Annotation of embedaddon/bird2/doc/prog.sgml, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: <!doctype birddoc system>
        !             2: 
        !             3: <!--
        !             4:     BIRD: Programmer's Documentation
        !             5: 
        !             6:     Copyright (c) 2000 Martin Mares <>
        !             7:  -->
        !             8: 
        !             9: <book>
        !            10: <progdoc>
        !            11: 
        !            12: <title>BIRD Programmer's Documentation
        !            13: <author>
        !            14: Ondrej Filip <it/&lt;;/,
        !            15: Pavel Machek <it/&lt;;/,
        !            16: Martin Mares <it/&lt;;/,
        !            17: Ondrej Zajicek <it/&lt;;/
        !            18: </author>
        !            19: 
        !            20: <abstract>
        !            21: This document contains programmer's documentation for the BIRD Internet Routing Daemon project.
        !            22: </abstract>
        !            23: 
        !            24: <!-- Table of contents -->
        !            25: <toc>
        !            26: 
        !            27: <!-- Begin the document -->
        !            28: <chapt>BIRD Design
        !            29: 
        !            30: <sect>Introduction
        !            31: 
        !            32: <p>This document describes the internal workings of BIRD, its architecture,
        !            33: design decisions and rationale behind them. It also contains documentation on
        !            34: all the essential components of the system and their interfaces.
        !            35: 
        !            36: <p>Routing daemons are complicated things which need to act in real time
        !            37: to complex sequences of external events, respond correctly even to the most erroneous behavior
        !            38: of their environment and still handle enormous amount of data with reasonable
        !            39: speed. Due to all of this, their design is very tricky as one needs to carefully
        !            40: balance between efficiency, stability and (last, but not least) simplicity of
        !            41: the program and it would be possible to write literally hundreds of pages about
        !            42: all of these issues. In accordance to the famous quote of Anton Chekhov "Shortness
        !            43: is a sister of talent", we've tried to write a much shorter document highlighting
        !            44: the most important stuff and leaving the boring technical details better explained
        !            45: by the program source itself together with comments contained therein.
        !            46: 
        !            47: <sect>Design goals
        !            48: 
        !            49: <p>When planning the architecture of BIRD, we've taken a close look at the other existing routing
        !            50: daemons and also at some of the operating systems used on dedicated routers, gathered all important
        !            51: features and added lots of new ones to overcome their shortcomings and to better match the requirements
        !            52: of routing in today's Internet: IPv6, policy routing, route filtering and so on. From this
        !            53: planning, the following set of design goals has arisen:
        !            54: 
        !            55: <itemize>
        !            56: 
        !            57: <item><it>Support all the standard routing protocols and make it easy to add new ones.</it>
        !            58: This leads to modularity and clean separation between the core and the protocols.
        !            59: 
        !            60: <item><it>Support both IPv4 and IPv6 in the same source tree, re-using most of the code.</it>
        !            61: This leads to abstraction of IP addresses and operations on them.
        !            62: 
        !            63: <item><it>Minimize OS dependent code to make porting as easy as possible.</it>
        !            64: Unfortunately, such code cannot be avoided at all as the details of communication with
        !            65: the IP stack differ from OS to OS and they often vary even between different
        !            66: versions of the same OS. But we can isolate such code in special modules and
        !            67: do the porting by changing or replacing just these modules.
        !            68: Also, don't rely on specific features of various operating systems, but be able
        !            69: to make use of them if they are available.
        !            70: 
        !            71: <item><it>Allow multiple routing tables.</it>
        !            72: Easily solvable by abstracting out routing tables and the corresponding operations.
        !            73: 
        !            74: <item><it>Offer powerful route filtering.</it>
        !            75: There already were several attempts to incorporate route filters to a dynamic router,
        !            76: but most of them have used simple sequences of filtering rules which were very inflexible
        !            77: and hard to use for non-trivial filters. We've decided to employ a simple loop-free
        !            78: programming language having access to all the route attributes and being able to
        !            79: modify the most of them.
        !            80: 
        !            81: <item><it>Support easy configuration and re-configuration.</it>
        !            82: Most routers use a simple configuration language designed ad hoc with no structure at all
        !            83: and allow online changes of configuration by using their command-line interface, thus
        !            84: any complex re-configurations are hard to achieve without replacing the configuration
        !            85: file and restarting the whole router. We've decided to use a more general approach: to
        !            86: have a configuration defined in a context-free language with blocks and nesting, to
        !            87: perform all configuration changes by editing the configuration file, but to be able
        !            88: to read the new configuration and smoothly adapt to it without disturbing parts of
        !            89: the routing process which are not affected by the change.
        !            90: 
        !            91: <item><it>Be able to be controlled online.</it>
        !            92: In addition to the online reconfiguration, a routing daemon should be able to communicate
        !            93: with the user and with many other programs (primarily scripts used for network maintenance)
        !            94: in order to make it possible to inspect contents of routing tables, status of all
        !            95: routing protocols and also to control their behavior (disable, enable or reset a protocol without restarting all the others). To achieve
        !            96: this, we implement a simple command-line protocol based on those used by FTP and SMTP
        !            97: (that is textual commands and textual replies accompanied by a numeric code which makes
        !            98: them both readable to a human and easy to recognize in software).
        !            99: 
        !           100: <item><it>Respond to all events in real time.</it>
        !           101: A typical solution to this problem is to use lots of threads to separate the workings
        !           102: of all the routing protocols and also of the user interface parts and to hope that
        !           103: the scheduler will assign time to them in a fair enough manner. This is surely a good
        !           104: solution, but we have resisted the temptation and preferred to avoid the overhead of threading
        !           105: and the large number of locks involved and preferred a event driven architecture with
        !           106: our own scheduling of events. An unpleasant consequence of such an approach
        !           107: is that long lasting tasks must be split to more parts linked by special
        !           108: events or timers to make the CPU available for other tasks as well.
        !           109: 
        !           110: </itemize>
        !           111: 
        !           112: <sect>Architecture
        !           113: 
        !           114: <p>The requirements set above have lead to a simple modular architecture containing
        !           115: the following types of modules:
        !           116: 
        !           117: <descrip>
        !           118: 
        !           119: <tagp>Core modules</tagp> implement the core functions of BIRD: taking care
        !           120: of routing tables, keeping protocol status, interacting with the user using
        !           121: the Command-Line Interface (to be called CLI in the rest of this document)
        !           122: etc.
        !           123: 
        !           124: <tagp>Library modules</tagp> form a large set of various library functions
        !           125: implementing several data abstractions, utility functions and also functions
        !           126: which are a part of the standard libraries on some systems, but missing on other
        !           127: ones.
        !           128: 
        !           129: <tagp>Resource management modules</tagp> take care of resources, their allocation
        !           130: and automatic freeing when the module having requested shuts itself down.
        !           131: 
        !           132: <tagp>Configuration modules</tagp> are fragments of lexical analyzer,
        !           133: grammar rules and the corresponding snippets of C code. For each group
        !           134: of code modules (core, each protocol, filters) there exist a configuration
        !           135: module taking care of all the related configuration stuff.
        !           136: 
        !           137: <tagp>The filter</tagp> implements the route filtering language.
        !           138: 
        !           139: <tagp>Protocol modules</tagp> implement the individual routing protocols.
        !           140: 
        !           141: <tagp>System-dependent modules</tagp> implement the interface between BIRD
        !           142: and specific operating systems.
        !           143: 
        !           144: <tagp>The client</tagp> is a simple program providing an easy, though friendly
        !           145: interface to the CLI.
        !           146: 
        !           147: </descrip>
        !           148: 
        !           149: <sect>Implementation
        !           150: 
        !           151: <p>BIRD has been written in GNU C. We've considered using C++, but we've
        !           152: preferred the simplicity and straightforward nature of C which gives us fine
        !           153: control over all implementation details and on the other hand enough
        !           154: instruments to build the abstractions we need.
        !           155: 
        !           156: <p>The modules are statically linked to produce a single executable file
        !           157: (except for the client which stands on its own).
        !           158: 
        !           159: <p>The building process is controlled by a set of Makefiles for GNU Make,
        !           160: intermixed with several Perl and shell scripts.
        !           161: 
        !           162: <p>The initial configuration of the daemon, detection of system features
        !           163: and selection of the right modules to include for the particular OS
        !           164: and the set of protocols the user has chosen is performed by a configure
        !           165: script generated by GNU Autoconf.
        !           166: 
        !           167: <p>The parser of the configuration is generated by the GNU Bison.
        !           168: 
        !           169: <p>The documentation is generated using <file/SGMLtools/ with our own DTD
        !           170: and mapping rules which produce both an online version in HTML and
        !           171: a neatly formatted one for printing (first converted
        !           172: from SGML to &latex; and then processed by &tex; and <file/dvips/ to
        !           173: get a PostScript file).
        !           174: 
        !           175: <p>The comments from C sources which form a part of the programmer's
        !           176: documentation are extracted using a modified version of the <file/kernel-doc/
        !           177: tool.
        !           178: 
        !           179: <p>If you want to work on BIRD, it's highly recommended to configure it
        !           180: with a <tt/--enable-debug/ switch which enables some internal consistency
        !           181: checks and it also links BIRD with a memory allocation checking library
        !           182: if you have one (either <tt/efence/ or <tt/dmalloc/).
        !           183: 
        !           184: <!--
        !           185: LocalWords:  IPv IP CLI snippets Perl Autoconf SGMLtools DTD SGML dvips
        !           186: LocalWords:  PostScript
        !           187:  -->
        !           188: <chapt>Core
        !           189: <sect>Forwarding Information Base
        !           190: <p>
        !           191:    <p>
        !           192:    FIB is a data structure designed for storage of routes indexed by their
        !           193:    network prefixes. It supports insertion, deletion, searching by prefix,
        !           194:    `routing' (in CIDR sense, that is searching for a longest prefix matching
        !           195:    a given IP address) and (which makes the structure very tricky to implement)
        !           196:    asynchronous reading, that is enumerating the contents of a FIB while other
        !           197:    modules add, modify or remove entries.
        !           198:    <p>
        !           199:    Internally, each FIB is represented as a collection of nodes of type <struct/fib_node/
        !           200:    indexed using a sophisticated hashing mechanism.
        !           201:    We use two-stage hashing where we calculate a 16-bit primary hash key independent
        !           202:    on hash table size and then we just divide the primary keys modulo table size
        !           203:    to get a real hash key used for determining the bucket containing the node.
        !           204:    The lists of nodes in each bucket are sorted according to the primary hash
        !           205:    key, hence if we keep the total number of buckets to be a power of two,
        !           206:    re-hashing of the structure keeps the relative order of the nodes.
        !           207:    <p>
        !           208:    To get the asynchronous reading consistent over node deletions, we need to
        !           209:    keep a list of readers for each node. When a node gets deleted, its readers
        !           210:    are automatically moved to the next node in the table.
        !           211:    <p>
        !           212:    Basic FIB operations are performed by functions defined by this module,
        !           213:    enumerating of FIB contents is accomplished by using the <func/FIB_WALK()/ macro
        !           214:    or <func/FIB_ITERATE_START()/ if you want to do it asynchronously.
        !           215:    <p>
        !           216:    For simple iteration just place the body of the loop between <func/FIB_WALK()/ and
        !           217:    <func/FIB_WALK_END()/. You can't modify the FIB during the iteration (you can modify
        !           218:    data in the node, but not add or remove nodes).
        !           219:    <p>
        !           220:    If you need more freedom, you can use the FIB_ITERATE_*() group of macros.
        !           221:    First, you initialize an iterator with <func/FIB_ITERATE_INIT()/. Then you can put
        !           222:    the loop body in between <func/FIB_ITERATE_START()/ and <func/FIB_ITERATE_END()/. In
        !           223:    addition, the iteration can be suspended by calling <func/FIB_ITERATE_PUT()/.
        !           224:    This'll link the iterator inside the FIB. While suspended, you may modify the
        !           225:    FIB, exit the current function, etc. To resume the iteration, enter the loop
        !           226:    again. You can use <func/FIB_ITERATE_UNLINK()/ to unlink the iterator (while
        !           227:    iteration is suspended) in cases like premature end of FIB iteration.
        !           228:    <p>
        !           229:    Note that the iterator must not be destroyed when the iteration is suspended,
        !           230:    the FIB would then contain a pointer to invalid memory. Therefore, after each
        !           231:    <func/FIB_ITERATE_INIT()/ or <func/FIB_ITERATE_PUT()/ there must be either
        !           232:    <func/FIB_ITERATE_START()/ or <func/FIB_ITERATE_UNLINK()/ before the iterator is destroyed.
        !           233: 
        !           234: 
        !           235: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           236: <funcdef>fib_init</funcdef>
        !           237: (<type>struct fib *</type> <param>f</param>, <type>pool *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>node_size</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>hash_order</param>, <type>fib_init_func</type> <param>init</param>) --     initialize a new FIB
        !           238: 
        !           239: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           240: <p><descrip>
        !           241: <tagp><type>struct fib *</type> <param>f</param></tagp>
        !           242:     the FIB to be initialized (the structure itself being allocated by the caller)
        !           243: <tagp><type>pool *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !           244:     pool to allocate the nodes in
        !           245: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>node_size</param></tagp>
        !           246:     node size to be used (each node consists of a standard header <struct/fib_node/
        !           247:    followed by user data)
        !           248: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>hash_order</param></tagp>
        !           249:     initial hash order (a binary logarithm of hash table size), 0 to use default order
        !           250:    (recommended)
        !           251: <tagp><type>fib_init_func</type> <param>init</param></tagp>
        !           252:     pointer a function to be called to initialize a newly created node
        !           253: </descrip>
        !           254: <funcsect>Description
        !           255: <p>
        !           256:    This function initializes a newly allocated FIB and prepares it for use.
        !           257: </function>
        !           258: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !           259: <funcdef>fib_find</funcdef>
        !           260: (<type>struct fib *</type> <param>f</param>, <type>ip_addr *</type> <param>a</param>, <type>int</type> <param>len</param>) --     search for FIB node by prefix
        !           261: 
        !           262: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           263: <p><descrip>
        !           264: <tagp><type>struct fib *</type> <param>f</param></tagp>
        !           265:     FIB to search in
        !           266: <tagp><type>ip_addr *</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !           267:     pointer to IP address of the prefix
        !           268: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !           269:     prefix length
        !           270: </descrip>
        !           271: <funcsect>Description
        !           272: <p>
        !           273:    Search for a FIB node corresponding to the given prefix, return
        !           274:    a pointer to it or <const/NULL/ if no such node exists.
        !           275: </function>
        !           276: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !           277: <funcdef>fib_get</funcdef>
        !           278: (<type>struct fib *</type> <param>f</param>, <type>ip_addr *</type> <param>a</param>, <type>int</type> <param>len</param>) --     find or create a FIB node
        !           279: 
        !           280: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           281: <p><descrip>
        !           282: <tagp><type>struct fib *</type> <param>f</param></tagp>
        !           283:     FIB to work with
        !           284: <tagp><type>ip_addr *</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !           285:     pointer to IP address of the prefix
        !           286: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !           287:     prefix length
        !           288: </descrip>
        !           289: <funcsect>Description
        !           290: <p>
        !           291:    Search for a FIB node corresponding to the given prefix and
        !           292:    return a pointer to it. If no such node exists, create it.
        !           293: </function>
        !           294: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !           295: <funcdef>fib_route</funcdef>
        !           296: (<type>struct fib *</type> <param>f</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>a</param>, <type>int</type> <param>len</param>) --     CIDR routing lookup
        !           297: 
        !           298: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           299: <p><descrip>
        !           300: <tagp><type>struct fib *</type> <param>f</param></tagp>
        !           301:     FIB to search in
        !           302: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !           303:     pointer to IP address of the prefix
        !           304: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !           305:     prefix length
        !           306: </descrip>
        !           307: <funcsect>Description
        !           308: <p>
        !           309:    Search for a FIB node with longest prefix matching the given
        !           310:    network, that is a node which a CIDR router would use for routing
        !           311:    that network.
        !           312: </function>
        !           313: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           314: <funcdef>fib_delete</funcdef>
        !           315: (<type>struct fib *</type> <param>f</param>, <type>void *</type> <param>E</param>) --     delete a FIB node
        !           316: 
        !           317: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           318: <p><descrip>
        !           319: <tagp><type>struct fib *</type> <param>f</param></tagp>
        !           320:     FIB to delete from
        !           321: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>E</param></tagp>
        !           322:     entry to delete
        !           323: </descrip>
        !           324: <funcsect>Description
        !           325: <p>
        !           326:    This function removes the given entry from the FIB,
        !           327:    taking care of all the asynchronous readers by shifting
        !           328:    them to the next node in the canonical reading order.
        !           329: </function>
        !           330: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           331: <funcdef>fib_free</funcdef>
        !           332: (<type>struct fib *</type> <param>f</param>) --     delete a FIB
        !           333: 
        !           334: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           335: <p><descrip>
        !           336: <tagp><type>struct fib *</type> <param>f</param></tagp>
        !           337:     FIB to be deleted
        !           338: </descrip>
        !           339: <funcsect>Description
        !           340: <p>
        !           341:    This function deletes a FIB -- it frees all memory associated
        !           342:    with it and all its entries.
        !           343: </function>
        !           344: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           345: <funcdef>fib_check</funcdef>
        !           346: (<type>struct fib *</type> <param>f</param>) --     audit a FIB
        !           347: 
        !           348: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           349: <p><descrip>
        !           350: <tagp><type>struct fib *</type> <param>f</param></tagp>
        !           351:     FIB to be checked
        !           352: </descrip>
        !           353: <funcsect>Description
        !           354: <p>
        !           355:    This debugging function audits a FIB by checking its internal consistency.
        !           356:    Use when you suspect somebody of corrupting innocent data structures.
        !           357: </function>
        !           358: <sect>Routing tables
        !           359: <p>
        !           360:    <p>
        !           361:    Routing tables are probably the most important structures BIRD uses. They
        !           362:    hold all the information about known networks, the associated routes and
        !           363:    their attributes.
        !           364:    <p>
        !           365:    There are multiple routing tables (a primary one together with any
        !           366:    number of secondary ones if requested by the configuration). Each table
        !           367:    is basically a FIB containing entries describing the individual
        !           368:    destination networks. For each network (represented by structure <struct/net/),
        !           369:    there is a one-way linked list of route entries (<struct/rte/), the first entry
        !           370:    on the list being the best one (i.e., the one we currently use
        !           371:    for routing), the order of the other ones is undetermined.
        !           372:    <p>
        !           373:    The <struct/rte/ contains information specific to the route (preference, protocol
        !           374:    metrics, time of last modification etc.) and a pointer to a <struct/rta/ structure
        !           375:    (see the route attribute module for a precise explanation) holding the
        !           376:    remaining route attributes which are expected to be shared by multiple
        !           377:    routes in order to conserve memory.
        !           378: 
        !           379: 
        !           380: <function><p><type>rte *</type>
        !           381: <funcdef>rte_find</funcdef>
        !           382: (<type>net *</type> <param>net</param>, <type>struct rte_src *</type> <param>src</param>) --     find a route
        !           383: 
        !           384: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           385: <p><descrip>
        !           386: <tagp><type>net *</type> <param>net</param></tagp>
        !           387:     network node
        !           388: <tagp><type>struct rte_src *</type> <param>src</param></tagp>
        !           389:     route source
        !           390: </descrip>
        !           391: <funcsect>Description
        !           392: <p>
        !           393:    The <func/rte_find()/ function returns a route for destination <param/net/
        !           394:    which is from route source <param/src/.
        !           395: </function>
        !           396: <function><p><type>rte *</type>
        !           397: <funcdef>rte_get_temp</funcdef>
        !           398: (<type>rta *</type> <param>a</param>) --     get a temporary <struct/rte/
        !           399: 
        !           400: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           401: <p><descrip>
        !           402: <tagp><type>rta *</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !           403:     attributes to assign to the new route (a <struct/rta/; in case it's
        !           404:    un-cached, <func/rte_update()/ will create a cached copy automatically)
        !           405: </descrip>
        !           406: <funcsect>Description
        !           407: <p>
        !           408:    Create a temporary <struct/rte/ and bind it with the attributes <param/a/.
        !           409:    Also set route preference to the default preference set for
        !           410:    the protocol.
        !           411: </function>
        !           412: <function><p><type>rte *</type>
        !           413: <funcdef>rte_cow_rta</funcdef>
        !           414: (<type>rte *</type> <param>r</param>, <type>linpool *</type> <param>lp</param>) --     get a private writable copy of <struct/rte/ with writable <struct/rta/
        !           415: 
        !           416: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           417: <p><descrip>
        !           418: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>r</param></tagp>
        !           419:     a route entry to be copied
        !           420: <tagp><type>linpool *</type> <param>lp</param></tagp>
        !           421:     a linpool from which to allocate <struct/rta/
        !           422: </descrip>
        !           423: <funcsect>Description
        !           424: <p>
        !           425:    <func/rte_cow_rta()/ takes a <struct/rte/ and prepares it and associated <struct/rta/ for
        !           426:    modification. There are three possibilities: First, both <struct/rte/ and <struct/rta/ are
        !           427:    private copies, in that case they are returned unchanged.  Second, <struct/rte/ is
        !           428:    private copy, but <struct/rta/ is cached, in that case <struct/rta/ is duplicated using
        !           429:    <func/rta_do_cow()/. Third, both <struct/rte/ is shared and <struct/rta/ is cached, in that case
        !           430:    both structures are duplicated by <func/rte_do_cow()/ and <func/rta_do_cow()/.
        !           431:    <p>
        !           432:    Note that in the second case, cached <struct/rta/ loses one reference, while private
        !           433:    copy created by <func/rta_do_cow()/ is a shallow copy sharing indirect data (eattrs,
        !           434:    nexthops, ...) with it. To work properly, original shared <struct/rta/ should have
        !           435:    another reference during the life of created private copy.
        !           436: <funcsect>Result
        !           437: <p>
        !           438:     a pointer to the new writable <struct/rte/ with writable <struct/rta/.
        !           439: </function>
        !           440: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           441: <funcdef>rte_announce</funcdef>
        !           442: (<type>rtable *</type> <param>tab</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>type</param>, <type>net *</type> <param>net</param>, <type>rte *</type> <param>new</param>, <type>rte *</type> <param>old</param>, <type>rte *</type> <param>new_best</param>, <type>rte *</type> <param>old_best</param>, <type>rte *</type> <param>before_old</param>) --     announce a routing table change
        !           443: 
        !           444: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           445: <p><descrip>
        !           446: <tagp><type>rtable *</type> <param>tab</param></tagp>
        !           447:     table the route has been added to
        !           448: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>type</param></tagp>
        !           449:     type of route announcement (RA_OPTIMAL or RA_ANY)
        !           450: <tagp><type>net *</type> <param>net</param></tagp>
        !           451:     network in question
        !           452: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>new</param></tagp>
        !           453:     the new route to be announced
        !           454: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>old</param></tagp>
        !           455:     the previous route for the same network
        !           456: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>new_best</param></tagp>
        !           457:     the new best route for the same network
        !           458: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>old_best</param></tagp>
        !           459:     the previous best route for the same network
        !           460: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>before_old</param></tagp>
        !           461:     The previous route before <param/old/ for the same network.
        !           462:    If <param/before_old/ is NULL <param/old/ was the first.
        !           463: </descrip>
        !           464: <funcsect>Description
        !           465: <p>
        !           466:    This function gets a routing table update and announces it
        !           467:    to all protocols that acccepts given type of route announcement
        !           468:    and are connected to the same table by their announcement hooks.
        !           469:    <p>
        !           470:    Route announcement of type <const/RA_OPTIMAL/ si generated when optimal
        !           471:    route (in routing table <param/tab/) changes. In that case <param/old/ stores the
        !           472:    old optimal route.
        !           473:    <p>
        !           474:    Route announcement of type <const/RA_ANY/ si generated when any route (in
        !           475:    routing table <param/tab/) changes In that case <param/old/ stores the old route
        !           476:    from the same protocol.
        !           477:    <p>
        !           478:    For each appropriate protocol, we first call its <func/import_control()/
        !           479:    hook which performs basic checks on the route (each protocol has a
        !           480:    right to veto or force accept of the route before any filter is
        !           481:    asked) and adds default values of attributes specific to the new
        !           482:    protocol (metrics, tags etc.).  Then it consults the protocol's
        !           483:    export filter and if it accepts the route, the <func/rt_notify()/ hook of
        !           484:    the protocol gets called.
        !           485: </function>
        !           486: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           487: <funcdef>rte_free</funcdef>
        !           488: (<type>rte *</type> <param>e</param>) --     delete a <struct/rte/
        !           489: 
        !           490: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           491: <p><descrip>
        !           492: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !           493:     <struct/rte/ to be deleted
        !           494: </descrip>
        !           495: <funcsect>Description
        !           496: <p>
        !           497:    <func/rte_free()/ deletes the given <struct/rte/ from the routing table it's linked to.
        !           498: </function>
        !           499: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           500: <funcdef>rte_update2</funcdef>
        !           501: (<type>struct announce_hook *</type> <param>ah</param>, <type>net *</type> <param>net</param>, <type>rte *</type> <param>new</param>, <type>struct rte_src *</type> <param>src</param>) --     enter a new update to a routing table
        !           502: 
        !           503: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           504: <p><descrip>
        !           505: <tagp><type>struct announce_hook *</type> <param>ah</param></tagp>
        !           506:     pointer to table announce hook
        !           507: <tagp><type>net *</type> <param>net</param></tagp>
        !           508:     network node
        !           509: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>new</param></tagp>
        !           510:     a <struct/rte/ representing the new route or <const/NULL/ for route removal.
        !           511: <tagp><type>struct rte_src *</type> <param>src</param></tagp>
        !           512:     protocol originating the update
        !           513: </descrip>
        !           514: <funcsect>Description
        !           515: <p>
        !           516:    This function is called by the routing protocols whenever they discover
        !           517:    a new route or wish to update/remove an existing route. The right announcement
        !           518:    sequence is to build route attributes first (either un-cached with <param/aflags/ set
        !           519:    to zero or a cached one using <func/rta_lookup()/; in this case please note that
        !           520:    you need to increase the use count of the attributes yourself by calling
        !           521:    <func/rta_clone()/), call <func/rte_get_temp()/ to obtain a temporary <struct/rte/, fill in all
        !           522:    the appropriate data and finally submit the new <struct/rte/ by calling <func/rte_update()/.
        !           523:    <p>
        !           524:    <param/src/ specifies the protocol that originally created the route and the meaning
        !           525:    of protocol-dependent data of <param/new/. If <param/new/ is not <const/NULL/, <param/src/ have to be the
        !           526:    same value as <param/new/-&gt;attrs-&gt;proto. <param/p/ specifies the protocol that called
        !           527:    <func/rte_update()/. In most cases it is the same protocol as <param/src/. <func/rte_update()/
        !           528:    stores <param/p/ in <param/new/-&gt;sender;
        !           529:    <p>
        !           530:    When <func/rte_update()/ gets any route, it automatically validates it (checks,
        !           531:    whether the network and next hop address are valid IP addresses and also
        !           532:    whether a normal routing protocol doesn't try to smuggle a host or link
        !           533:    scope route to the table), converts all protocol dependent attributes stored
        !           534:    in the <struct/rte/ to temporary extended attributes, consults import filters of the
        !           535:    protocol to see if the route should be accepted and/or its attributes modified,
        !           536:    stores the temporary attributes back to the <struct/rte/.
        !           537:    <p>
        !           538:    Now, having a "public" version of the route, we
        !           539:    automatically find any old route defined by the protocol <param/src/
        !           540:    for network <param/n/, replace it by the new one (or removing it if <param/new/ is <const/NULL/),
        !           541:    recalculate the optimal route for this destination and finally broadcast
        !           542:    the change (if any) to all routing protocols by calling <func/rte_announce()/.
        !           543:    <p>
        !           544:    All memory used for attribute lists and other temporary allocations is taken
        !           545:    from a special linear pool <param/rte_update_pool/ and freed when <func/rte_update()/
        !           546:    finishes.
        !           547: </function>
        !           548: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           549: <funcdef>rt_refresh_begin</funcdef>
        !           550: (<type>rtable *</type> <param>t</param>, <type>struct announce_hook *</type> <param>ah</param>) --     start a refresh cycle
        !           551: 
        !           552: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           553: <p><descrip>
        !           554: <tagp><type>rtable *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !           555:     related routing table
        !           556: <tagp><type>struct announce_hook *</type> <param>ah</param></tagp>
        !           557:     related announce hook 
        !           558: </descrip>
        !           559: <funcsect>Description
        !           560: <p>
        !           561:    This function starts a refresh cycle for given routing table and announce
        !           562:    hook. The refresh cycle is a sequence where the protocol sends all its valid
        !           563:    routes to the routing table (by <func/rte_update()/). After that, all protocol
        !           564:    routes (more precisely routes with <param/ah/ as <param/sender/) not sent during the
        !           565:    refresh cycle but still in the table from the past are pruned. This is
        !           566:    implemented by marking all related routes as stale by REF_STALE flag in
        !           567:    <func/rt_refresh_begin()/, then marking all related stale routes with REF_DISCARD
        !           568:    flag in <func/rt_refresh_end()/ and then removing such routes in the prune loop.
        !           569: </function>
        !           570: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           571: <funcdef>rt_refresh_end</funcdef>
        !           572: (<type>rtable *</type> <param>t</param>, <type>struct announce_hook *</type> <param>ah</param>) --     end a refresh cycle
        !           573: 
        !           574: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           575: <p><descrip>
        !           576: <tagp><type>rtable *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !           577:     related routing table
        !           578: <tagp><type>struct announce_hook *</type> <param>ah</param></tagp>
        !           579:     related announce hook 
        !           580: </descrip>
        !           581: <funcsect>Description
        !           582: <p>
        !           583:    This function starts a refresh cycle for given routing table and announce
        !           584:    hook. See <func/rt_refresh_begin()/ for description of refresh cycles.
        !           585: </function>
        !           586: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           587: <funcdef>rte_dump</funcdef>
        !           588: (<type>rte *</type> <param>e</param>) --     dump a route
        !           589: 
        !           590: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           591: <p><descrip>
        !           592: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !           593:     <struct/rte/ to be dumped
        !           594: </descrip>
        !           595: <funcsect>Description
        !           596: <p>
        !           597:    This functions dumps contents of a <struct/rte/ to debug output.
        !           598: </function>
        !           599: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           600: <funcdef>rt_dump</funcdef>
        !           601: (<type>rtable *</type> <param>t</param>) --     dump a routing table
        !           602: 
        !           603: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           604: <p><descrip>
        !           605: <tagp><type>rtable *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !           606:     routing table to be dumped
        !           607: </descrip>
        !           608: <funcsect>Description
        !           609: <p>
        !           610:    This function dumps contents of a given routing table to debug output.
        !           611: </function>
        !           612: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           613: <funcdef>rt_dump_all</funcdef>
        !           614: (<param>void</param>) --     dump all routing tables
        !           615: 
        !           616: <funcsect>Description
        !           617: <p>
        !           618:    <p>
        !           619:    This function dumps contents of all routing tables to debug output.
        !           620: </function>
        !           621: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           622: <funcdef>rt_init</funcdef>
        !           623: (<param>void</param>) --     initialize routing tables
        !           624: 
        !           625: <funcsect>Description
        !           626: <p>
        !           627:    <p>
        !           628:    This function is called during BIRD startup. It initializes the
        !           629:    routing table module.
        !           630: </function>
        !           631: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !           632: <funcdef>rt_prune_table</funcdef>
        !           633: (<type>rtable *</type> <param>tab</param>) --     prune a routing table
        !           634: 
        !           635: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           636: <p><descrip>
        !           637: <tagp><type>rtable *</type> <param>tab</param></tagp>
        !           638:     a routing table for pruning
        !           639: </descrip>
        !           640: <funcsect>Description
        !           641: <p>
        !           642:    This function scans the routing table <param/tab/ and removes routes belonging to
        !           643:    flushing protocols, discarded routes and also stale network entries, in a
        !           644:    similar fashion like <func/rt_prune_loop()/. Returns 1 when all such routes are
        !           645:    pruned. Contrary to <func/rt_prune_loop()/, this function is not a part of the
        !           646:    protocol flushing loop, but it is called from <func/rt_event()/ for just one routing
        !           647:    table.
        !           648:    <p>
        !           649:    Note that <func/rt_prune_table()/ and <func/rt_prune_loop()/ share (for each table) the
        !           650:    prune state (<param/prune_state/) and also the pruning iterator (<param/prune_fit/).
        !           651: </function>
        !           652: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !           653: <funcdef>rt_prune_loop</funcdef>
        !           654: (<param>void</param>) --     prune routing tables
        !           655: 
        !           656: <funcsect>Description
        !           657: <p>
        !           658:    <p>
        !           659:    The prune loop scans routing tables and removes routes belonging to flushing
        !           660:    protocols, discarded routes and also stale network entries. Returns 1 when
        !           661:    all such routes are pruned. It is a part of the protocol flushing loop.
        !           662: </function>
        !           663: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           664: <funcdef>rt_lock_table</funcdef>
        !           665: (<type>rtable *</type> <param>r</param>) --     lock a routing table
        !           666: 
        !           667: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           668: <p><descrip>
        !           669: <tagp><type>rtable *</type> <param>r</param></tagp>
        !           670:     routing table to be locked
        !           671: </descrip>
        !           672: <funcsect>Description
        !           673: <p>
        !           674:    Lock a routing table, because it's in use by a protocol,
        !           675:    preventing it from being freed when it gets undefined in a new
        !           676:    configuration.
        !           677: </function>
        !           678: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           679: <funcdef>rt_unlock_table</funcdef>
        !           680: (<type>rtable *</type> <param>r</param>) --     unlock a routing table
        !           681: 
        !           682: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           683: <p><descrip>
        !           684: <tagp><type>rtable *</type> <param>r</param></tagp>
        !           685:     routing table to be unlocked
        !           686: </descrip>
        !           687: <funcsect>Description
        !           688: <p>
        !           689:    Unlock a routing table formerly locked by <func/rt_lock_table()/,
        !           690:    that is decrease its use count and delete it if it's scheduled
        !           691:    for deletion by configuration changes.
        !           692: </function>
        !           693: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           694: <funcdef>rt_commit</funcdef>
        !           695: (<type>struct config *</type> <param>new</param>, <type>struct config *</type> <param>old</param>) --     commit new routing table configuration
        !           696: 
        !           697: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           698: <p><descrip>
        !           699: <tagp><type>struct config *</type> <param>new</param></tagp>
        !           700:     new configuration
        !           701: <tagp><type>struct config *</type> <param>old</param></tagp>
        !           702:     original configuration or <const/NULL/ if it's boot time config
        !           703: </descrip>
        !           704: <funcsect>Description
        !           705: <p>
        !           706:    Scan differences between <param/old/ and <param/new/ configuration and modify
        !           707:    the routing tables according to these changes. If <param/new/ defines a
        !           708:    previously unknown table, create it, if it omits a table existing
        !           709:    in <param/old/, schedule it for deletion (it gets deleted when all protocols
        !           710:    disconnect from it by calling <func/rt_unlock_table()/), if it exists
        !           711:    in both configurations, leave it unchanged.
        !           712: </function>
        !           713: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !           714: <funcdef>rt_feed_baby</funcdef>
        !           715: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     advertise routes to a new protocol
        !           716: 
        !           717: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           718: <p><descrip>
        !           719: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !           720:     protocol to be fed
        !           721: </descrip>
        !           722: <funcsect>Description
        !           723: <p>
        !           724:    This function performs one pass of advertisement of routes to a newly
        !           725:    initialized protocol. It's called by the protocol code as long as it
        !           726:    has something to do. (We avoid transferring all the routes in single
        !           727:    pass in order not to monopolize CPU time.)
        !           728: </function>
        !           729: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           730: <funcdef>rt_feed_baby_abort</funcdef>
        !           731: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     abort protocol feeding
        !           732: 
        !           733: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           734: <p><descrip>
        !           735: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !           736:     protocol
        !           737: </descrip>
        !           738: <funcsect>Description
        !           739: <p>
        !           740:    This function is called by the protocol code when the protocol
        !           741:    stops or ceases to exist before the last iteration of <func/rt_feed_baby()/
        !           742:    has finished.
        !           743: </function>
        !           744: <function><p><type>net *</type>
        !           745: <funcdef>net_find</funcdef>
        !           746: (<type>rtable *</type> <param>tab</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>addr</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>len</param>) --     find a network entry
        !           747: 
        !           748: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           749: <p><descrip>
        !           750: <tagp><type>rtable *</type> <param>tab</param></tagp>
        !           751:     a routing table
        !           752: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>addr</param></tagp>
        !           753:     address of the network
        !           754: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !           755:     length of the network prefix
        !           756: </descrip>
        !           757: <funcsect>Description
        !           758: <p>
        !           759:    <func/net_find()/ looks up the given network in routing table <param/tab/ and
        !           760:    returns a pointer to its <struct/net/ entry or <const/NULL/ if no such network
        !           761:    exists.
        !           762: </function>
        !           763: <function><p><type>net *</type>
        !           764: <funcdef>net_get</funcdef>
        !           765: (<type>rtable *</type> <param>tab</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>addr</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>len</param>) --     obtain a network entry
        !           766: 
        !           767: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           768: <p><descrip>
        !           769: <tagp><type>rtable *</type> <param>tab</param></tagp>
        !           770:     a routing table
        !           771: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>addr</param></tagp>
        !           772:     address of the network
        !           773: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !           774:     length of the network prefix
        !           775: </descrip>
        !           776: <funcsect>Description
        !           777: <p>
        !           778:    <func/net_get()/ looks up the given network in routing table <param/tab/ and
        !           779:    returns a pointer to its <struct/net/ entry. If no such entry exists, it's
        !           780:    created.
        !           781: </function>
        !           782: <function><p><type>rte *</type>
        !           783: <funcdef>rte_cow</funcdef>
        !           784: (<type>rte *</type> <param>r</param>) --     copy a route for writing
        !           785: 
        !           786: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           787: <p><descrip>
        !           788: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>r</param></tagp>
        !           789:     a route entry to be copied
        !           790: </descrip>
        !           791: <funcsect>Description
        !           792: <p>
        !           793:    <func/rte_cow()/ takes a <struct/rte/ and prepares it for modification. The exact action
        !           794:    taken depends on the flags of the <struct/rte/ -- if it's a temporary entry, it's
        !           795:    just returned unchanged, else a new temporary entry with the same contents
        !           796:    is created.
        !           797:    <p>
        !           798:    The primary use of this function is inside the filter machinery -- when
        !           799:    a filter wants to modify <struct/rte/ contents (to change the preference or to
        !           800:    attach another set of attributes), it must ensure that the <struct/rte/ is not
        !           801:    shared with anyone else (and especially that it isn't stored in any routing
        !           802:    table).
        !           803: <funcsect>Result
        !           804: <p>
        !           805:     a pointer to the new writable <struct/rte/.
        !           806: </function>
        !           807: <sect>Route attribute cache
        !           808: <p>
        !           809:    <p>
        !           810:    Each route entry carries a set of route attributes. Several of them
        !           811:    vary from route to route, but most attributes are usually common
        !           812:    for a large number of routes. To conserve memory, we've decided to
        !           813:    store only the varying ones directly in the <struct/rte/ and hold the rest
        !           814:    in a special structure called <struct/rta/ which is shared among all the
        !           815:    <struct/rte/'s with these attributes.
        !           816:    <p>
        !           817:    Each <struct/rta/ contains all the static attributes of the route (i.e.,
        !           818:    those which are always present) as structure members and a list of
        !           819:    dynamic attributes represented by a linked list of <struct/ea_list/
        !           820:    structures, each of them consisting of an array of <struct/eattr/'s containing
        !           821:    the individual attributes. An attribute can be specified more than once
        !           822:    in the <struct/ea_list/ chain and in such case the first occurrence overrides
        !           823:    the others. This semantics is used especially when someone (for example
        !           824:    a filter) wishes to alter values of several dynamic attributes, but
        !           825:    it wants to preserve the original attribute lists maintained by
        !           826:    another module.
        !           827:    <p>
        !           828:    Each <struct/eattr/ contains an attribute identifier (split to protocol ID and
        !           829:    per-protocol attribute ID), protocol dependent flags, a type code (consisting
        !           830:    of several bit fields describing attribute characteristics) and either an
        !           831:    embedded 32-bit value or a pointer to a <struct/adata/ structure holding attribute
        !           832:    contents.
        !           833:    <p>
        !           834:    There exist two variants of <struct/rta/'s -- cached and un-cached ones. Un-cached
        !           835:    <struct/rta/'s can have arbitrarily complex structure of <struct/ea_list/'s and they
        !           836:    can be modified by any module in the route processing chain. Cached
        !           837:    <struct/rta/'s have their attribute lists normalized (that means at most one
        !           838:    <struct/ea_list/ is present and its values are sorted in order to speed up
        !           839:    searching), they are stored in a hash table to make fast lookup possible
        !           840:    and they are provided with a use count to allow sharing.
        !           841:    <p>
        !           842:    Routing tables always contain only cached <struct/rta/'s.
