Annotation of embedaddon/dhcdrop/man/dhcdrop.8, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: .TH DHCDROP 8 "18/08/2009" 
        !             2: .SH NAME
        !             3: dhcdrop \- program for searching and suppress false DHCP servers in Ethernet. 
        !             4: .SH SYNOPSIS
        !             5: .BI "dhcdrop 
        !             6: .RB [ " \-h "]
        !             7: .RB [ " \-D "]
        !             8: .RB [ " \-t "]
        !             9: .RB [ " \-y "]
        !            10: .RB [ " \-r "]
        !            11: .RB [ " \-b "]
        !            12: .RB [ " \-a "]
        !            13: .RB [ " \-A "]
        !            14: .RB [ " \-f "]
        !            15: .RB [ " \-R "]
        !            16: .RB [ " \-q "]
        !            17: .LP
        !            18: .RB [ " \-m "
        !            19: .I count
        !            20: ]
        !            21: .RB [ " \-c "
        !            22: .I count
        !            23: ]
        !            24: .RB [ " \-n " 
        !            25: .I hostname
        !            26: ]
        !            27: .RB [ " \-N "
        !            28: .I clientname
        !            29: ]
        !            30: .RB [ " \-p "
        !            31: .I port
        !            32: ]
        !            33: .RB [ " \-P "
        !            34: .I port
        !            35: ]
        !            36: .RB [ " \-w "
        !            37: .I seconds
        !            38: ]
        !            39: .LP
        !            40: .RB [ " \-T "
        !            41: .I timeout
        !            42: ]
        !            43: .RB [ " \-M "
        !            44: .I max-hosts-scan
        !            45: ]
        !            46: .RB [ " \-l "
        !            47: .I MAC-address
        !            48: ]
        !            49: .RB [ " \-L "
        !            50: .I network
        !            51: ]
        !            52: .RB [ " \-S "
        !            53: .I network/mask
        !            54: ]
        !            55: .RB [ " \-F "
        !            56: .I from-IP
        !            57: ]
        !            58: .LP
        !            59: .RB [ " \-s "
        !            60: .I server-IP
        !            61: ]
        !            62: .RB [ " \-C "
        !            63: .I children count (2 - 32)
        !            64: ]
        !            65: .LP
        !            66: .RB [ " \initial-MAC-address " ]
        !            67: .RB < " \-i "
        !            68: .I interface-name|interface-index
        !            69: >
        !            70: .LP
        !            71: .SH DESCRIPTION
        !            72: Suppressing DHCP server is made by
        !            73: .B dhcdrop
        !            74: with a help of an attack DHCP 
        !            75: starvation or with a help of flooding with DHCPDISCOVER messages. 
        !            76: Look for details below. Besides dhcdrop can be used as a diagnostical 
        !            77: tool and stress-testing when setting and developing DHCP servers
        !            78: .SH OPTIONS
        !            79: .TP
        !            80: .B "-h"
        !            81: prints help-message and also codes of program's return.
        !            82: .TP
        !            83: .B "-D"
        !            84: list of available network interfaces. Format - index:name.
        !            85: .TP
        !            86: .B "-t"
        !            87: test mode. Using this mode 
        !            88: .B dhcdrop
        !            89: does not execute suppression of server. DHCPDISCOVER is being sent. 
        !            90: If the answer comes to it from the non\-ignored server then the program is 
        !            91: completes returning code 200 and printing the string: 
        !            92: .IP
        !            93: DHCP SRV: (IP-hdr: SRV ether: 00:02:44:75:77:E4, YIP:
        !            94: .IP
        !            95: which consists of the MAC address of found false DHCP server.
        !            96: .TP
        !            97: .B "-y"
        !            98: answer 'yes' to all questions.
        !            99: .TP
        !           100: .B "-r"
        !           101: disable ethernet address randomize. Every further source MAC address differs from previous for 1.
        !           102: .TP
        !           103: .BI "-b"
        !           104: points on necessity of using flag  
        !           105: .B BROADCAST
        !           106: in DHCP packets sent.
        !           107: .TP
        !           108: .B "-a"
        !           109: always wait for server's response to default DHCP client port (68) even if a 
        !           110: number of client's port set differs from default value.
