File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / coova-chilli / src / dhcp.h
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Tue Feb 21 22:48:25 2012 UTC (13 years ago) by misho
Branches: coova-chilli, MAIN
CVS tags: v1_0_12, HEAD

 * DHCP library functions
 * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Mondru AB.
 * Copyright (c) 2007 David Bird <>
 * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
 * General Public License Version 2, provided that the above copyright
 * notice and this permission notice is included in all copies or
 * substantial portions of the software.
 * The initial developer of the original code is
 * Jens Jakobsen <>

#ifndef _DHCP_H
#define _DHCP_H

#include "pkt.h"
#include "garden.h"
#include "net.h"

/* Option constants */
#define DHCP_OPTION_MAGIC_LEN       4

#define DHCP_OPTION_PAD             0
#define DHCP_OPTION_DNS             6
#define DHCP_OPTION_HOSTNAME       12
#define DHCP_OPTION_SERVER_ID      54

/* !!highly experimental!! */

#define DHCP_OPTION_END           255

/* BOOTP Message Types */
#define DHCP_BOOTREPLY    2

/* DHCP Message Types */
#define DHCPDISCOVER      1
#define DHCPOFFER         2
#define DHCPREQUEST       3
#define DHCPDECLINE       4
#define DHCPACK           5
#define DHCPNAK           6
#define DHCPRELEASE       7
#define DHCPINFORM        8

/* UDP Ports */
#define DHCP_BOOTPS 67
#define DHCP_BOOTPC 68
#define DHCP_DNS    53

/* TCP Ports */
#define DHCP_HTTP   80
#define DHCP_HTTPS 443

#define DHCP_ARP_REPLY   2

#define DHCP_DNS_HLEN  12

struct dhcp_t; /* Forward declaration */

/* Authentication states */
#define DHCP_AUTH_NONE        0
#define DHCP_AUTH_DROP        1
#define DHCP_AUTH_PASS        2
#define DHCP_AUTH_AUTH_TOS    4
#define DHCP_AUTH_DNAT        5
#define DHCP_AUTH_SPLASH      6

#define DHCP_DOMAIN_LEN      30

#define DHCP_DNAT_MAX        64

struct dhcp_conn_t {
  int inuse;                    /* Free = 0; Inuse = 1 */
  time_t lasttime;      /* Last time we heard anything from client */
  struct dhcp_conn_t *nexthash; /* Linked list part of hash table */
  struct dhcp_conn_t *next;    /* Next in linked list. 0: Last */
  struct dhcp_conn_t *prev;    /* Previous in linked list. 0: First */
  struct dhcp_t *parent;       /* Parent of all connections */
  void *peer;                  /* Peer protocol handler */
  uint8_t ourmac[PKT_ETH_ALEN];    /* Our MAC address */
  uint8_t hismac[PKT_ETH_ALEN];    /* Peer's MAC address */
  struct in_addr ourip;        /* IP address to listen to */
  struct in_addr hisip;        /* Client IP address */
  struct in_addr hismask;      /* Client Network Mask */
  struct in_addr dns1;         /* Client DNS address */
  struct in_addr dns2;         /* Client DNS address */
  char domain[DHCP_DOMAIN_LEN];/* Domain name to use for DNS lookups */
  int authstate;               /* 0: Unauthenticated, 1: Authenticated */
  uint8_t unauth_cp;           /* Unauthenticated codepoint */
  uint8_t auth_cp;             /* Authenticated codepoint */
  int nextdnat;                /* Next location to use for DNAT */
  uint32_t dnatip[DHCP_DNAT_MAX]; /* Destination NAT destination IP address */
  uint16_t dnatport[DHCP_DNAT_MAX]; /* Destination NAT source port */
  uint8_t dnatmac[DHCP_DNAT_MAX][PKT_ETH_ALEN]; /* Destination NAT source mac */
/*  uint16_t mtu;                 Maximum transfer unit */

  /*XXX: optional*/
  struct {
    uint8_t sname[DHCP_SNAME_LEN];     /* 64 Optional server host name, null terminated string.*/
    uint8_t file[DHCP_FILE_LEN];       /* 128 Boot file name, null terminated string; "generic" name */
    uint8_t options[DHCP_OPTIONS_LEN]; /* var Optional parameters field. */
    size_t option_length;
  } dhcp_opts;

/* ***********************************************************
 * Information storage for each dhcp instance
 * Normally each instance of the application corresponds to
 * one instance of a dhcp instance. 