        !           843: 
        !           844: 
        !           845: <function><p><type>struct mpnh *</type>
        !           846: <funcdef>mpnh_merge</funcdef>
        !           847: (<type>struct mpnh *</type> <param>x</param>, <type>struct mpnh *</type> <param>y</param>, <type>int</type> <param>rx</param>, <type>int</type> <param>ry</param>, <type>int</type> <param>max</param>, <type>linpool *</type> <param>lp</param>) --     merge nexthop lists
        !           848: 
        !           849: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           850: <p><descrip>
        !           851: <tagp><type>struct mpnh *</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !           852:     list 1
        !           853: <tagp><type>struct mpnh *</type> <param>y</param></tagp>
        !           854:     list 2
        !           855: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>rx</param></tagp>
        !           856:     reusability of list <param/x/
        !           857: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>ry</param></tagp>
        !           858:     reusability of list <param/y/
        !           859: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>max</param></tagp>
        !           860:     max number of nexthops
        !           861: <tagp><type>linpool *</type> <param>lp</param></tagp>
        !           862:     linpool for allocating nexthops
        !           863: </descrip>
        !           864: <funcsect>Description
        !           865: <p>
        !           866:    The <func/mpnh_merge()/ function takes two nexthop lists <param/x/ and <param/y/ and merges them,
        !           867:    eliminating possible duplicates. The input lists must be sorted and the
        !           868:    result is sorted too. The number of nexthops in result is limited by <param/max/.
        !           869:    New nodes are allocated from linpool <param/lp/.
        !           870:    <p>
        !           871:    The arguments <param/rx/ and <param/ry/ specify whether corresponding input lists may be
        !           872:    consumed by the function (i.e. their nodes reused in the resulting list), in
        !           873:    that case the caller should not access these lists after that. To eliminate
        !           874:    issues with deallocation of these lists, the caller should use some form of
        !           875:    bulk deallocation (e.g. stack or linpool) to free these nodes when the
        !           876:    resulting list is no longer needed. When reusability is not set, the
        !           877:    corresponding lists are not modified nor linked from the resulting list.
        !           878: </function>
        !           879: <function><p><type>eattr *</type>
        !           880: <funcdef>ea_find</funcdef>
        !           881: (<type>ea_list *</type> <param>e</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>id</param>) --     find an extended attribute
        !           882: 
        !           883: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           884: <p><descrip>
        !           885: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !           886:     attribute list to search in
        !           887: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>id</param></tagp>
        !           888:     attribute ID to search for
        !           889: </descrip>
        !           890: <funcsect>Description
        !           891: <p>
        !           892:    Given an extended attribute list, <func/ea_find()/ searches for a first
        !           893:    occurrence of an attribute with specified ID, returning either a pointer
        !           894:    to its <struct/eattr/ structure or <const/NULL/ if no such attribute exists.
        !           895: </function>
        !           896: <function><p><type>eattr *</type>
        !           897: <funcdef>ea_walk</funcdef>
        !           898: (<type>struct ea_walk_state *</type> <param>s</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>id</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>max</param>) --     walk through extended attributes
        !           899: 
        !           900: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           901: <p><descrip>
        !           902: <tagp><type>struct ea_walk_state *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !           903:     walk state structure
        !           904: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>id</param></tagp>
        !           905:     start of attribute ID interval
        !           906: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>max</param></tagp>
        !           907:     length of attribute ID interval
        !           908: </descrip>
        !           909: <funcsect>Description
        !           910: <p>
        !           911:    Given an extended attribute list, <func/ea_walk()/ walks through the list looking
        !           912:    for first occurrences of attributes with ID in specified interval from <param/id/ to
        !           913:    (<param/id/ + <param/max/ - 1), returning pointers to found <struct/eattr/ structures, storing its
        !           914:    walk state in <param/s/ for subsequent calls.
        !           915:    <p>
        !           916:    The function <func/ea_walk()/ is supposed to be called in a loop, with initially
        !           917:    zeroed walk state structure <param/s/ with filled the initial extended attribute
        !           918:    list, returning one found attribute in each call or <const/NULL/ when no other
        !           919:    attribute exists. The extended attribute list or the arguments should not be
        !           920:    modified between calls. The maximum value of <param/max/ is 128.
        !           921: </function>
        !           922: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !           923: <funcdef>ea_get_int</funcdef>
        !           924: (<type>ea_list *</type> <param>e</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>id</param>, <type>int</type> <param>def</param>) --     fetch an integer attribute
        !           925: 
        !           926: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           927: <p><descrip>
        !           928: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !           929:     attribute list
        !           930: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>id</param></tagp>
        !           931:     attribute ID
        !           932: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>def</param></tagp>
        !           933:     default value
        !           934: </descrip>
        !           935: <funcsect>Description
        !           936: <p>
        !           937:    This function is a shortcut for retrieving a value of an integer attribute
        !           938:    by calling <func/ea_find()/ to find the attribute, extracting its value or returning
        !           939:    a provided default if no such attribute is present.
        !           940: </function>
        !           941: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           942: <funcdef>ea_sort</funcdef>
        !           943: (<type>ea_list *</type> <param>e</param>) --     sort an attribute list
        !           944: 
        !           945: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           946: <p><descrip>
        !           947: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !           948:     list to be sorted
        !           949: </descrip>
        !           950: <funcsect>Description
        !           951: <p>
        !           952:    This function takes a <struct/ea_list/ chain and sorts the attributes
        !           953:    within each of its entries.
        !           954:    <p>
        !           955:    If an attribute occurs multiple times in a single <struct/ea_list/,
        !           956:    <func/ea_sort()/ leaves only the first (the only significant) occurrence.
        !           957: </function>
        !           958: <function><p><type>unsigned</type>
        !           959: <funcdef>ea_scan</funcdef>
        !           960: (<type>ea_list *</type> <param>e</param>) --     estimate attribute list size
        !           961: 
        !           962: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           963: <p><descrip>
        !           964: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !           965:     attribute list
        !           966: </descrip>
        !           967: <funcsect>Description
        !           968: <p>
        !           969:    This function calculates an upper bound of the size of
        !           970:    a given <struct/ea_list/ after merging with <func/ea_merge()/.
        !           971: </function>
        !           972: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !           973: <funcdef>ea_merge</funcdef>
        !           974: (<type>ea_list *</type> <param>e</param>, <type>ea_list *</type> <param>t</param>) --     merge segments of an attribute list
        !           975: 
        !           976: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           977: <p><descrip>
        !           978: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !           979:     attribute list
        !           980: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !           981:     buffer to store the result to
        !           982: </descrip>
        !           983: <funcsect>Description
        !           984: <p>
        !           985:    This function takes a possibly multi-segment attribute list
        !           986:    and merges all of its segments to one.
        !           987:    <p>
        !           988:    The primary use of this function is for <struct/ea_list/ normalization:
        !           989:    first call <func/ea_scan()/ to determine how much memory will the result
        !           990:    take, then allocate a buffer (usually using <func/alloca()/), merge the
        !           991:    segments with <func/ea_merge()/ and finally sort and prune the result
        !           992:    by calling <func/ea_sort()/.
        !           993: </function>
        !           994: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !           995: <funcdef>ea_same</funcdef>
        !           996: (<type>ea_list *</type> <param>x</param>, <type>ea_list *</type> <param>y</param>) --     compare two <struct/ea_list/'s
        !           997: 
        !           998: <funcsect>Arguments
        !           999: <p><descrip>
        !          1000: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          1001:     attribute list
        !          1002: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>y</param></tagp>
        !          1003:     attribute list
        !          1004: </descrip>
        !          1005: <funcsect>Description
        !          1006: <p>
        !          1007:    <func/ea_same()/ compares two normalized attribute lists <param/x/ and <param/y/ and returns
        !          1008:    1 if they contain the same attributes, 0 otherwise.
        !          1009: </function>
        !          1010: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1011: <funcdef>ea_show</funcdef>
        !          1012: (<type>struct cli *</type> <param>c</param>, <type>eattr *</type> <param>e</param>) --     print an <struct/eattr/ to CLI
        !          1013: 
        !          1014: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1015: <p><descrip>
        !          1016: <tagp><type>struct cli *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          1017:     destination CLI
        !          1018: <tagp><type>eattr *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          1019:     attribute to be printed
        !          1020: </descrip>
        !          1021: <funcsect>Description
        !          1022: <p>
        !          1023:    This function takes an extended attribute represented by its <struct/eattr/
        !          1024:    structure and prints it to the CLI according to the type information.
        !          1025:    <p>
        !          1026:    If the protocol defining the attribute provides its own
        !          1027:    <func/get_attr()/ hook, it's consulted first.
        !          1028: </function>
        !          1029: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1030: <funcdef>ea_dump</funcdef>
        !          1031: (<type>ea_list *</type> <param>e</param>) --     dump an extended attribute
        !          1032: 
        !          1033: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1034: <p><descrip>
        !          1035: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          1036:     attribute to be dumped
        !          1037: </descrip>
        !          1038: <funcsect>Description
        !          1039: <p>
        !          1040:    <func/ea_dump()/ dumps contents of the extended attribute given to
        !          1041:    the debug output.
        !          1042: </function>
        !          1043: <function><p><type>uint</type>
        !          1044: <funcdef>ea_hash</funcdef>
        !          1045: (<type>ea_list *</type> <param>e</param>) --     calculate an <struct/ea_list/ hash key
        !          1046: 
        !          1047: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1048: <p><descrip>
        !          1049: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          1050:     attribute list
        !          1051: </descrip>
        !          1052: <funcsect>Description
        !          1053: <p>
        !          1054:    <func/ea_hash()/ takes an extended attribute list and calculated a hopefully
        !          1055:    uniformly distributed hash value from its contents.
        !          1056: </function>
        !          1057: <function><p><type>ea_list *</type>
        !          1058: <funcdef>ea_append</funcdef>
        !          1059: (<type>ea_list *</type> <param>to</param>, <type>ea_list *</type> <param>what</param>) --     concatenate <struct/ea_list/'s
        !          1060: 
        !          1061: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1062: <p><descrip>
        !          1063: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>to</param></tagp>
        !          1064:     destination list (can be <const/NULL/)
        !          1065: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>what</param></tagp>
        !          1066:     list to be appended (can be <const/NULL/)
        !          1067: </descrip>
        !          1068: <funcsect>Description
        !          1069: <p>
        !          1070:    This function appends the <struct/ea_list/ <param/what/ at the end of
        !          1071:    <struct/ea_list/ <param/to/ and returns a pointer to the resulting list.
        !          1072: </function>
        !          1073: <function><p><type>rta *</type>
        !          1074: <funcdef>rta_lookup</funcdef>
        !          1075: (<type>rta *</type> <param>o</param>) --     look up a <struct/rta/ in attribute cache
        !          1076: 
        !          1077: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1078: <p><descrip>
        !          1079: <tagp><type>rta *</type> <param>o</param></tagp>
        !          1080:     a un-cached <struct/rta/
        !          1081: </descrip>
        !          1082: <funcsect>Description
        !          1083: <p>
        !          1084:    <func/rta_lookup()/ gets an un-cached <struct/rta/ structure and returns its cached
        !          1085:    counterpart. It starts with examining the attribute cache to see whether
        !          1086:    there exists a matching entry. If such an entry exists, it's returned and
        !          1087:    its use count is incremented, else a new entry is created with use count
        !          1088:    set to 1.
        !          1089:    <p>
        !          1090:    The extended attribute lists attached to the <struct/rta/ are automatically
        !          1091:    converted to the normalized form.
        !          1092: </function>
        !          1093: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1094: <funcdef>rta_dump</funcdef>
        !          1095: (<type>rta *</type> <param>a</param>) --     dump route attributes
        !          1096: 
        !          1097: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1098: <p><descrip>
        !          1099: <tagp><type>rta *</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !          1100:     attribute structure to dump
        !          1101: </descrip>
        !          1102: <funcsect>Description
        !          1103: <p>
        !          1104:    This function takes a <struct/rta/ and dumps its contents to the debug output.
        !          1105: </function>
        !          1106: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1107: <funcdef>rta_dump_all</funcdef>
        !          1108: (<param>void</param>) --     dump attribute cache
        !          1109: 
        !          1110: <funcsect>Description
        !          1111: <p>
        !          1112:    <p>
        !          1113:    This function dumps the whole contents of route attribute cache
        !          1114:    to the debug output.
        !          1115: </function>
        !          1116: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1117: <funcdef>rta_init</funcdef>
        !          1118: (<param>void</param>) --     initialize route attribute cache
        !          1119: 
        !          1120: <funcsect>Description
        !          1121: <p>
        !          1122:    <p>
        !          1123:    This function is called during initialization of the routing
        !          1124:    table module to set up the internals of the attribute cache.
        !          1125: </function>
        !          1126: <function><p><type>rta *</type>
        !          1127: <funcdef>rta_clone</funcdef>
        !          1128: (<type>rta *</type> <param>r</param>) --     clone route attributes
        !          1129: 
        !          1130: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1131: <p><descrip>
        !          1132: <tagp><type>rta *</type> <param>r</param></tagp>
        !          1133:     a <struct/rta/ to be cloned
        !          1134: </descrip>
        !          1135: <funcsect>Description
        !          1136: <p>
        !          1137:    <func/rta_clone()/ takes a cached <struct/rta/ and returns its identical cached
        !          1138:    copy. Currently it works by just returning the original <struct/rta/ with
        !          1139:    its use count incremented.
        !          1140: </function>
        !          1141: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1142: <funcdef>rta_free</funcdef>
        !          1143: (<type>rta *</type> <param>r</param>) --     free route attributes
        !          1144: 
        !          1145: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1146: <p><descrip>
        !          1147: <tagp><type>rta *</type> <param>r</param></tagp>
        !          1148:     a <struct/rta/ to be freed
        !          1149: </descrip>
        !          1150: <funcsect>Description
        !          1151: <p>
        !          1152:    If you stop using a <struct/rta/ (for example when deleting a route which uses
        !          1153:    it), you need to call <func/rta_free()/ to notify the attribute cache the
        !          1154:    attribute is no longer in use and can be freed if you were the last
        !          1155:    user (which <func/rta_free()/ tests by inspecting the use count).
        !          1156: </function>
        !          1157: <!--
        !          1158:        BIRD Programmer's Guide: Protocols
        !          1159: 
        !          1160:        (c) 2000 Martin Mares <>
        !          1161: -->
        !          1162: 
        !          1163: <sect>Routing protocols
        !          1164: 
        !          1165: <sect1>Introduction
        !          1166: 
        !          1167: <p>The routing protocols are the bird's heart and a fine amount of code
        !          1168: is dedicated to their management and for providing support functions to them.
        !          1169: (-: Actually, this is the reason why the directory with sources of the core
        !          1170: code is called <tt/nest/ :-).
        !          1171: 
        !          1172: <p>When talking about protocols, one need to distinguish between <em/protocols/
        !          1173: and protocol <em/instances/. A protocol exists exactly once, not depending on whether
        !          1174: it's configured or not and it can have an arbitrary number of instances corresponding
        !          1175: to its "incarnations" requested by the configuration file. Each instance is completely
        !          1176: autonomous, has its own configuration, its own status, its own set of routes and its
        !          1177: own set of interfaces it works on.
        !          1178: 
        !          1179: <p>A protocol is represented by a <struct/protocol/ structure containing all the basic
        !          1180: information (protocol name, default settings and pointers to most of the protocol
        !          1181: hooks). All these structures are linked in the <param/protocol_list/ list.
        !          1182: 
        !          1183: <p>Each instance has its own <struct/proto/ structure describing all its properties: protocol
        !          1184: type, configuration, a resource pool where all resources belonging to the instance
        !          1185: live, various protocol attributes (take a look at the declaration of <struct/proto/ in
        !          1186: <tt/protocol.h/), protocol states (see below for what do they mean), connections
        !          1187: to routing tables, filters attached to the protocol
        !          1188: and finally a set of pointers to the rest of protocol hooks (they
        !          1189: are the same for all instances of the protocol, but in order to avoid extra
        !          1190: indirections when calling the hooks from the fast path, they are stored directly
        !          1191: in <struct/proto/). The instance is always linked in both the global instance list
        !          1192: (<param/proto_list/) and a per-status list (either <param/active_proto_list/ for
        !          1193: running protocols, <param/initial_proto_list/ for protocols being initialized or
        !          1194: <param/flush_proto_list/ when the protocol is being shut down).
        !          1195: 
        !          1196: <p>The protocol hooks are described in the next chapter, for more information about
        !          1197: configuration of protocols, please refer to the configuration chapter and also
        !          1198: to the description of the <func/proto_commit/ function.
        !          1199: 
        !          1200: <sect1>Protocol states
        !          1201: 
        !          1202: <p>As startup and shutdown of each protocol are complex processes which can be affected
        !          1203: by lots of external events (user's actions, reconfigurations, behavior of neighboring routers etc.),
        !          1204: we have decided to supervise them by a pair of simple state machines -- the protocol
        !          1205: state machine and a core state machine.
        !          1206: 
        !          1207: <p>The <em/protocol state machine/ corresponds to internal state of the protocol
        !          1208: and the protocol can alter its state whenever it wants to. There are
        !          1209: the following states:
        !          1210: 
        !          1211: <descrip>
        !          1212:        <tag/PS_DOWN/ The protocol is down and waits for being woken up by calling its
        !          1213:        start() hook.
        !          1214:        <tag/PS_START/ The protocol is waiting for connection with the rest of the
        !          1215:        network. It's active, it has resources allocated, but it still doesn't want
        !          1216:        any routes since it doesn't know what to do with them.
        !          1217:        <tag/PS_UP/ The protocol is up and running. It communicates with the core,
        !          1218:        delivers routes to tables and wants to hear announcement about route changes.
        !          1219:        <tag/PS_STOP/ The protocol has been shut down (either by being asked by the
        !          1220:        core code to do so or due to having encountered a protocol error).
        !          1221: </descrip>
        !          1222: 
        !          1223: <p>Unless the protocol is in the <tt/PS_DOWN/ state, it can decide to change
        !          1224: its state by calling the <func/proto_notify_state/ function.
        !          1225: 
        !          1226: <p>At any time, the core code can ask the protocol to shut itself down by calling its stop() hook.
        !          1227: 
        !          1228: <p>The <em/core state machine/ takes care of the core view of protocol state.
        !          1229: The states are traversed according to changes of the protocol state machine, but
        !          1230: sometimes the transitions are delayed if the core needs to finish some actions
        !          1231: (for example sending of new routes to the protocol) before proceeding to the
        !          1232: new state. There are the following core states:
        !          1233: 
        !          1234: <descrip>
        !          1235:        <tag/FS_HUNGRY/ The protocol is down, it doesn't have any routes and
        !          1236:        doesn't want them.
        !          1237:        <tag/FS_FEEDING/ The protocol has reached the <tt/PS_UP/ state, but
        !          1238:        we are still busy sending the initial set of routes to it.
        !          1239:        <tag/FS_HAPPY/ The protocol is up and has complete routing information.
        !          1240:        <tag/FS_FLUSHING/ The protocol is shutting down (it's in either <tt/PS_STOP/
        !          1241:        or <tt/PS_DOWN/ state) and we're flushing all of its routes from the
        !          1242:        routing tables.
        !          1243: </descrip>
        !          1244: 
        !          1245: <sect1>Functions of the protocol module
        !          1246: 
        !          1247: <p>The protocol module provides the following functions:
        !          1248: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !          1249: <funcdef>proto_new</funcdef>
        !          1250: (<type>struct proto_config *</type> <param>c</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>size</param>) --  create a new protocol instance
        !          1251: 
        !          1252: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1253: <p><descrip>
        !          1254: <tagp><type>struct proto_config *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          1255:  protocol configuration
        !          1256: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>size</param></tagp>
        !          1257:  size of protocol data structure (each protocol instance is represented by
        !          1258: a structure starting with generic part [struct <struct/proto/] and continued
        !          1259: with data specific to the protocol)
        !          1260: </descrip>
        !          1261: <funcsect>Description
        !          1262: <p>
        !          1263: When a new configuration has been read in, the core code starts
        !          1264: initializing all the protocol instances configured by calling their
        !          1265: <func/init()/ hooks with the corresponding instance configuration. The initialization
        !          1266: code of the protocol is expected to create a new instance according to the
        !          1267: configuration by calling this function and then modifying the default settings
        !          1268: to values wanted by the protocol.
        !          1269: </function>
        !          1270: <function><p><type>struct announce_hook *</type>
        !          1271: <funcdef>proto_add_announce_hook</funcdef>
        !          1272: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct rtable *</type> <param>t</param>, <type>struct proto_stats *</type> <param>stats</param>) --  connect protocol to a routing table
        !          1273: 
        !          1274: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1275: <p><descrip>
        !          1276: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1277:  protocol instance
        !          1278: <tagp><type>struct rtable *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          1279:  routing table to connect to
        !          1280: <tagp><type>struct proto_stats *</type> <param>stats</param></tagp>
        !          1281:  per-table protocol statistics
        !          1282: </descrip>
        !          1283: <funcsect>Description
        !          1284: <p>
        !          1285: This function creates a connection between the protocol instance <param/p/ and the
        !          1286: routing table <param/t/, making the protocol hear all changes in the table.
        !          1287: <p>
        !          1288: The announce hook is linked in the protocol ahook list. Announce hooks are
        !          1289: allocated from the routing table resource pool and when protocol accepts
        !          1290: routes also in the table ahook list. The are linked to the table ahook list
        !          1291: and unlinked from it depending on export_state (in <func/proto_want_export_up()/ and
        !          1292: <func/proto_want_export_down()/) and they are automatically freed after the protocol
        !          1293: is flushed (in <func/proto_fell_down()/).
        !          1294: <p>
        !          1295: Unless you want to listen to multiple routing tables (as the Pipe protocol
        !          1296: does), you needn't to worry about this function since the connection to the
        !          1297: protocol's primary routing table is initialized automatically by the core
        !          1298: code.
        !          1299: </function>
        !          1300: <function><p><type>struct announce_hook *</type>
        !          1301: <funcdef>proto_find_announce_hook</funcdef>
        !          1302: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct rtable *</type> <param>t</param>) --  find announce hooks
        !          1303: 
        !          1304: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1305: <p><descrip>
        !          1306: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1307:  protocol instance
        !          1308: <tagp><type>struct rtable *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          1309:  routing table
        !          1310: </descrip>
        !          1311: <funcsect>Description
        !          1312: <p>
        !          1313: Returns pointer to announce hook or NULL
        !          1314: </function>
        !          1315: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !          1316: <funcdef>proto_config_new</funcdef>
        !          1317: (<type>struct protocol *</type> <param>pr</param>, <type>int</type> <param>class</param>) --  create a new protocol configuration
        !          1318: 
        !          1319: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1320: <p><descrip>
        !          1321: <tagp><type>struct protocol *</type> <param>pr</param></tagp>
        !          1322:  protocol the configuration will belong to
        !          1323: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>class</param></tagp>
        !          1324:  SYM_PROTO or SYM_TEMPLATE
        !          1325: </descrip>
        !          1326: <funcsect>Description
        !          1327: <p>
        !          1328: Whenever the configuration file says that a new instance
        !          1329: of a routing protocol should be created, the parser calls
        !          1330: <func/proto_config_new()/ to create a configuration entry for this
        !          1331: instance (a structure staring with the <struct/proto_config/ header
        !          1332: containing all the generic items followed by protocol-specific
        !          1333: ones). Also, the configuration entry gets added to the list
        !          1334: of protocol instances kept in the configuration.
        !          1335: <p>
        !          1336: The function is also used to create protocol templates (when class
        !          1337: SYM_TEMPLATE is specified), the only difference is that templates
        !          1338: are not added to the list of protocol instances and therefore not
        !          1339: initialized during <func/protos_commit()/).
        !          1340: </function>
        !          1341: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1342: <funcdef>proto_copy_config</funcdef>
        !          1343: (<type>struct proto_config *</type> <param>dest</param>, <type>struct proto_config *</type> <param>src</param>) --  copy a protocol configuration
        !          1344: 
        !          1345: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1346: <p><descrip>
        !          1347: <tagp><type>struct proto_config *</type> <param>dest</param></tagp>
        !          1348:  destination protocol configuration
        !          1349: <tagp><type>struct proto_config *</type> <param>src</param></tagp>
        !          1350:  source protocol configuration
        !          1351: </descrip>
        !          1352: <funcsect>Description
        !          1353: <p>
        !          1354: Whenever a new instance of a routing protocol is created from the
        !          1355: template, <func/proto_copy_config()/ is called to copy a content of
        !          1356: the source protocol configuration to the new protocol configuration.
        !          1357: Name, class and a node in protos list of <param/dest/ are kept intact.
        !          1358: <func/copy_config()/ protocol hook is used to copy protocol-specific data.
        !          1359: </function>
        !          1360: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1361: <funcdef>protos_preconfig</funcdef>
        !          1362: (<type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param>) --  pre-configuration processing
        !          1363: 
        !          1364: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1365: <p><descrip>
        !          1366: <tagp><type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          1367:  new configuration
        !          1368: </descrip>
        !          1369: <funcsect>Description
        !          1370: <p>
        !          1371: This function calls the <func/preconfig()/ hooks of all routing
        !          1372: protocols available to prepare them for reading of the new
        !          1373: configuration.
        !          1374: </function>
        !          1375: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1376: <funcdef>protos_postconfig</funcdef>
        !          1377: (<type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param>) --  post-configuration processing
        !          1378: 
        !          1379: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1380: <p><descrip>
        !          1381: <tagp><type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          1382:  new configuration
        !          1383: </descrip>
        !          1384: <funcsect>Description
        !          1385: <p>
        !          1386: This function calls the <func/postconfig()/ hooks of all protocol
        !          1387: instances specified in configuration <param/c/. The hooks are not
        !          1388: called for protocol templates.
        !          1389: </function>
        !          1390: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1391: <funcdef>protos_commit</funcdef>
        !          1392: (<type>struct config *</type> <param>new</param>, <type>struct config *</type> <param>old</param>, <type>int</type> <param>force_reconfig</param>, <type>int</type> <param>type</param>) --  commit new protocol configuration
        !          1393: 
        !          1394: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1395: <p><descrip>
        !          1396: <tagp><type>struct config *</type> <param>new</param></tagp>
        !          1397:  new configuration
        !          1398: <tagp><type>struct config *</type> <param>old</param></tagp>
        !          1399:  old configuration or <const/NULL/ if it's boot time config
        !          1400: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>force_reconfig</param></tagp>
        !          1401:  force restart of all protocols (used for example
        !          1402: when the router ID changes)
        !          1403: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>type</param></tagp>
        !          1404:  type of reconfiguration (RECONFIG_SOFT or RECONFIG_HARD)
        !          1405: </descrip>
        !          1406: <funcsect>Description
        !          1407: <p>
        !          1408: Scan differences between <param/old/ and <param/new/ configuration and adjust all
        !          1409: protocol instances to conform to the new configuration.
        !          1410: <p>
        !          1411: When a protocol exists in the new configuration, but it doesn't in the
        !          1412: original one, it's immediately started. When a collision with the other
        !          1413: running protocol would arise, the new protocol will be temporarily stopped
        !          1414: by the locking mechanism.
        !          1415: <p>
        !          1416: When a protocol exists in the old configuration, but it doesn't in the
        !          1417: new one, it's shut down and deleted after the shutdown completes.
        !          1418: <p>
        !          1419: When a protocol exists in both configurations, the core decides
        !          1420: whether it's possible to reconfigure it dynamically - it checks all
        !          1421: the core properties of the protocol (changes in filters are ignored
        !          1422: if type is RECONFIG_SOFT) and if they match, it asks the
        !          1423: <func/reconfigure()/ hook of the protocol to see if the protocol is able
        !          1424: to switch to the new configuration.  If it isn't possible, the
        !          1425: protocol is shut down and a new instance is started with the new
        !          1426: configuration after the shutdown is completed.
        !          1427: </function>
        !          1428: <sect>Graceful restart recovery
        !          1429: <p>
        !          1430:    <p>
        !          1431:    Graceful restart of a router is a process when the routing plane (e.g. BIRD)
        !          1432:    restarts but both the forwarding plane (e.g kernel routing table) and routing
        !          1433:    neighbors keep proper routes, and therefore uninterrupted packet forwarding
        !          1434:    is maintained.
        !          1435:    <p>
        !          1436:    BIRD implements graceful restart recovery by deferring export of routes to
        !          1437:    protocols until routing tables are refilled with the expected content. After
        !          1438:    start, protocols generate routes as usual, but routes are not propagated to
        !          1439:    them, until protocols report that they generated all routes. After that,
        !          1440:    graceful restart recovery is finished and the export (and the initial feed)
        !          1441:    to protocols is enabled.
        !          1442:    <p>
        !          1443:    When graceful restart recovery need is detected during initialization, then
        !          1444:    enabled protocols are marked with <param/gr_recovery/ flag before start. Such
        !          1445:    protocols then decide how to proceed with graceful restart, participation is
        !          1446:    voluntary. Protocols could lock the recovery by <func/proto_graceful_restart_lock()/
        !          1447:    (stored in <param/gr_lock/ flag), which means that they want to postpone the end of
        !          1448:    the recovery until they converge and then unlock it. They also could set
        !          1449:    <param/gr_wait/ before advancing to <const/PS_UP/, which means that the core should defer
        !          1450:    route export to that protocol until the end of the recovery. This should be
        !          1451:    done by protocols that expect their neigbors to keep the proper routes
        !          1452:    (kernel table, BGP sessions with BGP graceful restart capability).
        !          1453:    <p>
        !          1454:    The graceful restart recovery is finished when either all graceful restart
        !          1455:    locks are unlocked or when graceful restart wait timer fires.
        !          1456: 
        !          1457: 
        !          1458: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1459: <funcdef>graceful_restart_recovery</funcdef>
        !          1460: (<param>void</param>) --     request initial graceful restart recovery
        !          1461: 
        !          1462: <funcsect>Graceful restart recovery
        !          1463: <p>
        !          1464:    <p>
        !          1465:    Called by the platform initialization code if the need for recovery
        !          1466:    after graceful restart is detected during boot. Have to be called
        !          1467:    before <func/protos_commit()/.
        !          1468: </function>
        !          1469: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1470: <funcdef>graceful_restart_init</funcdef>
        !          1471: (<param>void</param>) --     initialize graceful restart
        !          1472: 
        !          1473: <funcsect>Description
        !          1474: <p>
        !          1475:    <p>
        !          1476:    When graceful restart recovery was requested, the function starts an active
        !          1477:    phase of the recovery and initializes graceful restart wait timer. The
        !          1478:    function have to be called after <func/protos_commit()/.
        !          1479: </function>
        !          1480: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1481: <funcdef>graceful_restart_done</funcdef>
        !          1482: (<type>struct timer *t</type> <param>UNUSED</param>) --     finalize graceful restart
        !          1483: 
        !          1484: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1485: <p><descrip>
        !          1486: <tagp><type>struct timer *t</type> <param>UNUSED</param></tagp>
        !          1487:    -- undescribed --
        !          1488: </descrip>
        !          1489: <funcsect>Description
        !          1490: <p>
        !          1491:    When there are no locks on graceful restart, the functions finalizes the
        !          1492:    graceful restart recovery. Protocols postponing route export until the end of
        !          1493:    the recovery are awakened and the export to them is enabled. All other
        !          1494:    related state is cleared. The function is also called when the graceful
        !          1495:    restart wait timer fires (but there are still some locks).
        !          1496: </function>
        !          1497: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1498: <funcdef>proto_graceful_restart_lock</funcdef>
        !          1499: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     lock graceful restart by protocol
        !          1500: 
        !          1501: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1502: <p><descrip>
        !          1503: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1504:     protocol instance
        !          1505: </descrip>
        !          1506: <funcsect>Description
        !          1507: <p>
        !          1508:    This function allows a protocol to postpone the end of graceful restart
        !          1509:    recovery until it converges. The lock is removed when the protocol calls
        !          1510:    <func/proto_graceful_restart_unlock()/ or when the protocol is stopped.
        !          1511:    <p>
        !          1512:    The function have to be called during the initial phase of graceful restart
        !          1513:    recovery and only for protocols that are part of graceful restart (i.e. their
        !          1514:    <param/gr_recovery/ is set), which means it should be called from protocol start
        !          1515:    hooks.
        !          1516: </function>
        !          1517: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1518: <funcdef>proto_graceful_restart_unlock</funcdef>
        !          1519: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     unlock graceful restart by protocol
        !          1520: 
        !          1521: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1522: <p><descrip>
        !          1523: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1524:     protocol instance
        !          1525: </descrip>
        !          1526: <funcsect>Description
        !          1527: <p>
        !          1528:    This function unlocks a lock from <func/proto_graceful_restart_lock()/. It is also
        !          1529:    automatically called when the lock holding protocol went down.
        !          1530: </function>
        !          1531: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1532: <funcdef>protos_dump_all</funcdef>
        !          1533: (<param>void</param>) --     dump status of all protocols
        !          1534: 
        !          1535: <funcsect>Description
        !          1536: <p>
        !          1537:    <p>
        !          1538:    This function dumps status of all existing protocol instances to the
        !          1539:    debug output. It involves printing of general status information
        !          1540:    such as protocol states, its position on the protocol lists
        !          1541:    and also calling of a <func/dump()/ hook of the protocol to print
        !          1542:    the internals.
        !          1543: </function>
        !          1544: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1545: <funcdef>proto_build</funcdef>
        !          1546: (<type>struct protocol *</type> <param>p</param>) --     make a single protocol available
        !          1547: 
        !          1548: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1549: <p><descrip>
        !          1550: <tagp><type>struct protocol *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1551:     the protocol
        !          1552: </descrip>
        !          1553: <funcsect>Description
        !          1554: <p>
        !          1555:    After the platform specific initialization code uses <func/protos_build()/
        !          1556:    to add all the standard protocols, it should call <func/proto_build()/ for
        !          1557:    all platform specific protocols to inform the core that they exist.
        !          1558: </function>
        !          1559: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1560: <funcdef>protos_build</funcdef>
        !          1561: (<param>void</param>) --     build a protocol list
        !          1562: 
        !          1563: <funcsect>Description
        !          1564: <p>
        !          1565:    <p>
        !          1566:    This function is called during BIRD startup to insert
        !          1567:    all standard protocols to the global protocol list. Insertion
        !          1568:    of platform specific protocols (such as the kernel syncer)
        !          1569:    is in the domain of competence of the platform dependent
        !          1570:    startup code.
        !          1571: </function>
        !          1572: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1573: <funcdef>proto_set_message</funcdef>
        !          1574: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>char *</type> <param>msg</param>, <type>int</type> <param>len</param>) --     set administrative message to protocol
        !          1575: 
        !          1576: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1577: <p><descrip>
        !          1578: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1579:     protocol
        !          1580: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>msg</param></tagp>
        !          1581:     message
        !          1582: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !          1583:     message length (-1 for NULL-terminated string)
        !          1584: </descrip>
        !          1585: <funcsect>Description
        !          1586: <p>
        !          1587:    The function sets administrative message (string) related to protocol state
        !          1588:    change. It is called by the nest code for manual enable/disable/restart
        !          1589:    commands all routes to the protocol, and by protocol-specific code when the
        !          1590:    protocol state change is initiated by the protocol. Using NULL message clears
        !          1591:    the last message. The message string may be either NULL-terminated or with an
        !          1592:    explicit length.
        !          1593: </function>
        !          1594: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1595: <funcdef>proto_request_feeding</funcdef>
        !          1596: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     request feeding routes to the protocol
        !          1597: 
        !          1598: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1599: <p><descrip>
        !          1600: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1601:     given protocol 
        !          1602: </descrip>
        !          1603: <funcsect>Description
        !          1604: <p>
        !          1605:    Sometimes it is needed to send again all routes to the
        !          1606:    protocol. This is called feeding and can be requested by this
        !          1607:    function. This would cause protocol export state transition
        !          1608:    to ES_FEEDING (during feeding) and when completed, it will
        !          1609:    switch back to ES_READY. This function can be called even
        !          1610:    when feeding is already running, in that case it is restarted.
        !          1611: </function>
        !          1612: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1613: <funcdef>proto_notify_limit</funcdef>
        !          1614: (<type>struct announce_hook *</type> <param>ah</param>, <type>struct proto_limit *</type> <param>l</param>, <type>int</type> <param>dir</param>, <type>u32</type> <param>rt_count</param>)
        !          1615: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1616: <p><descrip>
        !          1617: <tagp><type>struct announce_hook *</type> <param>ah</param></tagp>
        !          1618:     announce hook
        !          1619: <tagp><type>struct proto_limit *</type> <param>l</param></tagp>
        !          1620:     limit being hit
        !          1621: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>dir</param></tagp>
        !          1622:     limit direction (PLD_*)
        !          1623: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>rt_count</param></tagp>
        !          1624:     the number of routes 
        !          1625: </descrip>
        !          1626: <funcsect>Description
        !          1627: <p>
        !          1628:    The function is called by the route processing core when limit <param/l/
        !          1629:    is breached. It activates the limit and tooks appropriate action
        !          1630:    according to <param/l/-&gt;action.
        !          1631: </function>
        !          1632: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1633: <funcdef>proto_notify_state</funcdef>
        !          1634: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>ps</param>) --     notify core about protocol state change
        !          1635: 
        !          1636: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1637: <p><descrip>
        !          1638: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1639:     protocol the state of which has changed
        !          1640: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>ps</param></tagp>
        !          1641:     the new status
        !          1642: </descrip>
        !          1643: <funcsect>Description
        !          1644: <p>
        !          1645:    Whenever a state of a protocol changes due to some event internal
        !          1646:    to the protocol (i.e., not inside a <func/start()/ or <func/shutdown()/ hook),
        !          1647:    it should immediately notify the core about the change by calling
        !          1648:    <func/proto_notify_state()/ which will write the new state to the <struct/proto/
        !          1649:    structure and take all the actions necessary to adapt to the new
        !          1650:    state. State change to PS_DOWN immediately frees resources of protocol
        !          1651:    and might execute start callback of protocol; therefore,
        !          1652:    it should be used at tail positions of protocol callbacks.
        !          1653: </function>
        !          1654: <sect>Protocol hooks
        !          1655: <p>
        !          1656:    <p>
        !          1657:    Each protocol can provide a rich set of hook functions referred to by pointers
        !          1658:    in either the <struct/proto/ or <struct/protocol/ structure. They are called by the core whenever
        !          1659:    it wants the protocol to perform some action or to notify the protocol about
        !          1660:    any change of its environment. All of the hooks can be set to <const/NULL/ which means
        !          1661:    to ignore the change or to take a default action.
        !          1662: 
        !          1663: 
        !          1664: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1665: <funcdef>preconfig</funcdef>
        !          1666: (<type>struct protocol *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param>) --     protocol preconfiguration
        !          1667: 
        !          1668: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1669: <p><descrip>
        !          1670: <tagp><type>struct protocol *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1671:     a routing protocol
        !          1672: <tagp><type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          1673:     new configuration
        !          1674: </descrip>
        !          1675: <funcsect>Description
        !          1676: <p>
        !          1677:    The <func/preconfig()/ hook is called before parsing of a new configuration.
        !          1678: </function>
        !          1679: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1680: <funcdef>postconfig</funcdef>
        !          1681: (<type>struct proto_config *</type> <param>c</param>) --     instance post-configuration
        !          1682: 
        !          1683: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1684: <p><descrip>
        !          1685: <tagp><type>struct proto_config *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          1686:     instance configuration
        !          1687: </descrip>
        !          1688: <funcsect>Description
        !          1689: <p>
        !          1690:    The <func/postconfig()/ hook is called for each configured instance after
        !          1691:    parsing of the new configuration is finished.
        !          1692: </function>
        !          1693: <function><p><type>struct proto *</type>
        !          1694: <funcdef>init</funcdef>
        !          1695: (<type>struct proto_config *</type> <param>c</param>) --     initialize an instance
        !          1696: 
        !          1697: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1698: <p><descrip>
        !          1699: <tagp><type>struct proto_config *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          1700:     instance configuration
        !          1701: </descrip>
        !          1702: <funcsect>Description
        !          1703: <p>
        !          1704:    The <func/init()/ hook is called by the core to create a protocol instance
        !          1705:    according to supplied protocol configuration.
        !          1706: <funcsect>Result
        !          1707: <p>
        !          1708:     a pointer to the instance created
        !          1709: </function>
        !          1710: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          1711: <funcdef>reconfigure</funcdef>
        !          1712: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct proto_config *</type> <param>c</param>) --     request instance reconfiguration
        !          1713: 
        !          1714: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1715: <p><descrip>
        !          1716: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1717:     an instance
        !          1718: <tagp><type>struct proto_config *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          1719:     new configuration
        !          1720: </descrip>
        !          1721: <funcsect>Description
        !          1722: <p>
        !          1723:    The core calls the <func/reconfigure()/ hook whenever it wants to ask the
        !          1724:    protocol for switching to a new configuration. If the reconfiguration
        !          1725:    is possible, the hook returns 1. Otherwise, it returns 0 and the core
        !          1726:    will shut down the instance and start a new one with the new configuration.
        !          1727:    <p>
        !          1728:    After the protocol confirms reconfiguration, it must no longer keep any
        !          1729:    references to the old configuration since the memory it's stored in can
        !          1730:    be re-used at any time.