        !           111: .TP
        !           112: .B "-A"
        !           113: always wait for server's response from default DHCP server port (67), 
        !           114: even if a number of client's port set differs from default value.
        !           115: .TP
        !           116: .B "-f"
        !           117: flood mode with DHCPDISCOVER requests. SHOULD BE USED ATTENTIVELY. 
        !           118: It is convenient for stress-testing of the server. 
        !           119: In case of using option 
        !           120: .B "-r"
        !           121: all the packets sent have the same MAC address.
        !           122: .TP
        !           123: .BI "-R"
        !           124: send DHCPRELEASE from source MAC address specified by 
        !           125: .B "<initial MAC address>"
        !           126: and IP address specified by option 
        !           127: .B "-F" 
        !           128: to server specified by option 
        !           129: .B "-s"
        !           130: .
        !           131: .TP
        !           132: .B "-q"
        !           133: quiet mode.
        !           134: .TP
        !           135: .BI "-m" " count" 
        !           136: maximum number of attempts to receive answer from DHCP server. (default: 5).
        !           137: .TP
        !           138: .BI "-c" " count"
        !           139: maximum number of receiving addresses from DHCP server (default: 255).
        !           140: .TP
        !           141: .BI "-n" " hostname"
        !           142: value of DHCP-option 'HostName' (default: 'DHCP-dropper').
        !           143: .TP
        !           144: .BI "-N" " clientname"
        !           145: value of DHCP-option 'Vendor-Class' (default: 'DHCP-dropper').
        !           146: .TP
        !           147: .BI "-p" " port"
        !           148: set client port value (default: 68).
        !           149: .TP
        !           150: .BI "-P" " port"
        !           151: set server port value (default: 67).
        !           152: .TP
        !           153: .BI "-w" " seconds"
        !           154: set timeout after which the process will be restarted when using 
        !           155: agressive mode (see option 
        !           156: .B "-L"
        !           157: ) (default: 60 secs).
        !           158: .TP
        !           159: .BI "-T" " timeout"
        !           160: set timeout of waiting server response in seconds (default: 3).
        !           161: .TP
        !           162: .BI "-M" " maximum-hosts"
        !           163: maximum number of hosts scanned if agressive mode used (option -L).
        !           164: .TP
        !           165: .BI "-l" " MAC-address"
        !           166: ethernet address of DHCP server which need to ignore. 
        !           167: May be several servers. Need option
        !           168: .B -l
        !           169: for each server.
        !           170: .TP
        !           171: .BI "-L" " legal-network"
        !           172: specify legal network(s) on interfase. May be
        !           173: several networks. If this parameter is set, dhcdrop
        !           174: uses agressive mode: it scans address range assigned
        !           175: by DHCP server for searching hosts with incorrect addresses,
        !           176: sends DHCPRELEASE to server from every found host after
        !           177: this it restarts process of receiving addreses. Need option
        !           178: .B -L
        !           179: for each network.
        !           180: .TP
        !           181: .BI "-S" " network/mask"
        !           182: ARP-scan for network 'network' with network mask 'mask' (CIDR notation). 
        !           183: Source IP address for scanning specified by option 
        !           184: .B -F
        !           185: . 
        !           186: If source IP is not set - using random IP address from network address range. 
        !           187: .TP
        !           188: .BI "-F" " source-ip"
        !           189: source IP for scanning network or sending DHCPRELEASE (see option  
        !           190: .B -S
        !           191: and 
        !           192: .B -R
        !           193: ).
        !           194: .TP
        !           195: .BI "-s" " server-ip-adress"
        !           196: specify DHCP server IP address. Used with option 
        !           197: .B -R
        !           198: .
        !           199: .TP
        !           200: .BI "-C" " count"
        !           201: children number (default: 0, minimal value: 2, maximum: 32). Compatible only with flag  
        !           202: .B -f
        !           203: . 
        !           204: .TP
        !           205: .B "initial-MAC-address"
        !           206: specify source MAC address for sending first DHCP message.
        !           207: If address not set - used random value.
        !           208: .TP
        !           209: .BI "-i" " interface"
        !           210: defines network interface, can be name or index (cannot be 'any'). 
        !           211: For listing available interfaces use option 
        !           212: .B -D
        !           213: .
        !           214: .SH THEORETICAL BASICS
        !           215: In DHCP protocol there is an option which specifies duration of leasing an IP address 
        !           216: (Lease Time). During this time DHCP server gives IP address for client's use. 
