Annotation of embedaddon/curl/tests/runtests.1, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: .\" **************************************************************************
        !             2: .\" *                                  _   _ ____  _
        !             3: .\" *  Project                     ___| | | |  _ \| |
        !             4: .\" *                             / __| | | | |_) | |
        !             5: .\" *                            | (__| |_| |  _ <| |___
        !             6: .\" *                             \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
        !             7: .\" *
        !             8: .\" * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2020, Daniel Stenberg, <>, et al.
        !             9: .\" *
        !            10: .\" * This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
        !            11: .\" * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
        !            12: .\" * are also available at
        !            13: .\" *
        !            14: .\" * You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
        !            15: .\" * copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
        !            16: .\" * furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
        !            17: .\" *
        !            18: .\" * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
        !            19: .\" * KIND, either express or implied.
        !            20: .\" *
        !            21: .\" **************************************************************************
        !            22: .\"
        !            23: .TH 1 "March 03, 2020" "Curl 7.70.0" "runtests"
        !            24: 
        !            25: .SH NAME
        !            26: \- run one or more test cases
        !            27: .SH SYNOPSIS
        !            28: .B [options] [tests]
        !            29: .SH DESCRIPTION
        !            30: \\fP runs one, several or all the existing test cases in curl's
        !            31: test suite. It is often called from the root Makefile of the curl package with
        !            32: \&'make test'.
        !            33: .SH "TESTS"
        !            34: Specify which test(s) to run by specifying test numbers or keywords.
        !            35: 
        !            36: If no test number or keyword is given, all existing tests that the script can
        !            37: find will be considered for running. You can specify single test cases to run
        !            38: by specifying test numbers space-separated, like "1 3 5 7 11", and you can
        !            39: specify a range of tests like "45 to 67".
        !            40: 
        !            41: Specify tests to not run with a leading exclamation point, like "!66", which
        !            42: runs all available tests except number 66.
        !            43: 
        !            44: Prefix a test number with a tilde (~) to still run it, but ignore the results.
        !            45: 
        !            46: It is also possible to specify tests based on a keyword describing the test(s)
        !            47: to run, like "FTPS". The keywords are strings used in the indiviual tests.
        !            48: 
        !            49: You can also specify keywords with a leading exclamation point and the keyword
        !            50: or phrase, like "!HTTP NTLM auth" to run all tests \fBexcept\fP those using
        !            51: this keyword. Remember that the exclamation marks and spaces will need to be
        !            52: quoted somehow when entered at many command shells.
        !            53: 
        !            54: Prefix a keyword with a tilde (~) to still run it, but ignore the results.
        !            55: .SH OPTIONS
        !            56: .IP "-a"
        !            57: Continue running the rest of the test cases even if one test fails. By
        !            58: default, the test script stops as soon as an error is detected.
        !            59: .IP "-bN"
        !            60: Use N as the base TCP/UDP port number on which to start the test servers.
        !            61: .IP "-c <curl>"
        !            62: Provide a path to a custom curl binary to run the tests with. Default is the
        !            63: curl executable in the build tree.
        !            64: .IP "-d"
        !            65: Enable protocol debug: have the servers display protocol output.
        !            66: .IP "-e"
        !            67: Run the test event-based (if possible). This will make runtests invoke curl
        !            68: with --test-event option. This option only works if both curl and libcurl were
        !            69: built debug-enabled.
        !            70: .IP "-g"
        !            71: Run the given test(s) with gdb. This is best used on a single test case and
        !            72: curl built --disable-shared. This then fires up gdb with command line set to
        !            73: run the specified test case. Simply (set a break-point and) type 'run' to
        !            74: start.
        !            75: .IP "-h"
        !            76: Displays a help text about this program's command line options.
        !            77: .IP "-k"
        !            78: Keep output and log files in log/ after a test run, even if no error was
        !            79: detected. Useful for debugging.
        !            80: .IP "-l"
        !            81: Lists all test case names.
        !            82: .IP "-n"
        !            83: Disable the check for and use of valgrind.
        !            84: .IP "-p"
        !            85: Prints out all files in "log/" to stdout when a test case fails. Very
        !            86: practical when used in the automated and distributed tests since then the
        !            87: people checking the failures and the reasons for them might not have physical
        !            88: access to the machine and logs.
        !            89: .IP "-R"
        !            90: Run the tests in a scrambled, or randomized, order instead of sequentially.
        !            91: 
        !            92: The random seed initially set for this is fixed per month and can be set with
        !            93: \fI--seed\fP.
        !            94: .IP "-r"
        !            95: Display run time statistics. (Requires Perl Time::HiRes module)
        !            96: .IP "-rf"
        !            97: Display full run time statistics. (Requires Perl Time::HiRes module)
        !            98: .IP "--repeat=[num]"
        !            99: This will repeat the given set of test numbers this many times. If no test
        !           100: numbers are given, it will repeat ALL tests this many times. It iteratively
        !           101: adds the new sequence at the end of the initially given one.
        !           102: 
        !           103: If \fB-R\fP is also used, the scrambling is done after the repeats have
        !           104: extended the test sequence.
        !           105: .IP "-s"
        !           106: Shorter output. Speaks less than default.
        !           107: .IP "--seed=[num]"
        !           108: When using \fI--shallow\fP or \fI-R\rP that random certain aspects of the
        !           109: behavior, this option can set the initial seed. If not set, the random seed
        !           110: will be set based on the currently set local year and month and the first line
        !           111: of the "curl -V" output.
        !           112: .IP "--shallow=[num]"
        !           113: Used together with \fB-t\fP. This limits the number of tests to fail in
        !           114: torture mode to no more than 'num' per test case. If this reduces the amount,
        !           115: the script will randomly discard entries to fail until the amount is 'num'.
        !           116: 
        !           117: The random seed initially set for this is fixed per month and can be set with
        !           118: \fI--seed\fP.
        !           119: .IP "-t[num]"
        !           120: Selects a \fBtorture\fP test for the given tests. This makes first
        !           121: run the tests once and count the number of memory allocations made. It then
        !           122: reruns the test that number of times, each time forcing one of the allocations
        !           123: to fail until all allocs have been tested. By setting \fInum\fP you can force
        !           124: the allocation with that number to be set to fail at once instead of looping
        !           125: through everyone, which is very handy when debugging and then often in
        !           126: combination with \fI-g\fP.
        !           127: .IP "-v"
        !           128: Enable verbose output. Speaks more than default.
        !           129: .IP "-vc <curl>"
        !           130: Provide a path to a custom curl binary to run when verifying that the servers
        !           131: running are indeed our test servers. Default is the curl executable in the
        !           132: build tree.
        !           133: .SH "RUNNING TESTS"
        !           134: Many tests have conditions that must be met before the test case can run
        !           135: fine. They could depend on built-in features in libcurl or features present in
        !           136: the operating system or even in third-party libraries that curl may or may not
        !           137: use.
        !           138: .P
        !           139: The test script checks most of these by itself to determine when it is
        !           140: safe to attempt to run each test.  Those which cannot be run due to
        !           141: failed requirements will simply be skipped and listed at the completion
        !           142: of all test cases.  In some unusual configurations, the test script
        !           143: cannot make the correct determination for all tests.  In these cases,
        !           144: the problematic tests can be skipped using the "!keyword" skip feature
        !           145: documented earlier.
        !           146: .SH "WRITING TESTS"
        !           147: The simplest way to write test cases is to start with a similar existing test,
        !           148: save it with a new number and then adjust it to fit. There's an attempt to
        !           149: document the test case file format in the tests/FILEFORMAT.

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