File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / coova-chilli / README
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Tue Feb 21 22:48:25 2012 UTC (13 years ago) by misho
Branches: coova-chilli, MAIN
CVS tags: v1_0_12, HEAD

Welcome to Coova-Chilli! Coova-Chilli is a fork of the original ChilliSpot
project. It is largely backward compatible with ChilliSpot 1.1, but is
actually based on the 1.0 release plus the merging of many other features
and fixes from both ChilliSpot 1.1 snapshots and contributions from
PicoPoint, Coova, and others in the community. For more information on
Coova-Chilli, see:

For help building this package:

To get started from SVN:

  sh bootstrap

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