        !           217: After this time period a client have to make an attempt to refresh IP address 
        !           218: for the purpose of extension the lease. For the server giving out IP address in 
        !           219: lease means that during the lease this IP address can be given only to an owner 
        !           220: of the lease and nobody else. Identification of clients is usually done by the 
        !           221: server on the ground of MAC address. Usually every server has a pool of dynamic 
        !           222: IP addresses. These are addresses which are not assigned to concrete MAC addresses 
        !           223: and are given dynamically after any client's request. Pool on SOHO routers with 
        !           224: default settings is not very big - from tens to about 200 addresses. In case 
        !           225: of using software which performs the function of DHCP server the size of the pool 
        !           226: is defined by the one who sets. If the pool of addresses is over then DHCP server 
        !           227: ignores the requests from new clients (probably documenting this in logs). 
        !           228: Actually it's not in action.
        !           229: 
        !           230: Thereby in case of appearance false DHCP they can be supressed rather easy. 
        !           231: It's necessary to receive lease for every IP address available on this server 
        !           232: sending requests from unique clients every time. The more Lease Time is in server 
        !           233: settings, the bigger period of DHCP server suppression in case of exhaustion of 
        !           234: dynamical pool is. For most of SOHO routers Lease time comes to a number of days 
        !           235: or even weeks. In case of using WinGate, dhcpd and other similar soft as DHCP 
        !           236: server the lease time depends on the fantasy of the man who launched false DHCP server.
        !           237: .SH PRINCIPLE OF DHCDROP OPERATION
        !           238: The program opens the interface specified in command line options using promiscuous 
        !           239: mode then forms DHCP message (DHCPDISCOVER) using random source MAC address 
        !           240: (if another conduct isn't specified) and sends it to the interface:
        !           241: 
        !           242: .nf
        !           243: 01:58:04.681600 00:70:de:3b:b9:05 > ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), 
        !           244: length 342: (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 33964, offset 0, flags [none], 
        !           245: proto UDP (17), length 328) 
        !           246: > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 00:70:de:3b:b9:05, 
        !           247: length 300, xid 0xcc1cfc5c, Flags [none]
        !           248:           Client-Ethernet-Address 00:70:de:3b:b9:05
        !           249:           Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
        !           250:             Magic Cookie 0x63825363
        !           251:             DHCP-Message Option 53, length 1: Discover
        !           252:             Parameter-Request Option 55, length 3:
        !           253:               Domain-Name-Server, Default-Gateway, Subnet-Mask
        !           254:             Hostname Option 12, length 12: "DHCP-dropper"
        !           255:             Vendor-Class Option 60, length 12: "DHCP-dropper"
        !           256:             Client-ID Option 61, length 7: ether 00:70:de:3b:b9:05
        !           257: .fi
        !           258: 
        !           259: After this it starts to wait for server's answer (DHCPOFFER). If the answer with 
        !           260: offering IP address lease is received then the next DHCP message (DHCPREQUEST) 
        !           261: is send to the interface. On this message server answers with DHCPACK-packet 
        !           262: which confirms the possibility of using the IP address by a client. 
        !           263: This completes the operation of receiving IP address suggested by the server. 
        !           264: The program changes source MAC address and sends DHCPDISCOVER again. 
        !           265: After that all the above operations of receiving the lease of a new 
        !           266: IP address are repeated. It's worth paying attention that the program 
        !           267: changes not only the client's MAC address in DHCP message but also the 
        !           268: MAC address in the header of Ethernet-frame. This possibility brings the work 
        !           269: of the program maximally nearer to the work of real DHCP client (and also 
        !           270: allows to avoid DHCP snooping).
        !           271: 
        !           272: Cycle of receiving IP addresses from server comes to an end when the maximum 
        !           273: number of IP addresses set by the option is received or in case of exhausting 
        !           274: dynamical pool of the server. In the second case you gained a victory. 
        !           275: In the first case if you have an aim to reject the DHCP server then there 
        !           276: is a point to set another value of maximum number of leased address option.
