Annotation of embedaddon/curl/docs/libcurl/curl_multi_socket.3, revision

1.1       misho       1: .\" **************************************************************************
                      2: .\" *                                  _   _ ____  _
                      3: .\" *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
                      4: .\" *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
                      5: .\" *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
                      6: .\" *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
                      7: .\" *
                      8: .\" * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2018, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
                      9: .\" *
                     10: .\" * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
                     11: .\" * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
                     12: .\" * are also available at
                     13: .\" *
                     14: .\" * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
                     15: .\" * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
                     16: .\" * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
                     17: .\" *
                     18: .\" * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
                     19: .\" * KIND, either express or implied.
                     20: .\" *
                     21: .\" **************************************************************************
                     22: .TH curl_multi_socket 3 "June 30, 2018" "libcurl 7.70.0" "libcurl Manual"
                     24: .SH NAME
                     25: curl_multi_socket \- reads/writes available data
                     26: .SH SYNOPSIS
                     27: .nf
                     28: #include <curl/curl.h>
                     29: CURLMcode curl_multi_socket(CURLM * multi_handle, curl_socket_t sockfd,
                     30:                             int *running_handles);
                     32: CURLMcode curl_multi_socket_all(CURLM *multi_handle,
                     33:                                 int *running_handles);
                     34: .fi
                     35: .SH DESCRIPTION
                     36: These functions are deprecated. Do not use! See
                     37: \fIcurl_multi_socket_action(3)\fP instead!
                     39: At return, the integer \fBrunning_handles\fP points to will contain the number
                     40: of still running easy handles within the multi handle. When this number
                     41: reaches zero, all transfers are complete/done. Note that when you call
                     42: \fIcurl_multi_socket_action(3)\fP on a specific socket and the counter
                     43: decreases by one, it DOES NOT necessarily mean that this exact socket/transfer
                     44: is the one that completed. Use \fIcurl_multi_info_read(3)\fP to figure out
                     45: which easy handle that completed.
                     47: The \fIcurl_multi_socket_action(3)\fP functions inform the application about
                     48: updates in the socket (file descriptor) status by doing none, one, or multiple
                     49: calls to the socket callback function set with the
                     50: \fICURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION(3)\fP option to \fIcurl_multi_setopt(3)\fP. They
                     51: update the status with changes since the previous time the callback was
                     52: called.
                     54: Get the timeout time by setting the \fICURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION(3)\fP option
                     55: with \fIcurl_multi_setopt(3)\fP. Your application will then get called with
                     56: information on how long to wait for socket actions at most before doing the
                     57: timeout action: call the \fIcurl_multi_socket_action(3)\fP function with the
                     58: \fBsockfd\fP argument set to CURL_SOCKET_TIMEOUT. You can also use the
                     59: \fIcurl_multi_timeout(3)\fP function to poll the value at any given time, but
                     60: for an event-based system using the callback is far better than relying on
                     61: polling the timeout value.
                     63: Usage of \fIcurl_multi_socket(3)\fP is deprecated, whereas the function is
                     64: equivalent to \fIcurl_multi_socket_action(3)\fP with \fBev_bitmask\fP set to
                     65: 0.
                     67: Force libcurl to (re-)check all its internal sockets and transfers instead of
                     68: just a single one by calling \fIcurl_multi_socket_all(3)\fP. Note that there
                     69: should not be any reason to use this function!
                     70: .SH "CALLBACK DETAILS"
                     72: The socket \fBcallback\fP function uses a prototype like this
                     73: .nf
                     75:   int curl_socket_callback(CURL *easy,      /* easy handle */
                     76:                            curl_socket_t s, /* socket */
                     77:                            int action,      /* see values below */
                     78:                            void *userp,    /* private callback pointer */
                     79:                            void *socketp); /* private socket pointer */
                     81: .fi
                     82: The callback MUST return 0.
                     84: The \fIeasy\fP argument is a pointer to the easy handle that deals with this
                     85: particular socket. Note that a single handle may work with several sockets
                     86: simultaneously.
                     88: The \fIs\fP argument is the actual socket value as you use it within your
                     89: system.
                     91: The \fIaction\fP argument to the callback has one of five values:
                     92: .RS
                     93: .IP "CURL_POLL_NONE (0)"
                     94: register, not interested in readiness (yet)
                     95: .IP "CURL_POLL_IN (1)"
                     96: register, interested in read readiness
                     97: .IP "CURL_POLL_OUT (2)"
                     98: register, interested in write readiness
                     99: .IP "CURL_POLL_INOUT (3)"
                    100: register, interested in both read and write readiness
                    101: .IP "CURL_POLL_REMOVE (4)"
                    102: unregister
                    103: .RE
                    105: The \fIsocketp\fP argument is a private pointer you have previously set with
                    106: \fIcurl_multi_assign(3)\fP to be associated with the \fIs\fP socket. If no
                    107: pointer has been set, socketp will be NULL. This argument is of course a
                    108: service to applications that want to keep certain data or structs that are
                    109: strictly associated to the given socket.
                    111: The \fIuserp\fP argument is a private pointer you have previously set with
                    112: \fIcurl_multi_setopt(3)\fP and the \fICURLMOPT_SOCKETDATA(3)\fP option.
                    113: .SH "RETURN VALUE"
                    114: CURLMcode type, general libcurl multi interface error code.
                    116: Legacy: If you receive \fICURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM\fP, this basically means
                    117: that you should call \fIcurl_multi_socket(3)\fP again, before you wait for
                    118: more actions on libcurl's sockets. You don't have to do it immediately, but
                    119: the return code means that libcurl may have more data available to return or
                    120: that there may be more data to send off before it is "satisfied".
                    122: In modern libcurls, \fICURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM\fP or
                    123: \fICURLM_CALL_MULTI_SOCKET\fP should not be returned and no application needs
                    124: to care about them.
                    126: NOTE that the return code is for the whole multi stack. Problems still might have
                    127: occurred on individual transfers even when one of these functions
                    128: return OK.
                    129: .SH "TYPICAL USAGE"
                    130: 1. Create a multi handle
                    132: 2. Set the socket callback with \fICURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION(3)\fP
                    134: 3. Set the timeout callback with \fICURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION(3)\fP, to get to
                    135: know what timeout value to use when waiting for socket activities.
                    137: 4. Add easy handles with curl_multi_add_handle()
                    139: 5. Provide some means to manage the sockets libcurl is using, so you can check
                    140: them for activity. This can be done through your application code, or by way
                    141: of an external library such as libevent or glib.
                    143: 6. Wait for activity on any of libcurl's sockets, use the timeout value your
                    144: callback has been told
                    146: 7, When activity is detected, call curl_multi_socket_action() for the
                    147: socket(s) that got action. If no activity is detected and the timeout expires,
                    148: call \fIcurl_multi_socket_action(3)\fP with \fICURL_SOCKET_TIMEOUT\fP
                    150: 8. Go back to step 6.
                    151: .SH AVAILABILITY
                    152: This function was added in libcurl 7.15.4, and is deemed stable since
                    153: 7.16.0.
                    155: \fIcurl_multi_socket(3)\fP is deprecated, use
                    156: \fIcurl_multi_socket_action(3)\fP instead!
                    157: .SH "SEE ALSO"
                    158: .BR curl_multi_cleanup "(3), " curl_multi_init "(3), "
                    159: .BR curl_multi_fdset "(3), " curl_multi_info_read "(3), "
                    160: .BR "the hiperfifo.c example"

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