        !          1731: </function>
        !          1732: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1733: <funcdef>dump</funcdef>
        !          1734: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     dump protocol state
        !          1735: 
        !          1736: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1737: <p><descrip>
        !          1738: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1739:     an instance
        !          1740: </descrip>
        !          1741: <funcsect>Description
        !          1742: <p>
        !          1743:    This hook dumps the complete state of the instance to the
        !          1744:    debug output.
        !          1745: </function>
        !          1746: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1747: <funcdef>dump_attrs</funcdef>
        !          1748: (<type>rte *</type> <param>e</param>) --     dump protocol-dependent attributes
        !          1749: 
        !          1750: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1751: <p><descrip>
        !          1752: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          1753:     a route entry
        !          1754: </descrip>
        !          1755: <funcsect>Description
        !          1756: <p>
        !          1757:    This hook dumps all attributes in the <struct/rte/ which belong to this
        !          1758:    protocol to the debug output.
        !          1759: </function>
        !          1760: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          1761: <funcdef>start</funcdef>
        !          1762: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     request instance startup
        !          1763: 
        !          1764: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1765: <p><descrip>
        !          1766: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1767:     protocol instance
        !          1768: </descrip>
        !          1769: <funcsect>Description
        !          1770: <p>
        !          1771:    The <func/start()/ hook is called by the core when it wishes to start
        !          1772:    the instance. Multitable protocols should lock their tables here.
        !          1773: <funcsect>Result
        !          1774: <p>
        !          1775:     new protocol state
        !          1776: </function>
        !          1777: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          1778: <funcdef>shutdown</funcdef>
        !          1779: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     request instance shutdown
        !          1780: 
        !          1781: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1782: <p><descrip>
        !          1783: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1784:     protocol instance
        !          1785: </descrip>
        !          1786: <funcsect>Description
        !          1787: <p>
        !          1788:    The <func/stop()/ hook is called by the core when it wishes to shut
        !          1789:    the instance down for some reason.
        !          1790: <funcsect>Returns
        !          1791: <p>
        !          1792:     new protocol state
        !          1793: </function>
        !          1794: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1795: <funcdef>cleanup</funcdef>
        !          1796: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     request instance cleanup
        !          1797: 
        !          1798: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1799: <p><descrip>
        !          1800: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1801:     protocol instance
        !          1802: </descrip>
        !          1803: <funcsect>Description
        !          1804: <p>
        !          1805:    The <func/cleanup()/ hook is called by the core when the protocol became
        !          1806:    hungry/down, i.e. all protocol ahooks and routes are flushed.
        !          1807:    Multitable protocols should unlock their tables here.
        !          1808: </function>
        !          1809: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1810: <funcdef>get_status</funcdef>
        !          1811: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>byte *</type> <param>buf</param>) --     get instance status
        !          1812: 
        !          1813: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1814: <p><descrip>
        !          1815: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1816:     protocol instance
        !          1817: <tagp><type>byte *</type> <param>buf</param></tagp>
        !          1818:     buffer to be filled with the status string
        !          1819: </descrip>
        !          1820: <funcsect>Description
        !          1821: <p>
        !          1822:    This hook is called by the core if it wishes to obtain an brief one-line user friendly
        !          1823:    representation of the status of the instance to be printed by the &lt;cf/show protocols/
        !          1824:    command.
        !          1825: </function>
        !          1826: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1827: <funcdef>get_route_info</funcdef>
        !          1828: (<type>rte *</type> <param>e</param>, <type>byte *</type> <param>buf</param>, <type>ea_list *</type> <param>attrs</param>) --     get route information
        !          1829: 
        !          1830: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1831: <p><descrip>
        !          1832: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          1833:     a route entry
        !          1834: <tagp><type>byte *</type> <param>buf</param></tagp>
        !          1835:     buffer to be filled with the resulting string
        !          1836: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>attrs</param></tagp>
        !          1837:     extended attributes of the route
        !          1838: </descrip>
        !          1839: <funcsect>Description
        !          1840: <p>
        !          1841:    This hook is called to fill the buffer <param/buf/ with a brief user friendly
        !          1842:    representation of metrics of a route belonging to this protocol.
        !          1843: </function>
        !          1844: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          1845: <funcdef>get_attr</funcdef>
        !          1846: (<type>eattr *</type> <param>a</param>, <type>byte *</type> <param>buf</param>, <type>int</type> <param>buflen</param>) --     get attribute information
        !          1847: 
        !          1848: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1849: <p><descrip>
        !          1850: <tagp><type>eattr *</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !          1851:     an extended attribute
        !          1852: <tagp><type>byte *</type> <param>buf</param></tagp>
        !          1853:     buffer to be filled with attribute information
        !          1854: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>buflen</param></tagp>
        !          1855:     a length of the <param/buf/ parameter
        !          1856: </descrip>
        !          1857: <funcsect>Description
        !          1858: <p>
        !          1859:    The <func/get_attr()/ hook is called by the core to obtain a user friendly
        !          1860:    representation of an extended route attribute. It can either leave
        !          1861:    the whole conversion to the core (by returning <const/GA_UNKNOWN/), fill
        !          1862:    in only attribute name (and let the core format the attribute value
        !          1863:    automatically according to the type field; by returning <const/GA_NAME/)
        !          1864:    or doing the whole conversion (used in case the value requires extra
        !          1865:    care; return <const/GA_FULL/).
        !          1866: </function>
        !          1867: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1868: <funcdef>if_notify</funcdef>
        !          1869: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>flags</param>, <type>struct iface *</type> <param>i</param>) --     notify instance about interface changes
        !          1870: 
        !          1871: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1872: <p><descrip>
        !          1873: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1874:     protocol instance
        !          1875: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>flags</param></tagp>
        !          1876:     interface change flags
        !          1877: <tagp><type>struct iface *</type> <param>i</param></tagp>
        !          1878:     the interface in question
        !          1879: </descrip>
        !          1880: <funcsect>Description
        !          1881: <p>
        !          1882:    This hook is called whenever any network interface changes its status.
        !          1883:    The change is described by a combination of status bits (<const/IF_CHANGE_xxx/)
        !          1884:    in the <param/flags/ parameter.
        !          1885: </function>
        !          1886: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1887: <funcdef>ifa_notify</funcdef>
        !          1888: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>flags</param>, <type>struct ifa *</type> <param>a</param>) --     notify instance about interface address changes
        !          1889: 
        !          1890: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1891: <p><descrip>
        !          1892: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1893:     protocol instance
        !          1894: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>flags</param></tagp>
        !          1895:     address change flags
        !          1896: <tagp><type>struct ifa *</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !          1897:     the interface address
        !          1898: </descrip>
        !          1899: <funcsect>Description
        !          1900: <p>
        !          1901:    This hook is called to notify the protocol instance about an interface
        !          1902:    acquiring or losing one of its addresses. The change is described by
        !          1903:    a combination of status bits (<const/IF_CHANGE_xxx/) in the <param/flags/ parameter.
        !          1904: </function>
        !          1905: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1906: <funcdef>rt_notify</funcdef>
        !          1907: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>net *</type> <param>net</param>, <type>rte *</type> <param>new</param>, <type>rte *</type> <param>old</param>, <type>ea_list *</type> <param>attrs</param>) --     notify instance about routing table change
        !          1908: 
        !          1909: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1910: <p><descrip>
        !          1911: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          1912:     protocol instance
        !          1913: <tagp><type>net *</type> <param>net</param></tagp>
        !          1914:     a network entry
        !          1915: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>new</param></tagp>
        !          1916:     new route for the network
        !          1917: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>old</param></tagp>
        !          1918:     old route for the network
        !          1919: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>attrs</param></tagp>
        !          1920:     extended attributes associated with the <param/new/ entry
        !          1921: </descrip>
        !          1922: <funcsect>Description
        !          1923: <p>
        !          1924:    The <func/rt_notify()/ hook is called to inform the protocol instance about
        !          1925:    changes in the connected routing table <param/table/, that is a route <param/old/
        !          1926:    belonging to network <param/net/ being replaced by a new route <param/new/ with
        !          1927:    extended attributes <param/attrs/. Either <param/new/ or <param/old/ or both can be <const/NULL/
        !          1928:    if the corresponding route doesn't exist.
        !          1929:    <p>
        !          1930:    If the type of route announcement is RA_OPTIMAL, it is an
        !          1931:    announcement of optimal route change, <param/new/ stores the new optimal
        !          1932:    route and <param/old/ stores the old optimal route.
        !          1933:    <p>
        !          1934:    If the type of route announcement is RA_ANY, it is an announcement
        !          1935:    of any route change, <param/new/ stores the new route and <param/old/ stores the
        !          1936:    old route from the same protocol.
        !          1937:    <p>
        !          1938:    <param/p/-&gt;accept_ra_types specifies which kind of route announcements
        !          1939:    protocol wants to receive.
        !          1940: </function>
        !          1941: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1942: <funcdef>neigh_notify</funcdef>
        !          1943: (<type>neighbor *</type> <param>neigh</param>) --     notify instance about neighbor status change
        !          1944: 
        !          1945: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1946: <p><descrip>
        !          1947: <tagp><type>neighbor *</type> <param>neigh</param></tagp>
        !          1948:     a neighbor cache entry
        !          1949: </descrip>
        !          1950: <funcsect>Description
        !          1951: <p>
        !          1952:    The <func/neigh_notify()/ hook is called by the neighbor cache whenever
        !          1953:    a neighbor changes its state, that is it gets disconnected or a
        !          1954:    sticky neighbor gets connected.
        !          1955: </function>
        !          1956: <function><p><type>ea_list *</type>
        !          1957: <funcdef>make_tmp_attrs</funcdef>
        !          1958: (<type>rte *</type> <param>e</param>, <type>struct linpool *</type> <param>pool</param>) --     convert embedded attributes to temporary ones
        !          1959: 
        !          1960: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1961: <p><descrip>
        !          1962: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          1963:     route entry
        !          1964: <tagp><type>struct linpool *</type> <param>pool</param></tagp>
        !          1965:     linear pool to allocate attribute memory in
        !          1966: </descrip>
        !          1967: <funcsect>Description
        !          1968: <p>
        !          1969:    This hook is called by the routing table functions if they need
        !          1970:    to convert the protocol attributes embedded directly in the <struct/rte/
        !          1971:    to temporary extended attributes in order to distribute them
        !          1972:    to other protocols or to filters. <func/make_tmp_attrs()/ creates
        !          1973:    an <struct/ea_list/ in the linear pool <param/pool/, fills it with values of the
        !          1974:    temporary attributes and returns a pointer to it.
        !          1975: </function>
        !          1976: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          1977: <funcdef>store_tmp_attrs</funcdef>
        !          1978: (<type>rte *</type> <param>e</param>, <type>ea_list *</type> <param>attrs</param>) --     convert temporary attributes to embedded ones
        !          1979: 
        !          1980: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          1981: <p><descrip>
        !          1982: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          1983:     route entry
        !          1984: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>attrs</param></tagp>
        !          1985:     temporary attributes to be converted
        !          1986: </descrip>
        !          1987: <funcsect>Description
        !          1988: <p>
        !          1989:    This hook is an exact opposite of <func/make_tmp_attrs()/ -- it takes
        !          1990:    a list of extended attributes and converts them to attributes
        !          1991:    embedded in the <struct/rte/ corresponding to this protocol.
        !          1992:    <p>
        !          1993:    You must be prepared for any of the attributes being missing
        !          1994:    from the list and use default values instead.
        !          1995: </function>
        !          1996: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          1997: <funcdef>import_control</funcdef>
        !          1998: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>rte **</type> <param>e</param>, <type>ea_list **</type> <param>attrs</param>, <type>struct linpool *</type> <param>pool</param>) --     pre-filtering decisions on route import
        !          1999: 
        !          2000: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2001: <p><descrip>
        !          2002: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          2003:     protocol instance the route is going to be imported to
        !          2004: <tagp><type>rte **</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          2005:     the route in question
        !          2006: <tagp><type>ea_list **</type> <param>attrs</param></tagp>
        !          2007:     extended attributes of the route
        !          2008: <tagp><type>struct linpool *</type> <param>pool</param></tagp>
        !          2009:     linear pool for allocation of all temporary data
        !          2010: </descrip>
        !          2011: <funcsect>Description
        !          2012: <p>
        !          2013:    The <func/import_control()/ hook is called as the first step of a exporting
        !          2014:    a route from a routing table to the protocol instance. It can modify
        !          2015:    route attributes and force acceptance or rejection of the route regardless
        !          2016:    of user-specified filters. See <func/rte_announce()/ for a complete description
        !          2017:    of the route distribution process.
        !          2018:    <p>
        !          2019:    The standard use of this hook is to reject routes having originated
        !          2020:    from the same instance and to set default values of the protocol's metrics.
        !          2021: <funcsect>Result
        !          2022: <p>
        !          2023:     1 if the route has to be accepted, -1 if rejected and 0 if it
        !          2024:    should be passed to the filters.
        !          2025: </function>
        !          2026: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          2027: <funcdef>rte_recalculate</funcdef>
        !          2028: (<type>struct rtable *</type> <param>table</param>, <type>struct network *</type> <param>net</param>, <type>struct rte *</type> <param>new</param>, <type>struct rte *</type> <param>old</param>, <type>struct rte *</type> <param>old_best</param>) --     prepare routes for comparison
        !          2029: 
        !          2030: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2031: <p><descrip>
        !          2032: <tagp><type>struct rtable *</type> <param>table</param></tagp>
        !          2033:     a routing table 
        !          2034: <tagp><type>struct network *</type> <param>net</param></tagp>
        !          2035:     a network entry
        !          2036: <tagp><type>struct rte *</type> <param>new</param></tagp>
        !          2037:     new route for the network
        !          2038: <tagp><type>struct rte *</type> <param>old</param></tagp>
        !          2039:     old route for the network
        !          2040: <tagp><type>struct rte *</type> <param>old_best</param></tagp>
        !          2041:     old best route for the network (may be NULL)
        !          2042: </descrip>
        !          2043: <funcsect>Description
        !          2044: <p>
        !          2045:    This hook is called when a route change (from <param/old/ to <param/new/ for a
        !          2046:    <param/net/ entry) is propagated to a <param/table/. It may be used to prepare
        !          2047:    routes for comparison by <func/rte_better()/ in the best route
        !          2048:    selection. <param/new/ may or may not be in <param/net/-&gt;routes list,
        !          2049:    <param/old/ is not there.
        !          2050: <funcsect>Result
        !          2051: <p>
        !          2052:     1 if the ordering implied by <func/rte_better()/ changes enough
        !          2053:    that full best route calculation have to be done, 0 otherwise.
        !          2054: </function>
        !          2055: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          2056: <funcdef>rte_better</funcdef>
        !          2057: (<type>rte *</type> <param>new</param>, <type>rte *</type> <param>old</param>) --     compare metrics of two routes
        !          2058: 
        !          2059: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2060: <p><descrip>
        !          2061: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>new</param></tagp>
        !          2062:     the new route
        !          2063: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>old</param></tagp>
        !          2064:     the original route
        !          2065: </descrip>
        !          2066: <funcsect>Description
        !          2067: <p>
        !          2068:    This hook gets called when the routing table contains two routes
        !          2069:    for the same network which have originated from different instances
        !          2070:    of a single protocol and it wants to select which one is preferred
        !          2071:    over the other one. Protocols usually decide according to route metrics.
        !          2072: <funcsect>Result
        !          2073: <p>
        !          2074:     1 if <param/new/ is better (more preferred) than <param/old/, 0 otherwise.
        !          2075: </function>
        !          2076: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          2077: <funcdef>rte_same</funcdef>
        !          2078: (<type>rte *</type> <param>e1</param>, <type>rte *</type> <param>e2</param>) --     compare two routes
        !          2079: 
        !          2080: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2081: <p><descrip>
        !          2082: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>e1</param></tagp>
        !          2083:     route
        !          2084: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>e2</param></tagp>
        !          2085:     route
        !          2086: </descrip>
        !          2087: <funcsect>Description
        !          2088: <p>
        !          2089:    The <func/rte_same()/ hook tests whether the routes <param/e1/ and <param/e2/ belonging
        !          2090:    to the same protocol instance have identical contents. Contents of
        !          2091:    <struct/rta/, all the extended attributes and <struct/rte/ preference are checked
        !          2092:    by the core code, no need to take care of them here.
        !          2093: <funcsect>Result
        !          2094: <p>
        !          2095:     1 if <param/e1/ is identical to <param/e2/, 0 otherwise.
        !          2096: </function>
        !          2097: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2098: <funcdef>rte_insert</funcdef>
        !          2099: (<type>net *</type> <param>n</param>, <type>rte *</type> <param>e</param>) --     notify instance about route insertion
        !          2100: 
        !          2101: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2102: <p><descrip>
        !          2103: <tagp><type>net *</type> <param>n</param></tagp>
        !          2104:     network
        !          2105: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          2106:     route
        !          2107: </descrip>
        !          2108: <funcsect>Description
        !          2109: <p>
        !          2110:    This hook is called whenever a <struct/rte/ belonging to the instance
        !          2111:    is accepted for insertion to a routing table.
        !          2112:    <p>
        !          2113:    Please avoid using this function in new protocols.
        !          2114: </function>
        !          2115: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2116: <funcdef>rte_remove</funcdef>
        !          2117: (<type>net *</type> <param>n</param>, <type>rte *</type> <param>e</param>) --     notify instance about route removal
        !          2118: 
        !          2119: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2120: <p><descrip>
        !          2121: <tagp><type>net *</type> <param>n</param></tagp>
        !          2122:     network
        !          2123: <tagp><type>rte *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          2124:     route
        !          2125: </descrip>
        !          2126: <funcsect>Description
        !          2127: <p>
        !          2128:    This hook is called whenever a <struct/rte/ belonging to the instance
        !          2129:    is removed from a routing table.
        !          2130:    <p>
        !          2131:    Please avoid using this function in new protocols.
        !          2132: </function>
        !          2133: <sect>Interfaces
        !          2134: <p>
        !          2135:    <p>
        !          2136:    The interface module keeps track of all network interfaces in the
        !          2137:    system and their addresses.
        !          2138:    <p>
        !          2139:    Each interface is represented by an <struct/iface/ structure which carries
        !          2140:    interface capability flags (<const/IF_MULTIACCESS/, <const/IF_BROADCAST/ etc.),
        !          2141:    MTU, interface name and index and finally a linked list of network
        !          2142:    prefixes assigned to the interface, each one represented by
        !          2143:    struct <struct/ifa/.
        !          2144:    <p>
        !          2145:    The interface module keeps a `soft-up' state for each <struct/iface/ which
        !          2146:    is a conjunction of link being up, the interface being of a `sane'
        !          2147:    type and at least one IP address assigned to it.
        !          2148: 
        !          2149: 
        !          2150: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2151: <funcdef>ifa_dump</funcdef>
        !          2152: (<type>struct ifa *</type> <param>a</param>) --     dump interface address
        !          2153: 
        !          2154: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2155: <p><descrip>
        !          2156: <tagp><type>struct ifa *</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !          2157:     interface address descriptor
        !          2158: </descrip>
        !          2159: <funcsect>Description
        !          2160: <p>
        !          2161:    This function dumps contents of an <struct/ifa/ to the debug output.
        !          2162: </function>
        !          2163: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2164: <funcdef>if_dump</funcdef>
        !          2165: (<type>struct iface *</type> <param>i</param>) --     dump interface
        !          2166: 
        !          2167: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2168: <p><descrip>
        !          2169: <tagp><type>struct iface *</type> <param>i</param></tagp>
        !          2170:     interface to dump
        !          2171: </descrip>
        !          2172: <funcsect>Description
        !          2173: <p>
        !          2174:    This function dumps all information associated with a given
        !          2175:    network interface to the debug output.
        !          2176: </function>
        !          2177: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2178: <funcdef>if_dump_all</funcdef>
        !          2179: (<param>void</param>) --     dump all interfaces
        !          2180: 
        !          2181: <funcsect>Description
        !          2182: <p>
        !          2183:    <p>
        !          2184:    This function dumps information about all known network
        !          2185:    interfaces to the debug output.
        !          2186: </function>
        !          2187: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2188: <funcdef>if_delete</funcdef>
        !          2189: (<type>struct iface *</type> <param>old</param>) --     remove interface
        !          2190: 
        !          2191: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2192: <p><descrip>
        !          2193: <tagp><type>struct iface *</type> <param>old</param></tagp>
        !          2194:     interface
        !          2195: </descrip>
        !          2196: <funcsect>Description
        !          2197: <p>
        !          2198:    This function is called by the low-level platform dependent code
        !          2199:    whenever it notices an interface disappears. It is just a shorthand
        !          2200:    for <func/if_update()/.
        !          2201: </function>
        !          2202: <function><p><type>struct iface *</type>
        !          2203: <funcdef>if_update</funcdef>
        !          2204: (<type>struct iface *</type> <param>new</param>) --     update interface status
        !          2205: 
        !          2206: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2207: <p><descrip>
        !          2208: <tagp><type>struct iface *</type> <param>new</param></tagp>
        !          2209:     new interface status
        !          2210: </descrip>
        !          2211: <funcsect>Description
        !          2212: <p>
        !          2213:    <func/if_update()/ is called by the low-level platform dependent code
        !          2214:    whenever it notices an interface change.
        !          2215:    <p>
        !          2216:    There exist two types of interface updates -- synchronous and asynchronous
        !          2217:    ones. In the synchronous case, the low-level code calls <func/if_start_update()/,
        !          2218:    scans all interfaces reported by the OS, uses <func/if_update()/ and <func/ifa_update()/
        !          2219:    to pass them to the core and then it finishes the update sequence by
        !          2220:    calling <func/if_end_update()/. When working asynchronously, the sysdep code
        !          2221:    calls <func/if_update()/ and <func/ifa_update()/ whenever it notices a change.
        !          2222:    <p>
        !          2223:    <func/if_update()/ will automatically notify all other modules about the change.
        !          2224: </function>
        !          2225: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2226: <funcdef>if_feed_baby</funcdef>
        !          2227: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     advertise interfaces to a new protocol
        !          2228: 
        !          2229: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2230: <p><descrip>
        !          2231: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          2232:     protocol to feed
        !          2233: </descrip>
        !          2234: <funcsect>Description
        !          2235: <p>
        !          2236:    When a new protocol starts, this function sends it a series
        !          2237:    of notifications about all existing interfaces.
        !          2238: </function>
        !          2239: <function><p><type>struct iface *</type>
        !          2240: <funcdef>if_find_by_index</funcdef>
        !          2241: (<type>unsigned</type> <param>idx</param>) --     find interface by ifindex
        !          2242: 
        !          2243: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2244: <p><descrip>
        !          2245: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>idx</param></tagp>
        !          2246:     ifindex
        !          2247: </descrip>
        !          2248: <funcsect>Description
        !          2249: <p>
        !          2250:    This function finds an <struct/iface/ structure corresponding to an interface
        !          2251:    of the given index <param/idx/. Returns a pointer to the structure or <const/NULL/
        !          2252:    if no such structure exists.
        !          2253: </function>
        !          2254: <function><p><type>struct iface *</type>
        !          2255: <funcdef>if_find_by_name</funcdef>
        !          2256: (<type>char *</type> <param>name</param>) --     find interface by name
        !          2257: 
        !          2258: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2259: <p><descrip>
        !          2260: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>name</param></tagp>
        !          2261:     interface name
        !          2262: </descrip>
        !          2263: <funcsect>Description
        !          2264: <p>
        !          2265:    This function finds an <struct/iface/ structure corresponding to an interface
        !          2266:    of the given name <param/name/. Returns a pointer to the structure or <const/NULL/
        !          2267:    if no such structure exists.
        !          2268: </function>
        !          2269: <function><p><type>struct ifa *</type>
        !          2270: <funcdef>ifa_update</funcdef>
        !          2271: (<type>struct ifa *</type> <param>a</param>) --     update interface address
        !          2272: 
        !          2273: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2274: <p><descrip>
        !          2275: <tagp><type>struct ifa *</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !          2276:     new interface address
        !          2277: </descrip>
        !          2278: <funcsect>Description
        !          2279: <p>
        !          2280:    This function adds address information to a network
        !          2281:    interface. It's called by the platform dependent code during
        !          2282:    the interface update process described under <func/if_update()/.
        !          2283: </function>
        !          2284: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2285: <funcdef>ifa_delete</funcdef>
        !          2286: (<type>struct ifa *</type> <param>a</param>) --     remove interface address
        !          2287: 
        !          2288: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2289: <p><descrip>
        !          2290: <tagp><type>struct ifa *</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !          2291:     interface address
        !          2292: </descrip>
        !          2293: <funcsect>Description
        !          2294: <p>
        !          2295:    This function removes address information from a network
        !          2296:    interface. It's called by the platform dependent code during
        !          2297:    the interface update process described under <func/if_update()/.
        !          2298: </function>
        !          2299: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2300: <funcdef>if_init</funcdef>
        !          2301: (<param>void</param>) --     initialize interface module
        !          2302: 
        !          2303: <funcsect>Description
        !          2304: <p>
        !          2305:    <p>
        !          2306:    This function is called during BIRD startup to initialize
        !          2307:    all data structures of the interface module.
        !          2308: </function>
        !          2309: <sect>Neighbor cache
        !          2310: <p>
        !          2311:    <p>
        !          2312:    Most routing protocols need to associate their internal state data with
        !          2313:    neighboring routers, check whether an address given as the next hop
        !          2314:    attribute of a route is really an address of a directly connected host
        !          2315:    and which interface is it connected through. Also, they often need to
        !          2316:    be notified when a neighbor ceases to exist or when their long awaited
        !          2317:    neighbor becomes connected. The neighbor cache is there to solve all
        !          2318:    these problems.
        !          2319:    <p>
        !          2320:    The neighbor cache maintains a collection of neighbor entries. Each
        !          2321:    entry represents one IP address corresponding to either our directly
        !          2322:    connected neighbor or our own end of the link (when the scope of the
        !          2323:    address is set to <const/SCOPE_HOST/) together with per-neighbor data belonging to a
        !          2324:    single protocol.
        !          2325:    <p>
        !          2326:    Active entries represent known neighbors and are stored in a hash
        !          2327:    table (to allow fast retrieval based on the IP address of the node) and
        !          2328:    two linked lists: one global and one per-interface (allowing quick
        !          2329:    processing of interface change events). Inactive entries exist only
        !          2330:    when the protocol has explicitly requested it via the <const/NEF_STICKY/
        !          2331:    flag because it wishes to be notified when the node will again become
        !          2332:    a neighbor. Such entries are enqueued in a special list which is walked
        !          2333:    whenever an interface changes its state to up. Neighbor entry VRF
        !          2334:    association is implied by respective protocol.
        !          2335:    <p>
        !          2336:    When a neighbor event occurs (a neighbor gets disconnected or a sticky
        !          2337:    inactive neighbor becomes connected), the protocol hook <func/neigh_notify()/
        !          2338:    is called to advertise the change.
        !          2339: 
        !          2340: 
        !          2341: <function><p><type>neighbor *</type>
        !          2342: <funcdef>neigh_find</funcdef>
        !          2343: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>ip_addr *</type> <param>a</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>flags</param>) --     find or create a neighbor entry.
        !          2344: 
        !          2345: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2346: <p><descrip>
        !          2347: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          2348:     protocol which asks for the entry.
        !          2349: <tagp><type>ip_addr *</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !          2350:     pointer to IP address of the node to be searched for.
        !          2351: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>flags</param></tagp>
        !          2352:     0 or <const/NEF_STICKY/ if you want to create a sticky entry.
        !          2353: </descrip>
        !          2354: <funcsect>Description
        !          2355: <p>
        !          2356:    Search the neighbor cache for a node with given IP address. If
        !          2357:    it's found, a pointer to the neighbor entry is returned. If no
        !          2358:    such entry exists and the node is directly connected on
        !          2359:    one of our active interfaces, a new entry is created and returned
        !          2360:    to the caller with protocol-dependent fields initialized to zero.
        !          2361:    If the node is not connected directly or *<param/a/ is not a valid unicast
        !          2362:    IP address, <func/neigh_find()/ returns <const/NULL/.
        !          2363: </function>
        !          2364: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2365: <funcdef>neigh_dump</funcdef>
        !          2366: (<type>neighbor *</type> <param>n</param>) --     dump specified neighbor entry.
        !          2367: 
        !          2368: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2369: <p><descrip>
        !          2370: <tagp><type>neighbor *</type> <param>n</param></tagp>
        !          2371:     the entry to dump
        !          2372: </descrip>
        !          2373: <funcsect>Description
        !          2374: <p>
        !          2375:    This functions dumps the contents of a given neighbor entry
        !          2376:    to debug output.
        !          2377: </function>
        !          2378: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2379: <funcdef>neigh_dump_all</funcdef>
        !          2380: (<param>void</param>) --     dump all neighbor entries.
        !          2381: 
        !          2382: <funcsect>Description
        !          2383: <p>
        !          2384:    <p>
        !          2385:    This function dumps the contents of the neighbor cache to
        !          2386:    debug output.
        !          2387: </function>
        !          2388: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2389: <funcdef>neigh_if_up</funcdef>
        !          2390: (<type>struct iface *</type> <param>i</param>)
        !          2391: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2392: <p><descrip>
        !          2393: <tagp><type>struct iface *</type> <param>i</param></tagp>
        !          2394:     interface in question
        !          2395: </descrip>
        !          2396: <funcsect>Description
        !          2397: <p>
        !          2398:    Tell the neighbor cache that a new interface became up.
        !          2399:    <p>
        !          2400:    The neighbor cache wakes up all inactive sticky neighbors with
        !          2401:    addresses belonging to prefixes of the interface <param/i/.
        !          2402: </function>
        !          2403: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2404: <funcdef>neigh_if_down</funcdef>
        !          2405: (<type>struct iface *</type> <param>i</param>) --     notify neighbor cache about interface down event
        !          2406: 
        !          2407: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2408: <p><descrip>
        !          2409: <tagp><type>struct iface *</type> <param>i</param></tagp>
        !          2410:     the interface in question
        !          2411: </descrip>
        !          2412: <funcsect>Description
        !          2413: <p>
        !          2414:    Notify the neighbor cache that an interface has ceased to exist.
        !          2415:    <p>
        !          2416:    It causes all entries belonging to neighbors connected to this interface
        !          2417:    to be flushed.
        !          2418: </function>
        !          2419: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2420: <funcdef>neigh_if_link</funcdef>
        !          2421: (<type>struct iface *</type> <param>i</param>) --     notify neighbor cache about interface link change
        !          2422: 
        !          2423: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2424: <p><descrip>
        !          2425: <tagp><type>struct iface *</type> <param>i</param></tagp>
        !          2426:     the interface in question
        !          2427: </descrip>
        !          2428: <funcsect>Description
        !          2429: <p>
        !          2430:    Notify the neighbor cache that an interface changed link state.
        !          2431:    All owners of neighbor entries connected to this interface are
        !          2432:    notified.
        !          2433: </function>
        !          2434: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2435: <funcdef>neigh_ifa_update</funcdef>
        !          2436: (<type>struct ifa *</type> <param>a</param>)
        !          2437: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2438: <p><descrip>
        !          2439: <tagp><type>struct ifa *</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !          2440:     interface address in question
        !          2441: </descrip>
        !          2442: <funcsect>Description
        !          2443: <p>
        !          2444:    Tell the neighbor cache that an address was added or removed.
        !          2445:    <p>
        !          2446:    The neighbor cache wakes up all inactive sticky neighbors with
        !          2447:    addresses belonging to prefixes of the interface belonging to <param/ifa/
        !          2448:    and causes all unreachable neighbors to be flushed.
        !          2449: </function>
        !          2450: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2451: <funcdef>neigh_prune</funcdef>
        !          2452: (<param>void</param>) --     prune neighbor cache
        !          2453: 
        !          2454: <funcsect>Description
        !          2455: <p>
        !          2456:    <p>
        !          2457:    <func/neigh_prune()/ examines all neighbor entries cached and removes those
        !          2458:    corresponding to inactive protocols. It's called whenever a protocol
        !          2459:    is shut down to get rid of all its heritage.
        !          2460: </function>
        !          2461: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2462: <funcdef>neigh_init</funcdef>
        !          2463: (<type>pool *</type> <param>if_pool</param>) --     initialize the neighbor cache.
        !          2464: 
        !          2465: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2466: <p><descrip>
        !          2467: <tagp><type>pool *</type> <param>if_pool</param></tagp>
        !          2468:     resource pool to be used for neighbor entries.
        !          2469: </descrip>
        !          2470: <funcsect>Description
        !          2471: <p>
        !          2472:    This function is called during BIRD startup to initialize
        !          2473:    the neighbor cache module.
        !          2474: </function>
        !          2475: <sect>Command line interface
        !          2476: <p>
        !          2477:    <p>
        !          2478:    This module takes care of the BIRD's command-line interface (CLI).
        !          2479:    The CLI exists to provide a way to control BIRD remotely and to inspect
        !          2480:    its status. It uses a very simple textual protocol over a stream
        !          2481:    connection provided by the platform dependent code (on UNIX systems,
        !          2482:    it's a UNIX domain socket).
        !          2483:    <p>
        !          2484:    Each session of the CLI consists of a sequence of request and replies,
        !          2485:    slightly resembling the FTP and SMTP protocols.
        !          2486:    Requests are commands encoded as a single line of text, replies are
        !          2487:    sequences of lines starting with a four-digit code followed by either
        !          2488:    a space (if it's the last line of the reply) or a minus sign (when the
        !          2489:    reply is going to continue with the next line), the rest of the line
        !          2490:    contains a textual message semantics of which depends on the numeric
        !          2491:    code. If a reply line has the same code as the previous one and it's
        !          2492:    a continuation line, the whole prefix can be replaced by a single
        !          2493:    white space character.
        !          2494:    <p>
        !          2495:    Reply codes starting with 0 stand for `action successfully completed' messages,
        !          2496:    1 means `table entry', 8 `runtime error' and 9 `syntax error'.
        !          2497:    <p>
        !          2498:    Each CLI session is internally represented by a <struct/cli/ structure and a
        !          2499:    resource pool containing all resources associated with the connection,
        !          2500:    so that it can be easily freed whenever the connection gets closed, not depending
        !          2501:    on the current state of command processing.
        !          2502:    <p>
        !          2503:    The CLI commands are declared as a part of the configuration grammar
        !          2504:    by using the <tt>CF_CLI</tt> macro. When a command is received, it is processed
        !          2505:    by the same lexical analyzer and parser as used for the configuration, but
        !          2506:    it's switched to a special mode by prepending a fake token to the text,
        !          2507:    so that it uses only the CLI command rules. Then the parser invokes
        !          2508:    an execution routine corresponding to the command, which either constructs
        !          2509:    the whole reply and returns it back or (in case it expects the reply will be long)
        !          2510:    it prints a partial reply and asks the CLI module (using the <param/cont/ hook)
        !          2511:    to call it again when the output is transferred to the user.
        !          2512:    <p>
        !          2513:    The <param/this_cli/ variable points to a <struct/cli/ structure of the session being
        !          2514:    currently parsed, but it's of course available only in command handlers
        !          2515:    not entered using the <param/cont/ hook.
        !          2516:    <p>
        !          2517:    TX buffer management works as follows: At cli.tx_buf there is a
        !          2518:    list of TX buffers (struct cli_out), cli.tx_write is the buffer
        !          2519:    currently used by the producer (<func/cli_printf()/, <func/cli_alloc_out()/) and
        !          2520:    cli.tx_pos is the buffer currently used by the consumer
        !          2521:    (<func/cli_write()/, in system dependent code). The producer uses
        !          2522:    cli_out.wpos ptr as the current write position and the consumer
        !          2523:    uses cli_out.outpos ptr as the current read position. When the
        !          2524:    producer produces something, it calls <func/cli_write_trigger()/. If there
        !          2525:    is not enough space in the current buffer, the producer allocates
        !          2526:    the new one. When the consumer processes everything in the buffer
        !          2527:    queue, it calls <func/cli_written()/, tha frees all buffers (except the
        !          2528:    first one) and schedules cli.event .
        !          2529: 
        !          2530: 
        !          2531: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2532: <funcdef>cli_printf</funcdef>
        !          2533: (<type>cli *</type> <param>c</param>, <type>int</type> <param>code</param>, <type>char *</type> <param>msg</param>, <type>...</type> <param>...</param>) --     send reply to a CLI connection
        !          2534: 
        !          2535: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2536: <p><descrip>
        !          2537: <tagp><type>cli *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          2538:     CLI connection
        !          2539: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>code</param></tagp>
        !          2540:     numeric code of the reply, negative for continuation lines
        !          2541: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>msg</param></tagp>
        !          2542:     a <func/printf()/-like formatting string.
        !          2543: <tagp><type>...</type> <param>...</param></tagp>
        !          2544:    variable arguments
        !          2545: </descrip>
        !          2546: <funcsect>Description
        !          2547: <p>
        !          2548:    This function send a single line of reply to a given CLI connection.
        !          2549:    In works in all aspects like <func/bsprintf()/ except that it automatically
        !          2550:    prepends the reply line prefix.
        !          2551:    <p>
        !          2552:    Please note that if the connection can be already busy sending some
        !          2553:    data in which case <func/cli_printf()/ stores the output to a temporary buffer,
        !          2554:    so please avoid sending a large batch of replies without waiting
        !          2555:    for the buffers to be flushed.
        !          2556:    <p>
        !          2557:    If you want to write to the current CLI output, you can use the <func/cli_msg()/
        !          2558:    macro instead.
        !          2559: </function>
        !          2560: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2561: <funcdef>cli_init</funcdef>
        !          2562: (<param>void</param>) --     initialize the CLI module
        !          2563: 
        !          2564: <funcsect>Description
        !          2565: <p>
        !          2566:    <p>
        !          2567:    This function is called during BIRD startup to initialize
        !          2568:    the internal data structures of the CLI module.
        !          2569: </function>
        !          2570: <sect>Object locks
        !          2571: <p>
        !          2572:    <p>
        !          2573:    The lock module provides a simple mechanism for avoiding conflicts between
        !          2574:    various protocols which would like to use a single physical resource (for
        !          2575:    example a network port). It would be easy to say that such collisions can
        !          2576:    occur only when the user specifies an invalid configuration and therefore
        !          2577:    he deserves to get what he has asked for, but unfortunately they can also
        !          2578:    arise legitimately when the daemon is reconfigured and there exists (although
        !          2579:    for a short time period only) an old protocol instance being shut down and a new one
        !          2580:    willing to start up on the same interface.
        !          2581:    <p>
        !          2582:    The solution is very simple: when any protocol wishes to use a network port
        !          2583:    or some other non-shareable resource, it asks the core to lock it and it doesn't
        !          2584:    use the resource until it's notified that it has acquired the lock.
        !          2585:    <p>
        !          2586:    Object locks are represented by <struct/object_lock/ structures which are in turn a
        !          2587:    kind of resource. Lockable resources are uniquely determined by resource type
        !          2588:    (<const/OBJLOCK_UDP/ for a UDP port etc.), IP address (usually a broadcast or
        !          2589:    multicast address the port is bound to), port number, interface and optional
        !          2590:    instance ID.
        !          2591: 
        !          2592: 
        !          2593: <function><p><type>struct object_lock *</type>
        !          2594: <funcdef>olock_new</funcdef>
        !          2595: (<type>pool *</type> <param>p</param>) --     create an object lock
        !          2596: 
        !          2597: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2598: <p><descrip>
        !          2599: <tagp><type>pool *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          2600:     resource pool to create the lock in.
        !          2601: </descrip>
        !          2602: <funcsect>Description
        !          2603: <p>
        !          2604:    The <func/olock_new()/ function creates a new resource of type <struct/object_lock/
        !          2605:    and returns a pointer to it. After filling in the structure, the caller
        !          2606:    should call <func/olock_acquire()/ to do the real locking.
        !          2607: </function>
        !          2608: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2609: <funcdef>olock_acquire</funcdef>
        !          2610: (<type>struct object_lock *</type> <param>l</param>) --     acquire a lock
        !          2611: 
        !          2612: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2613: <p><descrip>
        !          2614: <tagp><type>struct object_lock *</type> <param>l</param></tagp>
        !          2615:     the lock to acquire
        !          2616: </descrip>
        !          2617: <funcsect>Description
        !          2618: <p>
        !          2619:    This function attempts to acquire exclusive access to the non-shareable
        !          2620:    resource described by the lock <param/l/. It returns immediately, but as soon
        !          2621:    as the resource becomes available, it calls the <func/hook()/ function set up
        !          2622:    by the caller.
        !          2623:    <p>
        !          2624:    When you want to release the resource, just <func/rfree()/ the lock.
        !          2625: </function>
        !          2626: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2627: <funcdef>olock_init</funcdef>
        !          2628: (<param>void</param>) --     initialize the object lock mechanism
        !          2629: 
        !          2630: <funcsect>Description
        !          2631: <p>
        !          2632:    <p>
        !          2633:    This function is called during BIRD startup. It initializes
        !          2634:    all the internal data structures of the lock module.
        !          2635: </function>
        !          2636: <chapt>Configuration
        !          2637: <sect>Configuration manager
        !          2638: <p>
        !          2639:    <p>
        !          2640:    Configuration of BIRD is complex, yet straightforward. There are three
        !          2641:    modules taking care of the configuration: config manager (which takes care
        !          2642:    of storage of the config information and controls switching between configs),
        !          2643:    lexical analyzer and parser.