        !           277: .SH USAGE OF THE PROGRAM
        !           278: \fIInterfaces listing\fP
        !           279: .sp
        !           280: First of all it's necessary to understand how the network interface, 
        !           281: where there is DHCP server, is called. This is easy to understand in UNIX-like OS 
        !           282: by outputting ifconfig command. But in Windows OS it is not so evident. 
        !           283: Because of this let's launch the program with  
        !           284: .B -D
        !           285: option first of all:
        !           286: 
        !           287: .nf
        !           288: C:\>dhcdrop -D
        !           289: Available interfaces:
        !           290: 1:\\Device\\NPF_GenericDialupAdapter
        !           291:   descr: Adapter for generic dialup and VPN capture
        !           292: 2:\\Device\\NPF_{0C796DB5-22D9-46AB-9301-9C7ADC2304AF}
        !           293:   descr: ZyXEL GN650 1000Base-T Adapter          (Microsoft's Packet Scheduler)
        !           294:   iaddr:  bcast:
        !           295:   iaddr:  bcast:
        !           296: .fi
        !           297: 
        !           298: According to the output information it's evident that we need the second interface. 
        !           299: As an argument for program's option 
        !           300: .B -i
        !           301: any index of the second interface or its name 
        !           302: .B "\\\\Device\\\\NPF_{0C796DB5-22D9-46AB-9301-9C7ADC2304AF}"
        !           303: can be set. To my mind it's more easy to use index and to launch the 
        !           304: program with pointing index instead of a name. For example: 
        !           305: .B dhcdrop -i 2
        !           306: 
        !           307: \fIInteractive mode, by default\fP
        !           308: .sp
        !           309: The easiest way of using the program for searching and choosing the rejected 
        !           310: server manually:
        !           311: 
        !           312: .nf
        !           313: $ sudo dhcdrop -i eth1
        !           314: Using interface: 'eth1'
        !           315: Got response from server (IP-header, server ethernet address: 00:02:44:75:77:E4, lease time: 1.1h (3960s)
        !           316: Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPOFFER) for client ether: 00:16:09:D8:CF:60 You IP:
        !           317: Drop him? [y/n] n
        !           318: Searching next server...
        !           319: Got response from server (IP-header, server ethernet address: 00:1E:2A:52:C8:CA, lease time: 24h (86400s)
        !           320: Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPOFFER) for client ether: 00:16:09:D8:CF:60 You IP:
        !           321: Drop him? [y/n] y
        !           322: 1. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:16:09:D8:CF:60 You IP:
        !           323: 2. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:A2:FA:12:41:F7 You IP:
        !           324: 3. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:56:EA:F8:1C:B0 You IP:
        !           325: 4. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:EA:91:1A:C8:A8 You IP:
        !           326: 5. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:83:8A:25:C7:1C You IP:
        !           327: 6. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:CA:A7:FF:C1:70 You IP:
        !           328: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           329: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           330: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           331: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           332: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           333: Finished.
        !           334: .fi
        !           335: 
        !           336: As it's seen from the example when receiving an answer from DHCP server  
        !           337: .B dhcdrop 
        !           338: reports information from the server about given IP address and asks of necessity 
        !           339: to suppress this server. Receiving a negative answer it goes on searching for 
        !           340: servers in the network ignoring the server discovered before. In case of 
        !           341: receiving a positive answer it starts a process for rejecting the server with a 
        !           342: method shown above.
        !           343:  
        !           344: \fIAutomatical suppresion mode of all the servers except the legitimate one\fP
        !           345: .sp
        !           346: In case of knowing (and usually we know) MAC address of the legal DHCP server in our 
        !           347: network the operation of suppressing illegal servers can be simplified:
        !           348: 
        !           349: .nf
        !           350: $ sudo dhcdrop -i eth1 -y -l 00:02:44:75:77:E4
        !           351: Using interface: 'eth1'
        !           352: Got response from server (IP-header, server ethernet address: 00:1E:2A:52:C8:CA, lease time: 24h (86400s)
        !           353: Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPOFFER) for client ether: 00:37:C5:10:BE:16 You IP:
        !           354: 1. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:37:C5:10:BE:16 You IP:
        !           355: 2. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:94:26:88:33:BD You IP:
        !           356: 3. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:E5:AC:7B:79:BB You IP:
        !           357: <skipped>
        !           358: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           359: Finished.
