Annotation of embedaddon/bird2/proto/babel/config.Y, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: /*
        !             2:  *     BIRD -- Babel Configuration
        !             3:  *
        !             4:  *     Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Toke Hoiland-Jorgensen
        !             5:  *     (c) 2016--2017 Ondrej Zajicek <>
        !             6:  *     (c) 2016--2017 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o.
        !             7:  *
        !             8:  *     Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL.
        !             9:  */
        !            10: 
        !            11: 
        !            12: 
        !            13: CF_HDR
        !            14: 
        !            15: #include "proto/babel/babel.h"
        !            16: #include "nest/iface.h"
        !            17: 
        !            18: CF_DEFINES
        !            19: 
        !            20: #define BABEL_CFG ((struct babel_config *) this_proto)
        !            21: #define BABEL_IFACE ((struct babel_iface_config *) this_ipatt)
        !            22: 
        !            23: CF_DECLS
        !            24: 
        !            26:        TYPE, WIRED, WIRELESS, RX, TX, BUFFER, PRIORITY, LENGTH, CHECK, LINK,
        !            27:        NEXT, HOP, IPV4, IPV6, BABEL_METRIC, SHOW, INTERFACES, NEIGHBORS,
        !            28:        ENTRIES, RANDOMIZE, ROUTER, ID)
        !            29: 
        !            30: CF_GRAMMAR
        !            31: 
        !            32: proto: babel_proto ;
        !            33: 
        !            34: babel_proto_start: proto_start BABEL
        !            35: {
        !            36:   this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_babel, $1);
        !            37:   init_list(&BABEL_CFG->iface_list);
        !            38:   BABEL_CFG->hold_time = 1 S_;
        !            39: };
        !            40: 
        !            41: babel_proto_item:
        !            42:    proto_item
        !            43:  | proto_channel
        !            44:  | INTERFACE babel_iface
        !            45:  | RANDOMIZE ROUTER ID bool { BABEL_CFG->randomize_router_id = $4; }
        !            46:  ;
        !            47: 
        !            48: babel_proto_opts:
        !            49:    /* empty */
        !            50:  | babel_proto_opts babel_proto_item ';'
        !            51:  ;
        !            52: 
        !            53: babel_proto:
        !            54:    babel_proto_start proto_name '{' babel_proto_opts '}';
        !            55: 
        !            56: 
        !            57: babel_iface_start:
        !            58: {
        !            59:   this_ipatt = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct babel_iface_config));
        !            60:   add_tail(&BABEL_CFG->iface_list, NODE this_ipatt);
        !            61:   init_list(&this_ipatt->ipn_list);
        !            62:   BABEL_IFACE->port = BABEL_PORT;
        !            63:   BABEL_IFACE->type = BABEL_IFACE_TYPE_WIRED;
        !            64:   BABEL_IFACE->limit = BABEL_HELLO_LIMIT;
        !            65:   BABEL_IFACE->tx_tos = IP_PREC_INTERNET_CONTROL;
        !            66:   BABEL_IFACE->tx_priority = sk_priority_control;
        !            67:   BABEL_IFACE->check_link = 1;
        !            68: };
        !            69: 
        !            70: 
        !            71: babel_iface_finish:
        !            72: {
        !            73:   if (BABEL_IFACE->type == BABEL_IFACE_TYPE_WIRELESS)
        !            74:   {
        !            75:     if (!BABEL_IFACE->hello_interval)
        !            76:       BABEL_IFACE->hello_interval = BABEL_HELLO_INTERVAL_WIRELESS;
        !            77:     if (!BABEL_IFACE->rxcost)
        !            78:       BABEL_IFACE->rxcost = BABEL_RXCOST_WIRELESS;
        !            79:   }
        !            80:   else
        !            81:   {
        !            82:     if (!BABEL_IFACE->hello_interval)
        !            83:       BABEL_IFACE->hello_interval = BABEL_HELLO_INTERVAL_WIRED;
        !            84:     if (!BABEL_IFACE->rxcost)
        !            85:       BABEL_IFACE->rxcost = BABEL_RXCOST_WIRED;
        !            86:   }
        !            87: 
        !            88:   /* Make sure we do not overflow the 16-bit centisec fields */
