Annotation of embedaddon/curl/docs/examples/cacertinmem.c, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: /***************************************************************************
        !             2:  *                                  _   _ ____  _
        !             3:  *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
        !             4:  *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
        !             5:  *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
        !             6:  *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
        !             7:  *
        !             8:  * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2019, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
        !             9:  *
        !            10:  * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
        !            11:  * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
        !            12:  * are also available at
        !            13:  *
        !            14:  * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
        !            15:  * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
        !            16:  * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
        !            17:  *
        !            18:  * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
        !            19:  * KIND, either express or implied.
        !            20:  *
        !            21:  ***************************************************************************/
        !            22: /* <DESC>
        !            23:  * CA cert in memory with OpenSSL to get a HTTPS page.
        !            24:  * </DESC>
        !            25:  */
        !            26: 
        !            27: #include <openssl/err.h>
        !            28: #include <openssl/ssl.h>
        !            29: #include <curl/curl.h>
        !            30: #include <stdio.h>
        !            31: 
        !            32: static size_t writefunction(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream)
        !            33: {
        !            34:   fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, (FILE *)stream);
        !            35:   return (nmemb*size);
        !            36: }
        !            37: 
        !            38: static CURLcode sslctx_function(CURL *curl, void *sslctx, void *parm)
        !            39: {
        !            40:   CURLcode rv = CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK;
        !            41: 
        !            42:   /** This example uses two (fake) certificates **/
        !            43:   static const char mypem[] =
        !            44:     "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"
        !            45:     "MIIH0zCCBbugAwIBAgIIXsO3pkN/pOAwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwQjESMBAGA1UE\n"
        !            46:     "AwwJQUNDVlJBSVoxMRAwDgYDVQQLDAdQS0lBQ0NWMQ0wCwYDVQQKDARBQ0NWMQsw\n"
        !            47:     "CQYDVQQGEwJFUzAeFw0xMTA1MDUwOTM3MzdaFw0zMDEyMzEwOTM3MzdaMEIxEjAQ\n"
        !            49:     "VjELMAkGA1UEBhMCRVMwggIiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4ICDwAwggIKAoICAQCb\n"
        !            50:     "qau/YUqXry+XZpp0X9DZlv3P4uRm7x8fRzPCRKPfmt4ftVTdFXxpNRFvu8gMjmoY\n"
        !            51:     "HtiP2Ra8EEg2XPBjs5BaXCQ316PWywlxufEBcoSwfdtNgM3802/J+Nq2DoLSRYWo\n"
        !            52:     "G2ioPej0RGy9ocLLA76MPhMAhN9KSMDjIgro6TenGEyxCQ0jVn8ETdkXhBilyNpA\n"
        !            53:     "0KIV9VMJcRz/RROE5iZe+OCIHAr8Fraocwa48GOEAqDGWuzndN9wrqODJerWx5eH\n"
        !            54:     "k6fGioozl2A3ED6XPm4pFdahD9GILBKfb6qkxkLrQaLjlUPTAYVtjrs78yM2x/47\n"
        !            55:     "JyCpZET/LtZ1qmxNYEAZSUNUY9rizLpm5U9EelvZaoErQNV/+QEnWCzI7UiRfD+m\n"
        !            56:     "AM/EKXMRNt6GGT6d7hmKG9Ww7Y49nCrADdg9ZuM8Db3VlFzi4qc1GwQA9j9ajepD\n"
        !            57:     "vV+JHanBsMyZ4k0ACtrJJ1vnE5Bc5PUzolVt3OAJTS+xJlsndQAJxGJ3KQhfnlms\n"
        !            58:     "tn6tn1QwIgPBHnFk/vk4CpYY3QIUrCPLBhwepH2NDd4nQeit2hW3sCPdK6jT2iWH\n"