        !           360: .fi
        !           361: 
        !           362: In this version of using  
        !           363: .B dhcdrop 
        !           364: rejects any server except that ones states with 
        !           365: .B -l 
        !           366: option without asking additional questions (due to using option 
        !           367: .B -y
        !           368: ).
        !           369: 
        !           370: \fITest mode\fP
        !           371: .sp
        !           372: Test mode (
        !           373: .B -t
        !           374: ) is comfortable to use for execution the program from code in computer-aided mode. 
        !           375: An example of the simplest code is below: 
        !           376: 
        !           377: .nf
        !           378: 00 #!/bin/bash
        !           379: 01 LEGAL_SERVER="00:11:22:33:44:55"    
        !           380: 02 DROPPER="/usr/sbin/dhcdrop"
        !           381: 03 IFNAME="eth1"
        !           382: 
        !           383: 04 $DROPPER -i $IFNAME -t -l $LEGAL_SERVER -m 3
        !           384: 
        !           385: 05 if [ $? = 200 ]
        !           386: 06 then
        !           387: 07    echo Illegal server found\! Dropping him\!
        !           388: 08    $DROPPER -i eth1 -l $LEGAL_SERVER -y
        !           389: 09 else
        !           390: 10    echo Illegal server not found.
        !           391: 11 fi
        !           392: .fi
        !           393: 
        !           394: In the forth line launching of 
        !           395: .B dhcdrop 
        !           396: is being executed in a test mode with setting an option of legal DHCP server 
        !           397: for the network (
        !           398: .B -l
        !           399: ), an option of testing (
        !           400: .B -t
        !           401: ) and an option of setting maximum number of attempts of sending DHCPDISCOVER 
        !           402: in mode of searching the server (
        !           403: .B -m).
        !           404: If there is no answer for all the requests been sent then the program 
        !           405: ends with 0 code. If there is answer for the server without 
        !           406: .B -l
        !           407: option then the program ends with 200 code which leads to the further
        !           408: launching of the program with options describing suppression of any DHCP server 
        !           409: in the network except the legal one.
        !           410: 
        !           411: \fIUsage of aggressive mode for receiving addresses\fP
        !           412: .sp
        !           413: As you can guess from the description of DHCP protocol - if a client received 
        !           414: the configuration from illegal DHCP server then the server wouldn't give 
        !           415: this configuration iteratively to another client until the period of lease expires. 
        !           416: So a simple exhaustion of IP addresses' pool won't save clients who have already 
        !           417: received incorrect configuration. The server will give these addresses only to 
        !           418: the clients who requested them initially and will ignore requests from 
        !           419: .B dhcdrop
        !           420: . When trying to refresh the address once more the clients will receive 
        !           421: information from illegal DHCP server again and it would be continued until 
        !           422: illegal DHCP server switched off. For solving such a problem there were added 
        !           423: the aggressive mode of receiving IP addresses in dhcdrop starting with version 0.5.
        !           424: It is activated with
        !           425: .B -L
        !           426: option which points a legitimate IP subnet for the given Etherner segment of the network. 
        !           427: Here is the algorithm of its operation: 
        !           428: .B dhcdrop
        !           429: launches an ordinary mode of suppression and exhausts the whole IP addresses' 
        !           430: pool of illegal DHCP server. Analyzes the first DHCPOFFER received from illegal 
        !           431: DHCP, with a help of the network mask and client's IP address given out by the 
        !           432: server receives the address of IP network attended by this server. 
        !           433: Launches ARP-scanning of received subnet for the purpose of exposing hosts 
        !           434: which received incorrect configurational information, default number of scanned 
        !           435: hosts is limited to 512 (can be changed with
        !           436: .B -M
        !           437: option), some servers gives out configurational set with a mask /8 which 
        !           438: conforms to approximately 16 million of hosts - scanning of such an address range 
        !           439: will take a lot of time. Sends messages DHCPRELEASE to the DHCP server from every 
        !           440: found host (except the server itself). Waits 60 seconds 
        !           441: (default value can be changed with
        !           442: .B -w
        !           443: option), after then restarts the process of receiving IP addresses.
