Annotation of embedaddon/curl/lib/splay.c, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: /***************************************************************************
        !             2:  *                                  _   _ ____  _
        !             3:  *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
        !             4:  *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
        !             5:  *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
        !             6:  *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
        !             7:  *
        !             8:  * Copyright (C) 1997 - 2019, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
        !             9:  *
        !            10:  * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
        !            11:  * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
        !            12:  * are also available at
        !            13:  *
        !            14:  * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
        !            15:  * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
        !            16:  * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
        !            17:  *
        !            18:  * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
        !            19:  * KIND, either express or implied.
        !            20:  *
        !            21:  ***************************************************************************/
        !            22: 
        !            23: #include "curl_setup.h"
        !            24: 
        !            25: #include "splay.h"
        !            26: 
        !            27: /*
        !            28:  * This macro compares two node keys i and j and returns:
        !            29:  *
        !            30:  *  negative value: when i is smaller than j
        !            31:  *  zero          : when i is equal   to   j
        !            32:  *  positive when : when i is larger  than j
        !            33:  */
        !            34: #define compare(i,j) Curl_splaycomparekeys((i),(j))
        !            35: 
        !            36: /*
        !            37:  * Splay using the key i (which may or may not be in the tree.) The starting
        !            38:  * root is t.
        !            39:  */
        !            40: struct Curl_tree *Curl_splay(struct curltime i,
        !            41:                              struct Curl_tree *t)
        !            42: {
        !            43:   struct Curl_tree N, *l, *r, *y;
        !            44: 
        !            45:   if(t == NULL)
        !            46:     return t;
        !            47:   N.smaller = N.larger = NULL;
        !            48:   l = r = &N;
        !            49: 
        !            50:   for(;;) {
        !            51:     long comp = compare(i, t->key);
        !            52:     if(comp < 0) {
        !            53:       if(t->smaller == NULL)
        !            54:         break;
        !            55:       if(compare(i, t->smaller->key) < 0) {
        !            56:         y = t->smaller;                           /* rotate smaller */
        !            57:         t->smaller = y->larger;
        !            58:         y->larger = t;
        !            59:         t = y;
        !            60:         if(t->smaller == NULL)
        !            61:           break;
        !            62:       }
        !            63:       r->smaller = t;                               /* link smaller */
        !            64:       r = t;
        !            65:       t = t->smaller;
        !            66:     }
        !            67:     else if(comp > 0) {
        !            68:       if(t->larger == NULL)
        !            69:         break;
        !            70:       if(compare(i, t->larger->key) > 0) {
        !            71:         y = t->larger;                          /* rotate larger */
        !            72:         t->larger = y->smaller;
        !            73:         y->smaller = t;
        !            74:         t = y;
        !            75:         if(t->larger == NULL)
        !            76:           break;
        !            77:       }
        !            78:       l->larger = t;                              /* link larger */
        !            79:       l = t;
        !            80:       t = t->larger;
        !            81:     }
        !            82:     else
        !            83:       break;
        !            84:   }
        !            85: 
        !            86:   l->larger = t->smaller;                                /* assemble */
        !            87:   r->smaller = t->larger;
        !            88:   t->smaller = N.larger;
        !            89:   t->larger = N.smaller;
        !            90: 
        !            91:   return t;
        !            92: }
        !            93: 
        !            94: /* Insert key i into the tree t.  Return a pointer to the resulting tree or
        !            95:  * NULL if something went wrong.
        !            96:  *
        !            97:  * @unittest: 1309
        !            98:  */
        !            99: struct Curl_tree *Curl_splayinsert(struct curltime i,
        !           100:                                    struct Curl_tree *t,
        !           101:                                    struct Curl_tree *node)
        !           102: {
        !           103:   static const struct curltime KEY_NOTUSED = {
        !           104:     (time_t)-1, (unsigned int)-1
        !           105:   }; /* will *NEVER* appear */
        !           106: 
        !           107:   if(node == NULL)
        !           108:     return t;
        !           109: 
        !           110:   if(t != NULL) {
        !           111:     t = Curl_splay(i, t);
        !           112:     if(compare(i, t->key) == 0) {
        !           113:       /* There already exists a node in the tree with the very same key. Build
        !           114:          a doubly-linked circular list of nodes. We add the new 'node' struct
        !           115:          to the end of this list. */
        !           116: 
        !           117:       node->key = KEY_NOTUSED; /* we set the key in the sub node to NOTUSED
        !           118:                                   to quickly identify this node as a subnode */
        !           119:       node->samen = t;
        !           120:       node->samep = t->samep;
        !           121:       t->samep->samen = node;
        !           122:       t->samep = node;
        !           123: 
        !           124:       return t; /* the root node always stays the same */
        !           125:     }
        !           126:   }
        !           127: 
        !           128:   if(t == NULL) {
        !           129:     node->smaller = node->larger = NULL;
        !           130:   }
        !           131:   else if(compare(i, t->key) < 0) {
        !           132:     node->smaller = t->smaller;
        !           133:     node->larger = t;
        !           134:     t->smaller = NULL;
        !           135: 
        !           136:   }
