   memcpy(cli_alloc_out(c, size), buf, size);
        !           160: }
        !           161: 
        !           162: static void
        !           163: cli_copy_message(cli *c)
        !           164: {
        !           165:   byte *p, *q;
        !           166:   uint cnt = 2;
        !           167: 
        !           168:   if (c->ring_overflow)
        !           169:     {
        !           170:       byte buf[64];
        !           171:       int n = bsprintf(buf, "<%d messages lost>\n", c->ring_overflow);
        !           172:       c->ring_overflow = 0;
        !           173:       memcpy(cli_alloc_out(c, n), buf, n);
        !           174:     }
        !           175:   p = c->ring_read;
        !           176:   while (*p)
        !           177:     {
        !           178:       cnt++;
        !           179:       p++;
        !           180:       if (p == c->ring_end)
        !           181:        p = c->ring_buf;
        !           182:       ASSERT(p != c->ring_write);
        !           183:     }
        !           184:   c->async_msg_size += cnt;
        !           185:   q = cli_alloc_out(c, cnt);
        !           186:   *q++ = '+';
        !           187:   p = c->ring_read;
        !           188:   do
        !           189:     {
        !           190:       *q = *p++;
        !           191:       if (p == c->ring_end)
        !           192:        p = c->ring_buf;
        !           193:     }
        !           194:   while (*q++);
        !           195:   c->ring_read = p;
        !           196:   q[-1] = '\n';
        !           197: }
        !           198: 
        !           199: static void
        !           200: cli_hello(cli *c)
        !           201: {
        !           202:   cli_printf(c, 1, "BIRD " BIRD_VERSION " ready.");
        !           203:   c->cont = NULL;
        !           204: }
        !           205: 
        !           206: static void
        !           207: cli_free_out(cli *c)
        !           208: {
        !           209:   struct cli_out *o, *p;
        !           210: 
        !           211:   if (o = c->tx_buf)
        !           212:     {
        !           213:       o->wpos = o->outpos = o->buf;
        !           214:       while (p = o->next)
        !           215:        {
        !           216:          o->next = p->next;
        !           217:          mb_free(p);
        !           218:        }
        !           219:     }
        !           220:   c->tx_write = c->tx_pos = NULL;
        !           221:   c->async_msg_size = 0;
        !           222: }
        !           223: 
        !           224: void
        !           225: cli_written(cli *c)
        !           226: {
        !           227:   cli_free_out(c);
        !           228:   ev_schedule(c->event);
        !           229: }
        !           230: 
        !           231: 
        !           232: static byte *cli_rh_pos;
        !           233: static uint cli_rh_len;
        !           234: static int cli_rh_trick_flag;
        !           235: struct cli *this_cli;
        !           236: 
        !           237: static int
        !           238: cli_cmd_read_hook(byte *buf, uint max, UNUSED int fd)
        !           239: {
        !           240:   if (!cli_rh_trick_flag)
        !           241:     {
        !           242:       cli_rh_trick_flag = 1;
        !           243:       buf[0] = '!';
        !           244:       return 1;
        !           245:     }
        !           246:   if (max > cli_rh_len)
        !           247:     max = cli_rh_len;
        !           248:   memcpy(buf, cli_rh_pos, max);
        !           249:   cli_rh_pos += max;
        !           250:   cli_rh_len -= max;
        !           251:   return max;
        !           252: }
        !           253: 
        !           254: static void
        !           255: cli_command(struct cli *c)
        !           256: {
        !           257:   struct config f;
        !           258:   int res;
        !           259: 
        !           260:   if (config->cli_debug > 1)
        !           261:     log(L_TRACE "CLI: %s", c->rx_buf);
        !           262:   bzero(&f, sizeof(f));
        !           263:   f.mem = c->parser_pool;
        !           264:   cf_read_hook = cli_cmd_read_hook;
        !           265:   cli_rh_pos = c->rx_buf;
        !           266:   cli_rh_len = strlen(c->rx_buf);
        !           267:   cli_rh_trick_flag = 0;
        !           268:   this_cli = c;
        !           269:   lp_flush(c->parser_pool);
        !           270:   res = cli_parse(&f);
        !           271:   if (!res)
        !           272:     cli_printf(c, 9001, f.err_msg);
        !           273: }
        !           274: 
        !           275: static void
        !           276: cli_event(void *data)
        !           277: {
        !           278:   cli *c = data;
        !           279:   int err;
        !           280: 
        !           281:   while (c->ring_read != c->ring_write &&
        !           282:       c->async_msg_size < CLI_MAX_ASYNC_QUEUE)
        !           283:     cli_copy_message(c);
        !           284: 
        !           285:   if (c->tx_pos)
        !           286:     ;
        !           287:   else if (c->cont)
        !           288:     c->cont(c);
        !           289:   else
        !           290:     {
        !           291:       err = cli_get_command(c);
        !           292:       if (!err)
        !           293:        return;
        !           294:       if (err < 0)
        !           295:        cli_printf(c, 9000, "Command too long");
        !           296:       else
        !           297:        cli_command(c);
        !           298:     }
        !           299: 