        !            89:   if (!BABEL_IFACE->update_interval)
        !            90:     BABEL_IFACE->update_interval = MIN_(BABEL_IFACE->hello_interval*BABEL_UPDATE_INTERVAL_FACTOR, BABEL_MAX_INTERVAL);
        !            91:   BABEL_IFACE->ihu_interval = MIN_(BABEL_IFACE->hello_interval*BABEL_IHU_INTERVAL_FACTOR, BABEL_MAX_INTERVAL);
        !            92: 
        !            93:   BABEL_CFG->hold_time = MAX_(BABEL_CFG->hold_time, BABEL_IFACE->update_interval*BABEL_HOLD_TIME_FACTOR);
        !            94: };
        !            95: 
        !            96: 
        !            97: babel_iface_item:
        !            98:  | PORT expr { BABEL_IFACE->port = $2; if (($2<1) || ($2>65535)) cf_error("Invalid port number"); }
        !            99:  | RXCOST expr { BABEL_IFACE->rxcost = $2; if (($2<1) || ($2>65535)) cf_error("Invalid rxcost"); }
        !           100:  | LIMIT expr { BABEL_IFACE->limit = $2; if (($2<1) || ($2>16)) cf_error("Limit must be in range 1-16"); }
        !           101:  | TYPE WIRED { BABEL_IFACE->type = BABEL_IFACE_TYPE_WIRED; }
        !           102:  | TYPE WIRELESS { BABEL_IFACE->type = BABEL_IFACE_TYPE_WIRELESS; }
        !           103:  | HELLO INTERVAL expr_us { BABEL_IFACE->hello_interval = $3; if (($3<BABEL_MIN_INTERVAL) || ($3>BABEL_MAX_INTERVAL)) cf_error("Hello interval must be in range 10 ms - 655 s"); }
        !           104:  | UPDATE INTERVAL expr_us { BABEL_IFACE->update_interval = $3; if (($3<BABEL_MIN_INTERVAL) || ($3>BABEL_MAX_INTERVAL)) cf_error("Update interval must be in range 10 ms - 655 s"); }
        !           105:  | RX BUFFER expr { BABEL_IFACE->rx_buffer = $3; if (($3<256) || ($3>65535)) cf_error("RX buffer must be in range 256-65535"); }
        !           106:  | TX LENGTH expr { BABEL_IFACE->tx_length = $3; if (($3<256) || ($3>65535)) cf_error("TX length must be in range 256-65535"); }
        !           107:  | TX tos { BABEL_IFACE->tx_tos = $2; }
        !           108:  | TX PRIORITY expr { BABEL_IFACE->tx_priority = $3; }
        !           109:  | CHECK LINK bool { BABEL_IFACE->check_link = $3; }
        !           110:  | NEXT HOP IPV4 ipa { BABEL_IFACE->next_hop_ip4 = $4; if (!ipa_is_ip4($4)) cf_error("Must be an IPv4 address"); }
        !           111:  | NEXT HOP IPV6 ipa { BABEL_IFACE->next_hop_ip6 = $4; if (!ipa_is_ip6($4)) cf_error("Must be an IPv6 address"); }
        !           112:  ;
        !           113: 
        !           114: babel_iface_opts:
        !           115:    /* empty */
        !           116:  | babel_iface_opts babel_iface_item ';'
        !           117:  ;
        !           118: 
        !           119: babel_iface_opt_list:
        !           120:    /* empty */
        !           121:  | '{' babel_iface_opts '}'
        !           122:  ;
        !           123: 
        !           124: 
        !           125: babel_iface:
        !           126:   babel_iface_start iface_patt_list_nopx babel_iface_opt_list babel_iface_finish;
        !           127: 
        !           128: dynamic_attr: BABEL_METRIC { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT, T_INT, EA_BABEL_METRIC); } ;
        !           129: 
        !           130: CF_CLI_HELP(SHOW BABEL, ..., [[Show information about Babel protocol]]);
        !           131: 
        !           132: CF_CLI(SHOW BABEL INTERFACES, optproto opttext, [<name>] [\"<interface>\"], [[Show information about Babel interfaces]])
        !           133: { babel_show_interfaces(proto_get_named($4, &proto_babel), $5); };
        !           134: 
        !           135: CF_CLI(SHOW BABEL NEIGHBORS, optproto opttext, [<name>] [\"<interface>\"], [[Show information about Babel neighbors]])
        !           136: { babel_show_neighbors(proto_get_named($4, &proto_babel), $5); };
        !           137: 
        !           138: CF_CLI(SHOW BABEL ENTRIES, optproto opttext, [<name>], [[Show information about Babel prefix entries]])
        !           139: { babel_show_entries(proto_get_named($4, &proto_babel)); };
        !           140: 
        !           141: CF_CLI(SHOW BABEL ROUTES, optproto opttext, [<name>], [[Show information about Babel route entries]])
        !           142: { babel_show_routes(proto_get_named($4, &proto_babel)); };
        !           143: 
        !           144: CF_CODE
        !           145: 
        !           146: CF_END

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