        !           137:   else {
        !           138:     node->larger = t->larger;
        !           139:     node->smaller = t;
        !           140:     t->larger = NULL;
        !           141:   }
        !           142:   node->key = i;
        !           143: 
        !           144:   /* no identical nodes (yet), we are the only one in the list of nodes */
        !           145:   node->samen = node;
        !           146:   node->samep = node;
        !           147:   return node;
        !           148: }
        !           149: 
        !           150: /* Finds and deletes the best-fit node from the tree. Return a pointer to the
        !           151:    resulting tree.  best-fit means the smallest node if it is not larger than
        !           152:    the key */
        !           153: struct Curl_tree *Curl_splaygetbest(struct curltime i,
        !           154:                                     struct Curl_tree *t,
        !           155:                                     struct Curl_tree **removed)
        !           156: {
        !           157:   static struct curltime tv_zero = {0, 0};
        !           158:   struct Curl_tree *x;
        !           159: 
        !           160:   if(!t) {
        !           161:     *removed = NULL; /* none removed since there was no root */
        !           162:     return NULL;
        !           163:   }
        !           164: 
        !           165:   /* find smallest */
        !           166:   t = Curl_splay(tv_zero, t);
        !           167:   if(compare(i, t->key) < 0) {
        !           168:     /* even the smallest is too big */
        !           169:     *removed = NULL;
        !           170:     return t;
        !           171:   }
        !           172: 
        !           173:   /* FIRST! Check if there is a list with identical keys */
        !           174:   x = t->samen;
        !           175:   if(x != t) {
        !           176:     /* there is, pick one from the list */
        !           177: 
        !           178:     /* 'x' is the new root node */
        !           179: 
        !           180:     x->key = t->key;
        !           181:     x->larger = t->larger;
        !           182:     x->smaller = t->smaller;
        !           183:     x->samep = t->samep;
        !           184:     t->samep->samen = x;
        !           185: 
        !           186:     *removed = t;
        !           187:     return x; /* new root */
        !           188:   }
        !           189: 
        !           190:   /* we splayed the tree to the smallest element, there is no smaller */
        !           191:   x = t->larger;
        !           192:   *removed = t;
        !           193: 
        !           194:   return x;
        !           195: }
        !           196: 
        !           197: 
        !           198: /* Deletes the very node we point out from the tree if it's there. Stores a
        !           199:  * pointer to the new resulting tree in 'newroot'.
        !           200:  *
        !           201:  * Returns zero on success and non-zero on errors!
        !           202:  * When returning error, it does not touch the 'newroot' pointer.
        !           203:  *
        !           204:  * NOTE: when the last node of the tree is removed, there's no tree left so
        !           205:  * 'newroot' will be made to point to NULL.
        !           206:  *
        !           207:  * @unittest: 1309
        !           208:  */
        !           209: int Curl_splayremovebyaddr(struct Curl_tree *t,
        !           210:                            struct Curl_tree *removenode,
        !           211:                            struct Curl_tree **newroot)
        !           212: {
        !           213:   static const struct curltime KEY_NOTUSED = {
        !           214:     (time_t)-1, (unsigned int)-1
        !           215:   }; /* will *NEVER* appear */
        !           216:   struct Curl_tree *x;
        !           217: 
        !           218:   if(!t || !removenode)
        !           219:     return 1;
        !           220: 
        !           221:   if(compare(KEY_NOTUSED, removenode->key) == 0) {
        !           222:     /* Key set to NOTUSED means it is a subnode within a 'same' linked list
        !           223:        and thus we can unlink it easily. */
        !           224:     if(removenode->samen == removenode)
        !           225:       /* A non-subnode should never be set to KEY_NOTUSED */
        !           226:       return 3;
        !           227: 
        !           228:     removenode->samep->samen = removenode->samen;
        !           229:     removenode->samen->samep = removenode->samep;
        !           230: 
        !           231:     /* Ensures that double-remove gets caught. */
        !           232:     removenode->samen = removenode;
        !           233: 
        !           234:     *newroot = t; /* return the same root */
        !           235:     return 0;
        !           236:   }
        !           237: 
        !           238:   t = Curl_splay(removenode->key, t);
        !           239: 
        !           240:   /* First make sure that we got the same root node as the one we want
        !           241:      to remove, as otherwise we might be trying to remove a node that
        !           242:      isn't actually in the tree.
        !           243: 
        !           244:      We cannot just compare the keys here as a double remove in quick
        !           245:      succession of a node with key != KEY_NOTUSED && same != NULL
        !           246:      could return the same key but a different node. */
        !           247:   if(t != removenode)
        !           248:     return 2;
        !           249: 
        !           250:   /* Check if there is a list with identical sizes, as then we're trying to
        !           251:      remove the root node of a list of nodes with identical keys. */
        !           252:   x = t->samen;
        !           253:   if(x != t) {
        !           254:     /* 'x' is the new root node, we just make it use the root node's
        !           255:        smaller/larger links */
        !           256: 
        !           257:     x->key = t->key;
        !           258:     x->larger = t->larger;
        !           259:     x->smaller = t->smaller;
        !           260:     x->samep = t->samep;
        !           261:     t->samep->samen = x;
        !           262:   }
        !           263:   else {
        !           264:     /* Remove the root node */
        !           265:     if(t->smaller == NULL)
        !           266:       x = t->larger;
        !           267:     else {
        !           268:       x = Curl_splay(removenode->key, t->smaller);
        !           269:       x->larger = t->larger;
        !           270:     }
        !           271:   }
        !           272: 
        !           273:   *newroot = x; /* store new root pointer */
        !           274: 
        !           275:   return 0;
        !           276: }

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