        !            59:     "7ehVRE2I9DZ+hJp4rPcOVkkO1jMl1oRQQmwgEh0q1b688nCBpHBgvgW1m54ERL5h\n"
        !            60:     "I6zppSSMEYCUWqKiuUnSwdzRp+0xESyeGabu4VXhwOrPDYTkF7eifKXeVSUG7szA\n"
        !            61:     "h1xA2syVP1XgNce4hL60Xc16gwFy7ofmXx2utYXGJt/mwZrpHgJHnyqobalbz+xF\n"
        !            62:     "d3+YJ5oyXSrjhO7FmGYvliAd3djDJ9ew+f7Zfc3Qn48LFFhRny+Lwzgt3uiP1o2H\n"
        !            63:     "pPVWQxaZLPSkVrQ0uGE3ycJYgBugl6H8WY3pEfbRD0tVNEYqi4Y7\n"
        !            64:     "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
        !            65:     "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"
        !            66:     "MIIFtTCCA52gAwIBAgIIYY3HhjsBggUwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwRDEWMBQGA1UE\n"
        !            67:     "AwwNQUNFRElDT00gUm9vdDEMMAoGA1UECwwDUEtJMQ8wDQYDVQQKDAZFRElDT00x\n"
        !            68:     "CzAJBgNVBAYTAkVTMB4XDTA4MDQxODE2MjQyMloXDTI4MDQxMzE2MjQyMlowRDEW\n"
        !            69:     "MBQGA1UEAwwNQUNFRElDT00gUm9vdDEMMAoGA1UECwwDUEtJMQ8wDQYDVQQKDAZF\n"
        !            70:     "RElDT00xCzAJBgNVBAYTAkVTMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKC\n"
        !            71:     "AgEA/5KV4WgGdrQsyFhIyv2AVClVYyT/kGWbEHV7w2rbYgIB8hiGtXxaOLHkWLn7\n"
        !            72:     "09gtn70yN78sFW2+tfQh0hOR2QetAQXW8713zl9CgQr5auODAKgrLlUTY4HKRxx7\n"
        !            73:     "XBZXehuDYAQ6PmXDzQHe3qTWDLqO3tkE7hdWIpuPY/1NFgu3e3eM+SW10W2ZEi5P\n"
        !            74:     "gvoFNTPhNahXwOf9jU8/kzJPeGYDdwdY6ZXIfj7QeQCM8htRM5u8lOk6e25SLTKe\n"
        !            75:     "I6RF+7YuE7CLGLHdztUdp0J/Vb77W7tH1PwkzQSulgUV1qzOMPPKC8W64iLgpq0i\n"
        !            76:     "5ALudBF/TP94HTXa5gI06xgSYXcGCRZj6hitoocf8seACQl1ThCojz2GuHURwCRi\n"
        !            77:     "ipZ7SkXp7FnFvmuD5uHorLUwHv4FB4D54SMNUI8FmP8sX+g7tq3PgbUhh8oIKiMn\n"
        !            78:     "MCArz+2UW6yyetLHKKGKC5tNSixthT8Jcjxn4tncB7rrZXtaAWPWkFtPF2Y9fwsZ\n"
        !            79:     "o5NjEFIqnxQWWOLcpfShFosOkYuByptZ+thrkQdlVV9SH686+5DdaaVbnG0OLLb6\n"
        !            80:     "zqylfDJKZ0DcMDQj3dcEI2bw/FWAp/tmGYI1Z2JwOV5vx+qQQEQIHriy1tvuWacN\n"
        !            81:     "GHk0vFQYXlPKNFHtRQrmjseCNj6nOGOpMCwXEGCSn1WHElkQwg9naRHMTh5+Spqt\n"
        !            82:     "r0CodaxWkHS4oJyleW/c6RrIaQXpuvoDs3zk4E7Czp3otkYNbn5XOmeUwssfnHdK\n"
        !            83:     "Z05phkOTOPu220+DkdRgfks+KzgHVZhepA==\n"
        !            84:     "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n";
        !            85: 
        !            86:   BIO *cbio = BIO_new_mem_buf(mypem, sizeof(mypem));
        !            87:   X509_STORE  *cts = SSL_CTX_get_cert_store((SSL_CTX *)sslctx);
        !            88:   int i;
        !            89:   STACK_OF(X509_INFO) *inf;
        !            90:   (void)curl;
        !            91:   (void)parm;
        !            92: 
        !            93:   if(!cts || !cbio) {
        !            94:     return rv;
        !            95:   }
        !            96: 
        !            97:   inf = PEM_X509_INFO_read_bio(cbio, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        !            98: 
        !            99:   if(!inf) {
        !           100:     BIO_free(cbio);
        !           101:     return rv;
        !           102:   }
        !           103: 
        !           104:   for(i = 0; i < sk_X509_INFO_num(inf); i++) {
        !           105:     X509_INFO *itmp = sk_X509_INFO_value(inf, i);
        !           106:     if(itmp->x509) {
        !           107:       X509_STORE_add_cert(cts, itmp->x509);
        !           108:     }
        !           109:     if(itmp->crl) {
        !           110:       X509_STORE_add_crl(cts, itmp->crl);
        !           111:     }
        !           112:   }
        !           113: 
        !           114:   sk_X509_INFO_pop_free(inf, X509_INFO_free);
        !           115:   BIO_free(cbio);
        !           116: 
        !           117:   rv = CURLE_OK;
        !           118:   return rv;
