File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / bmon / etc / bmon.conf
Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs - revision graph
Tue Feb 21 22:19:56 2012 UTC (12 years, 11 months ago) by misho
Branches: bmon, MAIN
CVS tags: v2_1_0p0, v2_1_0, HEAD

# Example bmon configuration file

## Include other configuration files
#include /etc/global.conf

## Primary input module
## Try the following input methods in the
## specified order and use the first one reporting
## to be working.
#input netlink,proc:file=/proc/net/dev,sysfs:dir=/sys

## Secondary input module
#secondary_input distribution:ipv6

## Primary output module
## Use curses interface for as primary output with
## the combined node list enabled and set height of
## graphs to 8 lines.
#output curses:cnl;height=8

## Secondary output module
#secondary_output distribution:errignore;ipv6

## Interface acceptance policy
## Accept all forms of ethernet, loopback and ip tunnels
#policy eth*,lo*,ip*

## Read Interval
## Do high resolution statistic collection by reading
## statistics every 1/10 second.
#read_interval 0.1

## Lifetime
## Set lifetime of items not receving any updates to 60 seconds
#lifetime 60

## Hearbeat Factor
## Accept a variance of 10% before and after the expected timestamp
#heartbeat_factor 0.1

## Rate Interval
## Calculate rates over 3 seconds, less accurate but also less bursty.
#rate_interval 3.0

## Sleep Time
## Do very short sleep, uses more CPU but may be more accurate.
#sleep_time 0.001

## Show all interface even if their status is down.

## Use SI metric system

## Hint to output modules to draw that many graphs
#nr_graphs 2

## Color Layout
## Available colors:
##    default, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta
##    cyan, white
## Available Flags:
##    reverse
##     <Name>       <Fore>     <Back>   <Flags>
Layout Default      default    default
Layout Statusbar    default    default  reverse
Layout Header       default    default
Layout List         default    default
Layout Selected     default    default  reverse

## Key bindings
## Bind <key> <executable>
#bind D /sbin/

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