# -*- /bin/sh -*-
# Coova-Chilli Default Configurations.
# To customize, copy this file to @ETCCHILLI@/config
# and edit to your liking. This is included in shell scripts
# that configure chilli and related programs before file 'config'.
# Local Network Configurations
# HS_WANIF=eth0 # WAN Interface toward the Internet
HS_LANIF=eth1 # Subscriber Interface for client devices
HS_NETWORK= # HotSpot Network (must include HS_UAMLISTEN)
HS_NETMASK= # HotSpot Network Netmask
HS_UAMLISTEN= # HotSpot IP Address (on subscriber network)
HS_UAMPORT=3990 # HotSpot Port (on subscriber network)
# HS_DNS1=
# HS_DNS2=
# HotSpot settings for simple Captive Portal
# Put entire domains in the walled-garden with DNS inspection
# HS_UAMDOMAINS=".paypal.com,.paypalobjects.com"
# Optional initial redirect and RADIUS settings
# HS_SSID=<ssid> # To send to the captive portal
# HS_NASMAC=<mac address> # To explicitly set Called-Station-Id
# HS_NASIP=<ip address> # To explicitly set NAS-IP-Address
# The server to be used in combination with HS_UAMFORMAT to
# create the final chilli 'uamserver' url configuration.
# Use HS_UAMFORMAT to define the actual captive portal url.
# Shell variable replacement takes place when evaluated, so here
# HS_UAMSERVER is escaped and later replaced by the pre-defined
# HS_UAMSERVER to form the actual "--uamserver" option in chilli.
# Same principal goes for HS_UAMHOMEPAGE.
# This option will be configured to be the WISPr LoginURL as well
# as provide "uamService" to the ChilliController. The UAM Service is
# described in: http://coova.org/wiki/index.php/CoovaChilli/UAMService
# Features not activated per-default (default to off)
# HS_RADCONF=off # Get some configurations from RADIUS or a URL ('on' and 'url' respectively)
# HS_ANYIP=on # Allow any IP address on subscriber LAN
# HS_MACAUTH=on # To turn on MAC Authentication
# HS_MACAUTHDENY=on # Put client in 'drop' state on MAC Auth Access-Reject
# HS_MACAUTHMODE=local # To allow MAC Authentication based on macallowed, not RADIUS
# HS_MACALLOWED="..." # List of MAC addresses to authenticate (comma seperated)
# HS_USELOCALUSERS=on # To use the @ETCCHILLI@/localusers file
# HS_OPENIDAUTH=on # To inform the RADIUS server to allow OpenID Auth
# HS_WPAGUESTS=on # To inform the RADIUS server to allow WPA Guests
# HS_DNSPARANOIA=on # To drop DNS packets containing something other
# # than A, CNAME, SOA, or MX records
# HS_OPENIDAUTH=on # To inform the RADIUS server to allow OpenID Auth
# # Will also configure the embedded login forms for OpenID
# HS_USE_MAP=on # Short hand for allowing the required google
# # sites to use Google maps (adds many google sites!)
# Other feature settings and their defaults
# HS_DEFSESSIONTIMEOUT=0 # Default session-timeout if not defined by RADIUS (0 for unlimited)
# HS_DEFIDLETIMEOUT=0 # Default idle-timeout if not defined by RADIUS (0 for unlimited)
# HS_DEFBANDWIDTHMAXDOWN=0 # Default WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Down if not defined by RADIUS (0 for unlimited)
# HS_DEFBANDWIDTHMAXUP=0 # Default WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Up if not defined by RADIUS (0 for unlimited)
# Centralized configuration options examples
# HS_RADCONF=url # requires curl
# HS_RADCONF_URL=https://coova.org/app/ap/config
# HS_RADCONF=on # gather the ChilliSpot-Config attributes in
# # Administrative-User login
# HS_RADCONF_SERVER=rad01.coova.org # RADIUS Server
# HS_RADCONF_SECRET=coova-anonymous # RADIUS Shared Secret
# HS_RADCONF_AUTHPORT=1812 # Auth port
# HS_RADCONF_USER=chillispot # Username
# HS_RADCONF_PWD=chillispot # Password
# Standard configurations
# HS_ADMUSR=chillispot
# HS_ADMPWD=chillispot
# Post-Auth proxy settings
# HS_POSTAUTH_PROXY=<host or ip>
# Directory specifying where internal web pages can be served
# by chilli with url /www/<file name>. Only extentions like .html
# .jpg, .gif, .png, .js are allowed. See below for using .chi as a
# CGI extension.
# Using this option assumes 'haserl' is installed per-default
# but, and CGI type program can ran from wwwsh to process requests
# to chilli with url /www/filename.chi
# Some configurations used in certain user interfaces
# WISPr RADIUS Attribute support
HS_LOC_NAME="My HotSpot" # WISPr Location Name and used in portal
# WISPr settings (to form a proper WISPr-Location-Id)
# HS_LOC_NETWORK="My Network" # Network name
# HS_LOC_AC=408 # Phone area code
# HS_LOC_CC=1 # Phone country code
# HS_LOC_ISOCC=US # ISO Country code
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