Annotation of embedaddon/curl/tests/data/test1426, revision

1.1       misho       1: <testcase>
                      2: <info>
                      3: <keywords>
                      4: HTTP
                      5: binary-stdout
                      6: </keywords>
                      7: </info>
                      9: <reply>
                     10: <real_data>
                     11: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                     12: Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2010 14:49:00 GMT
                     13: Server: test-server/fake
                     14: Last-Modified: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 12:10:00 GMT
                     15: ETag: 21025-dc7-39462498
                     16: Accept-Ranges: bytes
                     17: Content-Length: 5
                     18: Connection: close
                     19: Content-Type: text/html
                     20: Funny-head: yesyes
                     22: 1234
                     23: </real_data>
                     25: # Provided as base64 encoded to get the binary zero in the body treated
                     26: # properly. Tricky to generate correctly.
                     27: <data base64="yes" nocheck="yes">
                     28: SFRUUC8xLjEgMjAwIE9LCkRhdGU6IFRodSwgMDkgTm92IDIwMTAgMTQ6NDk6MDAgR01UClNlcnZl
                     29: cjogdGVzdC1zZXJ2ZXIvZmFrZQpMYXN0LU1vZGlmaWVkOiBUdWUsIDEzIEp1biAyMDAwIDEyOjEw
                     30: OjAwIEdNVApFVGFnOiAyMTAyNS1kYzctMzk0NjI0OTgKQWNjZXB0LVJhbmdlczogYnl0ZXMKQ29u
                     31: dGVudC1MZW5ndGg6IDUKQ29ubmVjdGlvbjogY2xvc2UKQ29udGVudC1UeXBlOiB0ZXh0L2h0bWwK
                     32: RnVubnktaGVhZDogeWVzeWVzCgoAMTIzNA==
                     33: </data>
                     34: </reply>
                     36: #
                     37: # Client-side
                     38: <client>
                     39: <server>
                     40: http
                     41: </server>
                     43: # this test needs to be a debug build in order to fake it being a TTY output
                     44: <features>
                     45: debug
                     46: </features>
                     47: <setenv>
                     48: CURL_ISATTY=yes
                     49: </setenv>
                     50:  <name>
                     51: Okay binary output to terminal
                     52:  </name>
                     53:  <command>
                     54: http://%HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT/1426 --output -
                     55: </command>
                     56: </client>
                     58: #
                     59: # Verify data after the test has been "shot"
                     60: <verify>
                     61: <strip>
                     62: ^User-Agent:.*
                     63: </strip>
                     64: <protocol>
                     65: GET /1426 HTTP/1.1
                     66: Host: %HOSTIP:%HTTPPORT
                     67: Accept: */*
                     69: </protocol>
                     70: <stdout nonewline="yes">
                     71: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                     72: Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2010 14:49:00 GMT
                     73: Server: test-server/fake
                     74: Last-Modified: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 12:10:00 GMT
                     75: ETag: 21025-dc7-39462498
                     76: Accept-Ranges: bytes
                     77: Content-Length: 5
                     78: Connection: close
                     79: Content-Type: text/html
                     80: Funny-head: yesyes
                     82: 1234
                     83: </stdout>
                     84: </verify>
                     85: </testcase>

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