        !           119: }
        !           120: 
        !           121: int main(void)
        !           122: {
        !           123:   CURL *ch;
        !           124:   CURLcode rv;
        !           125: 
        !           126:   curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL);
        !           127:   ch = curl_easy_init();
        !           128:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0L);
        !           129:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0L);
        !           130:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1L);
        !           131:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1L);
        !           132:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, *writefunction);
        !           133:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, stdout);
        !           134:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, *writefunction);
        !           135:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, stderr);
        !           136:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE, "PEM");
        !           137:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1L);
        !           138:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_URL, "");
        !           139: 
        !           140:   /* Turn off the default CA locations, otherwise libcurl will load CA
        !           141:    * certificates from the locations that were detected/specified at
        !           142:    * build-time
        !           143:    */
        !           144:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, NULL);
        !           145:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_CAPATH, NULL);
        !           146: 
        !           147:   /* first try: retrieve page without ca certificates -> should fail
        !           148:    * unless libcurl was built --with-ca-fallback enabled at build-time
        !           149:    */
        !           150:   rv = curl_easy_perform(ch);
        !           151:   if(rv == CURLE_OK)
        !           152:     printf("*** transfer succeeded ***\n");
        !           153:   else
        !           154:     printf("*** transfer failed ***\n");
        !           155: 
        !           156:   /* use a fresh connection (optional)
        !           157:    * this option seriously impacts performance of multiple transfers but
        !           158:    * it is necessary order to demonstrate this example. recall that the
        !           159:    * ssl ctx callback is only called _before_ an SSL connection is
        !           160:    * established, therefore it will not affect existing verified SSL
        !           161:    * connections already in the connection cache associated with this
        !           162:    * handle. normally you would set the ssl ctx function before making
        !           163:    * any transfers, and not use this option.
        !           164:    */
        !           165:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT, 1L);
        !           166: 
        !           167:   /* second try: retrieve page using cacerts' certificate -> will succeed
        !           168:    * load the certificate by installing a function doing the necessary
        !           169:    * "modifications" to the SSL CONTEXT just before link init
        !           170:    */
        !           171:   curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_FUNCTION, *sslctx_function);
        !           172:   rv = curl_easy_perform(ch);
        !           173:   if(rv == CURLE_OK)
        !           174:     printf("*** transfer succeeded ***\n");
        !           175:   else
        !           176:     printf("*** transfer failed ***\n");
        !           177: 
        !           178:   curl_easy_cleanup(ch);
        !           179:   curl_global_cleanup();
        !           180:   return rv;
        !           181: }

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