struct dhcp_t {

  /* network interfaces */
  struct _net_interface ipif, arpif, eapif; 

  int numconn;          /* Maximum number of connections */
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined (__APPLE__) || defined (__OpenBSD__)
  char *rbuf;
  size_t rbuf_max;
  size_t rbuf_offset;
  size_t rbuf_len;

  int debug;            /* Set to print debug messages */
  struct in_addr ourip; /* IP address to listen to */
  int mtu;              /* Maximum transfer unit */
  uint32_t lease;       /* Seconds before reneval */
  int usemac;           /* Use given mac address */
  int promisc;          /* Set interface in promisc mode */
  int allowdyn;         /* Allow allocation of IP address on DHCP request */
  struct in_addr uamlisten; /* IP address to redirect HTTP requests to */
  uint16_t uamport;     /* TCP port to redirect HTTP requests to */
  struct in_addr *authip; /* IP address of authentication server */
  int authiplen;        /* Number of authentication server IP addresses */
  int anydns;           /* Allow any dns server */

  int relayfd;          /* DHCP relay socket, 0 if not relaying */

  /* Connection management */
  struct dhcp_conn_t *conn;
  struct dhcp_conn_t *firstfreeconn; /* First free in linked list */
  struct dhcp_conn_t *lastfreeconn;  /* Last free in linked list */
  struct dhcp_conn_t *firstusedconn; /* First used in linked list */
  struct dhcp_conn_t *lastusedconn;  /* Last used in linked list */

  /* Hash related parameters */
  int hashsize;                 /* Size of hash table */
  int hashlog;                  /* Log2 size of hash table */
  int hashmask;                 /* Bitmask for calculating hash */
  struct dhcp_conn_t **hash;    /* Hashsize array of pointer to member */

  pass_through pass_throughs[MAX_PASS_THROUGHS];
  size_t num_pass_throughs;

  /* Call back functions */
  int (*cb_data_ind) (struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, void *pack, size_t len);
  int (*cb_eap_ind)  (struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, void *pack, size_t len);
  int (*cb_request) (struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, struct in_addr *addr, struct dhcp_fullpacket_t *pack, size_t len);
  int (*cb_connect) (struct dhcp_conn_t *conn);
  int (*cb_disconnect) (struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, int term_cause);
  int (*cb_getinfo) (struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, bstring b, int fmt);

const char* dhcp_version();

int dhcp_new(struct dhcp_t **dhcp, int numconn, char *interface,
	 int usemac, uint8_t *mac, int promisc, 
	 struct in_addr *listen, int lease, int allowdyn,
	 struct in_addr *uamlisten, uint16_t uamport, 
	 int useeapol);

int dhcp_set(struct dhcp_t *dhcp, int debug);

int dhcp_free(struct dhcp_t *dhcp);

int dhcp_timeout(struct dhcp_t *this);

struct timeval * dhcp_timeleft(struct dhcp_t *this, struct timeval *tvp);

int dhcp_validate(struct dhcp_t *this);

int dhcp_set_addrs(struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, 
	       struct in_addr *hisip, struct in_addr *hismask,
	       struct in_addr *ourip, struct in_addr *ourmask,
	       struct in_addr *dns1, struct in_addr *dns2, char *domain);

/* Called whenever a packet arrives */
int dhcp_decaps(struct dhcp_t *this);
int dhcp_relay_decaps(struct dhcp_t *this);
int dhcp_data_req(struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, void *pack, size_t len, int ethhdr);

int dhcp_set_cb_data_ind(struct dhcp_t *this, 
  int (*cb_data_ind) (struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, void *pack, size_t len));

int dhcp_set_cb_request(struct dhcp_t *this, 
  int (*cb_request) (struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, struct in_addr *addr, struct dhcp_fullpacket_t *pack, size_t len));

int dhcp_set_cb_disconnect(struct dhcp_t *this, 
  int (*cb_disconnect) (struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, int term_cause));

int dhcp_set_cb_connect(struct dhcp_t *this, 
  int (*cb_connect) (struct dhcp_conn_t *conn));

int dhcp_set_cb_eap_ind(struct dhcp_t *this, 
  int (*cb_eap_ind) (struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, void *pack, size_t len));

int dhcp_set_cb_getinfo(struct dhcp_t *this, 
  int (*cb_getinfo) (struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, bstring b, int fmt));

int dhcp_hashget(struct dhcp_t *this, struct dhcp_conn_t **conn, uint8_t *hwaddr);

int dhcp_newconn(struct dhcp_t *this, struct dhcp_conn_t **conn, uint8_t *hwaddr);

int dhcp_freeconn(struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, int term_cause);

int dhcp_arp_ind(struct dhcp_t *this);  /* ARP Indication */

int dhcp_sendEAP(struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, void *pack, size_t len);

int dhcp_sendEAPreject(struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, void *pack, size_t len);

int dhcp_eapol_ind(struct dhcp_t *this);

void dhcp_release_mac(struct dhcp_t *this, uint8_t *hwaddr, int term_cause);

#define LIST_SHORT_FMT 0
#define LIST_LONG_FMT  1
#define LIST_JSON_FMT  2

void dhcp_list(struct dhcp_t *this, bstring s, bstring pre, bstring post, int listfmt);

void dhcp_print(struct dhcp_t *this, bstring s, int listfmt, struct dhcp_conn_t *conn);

int dhcp_filterDNS(struct dhcp_conn_t *conn, 
		   struct pkt_ippacket_t *pack, 
		   size_t *plen);

int dhcp_gettag(struct dhcp_packet_t *pack, size_t length,
		struct dhcp_tag_t **tag, uint8_t tagtype);

#endif	/* !_DHCP_H */

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