        !           300:   cli_write_trigger(c);
        !           301: }
        !           302: 
        !           303: cli *
        !           304: cli_new(void *priv)
        !           305: {
        !           306:   pool *p = rp_new(cli_pool, "CLI");
        !           307:   cli *c = mb_alloc(p, sizeof(cli));
        !           308: 
        !           309:   bzero(c, sizeof(cli));
        !           310:   c->pool = p;
        !           311:   c->priv = priv;
        !           312:   c->event = ev_new(p);
        !           313:   c->event->hook = cli_event;
        !           314:   c->event->data = c;
        !           315:   c->cont = cli_hello;
        !           316:   c->parser_pool = lp_new(c->pool, 4096);
        !           317:   c->rx_buf = mb_alloc(c->pool, CLI_RX_BUF_SIZE);
        !           318:   ev_schedule(c->event);
        !           319:   return c;
        !           320: }
        !           321: 
        !           322: void
        !           323: cli_kick(cli *c)
        !           324: {
        !           325:   if (!c->cont && !c->tx_pos)
        !           326:     ev_schedule(c->event);
        !           327: }
        !           328: 
        !           329: static list cli_log_hooks;
        !           330: static int cli_log_inited;
        !           331: 
        !           332: void
        !           333: cli_set_log_echo(cli *c, uint mask, uint size)
        !           334: {
        !           335:   if (c->ring_buf)
        !           336:     {
        !           337:       mb_free(c->ring_buf);
        !           338:       c->ring_buf = c->ring_end = c->ring_read = c->ring_write = NULL;
        !           339:       rem_node(&c->n);
        !           340:     }
        !           341:   c->log_mask = mask;
        !           342:   if (mask && size)
        !           343:     {
        !           344:       c->ring_buf = mb_alloc(c->pool, size);
        !           345:       c->ring_end = c->ring_buf + size;
        !           346:       c->ring_read = c->ring_write = c->ring_buf;
        !           347:       add_tail(&cli_log_hooks, &c->n);
        !           348:       c->log_threshold = size / 8;
        !           349:     }
        !           350:   c->ring_overflow = 0;
        !           351: }
        !           352: 
        !           353: void
        !           354: cli_echo(uint class, byte *msg)
        !           355: {
        !           356:   unsigned len, free, i, l;
        !           357:   cli *c;
        !           358:   byte *m;
        !           359: 
        !           360:   if (!cli_log_inited || EMPTY_LIST(cli_log_hooks))
        !           361:     return;
        !           362:   len = strlen(msg) + 1;
        !           363:   WALK_LIST(c, cli_log_hooks)
        !           364:     {
        !           365:       if (!(c->log_mask & (1 << class)))
        !           366:        continue;
        !           367:       if (c->ring_read <= c->ring_write)
        !           368:        free = (c->ring_end - c->ring_buf) - (c->ring_write - c->ring_read + 1);
        !           369:       else
        !           370:        free = c->ring_read - c->ring_write - 1;
        !           371:       if ((len > free) ||
        !           372:          (free < c->log_threshold && class < (unsigned) L_INFO[0]))
        !           373:        {
        !           374:          c->ring_overflow++;
        !           375:          continue;
        !           376:        }
        !           377:       if (c->ring_read == c->ring_write)
        !           378:        ev_schedule(c->event);
        !           379:       m = msg;
        !           380:       l = len;
        !           381:       while (l)
        !           382:        {
        !           383:          if (c->ring_read <= c->ring_write)
        !           384:            i = c->ring_end - c->ring_write;
        !           385:          else
        !           386:            i = c->ring_read - c->ring_write;
        !           387:          if (i > l)
        !           388:            i = l;
        !           389:          memcpy(c->ring_write, m, i);
        !           390:          m += i;
        !           391:          l -= i;
        !           392:          c->ring_write += i;
        !           393:          if (c->ring_write == c->ring_end)
        !           394:            c->ring_write = c->ring_buf;
        !           395:        }
        !           396:     }
        !           397: }
        !           398: 
        !           399: /* Hack for scheduled undo notification */
        !           400: extern cli *cmd_reconfig_stored_cli;
        !           401: 
        !           402: void
        !           403: cli_free(cli *c)
        !           404: {
        !           405:   cli_set_log_echo(c, 0, 0);
        !           406:   if (c->cleanup)
        !           407:     c->cleanup(c);
        !           408:   if (c == cmd_reconfig_stored_cli)
        !           409:     cmd_reconfig_stored_cli = NULL;
        !           410:   rfree(c->pool);
        !           411: }
        !           412: 
        !           413: /**
        !           414:  * cli_init - initialize the CLI module
        !           415:  *
        !           416:  * This function is called during BIRD startup to initialize
        !           417:  * the internal data structures of the CLI module.
        !           418:  */
        !           419: void
        !           420: cli_init(void)
        !           421: {
        !           422:   cli_pool = rp_new(&root_pool, "CLI");
        !           423:   init_list(&cli_log_hooks);
        !           424:   cli_log_inited = 1;
        !           425: }

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