        !           444: As an example let's launch
        !           445: .B dhcdrop
        !           446: with the same options as in the previous example but 
        !           447: additionally state legal IP network
        !           448: 
        !           449: .nf
        !           450: $ sudo dhcdrop -i eth1 -y -l 00:02:44:75:77:E4 -L
        !           451: Using interface: 'eth1'
        !           452: Got response from server (IP-header, server ethernet address: 00:1E:2A:52:C8:CA, lease time: 24h (86400s)
        !           453: Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPOFFER) for client ether: 00:BC:BF:D6:39:2E You IP:
        !           454: 1. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:BC:BF:D6:39:2E You IP:
        !           455: 2. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:FB:E7:A4:19:EC You IP:
        !           456: 3. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:CB:44:F9:A8:6F You IP:
        !           457: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           458: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           459: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           460: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           461: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           462: Trying to use agressive mode.
        !           463: Starting ARP scanning network in range: -
        !           464: Illegal DHCP server perhaps assigned IP adresses to the following hosts:
        !           465: 1. Received ARP-reply from: 00:1e:2a:52:c8:ca ( - itself DHCP server.
        !           466: 2. Received ARP-reply from: 00:03:ff:15:52:90 (
        !           467: 3. Received ARP-reply from: 00:03:ff:14:52:90 (
        !           468: 4. Received ARP-reply from: 00:a0:c5:30:52:90 (
        !           469: Sending DHCPRELEASE for invalid clients:
        !           470: Send DHCPRELEASE for host 00:03:ff:15:52:90 (
        !           471: Send DHCPRELEASE for host 00:03:ff:14:52:90 (
        !           472: Send DHCPRELEASE for host 00:a0:c5:30:52:90 (
        !           473: Restart dropping DHCP server after 60 seconds timeout...
        !           474: 1. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:BC:BF:D6:39:2E You IP:
        !           475: 2. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:F1:32:14:60:A3 You IP:
        !           476: 3. Got BOOTREPLY (DHCPACK) for client ether: 00:2D:1C:80:ED:12 You IP:
        !           477: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           478: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           479: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           480: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           481: Wait DHCPOFFER timeout. Resending DHCPDISCOVER.
        !           482: 
        !           483: WARNING: Failed to take away all the IP addresses assigned by DHCP server.
        !           484: Perhaps DHCP server checks availability of IP addresses by sending ARP-request
        !           485: before assigning them. Try to restart dhcpdrop later. If it doesn't help
        !           486: try to disconnect problem hosts temporarily, then send manually DHCPRELEASE
        !           487: from address of this hosts (use option -R) and restart dhcdrop.
        !           488: 
        !           489: Finished.
        !           490: .fi
        !           491: 
        !           492: Explanation of the program operation's results.
        !           493: 
        !           494: After outputting the inscription "Trying to use aggressive mode" ARP-scanning of subnet, 
        !           495: serviced by illegal DHCP server in the stated range, starts. 
        !           496: As a result 4 hosts are found including the DHCP server itself (the first host). 
        !           497: Then dhcdrop sends DHCPRELEASE message to the server from addresses 
        !           498: (Ethernet & IP) of all the hosts found in the subnet except DHCP server itself and stops 
        !           499: execution for 60 seconds. Timeout is necessary because some DHCP servers hold giving out 
        !           500: IP addresses to a new client during little period of time after receiving DHCPRELEASE from
        !           501: a previous client. In case of necessity timeout's value can be changed with
        !           502: .B -w
        !           503: option. On the expiry of timeout dhcdrop launches the process of receiving released IP addresses. 
        !           504: We succeeded in receiving IP addresses (it was received initially when 
        !           505: starting the program), and The last two addresses were 
        !           506: successfully released by the server after receiving DHCPRELEASE messages generated by 
        !           507: dhcdrop. Failed to receive the address, in spite of presence of this host
        !           508: in the network, and the fact that from its address DHCPRELEASE message was send. One of 
        !           509: the reasons of failure was described in warning in the end of the program's output: 
        !           510: DHCP server before giving out the addresses can check if the host with the requested IP 
        !           511: address exists and only after this it can give out the address if such a host is absent 
        !           512: in the network. If not, a new lease for this address will not be given out. In this 
        !           513: situation switching off the problem hosts fron the network manually and sending DHCPRELEASE 
        !           514: messages from these hosts' addresses to the server (see an example below) can be helpful.
        !           515: After this it's necessary to restart the process of receiving IP addresses.
        !           516: But in our case the problem isn't hidden here. The host has a statically set 
        !           517: IP address and because of this it has never requested the configuration from DHCP server. 