        !          2644:    <p>
        !          2645:    The configuration manager stores each config as a <struct/config/ structure
        !          2646:    accompanied by a linear pool from which all information associated
        !          2647:    with the config and pointed to by the <struct/config/ structure is allocated.
        !          2648:    <p>
        !          2649:    There can exist up to four different configurations at one time: an active
        !          2650:    one (pointed to by <param/config/), configuration we are just switching from
        !          2651:    (<param/old_config/), one queued for the next reconfiguration (<param/future_config/; if
        !          2652:    there is one and the user wants to reconfigure once again, we just free the
        !          2653:    previous queued config and replace it with the new one) and finally a config
        !          2654:    being parsed (<param/new_config/). The stored <param/old_config/ is also used for undo
        !          2655:    reconfiguration, which works in a similar way. Reconfiguration could also
        !          2656:    have timeout (using <param/config_timer/) and undo is automatically called if the
        !          2657:    new configuration is not confirmed later. The new config (<param/new_config/) and
        !          2658:    associated linear pool (<param/cfg_mem/) is non-NULL only during parsing.
        !          2659:    <p>
        !          2660:    Loading of new configuration is very simple: just call <func/config_alloc()/ to get
        !          2661:    a new <struct/config/ structure, then use <func/config_parse()/ to parse a configuration
        !          2662:    file and fill all fields of the structure and finally ask the config manager
        !          2663:    to switch to the new config by calling <func/config_commit()/.
        !          2664:    <p>
        !          2665:    CLI commands are parsed in a very similar way -- there is also a stripped-down
        !          2666:    <struct/config/ structure associated with them and they are lex-ed and parsed by the
        !          2667:    same functions, only a special fake token is prepended before the command
        !          2668:    text to make the parser recognize only the rules corresponding to CLI commands.
        !          2669: 
        !          2670: 
        !          2671: <function><p><type>struct config *</type>
        !          2672: <funcdef>config_alloc</funcdef>
        !          2673: (<type>const byte *</type> <param>name</param>) --     allocate a new configuration
        !          2674: 
        !          2675: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2676: <p><descrip>
        !          2677: <tagp><type>const byte *</type> <param>name</param></tagp>
        !          2678:     name of the config
        !          2679: </descrip>
        !          2680: <funcsect>Description
        !          2681: <p>
        !          2682:    This function creates new <struct/config/ structure, attaches a resource
        !          2683:    pool and a linear memory pool to it and makes it available for
        !          2684:    further use. Returns a pointer to the structure.
        !          2685: </function>
        !          2686: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          2687: <funcdef>config_parse</funcdef>
        !          2688: (<type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param>) --     parse a configuration
        !          2689: 
        !          2690: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2691: <p><descrip>
        !          2692: <tagp><type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          2693:     configuration
        !          2694: </descrip>
        !          2695: <funcsect>Description
        !          2696: <p>
        !          2697:    <func/config_parse()/ reads input by calling a hook function pointed to
        !          2698:    by <param/cf_read_hook/ and parses it according to the configuration
        !          2699:    grammar. It also calls all the preconfig and postconfig hooks
        !          2700:    before, resp. after parsing.
        !          2701: <funcsect>Result
        !          2702: <p>
        !          2703:     1 if the config has been parsed successfully, 0 if any
        !          2704:    error has occurred (such as anybody calling <func/cf_error()/) and
        !          2705:    the <param/err_msg/ field has been set to the error message.
        !          2706: </function>
        !          2707: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          2708: <funcdef>cli_parse</funcdef>
        !          2709: (<type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param>) --     parse a CLI command
        !          2710: 
        !          2711: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2712: <p><descrip>
        !          2713: <tagp><type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          2714:     temporary config structure
        !          2715: </descrip>
        !          2716: <funcsect>Description
        !          2717: <p>
        !          2718:    <func/cli_parse()/ is similar to <func/config_parse()/, but instead of a configuration,
        !          2719:    it parses a CLI command. See the CLI module for more information.
        !          2720: </function>
        !          2721: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2722: <funcdef>config_free</funcdef>
        !          2723: (<type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param>) --     free a configuration
        !          2724: 
        !          2725: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2726: <p><descrip>
        !          2727: <tagp><type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          2728:     configuration to be freed
        !          2729: </descrip>
        !          2730: <funcsect>Description
        !          2731: <p>
        !          2732:    This function takes a <struct/config/ structure and frees all resources
        !          2733:    associated with it.
        !          2734: </function>
        !          2735: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          2736: <funcdef>config_commit</funcdef>
        !          2737: (<type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param>, <type>int</type> <param>type</param>, <type>int</type> <param>timeout</param>) --     commit a configuration
        !          2738: 
        !          2739: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2740: <p><descrip>
        !          2741: <tagp><type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          2742:     new configuration
        !          2743: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>type</param></tagp>
        !          2744:     type of reconfiguration (RECONFIG_SOFT or RECONFIG_HARD)
        !          2745: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>timeout</param></tagp>
        !          2746:     timeout for undo (or 0 for no timeout)
        !          2747: </descrip>
        !          2748: <funcsect>Description
        !          2749: <p>
        !          2750:    When a configuration is parsed and prepared for use, the
        !          2751:    <func/config_commit()/ function starts the process of reconfiguration.
        !          2752:    It checks whether there is already a reconfiguration in progress
        !          2753:    in which case it just queues the new config for later processing.
        !          2754:    Else it notifies all modules about the new configuration by calling
        !          2755:    their <func/commit()/ functions which can either accept it immediately
        !          2756:    or call <func/config_add_obstacle()/ to report that they need some time
        !          2757:    to complete the reconfiguration. After all such obstacles are removed
        !          2758:    using <func/config_del_obstacle()/, the old configuration is freed and
        !          2759:    everything runs according to the new one.
        !          2760:    <p>
        !          2761:    When <param/timeout/ is nonzero, the undo timer is activated with given
        !          2762:    timeout. The timer is deactivated when <func/config_commit()/,
        !          2763:    <func/config_confirm()/ or <func/config_undo()/ is called.
        !          2764: <funcsect>Result
        !          2765: <p>
        !          2766:     <const/CONF_DONE/ if the configuration has been accepted immediately,
        !          2767:    <const/CONF_PROGRESS/ if it will take some time to switch to it, <const/CONF_QUEUED/
        !          2768:    if it's been queued due to another reconfiguration being in progress now
        !          2769:    or <const/CONF_SHUTDOWN/ if BIRD is in shutdown mode and no new configurations
        !          2770:    are accepted.
        !          2771: </function>
        !          2772: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          2773: <funcdef>config_confirm</funcdef>
        !          2774: (<param>void</param>) --     confirm a commited configuration
        !          2775: 
        !          2776: <funcsect>Description
        !          2777: <p>
        !          2778:    <p>
        !          2779:    When the undo timer is activated by <func/config_commit()/ with nonzero timeout,
        !          2780:    this function can be used to deactivate it and therefore confirm
        !          2781:    the current configuration.
        !          2782: <funcsect>Result
        !          2783: <p>
        !          2784:     <const/CONF_CONFIRM/ when the current configuration is confirmed,
        !          2785:    <const/CONF_NONE/ when there is nothing to confirm (i.e. undo timer is not active).
        !          2786: </function>
        !          2787: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          2788: <funcdef>config_undo</funcdef>
        !          2789: (<param>void</param>) --     undo a configuration
        !          2790: 
        !          2791: <funcsect>Description
        !          2792: <p>
        !          2793:    <p>
        !          2794:    Function <func/config_undo()/ can be used to change the current
        !          2795:    configuration back to stored <const/old_config/. If no reconfiguration is
        !          2796:    running, this stored configuration is commited in the same way as a
        !          2797:    new configuration in <func/config_commit()/. If there is already a
        !          2798:    reconfiguration in progress and no next reconfiguration is
        !          2799:    scheduled, then the undo is scheduled for later processing as
        !          2800:    usual, but if another reconfiguration is already scheduled, then
        !          2801:    such reconfiguration is removed instead (i.e. undo is applied on
        !          2802:    the last commit that scheduled it).
        !          2803: <funcsect>Result
        !          2804: <p>
        !          2805:     <const/CONF_DONE/ if the configuration has been accepted immediately,
        !          2806:    <const/CONF_PROGRESS/ if it will take some time to switch to it, <const/CONF_QUEUED/
        !          2807:    if it's been queued due to another reconfiguration being in progress now,
        !          2808:    <const/CONF_UNQUEUED/ if a scheduled reconfiguration is removed, <const/CONF_NOTHING/
        !          2809:    if there is no relevant configuration to undo (the previous config request
        !          2810:    was <func/config_undo()/ too)  or <const/CONF_SHUTDOWN/ if BIRD is in shutdown mode and
        !          2811:    no new configuration changes  are accepted.
        !          2812: </function>
        !          2813: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2814: <funcdef>order_shutdown</funcdef>
        !          2815: (<param>void</param>) --     order BIRD shutdown
        !          2816: 
        !          2817: <funcsect>Description
        !          2818: <p>
        !          2819:    <p>
        !          2820:    This function initiates shutdown of BIRD. It's accomplished by asking
        !          2821:    for switching to an empty configuration.
        !          2822: </function>
        !          2823: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2824: <funcdef>cf_error</funcdef>
        !          2825: (<type>char *</type> <param>msg</param>, <type>...</type> <param>...</param>) --     report a configuration error
        !          2826: 
        !          2827: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2828: <p><descrip>
        !          2829: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>msg</param></tagp>
        !          2830:     printf-like format string
        !          2831: <tagp><type>...</type> <param>...</param></tagp>
        !          2832:    variable arguments
        !          2833: </descrip>
        !          2834: <funcsect>Description
        !          2835: <p>
        !          2836:    <func/cf_error()/ can be called during execution of <func/config_parse()/, that is
        !          2837:    from the parser, a preconfig hook or a postconfig hook, to report an
        !          2838:    error in the configuration.
        !          2839: </function>
        !          2840: <function><p><type>char *</type>
        !          2841: <funcdef>cfg_strdup</funcdef>
        !          2842: (<type>const char *</type> <param>c</param>) --     copy a string to config memory
        !          2843: 
        !          2844: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2845: <p><descrip>
        !          2846: <tagp><type>const char *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          2847:     string to copy
        !          2848: </descrip>
        !          2849: <funcsect>Description
        !          2850: <p>
        !          2851:    <func/cfg_strdup()/ creates a new copy of the string in the memory
        !          2852:    pool associated with the configuration being currently parsed.
        !          2853:    It's often used when a string literal occurs in the configuration
        !          2854:    and we want to preserve it for further use.
        !          2855: </function>
        !          2856: <sect>Lexical analyzer
        !          2857: <p>
        !          2858:    <p>
        !          2859:    The lexical analyzer used for configuration files and CLI commands
        !          2860:    is generated using the <tt>flex</tt> tool accompanied by a couple of
        !          2861:    functions maintaining the hash tables containing information about
        !          2862:    symbols and keywords.
        !          2863:    <p>
        !          2864:    Each symbol is represented by a <struct/symbol/ structure containing name
        !          2865:    of the symbol, its lexical scope, symbol class (<const/SYM_PROTO/ for a
        !          2866:    name of a protocol, <const/SYM_CONSTANT/ for a constant etc.) and class
        !          2867:    dependent data.  When an unknown symbol is encountered, it's
        !          2868:    automatically added to the symbol table with class <const/SYM_VOID/.
        !          2869:    <p>
        !          2870:    The keyword tables are generated from the grammar templates
        !          2871:    using the <tt>gen_keywords.m4</tt> script.
        !          2872: 
        !          2873: 
        !          2874: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2875: <funcdef>cf_lex_unwind</funcdef>
        !          2876: (<param>void</param>) --     unwind lexer state during error
        !          2877: 
        !          2878: <funcsect>Lexical analyzer
        !          2879: <p>
        !          2880:    <p>
        !          2881:    <func/cf_lex_unwind()/ frees the internal state on IFS stack when the lexical
        !          2882:    analyzer is terminated by <func/cf_error()/.
        !          2883: </function>
        !          2884: <function><p><type>struct symbol *</type>
        !          2885: <funcdef>cf_find_symbol</funcdef>
        !          2886: (<type>struct config *</type> <param>cfg</param>, <type>byte *</type> <param>c</param>) --     find a symbol by name
        !          2887: 
        !          2888: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2889: <p><descrip>
        !          2890: <tagp><type>struct config *</type> <param>cfg</param></tagp>
        !          2891:     specificed config
        !          2892: <tagp><type>byte *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          2893:     symbol name
        !          2894: </descrip>
        !          2895: <funcsect>Description
        !          2896: <p>
        !          2897:    This functions searches the symbol table in the config <param/cfg/ for a symbol of
        !          2898:    given name. First it examines the current scope, then the second recent one
        !          2899:    and so on until it either finds the symbol and returns a pointer to its
        !          2900:    <struct/symbol/ structure or reaches the end of the scope chain and returns <const/NULL/ to
        !          2901:    signify no match.
        !          2902: </function>
        !          2903: <function><p><type>struct symbol *</type>
        !          2904: <funcdef>cf_get_symbol</funcdef>
        !          2905: (<type>byte *</type> <param>c</param>) --     get a symbol by name
        !          2906: 
        !          2907: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2908: <p><descrip>
        !          2909: <tagp><type>byte *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          2910:     symbol name
        !          2911: </descrip>
        !          2912: <funcsect>Description
        !          2913: <p>
        !          2914:    This functions searches the symbol table of the currently parsed config
        !          2915:    (<param/new_config/) for a symbol of given name. It returns either the already
        !          2916:    existing symbol or a newly allocated undefined (<const/SYM_VOID/) symbol if no
        !          2917:    existing symbol is found.
        !          2918: </function>
        !          2919: <function><p><type>struct symbol *</type>
        !          2920: <funcdef>cf_define_symbol</funcdef>
        !          2921: (<type>struct symbol *</type> <param>sym</param>, <type>int</type> <param>type</param>, <type>void *</type> <param>def</param>) --     define meaning of a symbol
        !          2922: 
        !          2923: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2924: <p><descrip>
        !          2925: <tagp><type>struct symbol *</type> <param>sym</param></tagp>
        !          2926:     symbol to be defined
        !          2927: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>type</param></tagp>
        !          2928:     symbol class to assign
        !          2929: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>def</param></tagp>
        !          2930:     class dependent data
        !          2931: </descrip>
        !          2932: <funcsect>Description
        !          2933: <p>
        !          2934:    Defines new meaning of a symbol. If the symbol is an undefined
        !          2935:    one (<const/SYM_VOID/), it's just re-defined to the new type. If it's defined
        !          2936:    in different scope, a new symbol in current scope is created and the
        !          2937:    meaning is assigned to it. If it's already defined in the current scope,
        !          2938:    an error is reported via <func/cf_error()/.
        !          2939: <funcsect>Result
        !          2940: <p>
        !          2941:     Pointer to the newly defined symbol. If we are in the top-level
        !          2942:    scope, it's the same <param/sym/ as passed to the function.
        !          2943: </function>
        !          2944: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2945: <funcdef>cf_lex_init</funcdef>
        !          2946: (<type>int</type> <param>is_cli</param>, <type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param>) --     initialize the lexer
        !          2947: 
        !          2948: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2949: <p><descrip>
        !          2950: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>is_cli</param></tagp>
        !          2951:     true if we're going to parse CLI command, false for configuration
        !          2952: <tagp><type>struct config *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          2953:     configuration structure
        !          2954: </descrip>
        !          2955: <funcsect>Description
        !          2956: <p>
        !          2957:    <func/cf_lex_init()/ initializes the lexical analyzer and prepares it for
        !          2958:    parsing of a new input.
        !          2959: </function>
        !          2960: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2961: <funcdef>cf_push_scope</funcdef>
        !          2962: (<type>struct symbol *</type> <param>sym</param>) --     enter new scope
        !          2963: 
        !          2964: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2965: <p><descrip>
        !          2966: <tagp><type>struct symbol *</type> <param>sym</param></tagp>
        !          2967:     symbol representing scope name
        !          2968: </descrip>
        !          2969: <funcsect>Description
        !          2970: <p>
        !          2971:    If we want to enter a new scope to process declarations inside
        !          2972:    a nested block, we can just call <func/cf_push_scope()/ to push a new
        !          2973:    scope onto the scope stack which will cause all new symbols to be
        !          2974:    defined in this scope and all existing symbols to be sought for
        !          2975:    in all scopes stored on the stack.
        !          2976: </function>
        !          2977: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          2978: <funcdef>cf_pop_scope</funcdef>
        !          2979: (<param>void</param>) --     leave a scope
        !          2980: 
        !          2981: <funcsect>Description
        !          2982: <p>
        !          2983:    <p>
        !          2984:    <func/cf_pop_scope()/ pops the topmost scope from the scope stack,
        !          2985:    leaving all its symbols in the symbol table, but making them
        !          2986:    invisible to the rest of the config.
        !          2987: </function>
        !          2988: <function><p><type>char *</type>
        !          2989: <funcdef>cf_symbol_class_name</funcdef>
        !          2990: (<type>struct symbol *</type> <param>sym</param>) --     get name of a symbol class
        !          2991: 
        !          2992: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          2993: <p><descrip>
        !          2994: <tagp><type>struct symbol *</type> <param>sym</param></tagp>
        !          2995:     symbol
        !          2996: </descrip>
        !          2997: <funcsect>Description
        !          2998: <p>
        !          2999:    This function returns a string representing the class
        !          3000:    of the given symbol.
        !          3001: </function>
        !          3002: <sect>Parser
        !          3003: <p>
        !          3004:    <p>
        !          3005:    Both the configuration and CLI commands are analyzed using a syntax
        !          3006:    driven parser generated by the <tt>bison</tt> tool from a grammar which
        !          3007:    is constructed from information gathered from grammar snippets by
        !          3008:    the <tt>gen_parser.m4</tt> script.
        !          3009:    <p>
        !          3010:    Grammar snippets are files (usually with extension <tt>.Y</tt>) contributed
        !          3011:    by various BIRD modules in order to provide information about syntax of their
        !          3012:    configuration and their CLI commands. Each snipped consists of several
        !          3013:    sections, each of them starting with a special keyword: <tt>CF_HDR</tt> for
        !          3014:    a list of <tt>#include</tt> directives needed by the C code, <tt>CF_DEFINES</tt>
        !          3015:    for a list of C declarations, <tt>CF_DECLS</tt> for <tt>bison</tt> declarations
        !          3016:    including keyword definitions specified as <tt>CF_KEYWORDS</tt>, <tt>CF_GRAMMAR</tt>
        !          3017:    for the grammar rules, <tt>CF_CODE</tt> for auxiliary C code and finally
        !          3018:    <tt>CF_END</tt> at the end of the snippet.
        !          3019:    <p>
        !          3020:    To create references between the snippets, it's possible to define
        !          3021:    multi-part rules by utilizing the <tt>CF_ADDTO</tt> macro which adds a new
        !          3022:    alternative to a multi-part rule.
        !          3023:    <p>
        !          3024:    CLI commands are defined using a <tt>CF_CLI</tt> macro. Its parameters are:
        !          3025:    the list of keywords determining the command, the list of parameters,
        !          3026:    help text for the parameters and help text for the command.
        !          3027:    <p>
        !          3028:    Values of <tt>enum</tt> filter types can be defined using <tt>CF_ENUM</tt> with
        !          3029:    the following parameters: name of filter type, prefix common for all
        !          3030:    literals of this type and names of all the possible values.
        !          3031: 
        !          3032: 
        !          3033: <chapt>Filters
        !          3034: <sect>Filters
        !          3035: <p>
        !          3036:    <p>
        !          3037:    You can find sources of the filter language in <tt>filter/</tt>
        !          3038:    directory. File <tt>filter/config.Y</tt> contains filter grammar and basically translates
        !          3039:    the source from user into a tree of <struct/f_inst/ structures. These trees are
        !          3040:    later interpreted using code in <tt>filter/filter.c</tt>.
        !          3041:    <p>
        !          3042:    A filter is represented by a tree of <struct/f_inst/ structures, one structure per
        !          3043:    "instruction". Each <struct/f_inst/ contains <param/code/, <param/aux/ value which is
        !          3044:    usually the data type this instruction operates on and two generic
        !          3045:    arguments (<param/a1/, <param/a2/). Some instructions contain pointer(s) to other
        !          3046:    instructions in their (<param/a1/, <param/a2/) fields.
        !          3047:    <p>
        !          3048:    Filters use a <struct/f_val/ structure for their data. Each <struct/f_val/
        !          3049:    contains type and value (types are constants prefixed with <const/T_/). Few
        !          3050:    of the types are special; <const/T_RETURN/ can be or-ed with a type to indicate
        !          3051:    that return from a function or from the whole filter should be
        !          3052:    forced. Important thing about <struct/f_val/'s is that they may be copied
        !          3053:    with a simple <tt>=</tt>. That's fine for all currently defined types: strings
        !          3054:    are read-only (and therefore okay), paths are copied for each
        !          3055:    operation (okay too).
        !          3056: 
        !          3057: 
        !          3058: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          3059: <funcdef>val_compare</funcdef>
        !          3060: (<type>struct f_val</type> <param>v1</param>, <type>struct f_val</type> <param>v2</param>) --     compare two values
        !          3061: 
        !          3062: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3063: <p><descrip>
        !          3064: <tagp><type>struct f_val</type> <param>v1</param></tagp>
        !          3065:     first value
        !          3066: <tagp><type>struct f_val</type> <param>v2</param></tagp>
        !          3067:     second value
        !          3068: </descrip>
        !          3069: <funcsect>Description
        !          3070: <p>
        !          3071:    Compares two values and returns -1, 0, 1 on &lt;, =, &gt; or CMP_ERROR on
        !          3072:    error. Tree module relies on this giving consistent results so
        !          3073:    that it can be used for building balanced trees.
        !          3074: </function>
        !          3075: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          3076: <funcdef>val_same</funcdef>
        !          3077: (<type>struct f_val</type> <param>v1</param>, <type>struct f_val</type> <param>v2</param>) --     compare two values
        !          3078: 
        !          3079: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3080: <p><descrip>
        !          3081: <tagp><type>struct f_val</type> <param>v1</param></tagp>
        !          3082:     first value
        !          3083: <tagp><type>struct f_val</type> <param>v2</param></tagp>
        !          3084:     second value
        !          3085: </descrip>
        !          3086: <funcsect>Description
        !          3087: <p>
        !          3088:    Compares two values and returns 1 if they are same and 0 if not.
        !          3089:    Comparison of values of different types is valid and returns 0.
        !          3090: </function>
        !          3091: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          3092: <funcdef>val_in_range</funcdef>
        !          3093: (<type>struct f_val</type> <param>v1</param>, <type>struct f_val</type> <param>v2</param>) --     implement <tt>~</tt> operator
        !          3094: 
        !          3095: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3096: <p><descrip>
        !          3097: <tagp><type>struct f_val</type> <param>v1</param></tagp>
        !          3098:     element
        !          3099: <tagp><type>struct f_val</type> <param>v2</param></tagp>
        !          3100:     set
        !          3101: </descrip>
        !          3102: <funcsect>Description
        !          3103: <p>
        !          3104:    Checks if <param/v1/ is element (<tt>~</tt> operator) of <param/v2/.
        !          3105: </function>
        !          3106: <function><p><type>struct f_val</type>
        !          3107: <funcdef>interpret</funcdef>
        !          3108: (<type>struct f_inst *</type> <param>what</param>)
        !          3109: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3110: <p><descrip>
        !          3111: <tagp><type>struct f_inst *</type> <param>what</param></tagp>
        !          3112:     filter to interpret
        !          3113: </descrip>
        !          3114: <funcsect>Description
        !          3115: <p>
        !          3116:    Interpret given tree of filter instructions. This is core function
        !          3117:    of filter system and does all the hard work.
        !          3118: <funcsect>Each instruction has 4 fields
        !          3119: <p>
        !          3120:     code (which is instruction code),
        !          3121:    aux (which is extension to instruction code, typically type),
        !          3122:    arg1 and arg2 - arguments. Depending on instruction, arguments
        !          3123:    are either integers, or pointers to instruction trees. Common
        !          3124:    instructions like +, that have two expressions as arguments use
        !          3125:    TWOARGS macro to get both of them evaluated.
        !          3126:    <p>
        !          3127:    <struct/f_val/ structures are copied around, so there are no problems with
        !          3128:    memory managment.
        !          3129: </function>
        !          3130: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          3131: <funcdef>f_run</funcdef>
        !          3132: (<type>struct filter *</type> <param>filter</param>, <type>struct rte **</type> <param>rte</param>, <type>struct ea_list **</type> <param>tmp_attrs</param>, <type>struct linpool *</type> <param>tmp_pool</param>, <type>int</type> <param>flags</param>) --     run a filter for a route
        !          3133: 
        !          3134: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3135: <p><descrip>
        !          3136: <tagp><type>struct filter *</type> <param>filter</param></tagp>
        !          3137:     filter to run
        !          3138: <tagp><type>struct rte **</type> <param>rte</param></tagp>
        !          3139:     route being filtered, may be modified
        !          3140: <tagp><type>struct ea_list **</type> <param>tmp_attrs</param></tagp>
        !          3141:     temporary attributes, prepared by caller or generated by <func/f_run()/
        !          3142: <tagp><type>struct linpool *</type> <param>tmp_pool</param></tagp>
        !          3143:     all filter allocations go from this pool
        !          3144: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>flags</param></tagp>
        !          3145:     flags
        !          3146: </descrip>
        !          3147: <funcsect>Description
        !          3148: <p>
        !          3149:    If filter needs to modify the route, there are several
        !          3150:    posibilities. <param/rte/ might be read-only (with REF_COW flag), in that
        !          3151:    case rw copy is obtained by <func/rte_cow()/ and <param/rte/ is replaced. If
        !          3152:    <param/rte/ is originally rw, it may be directly modified (and it is never
        !          3153:    copied).
        !          3154:    <p>
        !          3155:    The returned rte may reuse the (possibly cached, cloned) rta, or
        !          3156:    (if rta was modificied) contains a modified uncached rta, which
        !          3157:    uses parts allocated from <param/tmp_pool/ and parts shared from original
        !          3158:    rta. There is one exception - if <param/rte/ is rw but contains a cached
        !          3159:    rta and that is modified, rta in returned rte is also cached.
        !          3160:    <p>
        !          3161:    Ownership of cached rtas is consistent with rte, i.e.
        !          3162:    if a new rte is returned, it has its own clone of cached rta
        !          3163:    (and cached rta of read-only source rte is intact), if rte is
        !          3164:    modified in place, old cached rta is possibly freed.
        !          3165: </function>
        !          3166: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          3167: <funcdef>filter_same</funcdef>
        !          3168: (<type>struct filter *</type> <param>new</param>, <type>struct filter *</type> <param>old</param>) --     compare two filters
        !          3169: 
        !          3170: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3171: <p><descrip>
        !          3172: <tagp><type>struct filter *</type> <param>new</param></tagp>
        !          3173:     first filter to be compared
        !          3174: <tagp><type>struct filter *</type> <param>old</param></tagp>
        !          3175:     second filter to be compared, notice that this filter is
        !          3176:    damaged while comparing.
        !          3177: </descrip>
        !          3178: <funcsect>Description
        !          3179: <p>
        !          3180:    Returns 1 in case filters are same, otherwise 0. If there are
        !          3181:    underlying bugs, it will rather say 0 on same filters than say
        !          3182:    1 on different.
        !          3183: </function>
        !          3184: <function><p><type>struct f_tree *</type>
        !          3185: <funcdef>find_tree</funcdef>
        !          3186: (<type>struct f_tree *</type> <param>t</param>, <type>struct f_val</type> <param>val</param>)
        !          3187: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3188: <p><descrip>
        !          3189: <tagp><type>struct f_tree *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          3190:  tree to search in
        !          3191: <tagp><type>struct f_val</type> <param>val</param></tagp>
        !          3192:  value to find
        !          3193: </descrip>
        !          3194: <funcsect>Description
        !          3195: <p>
        !          3196: Search for given value in the tree. I relies on fact that sorted tree is populated
        !          3197: by <struct/f_val/ structures (that can be compared by <func/val_compare()/). In each node of tree, 
        !          3198: either single value (then t-&gt;from==t-&gt;to) or range is present.
        !          3199: <p>
        !          3200: Both set matching and <tt><func/switch()/ { }</tt> construction is implemented using this function,
        !          3201: thus both are as fast as they can be.
        !          3202: </function>
        !          3203: <function><p><type>struct f_tree *</type>
        !          3204: <funcdef>build_tree</funcdef>
        !          3205: (<type>struct f_tree *</type> <param>from</param>)
        !          3206: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3207: <p><descrip>
        !          3208: <tagp><type>struct f_tree *</type> <param>from</param></tagp>
        !          3209:  degenerated tree (linked by <param/tree/-&gt;left) to be transformed into form suitable for <func/find_tree()/
        !          3210: </descrip>
        !          3211: <funcsect>Description
        !          3212: <p>
        !          3213: Transforms degenerated tree into balanced tree.
        !          3214: </function>
        !          3215: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          3216: <funcdef>same_tree</funcdef>
        !          3217: (<type>struct f_tree *</type> <param>t1</param>, <type>struct f_tree *</type> <param>t2</param>)
        !          3218: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3219: <p><descrip>
        !          3220: <tagp><type>struct f_tree *</type> <param>t1</param></tagp>
        !          3221:  first tree to be compared
        !          3222: <tagp><type>struct f_tree *</type> <param>t2</param></tagp>
        !          3223:  second one
        !          3224: </descrip>
        !          3225: <funcsect>Description
        !          3226: <p>
        !          3227: Compares two trees and returns 1 if they are same
        !          3228: </function>
        !          3229: <sect>Trie for prefix sets
        !          3230: <p>
        !          3231:    <p>
        !          3232:    We use a (compressed) trie to represent prefix sets. Every node
        !          3233:    in the trie represents one prefix (<struct/addr//<struct/plen/) and <struct/plen/ also
        !          3234:    indicates the index of the bit in the address that is used to
        !          3235:    branch at the node. If we need to represent just a set of
        !          3236:    prefixes, it would be simple, but we have to represent a
        !          3237:    set of prefix patterns. Each prefix pattern consists of
        !          3238:    <struct/ppaddr//<struct/pplen/ and two integers: <struct/low/ and <struct/high/, and a prefix
        !          3239:    <struct/paddr//<struct/plen/ matches that pattern if the first MIN(<struct/plen/, <struct/pplen/)
        !          3240:    bits of <struct/paddr/ and <struct/ppaddr/ are the same and <struct/low/ &lt;= <struct/plen/ &lt;= <struct/high/.
        !          3241:    <p>
        !          3242:    We use a bitmask (<struct/accept/) to represent accepted prefix lengths
        !          3243:    at a node. As there are 33 prefix lengths (0..32 for IPv4), but
        !          3244:    there is just one prefix of zero length in the whole trie so we
        !          3245:    have <struct/zero/ flag in <struct/f_trie/ (indicating whether the trie accepts
        !          3246:    prefix as a special case, and <struct/accept/ bitmask
        !          3247:    represents accepted prefix lengths from 1 to 32.
        !          3248:    <p>
        !          3249:    There are two cases in prefix matching - a match when the length
        !          3250:    of the prefix is smaller that the length of the prefix pattern,
        !          3251:    (<struct/plen/ &lt; <struct/pplen/) and otherwise. The second case is simple - we
        !          3252:    just walk through the trie and look at every visited node
        !          3253:    whether that prefix accepts our prefix length (<struct/plen/). The
        !          3254:    first case is tricky - we don't want to examine every descendant
        !          3255:    of a final node, so (when we create the trie) we have to propagate
        !          3256:    that information from nodes to their ascendants.
        !          3257:    <p>
        !          3258:    Suppose that we have two masks (M1 and M2) for a node. Mask M1
        !          3259:    represents accepted prefix lengths by just the node and mask M2
        !          3260:    represents accepted prefix lengths by the node or any of its
        !          3261:    descendants. Therefore M2 is a bitwise or of M1 and children's
        !          3262:    M2 and this is a maintained invariant during trie building.
        !          3263:    Basically, when we want to match a prefix, we walk through the trie,
        !          3264:    check mask M1 for our prefix length and when we came to
        !          3265:    final node, we check mask M2.
        !          3266:    <p>
        !          3267:    There are two differences in the real implementation. First,
        !          3268:    we use a compressed trie so there is a case that we skip our
        !          3269:    final node (if it is not in the trie) and we came to node that
        !          3270:    is either extension of our prefix, or completely out of path
        !          3271:    In the first case, we also have to check M2.
        !          3272:    <p>
        !          3273:    Second, we really need not to maintain two separate bitmasks.
        !          3274:    Checks for mask M1 are always larger than <struct/applen/ and we need
        !          3275:    just the first <struct/pplen/ bits of mask M2 (if trie compression
        !          3276:    hadn't been used it would suffice to know just $applen-th bit),
        !          3277:    so we have to store them together in <struct/accept/ mask - the first
        !          3278:    <struct/pplen/ bits of mask M2 and then mask M1.
        !          3279:    <p>
        !          3280:    There are four cases when we walk through a trie:
        !          3281:    <p>
        !          3282:    - we are in NULL
        !          3283:    - we are out of path (prefixes are inconsistent)
        !          3284:    - we are in the wanted (final) node (node length == <struct/plen/)
        !          3285:    - we are beyond the end of path (node length &gt; <struct/plen/)
        !          3286:    - we are still on path and keep walking (node length &lt; <struct/plen/)
        !          3287:    <p>
        !          3288:    The walking code in <func/trie_match_prefix()/ is structured according to
        !          3289:    these cases.
        !          3290: 
        !          3291: 
        !          3292: <function><p><type>struct f_trie *</type>
        !          3293: <funcdef>f_new_trie</funcdef>
        !          3294: (<type>linpool *</type> <param>lp</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>node_size</param>) --     allocates and returns a new empty trie
        !          3295: 
        !          3296: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3297: <p><descrip>
        !          3298: <tagp><type>linpool *</type> <param>lp</param></tagp>
        !          3299:     linear pool to allocate items from
        !          3300: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>node_size</param></tagp>
        !          3301:     node size to be used (<struct/f_trie_node/ and user data)
        !          3302: </descrip>
        !          3303: </function>
        !          3304: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !          3305: <funcdef>trie_add_prefix</funcdef>
        !          3306: (<type>struct f_trie *</type> <param>t</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>px</param>, <type>int</type> <param>plen</param>, <type>int</type> <param>l</param>, <type>int</type> <param>h</param>)
        !          3307: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3308: <p><descrip>
        !          3309: <tagp><type>struct f_trie *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          3310:     trie to add to
        !          3311: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>px</param></tagp>
        !          3312:     prefix address
        !          3313: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>plen</param></tagp>
        !          3314:     prefix length
        !          3315: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>l</param></tagp>
        !          3316:     prefix lower bound
        !          3317: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>h</param></tagp>
        !          3318:     prefix upper bound
        !          3319: </descrip>
        !          3320: <funcsect>Description
        !          3321: <p>
        !          3322:    Adds prefix (prefix pattern) <param/px//<param/plen/ to trie <param/t/.  <param/l/ and <param/h/ are lower
        !          3323:    and upper bounds on accepted prefix lengths, both inclusive.
        !          3324:    0 &lt;= l, h &lt;= 32 (128 for IPv6).
        !          3325:    <p>
        !          3326:    Returns a pointer to the allocated node. The function can return a pointer to
        !          3327:    an existing node if <param/px/ and <param/plen/ are the same. If px/plen == 0/0 (or ::/0),
        !          3328:    a pointer to the root node is returned.
        !          3329: </function>
        !          3330: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          3331: <funcdef>trie_match_prefix</funcdef>
        !          3332: (<type>struct f_trie *</type> <param>t</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>px</param>, <type>int</type> <param>plen</param>)
        !          3333: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3334: <p><descrip>
        !          3335: <tagp><type>struct f_trie *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          3336:     trie
        !          3337: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>px</param></tagp>
        !          3338:     prefix address
        !          3339: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>plen</param></tagp>
        !          3340:     prefix length
        !          3341: </descrip>
        !          3342: <funcsect>Description
        !          3343: <p>
        !          3344:    Tries to find a matching prefix pattern in the trie such that
        !          3345:    prefix <param/px//<param/plen/ matches that prefix pattern. Returns 1 if there
        !          3346:    is such prefix pattern in the trie.
        !          3347: </function>
        !          3348: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          3349: <funcdef>trie_same</funcdef>
        !          3350: (<type>struct f_trie *</type> <param>t1</param>, <type>struct f_trie *</type> <param>t2</param>)
        !          3351: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3352: <p><descrip>
        !          3353: <tagp><type>struct f_trie *</type> <param>t1</param></tagp>
        !          3354:     first trie to be compared
        !          3355: <tagp><type>struct f_trie *</type> <param>t2</param></tagp>
        !          3356:     second one
        !          3357: </descrip>
        !          3358: <funcsect>Description
        !          3359: <p>
        !          3360:    Compares two tries and returns 1 if they are same
        !          3361: </function>
        !          3362: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3363: <funcdef>trie_format</funcdef>
        !          3364: (<type>struct f_trie *</type> <param>t</param>, <type>buffer *</type> <param>buf</param>)
        !          3365: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3366: <p><descrip>
        !          3367: <tagp><type>struct f_trie *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          3368:     trie to be formatted
        !          3369: <tagp><type>buffer *</type> <param>buf</param></tagp>
        !          3370:     destination buffer
        !          3371: </descrip>
        !          3372: <funcsect>Description
        !          3373: <p>
        !          3374:    Prints the trie to the supplied buffer.
        !          3375: </function>
        !          3376: <chapt>Protocols
        !          3377: <sect>The Babel protocol
        !          3378: <p>
        !          3379:    <p>
        !          3380:    Babel (RFC6126) is a loop-avoiding distance-vector routing protocol that is
        !          3381:    robust and efficient both in ordinary wired networks and in wireless mesh
        !          3382:    networks.
        !          3383:    <p>
        !          3384:    The Babel protocol keeps state for each neighbour in a <struct/babel_neighbor/
        !          3385:    struct, tracking received Hello and I Heard You (IHU) messages. A
        !          3386:    <struct/babel_interface/ struct keeps hello and update times for each interface, and
        !          3387:    a separate hello seqno is maintained for each interface.
        !          3388:    <p>
        !          3389:    For each prefix, Babel keeps track of both the possible routes (with next hop
        !          3390:    and router IDs), as well as the feasibility distance for each prefix and
        !          3391:    router id. The prefix itself is tracked in a <struct/babel_entry/ struct, while the
        !          3392:    possible routes for the prefix are tracked as <struct/babel_route/ entries and the
        !          3393:    feasibility distance is maintained through <struct/babel_source/ structures.
        !          3394:    <p>
        !          3395:    The main route selection is done in <func/babel_select_route()/. This is called when
        !          3396:    an entry is updated by receiving updates from the network or when modified by
        !          3397:    internal timers. It performs feasibility checks on the available routes for
        !          3398:    the prefix and selects the one with the lowest metric to be announced to the
        !          3399:    core.
        !          3400: 
        !          3401: 
        !          3402: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3403: <funcdef>babel_announce_rte</funcdef>
        !          3404: (<type>struct babel_proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct babel_entry *</type> <param>e</param>) --     announce selected route to the core
        !          3405: 
        !          3406: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3407: <p><descrip>
        !          3408: <tagp><type>struct babel_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          3409:     Babel protocol instance
        !          3410: <tagp><type>struct babel_entry *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          3411:     Babel route entry to announce
        !          3412: </descrip>
        !          3413: <funcsect>Description
        !          3414: <p>
        !          3415:    This function announces a Babel entry to the core if it has a selected
        !          3416:    incoming path, and retracts it otherwise. If the selected entry has infinite
        !          3417:    metric, the route is announced as unreachable.
        !          3418: </function>
        !          3419: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3420: <funcdef>babel_select_route</funcdef>
        !          3421: (<type>struct babel_entry *</type> <param>e</param>) --     select best route for given route entry
        !          3422: 
        !          3423: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3424: <p><descrip>
        !          3425: <tagp><type>struct babel_entry *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          3426:     Babel entry to select the best route for
        !          3427: </descrip>
        !          3428: <funcsect>Description
        !          3429: <p>
        !          3430:    Select the best feasible route for a given prefix among the routes received
        !          3431:    from peers, and propagate it to the nest. This just selects the feasible
        !          3432:    route with the lowest metric.
        !          3433:    <p>
        !          3434:    If no feasible route is available for a prefix that previously had a route
        !          3435:    selected, a seqno request is sent to try to get a valid route. In the
        !          3436:    meantime, the route is marked as infeasible in the nest (to blackhole packets
        !          3437:    going to it, as per the RFC).
        !          3438:    <p>
        !          3439:    If no feasible route is available, and no previous route is selected, the
        !          3440:    route is removed from the nest entirely.
