Annotation of embedaddon/curl/docs/libcurl/libcurl-multi.3, revision

1.1       misho       1: .\" **************************************************************************
                      2: .\" *                                  _   _ ____  _
                      3: .\" *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
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                      5: .\" *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
                      6: .\" *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
                      7: .\" *
                      8: .\" * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2020, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
                      9: .\" *
                     10: .\" * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
                     11: .\" * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
                     12: .\" * are also available at
                     13: .\" *
                     14: .\" * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
                     15: .\" * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
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                     17: .\" *
                     18: .\" * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
                     19: .\" * KIND, either express or implied.
                     20: .\" *
                     21: .\" **************************************************************************
                     22: .\"
                     23: .TH libcurl-multi 3 "April 26, 2020" "libcurl 7.70.0" "libcurl multi interface"
                     25: .SH NAME
                     26: libcurl-multi \- how to use the multi interface
                     27: .SH DESCRIPTION
                     28: This is an overview on how to use the libcurl multi interface in your C
                     29: programs. There are specific man pages for each function mentioned in
                     30: here. There's also the \fIlibcurl-tutorial(3)\fP man page for a complete
                     31: tutorial to programming with libcurl and the \fIlibcurl-easy(3)\fP man page
                     32: for an overview of the libcurl easy interface.
                     34: All functions in the multi interface are prefixed with curl_multi.
                     35: .SH "OBJECTIVES"
                     36: The multi interface offers several abilities that the easy interface doesn't.
                     37: They are mainly:
                     39: 1. Enable a "pull" interface. The application that uses libcurl decides where
                     40: and when to ask libcurl to get/send data.
                     42: 2. Enable multiple simultaneous transfers in the same thread without making it
                     43: complicated for the application.
                     45: 3. Enable the application to wait for action on its own file descriptors and
                     46: curl's file descriptors simultaneously.
                     48: 4. Enable event-based handling and scaling transfers up to and beyond
                     49: thousands of parallel connections.
                     50: .SH "ONE MULTI HANDLE MANY EASY HANDLES"
                     51: To use the multi interface, you must first create a 'multi handle' with
                     52: \fIcurl_multi_init(3)\fP. This handle is then used as input to all further
                     53: curl_multi_* functions.
                     55: With a multi handle and the multi interface you can do several simultaneous
                     56: transfers in parallel. Each single transfer is built up around an easy
                     57: handle. You create all the easy handles you need, and setup the appropriate
                     58: options for each easy handle using \fIcurl_easy_setopt(3)\fP.
                     60: There are two flavours of the multi interface, the select() oriented one and
                     61: the event based one we call multi_socket. You will benefit from reading
                     62: through the description of both versions to fully understand how they work and
                     63: differentiate. We start out with the select() oriented version.
                     65: When an easy handle is setup and ready for transfer, then instead of using
                     66: \fIcurl_easy_perform(3)\fP like when using the easy interface for transfers,
                     67: you should add the easy handle to the multi handle with
                     68: \fIcurl_multi_add_handle(3)\fP. You can add more easy handles to a multi
                     69: handle at any point, even if other transfers are already running.
                     71: Should you change your mind, the easy handle is again removed from the multi
                     72: stack using \fIcurl_multi_remove_handle(3)\fP. Once removed from the multi
                     73: handle, you can again use other easy interface functions like
                     74: \fIcurl_easy_perform(3)\fP on the handle or whatever you think is
                     75: necessary. You can remove handles at any point in time during transfers.
                     77: Adding the easy handle to the multi handle does not start the transfer.
                     78: Remember that one of the main ideas with this interface is to let your
                     79: application drive. You drive the transfers by invoking
                     80: \fIcurl_multi_perform(3)\fP. libcurl will then transfer data if there is
                     81: anything available to transfer. It'll use the callbacks and everything else
                     82: you have setup in the individual easy handles. It'll transfer data on all
                     83: current transfers in the multi stack that are ready to transfer anything. It
                     84: may be all, it may be none. When there's nothing more to do for now, it
                     85: returns back to the calling application.
                     87: Your application extracts info from libcurl about when it would like to get
                     88: invoked to transfer data or do other work. The most convenient way is to use
                     89: \fIcurl_multi_poll(3)\fP that will help you wait until the application should
                     90: call libcurl again. The older API to accomplish the same thing is
                     91: \fIcurl_multi_fdset(3)\fP that extracts fd_sets from libcurl to use in
                     92: select() or poll() calls in order to get to know when the transfers in the
                     93: multi stack might need attention. Both these APIs allow for your program to
                     94: wait for input on your own private file descriptors at the same time.