        !           518: The necessity itself of stating the legal network for launching the aggressive mode is 
        !           519: necessary to check of the address range given out by illegal DHCP server crosses the 
        !           520: address range of the subnet where it was discovered. If the address ranges cross each 
        !           521: other then ARP-scanning will be done with the hosts, which have the correct configuration 
        !           522: and will output the incorrect information. Because of this in case of discovering crossing 
        !           523: of the address ranges aggressive mode will not be launched.
        !           524: 
        !           525: \fISending DHCPRELEASE message\fP
        !           526: .sp
        !           527: You will probably have a necessity to send DHCPRELEASE message manually. For example, 
        !           528: because of the reason mentioned in the previous example. You can do it with a help of 
        !           529: .B -R
        !           530: option:
        !           531: 
        !           532: .nf
        !           533: $ sudo dhcdrop -i eth1 -R -s -F 00:2D:1C:80:ED:12
        !           534: Using interface: 'eth1'
        !           535: Send DHCPRELEASE from 00:2D:1C:80:ED:12 client IP to DHCP server
        !           536: Finished.
        !           537: .fi
        !           538: 
        !           539: Option
        !           540: .B -s
        !           541: sets server's IP address,
        !           542: .B -F
        !           543: set DHCP client's IP address, 00:2D:1C:80:ED:12 set client's  Ethernet address. 
        !           544: As a result such a sort of packet will be send in the network:
        !           545: .nf
        !           546: 
        !           547: 16:13:43.887735 00:2d:1c:80:ed:12 > ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 342: 
        !           548: (tos 0x10, ttl 64, id 29807, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 328) 
        !           549: > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 00:2d:1c:80:ed:12, 
        !           550: length 300, xid 0xb2f04a28, Flags [none]
        !           551:     Client-IP
        !           552:     Client-Ethernet-Address 00:2d:1c:80:ed:12
        !           553:     Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
        !           554:     Magic Cookie 0x63825363
        !           555:     DHCP-Message Option 53, length 1: Release
        !           556:     Server-ID Option 54, length 4:
        !           557:     Client-ID Option 61, length 7: ether 00:2d:1c:80:ed:12
        !           558: .fi
        !           559: 
        !           560: \fIScanning the network's segment\fP
        !           561: .sp
        !           562: You can use ARP-scanning of the network for searching clients who received incorrect configurational information. It is realized with a help of
        !           563: .B -S
        !           564: option:
        !           565: 
        !           566: .nf
        !           567: $ dhcdrop -i eth1 -S
        !           568: Using interface: 'eth1'
        !           569: Starting ARP-scanning for subnet
        !           570: IP address range -
        !           571: WARNING: Source IP is not set (use option -F).
        !           572: Using random value for source IP address:
        !           573: 1. Received ARP-reply from: 00:1e:2a:52:c8:ca (
        !           574: 2. Received ARP-reply from: 00:a0:c5:30:52:90 (
        !           575: Finished.
        !           576: .fi
        !           577: 
        !           578: According to the warning, which was printed by the program, when launching, the source 
        !           579: IP address wasn't set. Because of this dhcdrop chooses a random IP address from address 
        !           580: range of a stated subnet. If you need to set a source address then use
        !           581: .B -F
        !           582: option. For this kind of scanning factual settings of routing in your network aren't 
        !           583: important. Interface set by an option
        !           584: .B -i
        !           585: will always be used accepting that hosts of the 
        !           586: mentioned subnet are in the same Ethernet segment with the host where dhcdrop 
        !           587: is being launched. Also this option allows to discover duplication of IP addresses in 
        !           588: the same segment of the network even if the scanning is being done from the host 
        !           589: which IP address is being duplicated by another host.
        !           590: .SH AUTHOR
        !           591: This program was written by Roman Chebotarev <>
        !           592: .SH REPORTING BUGS
        !           593: Any bugs/remarks/suggestions/wishes concerning this program please send to 
        !           594: <>
        !           595: .SH MAN FILE
        !           596: Guidance page was made by Andrew Clark <>, 
        !           597: basing on the articles of the author of the program, 
        !           598: web page
        !           599: .SH TRANSLATION
        !           600: The translation from Russian into English was made by Anna Makhtinger <>

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