        !          3441: </function>
        !          3442: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3443: <funcdef>babel_send_update</funcdef>
        !          3444: (<type>struct babel_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param>, <type>bird_clock_t</type> <param>changed</param>) --     send route table updates
        !          3445: 
        !          3446: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3447: <p><descrip>
        !          3448: <tagp><type>struct babel_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param></tagp>
        !          3449:     Interface to transmit on
        !          3450: <tagp><type>bird_clock_t</type> <param>changed</param></tagp>
        !          3451:     Only send entries changed since this time
        !          3452: </descrip>
        !          3453: <funcsect>Description
        !          3454: <p>
        !          3455:    This function produces update TLVs for all entries changed since the time
        !          3456:    indicated by the <struct/changed/ parameter and queues them for transmission on the
        !          3457:    selected interface. During the process, the feasibility distance for each
        !          3458:    transmitted entry is updated.
        !          3459: </function>
        !          3460: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3461: <funcdef>babel_handle_update</funcdef>
        !          3462: (<type>union babel_msg *</type> <param>m</param>, <type>struct babel_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param>) --     handle incoming route updates
        !          3463: 
        !          3464: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3465: <p><descrip>
        !          3466: <tagp><type>union babel_msg *</type> <param>m</param></tagp>
        !          3467:     Incoming update TLV
        !          3468: <tagp><type>struct babel_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param></tagp>
        !          3469:     Interface the update was received on
        !          3470: </descrip>
        !          3471: <funcsect>Description
        !          3472: <p>
        !          3473:    This function is called as a handler for update TLVs and handles the updating
        !          3474:    and maintenance of route entries in Babel's internal routing cache. The
        !          3475:    handling follows the actions described in the Babel RFC, and at the end of
        !          3476:    each update handling, <func/babel_select_route()/ is called on the affected entry to
        !          3477:    optionally update the selected routes and propagate them to the core.
        !          3478: </function>
        !          3479: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3480: <funcdef>babel_iface_timer</funcdef>
        !          3481: (<type>timer *</type> <param>t</param>) --     Babel interface timer handler
        !          3482: 
        !          3483: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3484: <p><descrip>
        !          3485: <tagp><type>timer *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          3486:     Timer
        !          3487: </descrip>
        !          3488: <funcsect>Description
        !          3489: <p>
        !          3490:    This function is called by the per-interface timer and triggers sending of
        !          3491:    periodic Hello's and both triggered and periodic updates. Periodic Hello's
        !          3492:    and updates are simply handled by setting the next_{hello,regular} variables
        !          3493:    on the interface, and triggering an update (and resetting the variable)
        !          3494:    whenever 'now' exceeds that value.
        !          3495:    <p>
        !          3496:    For triggered updates, <func/babel_trigger_iface_update()/ will set the
        !          3497:    want_triggered field on the interface to a timestamp value. If this is set
        !          3498:    (and the next_triggered time has passed; this is a rate limiting mechanism),
        !          3499:    <func/babel_send_update()/ will be called with this timestamp as the second
        !          3500:    parameter. This causes updates to be send consisting of only the routes that
        !          3501:    have changed since the time saved in want_triggered.
        !          3502:    <p>
        !          3503:    Mostly when an update is triggered, the route being modified will be set to
        !          3504:    the value of 'now' at the time of the trigger; the &gt;= comparison for
        !          3505:    selecting which routes to send in the update will make sure this is included.
        !          3506: </function>
        !          3507: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3508: <funcdef>babel_timer</funcdef>
        !          3509: (<type>timer *</type> <param>t</param>) --     global timer hook
        !          3510: 
        !          3511: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3512: <p><descrip>
        !          3513: <tagp><type>timer *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          3514:     Timer
        !          3515: </descrip>
        !          3516: <funcsect>Description
        !          3517: <p>
        !          3518:    This function is called by the global protocol instance timer and handles
        !          3519:    expiration of routes and neighbours as well as pruning of the seqno request
        !          3520:    cache.
        !          3521: </function>
        !          3522: <function><p><type>uint</type>
        !          3523: <funcdef>babel_write_queue</funcdef>
        !          3524: (<type>struct babel_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param>, <type>list *</type> <param>queue</param>) --  Write a TLV queue to a transmission buffer
        !          3525: 
        !          3526: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3527: <p><descrip>
        !          3528: <tagp><type>struct babel_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param></tagp>
        !          3529:  Interface holding the transmission buffer
        !          3530: <tagp><type>list *</type> <param>queue</param></tagp>
        !          3531:  TLV queue to write (containing internal-format TLVs)
        !          3532: </descrip>
        !          3533: <funcsect>Description
        !          3534: <p>
        !          3535: This function writes a packet to the interface transmission buffer with as
        !          3536: many TLVs from the <struct/queue/ as will fit in the buffer. It returns the number of
        !          3537: bytes written (NOT counting the packet header). The function is called by
        !          3538: <func/babel_send_queue()/ and <func/babel_send_unicast()/ to construct packets for
        !          3539: transmission, and uses per-TLV helper functions to convert the
        !          3540: internal-format TLVs to their wire representations.
        !          3541: <p>
        !          3542: The TLVs in the queue are freed after they are written to the buffer.
        !          3543: </function>
        !          3544: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3545: <funcdef>babel_send_unicast</funcdef>
        !          3546: (<type>union babel_msg *</type> <param>msg</param>, <type>struct babel_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>dest</param>) --  send a single TLV via unicast to a destination
        !          3547: 
        !          3548: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3549: <p><descrip>
        !          3550: <tagp><type>union babel_msg *</type> <param>msg</param></tagp>
        !          3551:  TLV to send
        !          3552: <tagp><type>struct babel_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param></tagp>
        !          3553:  Interface to send via
        !          3554: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>dest</param></tagp>
        !          3555:  Destination of the TLV
        !          3556: </descrip>
        !          3557: <funcsect>Description
        !          3558: <p>
        !          3559: This function is used to send a single TLV via unicast to a designated
        !          3560: receiver. This is used for replying to certain incoming requests, and for
        !          3561: sending unicast requests to refresh routes before they expire.
        !          3562: </function>
        !          3563: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3564: <funcdef>babel_enqueue</funcdef>
        !          3565: (<type>union babel_msg *</type> <param>msg</param>, <type>struct babel_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param>) --  enqueue a TLV for transmission on an interface
        !          3566: 
        !          3567: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3568: <p><descrip>
        !          3569: <tagp><type>union babel_msg *</type> <param>msg</param></tagp>
        !          3570:  TLV to enqueue (in internal TLV format)
        !          3571: <tagp><type>struct babel_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param></tagp>
        !          3572:  Interface to enqueue to
        !          3573: </descrip>
        !          3574: <funcsect>Description
        !          3575: <p>
        !          3576: This function is called to enqueue a TLV for subsequent transmission on an
        !          3577: interface. The transmission event is triggered whenever a TLV is enqueued;
        !          3578: this ensures that TLVs will be transmitted in a timely manner, but that TLVs
        !          3579: which are enqueued in rapid succession can be transmitted together in one
        !          3580: packet.
        !          3581: </function>
        !          3582: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3583: <funcdef>babel_process_packet</funcdef>
        !          3584: (<type>struct babel_pkt_header *</type> <param>pkt</param>, <type>int</type> <param>len</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>saddr</param>, <type>struct babel_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param>) --  process incoming data packet
        !          3585: 
        !          3586: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3587: <p><descrip>
        !          3588: <tagp><type>struct babel_pkt_header *</type> <param>pkt</param></tagp>
        !          3589:  Pointer to the packet data
        !          3590: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !          3591:  Length of received packet
        !          3592: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>saddr</param></tagp>
        !          3593:  Address of packet sender
        !          3594: <tagp><type>struct babel_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param></tagp>
        !          3595:  Interface packet was received on.
        !          3596: </descrip>
        !          3597: <funcsect>Description
        !          3598: <p>
        !          3599: This function is the main processing hook of incoming Babel packets. It
        !          3600: checks that the packet header is well-formed, then processes the TLVs
        !          3601: contained in the packet. This is done in two passes: First all TLVs are
        !          3602: parsed into the internal TLV format. If a TLV parser fails, processing of the
        !          3603: rest of the packet is aborted.
        !          3604: <p>
        !          3605: After the parsing step, the TLV handlers are called for each parsed TLV in
        !          3606: order.
        !          3607: </function>
        !          3608: <sect>Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
        !          3609: <p>
        !          3610:    <p>
        !          3611:    The BFD protocol is implemented in three files: <tt>bfd.c</tt> containing the
        !          3612:    protocol logic and the protocol glue with BIRD core, <tt>packets.c</tt> handling BFD
        !          3613:    packet processing, RX, TX and protocol sockets. <tt>io.c</tt> then contains generic
        !          3614:    code for the event loop, threads and event sources (sockets, microsecond
        !          3615:    timers). This generic code will be merged to the main BIRD I/O code in the
        !          3616:    future.
        !          3617:    <p>
        !          3618:    The BFD implementation uses a separate thread with an internal event loop for
        !          3619:    handling the protocol logic, which requires high-res and low-latency timing,
        !          3620:    so it is not affected by the rest of BIRD, which has several low-granularity
        !          3621:    hooks in the main loop, uses second-based timers and cannot offer good
        !          3622:    latency. The core of BFD protocol (the code related to BFD sessions,
        !          3623:    interfaces and packets) runs in the BFD thread, while the rest (the code
        !          3624:    related to BFD requests, BFD neighbors and the protocol glue) runs in the
        !          3625:    main thread.
        !          3626:    <p>
        !          3627:    BFD sessions are represented by structure <struct/bfd_session/ that contains a state
        !          3628:    related to the session and two timers (TX timer for periodic packets and hold
        !          3629:    timer for session timeout). These sessions are allocated from <param/session_slab/
        !          3630:    and are accessible by two hash tables, <param/session_hash_id/ (by session ID) and
        !          3631:    <param/session_hash_ip/ (by IP addresses of neighbors). Slab and both hashes are in
        !          3632:    the main protocol structure <struct/bfd_proto/. The protocol logic related to BFD
        !          3633:    sessions is implemented in internal functions bfd_session_*(), which are
        !          3634:    expected to be called from the context of BFD thread, and external functions
        !          3635:    <func/bfd_add_session()/, <func/bfd_remove_session()/ and <func/bfd_reconfigure_session()/, which
        !          3636:    form an interface to the BFD core for the rest and are expected to be called
        !          3637:    from the context of main thread.
        !          3638:    <p>
        !          3639:    Each BFD session has an associated BFD interface, represented by structure
        !          3640:    <struct/bfd_iface/. A BFD interface contains a socket used for TX (the one for RX is
        !          3641:    shared in <struct/bfd_proto/), an interface configuration and reference counter.
        !          3642:    Compared to interface structures of other protocols, these structures are not
        !          3643:    created and removed based on interface notification events, but according to
        !          3644:    the needs of BFD sessions. When a new session is created, it requests a
        !          3645:    proper BFD interface by function <func/bfd_get_iface()/, which either finds an
        !          3646:    existing one in <struct/iface_list/ (from <struct/bfd_proto/) or allocates a new one. When a
        !          3647:    session is removed, an associated iface is discharged by <func/bfd_free_iface()/.
        !          3648:    <p>
        !          3649:    BFD requests are the external API for the other protocols. When a protocol
        !          3650:    wants a BFD session, it calls <func/bfd_request_session()/, which creates a
        !          3651:    structure <struct/bfd_request/ containing approprite information and an notify hook.
        !          3652:    This structure is a resource associated with the caller's resource pool. When
        !          3653:    a BFD protocol is available, a BFD request is submitted to the protocol, an
        !          3654:    appropriate BFD session is found or created and the request is attached to
        !          3655:    the session. When a session changes state, all attached requests (and related
        !          3656:    protocols) are notified. Note that BFD requests do not depend on BFD protocol
        !          3657:    running. When the BFD protocol is stopped or removed (or not available from
        !          3658:    beginning), related BFD requests are stored in <param/bfd_wait_list/, where waits
        !          3659:    for a new protocol.
        !          3660:    <p>
        !          3661:    BFD neighbors are just a way to statically configure BFD sessions without
        !          3662:    requests from other protocol. Structures <struct/bfd_neighbor/ are part of BFD
        !          3663:    configuration (like static routes in the static protocol). BFD neighbors are
        !          3664:    handled by BFD protocol like it is a BFD client -- when a BFD neighbor is
        !          3665:    ready, the protocol just creates a BFD request like any other protocol.
        !          3666:    <p>
        !          3667:    The protocol uses a new generic event loop (structure <struct/birdloop/) from <tt>io.c</tt>,
        !          3668:    which supports sockets, timers and events like the main loop. Timers
        !          3669:    (structure <struct/timer2/) are new microsecond based timers, while sockets and
        !          3670:    events are the same. A birdloop is associated with a thread (field <param/thread/)
        !          3671:    in which event hooks are executed. Most functions for setting event sources
        !          3672:    (like <func/sk_start()/ or <func/tm2_start()/) must be called from the context of that
        !          3673:    thread. Birdloop allows to temporarily acquire the context of that thread for
        !          3674:    the main thread by calling <func/birdloop_enter()/ and then <func/birdloop_leave()/, which
        !          3675:    also ensures mutual exclusion with all event hooks. Note that resources
        !          3676:    associated with a birdloop (like timers) should be attached to the
        !          3677:    independent resource pool, detached from the main resource tree.
        !          3678:    <p>
        !          3679:    There are two kinds of interaction between the BFD core (running in the BFD
        !          3680:    thread) and the rest of BFD (running in the main thread). The first kind are
        !          3681:    configuration calls from main thread to the BFD thread (like <func/bfd_add_session()/).
        !          3682:    These calls are synchronous and use <func/birdloop_enter()/ mechanism for mutual
        !          3683:    exclusion. The second kind is a notification about session changes from the
        !          3684:    BFD thread to the main thread. This is done in an asynchronous way, sesions
        !          3685:    with pending notifications are linked (in the BFD thread) to <param/notify_list/ in
        !          3686:    <struct/bfd_proto/, and then <func/bfd_notify_hook()/ in the main thread is activated using
        !          3687:    <func/bfd_notify_kick()/ and a pipe. The hook then processes scheduled sessions and
        !          3688:    calls hooks from associated BFD requests. This <param/notify_list/ (and state fields
        !          3689:    in structure <struct/bfd_session/) is protected by a spinlock in <struct/bfd_proto/ and
        !          3690:    functions <func/bfd_lock_sessions()/ / <func/bfd_unlock_sessions()/.
        !          3691:    <p>
        !          3692:    There are few data races (accessing <param/p/-&gt;p.debug from <func/TRACE()/ from the BFD
        !          3693:    thread and accessing some some private fields of <const/bfd_session/ from
        !          3694:    <func/bfd_show_sessions()/ from the main thread, but these are harmless (i hope).
        !          3695:    <p>
        !          3696:    TODO: document functions and access restrictions for fields in BFD structures.
        !          3697:    <p>
        !          3698:    Supported standards:
        !          3699:    - RFC 5880 - main BFD standard
        !          3700:    - RFC 5881 - BFD for IP links
        !          3701:    - RFC 5882 - generic application of BFD
        !          3702:    - RFC 5883 - BFD for multihop paths
        !          3703: 
        !          3704: 
        !          3705: <sect>Border Gateway Protocol
        !          3706: <p>
        !          3707:    <p>
        !          3708:    The BGP protocol is implemented in three parts: <tt>bgp.c</tt> which takes care of the
        !          3709:    connection and most of the interface with BIRD core, <tt>packets.c</tt> handling
        !          3710:    both incoming and outgoing BGP packets and <tt>attrs.c</tt> containing functions for
        !          3711:    manipulation with BGP attribute lists.
        !          3712:    <p>
        !          3713:    As opposed to the other existing routing daemons, BIRD has a sophisticated core
        !          3714:    architecture which is able to keep all the information needed by BGP in the
        !          3715:    primary routing table, therefore no complex data structures like a central
        !          3716:    BGP table are needed. This increases memory footprint of a BGP router with
        !          3717:    many connections, but not too much and, which is more important, it makes
        !          3718:    BGP much easier to implement.
        !          3719:    <p>
        !          3720:    Each instance of BGP (corresponding to a single BGP peer) is described by a <struct/bgp_proto/
        !          3721:    structure to which are attached individual connections represented by <struct/bgp_connection/
        !          3722:    (usually, there exists only one connection, but during BGP session setup, there
        !          3723:    can be more of them). The connections are handled according to the BGP state machine
        !          3724:    defined in the RFC with all the timers and all the parameters configurable.
        !          3725:    <p>
        !          3726:    In incoming direction, we listen on the connection's socket and each time we receive
        !          3727:    some input, we pass it to <func/bgp_rx()/. It decodes packet headers and the markers and
        !          3728:    passes complete packets to <func/bgp_rx_packet()/ which distributes the packet according
        !          3729:    to its type.
        !          3730:    <p>
        !          3731:    In outgoing direction, we gather all the routing updates and sort them to buckets
        !          3732:    (<struct/bgp_bucket/) according to their attributes (we keep a hash table for fast comparison
        !          3733:    of <struct/rta/'s and a <struct/fib/ which helps us to find if we already have another route for
        !          3734:    the same destination queued for sending, so that we can replace it with the new one
        !          3735:    immediately instead of sending both updates). There also exists a special bucket holding
        !          3736:    all the route withdrawals which cannot be queued anywhere else as they don't have any
        !          3737:    attributes. If we have any packet to send (due to either new routes or the connection
        !          3738:    tracking code wanting to send a Open, Keepalive or Notification message), we call
        !          3739:    <func/bgp_schedule_packet()/ which sets the corresponding bit in a <param/packet_to_send/
        !          3740:    bit field in <struct/bgp_conn/ and as soon as the transmit socket buffer becomes empty,
        !          3741:    we call <func/bgp_fire_tx()/. It inspects state of all the packet type bits and calls
        !          3742:    the corresponding <func/bgp_create_xx()/ functions, eventually rescheduling the same packet
        !          3743:    type if we have more data of the same type to send.
        !          3744:    <p>
        !          3745:    The processing of attributes consists of two functions: <func/bgp_decode_attrs()/ for checking
        !          3746:    of the attribute blocks and translating them to the language of BIRD's extended attributes
        !          3747:    and <func/bgp_encode_attrs()/ which does the converse. Both functions are built around a
        !          3748:    <param/bgp_attr_table/ array describing all important characteristics of all known attributes.
        !          3749:    Unknown transitive attributes are attached to the route as <const/EAF_TYPE_OPAQUE/ byte streams.
        !          3750:    <p>
        !          3751:    BGP protocol implements graceful restart in both restarting (local restart)
        !          3752:    and receiving (neighbor restart) roles. The first is handled mostly by the
        !          3753:    graceful restart code in the nest, BGP protocol just handles capabilities,
        !          3754:    sets <param/gr_wait/ and locks graceful restart until end-of-RIB mark is received.
        !          3755:    The second is implemented by internal restart of the BGP state to <const/BS_IDLE/
        !          3756:    and protocol state to <const/PS_START/, but keeping the protocol up from the core
        !          3757:    point of view and therefore maintaining received routes. Routing table
        !          3758:    refresh cycle (<func/rt_refresh_begin()/, <func/rt_refresh_end()/) is used for removing
        !          3759:    stale routes after reestablishment of BGP session during graceful restart.
        !          3760: 
        !          3761: 
        !          3762: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          3763: <funcdef>bgp_open</funcdef>
        !          3764: (<type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     open a BGP instance
        !          3765: 
        !          3766: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3767: <p><descrip>
        !          3768: <tagp><type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          3769:     BGP instance
        !          3770: </descrip>
        !          3771: <funcsect>Description
        !          3772: <p>
        !          3773:    This function allocates and configures shared BGP resources.
        !          3774:    Should be called as the last step during initialization
        !          3775:    (when lock is acquired and neighbor is ready).
        !          3776:    When error, state changed to PS_DOWN, -1 is returned and caller
        !          3777:    should return immediately.
        !          3778: </function>
        !          3779: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3780: <funcdef>bgp_close</funcdef>
        !          3781: (<type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>int</type> <param>apply_md5</param>) --     close a BGP instance
        !          3782: 
        !          3783: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3784: <p><descrip>
        !          3785: <tagp><type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          3786:     BGP instance
        !          3787: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>apply_md5</param></tagp>
        !          3788:     0 to disable unsetting MD5 auth
        !          3789: </descrip>
        !          3790: <funcsect>Description
        !          3791: <p>
        !          3792:    This function frees and deconfigures shared BGP resources.
        !          3793:    <param/apply_md5/ is set to 0 when bgp_close is called as a cleanup
        !          3794:    from failed <func/bgp_open()/.
        !          3795: </function>
        !          3796: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3797: <funcdef>bgp_start_timer</funcdef>
        !          3798: (<type>timer *</type> <param>t</param>, <type>int</type> <param>value</param>) --     start a BGP timer
        !          3799: 
        !          3800: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3801: <p><descrip>
        !          3802: <tagp><type>timer *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          3803:     timer
        !          3804: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>value</param></tagp>
        !          3805:     time to fire (0 to disable the timer)
        !          3806: </descrip>
        !          3807: <funcsect>Description
        !          3808: <p>
        !          3809:    This functions calls <func/tm_start()/ on <param/t/ with time <param/value/ and the
        !          3810:    amount of randomization suggested by the BGP standard. Please use
        !          3811:    it for all BGP timers.
        !          3812: </function>
        !          3813: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3814: <funcdef>bgp_close_conn</funcdef>
        !          3815: (<type>struct bgp_conn *</type> <param>conn</param>) --     close a BGP connection
        !          3816: 
        !          3817: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3818: <p><descrip>
        !          3819: <tagp><type>struct bgp_conn *</type> <param>conn</param></tagp>
        !          3820:     connection to close
        !          3821: </descrip>
        !          3822: <funcsect>Description
        !          3823: <p>
        !          3824:    This function takes a connection described by the <struct/bgp_conn/ structure,
        !          3825:    closes its socket and frees all resources associated with it.
        !          3826: </function>
        !          3827: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3828: <funcdef>bgp_update_startup_delay</funcdef>
        !          3829: (<type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     update a startup delay
        !          3830: 
        !          3831: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3832: <p><descrip>
        !          3833: <tagp><type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          3834:     BGP instance
        !          3835: </descrip>
        !          3836: <funcsect>Description
        !          3837: <p>
        !          3838:    This function updates a startup delay that is used to postpone next BGP connect.
        !          3839:    It also handles disable_after_error and might stop BGP instance when error
        !          3840:    happened and disable_after_error is on.
        !          3841:    <p>
        !          3842:    It should be called when BGP protocol error happened.
        !          3843: </function>
        !          3844: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3845: <funcdef>bgp_handle_graceful_restart</funcdef>
        !          3846: (<type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     handle detected BGP graceful restart
        !          3847: 
        !          3848: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3849: <p><descrip>
        !          3850: <tagp><type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          3851:     BGP instance
        !          3852: </descrip>
        !          3853: <funcsect>Description
        !          3854: <p>
        !          3855:    This function is called when a BGP graceful restart of the neighbor is
        !          3856:    detected (when the TCP connection fails or when a new TCP connection
        !          3857:    appears). The function activates processing of the restart - starts routing
        !          3858:    table refresh cycle and activates BGP restart timer. The protocol state goes
        !          3859:    back to <const/PS_START/, but changing BGP state back to <const/BS_IDLE/ is left for the
        !          3860:    caller.
        !          3861: </function>
        !          3862: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3863: <funcdef>bgp_graceful_restart_done</funcdef>
        !          3864: (<type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     finish active BGP graceful restart
        !          3865: 
        !          3866: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3867: <p><descrip>
        !          3868: <tagp><type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          3869:     BGP instance
        !          3870: </descrip>
        !          3871: <funcsect>Description
        !          3872: <p>
        !          3873:    This function is called when the active BGP graceful restart of the neighbor
        !          3874:    should be finished - either successfully (the neighbor sends all paths and
        !          3875:    reports end-of-RIB on the new session) or unsuccessfully (the neighbor does
        !          3876:    not support BGP graceful restart on the new session). The function ends
        !          3877:    routing table refresh cycle and stops BGP restart timer.
        !          3878: </function>
        !          3879: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3880: <funcdef>bgp_graceful_restart_timeout</funcdef>
        !          3881: (<type>timer *</type> <param>t</param>) --     timeout of graceful restart 'restart timer'
        !          3882: 
        !          3883: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3884: <p><descrip>
        !          3885: <tagp><type>timer *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          3886:     timer
        !          3887: </descrip>
        !          3888: <funcsect>Description
        !          3889: <p>
        !          3890:    This function is a timeout hook for <param/gr_timer/, implementing BGP restart time
        !          3891:    limit for reestablisment of the BGP session after the graceful restart. When
        !          3892:    fired, we just proceed with the usual protocol restart.
        !          3893: </function>
        !          3894: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3895: <funcdef>bgp_refresh_begin</funcdef>
        !          3896: (<type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     start incoming enhanced route refresh sequence
        !          3897: 
        !          3898: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3899: <p><descrip>
        !          3900: <tagp><type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          3901:     BGP instance
        !          3902: </descrip>
        !          3903: <funcsect>Description
        !          3904: <p>
        !          3905:    This function is called when an incoming enhanced route refresh sequence is
        !          3906:    started by the neighbor, demarcated by the BoRR packet. The function updates
        !          3907:    the load state and starts the routing table refresh cycle. Note that graceful
        !          3908:    restart also uses routing table refresh cycle, but RFC 7313 and load states
        !          3909:    ensure that these two sequences do not overlap.
        !          3910: </function>
        !          3911: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3912: <funcdef>bgp_refresh_end</funcdef>
        !          3913: (<type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     finish incoming enhanced route refresh sequence
        !          3914: 
        !          3915: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3916: <p><descrip>
        !          3917: <tagp><type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          3918:     BGP instance
        !          3919: </descrip>
        !          3920: <funcsect>Description
        !          3921: <p>
        !          3922:    This function is called when an incoming enhanced route refresh sequence is
        !          3923:    finished by the neighbor, demarcated by the EoRR packet. The function updates
        !          3924:    the load state and ends the routing table refresh cycle. Routes not received
        !          3925:    during the sequence are removed by the nest.
        !          3926: </function>
        !          3927: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3928: <funcdef>bgp_connect</funcdef>
        !          3929: (<type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --     initiate an outgoing connection
        !          3930: 
        !          3931: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3932: <p><descrip>
        !          3933: <tagp><type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          3934:     BGP instance
        !          3935: </descrip>
        !          3936: <funcsect>Description
        !          3937: <p>
        !          3938:    The <func/bgp_connect()/ function creates a new <struct/bgp_conn/ and initiates
        !          3939:    a TCP connection to the peer. The rest of connection setup is governed
        !          3940:    by the BGP state machine as described in the standard.
        !          3941: </function>
        !          3942: <function><p><type>struct bgp_proto *</type>
        !          3943: <funcdef>bgp_find_proto</funcdef>
        !          3944: (<type>sock *</type> <param>sk</param>) --     find existing proto for incoming connection
        !          3945: 
        !          3946: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3947: <p><descrip>
        !          3948: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>sk</param></tagp>
        !          3949:     TCP socket
        !          3950: </descrip>
        !          3951: </function>
        !          3952: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          3953: <funcdef>bgp_incoming_connection</funcdef>
        !          3954: (<type>sock *</type> <param>sk</param>, <type>uint dummy</type> <param>UNUSED</param>) --     handle an incoming connection
        !          3955: 
        !          3956: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3957: <p><descrip>
        !          3958: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>sk</param></tagp>
        !          3959:     TCP socket
        !          3960: <tagp><type>uint dummy</type> <param>UNUSED</param></tagp>
        !          3961:    -- undescribed --
        !          3962: </descrip>
        !          3963: <funcsect>Description
        !          3964: <p>
        !          3965:    This function serves as a socket hook for accepting of new BGP
        !          3966:    connections. It searches a BGP instance corresponding to the peer
        !          3967:    which has connected and if such an instance exists, it creates a
        !          3968:    <struct/bgp_conn/ structure, attaches it to the instance and either sends
        !          3969:    an Open message or (if there already is an active connection) it
        !          3970:    closes the new connection by sending a Notification message.
        !          3971: </function>
        !          3972: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3973: <funcdef>bgp_error</funcdef>
        !          3974: (<type>struct bgp_conn *</type> <param>c</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>code</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>subcode</param>, <type>byte *</type> <param>data</param>, <type>int</type> <param>len</param>) --     report a protocol error
        !          3975: 
        !          3976: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          3977: <p><descrip>
        !          3978: <tagp><type>struct bgp_conn *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          3979:     connection
        !          3980: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>code</param></tagp>
        !          3981:     error code (according to the RFC)
        !          3982: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>subcode</param></tagp>
        !          3983:     error sub-code
        !          3984: <tagp><type>byte *</type> <param>data</param></tagp>
        !          3985:     data to be passed in the Notification message
        !          3986: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !          3987:     length of the data
        !          3988: </descrip>
        !          3989: <funcsect>Description
        !          3990: <p>
        !          3991:    <func/bgp_error()/ sends a notification packet to tell the other side that a protocol
        !          3992:    error has occurred (including the data considered erroneous if possible) and
        !          3993:    closes the connection.
        !          3994: </function>
        !          3995: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          3996: <funcdef>bgp_store_error</funcdef>
        !          3997: (<type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct bgp_conn *</type> <param>c</param>, <type>u8</type> <param>class</param>, <type>u32</type> <param>code</param>) --     store last error for status report
        !          3998: 
        !          3999: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4000: <p><descrip>
        !          4001: <tagp><type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          4002:     BGP instance
        !          4003: <tagp><type>struct bgp_conn *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          4004:     connection
        !          4005: <tagp><type>u8</type> <param>class</param></tagp>
        !          4006:     error class (BE_xxx constants)
        !          4007: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>code</param></tagp>
        !          4008:     error code (class specific)
        !          4009: </descrip>
        !          4010: <funcsect>Description
        !          4011: <p>
        !          4012:    <func/bgp_store_error()/ decides whether given error is interesting enough
        !          4013:    and store that error to last_error variables of <param/p/
        !          4014: </function>
        !          4015: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          4016: <funcdef>bgp_fire_tx</funcdef>
        !          4017: (<type>struct bgp_conn *</type> <param>conn</param>) --  transmit packets
        !          4018: 
        !          4019: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4020: <p><descrip>
        !          4021: <tagp><type>struct bgp_conn *</type> <param>conn</param></tagp>
        !          4022:  connection
        !          4023: </descrip>
        !          4024: <funcsect>Description
        !          4025: <p>
        !          4026: Whenever the transmit buffers of the underlying TCP connection
        !          4027: are free and we have any packets queued for sending, the socket functions
        !          4028: call <func/bgp_fire_tx()/ which takes care of selecting the highest priority packet
        !          4029: queued (Notification &gt; Keepalive &gt; Open &gt; Update), assembling its header
        !          4030: and body and sending it to the connection.
        !          4031: </function>
        !          4032: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4033: <funcdef>bgp_schedule_packet</funcdef>
        !          4034: (<type>struct bgp_conn *</type> <param>conn</param>, <type>int</type> <param>type</param>) --  schedule a packet for transmission
        !          4035: 
        !          4036: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4037: <p><descrip>
        !          4038: <tagp><type>struct bgp_conn *</type> <param>conn</param></tagp>
        !          4039:  connection
        !          4040: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>type</param></tagp>
        !          4041:  packet type
        !          4042: </descrip>
        !          4043: <funcsect>Description
        !          4044: <p>
        !          4045: Schedule a packet of type <param/type/ to be sent as soon as possible.
        !          4046: </function>
        !          4047: <function><p><type>const char *</type>
        !          4048: <funcdef>bgp_error_dsc</funcdef>
        !          4049: (<type>unsigned</type> <param>code</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>subcode</param>) --  return BGP error description
        !          4050: 
        !          4051: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4052: <p><descrip>
        !          4053: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>code</param></tagp>
        !          4054:  BGP error code
        !          4055: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>subcode</param></tagp>
        !          4056:  BGP error subcode
        !          4057: </descrip>
        !          4058: <funcsect>Description
        !          4059: <p>
        !          4060: <func/bgp_error_dsc()/ returns error description for BGP errors
        !          4061: which might be static string or given temporary buffer.
        !          4062: </function>
        !          4063: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4064: <funcdef>bgp_rx_packet</funcdef>
        !          4065: (<type>struct bgp_conn *</type> <param>conn</param>, <type>byte *</type> <param>pkt</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>len</param>) --  handle a received packet
        !          4066: 
        !          4067: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4068: <p><descrip>
        !          4069: <tagp><type>struct bgp_conn *</type> <param>conn</param></tagp>
        !          4070:  BGP connection
        !          4071: <tagp><type>byte *</type> <param>pkt</param></tagp>
        !          4072:  start of the packet
        !          4073: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !          4074:  packet size
        !          4075: </descrip>
        !          4076: <funcsect>Description
        !          4077: <p>
        !          4078: <func/bgp_rx_packet()/ takes a newly received packet and calls the corresponding
        !          4079: packet handler according to the packet type.
        !          4080: </function>
        !          4081: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          4082: <funcdef>bgp_rx</funcdef>
        !          4083: (<type>sock *</type> <param>sk</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>size</param>) --  handle received data
        !          4084: 
        !          4085: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4086: <p><descrip>
        !          4087: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>sk</param></tagp>
        !          4088:  socket
        !          4089: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>size</param></tagp>
        !          4090:  amount of data received
        !          4091: </descrip>
        !          4092: <funcsect>Description
        !          4093: <p>
        !          4094: <func/bgp_rx()/ is called by the socket layer whenever new data arrive from
        !          4095: the underlying TCP connection. It assembles the data fragments to packets,
        !          4096: checks their headers and framing and passes complete packets to
        !          4097: <func/bgp_rx_packet()/.
        !          4098: </function>
        !          4099: <function><p><type>uint</type>
        !          4100: <funcdef>bgp_encode_attrs</funcdef>
        !          4101: (<type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>byte *</type> <param>w</param>, <type>ea_list *</type> <param>attrs</param>, <type>int</type> <param>remains</param>) --  encode BGP attributes
        !          4102: 
        !          4103: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4104: <p><descrip>
        !          4105: <tagp><type>struct bgp_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          4106:  BGP instance (or NULL)
        !          4107: <tagp><type>byte *</type> <param>w</param></tagp>
        !          4108:  buffer
        !          4109: <tagp><type>ea_list *</type> <param>attrs</param></tagp>
        !          4110:  a list of extended attributes
        !          4111: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>remains</param></tagp>
        !          4112:  remaining space in the buffer
        !          4113: </descrip>
        !          4114: <funcsect>Description
        !          4115: <p>
        !          4116: The <func/bgp_encode_attrs()/ function takes a list of extended attributes
        !          4117: and converts it to its BGP representation (a part of an Update message).
        !          4118: <funcsect>Result
        !          4119: <p>
        !          4120:  Length of the attribute block generated or -1 if not enough space.
        !          4121: </function>
        !          4122: <function><p><type>struct rta *</type>
        !          4123: <funcdef>bgp_decode_attrs</funcdef>
        !          4124: (<type>struct bgp_conn *</type> <param>conn</param>, <type>byte *</type> <param>attr</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>len</param>, <type>struct linpool *</type> <param>pool</param>, <type>int</type> <param>mandatory</param>) --  check and decode BGP attributes
        !          4125: 
        !          4126: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4127: <p><descrip>
        !          4128: <tagp><type>struct bgp_conn *</type> <param>conn</param></tagp>
        !          4129:  connection
        !          4130: <tagp><type>byte *</type> <param>attr</param></tagp>
        !          4131:  start of attribute block
        !          4132: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !          4133:  length of attribute block
        !          4134: <tagp><type>struct linpool *</type> <param>pool</param></tagp>
        !          4135:  linear pool to make all the allocations in
        !          4136: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>mandatory</param></tagp>
        !          4137:  1 iff presence of mandatory attributes has to be checked
        !          4138: </descrip>
        !          4139: <funcsect>Description
        !          4140: <p>
        !          4141: This function takes a BGP attribute block (a part of an Update message), checks
        !          4142: its consistency and converts it to a list of BIRD route attributes represented
        !          4143: by a <struct/rta/.
        !          4144: </function>
        !          4145: <sect>Multi-Threaded Routing Toolkit (MRT) protocol
        !          4146: <p>
        !          4147:    <p>
        !          4148:    The MRT protocol is implemented in just one file: <tt>mrt.c</tt>. It contains of
        !          4149:    several parts: Generic functions for preparing MRT messages in a buffer,
        !          4150:    functions for MRT table dump (called from timer or CLI), functions for MRT
        !          4151:    BGP4MP dump (called from BGP), and the usual protocol glue. For the MRT table
        !          4152:    dump, the key structure is struct mrt_table_dump_state, which contains all
        !          4153:    necessary data and created when the MRT dump cycle is started for the
        !          4154:    duration of the MRT dump. The MBGP4MP dump is currently not bound to MRT
        !          4155:    protocol instance and uses the config-&gt;mrtdump_file fd.
        !          4156:    <p>
        !          4157:    The protocol is simple, just periodically scans routing table and export it
        !          4158:    to a file. It does not use the regular update mechanism, but a direct access
        !          4159:    in order to handle iteration through multiple routing tables. The table dump
        !          4160:    needs to dump all peers first and then use indexes to address the peers, we
        !          4161:    use a hash table (<param/peer_hash/) to find peer index based on BGP protocol key
        !          4162:    attributes.
        !          4163:    <p>
        !          4164:    One thing worth documenting is the locking. During processing, the currently
        !          4165:    processed table (<param/table/ field in the state structure) is locked and also the
        !          4166:    explicitly named table is locked (<param/table_ptr/ field in the state structure) if
        !          4167:    specified. Between dumps no table is locked. Also the current config is
        !          4168:    locked (by <func/config_add_obstacle()/) during table dumps as some data (strings,
        !          4169:    filters) are shared from the config and the running table dump may be
        !          4170:    interrupted by reconfiguration.
        !          4171:    <p>
        !          4172:    Supported standards:
        !          4173:    - RFC 6396 - MRT format standard
        !          4174:    - RFC 8050 - ADD_PATH extension
        !          4175: 
        !          4176: 
        !          4177: <sect>Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
        !          4178: <p>
        !          4179:    <p>
        !          4180:    The OSPF protocol is quite complicated and its complex implemenation is split
        !          4181:    to many files. In <tt>ospf.c</tt>, you will find mainly the interface for
        !          4182:    communication with the core (e.g., reconfiguration hooks, shutdown and
        !          4183:    initialisation and so on). File <tt>iface.c</tt> contains the interface state
        !          4184:    machine and functions for allocation and deallocation of OSPF's interface
        !          4185:    data structures. Source <tt>neighbor.c</tt> includes the neighbor state machine and
        !          4186:    functions for election of Designated Router and Backup Designated router. In
        !          4187:    <tt>packet.c</tt>, you will find various functions for sending and receiving generic
        !          4188:    OSPF packets. There are also routines for authentication and checksumming.
        !          4189:    In <tt>hello.c</tt>, there are routines for sending and receiving of hello packets
        !          4190:    as well as functions for maintaining wait times and the inactivity timer.
        !          4191:    Files <tt>lsreq.c</tt>, <tt>lsack.c</tt>, <tt>dbdes.c</tt> contain functions for sending and
        !          4192:    receiving of link-state requests, link-state acknowledgements and database
        !          4193:    descriptions respectively.  In <tt>lsupd.c</tt>, there are functions for sending and
        !          4194:    receiving of link-state updates and also the flooding algorithm. Source
        !          4195:    <tt>topology.c</tt> is a place where routines for searching LSAs in the link-state
        !          4196:    database, adding and deleting them reside, there also are functions for
        !          4197:    originating of various types of LSAs (router LSA, net LSA, external LSA).
        !          4198:    File <tt>rt.c</tt> contains routines for calculating the routing table. <tt>lsalib.c</tt>
        !          4199:    is a set of various functions for working with the LSAs (endianity
        !          4200:    conversions, calculation of checksum etc.).
        !          4201:    <p>
        !          4202:    One instance of the protocol is able to hold LSA databases for multiple OSPF
        !          4203:    areas, to exchange routing information between multiple neighbors and to
        !          4204:    calculate the routing tables. The core structure is <struct/ospf_proto/ to which
        !          4205:    multiple <struct/ospf_area/ and <struct/ospf_iface/ structures are connected. <struct/ospf_proto/ is
        !          4206:    also connected to <struct/top_hash_graph/ which is a dynamic hashing structure that
        !          4207:    describes the link-state database. It allows fast search, addition and
        !          4208:    deletion. Each LSA is kept in two pieces: header and body. Both of them are
        !          4209:    kept in the endianity of the CPU.
        !          4210:    <p>
        !          4211:    In OSPFv2 specification, it is implied that there is one IP prefix for each
        !          4212:    physical network/interface (unless it is an ptp link). But in modern systems,
        !          4213:    there might be more independent IP prefixes associated with an interface.  To
        !          4214:    handle this situation, we have one <struct/ospf_iface/ for each active IP prefix
        !          4215:    (instead for each active iface); This behaves like virtual interface for the
        !          4216:    purpose of OSPF.  If we receive packet, we associate it with a proper virtual
        !          4217:    interface mainly according to its source address.
        !          4218:    <p>
        !          4219:    OSPF keeps one socket per <struct/ospf_iface/. This allows us (compared to one socket
        !          4220:    approach) to evade problems with a limit of multicast groups per socket and
        !          4221:    with sending multicast packets to appropriate interface in a portable way.