                     95: \fIcurl_multi_timeout(3)\fP also helps you with providing a suitable timeout
                     96: period for your select() calls.
                     98: \fIcurl_multi_perform(3)\fP stores the number of still running transfers in
                     99: one of its input arguments, and by reading that you can figure out when all
                    100: the transfers in the multi handles are done. 'done' does not mean
                    101: successful. One or more of the transfers may have failed. 
                    103: To get information about completed transfers, to figure out success or not and
                    104: similar, \fIcurl_multi_info_read(3)\fP should be called. It can return a
                    105: message about a current or previous transfer. Repeated invokes of the function
                    106: get more messages until the message queue is empty. The information you
                    107: receive there includes an easy handle pointer which you may use to identify
                    108: which easy handle the information regards.
                    110: When a single transfer is completed, the easy handle is still left added to
                    111: the multi stack. You need to first remove the easy handle with
                    112: \fIcurl_multi_remove_handle(3)\fP and then close it with
                    113: \fIcurl_easy_cleanup(3)\fP, or possibly set new options to it and add it again
                    114: with \fIcurl_multi_add_handle(3)\fP to start another transfer.
                    116: When all transfers in the multi stack are done, close the multi handle with
                    117: \fIcurl_multi_cleanup(3)\fP. Be careful and please note that you \fBMUST\fP
                    118: invoke separate \fIcurl_easy_cleanup(3)\fP calls for every single easy handle
                    119: to clean them up properly.
                    121: If you want to re-use an easy handle that was added to the multi handle for
                    122: transfer, you must first remove it from the multi stack and then re-add it
                    123: again (possibly after having altered some options at your own choice).
                    124: .SH "MULTI_SOCKET"
                    125: \fIcurl_multi_socket_action(3)\fP function offers a way for applications to
                    126: not only avoid being forced to use select(), but it also offers a much more
                    127: high-performance API that will make a significant difference for applications
                    128: using large numbers of simultaneous connections.
                    130: \fIcurl_multi_socket_action(3)\fP is then used instead of
                    131: \fIcurl_multi_perform(3)\fP.
                    133: When using this API, you add easy handles to the multi handle just as with the
                    134: normal multi interface. Then you also set two callbacks with the
                    135: \fICURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION(3)\fP and \fICURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION(3)\fP options
                    136: to \fIcurl_multi_setopt(3)\fP. They are two callback functions that libcurl
                    137: will call with information about what sockets to wait for, and for what
                    138: activity, and what the current timeout time is - if that expires libcurl
                    139: should be notified.
                    141: The multi_socket API is designed to inform your application about which
                    142: sockets libcurl is currently using and for what activities (read and/or write)
                    143: on those sockets your application is expected to wait for.
                    145: Your application must make sure to receive all sockets informed about in the
                    146: \fICURLMOPT_SOCKETFUNCTION(3)\fP callback and make sure it reacts on the given
                    147: activity on them. When a socket has the given activity, you call
                    148: \fIcurl_multi_socket_action(3)\fP specifying which socket and action there
                    149: are.
                    151: The \fICURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION(3)\fP callback is called to set a timeout. When
                    152: that timeout expires, your application should call the
                    153: \fIcurl_multi_socket_action(3)\fP function saying it was due to a timeout.
                    155: This API is typically used with an event-driven underlying functionality (like
                    156: libevent, libev, kqueue, epoll or similar) with which the application
                    157: "subscribes" on socket changes. This allows applications and libcurl to much
                    158: better scale upward and beyond thousands of simultaneous transfers without
                    159: losing performance.
                    161: When you've added your initial set of handles, you call
                    162: \fIcurl_multi_socket_action(3)\fP with CURL_SOCKET_TIMEOUT set in the sockfd
                    163: argument, and you'll get callbacks call that sets you up and you then continue
                    164: to call \fIcurl_multi_socket_action(3)\fP accordingly when you get activity on
                    165: the sockets you've been asked to wait on, or if the timeout timer expires.
                    167: You can poll \fIcurl_multi_info_read(3)\fP to see if any transfer has
                    168: completed, as it then has a message saying so.
                    169: .SH "BLOCKING"
                    170: A few areas in the code are still using blocking code, even when used from the
                    171: multi interface. While we certainly want and intend for these to get fixed in
                    172: the future, you should be aware of the following current restrictions:
                    174: .nf
                    175:  - Name resolves unless the c-ares or threaded-resolver backends are used
                    176:  - SOCKS proxy handshakes
                    177:  - file:// transfers
                    178:  - TELNET transfers
                    179: .fi
                    180: .SH "SEE ALSO"
                    181: .BR libcurl-errors "(3), " libcurl-easy "(3), " libcurl "(3) "

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