Annotation of embedaddon/coova-chilli/src/test-radius.c, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: /*
! 2: * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 David Bird <>
! 3: *
! 4: */
! 5: #include "system.h"
! 6: #include "syserr.h"
! 7: #include "cmdline.h"
! 8: #include "dhcp.h"
! 9: #include "radius.h"
! 10: #include "radius_chillispot.h"
! 11: #include "radius_wispr.h"
! 12: #include "redir.h"
! 13: #include "chilli.h"
! 14: #include "options.h"
! 15:
! 16: static int chilliauth_cb(struct radius_t *radius,
! 17: struct radius_packet_t *pack,
! 18: struct radius_packet_t *pack_req, void *cbp) {
! 19: struct radius_attr_t *attr = NULL;
! 20: /*char attrs[RADIUS_ATTR_VLEN+1];*/
! 21: size_t offset = 0;
! 22:
! 23: if (!pack) {
! 24: sys_err(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, "Radius request timed out");
! 25: return 0;
! 26: }
! 27:
! 28: if ((pack->code != RADIUS_CODE_ACCESS_REJECT) &&
! 29: (pack->code != RADIUS_CODE_ACCESS_CHALLENGE) &&
! 30: (pack->code != RADIUS_CODE_ACCESS_ACCEPT)) {
! 31: sys_err(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0,
! 32: "Unknown radius access reply code %d", pack->code);
! 33: return 0;
! 34: }
! 35:
! 36: /* ACCESS-ACCEPT */
! 37: if (pack->code != RADIUS_CODE_ACCESS_ACCEPT) {
! 38: sys_err(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, "Administrative-User Login Failed");
! 39: return 0;
! 40: }
! 41:
! 42: while (!radius_getnextattr(pack, &attr,
! 46: 0, &offset)) {
! 47: char value[RADIUS_ATTR_VLEN+1] = "";
! 48: strncpy(value, (const char *)attr->v.t, attr->l - 2);
! 49: printf("%s\n", value);
! 50: }
! 51:
! 52: return 0;
! 53:
! 54: }
! 55:
! 56: int static test_radius() {
! 57: struct radius_t *radius;
! 58: struct radius_packet_t radius_pack;
! 59: struct timeval idleTime;
! 60: int starttime;
! 61: int maxfd = 0;
! 62: fd_set fds;
! 63: int status;
! 64:
! 65: if (!options.adminuser || !options.adminpasswd) return 1;
! 66:
! 67: if (radius_new(&radius, &options.radiuslisten, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
! 68: sys_err(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, "Failed to create radius");
! 69: return -1;
! 70: }
! 71:
! 72: radius_set(radius, 0, (options.debug & DEBUG_RADIUS));
! 73:
! 74: radius_set_cb_auth_conf(radius, chilliauth_cb);
! 75:
! 76: {int cnt=0; for (; cnt < RADIUS_QUEUESIZE * 2; cnt++) {
! 77:
! 78: if (radius_default_pack(radius, &radius_pack, RADIUS_CODE_ACCESS_REQUEST)) {
! 79: sys_err(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, "radius_default_pack() failed");
! 80: return -1;
! 81: }
! 82:
! 83: radius_addattr(radius, &radius_pack, RADIUS_ATTR_USER_NAME, 0, 0, 0,
! 84: (uint8_t *)options.adminuser, strlen(options.adminuser));
! 85:
! 86: radius_addattr(radius, &radius_pack, RADIUS_ATTR_USER_PASSWORD, 0, 0, 0,
! 87: (uint8_t *)options.adminpasswd, strlen(options.adminpasswd));
! 88:
! 89: radius_addnasip(radius, &radius_pack);
! 90:
! 91: radius_addattr(radius, &radius_pack, RADIUS_ATTR_SERVICE_TYPE, 0, 0,
! 93:
! 94: if (options.radiusnasid)
! 95: radius_addattr(radius, &radius_pack, RADIUS_ATTR_NAS_IDENTIFIER, 0, 0, 0,
! 96: (uint8_t *)options.radiusnasid, strlen(options.radiusnasid));
! 97:
! 98: if (options.nasmac)
! 99: radius_addattr(radius, &radius_pack, RADIUS_ATTR_CALLED_STATION_ID, 0, 0, 0,
! 100: (uint8_t *)options.nasmac, strlen(options.nasmac));
! 101:
! 102: radius_addattr(radius, &radius_pack, RADIUS_ATTR_NAS_PORT_TYPE, 0, 0,
! 103: options.radiusnasporttype, NULL, 0);
! 104:
! 105: if (options.radiuslocationid)
! 106: radius_addattr(radius, &radius_pack, RADIUS_ATTR_VENDOR_SPECIFIC,
! 108: (uint8_t *)options.radiuslocationid, strlen(options.radiuslocationid));
! 109:
! 110: if (options.radiuslocationname)
! 111: radius_addattr(radius, &radius_pack, RADIUS_ATTR_VENDOR_SPECIFIC,
! 113: (uint8_t *)options.radiuslocationname,
! 114: strlen(options.radiuslocationname));
! 115:
! 116: radius_addattr(radius, &radius_pack, RADIUS_ATTR_MESSAGE_AUTHENTICATOR,
! 117: 0, 0, 0, NULL, RADIUS_MD5LEN);
! 118:
! 119: radius_req(radius, &radius_pack, NULL);
! 120:
! 121: if (radius->fd <= 0) {
! 122: sys_err(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, "not a valid socket!");
! 123: return -1;
! 124: }
! 125:
! 126: maxfd = radius->fd;
! 127:
! 128: starttime = time(NULL);
! 129: while ((starttime + REDIR_RADIUS_MAX_TIME) > time(NULL)) {
! 130: FD_ZERO(&fds);
! 131: FD_SET(radius->fd, &fds);
! 132:
! 133: idleTime.tv_sec = 0;
! 134: idleTime.tv_usec = REDIR_RADIUS_SELECT_TIME;
! 135: radius_timeleft(radius, &idleTime);
! 136:
! 137: switch (status = select(maxfd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &idleTime)) {
! 138: case -1:
! 139: sys_err(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__, errno, "select() returned -1!");
! 140: break;
! 141: case 0:
! 142: radius_timeout(radius);
! 143: default:
! 144: break;
! 145: }
! 146:
! 147: if (status > 0) {
! 148: if (FD_ISSET(radius->fd, &fds)) {
! 149: if (radius_decaps(radius) < 0) {
! 150: sys_err(LOG_ERR, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, "radius_ind() failed!");
! 151: }
! 152: break;
! 153: }
! 154: }
! 155: }
! 156:
! 157: }};
! 158:
! 159: radius_free(radius);
! 160: return 0;
! 161: }
! 162:
! 163: int main(int argc, char **argv)
! 164: {
! 165: if (process_options(argc, argv, 1))
! 166: exit(1);
! 167:
! 168: return test_radius();
! 169: }
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