        !          4222:    The socket is associated with underlying physical iface and should not
        !          4223:    receive packets received on other ifaces (unfortunately, this is not true on
        !          4224:    BSD). Generally, one packet can be received by more sockets (for example, if
        !          4225:    there are more <struct/ospf_iface/ on one physical iface), therefore we explicitly
        !          4226:    filter received packets according to src/dst IP address and received iface.
        !          4227:    <p>
        !          4228:    Vlinks are implemented using particularly degenerate form of <struct/ospf_iface/,
        !          4229:    which has several exceptions: it does not have its iface or socket (it copies
        !          4230:    these from 'parent' <struct/ospf_iface/) and it is present in iface list even when
        !          4231:    down (it is not freed in <func/ospf_iface_down()/).
        !          4232:    <p>
        !          4233:    The heart beat of ospf is <func/ospf_disp()/. It is called at regular intervals
        !          4234:    (<struct/ospf_proto/-&gt;tick). It is responsible for aging and flushing of LSAs in the
        !          4235:    database, updating topology information in LSAs and for routing table
        !          4236:    calculation.
        !          4237:    <p>
        !          4238:    To every <struct/ospf_iface/, we connect one or more <struct/ospf_neighbor/'s -- a structure
        !          4239:    containing many timers and queues for building adjacency and for exchange of
        !          4240:    routing messages.
        !          4241:    <p>
        !          4242:    BIRD's OSPF implementation respects RFC2328 in every detail, but some of
        !          4243:    internal algorithms do differ. The RFC recommends making a snapshot of the
        !          4244:    link-state database when a new adjacency is forming and sending the database
        !          4245:    description packets based on the information in this snapshot. The database
        !          4246:    can be quite large in some networks, so rather we walk through a <struct/slist/
        !          4247:    structure which allows us to continue even if the actual LSA we were working
        !          4248:    with is deleted. New LSAs are added at the tail of this <struct/slist/.
        !          4249:    <p>
        !          4250:    We also do not keep a separate OSPF routing table, because the core helps us
        !          4251:    by being able to recognize when a route is updated to an identical one and it
        !          4252:    suppresses the update automatically. Due to this, we can flush all the routes
        !          4253:    we have recalculated and also those we have deleted to the core's routing
        !          4254:    table and the core will take care of the rest. This simplifies the process
        !          4255:    and conserves memory.
        !          4256:    <p>
        !          4257:    Supported standards:
        !          4258:    - RFC 2328 - main OSPFv2 standard
        !          4259:    - RFC 5340 - main OSPFv3 standard
        !          4260:    - RFC 3101 - OSPFv2 NSSA areas
        !          4261:    - RFC 6549 - OSPFv2 multi-instance extensions
        !          4262:    - RFC 6987 - OSPF stub router advertisement
        !          4263: 
        !          4264: 
        !          4265: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4266: <funcdef>ospf_disp</funcdef>
        !          4267: (<type>timer *</type> <param>timer</param>) --     invokes routing table calculation, aging and also <func/area_disp()/
        !          4268: 
        !          4269: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4270: <p><descrip>
        !          4271: <tagp><type>timer *</type> <param>timer</param></tagp>
        !          4272:     timer usually called every <param/ospf_proto/-&gt;tick second, <param/timer/-&gt;data
        !          4273:    point to <param/ospf_proto/
        !          4274: </descrip>
        !          4275: </function>
        !          4276: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          4277: <funcdef>ospf_import_control</funcdef>
        !          4278: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>P</param>, <type>rte **</type> <param>new</param>, <type>ea_list **</type> <param>attrs</param>, <type>struct linpool *</type> <param>pool</param>) --     accept or reject new route from nest's routing table
        !          4279: 
        !          4280: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4281: <p><descrip>
        !          4282: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>P</param></tagp>
        !          4283:     OSPF protocol instance
        !          4284: <tagp><type>rte **</type> <param>new</param></tagp>
        !          4285:     the new route
        !          4286: <tagp><type>ea_list **</type> <param>attrs</param></tagp>
        !          4287:     list of attributes
        !          4288: <tagp><type>struct linpool *</type> <param>pool</param></tagp>
        !          4289:     pool for allocation of attributes
        !          4290: </descrip>
        !          4291: <funcsect>Description
        !          4292: <p>
        !          4293:    Its quite simple. It does not accept our own routes and leaves the decision on
        !          4294:    import to the filters.
        !          4295: </function>
        !          4296: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          4297: <funcdef>ospf_shutdown</funcdef>
        !          4298: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>P</param>) --     Finish of OSPF instance
        !          4299: 
        !          4300: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4301: <p><descrip>
        !          4302: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>P</param></tagp>
        !          4303:     OSPF protocol instance
        !          4304: </descrip>
        !          4305: <funcsect>Description
        !          4306: <p>
        !          4307:    RFC does not define any action that should be taken before router
        !          4308:    shutdown. To make my neighbors react as fast as possible, I send
        !          4309:    them hello packet with empty neighbor list. They should start
        !          4310:    their neighbor state machine with event <const/NEIGHBOR_1WAY/.
        !          4311: </function>
        !          4312: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          4313: <funcdef>ospf_reconfigure</funcdef>
        !          4314: (<type>struct proto *</type> <param>P</param>, <type>struct proto_config *</type> <param>c</param>) --     reconfiguration hook
        !          4315: 
        !          4316: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4317: <p><descrip>
        !          4318: <tagp><type>struct proto *</type> <param>P</param></tagp>
        !          4319:     current instance of protocol (with old configuration)
        !          4320: <tagp><type>struct proto_config *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          4321:     new configuration requested by user
        !          4322: </descrip>
        !          4323: <funcsect>Description
        !          4324: <p>
        !          4325:    This hook tries to be a little bit intelligent. Instance of OSPF
        !          4326:    will survive change of many constants like hello interval,
        !          4327:    password change, addition or deletion of some neighbor on
        !          4328:    nonbroadcast network, cost of interface, etc.
        !          4329: </function>
        !          4330: <function><p><type>struct top_hash_entry *</type>
        !          4331: <funcdef>ospf_install_lsa</funcdef>
        !          4332: (<type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct ospf_lsa_header *</type> <param>lsa</param>, <type>u32</type> <param>type</param>, <type>u32</type> <param>domain</param>, <type>void *</type> <param>body</param>) --  install new LSA into database
        !          4333: 
        !          4334: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4335: <p><descrip>
        !          4336: <tagp><type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          4337:  OSPF protocol instance
        !          4338: <tagp><type>struct ospf_lsa_header *</type> <param>lsa</param></tagp>
        !          4339:  LSA header
        !          4340: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>type</param></tagp>
        !          4341:  type of LSA
        !          4342: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>domain</param></tagp>
        !          4343:  domain of LSA
        !          4344: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>body</param></tagp>
        !          4345:  pointer to LSA body
        !          4346: </descrip>
        !          4347: <funcsect>Description
        !          4348: <p>
        !          4349: This function ensures installing new LSA received in LS update into LSA
        !          4350: database. Old instance is replaced. Several actions are taken to detect if
        !          4351: new routing table calculation is necessary. This is described in 13.2 of RFC
        !          4352: 2328. This function is for received LSA only, locally originated LSAs are
        !          4353: installed by <func/ospf_originate_lsa()/.
        !          4354: <p>
        !          4355: The LSA body in <param/body/ is expected to be mb_allocated by the caller and its
        !          4356: ownership is transferred to the LSA entry structure.
        !          4357: </function>
        !          4358: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4359: <funcdef>ospf_advance_lsa</funcdef>
        !          4360: (<type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct top_hash_entry *</type> <param>en</param>, <type>struct ospf_lsa_header *</type> <param>lsa</param>, <type>u32</type> <param>type</param>, <type>u32</type> <param>domain</param>, <type>void *</type> <param>body</param>) --  handle received unexpected self-originated LSA
        !          4361: 
        !          4362: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4363: <p><descrip>
        !          4364: <tagp><type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          4365:  OSPF protocol instance
        !          4366: <tagp><type>struct top_hash_entry *</type> <param>en</param></tagp>
        !          4367:  current LSA entry or NULL
        !          4368: <tagp><type>struct ospf_lsa_header *</type> <param>lsa</param></tagp>
        !          4369:  new LSA header
        !          4370: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>type</param></tagp>
        !          4371:  type of LSA
        !          4372: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>domain</param></tagp>
        !          4373:  domain of LSA
        !          4374: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>body</param></tagp>
        !          4375:  pointer to LSA body
        !          4376: </descrip>
        !          4377: <funcsect>Description
        !          4378: <p>
        !          4379: This function handles received unexpected self-originated LSA (<param/lsa/, <param/body/)
        !          4380: by either advancing sequence number of the local LSA instance (<param/en/) and
        !          4381: propagating it, or installing the received LSA and immediately flushing it
        !          4382: (if there is no local LSA; i.e., <param/en/ is NULL or MaxAge).
        !          4383: <p>
        !          4384: The LSA body in <param/body/ is expected to be mb_allocated by the caller and its
        !          4385: ownership is transferred to the LSA entry structure or it is freed.
        !          4386: </function>
        !          4387: <function><p><type>struct top_hash_entry *</type>
        !          4388: <funcdef>ospf_originate_lsa</funcdef>
        !          4389: (<type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct ospf_new_lsa *</type> <param>lsa</param>) --  originate new LSA
        !          4390: 
        !          4391: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4392: <p><descrip>
        !          4393: <tagp><type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          4394:  OSPF protocol instance
        !          4395: <tagp><type>struct ospf_new_lsa *</type> <param>lsa</param></tagp>
        !          4396:  New LSA specification
        !          4397: </descrip>
        !          4398: <funcsect>Description
        !          4399: <p>
        !          4400: This function prepares a new LSA, installs it into the LSA database and
        !          4401: floods it. If the new LSA cannot be originated now (because the old instance
        !          4402: was originated within MinLSInterval, or because the LSA seqnum is currently
        !          4403: wrapping), the origination is instead scheduled for later. If the new LSA is
        !          4404: equivalent to the current LSA, the origination is skipped. In all cases, the
        !          4405: corresponding LSA entry is returned. The new LSA is based on the LSA
        !          4406: specification (<param/lsa/) and the LSA body from lsab buffer of <param/p/, which is
        !          4407: emptied after the call. The opposite of this function is <func/ospf_flush_lsa()/.
        !          4408: </function>
        !          4409: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4410: <funcdef>ospf_flush_lsa</funcdef>
        !          4411: (<type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct top_hash_entry *</type> <param>en</param>) --  flush LSA from OSPF domain
        !          4412: 
        !          4413: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4414: <p><descrip>
        !          4415: <tagp><type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          4416:  OSPF protocol instance
        !          4417: <tagp><type>struct top_hash_entry *</type> <param>en</param></tagp>
        !          4418:  LSA entry to flush
        !          4419: </descrip>
        !          4420: <funcsect>Description
        !          4421: <p>
        !          4422: This function flushes <param/en/ from the OSPF domain by setting its age to
        !          4423: <const/LSA_MAXAGE/ and flooding it. That also triggers subsequent events in LSA
        !          4424: lifecycle leading to removal of the LSA from the LSA database (e.g. the LSA
        !          4425: content is freed when flushing is acknowledged by neighbors). The function
        !          4426: does nothing if the LSA is already being flushed. LSA entries are not
        !          4427: immediately removed when being flushed, the caller may assume that <param/en/ still
        !          4428: exists after the call. The function is the opposite of <func/ospf_originate_lsa()/
        !          4429: and is supposed to do the right thing even in cases of postponed
        !          4430: origination.
        !          4431: </function>
        !          4432: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4433: <funcdef>ospf_update_lsadb</funcdef>
        !          4434: (<type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --  update LSA database
        !          4435: 
        !          4436: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4437: <p><descrip>
        !          4438: <tagp><type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          4439:  OSPF protocol instance
        !          4440: </descrip>
        !          4441: <funcsect>Description
        !          4442: <p>
        !          4443: This function is periodicaly invoked from <func/ospf_disp()/. It does some periodic
        !          4444: or postponed processing related to LSA entries. It originates postponed LSAs
        !          4445: scheduled by <func/ospf_originate_lsa()/, It continues in flushing processes started
        !          4446: by <func/ospf_flush_lsa()/. It also periodically refreshs locally originated LSAs --
        !          4447: when the current instance is older <const/LSREFRESHTIME/, a new instance is originated.
        !          4448: Finally, it also ages stored LSAs and flushes ones that reached <const/LSA_MAXAGE/.
        !          4449: <p>
        !          4450: The RFC 2328 says that a router should periodically check checksums of all
        !          4451: stored LSAs to detect hardware problems. This is not implemented.
        !          4452: </function>
        !          4453: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4454: <funcdef>ospf_originate_ext_lsa</funcdef>
        !          4455: (<type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct ospf_area *</type> <param>oa</param>, <type>ort *</type> <param>nf</param>, <type>u8</type> <param>mode</param>, <type>u32</type> <param>metric</param>, <type>u32</type> <param>ebit</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>fwaddr</param>, <type>u32</type> <param>tag</param>, <type>int</type> <param>pbit</param>) --  new route received from nest and filters
        !          4456: 
        !          4457: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4458: <p><descrip>
        !          4459: <tagp><type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          4460:  OSPF protocol instance
        !          4461: <tagp><type>struct ospf_area *</type> <param>oa</param></tagp>
        !          4462:  ospf_area for which LSA is originated
        !          4463: <tagp><type>ort *</type> <param>nf</param></tagp>
        !          4464:  network prefix and mask
        !          4465: <tagp><type>u8</type> <param>mode</param></tagp>
        !          4466:  the mode of the LSA (LSA_M_EXPORT or LSA_M_RTCALC)
        !          4467: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>metric</param></tagp>
        !          4468:  the metric of a route
        !          4469: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>ebit</param></tagp>
        !          4470:  E-bit for route metric (bool)
        !          4471: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>fwaddr</param></tagp>
        !          4472:  the forwarding address
        !          4473: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>tag</param></tagp>
        !          4474:  the route tag
        !          4475: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>pbit</param></tagp>
        !          4476:  P-bit for NSSA LSAs (bool), ignored for external LSAs
        !          4477: </descrip>
        !          4478: <funcsect>Description
        !          4479: <p>
        !          4480: If I receive a message that new route is installed, I try to originate an
        !          4481: external LSA. If <param/oa/ is an NSSA area, NSSA-LSA is originated instead.
        !          4482: <param/oa/ should not be a stub area. <param/src/ does not specify whether the LSA
        !          4483: is external or NSSA, but it specifies the source of origination -
        !          4484: the export from <func/ospf_rt_notify()/, or the NSSA-EXT translation.
        !          4485: </function>
        !          4486: <function><p><type>struct top_graph *</type>
        !          4487: <funcdef>ospf_top_new</funcdef>
        !          4488: (<type>struct ospf_proto *p UNUSED4</type> <param>UNUSED6</param>, <type>pool *</type> <param>pool</param>) --  allocated new topology database
        !          4489: 
        !          4490: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4491: <p><descrip>
        !          4492: <tagp><type>struct ospf_proto *p UNUSED4</type> <param>UNUSED6</param></tagp>
        !          4493: -- undescribed --
        !          4494: <tagp><type>pool *</type> <param>pool</param></tagp>
        !          4495:  pool for allocation
        !          4496: </descrip>
        !          4497: <funcsect>Description
        !          4498: <p>
        !          4499: This dynamically hashed structure is used for keeping LSAs. Mainly it is used
        !          4500: for the LSA database of the OSPF protocol, but also for LSA retransmission
        !          4501: and request lists of OSPF neighbors.
        !          4502: </function>
        !          4503: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4504: <funcdef>ospf_neigh_chstate</funcdef>
        !          4505: (<type>struct ospf_neighbor *</type> <param>n</param>, <type>u8</type> <param>state</param>) --  handles changes related to new or lod state of neighbor
        !          4506: 
        !          4507: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4508: <p><descrip>
        !          4509: <tagp><type>struct ospf_neighbor *</type> <param>n</param></tagp>
        !          4510:  OSPF neighbor
        !          4511: <tagp><type>u8</type> <param>state</param></tagp>
        !          4512:  new state
        !          4513: </descrip>
        !          4514: <funcsect>Description
        !          4515: <p>
        !          4516: Many actions have to be taken acording to a change of state of a neighbor. It
        !          4517: starts rxmt timers, call interface state machine etc.
        !          4518: </function>
        !          4519: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4520: <funcdef>ospf_neigh_sm</funcdef>
        !          4521: (<type>struct ospf_neighbor *</type> <param>n</param>, <type>int</type> <param>event</param>) --  ospf neighbor state machine
        !          4522: 
        !          4523: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4524: <p><descrip>
        !          4525: <tagp><type>struct ospf_neighbor *</type> <param>n</param></tagp>
        !          4526:  neighor
        !          4527: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>event</param></tagp>
        !          4528:  actual event
        !          4529: </descrip>
        !          4530: <funcsect>Description
        !          4531: <p>
        !          4532: This part implements the neighbor state machine as described in 10.3 of
        !          4533: RFC 2328. The only difference is that state <const/NEIGHBOR_ATTEMPT/ is not
        !          4534: used. We discover neighbors on nonbroadcast networks in the
        !          4535: same way as on broadcast networks. The only difference is in
        !          4536: sending hello packets. These are sent to IPs listed in
        !          4537: <param/ospf_iface/-&gt;nbma_list .
        !          4538: </function>
        !          4539: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4540: <funcdef>ospf_dr_election</funcdef>
        !          4541: (<type>struct ospf_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param>) --  (Backup) Designed Router election
        !          4542: 
        !          4543: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4544: <p><descrip>
        !          4545: <tagp><type>struct ospf_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param></tagp>
        !          4546:  actual interface
        !          4547: </descrip>
        !          4548: <funcsect>Description
        !          4549: <p>
        !          4550: When the wait timer fires, it is time to elect (Backup) Designated Router.
        !          4551: Structure describing me is added to this list so every electing router has
        !          4552: the same list. Backup Designated Router is elected before Designated
        !          4553: Router. This process is described in 9.4 of RFC 2328. The function is
        !          4554: supposed to be called only from <func/ospf_iface_sm()/ as a part of the interface
        !          4555: state machine.
        !          4556: </function>
        !          4557: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4558: <funcdef>ospf_iface_chstate</funcdef>
        !          4559: (<type>struct ospf_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param>, <type>u8</type> <param>state</param>) --  handle changes of interface state
        !          4560: 
        !          4561: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4562: <p><descrip>
        !          4563: <tagp><type>struct ospf_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param></tagp>
        !          4564:  OSPF interface
        !          4565: <tagp><type>u8</type> <param>state</param></tagp>
        !          4566:  new state
        !          4567: </descrip>
        !          4568: <funcsect>Description
        !          4569: <p>
        !          4570: Many actions must be taken according to interface state changes. New network
        !          4571: LSAs must be originated, flushed, new multicast sockets to listen for messages for
        !          4572: <const/ALLDROUTERS/ have to be opened, etc.
        !          4573: </function>
        !          4574: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4575: <funcdef>ospf_iface_sm</funcdef>
        !          4576: (<type>struct ospf_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param>, <type>int</type> <param>event</param>) --  OSPF interface state machine
        !          4577: 
        !          4578: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4579: <p><descrip>
        !          4580: <tagp><type>struct ospf_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param></tagp>
        !          4581:  OSPF interface
        !          4582: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>event</param></tagp>
        !          4583:  event comming to state machine
        !          4584: </descrip>
        !          4585: <funcsect>Description
        !          4586: <p>
        !          4587: This fully respects 9.3 of RFC 2328 except we have slightly
        !          4588: different handling of <const/DOWN/ and <const/LOOP/ state. We remove intefaces
        !          4589: that are <const/DOWN/. <const/DOWN/ state is used when an interface is waiting
        !          4590: for a lock. <const/LOOP/ state is used when an interface does not have a
        !          4591: link.
        !          4592: </function>
        !          4593: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          4594: <funcdef>ospf_rx_hook</funcdef>
        !          4595: (<type>sock *</type> <param>sk</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>len</param>)
        !          4596: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4597: <p><descrip>
        !          4598: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>sk</param></tagp>
        !          4599:  socket we received the packet.
        !          4600: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !          4601:  size of the packet
        !          4602: </descrip>
        !          4603: <funcsect>Description
        !          4604: <p>
        !          4605: This is the entry point for messages from neighbors. Many checks (like
        !          4606: authentication, checksums, size) are done before the packet is passed to
        !          4607: non generic functions.
        !          4608: </function>
        !          4609: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          4610: <funcdef>lsa_validate</funcdef>
        !          4611: (<type>struct ospf_lsa_header *</type> <param>lsa</param>, <type>u32</type> <param>lsa_type</param>, <type>int</type> <param>ospf2</param>, <type>void *</type> <param>body</param>) --  check whether given LSA is valid
        !          4612: 
        !          4613: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4614: <p><descrip>
        !          4615: <tagp><type>struct ospf_lsa_header *</type> <param>lsa</param></tagp>
        !          4616:  LSA header
        !          4617: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>lsa_type</param></tagp>
        !          4618:  one of <const/LSA_T_xxx/
        !          4619: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>ospf2</param></tagp>
        !          4620:  <const/true/ means OSPF version 2, <const/false/ means OSPF version 3
        !          4621: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>body</param></tagp>
        !          4622:  pointer to LSA body
        !          4623: </descrip>
        !          4624: <funcsect>Description
        !          4625: <p>
        !          4626: Checks internal structure of given LSA body (minimal length,
        !          4627: consistency). Returns true if valid.
        !          4628: </function>
        !          4629: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4630: <funcdef>ospf_send_dbdes</funcdef>
        !          4631: (<type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct ospf_neighbor *</type> <param>n</param>) --  transmit database description packet
        !          4632: 
        !          4633: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4634: <p><descrip>
        !          4635: <tagp><type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          4636:  OSPF protocol instance
        !          4637: <tagp><type>struct ospf_neighbor *</type> <param>n</param></tagp>
        !          4638:  neighbor
        !          4639: </descrip>
        !          4640: <funcsect>Description
        !          4641: <p>
        !          4642: Sending of a database description packet is described in 10.8 of RFC 2328.
        !          4643: Reception of each packet is acknowledged in the sequence number of another.
        !          4644: When I send a packet to a neighbor I keep a copy in a buffer. If the neighbor
        !          4645: does not reply, I don't create a new packet but just send the content
        !          4646: of the buffer.
        !          4647: </function>
        !          4648: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4649: <funcdef>ospf_rt_spf</funcdef>
        !          4650: (<type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param>) --  calculate internal routes
        !          4651: 
        !          4652: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4653: <p><descrip>
        !          4654: <tagp><type>struct ospf_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          4655:  OSPF protocol instance
        !          4656: </descrip>
        !          4657: <funcsect>Description
        !          4658: <p>
        !          4659: Calculation of internal paths in an area is described in 16.1 of RFC 2328.
        !          4660: It's based on Dijkstra's shortest path tree algorithms.
        !          4661: This function is invoked from <func/ospf_disp()/.
        !          4662: </function>
        !          4663: <sect>Pipe
        !          4664: <p>
        !          4665:    <p>
        !          4666:    The Pipe protocol is very simple. It just connects to two routing tables
        !          4667:    using <func/proto_add_announce_hook()/ and whenever it receives a <func/rt_notify()/
        !          4668:    about a change in one of the tables, it converts it to a <func/rte_update()/
        !          4669:    in the other one.
        !          4670:    <p>
        !          4671:    To avoid pipe loops, Pipe keeps a `being updated' flag in each routing
        !          4672:    table.
        !          4673:    <p>
        !          4674:    A pipe has two announce hooks, the first connected to the main
        !          4675:    table, the second connected to the peer table. When a new route is
        !          4676:    announced on the main table, it gets checked by an export filter in
        !          4677:    ahook 1, and, after that, it is announced to the peer table via
        !          4678:    <func/rte_update()/, an import filter in ahook 2 is called. When a new
        !          4679:    route is announced in the peer table, an export filter in ahook2
        !          4680:    and an import filter in ahook 1 are used. Oviously, there is no
        !          4681:    need in filtering the same route twice, so both import filters are
        !          4682:    set to accept, while user configured 'import' and 'export' filters
        !          4683:    are used as export filters in ahooks 2 and 1. Route limits are
        !          4684:    handled similarly, but on the import side of ahooks.
        !          4685: 
        !          4686: 
        !          4687: <sect>Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
        !          4688: <p>
        !          4689:    <p>
        !          4690:    The RIP protocol is implemented in two files: <tt>rip.c</tt> containing the protocol
        !          4691:    logic, route management and the protocol glue with BIRD core, and <tt>packets.c</tt>
        !          4692:    handling RIP packet processing, RX, TX and protocol sockets.
        !          4693:    <p>
        !          4694:    Each instance of RIP is described by a structure <struct/rip_proto/, which contains
        !          4695:    an internal RIP routing table, a list of protocol interfaces and the main
        !          4696:    timer responsible for RIP routing table cleanup.
        !          4697:    <p>
        !          4698:    RIP internal routing table contains incoming and outgoing routes. For each
        !          4699:    network (represented by structure <struct/rip_entry/) there is one outgoing route
        !          4700:    stored directly in <struct/rip_entry/ and an one-way linked list of incoming routes
        !          4701:    (structures <struct/rip_rte/). The list contains incoming routes from different RIP
        !          4702:    neighbors, but only routes with the lowest metric are stored (i.e., all
        !          4703:    stored incoming routes have the same metric).
        !          4704:    <p>
        !          4705:    Note that RIP itself does not select outgoing route, that is done by the core
        !          4706:    routing table. When a new incoming route is received, it is propagated to the
        !          4707:    RIP table by <func/rip_update_rte()/ and possibly stored in the list of incoming
        !          4708:    routes. Then the change may be propagated to the core by <func/rip_announce_rte()/.
        !          4709:    The core selects the best route and propagate it to RIP by <func/rip_rt_notify()/,
        !          4710:    which updates outgoing route part of <struct/rip_entry/ and possibly triggers route
        !          4711:    propagation by <func/rip_trigger_update()/.
        !          4712:    <p>
        !          4713:    RIP interfaces are represented by structures <struct/rip_iface/. A RIP interface
        !          4714:    contains a per-interface socket, a list of associated neighbors, interface
        !          4715:    configuration, and state information related to scheduled interface events
        !          4716:    and running update sessions. RIP interfaces are added and removed based on
        !          4717:    core interface notifications.
        !          4718:    <p>
        !          4719:    There are two RIP interface events - regular updates and triggered updates.
        !          4720:    Both are managed from the RIP interface timer (<func/rip_iface_timer()/). Regular
        !          4721:    updates are called at fixed interval and propagate the whole routing table,
        !          4722:    while triggered updates are scheduled by <func/rip_trigger_update()/ due to some
        !          4723:    routing table change and propagate only the routes modified since the time
        !          4724:    they were scheduled. There are also unicast-destined requested updates, but
        !          4725:    these are sent directly as a reaction to received RIP request message. The
        !          4726:    update session is started by <func/rip_send_table()/. There may be at most one
        !          4727:    active update session per interface, as the associated state (including the
        !          4728:    fib iterator) is stored directly in <struct/rip_iface/ structure.
        !          4729:    <p>
        !          4730:    RIP neighbors are represented by structures <struct/rip_neighbor/. Compared to
        !          4731:    neighbor handling in other routing protocols, RIP does not have explicit
        !          4732:    neighbor discovery and adjacency maintenance, which makes the <struct/rip_neighbor/
        !          4733:    related code a bit peculiar. RIP neighbors are interlinked with core neighbor
        !          4734:    structures (<struct/neighbor/) and use core neighbor notifications to ensure that RIP
        !          4735:    neighbors are timely removed. RIP neighbors are added based on received route
        !          4736:    notifications and removed based on core neighbor and RIP interface events.
        !          4737:    <p>
        !          4738:    RIP neighbors are linked by RIP routes and use counter to track the number of
        !          4739:    associated routes, but when these RIP routes timeout, associated RIP neighbor
        !          4740:    is still alive (with zero counter). When RIP neighbor is removed but still
        !          4741:    has some associated routes, it is not freed, just changed to detached state
        !          4742:    (core neighbors and RIP ifaces are unlinked), then during the main timer
        !          4743:    cleanup phase the associated routes are removed and the <struct/rip_neighbor/
        !          4744:    structure is finally freed.
        !          4745:    <p>
        !          4746:    Supported standards:
        !          4747:    - RFC 1058 - RIPv1
        !          4748:    - RFC 2453 - RIPv2
        !          4749:    - RFC 2080 - RIPng
        !          4750:    - RFC 4822 - RIP cryptographic authentication
        !          4751: 
        !          4752: 
        !          4753: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4754: <funcdef>rip_announce_rte</funcdef>
        !          4755: (<type>struct rip_proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct rip_entry *</type> <param>en</param>) --     announce route from RIP routing table to the core
        !          4756: 
        !          4757: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4758: <p><descrip>
        !          4759: <tagp><type>struct rip_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          4760:     RIP instance
        !          4761: <tagp><type>struct rip_entry *</type> <param>en</param></tagp>
        !          4762:     related network
        !          4763: </descrip>
        !          4764: <funcsect>Description
        !          4765: <p>
        !          4766:    The function takes a list of incoming routes from <param/en/, prepare appropriate
        !          4767:    <struct/rte/ for the core and propagate it by <func/rte_update()/.
        !          4768: </function>
        !          4769: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4770: <funcdef>rip_update_rte</funcdef>
        !          4771: (<type>struct rip_proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>ip_addr *</type> <param>prefix</param>, <type>int</type> <param>pxlen</param>, <type>struct rip_rte *</type> <param>new</param>) --     enter a route update to RIP routing table
        !          4772: 
        !          4773: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4774: <p><descrip>
        !          4775: <tagp><type>struct rip_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          4776:     RIP instance
        !          4777: <tagp><type>ip_addr *</type> <param>prefix</param></tagp>
        !          4778:     network prefix
        !          4779: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>pxlen</param></tagp>
        !          4780:     network prefix length
        !          4781: <tagp><type>struct rip_rte *</type> <param>new</param></tagp>
        !          4782:     a <struct/rip_rte/ representing the new route
        !          4783: </descrip>
        !          4784: <funcsect>Description
        !          4785: <p>
        !          4786:    The function is called by the RIP packet processing code whenever it receives
        !          4787:    a reachable route. The appropriate routing table entry is found and the list
        !          4788:    of incoming routes is updated. Eventually, the change is also propagated to
        !          4789:    the core by <func/rip_announce_rte()/. Note that for unreachable routes,
        !          4790:    <func/rip_withdraw_rte()/ should be called instead of <func/rip_update_rte()/.
        !          4791: </function>
        !          4792: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4793: <funcdef>rip_withdraw_rte</funcdef>
        !          4794: (<type>struct rip_proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>ip_addr *</type> <param>prefix</param>, <type>int</type> <param>pxlen</param>, <type>struct rip_neighbor *</type> <param>from</param>) --     enter a route withdraw to RIP routing table
        !          4795: 
        !          4796: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4797: <p><descrip>
        !          4798: <tagp><type>struct rip_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          4799:     RIP instance
        !          4800: <tagp><type>ip_addr *</type> <param>prefix</param></tagp>
        !          4801:     network prefix
        !          4802: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>pxlen</param></tagp>
        !          4803:     network prefix length
        !          4804: <tagp><type>struct rip_neighbor *</type> <param>from</param></tagp>
        !          4805:     a <struct/rip_neighbor/ propagating the withdraw
        !          4806: </descrip>
        !          4807: <funcsect>Description
        !          4808: <p>
        !          4809:    The function is called by the RIP packet processing code whenever it receives
        !          4810:    an unreachable route. The incoming route for given network from nbr <param/from/ is
        !          4811:    removed. Eventually, the change is also propagated by <func/rip_announce_rte()/.
        !          4812: </function>
        !          4813: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4814: <funcdef>rip_timer</funcdef>
        !          4815: (<type>timer *</type> <param>t</param>) --     RIP main timer hook
        !          4816: 
        !          4817: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4818: <p><descrip>
        !          4819: <tagp><type>timer *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          4820:     timer
        !          4821: </descrip>
        !          4822: <funcsect>Description
        !          4823: <p>
        !          4824:    The RIP main timer is responsible for routing table maintenance. Invalid or
        !          4825:    expired routes (<struct/rip_rte/) are removed and garbage collection of stale routing
        !          4826:    table entries (<struct/rip_entry/) is done. Changes are propagated to core tables,
        !          4827:    route reload is also done here. Note that garbage collection uses a maximal
        !          4828:    GC time, while interfaces maintain an illusion of per-interface GC times in
        !          4829:    <func/rip_send_response()/.
        !          4830:    <p>
        !          4831:    Keeping incoming routes and the selected outgoing route are two independent
        !          4832:    functions, therefore after garbage collection some entries now considered
        !          4833:    invalid (RIP_ENTRY_DUMMY) still may have non-empty list of incoming routes,
        !          4834:    while some valid entries (representing an outgoing route) may have that list
        !          4835:    empty.
        !          4836:    <p>
        !          4837:    The main timer is not scheduled periodically but it uses the time of the
        !          4838:    current next event and the minimal interval of any possible event to compute
        !          4839:    the time of the next run.
        !          4840: </function>
        !          4841: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4842: <funcdef>rip_iface_timer</funcdef>
        !          4843: (<type>timer *</type> <param>t</param>) --     RIP interface timer hook
        !          4844: 
        !          4845: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4846: <p><descrip>
        !          4847: <tagp><type>timer *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          4848:     timer
        !          4849: </descrip>
        !          4850: <funcsect>Description
        !          4851: <p>
        !          4852:    RIP interface timers are responsible for scheduling both regular and
        !          4853:    triggered updates. Fixed, delay-independent period is used for regular
        !          4854:    updates, while minimal separating interval is enforced for triggered updates.
        !          4855:    The function also ensures that a new update is not started when the old one
        !          4856:    is still running.
        !          4857: </function>
        !          4858: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4859: <funcdef>rip_send_table</funcdef>
        !          4860: (<type>struct rip_proto *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct rip_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>addr</param>, <type>bird_clock_t</type> <param>changed</param>) --  RIP interface timer hook
        !          4861: 
        !          4862: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4863: <p><descrip>
        !          4864: <tagp><type>struct rip_proto *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          4865:  RIP instance
        !          4866: <tagp><type>struct rip_iface *</type> <param>ifa</param></tagp>
        !          4867:  RIP interface
        !          4868: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>addr</param></tagp>
        !          4869:  destination IP address
        !          4870: <tagp><type>bird_clock_t</type> <param>changed</param></tagp>
        !          4871:  time limit for triggered updates
        !          4872: </descrip>
        !          4873: <funcsect>Description
        !          4874: <p>
        !          4875: The function activates an update session and starts sending routing update
        !          4876: packets (using <func/rip_send_response()/). The session may be finished during the
        !          4877: call or may continue in <func/rip_tx_hook()/ until all appropriate routes are
        !          4878: transmitted. Note that there may be at most one active update session per
        !          4879: interface, the function will terminate the old active session before
        !          4880: activating the new one.
        !          4881: </function>
        !          4882: <sect>Router Advertisements
        !          4883: <p>
        !          4884:    <p>
        !          4885:    The RAdv protocol is implemented in two files: <tt>radv.c</tt> containing the
        !          4886:    interface with BIRD core and the protocol logic and <tt>packets.c</tt> handling low
        !          4887:    level protocol stuff (RX, TX and packet formats). The protocol does not
        !          4888:    export any routes.
        !          4889:    <p>
        !          4890:    The RAdv is structured in the usual way - for each handled interface there is
        !          4891:    a structure <struct/radv_iface/ that contains a state related to that interface
        !          4892:    together with its resources (a socket, a timer). There is also a prepared RA
        !          4893:    stored in a TX buffer of the socket associated with an iface. These iface
        !          4894:    structures are created and removed according to iface events from BIRD core
        !          4895:    handled by <func/radv_if_notify()/ callback.
        !          4896:    <p>
        !          4897:    The main logic of RAdv consists of two functions: <func/radv_iface_notify()/, which
        !          4898:    processes asynchronous events (specified by RA_EV_* codes), and <func/radv_timer()/,
        !          4899:    which triggers sending RAs and computes the next timeout.
        !          4900:    <p>
        !          4901:    The RAdv protocol could receive routes (through <func/radv_import_control()/ and
        !          4902:    <func/radv_rt_notify()/), but only the configured trigger route is tracked (in
        !          4903:    <struct/active/ var).  When a radv protocol is reconfigured, the connected routing
        !          4904:    table is examined (in <func/radv_check_active()/) to have proper <struct/active/ value in
        !          4905:    case of the specified trigger prefix was changed.
        !          4906:    <p>
        !          4907:    Supported standards:
        !          4908:    - RFC 4861 - main RA standard
        !          4909:    - RFC 4191 - Default Router Preferences and More-Specific Routes
        !          4910:    - RFC 6106 - DNS extensions (RDDNS, DNSSL)
        !          4911: 
        !          4912: 
        !          4913: <sect>Static
        !          4914: <p>
        !          4915:    <p>
        !          4916:    The Static protocol is implemented in a straightforward way. It keeps
        !          4917:    two lists of static routes: one containing interface routes and one
        !          4918:    holding the remaining ones. Interface routes are inserted and removed according
        !          4919:    to interface events received from the core via the <func/if_notify()/ hook. Routes
        !          4920:    pointing to a neighboring router use a sticky node in the neighbor cache
        !          4921:    to be notified about gaining or losing the neighbor. Special
        !          4922:    routes like black holes or rejects are inserted all the time.
        !          4923:    <p>
        !          4924:    Multipath routes are tricky. Because these routes depends on
        !          4925:    several neighbors we need to integrate that to the neighbor
        !          4926:    notification handling, we use dummy static_route nodes, one for
        !          4927:    each nexthop. Therefore, a multipath route consists of a master
        !          4928:    static_route node (of dest RTD_MULTIPATH), which specifies prefix
        !          4929:    and is used in most circumstances, and a list of dummy static_route
        !          4930:    nodes (of dest RTD_NONE), which stores info about nexthops and are
        !          4931:    connected to neighbor entries and neighbor notifications. Dummy
        !          4932:    nodes are chained using mp_next, they aren't in other_routes list,
        !          4933:    and abuse some fields (masklen, if_name) for other purposes.
        !          4934:    <p>
        !          4935:    The only other thing worth mentioning is that when asked for reconfiguration,
        !          4936:    Static not only compares the two configurations, but it also calculates
        !          4937:    difference between the lists of static routes and it just inserts the
        !          4938:    newly added routes and removes the obsolete ones.
        !          4939: 
        !          4940: 
        !          4941: <sect>Direct
        !          4942: <p>
        !          4943:    <p>
        !          4944:    The Direct protocol works by converting all <func/ifa_notify()/ events it receives
        !          4945:    to <func/rte_update()/ calls for the corresponding network.
        !          4946: 
        !          4947: 
        !          4948: <!--
        !          4949:        BIRD Programmer's Guide: Sysdeps
        !          4950: 
        !          4951:        (c) 2000 Martin Mares <>
        !          4952: -->
        !          4953: 
        !          4954: <chapt>System dependent parts
        !          4955: 
        !          4956: <sect>Introduction
        !          4957: 
        !          4958: <p>We've tried to make BIRD as portable as possible, but unfortunately
        !          4959: communication with the network stack differs from one OS to another,
        !          4960: so we need at least some OS specific code. The good news is that this
        !          4961: code is isolated in a small set of modules:
        !          4962: 
        !          4963: <descrip>
        !          4964: <tagp><tt/config.h/</tagp> is a header file with configuration information,
        !          4965: definition of the standard set of types and so on.
        !          4966: <tagp/Startup module/ controls BIRD startup. Common for a family of OS's (e.g.,
        !          4967: for all Unices).
        !          4968: <tagp/Logging module/ manages the system logs. [per OS family]
        !          4969: <tagp/IO module/ gives an implementation of sockets, timers and the
        !          4970: global event queue. [per OS family]
        !          4971: <tagp/KRT module/ implements the Kernel and Device protocols. This
        !          4972: is the most arcane part of the system dependent stuff and some
        !          4973: functions differ even between various releases of a single OS.
        !          4974: </descrip>
        !          4975: <sect>Logging
        !          4976: <p>
        !          4977:    <p>
        !          4978:    The Logging module offers a simple set of functions for writing
        !          4979:    messages to system logs and to the debug output. Message classes
        !          4980:    used by this module are described in <tt>birdlib.h</tt> and also in the
        !          4981:    user's manual.
        !          4982: 
        !          4983: 
        !          4984: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          4985: <funcdef>log_commit</funcdef>
        !          4986: (<type>int</type> <param>class</param>, <type>buffer *</type> <param>buf</param>) --     commit a log message
        !          4987: 
        !          4988: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          4989: <p><descrip>
        !          4990: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>class</param></tagp>
        !          4991:     message class information (<const/L_DEBUG/ to <const/L_BUG/, see <tt>lib/birdlib.h</tt>)
        !          4992: <tagp><type>buffer *</type> <param>buf</param></tagp>
        !          4993:     message to write
        !          4994: </descrip>
        !          4995: <funcsect>Description
        !          4996: <p>
        !          4997:    This function writes a message prepared in the log buffer to the
        !          4998:    log file (as specified in the configuration). The log buffer is
        !          4999:    reset after that. The log message is a full line, <func/log_commit()/
        !          5000:    terminates it.
