Annotation of embedaddon/coova-chilli/src/, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: lib_LTLIBRARIES =
! 2: sbin_PROGRAMS = chilli chilli_response chilli_radconfig chilli_query test_radius
! 3:
! 4: # add -pg to enable gprof
! 5: AM_CFLAGS = -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wall -fno-builtin -fstrict-aliasing -ansi\
! 7: -DDEFCHILLICONF='"$(sysconfdir)/chilli.conf"'\
! 8: -DDEFPIDFILE='"$(localstatedir)/run/"'\
! 9: -DDEFSTATEDIR='"$(localstatedir)/run"'\
! 10: -DDEFCMDSOCK='"$(localstatedir)/run/chilli.sock"'\
! 11: -DSBINDIR='"$(sbindir)"' -I$(top_builddir)/bstring
! 12:
! 13:
! 14: libchilli_la_SOURCES = \
! 15: chilli.c options.c tun.c tun.h cmdline.c cmdline.h ippool.c ippool.h radius.h radius.c \
! 16: md5.c md5.h redir.h redir.c dhcp.c dhcp.h syserr.c syserr.h iphash.c iphash.h lookup3.c sfhash.c lookup.c lookup.h \
! 17: system.h cmdsock.c cmdsock.h radius_wispr.h radius_chillispot.h chilli.h options.h util.c garden.c garden.h \
! 18: dns.c dns.h session.c session.h limits.h pkt.h chksum.c net.h net.c
! 19:
! 20: # AM_LDFLAGS = -lchilli
! 21:
! 22: chilli_SOURCES= main.c
! 23: chilli_radconfig_SOURCES = main-radconfig.c
! 24: chilli_response_SOURCES = main-response.c
! 25: chilli_query_SOURCES = main-query.c
! 26: test_radius_SOURCES = test-radius.c
! 27:
! 28: LDADD = $(top_builddir)/bstring/
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