        !          5001:    <p>
        !          5002:    The message class is an integer, not a first char of a string like
        !          5003:    in <func/log()/, so it should be written like *L_INFO.
        !          5004: </function>
        !          5005: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          5006: <funcdef>log_msg</funcdef>
        !          5007: (<type>const char *</type> <param>msg</param>, <type>...</type> <param>...</param>) --     log a message
        !          5008: 
        !          5009: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5010: <p><descrip>
        !          5011: <tagp><type>const char *</type> <param>msg</param></tagp>
        !          5012:     printf-like formatting string with message class information
        !          5013:    prepended (<const/L_DEBUG/ to <const/L_BUG/, see <tt>lib/birdlib.h</tt>)
        !          5014: <tagp><type>...</type> <param>...</param></tagp>
        !          5015:    variable arguments
        !          5016: </descrip>
        !          5017: <funcsect>Description
        !          5018: <p>
        !          5019:    This function formats a message according to the format string <param/msg/
        !          5020:    and writes it to the corresponding log file (as specified in the
        !          5021:    configuration). Please note that the message is automatically
        !          5022:    formatted as a full line, no need to include <tt>\n</tt> inside.
        !          5023:    It is essentially a sequence of <func/log_reset()/, <func/logn()/ and <func/log_commit()/.
        !          5024: </function>
        !          5025: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          5026: <funcdef>bug</funcdef>
        !          5027: (<type>const char *</type> <param>msg</param>, <type>...</type> <param>...</param>) --     report an internal error
        !          5028: 
        !          5029: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5030: <p><descrip>
        !          5031: <tagp><type>const char *</type> <param>msg</param></tagp>
        !          5032:     a printf-like error message
        !          5033: <tagp><type>...</type> <param>...</param></tagp>
        !          5034:    variable arguments
        !          5035: </descrip>
        !          5036: <funcsect>Description
        !          5037: <p>
        !          5038:    This function logs an internal error and aborts execution
        !          5039:    of the program.
        !          5040: </function>
        !          5041: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          5042: <funcdef>die</funcdef>
        !          5043: (<type>const char *</type> <param>msg</param>, <type>...</type> <param>...</param>) --     report a fatal error
        !          5044: 
        !          5045: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5046: <p><descrip>
        !          5047: <tagp><type>const char *</type> <param>msg</param></tagp>
        !          5048:     a printf-like error message
        !          5049: <tagp><type>...</type> <param>...</param></tagp>
        !          5050:    variable arguments
        !          5051: </descrip>
        !          5052: <funcsect>Description
        !          5053: <p>
        !          5054:    This function logs a fatal error and aborts execution
        !          5055:    of the program.
        !          5056: </function>
        !          5057: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          5058: <funcdef>debug</funcdef>
        !          5059: (<type>const char *</type> <param>msg</param>, <type>...</type> <param>...</param>) --     write to debug output
        !          5060: 
        !          5061: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5062: <p><descrip>
        !          5063: <tagp><type>const char *</type> <param>msg</param></tagp>
        !          5064:     a printf-like message
        !          5065: <tagp><type>...</type> <param>...</param></tagp>
        !          5066:    variable arguments
        !          5067: </descrip>
        !          5068: <funcsect>Description
        !          5069: <p>
        !          5070:    This function formats the message <param/msg/ and prints it out
        !          5071:    to the debugging output. No newline character is appended.
        !          5072: </function>
        !          5073: <sect>Kernel synchronization
        !          5074: <p>
        !          5075:    <p>
        !          5076:    This system dependent module implements the Kernel and Device protocol,
        !          5077:    that is synchronization of interface lists and routing tables with the
        !          5078:    OS kernel.
        !          5079:    <p>
        !          5080:    The whole kernel synchronization is a bit messy and touches some internals
        !          5081:    of the routing table engine, because routing table maintenance is a typical
        !          5082:    example of the proverbial compatibility between different Unices and we want
        !          5083:    to keep the overhead of our KRT business as low as possible and avoid maintaining
        !          5084:    a local routing table copy.
        !          5085:    <p>
        !          5086:    The kernel syncer can work in three different modes (according to system config header):
        !          5087:    Either with a single routing table and single KRT protocol [traditional UNIX]
        !          5088:    or with many routing tables and separate KRT protocols for all of them
        !          5089:    or with many routing tables, but every scan including all tables, so we start
        !          5090:    separate KRT protocols which cooperate with each other [Linux].
        !          5091:    In this case, we keep only a single scan timer.
        !          5092:    <p>
        !          5093:    We use FIB node flags in the routing table to keep track of route
        !          5094:    synchronization status. We also attach temporary <struct/rte/'s to the routing table,
        !          5095:    but it cannot do any harm to the rest of BIRD since table synchronization is
        !          5096:    an atomic process.
        !          5097:    <p>
        !          5098:    When starting up, we cheat by looking if there is another
        !          5099:    KRT instance to be initialized later and performing table scan
        !          5100:    only once for all the instances.
        !          5101:    <p>
        !          5102:    The code uses OS-dependent parts for kernel updates and scans. These parts are
        !          5103:    in more specific sysdep directories (e.g. sysdep/linux) in functions krt_sys_*
        !          5104:    and kif_sys_* (and some others like <func/krt_replace_rte()/) and krt-sys.h header file.
        !          5105:    This is also used for platform specific protocol options and route attributes.
        !          5106:    <p>
        !          5107:    There was also an old code that used traditional UNIX ioctls for these tasks.
        !          5108:    It was unmaintained and later removed. For reference, see sysdep/krt-* files
        !          5109:    in commit 396dfa9042305f62da1f56589c4b98fac57fc2f6
        !          5110: 
        !          5111: 
        !          5112: <chapt>Library functions
        !          5113: <sect>IP addresses
        !          5114: <p>
        !          5115:    <p>
        !          5116:    BIRD uses its own abstraction of IP address in order to share the same
        !          5117:    code for both IPv4 and IPv6. IP addresses are represented as entities
        !          5118:    of type <struct/ip_addr/ which are never to be treated as numbers and instead
        !          5119:    they must be manipulated using the following functions and macros.
        !          5120: 
        !          5121: 
        !          5122: <function><p><type>char *</type>
        !          5123: <funcdef>ip_scope_text</funcdef>
        !          5124: (<type>uint</type> <param>scope</param>) --     get textual representation of address scope
        !          5125: 
        !          5126: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5127: <p><descrip>
        !          5128: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>scope</param></tagp>
        !          5129:     scope (<const/SCOPE_xxx/)
        !          5130: </descrip>
        !          5131: <funcsect>Description
        !          5132: <p>
        !          5133:    Returns a pointer to a textual name of the scope given.
        !          5134: </function>
        !          5135: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5136: <funcdef>ipa_equal</funcdef>
        !          5137: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>y</param>) --     compare two IP addresses for equality
        !          5138: 
        !          5139: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5140: <p><descrip>
        !          5141: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5142:     IP address
        !          5143: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>y</param></tagp>
        !          5144:     IP address
        !          5145: </descrip>
        !          5146: <funcsect>Description
        !          5147: <p>
        !          5148:    <func/ipa_equal()/ returns 1 if <param/x/ and <param/y/ represent the same IP address, else 0.
        !          5149: </function>
        !          5150: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5151: <funcdef>ipa_nonzero</funcdef>
        !          5152: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param>) --     test if an IP address is defined
        !          5153: 
        !          5154: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5155: <p><descrip>
        !          5156: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5157:     IP address
        !          5158: </descrip>
        !          5159: <funcsect>Description
        !          5160: <p>
        !          5161:    ipa_nonzero returns 1 if <param/x/ is a defined IP address (not all bits are zero),
        !          5162:    else 0.
        !          5163:    <p>
        !          5164:    The undefined all-zero address is reachable as a <tt>IPA_NONE</tt> macro.
        !          5165: </function>
        !          5166: <function><p><type>ip_addr</type>
        !          5167: <funcdef>ipa_and</funcdef>
        !          5168: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>y</param>) --     compute bitwise and of two IP addresses
        !          5169: 
        !          5170: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5171: <p><descrip>
        !          5172: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5173:     IP address
        !          5174: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>y</param></tagp>
        !          5175:     IP address
        !          5176: </descrip>
        !          5177: <funcsect>Description
        !          5178: <p>
        !          5179:    This function returns a bitwise and of <param/x/ and <param/y/. It's primarily
        !          5180:    used for network masking.
        !          5181: </function>
        !          5182: <function><p><type>ip_addr</type>
        !          5183: <funcdef>ipa_or</funcdef>
        !          5184: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>y</param>) --     compute bitwise or of two IP addresses
        !          5185: 
        !          5186: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5187: <p><descrip>
        !          5188: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5189:     IP address
        !          5190: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>y</param></tagp>
        !          5191:     IP address
        !          5192: </descrip>
        !          5193: <funcsect>Description
        !          5194: <p>
        !          5195:    This function returns a bitwise or of <param/x/ and <param/y/.
        !          5196: </function>
        !          5197: <function><p><type>ip_addr</type>
        !          5198: <funcdef>ipa_xor</funcdef>
        !          5199: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>y</param>) --     compute bitwise xor of two IP addresses
        !          5200: 
        !          5201: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5202: <p><descrip>
        !          5203: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5204:     IP address
        !          5205: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>y</param></tagp>
        !          5206:     IP address
        !          5207: </descrip>
        !          5208: <funcsect>Description
        !          5209: <p>
        !          5210:    This function returns a bitwise xor of <param/x/ and <param/y/.
        !          5211: </function>
        !          5212: <function><p><type>ip_addr</type>
        !          5213: <funcdef>ipa_not</funcdef>
        !          5214: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param>) --     compute bitwise negation of two IP addresses
        !          5215: 
        !          5216: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5217: <p><descrip>
        !          5218: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5219:     IP address
        !          5220: </descrip>
        !          5221: <funcsect>Description
        !          5222: <p>
        !          5223:    This function returns a bitwise negation of <param/x/.
        !          5224: </function>
        !          5225: <function><p><type>ip_addr</type>
        !          5226: <funcdef>ipa_mkmask</funcdef>
        !          5227: (<type>int</type> <param>x</param>) --     create a netmask
        !          5228: 
        !          5229: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5230: <p><descrip>
        !          5231: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5232:     prefix length
        !          5233: </descrip>
        !          5234: <funcsect>Description
        !          5235: <p>
        !          5236:    This function returns an <struct/ip_addr/ corresponding of a netmask
        !          5237:    of an address prefix of size <param/x/.
        !          5238: </function>
        !          5239: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5240: <funcdef>ipa_masklen</funcdef>
        !          5241: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param>) --     calculate netmask length
        !          5242: 
        !          5243: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5244: <p><descrip>
        !          5245: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5246:     IP address
        !          5247: </descrip>
        !          5248: <funcsect>Description
        !          5249: <p>
        !          5250:    This function checks whether <param/x/ represents a valid netmask and
        !          5251:    returns the size of the associate network prefix or -1 for invalid
        !          5252:    mask.
        !          5253: </function>
        !          5254: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5255: <funcdef>ipa_hash</funcdef>
        !          5256: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param>) --     hash IP addresses
        !          5257: 
        !          5258: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5259: <p><descrip>
        !          5260: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5261:     IP address
        !          5262: </descrip>
        !          5263: <funcsect>Description
        !          5264: <p>
        !          5265:    <func/ipa_hash()/ returns a 16-bit hash value of the IP address <param/x/.
        !          5266: </function>
        !          5267: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          5268: <funcdef>ipa_hton</funcdef>
        !          5269: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param>) --     convert IP address to network order
        !          5270: 
        !          5271: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5272: <p><descrip>
        !          5273: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5274:     IP address
        !          5275: </descrip>
        !          5276: <funcsect>Description
        !          5277: <p>
        !          5278:    Converts the IP address <param/x/ to the network byte order.
        !          5279:    <p>
        !          5280:    Beware, this is a macro and it alters the argument!
        !          5281: </function>
        !          5282: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          5283: <funcdef>ipa_ntoh</funcdef>
        !          5284: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param>) --     convert IP address to host order
        !          5285: 
        !          5286: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5287: <p><descrip>
        !          5288: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5289:     IP address
        !          5290: </descrip>
        !          5291: <funcsect>Description
        !          5292: <p>
        !          5293:    Converts the IP address <param/x/ from the network byte order.
        !          5294:    <p>
        !          5295:    Beware, this is a macro and it alters the argument!
        !          5296: </function>
        !          5297: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5298: <funcdef>ipa_classify</funcdef>
        !          5299: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param>) --     classify an IP address
        !          5300: 
        !          5301: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5302: <p><descrip>
        !          5303: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5304:     IP address
        !          5305: </descrip>
        !          5306: <funcsect>Description
        !          5307: <p>
        !          5308:    <func/ipa_classify()/ returns an address class of <param/x/, that is a bitwise or
        !          5309:    of address type (<const/IADDR_INVALID/, <const/IADDR_HOST/, <const/IADDR_BROADCAST/, <const/IADDR_MULTICAST/)
        !          5310:    with address scope (<const/SCOPE_HOST/ to <const/SCOPE_UNIVERSE/) or -1 (<const/IADDR_INVALID/)
        !          5311:    for an invalid address.
        !          5312: </function>
        !          5313: <function><p><type>ip4_addr</type>
        !          5314: <funcdef>ip4_class_mask</funcdef>
        !          5315: (<type>ip4_addr</type> <param>x</param>) --     guess netmask according to address class
        !          5316: 
        !          5317: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5318: <p><descrip>
        !          5319: <tagp><type>ip4_addr</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5320:     IPv4 address
        !          5321: </descrip>
        !          5322: <funcsect>Description
        !          5323: <p>
        !          5324:    This function (available in IPv4 version only) returns a
        !          5325:    network mask according to the address class of <param/x/. Although
        !          5326:    classful addressing is nowadays obsolete, there still live
        !          5327:    routing protocols transferring no prefix lengths nor netmasks
        !          5328:    and this function could be useful to them.
        !          5329: </function>
        !          5330: <function><p><type>u32</type>
        !          5331: <funcdef>ipa_from_u32</funcdef>
        !          5332: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param>) --     convert IPv4 address to an integer
        !          5333: 
        !          5334: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5335: <p><descrip>
        !          5336: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5337:     IP address
        !          5338: </descrip>
        !          5339: <funcsect>Description
        !          5340: <p>
        !          5341:    This function takes an IPv4 address and returns its numeric
        !          5342:    representation.
        !          5343: </function>
        !          5344: <function><p><type>ip_addr</type>
        !          5345: <funcdef>ipa_to_u32</funcdef>
        !          5346: (<type>u32</type> <param>x</param>) --     convert integer to IPv4 address
        !          5347: 
        !          5348: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5349: <p><descrip>
        !          5350: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5351:     a 32-bit integer
        !          5352: </descrip>
        !          5353: <funcsect>Description
        !          5354: <p>
        !          5355:    <func/ipa_to_u32()/ takes a numeric representation of an IPv4 address
        !          5356:    and converts it to the corresponding <struct/ip_addr/.
        !          5357: </function>
        !          5358: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5359: <funcdef>ipa_compare</funcdef>
        !          5360: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>y</param>) --     compare two IP addresses for order
        !          5361: 
        !          5362: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5363: <p><descrip>
        !          5364: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5365:     IP address
        !          5366: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>y</param></tagp>
        !          5367:     IP address
        !          5368: </descrip>
        !          5369: <funcsect>Description
        !          5370: <p>
        !          5371:    The <func/ipa_compare()/ function takes two IP addresses and returns
        !          5372:    -1 if <param/x/ is less than <param/y/ in canonical ordering (lexicographical
        !          5373:    order of the bit strings), 1 if <param/x/ is greater than <param/y/ and 0
        !          5374:    if they are the same.
        !          5375: </function>
        !          5376: <function><p><type>ip_addr</type>
        !          5377: <funcdef>ipa_build6</funcdef>
        !          5378: (<type>u32</type> <param>a1</param>, <type>u32</type> <param>a2</param>, <type>u32</type> <param>a3</param>, <type>u32</type> <param>a4</param>) --     build an IPv6 address from parts
        !          5379: 
        !          5380: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5381: <p><descrip>
        !          5382: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>a1</param></tagp>
        !          5383:     part #1
        !          5384: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>a2</param></tagp>
        !          5385:     part #2
        !          5386: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>a3</param></tagp>
        !          5387:     part #3
        !          5388: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>a4</param></tagp>
        !          5389:     part #4
        !          5390: </descrip>
        !          5391: <funcsect>Description
        !          5392: <p>
        !          5393:    <func/ipa_build()/ takes <param/a1/ to <param/a4/ and assembles them to a single IPv6
        !          5394:    address. It's used for example when a protocol wants to bind its
        !          5395:    socket to a hard-wired multicast address.
        !          5396: </function>
        !          5397: <function><p><type>char *</type>
        !          5398: <funcdef>ip_ntop</funcdef>
        !          5399: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>a</param>, <type>char *</type> <param>buf</param>) --     convert IP address to textual representation
        !          5400: 
        !          5401: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5402: <p><descrip>
        !          5403: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !          5404:     IP address
        !          5405: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>buf</param></tagp>
        !          5406:     buffer of size at least <const/STD_ADDRESS_P_LENGTH/
        !          5407: </descrip>
        !          5408: <funcsect>Description
        !          5409: <p>
        !          5410:    This function takes an IP address and creates its textual
        !          5411:    representation for presenting to the user.
        !          5412: </function>
        !          5413: <function><p><type>char *</type>
        !          5414: <funcdef>ip_ntox</funcdef>
        !          5415: (<type>ip_addr</type> <param>a</param>, <type>char *</type> <param>buf</param>) --     convert IP address to hexadecimal representation
        !          5416: 
        !          5417: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5418: <p><descrip>
        !          5419: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !          5420:     IP address
        !          5421: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>buf</param></tagp>
        !          5422:     buffer of size at least <const/STD_ADDRESS_P_LENGTH/
        !          5423: </descrip>
        !          5424: <funcsect>Description
        !          5425: <p>
        !          5426:    This function takes an IP address and creates its hexadecimal
        !          5427:    textual representation. Primary use: debugging dumps.
        !          5428: </function>
        !          5429: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5430: <funcdef>ip_pton</funcdef>
        !          5431: (<type>char *</type> <param>a</param>, <type>ip_addr *</type> <param>o</param>) --     parse textual representation of IP address
        !          5432: 
        !          5433: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5434: <p><descrip>
        !          5435: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !          5436:     textual representation
        !          5437: <tagp><type>ip_addr *</type> <param>o</param></tagp>
        !          5438:     where to put the resulting address
        !          5439: </descrip>
        !          5440: <funcsect>Description
        !          5441: <p>
        !          5442:    This function parses a textual IP address representation and
        !          5443:    stores the decoded address to a variable pointed to by <param/o/.
        !          5444:    Returns 0 if a parse error has occurred, else 0.
        !          5445: </function>
        !          5446: <sect>Linked lists
        !          5447: <p>
        !          5448:    <p>
        !          5449:    The BIRD library provides a set of functions for operating on linked
        !          5450:    lists. The lists are internally represented as standard doubly linked
        !          5451:    lists with synthetic head and tail which makes all the basic operations
        !          5452:    run in constant time and contain no extra end-of-list checks. Each list
        !          5453:    is described by a <struct/list/ structure, nodes can have any format as long
        !          5454:    as they start with a <struct/node/ structure. If you want your nodes to belong
        !          5455:    to multiple lists at once, you can embed multiple <struct/node/ structures in them
        !          5456:    and use the <func/SKIP_BACK()/ macro to calculate a pointer to the start of the
        !          5457:    structure from a <struct/node/ pointer, but beware of obscurity.
        !          5458:    <p>
        !          5459:    There also exist safe linked lists (<struct/slist/, <struct/snode/ and all functions
        !          5460:    being prefixed with <tt>s_</tt>) which support asynchronous walking very
        !          5461:    similar to that used in the <struct/fib/ structure.
        !          5462: 
        !          5463: 
        !          5464: <function><p><type>LIST_INLINE void</type>
        !          5465: <funcdef>add_tail</funcdef>
        !          5466: (<type>list *</type> <param>l</param>, <type>node *</type> <param>n</param>) --     append a node to a list
        !          5467: 
        !          5468: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5469: <p><descrip>
        !          5470: <tagp><type>list *</type> <param>l</param></tagp>
        !          5471:     linked list
        !          5472: <tagp><type>node *</type> <param>n</param></tagp>
        !          5473:     list node
        !          5474: </descrip>
        !          5475: <funcsect>Description
        !          5476: <p>
        !          5477:    <func/add_tail()/ takes a node <param/n/ and appends it at the end of the list <param/l/.
        !          5478: </function>
        !          5479: <function><p><type>LIST_INLINE void</type>
        !          5480: <funcdef>add_head</funcdef>
        !          5481: (<type>list *</type> <param>l</param>, <type>node *</type> <param>n</param>) --     prepend a node to a list
        !          5482: 
        !          5483: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5484: <p><descrip>
        !          5485: <tagp><type>list *</type> <param>l</param></tagp>
        !          5486:     linked list
        !          5487: <tagp><type>node *</type> <param>n</param></tagp>
        !          5488:     list node
        !          5489: </descrip>
        !          5490: <funcsect>Description
        !          5491: <p>
        !          5492:    <func/add_head()/ takes a node <param/n/ and prepends it at the start of the list <param/l/.
        !          5493: </function>
        !          5494: <function><p><type>LIST_INLINE void</type>
        !          5495: <funcdef>insert_node</funcdef>
        !          5496: (<type>node *</type> <param>n</param>, <type>node *</type> <param>after</param>) --     insert a node to a list
        !          5497: 
        !          5498: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5499: <p><descrip>
        !          5500: <tagp><type>node *</type> <param>n</param></tagp>
        !          5501:     a new list node
        !          5502: <tagp><type>node *</type> <param>after</param></tagp>
        !          5503:     a node of a list
        !          5504: </descrip>
        !          5505: <funcsect>Description
        !          5506: <p>
        !          5507:    Inserts a node <param/n/ to a linked list after an already inserted
        !          5508:    node <param/after/.
        !          5509: </function>
        !          5510: <function><p><type>LIST_INLINE void</type>
        !          5511: <funcdef>rem_node</funcdef>
        !          5512: (<type>node *</type> <param>n</param>) --     remove a node from a list
        !          5513: 
        !          5514: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5515: <p><descrip>
        !          5516: <tagp><type>node *</type> <param>n</param></tagp>
        !          5517:     node to be removed
        !          5518: </descrip>
        !          5519: <funcsect>Description
        !          5520: <p>
        !          5521:    Removes a node <param/n/ from the list it's linked in. Afterwards, node <param/n/ is cleared.
        !          5522: </function>
        !          5523: <function><p><type>LIST_INLINE void</type>
        !          5524: <funcdef>replace_node</funcdef>
        !          5525: (<type>node *</type> <param>old</param>, <type>node *</type> <param>new</param>) --     replace a node in a list with another one
        !          5526: 
        !          5527: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5528: <p><descrip>
        !          5529: <tagp><type>node *</type> <param>old</param></tagp>
        !          5530:     node to be removed
        !          5531: <tagp><type>node *</type> <param>new</param></tagp>
        !          5532:     node to be inserted
        !          5533: </descrip>
        !          5534: <funcsect>Description
        !          5535: <p>
        !          5536:    Replaces node <param/old/ in the list it's linked in with node <param/new/.  Node
        !          5537:    <param/old/ may be a copy of the original node, which is not accessed
        !          5538:    through the list. The function could be called with <param/old/ == <param/new/,
        !          5539:    which just fixes neighbors' pointers in the case that the node
        !          5540:    was reallocated.
        !          5541: </function>
        !          5542: <function><p><type>LIST_INLINE void</type>
        !          5543: <funcdef>init_list</funcdef>
        !          5544: (<type>list *</type> <param>l</param>) --     create an empty list
        !          5545: 
        !          5546: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5547: <p><descrip>
        !          5548: <tagp><type>list *</type> <param>l</param></tagp>
        !          5549:     list
        !          5550: </descrip>
        !          5551: <funcsect>Description
        !          5552: <p>
        !          5553:    <func/init_list()/ takes a <struct/list/ structure and initializes its
        !          5554:    fields, so that it represents an empty list.
        !          5555: </function>
        !          5556: <function><p><type>LIST_INLINE void</type>
        !          5557: <funcdef>add_tail_list</funcdef>
        !          5558: (<type>list *</type> <param>to</param>, <type>list *</type> <param>l</param>) --     concatenate two lists
        !          5559: 
        !          5560: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5561: <p><descrip>
        !          5562: <tagp><type>list *</type> <param>to</param></tagp>
        !          5563:     destination list
        !          5564: <tagp><type>list *</type> <param>l</param></tagp>
        !          5565:     source list
        !          5566: </descrip>
        !          5567: <funcsect>Description
        !          5568: <p>
        !          5569:    This function appends all elements of the list <param/l/ to
        !          5570:    the list <param/to/ in constant time.
        !          5571: </function>
        !          5572: <sect>Miscellaneous functions.
        !          5573: <p>
        !          5574: 
        !          5575: 
        !          5576: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5577: <funcdef>ipsum_verify</funcdef>
        !          5578: (<type>void *</type> <param>frag</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>len</param>, <type>...</type> <param>...</param>) --     verify an IP checksum
        !          5579: 
        !          5580: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5581: <p><descrip>
        !          5582: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>frag</param></tagp>
        !          5583:     first packet fragment
        !          5584: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !          5585:     length in bytes
        !          5586: <tagp><type>...</type> <param>...</param></tagp>
        !          5587:    variable arguments
        !          5588: </descrip>
        !          5589: <funcsect>Description
        !          5590: <p>
        !          5591:    This function verifies whether a given fragmented packet
        !          5592:    has correct one's complement checksum as used by the IP
        !          5593:    protocol.
        !          5594:    <p>
        !          5595:    It uses all the clever tricks described in RFC 1071 to speed
        !          5596:    up checksum calculation as much as possible.
        !          5597: <funcsect>Result
        !          5598: <p>
        !          5599:     1 if the checksum is correct, 0 else.
        !          5600: </function>
        !          5601: <function><p><type>u16</type>
        !          5602: <funcdef>ipsum_calculate</funcdef>
        !          5603: (<type>void *</type> <param>frag</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>len</param>, <type>...</type> <param>...</param>) --     compute an IP checksum
        !          5604: 
        !          5605: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5606: <p><descrip>
        !          5607: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>frag</param></tagp>
        !          5608:     first packet fragment
        !          5609: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !          5610:     length in bytes
        !          5611: <tagp><type>...</type> <param>...</param></tagp>
        !          5612:    variable arguments
        !          5613: </descrip>
        !          5614: <funcsect>Description
        !          5615: <p>
        !          5616:    This function calculates a one's complement checksum of a given fragmented
        !          5617:    packet.
        !          5618:    <p>
        !          5619:    It uses all the clever tricks described in RFC 1071 to speed
        !          5620:    up checksum calculation as much as possible.
        !          5621: </function>
        !          5622: <function><p><type>u32</type>
        !          5623: <funcdef>u32_mkmask</funcdef>
        !          5624: (<type>uint</type> <param>n</param>) --     create a bit mask
        !          5625: 
        !          5626: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5627: <p><descrip>
        !          5628: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>n</param></tagp>
        !          5629:     number of bits
        !          5630: </descrip>
        !          5631: <funcsect>Description
        !          5632: <p>
        !          5633:    <func/u32_mkmask()/ returns an unsigned 32-bit integer which binary
        !          5634:    representation consists of <param/n/ ones followed by zeroes.
        !          5635: </function>
        !          5636: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5637: <funcdef>u32_masklen</funcdef>
        !          5638: (<type>u32</type> <param>x</param>) --     calculate length of a bit mask
        !          5639: 
        !          5640: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5641: <p><descrip>
        !          5642: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          5643:     bit mask
        !          5644: </descrip>
        !          5645: <funcsect>Description
        !          5646: <p>
        !          5647:    This function checks whether the given integer <param/x/ represents
        !          5648:    a valid bit mask (binary representation contains first ones, then
        !          5649:    zeroes) and returns the number of ones or -1 if the mask is invalid.
        !          5650: </function>
        !          5651: <function><p><type>u32</type>
        !          5652: <funcdef>u32_log2</funcdef>
        !          5653: (<type>u32</type> <param>v</param>) --     compute a binary logarithm.
        !          5654: 
        !          5655: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5656: <p><descrip>
        !          5657: <tagp><type>u32</type> <param>v</param></tagp>
        !          5658:     number
        !          5659: </descrip>
        !          5660: <funcsect>Description
        !          5661: <p>
        !          5662:    This function computes a integral part of binary logarithm of given
        !          5663:    integer <param/v/ and returns it. The computed value is also an index of the
        !          5664:    most significant non-zero bit position.
        !          5665: </function>
        !          5666: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5667: <funcdef>patmatch</funcdef>
        !          5668: (<type>byte *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>byte *</type> <param>s</param>) --     match shell-like patterns
        !          5669: 
        !          5670: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5671: <p><descrip>
        !          5672: <tagp><type>byte *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          5673:     pattern
        !          5674: <tagp><type>byte *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !          5675:     string
        !          5676: </descrip>
        !          5677: <funcsect>Description
        !          5678: <p>
        !          5679:    <func/patmatch()/ returns whether given string <param/s/ matches the given shell-like
        !          5680:    pattern <param/p/. The patterns consist of characters (which are matched literally),
        !          5681:    question marks which match any single character, asterisks which match any
        !          5682:    (possibly empty) string of characters and backslashes which are used to
        !          5683:    escape any special characters and force them to be treated literally.
        !          5684:    <p>
        !          5685:    The matching process is not optimized with respect to time, so please
        !          5686:    avoid using this function for complex patterns.
        !          5687: </function>
        !          5688: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5689: <funcdef>bvsnprintf</funcdef>
        !          5690: (<type>char *</type> <param>buf</param>, <type>int</type> <param>size</param>, <type>const char *</type> <param>fmt</param>, <type>va_list</type> <param>args</param>) --     BIRD's <func/vsnprintf()/
        !          5691: 
        !          5692: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5693: <p><descrip>
        !          5694: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>buf</param></tagp>
        !          5695:     destination buffer
        !          5696: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>size</param></tagp>
        !          5697:     size of the buffer
        !          5698: <tagp><type>const char *</type> <param>fmt</param></tagp>
        !          5699:     format string
        !          5700: <tagp><type>va_list</type> <param>args</param></tagp>
        !          5701:     a list of arguments to be formatted
        !          5702: </descrip>
        !          5703: <funcsect>Description
        !          5704: <p>
        !          5705:    This functions acts like ordinary <func/sprintf()/ except that it checks
        !          5706:    available space to avoid buffer overflows and it allows some more
        !          5707: <funcsect>format specifiers
        !          5708: <p>
        !          5709:     <tt><const/I/</tt> for formatting of IP addresses (any non-zero
        !          5710:    width is automatically replaced by standard IP address width which
        !          5711:    depends on whether we use IPv4 or IPv6; <tt>%#I</tt> gives hexadecimal format),
        !          5712:    <tt><const/R/</tt> for Router / Network ID (u32 value printed as IPv4 address)
        !          5713:    <tt><const/lR/</tt> for 64bit Router / Network ID (u64 value printed as eight :-separated octets)
        !          5714:    and <tt><const/m/</tt> resp. <tt><const/M/</tt> for error messages (uses <func/strerror()/ to translate <param/errno/ code to
        !          5715:    message text). On the other hand, it doesn't support floating
        !          5716:    point numbers.
        !          5717: <funcsect>Result
        !          5718: <p>
        !          5719:     number of characters of the output string or -1 if
        !          5720:    the buffer space was insufficient.
        !          5721: </function>
        !          5722: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5723: <funcdef>bvsprintf</funcdef>
        !          5724: (<type>char *</type> <param>buf</param>, <type>const char *</type> <param>fmt</param>, <type>va_list</type> <param>args</param>) --     BIRD's <func/vsprintf()/
        !          5725: 
        !          5726: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5727: <p><descrip>
        !          5728: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>buf</param></tagp>
        !          5729:     buffer
        !          5730: <tagp><type>const char *</type> <param>fmt</param></tagp>
        !          5731:     format string
        !          5732: <tagp><type>va_list</type> <param>args</param></tagp>
        !          5733:     a list of arguments to be formatted
        !          5734: </descrip>
        !          5735: <funcsect>Description
        !          5736: <p>
        !          5737:    This function is equivalent to <func/bvsnprintf()/ with an infinite
        !          5738:    buffer size. Please use carefully only when you are absolutely
        !          5739:    sure the buffer won't overflow.
        !          5740: </function>
        !          5741: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5742: <funcdef>bsprintf</funcdef>
        !          5743: (<type>char *</type> <param>buf</param>, <type>const char *</type> <param>fmt</param>, <type>...</type> <param>...</param>) --     BIRD's <func/sprintf()/
        !          5744: 
        !          5745: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5746: <p><descrip>
        !          5747: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>buf</param></tagp>
        !          5748:     buffer
        !          5749: <tagp><type>const char *</type> <param>fmt</param></tagp>
        !          5750:     format string
        !          5751: <tagp><type>...</type> <param>...</param></tagp>
        !          5752:    variable arguments
        !          5753: </descrip>
        !          5754: <funcsect>Description
        !          5755: <p>
        !          5756:    This function is equivalent to <func/bvsnprintf()/ with an infinite
        !          5757:    buffer size and variable arguments instead of a <struct/va_list/.
        !          5758:    Please use carefully only when you are absolutely
        !          5759:    sure the buffer won't overflow.
        !          5760: </function>
        !          5761: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5762: <funcdef>bsnprintf</funcdef>
        !          5763: (<type>char *</type> <param>buf</param>, <type>int</type> <param>size</param>, <type>const char *</type> <param>fmt</param>, <type>...</type> <param>...</param>) --     BIRD's <func/snprintf()/
        !          5764: 
        !          5765: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5766: <p><descrip>
        !          5767: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>buf</param></tagp>
        !          5768:     buffer
        !          5769: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>size</param></tagp>
        !          5770:     buffer size
        !          5771: <tagp><type>const char *</type> <param>fmt</param></tagp>
        !          5772:     format string
        !          5773: <tagp><type>...</type> <param>...</param></tagp>
        !          5774:    variable arguments
        !          5775: </descrip>
        !          5776: <funcsect>Description
        !          5777: <p>
        !          5778:    This function is equivalent to <func/bsnprintf()/ with variable arguments instead of a <struct/va_list/.
        !          5779: </function>
        !          5780: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !          5781: <funcdef>xmalloc</funcdef>
        !          5782: (<type>uint</type> <param>size</param>) --     malloc with checking
        !          5783: 
        !          5784: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5785: <p><descrip>
        !          5786: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>size</param></tagp>
        !          5787:     block size
        !          5788: </descrip>
        !          5789: <funcsect>Description
        !          5790: <p>
        !          5791:    This function is equivalent to <func/malloc()/ except that in case of
        !          5792:    failure it calls <func/die()/ to quit the program instead of returning
        !          5793:    a <const/NULL/ pointer.
        !          5794:    <p>
        !          5795:    Wherever possible, please use the memory resources instead.
        !          5796: </function>
        !          5797: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !          5798: <funcdef>xrealloc</funcdef>
        !          5799: (<type>void *</type> <param>ptr</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>size</param>) --     realloc with checking
        !          5800: 
        !          5801: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5802: <p><descrip>
        !          5803: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>ptr</param></tagp>
        !          5804:     original memory block
        !          5805: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>size</param></tagp>
        !          5806:     block size
        !          5807: </descrip>
        !          5808: <funcsect>Description
        !          5809: <p>
        !          5810:    This function is equivalent to <func/realloc()/ except that in case of
        !          5811:    failure it calls <func/die()/ to quit the program instead of returning
        !          5812:    a <const/NULL/ pointer.
        !          5813:    <p>
        !          5814:    Wherever possible, please use the memory resources instead.
        !          5815: </function>
        !          5816: <sect>Message authentication codes
        !          5817: <p>
        !          5818:    <p>
        !          5819:    MAC algorithms are simple cryptographic tools for message authentication.
        !          5820:    They use shared a secret key a and message text to generate authentication
        !          5821:    code, which is then passed with the message to the other side, where the code
        !          5822:    is verified. There are multiple families of MAC algorithms based on different
        !          5823:    cryptographic primitives, BIRD implements two MAC families which use hash
        !          5824:    functions.
        !          5825:    <p>
        !          5826:    The first family is simply a cryptographic hash camouflaged as MAC algorithm.
        !          5827:    Originally supposed to be (m|k)-hash (message is concatenated with key, and
        !          5828:    that is hashed), but later it turned out that a raw hash is more practical.
        !          5829:    This is used for cryptographic authentication in OSPFv2, RIP and BFD.
        !          5830:    <p>
        !          5831:    The second family is the standard HMAC (RFC 2104), using inner and outer hash
        !          5832:    to process key and message. HMAC (with SHA) is used in advanced OSPF and RIP
        !          5833:    authentication (RFC 5709, RFC 4822).
        !          5834: 
        !          5835: 
        !          5836: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          5837: <funcdef>mac_init</funcdef>
        !          5838: (<type>struct mac_context *</type> <param>ctx</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>id</param>, <type>const byte *</type> <param>key</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>keylen</param>) --     initialize MAC algorithm
        !          5839: 
        !          5840: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5841: <p><descrip>
        !          5842: <tagp><type>struct mac_context *</type> <param>ctx</param></tagp>
        !          5843:     context to initialize
        !          5844: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>id</param></tagp>
        !          5845:     MAC algorithm ID
        !          5846: <tagp><type>const byte *</type> <param>key</param></tagp>
        !          5847:     MAC key
        !          5848: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>keylen</param></tagp>
        !          5849:     MAC key length
        !          5850: </descrip>
        !          5851: <funcsect>Description
        !          5852: <p>
        !          5853:    Initialize MAC context <param/ctx/ for algorithm <param/id/ (e.g., <const/ALG_HMAC_SHA1/), with
        !          5854:    key <param/key/ of length <param/keylen/. After that, message data could be added using
        !          5855:    <func/mac_update()/ function.
        !          5856: </function>
        !          5857: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          5858: <funcdef>mac_update</funcdef>
        !          5859: (<type>struct mac_context *</type> <param>ctx</param>, <type>const byte *</type> <param>data</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>datalen</param>) --     add more data to MAC algorithm
        !          5860: 
        !          5861: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5862: <p><descrip>
        !          5863: <tagp><type>struct mac_context *</type> <param>ctx</param></tagp>
        !          5864:     MAC context
        !          5865: <tagp><type>const byte *</type> <param>data</param></tagp>
        !          5866:     data to add
        !          5867: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>datalen</param></tagp>
        !          5868:     length of data
        !          5869: </descrip>
        !          5870: <funcsect>Description
        !          5871: <p>
        !          5872:    Push another <param/datalen/ bytes of data pointed to by <param/data/ into the MAC
        !          5873:    algorithm currently in <param/ctx/. Can be called multiple times for the same MAC
        !          5874:    context. It has the same effect as concatenating all the data together and
        !          5875:    passing them at once.
        !          5876: </function>
        !          5877: <function><p><type>byte *</type>
        !          5878: <funcdef>mac_final</funcdef>
        !          5879: (<type>struct mac_context *</type> <param>ctx</param>) --     finalize MAC algorithm
        !          5880: 
        !          5881: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5882: <p><descrip>
        !          5883: <tagp><type>struct mac_context *</type> <param>ctx</param></tagp>
        !          5884:     MAC context
        !          5885: </descrip>
        !          5886: <funcsect>Description
        !          5887: <p>
        !          5888:    Finish MAC computation and return a pointer to the result. No more
        !          5889:    <param/mac_update/() calls could be done, but the context may be reinitialized
        !          5890:    later.
        !          5891:    <p>
        !          5892:    Note that the returned pointer points into data in the <param/ctx/ context. If it
        !          5893:    ceases to exist, the pointer becomes invalid.
        !          5894: </function>
        !          5895: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          5896: <funcdef>mac_cleanup</funcdef>
        !          5897: (<type>struct mac_context *</type> <param>ctx</param>) --     cleanup MAC context
        !          5898: 
        !          5899: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5900: <p><descrip>
        !          5901: <tagp><type>struct mac_context *</type> <param>ctx</param></tagp>
        !          5902:     MAC context
        !          5903: </descrip>
        !          5904: <funcsect>Description
        !          5905: <p>
        !          5906:    Cleanup MAC context after computation (by filling with zeros). Not strictly
        !          5907:    necessary, just to erase sensitive data from stack. This also invalidates the
        !          5908:    pointer returned by <param/mac_final/().
        !          5909: </function>
        !          5910: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          5911: <funcdef>mac_fill</funcdef>
        !          5912: (<type>uint</type> <param>id</param>, <type>const byte *</type> <param>key</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>keylen</param>, <type>const byte *</type> <param>data</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>datalen</param>, <type>byte *</type> <param>mac</param>) --     compute and fill MAC
        !          5913: 
        !          5914: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5915: <p><descrip>
        !          5916: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>id</param></tagp>
        !          5917:     MAC algorithm ID
        !          5918: <tagp><type>const byte *</type> <param>key</param></tagp>
        !          5919:     secret key
        !          5920: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>keylen</param></tagp>
        !          5921:     key length
        !          5922: <tagp><type>const byte *</type> <param>data</param></tagp>
        !          5923:     message data
        !          5924: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>datalen</param></tagp>
        !          5925:     message length
        !          5926: <tagp><type>byte *</type> <param>mac</param></tagp>
        !          5927:     place to fill MAC
        !          5928: </descrip>
        !          5929: <funcsect>Description
        !          5930: <p>
        !          5931:    Compute MAC for specified key <param/key/ and message <param/data/ using algorithm <param/id/ and
        !          5932:    copy it to buffer <param/mac/. <func/mac_fill()/ is a shortcut function doing all usual
        !          5933:    steps for transmitted messages.
        !          5934: </function>
        !          5935: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          5936: <funcdef>mac_verify</funcdef>
        !          5937: (<type>uint</type> <param>id</param>, <type>const byte *</type> <param>key</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>keylen</param>, <type>const byte *</type> <param>data</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>datalen</param>, <type>const byte *</type> <param>mac</param>) --     compute and verify MAC
        !          5938: 
        !          5939: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          5940: <p><descrip>
        !          5941: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>id</param></tagp>
        !          5942:     MAC algorithm ID
        !          5943: <tagp><type>const byte *</type> <param>key</param></tagp>
        !          5944:     secret key
        !          5945: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>keylen</param></tagp>
        !          5946:     key length
        !          5947: <tagp><type>const byte *</type> <param>data</param></tagp>
        !          5948:     message data
        !          5949: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>datalen</param></tagp>
        !          5950:     message length
        !          5951: <tagp><type>const byte *</type> <param>mac</param></tagp>
        !          5952:     received MAC
        !          5953: </descrip>
        !          5954: <funcsect>Description
        !          5955: <p>
        !          5956:    Compute MAC for specified key <param/key/ and message <param/data/ using algorithm <param/id/ and
        !          5957:    compare it with received <param/mac/, return whether they are the same. <func/mac_verify()/
        !          5958:    is a shortcut function doing all usual steps for received messages.
        !          5959: </function>
        !          5960: <!--
        !          5961:        BIRD Programmer's Guide: Resources
        !          5962: 
        !          5963:        (c) 2000 Martin Mares <>
        !          5964: -->
        !          5965: 
        !          5966: <chapt>Resources
        !          5967: 
        !          5968: <sect>Introduction
        !          5969: 
        !          5970: <p>Most large software projects implemented in classical procedural
        !          5971: programming languages usually end up with lots of code taking care
        !          5972: of resource allocation and deallocation. Bugs in such code are often
        !          5973: very difficult to find, because they cause only `resource leakage',
        !          5974: that is keeping a lot of memory and other resources which nobody
        !          5975: references to.
        !          5976: 
        !          5977: <p>We've tried to solve this problem by employing a resource tracking
        !          5978: system which keeps track of all the resources allocated by all the
        !          5979: modules of BIRD, deallocates everything automatically when a module
        !          5980: shuts down and it is able to print out the list of resources and
        !          5981: the corresponding modules they are allocated by.
        !          5982: 
        !          5983: <p>Each allocated resource (from now we'll speak about allocated
        !          5984: resources only) is represented by a structure starting with a standard
        !          5985: header (struct <struct/resource/) consisting of a list node (resources are
        !          5986: often linked to various lists) and a pointer to <struct/resclass/ -- a resource
        !          5987: class structure pointing to functions implementing generic resource
        !          5988: operations (such as freeing of the resource) for the particular resource
        !          5989: type.
        !          5990: 
        !          5991: <p>There exist the following types of resources:
        !          5992: 
        !          5993: <itemize>
        !          5994: <item><it/Resource pools/ (<struct/pool/)
        !          5995: <item><it/Memory blocks/
        !          5996: <item><it/Linear memory pools/ (<struct/linpool/)
        !          5997: <item><it/Slabs/ (<struct/slab/)
        !          5998: <item><it/Events/ (<struct/event/) 
        !          5999: <item><it/Timers/ (<struct/timer/) 
        !          6000: <item><it/Sockets/ (<struct/socket/) 
        !          6001: </itemize>
        !          6002: <sect>Resource pools
        !          6003: <p>
        !          6004:    <p>
        !          6005:    Resource pools (<struct/pool/) are just containers holding a list of
        !          6006:    other resources. Freeing a pool causes all the listed resources
        !          6007:    to be freed as well. Each existing <struct/resource/ is linked to some pool
        !          6008:    except for a root pool which isn't linked anywhere, so all the
        !          6009:    resources form a tree structure with internal nodes corresponding
        !          6010:    to pools and leaves being the other resources.
        !          6011:    <p>
        !          6012:    Example: Almost all modules of BIRD have their private pool which
        !          6013:    is freed upon shutdown of the module.
        !          6014: 
        !          6015: 
        !          6016: <function><p><type>pool *</type>
        !          6017: <funcdef>rp_new</funcdef>
        !          6018: (<type>pool *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>char *</type> <param>name</param>) --     create a resource pool
        !          6019: 
        !          6020: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6021: <p><descrip>
        !          6022: <tagp><type>pool *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          6023:     parent pool
        !          6024: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>name</param></tagp>
        !          6025:     pool name (to be included in debugging dumps)
        !          6026: </descrip>
        !          6027: <funcsect>Description
        !          6028: <p>
        !          6029:    <func/rp_new()/ creates a new resource pool inside the specified
        !          6030:    parent pool.
        !          6031: </function>
        !          6032: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6033: <funcdef>rmove</funcdef>
        !          6034: (<type>void *</type> <param>res</param>, <type>pool *</type> <param>p</param>) --     move a resource
        !          6035: 
        !          6036: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6037: <p><descrip>
        !          6038: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>res</param></tagp>
        !          6039:     resource
        !          6040: <tagp><type>pool *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          6041:     pool to move the resource to
        !          6042: </descrip>
        !          6043: <funcsect>Description
        !          6044: <p>
        !          6045:    <func/rmove()/ moves a resource from one pool to another.
        !          6046: </function>
        !          6047: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6048: <funcdef>rfree</funcdef>
        !          6049: (<type>void *</type> <param>res</param>) --     free a resource
        !          6050: 
        !          6051: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6052: <p><descrip>
        !          6053: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>res</param></tagp>
        !          6054:     resource
        !          6055: </descrip>
        !          6056: <funcsect>Description
        !          6057: <p>
        !          6058:    <func/rfree()/ frees the given resource and all information associated
        !          6059:    with it. In case it's a resource pool, it also frees all the objects
        !          6060:    living inside the pool.
        !          6061:    <p>
        !          6062:    It works by calling a class-specific freeing function.
        !          6063: </function>
        !          6064: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6065: <funcdef>rdump</funcdef>
        !          6066: (<type>void *</type> <param>res</param>) --     dump a resource
        !          6067: 
        !          6068: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6069: <p><descrip>
        !          6070: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>res</param></tagp>
        !          6071:     resource
        !          6072: </descrip>
        !          6073: <funcsect>Description
        !          6074: <p>
        !          6075:    This function prints out all available information about the given
        !          6076:    resource to the debugging output.
        !          6077:    <p>
        !          6078:    It works by calling a class-specific dump function.
        !          6079: </function>
        !          6080: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !          6081: <funcdef>ralloc</funcdef>
        !          6082: (<type>pool *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>struct resclass *</type> <param>c</param>) --     create a resource
        !          6083: 
        !          6084: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6085: <p><descrip>
        !          6086: <tagp><type>pool *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          6087:     pool to create the resource in
        !          6088: <tagp><type>struct resclass *</type> <param>c</param></tagp>
        !          6089:     class of the new resource
        !          6090: </descrip>
        !          6091: <funcsect>Description
        !          6092: <p>
        !          6093:    This function is called by the resource classes to create a new
        !          6094:    resource of the specified class and link it to the given pool.
        !          6095:    Allocated memory is zeroed. Size of the resource structure is taken
        !          6096:    from the <param/size/ field of the <struct/resclass/.
        !          6097: </function>
        !          6098: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6099: <funcdef>rlookup</funcdef>
        !          6100: (<type>unsigned long</type> <param>a</param>) --     look up a memory location
        !          6101: 
        !          6102: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6103: <p><descrip>
        !          6104: <tagp><type>unsigned long</type> <param>a</param></tagp>
        !          6105:     memory address
        !          6106: </descrip>
        !          6107: <funcsect>Description
        !          6108: <p>
        !          6109:    This function examines all existing resources to see whether
        !          6110:    the address <param/a/ is inside any resource. It's used for debugging
        !          6111:    purposes only.
        !          6112:    <p>
        !          6113:    It works by calling a class-specific lookup function for each
        !          6114:    resource.
        !          6115: </function>
        !          6116: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6117: <funcdef>resource_init</funcdef>
        !          6118: (<param>void</param>) --     initialize the resource manager
        !          6119: 
        !          6120: <funcsect>Description
        !          6121: <p>
        !          6122:    <p>
        !          6123:    This function is called during BIRD startup. It initializes
        !          6124:    all data structures of the resource manager and creates the
        !          6125:    root pool.
        !          6126: </function>
        !          6127: <sect>Memory blocks
        !          6128: <p>
        !          6129:    <p>
        !          6130:    Memory blocks are pieces of contiguous allocated memory.
        !          6131:    They are a bit non-standard since they are represented not by a pointer
        !          6132:    to <struct/resource/, but by a void pointer to the start of data of the
        !          6133:    memory block. All memory block functions know how to locate the header
        !          6134:    given the data pointer.
        !          6135:    <p>
        !          6136:    Example: All "unique" data structures such as hash tables are allocated
        !          6137:    as memory blocks.
        !          6138: 
        !          6139: 
        !          6140: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !          6141: <funcdef>mb_alloc</funcdef>
        !          6142: (<type>pool *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>size</param>) --     allocate a memory block
        !          6143: 
        !          6144: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6145: <p><descrip>
        !          6146: <tagp><type>pool *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          6147:     pool
        !          6148: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>size</param></tagp>
        !          6149:     size of the block
        !          6150: </descrip>
        !          6151: <funcsect>Description
        !          6152: <p>
        !          6153:    <func/mb_alloc()/ allocates memory of a given size and creates
        !          6154:    a memory block resource representing this memory chunk
        !          6155:    in the pool <param/p/.
        !          6156:    <p>
        !          6157:    Please note that <func/mb_alloc()/ returns a pointer to the memory
        !          6158:    chunk, not to the resource, hence you have to free it using
        !          6159:    <func/mb_free()/, not <func/rfree()/.
        !          6160: </function>
        !          6161: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !          6162: <funcdef>mb_allocz</funcdef>
        !          6163: (<type>pool *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>size</param>) --     allocate and clear a memory block
        !          6164: 
        !          6165: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6166: <p><descrip>
        !          6167: <tagp><type>pool *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          6168:     pool
        !          6169: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>size</param></tagp>
        !          6170:     size of the block
        !          6171: </descrip>
        !          6172: <funcsect>Description
        !          6173: <p>
        !          6174:    <func/mb_allocz()/ allocates memory of a given size, initializes it to
        !          6175:    zeroes and creates a memory block resource representing this memory
        !          6176:    chunk in the pool <param/p/.
        !          6177:    <p>
        !          6178:    Please note that <func/mb_allocz()/ returns a pointer to the memory
        !          6179:    chunk, not to the resource, hence you have to free it using
        !          6180:    <func/mb_free()/, not <func/rfree()/.
        !          6181: </function>
        !          6182: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !          6183: <funcdef>mb_realloc</funcdef>
        !          6184: (<type>void *</type> <param>m</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>size</param>) --     reallocate a memory block
        !          6185: 
        !          6186: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6187: <p><descrip>
        !          6188: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>m</param></tagp>
        !          6189:     memory block
        !          6190: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>size</param></tagp>
        !          6191:     new size of the block
        !          6192: </descrip>
        !          6193: <funcsect>Description
        !          6194: <p>
        !          6195:    <func/mb_realloc()/ changes the size of the memory block <param/m/ to a given size.
        !          6196:    The contents will be unchanged to the minimum of the old and new sizes;
        !          6197:    newly allocated memory will be uninitialized. Contrary to <func/realloc()/
        !          6198:    behavior, <param/m/ must be non-NULL, because the resource pool is inherited
        !          6199:    from it.
        !          6200:    <p>
        !          6201:    Like <func/mb_alloc()/, <func/mb_realloc()/ also returns a pointer to the memory
        !          6202:    chunk, not to the resource, hence you have to free it using
        !          6203:    <func/mb_free()/, not <func/rfree()/.
        !          6204: </function>
        !          6205: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6206: <funcdef>mb_free</funcdef>
        !          6207: (<type>void *</type> <param>m</param>) --     free a memory block
        !          6208: 
        !          6209: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6210: <p><descrip>
        !          6211: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>m</param></tagp>
        !          6212:     memory block
        !          6213: </descrip>
        !          6214: <funcsect>Description
        !          6215: <p>
        !          6216:    <func/mb_free()/ frees all memory associated with the block <param/m/.
        !          6217: </function>
        !          6218: <sect>Linear memory pools
        !          6219: <p>
        !          6220:    <p>
        !          6221:    Linear memory pools are collections of memory blocks which
        !          6222:    support very fast allocation of new blocks, but are able to free only
        !          6223:    the whole collection at once.
        !          6224:    <p>
        !          6225:    Example: Each configuration is described by a complex system of structures,
        !          6226:    linked lists and function trees which are all allocated from a single linear
        !          6227:    pool, thus they can be freed at once when the configuration is no longer used.
        !          6228: 
        !          6229: 
        !          6230: <function><p><type>linpool *</type>
        !          6231: <funcdef>lp_new</funcdef>
        !          6232: (<type>pool *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>blk</param>) --     create a new linear memory pool
        !          6233: 
        !          6234: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6235: <p><descrip>
        !          6236: <tagp><type>pool *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          6237:     pool
        !          6238: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>blk</param></tagp>
        !          6239:     block size
        !          6240: </descrip>
        !          6241: <funcsect>Description
        !          6242: <p>
        !          6243:    <func/lp_new()/ creates a new linear memory pool resource inside the pool <param/p/.
        !          6244:    The linear pool consists of a list of memory chunks of size at least
        !          6245:    <param/blk/.
        !          6246: </function>
        !          6247: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !          6248: <funcdef>lp_alloc</funcdef>
        !          6249: (<type>linpool *</type> <param>m</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>size</param>) --     allocate memory from a <struct/linpool/
        !          6250: 
        !          6251: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6252: <p><descrip>
        !          6253: <tagp><type>linpool *</type> <param>m</param></tagp>
        !          6254:     linear memory pool
        !          6255: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>size</param></tagp>
        !          6256:     amount of memory
        !          6257: </descrip>
        !          6258: <funcsect>Description
        !          6259: <p>
        !          6260:    <func/lp_alloc()/ allocates <param/size/ bytes of memory from a <struct/linpool/ <param/m/
        !          6261:    and it returns a pointer to the allocated memory.
        !          6262:    <p>
        !          6263:    It works by trying to find free space in the last memory chunk
        !          6264:    associated with the <struct/linpool/ and creating a new chunk of the standard
        !          6265:    size (as specified during <func/lp_new()/) if the free space is too small
        !          6266:    to satisfy the allocation. If <param/size/ is too large to fit in a standard
        !          6267:    size chunk, an "overflow" chunk is created for it instead.
        !          6268: </function>
        !          6269: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !          6270: <funcdef>lp_allocu</funcdef>
        !          6271: (<type>linpool *</type> <param>m</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>size</param>) --     allocate unaligned memory from a <struct/linpool/
        !          6272: 
        !          6273: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6274: <p><descrip>
        !          6275: <tagp><type>linpool *</type> <param>m</param></tagp>
        !          6276:     linear memory pool
        !          6277: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>size</param></tagp>
        !          6278:     amount of memory
        !          6279: </descrip>
        !          6280: <funcsect>Description
        !          6281: <p>
        !          6282:    <func/lp_allocu()/ allocates <param/size/ bytes of memory from a <struct/linpool/ <param/m/
        !          6283:    and it returns a pointer to the allocated memory. It doesn't
        !          6284:    attempt to align the memory block, giving a very efficient way
        !          6285:    how to allocate strings without any space overhead.
        !          6286: </function>
        !          6287: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !          6288: <funcdef>lp_allocz</funcdef>
        !          6289: (<type>linpool *</type> <param>m</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>size</param>) --     allocate cleared memory from a <struct/linpool/
        !          6290: 
        !          6291: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6292: <p><descrip>
        !          6293: <tagp><type>linpool *</type> <param>m</param></tagp>
        !          6294:     linear memory pool
        !          6295: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>size</param></tagp>
        !          6296:     amount of memory
        !          6297: </descrip>
        !          6298: <funcsect>Description
        !          6299: <p>
        !          6300:    This function is identical to <func/lp_alloc()/ except that it
        !          6301:    clears the allocated memory block.
        !          6302: </function>
        !          6303: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6304: <funcdef>lp_flush</funcdef>
        !          6305: (<type>linpool *</type> <param>m</param>) --     flush a linear memory pool
        !          6306: 
        !          6307: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6308: <p><descrip>
        !          6309: <tagp><type>linpool *</type> <param>m</param></tagp>
        !          6310:     linear memory pool
        !          6311: </descrip>
        !          6312: <funcsect>Description
        !          6313: <p>
        !          6314:    This function frees the whole contents of the given <struct/linpool/ <param/m/,
        !          6315:    but leaves the pool itself.
        !          6316: </function>
        !          6317: <sect>Slabs
        !          6318: <p>
        !          6319:    <p>
        !          6320:    Slabs are collections of memory blocks of a fixed size.
        !          6321:    They support very fast allocation and freeing of such blocks, prevent memory
        !          6322:    fragmentation and optimize L2 cache usage. Slabs have been invented by Jeff Bonwick
        !          6323:    and published in USENIX proceedings as `The Slab Allocator: An Object-Caching Kernel
        !          6324:    Memory Allocator'. Our implementation follows this article except that we don't use
        !          6325:    constructors and destructors.
        !          6326:    <p>
        !          6327:    When the <tt>DEBUGGING</tt> switch is turned on, we automatically fill all
        !          6328:    newly allocated and freed blocks with a special pattern to make detection
        !          6329:    of use of uninitialized or already freed memory easier.
        !          6330:    <p>
        !          6331:    Example: Nodes of a FIB are allocated from a per-FIB Slab.
        !          6332: 
        !          6333: 
        !          6334: <function><p><type>slab *</type>
        !          6335: <funcdef>sl_new</funcdef>
        !          6336: (<type>pool *</type> <param>p</param>, <type>uint</type> <param>size</param>) --     create a new Slab
        !          6337: 
        !          6338: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6339: <p><descrip>
        !          6340: <tagp><type>pool *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          6341:     resource pool
        !          6342: <tagp><type>uint</type> <param>size</param></tagp>
        !          6343:     block size
        !          6344: </descrip>
        !          6345: <funcsect>Description
        !          6346: <p>
        !          6347:    This function creates a new Slab resource from which
        !          6348:    objects of size <param/size/ can be allocated.
        !          6349: </function>
        !          6350: <function><p><type>void *</type>
        !          6351: <funcdef>sl_alloc</funcdef>
        !          6352: (<type>slab *</type> <param>s</param>) --     allocate an object from Slab
        !          6353: 
        !          6354: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6355: <p><descrip>
        !          6356: <tagp><type>slab *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !          6357:     slab
        !          6358: </descrip>
        !          6359: <funcsect>Description
        !          6360: <p>
        !          6361:    <func/sl_alloc()/ allocates space for a single object from the
        !          6362:    Slab and returns a pointer to the object.
        !          6363: </function>
        !          6364: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6365: <funcdef>sl_free</funcdef>
        !          6366: (<type>slab *</type> <param>s</param>, <type>void *</type> <param>oo</param>) --     return a free object back to a Slab
        !          6367: 
        !          6368: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6369: <p><descrip>
        !          6370: <tagp><type>slab *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !          6371:     slab
        !          6372: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>oo</param></tagp>
        !          6373:     object returned by <func/sl_alloc()/
        !          6374: </descrip>
        !          6375: <funcsect>Description
        !          6376: <p>
        !          6377:    This function frees memory associated with the object <param/oo/
        !          6378:    and returns it back to the Slab <param/s/.
        !          6379: </function>
        !          6380: <sect>Events
        !          6381: <p>
        !          6382:    <p>
        !          6383:    Events are there to keep track of deferred execution.
        !          6384:    Since BIRD is single-threaded, it requires long lasting tasks to be split to smaller
        !          6385:    parts, so that no module can monopolize the CPU. To split such a task, just create
        !          6386:    an <struct/event/ resource, point it to the function you want to have called and call <func/ev_schedule()/
        !          6387:    to ask the core to run the event when nothing more important requires attention.
        !          6388:    <p>
        !          6389:    You can also define your own event lists (the <struct/event_list/ structure), enqueue your
        !          6390:    events in them and explicitly ask to run them.
        !          6391: 
        !          6392: 
        !          6393: <function><p><type>event *</type>
        !          6394: <funcdef>ev_new</funcdef>
        !          6395: (<type>pool *</type> <param>p</param>) --     create a new event
        !          6396: 
        !          6397: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6398: <p><descrip>
        !          6399: <tagp><type>pool *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          6400:     resource pool
        !          6401: </descrip>
        !          6402: <funcsect>Description
        !          6403: <p>
        !          6404:    This function creates a new event resource. To use it,
        !          6405:    you need to fill the structure fields and call <func/ev_schedule()/.
        !          6406: </function>
        !          6407: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6408: <funcdef>ev_run</funcdef>
        !          6409: (<type>event *</type> <param>e</param>) --     run an event
        !          6410: 
        !          6411: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6412: <p><descrip>
        !          6413: <tagp><type>event *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          6414:     an event
        !          6415: </descrip>
        !          6416: <funcsect>Description
        !          6417: <p>
        !          6418:    This function explicitly runs the event <param/e/ (calls its hook
        !          6419:    function) and removes it from an event list if it's linked to any.
        !          6420:    <p>
        !          6421:    From the hook function, you can call <func/ev_enqueue()/ or <func/ev_schedule()/
        !          6422:    to re-add the event.
        !          6423: </function>
        !          6424: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6425: <funcdef>ev_enqueue</funcdef>
        !          6426: (<type>event_list *</type> <param>l</param>, <type>event *</type> <param>e</param>) --     enqueue an event
        !          6427: 
        !          6428: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6429: <p><descrip>
        !          6430: <tagp><type>event_list *</type> <param>l</param></tagp>
        !          6431:     an event list
        !          6432: <tagp><type>event *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          6433:     an event
        !          6434: </descrip>
        !          6435: <funcsect>Description
        !          6436: <p>
        !          6437:    <func/ev_enqueue()/ stores the event <param/e/ to the specified event
        !          6438:    list <param/l/ which can be run by calling <func/ev_run_list()/.
        !          6439: </function>
        !          6440: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6441: <funcdef>ev_schedule</funcdef>
        !          6442: (<type>event *</type> <param>e</param>) --     schedule an event
        !          6443: 
        !          6444: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6445: <p><descrip>
        !          6446: <tagp><type>event *</type> <param>e</param></tagp>
        !          6447:     an event
        !          6448: </descrip>
        !          6449: <funcsect>Description
        !          6450: <p>
        !          6451:    This function schedules an event by enqueueing it to a system-wide
        !          6452:    event list which is run by the platform dependent code whenever
        !          6453:    appropriate.
        !          6454: </function>
        !          6455: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          6456: <funcdef>ev_run_list</funcdef>
        !          6457: (<type>event_list *</type> <param>l</param>) --     run an event list
        !          6458: 
        !          6459: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6460: <p><descrip>
        !          6461: <tagp><type>event_list *</type> <param>l</param></tagp>
        !          6462:     an event list
        !          6463: </descrip>
        !          6464: <funcsect>Description
        !          6465: <p>
        !          6466:    This function calls <func/ev_run()/ for all events enqueued in the list <param/l/.
        !          6467: </function>
        !          6468: <sect>Timers
        !          6469: <p>
        !          6470:    <p>
        !          6471:    Timers are resources which represent a wish of a module to call
        !          6472:    a function at the specified time. The platform dependent code
        !          6473:    doesn't guarantee exact timing, only that a timer function
        !          6474:    won't be called before the requested time.
        !          6475:    <p>
        !          6476:    In BIRD, time is represented by values of the <struct/bird_clock_t/ type
        !          6477:    which are integral numbers interpreted as a relative number of seconds since
        !          6478:    some fixed time point in past. The current time can be read
        !          6479:    from variable <param/now/ with reasonable accuracy and is monotonic. There is also
        !          6480:    a current 'absolute' time in variable <param/now_real/ reported by OS.
        !          6481:    <p>
        !          6482:    Each timer is described by a <struct/timer/ structure containing a pointer
        !          6483:    to the handler function (<param/hook/), data private to this function (<param/data/),
        !          6484:    time the function should be called at (<param/expires/, 0 for inactive timers),
        !          6485:    for the other fields see <tt>timer.h</tt>.
        !          6486: 
        !          6487: 
        !          6488: <function><p><type>timer *</type>
        !          6489: <funcdef>tm_new</funcdef>
        !          6490: (<type>pool *</type> <param>p</param>) --     create a timer
        !          6491: 
        !          6492: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6493: <p><descrip>
        !          6494: <tagp><type>pool *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          6495:     pool
        !          6496: </descrip>
        !          6497: <funcsect>Description
        !          6498: <p>
        !          6499:    This function creates a new timer resource and returns
        !          6500:    a pointer to it. To use the timer, you need to fill in
        !          6501:    the structure fields and call <func/tm_start()/ to start timing.
        !          6502: </function>
        !          6503: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6504: <funcdef>tm_start</funcdef>
        !          6505: (<type>timer *</type> <param>t</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>after</param>) --     start a timer
        !          6506: 
        !          6507: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6508: <p><descrip>
        !          6509: <tagp><type>timer *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          6510:     timer
        !          6511: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>after</param></tagp>
        !          6512:     number of seconds the timer should be run after
        !          6513: </descrip>
        !          6514: <funcsect>Description
        !          6515: <p>
        !          6516:    This function schedules the hook function of the timer to
        !          6517:    be called after <param/after/ seconds. If the timer has been already
        !          6518:    started, it's <param/expire/ time is replaced by the new value.
        !          6519:    <p>
        !          6520:    You can have set the <param/randomize/ field of <param/t/, the timeout
        !          6521:    will be increased by a random number of seconds chosen
        !          6522:    uniformly from range 0 .. <param/randomize/.
        !          6523:    <p>
        !          6524:    You can call <func/tm_start()/ from the handler function of the timer
        !          6525:    to request another run of the timer. Also, you can set the <param/recurrent/
        !          6526:    field to have the timer re-added automatically with the same timeout.
        !          6527: </function>
        !          6528: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6529: <funcdef>tm_stop</funcdef>
        !          6530: (<type>timer *</type> <param>t</param>) --     stop a timer
        !          6531: 
        !          6532: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6533: <p><descrip>
        !          6534: <tagp><type>timer *</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          6535:     timer
        !          6536: </descrip>
        !          6537: <funcsect>Description
        !          6538: <p>
        !          6539:    This function stops a timer. If the timer is already stopped,
        !          6540:    nothing happens.
        !          6541: </function>
        !          6542: <function><p><type>bird_clock_t</type>
        !          6543: <funcdef>tm_parse_datetime</funcdef>
        !          6544: (<type>char *</type> <param>x</param>) --     parse a date and time
        !          6545: 
        !          6546: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6547: <p><descrip>
        !          6548: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          6549:     datetime string
        !          6550: </descrip>
        !          6551: <funcsect>Description
        !          6552: <p>
        !          6553:    <func/tm_parse_datetime()/ takes a textual representation of
        !          6554:    a date and time (dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss)
        !          6555:    and converts it to the corresponding value of type <struct/bird_clock_t/.
        !          6556: </function>
        !          6557: <function><p><type>bird_clock_t</type>
        !          6558: <funcdef>tm_parse_date</funcdef>
        !          6559: (<type>char *</type> <param>x</param>) --     parse a date
        !          6560: 
        !          6561: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6562: <p><descrip>
        !          6563: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          6564:     date string
        !          6565: </descrip>
        !          6566: <funcsect>Description
        !          6567: <p>
        !          6568:    <func/tm_parse_date()/ takes a textual representation of a date (dd-mm-yyyy)
        !          6569:    and converts it to the corresponding value of type <struct/bird_clock_t/.
        !          6570: </function>
        !          6571: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6572: <funcdef>tm_format_datetime</funcdef>
        !          6573: (<type>char *</type> <param>x</param>, <type>struct timeformat *</type> <param>fmt_spec</param>, <type>bird_clock_t</type> <param>t</param>) --     convert date and time to textual representation
        !          6574: 
        !          6575: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6576: <p><descrip>
        !          6577: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>x</param></tagp>
        !          6578:     destination buffer of size <const/TM_DATETIME_BUFFER_SIZE/
        !          6579: <tagp><type>struct timeformat *</type> <param>fmt_spec</param></tagp>
        !          6580:     specification of resulting textual representation of the time
        !          6581: <tagp><type>bird_clock_t</type> <param>t</param></tagp>
        !          6582:     time
        !          6583: </descrip>
        !          6584: <funcsect>Description
        !          6585: <p>
        !          6586:    This function formats the given relative time value <param/t/ to a textual
        !          6587:    date/time representation (dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss) in real time.
        !          6588: </function>
        !          6589: <sect>Sockets
        !          6590: <p>
        !          6591:    <p>
        !          6592:    Socket resources represent network connections. Their data structure (<struct/socket/)
        !          6593:    contains a lot of fields defining the exact type of the socket, the local and
        !          6594:    remote addresses and ports, pointers to socket buffers and finally pointers to
        !          6595:    hook functions to be called when new data have arrived to the receive buffer
        !          6596:    (<param/rx_hook/), when the contents of the transmit buffer have been transmitted
        !          6597:    (<param/tx_hook/) and when an error or connection close occurs (<param/err_hook/).
        !          6598:    <p>
        !          6599:    Freeing of sockets from inside socket hooks is perfectly safe.
        !          6600: 
        !          6601: 
        !          6602: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          6603: <funcdef>sk_setup_multicast</funcdef>
        !          6604: (<type>sock *</type> <param>s</param>) --     enable multicast for given socket
        !          6605: 
        !          6606: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6607: <p><descrip>
        !          6608: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !          6609:     socket
        !          6610: </descrip>
        !          6611: <funcsect>Description
        !          6612: <p>
        !          6613:    Prepare transmission of multicast packets for given datagram socket.
        !          6614:    The socket must have defined <param/iface/.
        !          6615: <funcsect>Result
        !          6616: <p>
        !          6617:     0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !          6618: </function>
        !          6619: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          6620: <funcdef>sk_join_group</funcdef>
        !          6621: (<type>sock *</type> <param>s</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>maddr</param>) --     join multicast group for given socket
        !          6622: 
        !          6623: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6624: <p><descrip>
        !          6625: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !          6626:     socket
        !          6627: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>maddr</param></tagp>
        !          6628:     multicast address
        !          6629: </descrip>
        !          6630: <funcsect>Description
        !          6631: <p>
        !          6632:    Join multicast group for given datagram socket and associated interface.
        !          6633:    The socket must have defined <param/iface/.
        !          6634: <funcsect>Result
        !          6635: <p>
        !          6636:     0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !          6637: </function>
        !          6638: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          6639: <funcdef>sk_leave_group</funcdef>
        !          6640: (<type>sock *</type> <param>s</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>maddr</param>) --     leave multicast group for given socket
        !          6641: 
        !          6642: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6643: <p><descrip>
        !          6644: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !          6645:     socket
        !          6646: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>maddr</param></tagp>
        !          6647:     multicast address
        !          6648: </descrip>
        !          6649: <funcsect>Description
        !          6650: <p>
        !          6651:    Leave multicast group for given datagram socket and associated interface.
        !          6652:    The socket must have defined <param/iface/.
        !          6653: <funcsect>Result
        !          6654: <p>
        !          6655:     0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !          6656: </function>
        !          6657: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          6658: <funcdef>sk_setup_broadcast</funcdef>
        !          6659: (<type>sock *</type> <param>s</param>) --     enable broadcast for given socket
        !          6660: 
        !          6661: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6662: <p><descrip>
        !          6663: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !          6664:     socket
        !          6665: </descrip>
        !          6666: <funcsect>Description
        !          6667: <p>
        !          6668:    Allow reception and transmission of broadcast packets for given datagram
        !          6669:    socket. The socket must have defined <param/iface/. For transmission, packets should
        !          6670:    be send to <param/brd/ address of <param/iface/.
        !          6671: <funcsect>Result
        !          6672: <p>
        !          6673:     0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !          6674: </function>
        !          6675: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          6676: <funcdef>sk_set_ttl</funcdef>
        !          6677: (<type>sock *</type> <param>s</param>, <type>int</type> <param>ttl</param>) --     set transmit TTL for given socket
        !          6678: 
        !          6679: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6680: <p><descrip>
        !          6681: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !          6682:     socket
        !          6683: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>ttl</param></tagp>
        !          6684:     TTL value
        !          6685: </descrip>
        !          6686: <funcsect>Description
        !          6687: <p>
        !          6688:    Set TTL for already opened connections when TTL was not set before. Useful
        !          6689:    for accepted connections when different ones should have different TTL.
        !          6690: <funcsect>Result
        !          6691: <p>
        !          6692:     0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !          6693: </function>
        !          6694: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          6695: <funcdef>sk_set_min_ttl</funcdef>
        !          6696: (<type>sock *</type> <param>s</param>, <type>int</type> <param>ttl</param>) --     set minimal accepted TTL for given socket
        !          6697: 
        !          6698: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6699: <p><descrip>
        !          6700: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !          6701:     socket
        !          6702: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>ttl</param></tagp>
        !          6703:     TTL value
        !          6704: </descrip>
        !          6705: <funcsect>Description
        !          6706: <p>
        !          6707:    Set minimal accepted TTL for given socket. Can be used for TTL security.
        !          6708:    implementations.
        !          6709: <funcsect>Result
        !          6710: <p>
        !          6711:     0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !          6712: </function>
        !          6713: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          6714: <funcdef>sk_set_md5_auth</funcdef>
        !          6715: (<type>sock *</type> <param>s</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>local</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>remote</param>, <type>struct iface *</type> <param>ifa</param>, <type>char *</type> <param>passwd</param>, <type>int</type> <param>setkey</param>) --     add / remove MD5 security association for given socket
        !          6716: 
        !          6717: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6718: <p><descrip>
        !          6719: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !          6720:     socket
        !          6721: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>local</param></tagp>
        !          6722:     IP address of local side
        !          6723: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>remote</param></tagp>
        !          6724:     IP address of remote side
        !          6725: <tagp><type>struct iface *</type> <param>ifa</param></tagp>
        !          6726:     Interface for link-local IP address
        !          6727: <tagp><type>char *</type> <param>passwd</param></tagp>
        !          6728:     Password used for MD5 authentication
        !          6729: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>setkey</param></tagp>
        !          6730:     Update also system SA/SP database
        !          6731: </descrip>
        !          6732: <funcsect>Description
        !          6733: <p>
        !          6734:    In TCP MD5 handling code in kernel, there is a set of security associations
        !          6735:    used for choosing password and other authentication parameters according to
        !          6736:    the local and remote address. This function is useful for listening socket,
        !          6737:    for active sockets it may be enough to set s-&gt;password field.
        !          6738:    <p>
        !          6739:    When called with passwd != NULL, the new pair is added,
        !          6740:    When called with passwd == NULL, the existing pair is removed.
        !          6741:    <p>
        !          6742:    Note that while in Linux, the MD5 SAs are specific to socket, in BSD they are
        !          6743:    stored in global SA/SP database (but the behavior also must be enabled on
        !          6744:    per-socket basis). In case of multiple sockets to the same neighbor, the
        !          6745:    socket-specific state must be configured for each socket while global state
        !          6746:    just once per src-dst pair. The <param/setkey/ argument controls whether the global
        !          6747:    state (SA/SP database) is also updated.
        !          6748: <funcsect>Result
        !          6749: <p>
        !          6750:     0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !          6751: </function>
        !          6752: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          6753: <funcdef>sk_set_ipv6_checksum</funcdef>
        !          6754: (<type>sock *</type> <param>s</param>, <type>int</type> <param>offset</param>) --     specify IPv6 checksum offset for given socket
        !          6755: 
        !          6756: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6757: <p><descrip>
        !          6758: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !          6759:     socket
        !          6760: <tagp><type>int</type> <param>offset</param></tagp>
        !          6761:     offset
        !          6762: </descrip>
        !          6763: <funcsect>Description
        !          6764: <p>
        !          6765:    Specify IPv6 checksum field offset for given raw IPv6 socket. After that, the
        !          6766:    kernel will automatically fill it for outgoing packets and check it for
        !          6767:    incoming packets. Should not be used on ICMPv6 sockets, where the position is
        !          6768:    known to the kernel.
        !          6769: <funcsect>Result
        !          6770: <p>
        !          6771:     0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !          6772: </function>
        !          6773: <function><p><type>sock *</type>
        !          6774: <funcdef>sock_new</funcdef>
        !          6775: (<type>pool *</type> <param>p</param>) --     create a socket
        !          6776: 
        !          6777: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6778: <p><descrip>
        !          6779: <tagp><type>pool *</type> <param>p</param></tagp>
        !          6780:     pool
        !          6781: </descrip>
        !          6782: <funcsect>Description
        !          6783: <p>
        !          6784:    This function creates a new socket resource. If you want to use it,
        !          6785:    you need to fill in all the required fields of the structure and
        !          6786:    call <func/sk_open()/ to do the actual opening of the socket.
        !          6787:    <p>
        !          6788:    The real function name is <func/sock_new()/, <func/sk_new()/ is a macro wrapper
        !          6789:    to avoid collision with OpenSSL.
        !          6790: </function>
        !          6791: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          6792: <funcdef>sk_open</funcdef>
        !          6793: (<type>sock *</type> <param>s</param>) --     open a socket
        !          6794: 
        !          6795: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6796: <p><descrip>
        !          6797: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !          6798:     socket
        !          6799: </descrip>
        !          6800: <funcsect>Description
        !          6801: <p>
        !          6802:    This function takes a socket resource created by <func/sk_new()/ and
        !          6803:    initialized by the user and binds a corresponding network connection
        !          6804:    to it.
        !          6805: <funcsect>Result
        !          6806: <p>
        !          6807:     0 for success, -1 for an error.
        !          6808: </function>
        !          6809: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          6810: <funcdef>sk_send</funcdef>
        !          6811: (<type>sock *</type> <param>s</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>len</param>) --     send data to a socket
        !          6812: 
        !          6813: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6814: <p><descrip>
        !          6815: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !          6816:     socket
        !          6817: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !          6818:     number of bytes to send
        !          6819: </descrip>
        !          6820: <funcsect>Description
        !          6821: <p>
        !          6822:    This function sends <param/len/ bytes of data prepared in the
        !          6823:    transmit buffer of the socket <param/s/ to the network connection.
        !          6824:    If the packet can be sent immediately, it does so and returns
        !          6825:    1, else it queues the packet for later processing, returns 0
        !          6826:    and calls the <param/tx_hook/ of the socket when the tranmission
        !          6827:    takes place.
        !          6828: </function>
        !          6829: <function><p><type>int</type>
        !          6830: <funcdef>sk_send_to</funcdef>
        !          6831: (<type>sock *</type> <param>s</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>len</param>, <type>ip_addr</type> <param>addr</param>, <type>unsigned</type> <param>port</param>) --     send data to a specific destination
        !          6832: 
        !          6833: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6834: <p><descrip>
        !          6835: <tagp><type>sock *</type> <param>s</param></tagp>
        !          6836:     socket
        !          6837: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>len</param></tagp>
        !          6838:     number of bytes to send
        !          6839: <tagp><type>ip_addr</type> <param>addr</param></tagp>
        !          6840:     IP address to send the packet to
        !          6841: <tagp><type>unsigned</type> <param>port</param></tagp>
        !          6842:     port to send the packet to
        !          6843: </descrip>
        !          6844: <funcsect>Description
        !          6845: <p>
        !          6846:    This is a <func/sk_send()/ replacement for connection-less packet sockets
        !          6847:    which allows destination of the packet to be chosen dynamically.
        !          6848:    Raw IP sockets should use 0 for <param/port/.
        !          6849: </function>
        !          6850: <function><p><type>void</type>
        !          6851: <funcdef>io_log_event</funcdef>
        !          6852: (<type>void *</type> <param>hook</param>, <type>void *</type> <param>data</param>) --     mark approaching event into event log
        !          6853: 
        !          6854: <funcsect>Arguments
        !          6855: <p><descrip>
        !          6856: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>hook</param></tagp>
        !          6857:     event hook address
        !          6858: <tagp><type>void *</type> <param>data</param></tagp>
        !          6859:     event data address
        !          6860: </descrip>
        !          6861: <funcsect>Description
        !          6862: <p>
        !          6863:    Store info (hook, data, timestamp) about the following internal event into
        !          6864:    a circular event log (<param/event_log/). When latency tracking is enabled, the log
        !          6865:    entry is kept open (in <param/event_open/) so the duration can be filled later.
        !          6866: </function>
        !          6867: 
        !          6868: </book>

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