Annotation of embedaddon/dhcdrop/src/dhcdrop.h, revision

1.1       misho       1: /*
                      2:  *     Copyright (C) 2009 by Chebotarev Roman <>
                      3:  *
                      4:  *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
                      5:  *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
                      6:  *     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
                      7:  *
                      8:  *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
                      9:  *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
                     10:  *     MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
                     11:  *     GNU General Public License for more details.
                     12:  *
                     13:  *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
                     14:  *     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
                     15:  *     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
                     16:  */
                     18: #ifndef DHCDROP_H
                     19: #define DHCDROP_H
                     21: #define RELEASE_DATE        "05.08.2009"
                     22: #define PROG_NAME                      "DHCP-dropper"
                     23: #define BASE_VERSION        PROG_NAME" v0.5"
                     24: #define VERSION             BASE_VERSION
                     26: #define COPYRIGHT           VERSION" was written by Chebotarev Roman at "RELEASE_DATE"\n"
                     27: #define        HOMEPAGE                        "Home page:"
                     30: /* Function for filling configuration structure 'params' from command line arguments */
                     31: void configure(const int argc, char **argv, struct config_params * params);
                     33: /* Execute all programm actions */
                     34: int exec_action(const struct config_params * config);
                     36: /* Discover available network interfaces.
                     37:  * If 'num' not zero - return name of interface with index 'num' if success, 0 otherwise. */
                     38: char * interfaces_discover(const int num);
                     40: /* Creating and launch children for generate DHCP flood. */
                     41: void send_flood(const struct config_params * params);
                     43: /* Get ethernet address of illegal DHCP server in network.
                     44:  * Retrun: 0 if server not found, ILLEGAL_SERV_FOUND if illegal server found. Error code otherwise. */
                     45: int get_dhcp_server(const struct config_params * config,       /* Configuration parametrs. Can't be NULL */
                     46:                pcap_t * pcap_socket,                                           /* Pointer to pcap device. Can't be NULL */
                     47:                struct dhcp_packet_net_header * net_header,     /* Can't be NULL */
                     48:                struct dhcp_packet * server_response,           /* Function store DHCP response server here, */
                     49:                                                                                                        /* can't be NULL */
                     50:                uint16_t * response_length);
                     52: /* Drop DHCP server specified in 'srv_etheraddr'. Return number of address recieved. */
                     53: int drop_dhcp_server(const struct config_params * config,      /* Can't be NULL */
                     54:                pcap_t * pcap_socket,                   /* Pointer to pcap device. Can't be NULL */
                     55:                const char * srv_etheraddr);    /* Ethrenet addres of DHCP server to dropping */
                     57: /* Scanning network for search hosts with invalid  IP configuration and send
                     58:  * DHCPRELEASE for each found hosts to illegal DHCP server. Return zero if success, -1 otherwise */
                     59: int agressive_clean_leases(pcap_t * pcap_socket,       /* Pointer to pcap device. Can't be NULL */
                     60:                const struct config_params * config,            /* Can't be NULL */
                     61:                struct dhcp_packet_net_header * net_header, /* Network header from DHCP server response */
                     62:                const struct dhcp_packet * srv_resp,            /* Pointer to structure contain server DHCPOFFER response */
                     63:                uint16_t resp_len);                                                     /* Length DHCPOFFER */
                     65: /* ARP scan network on interface 'pcap_socket' in range specified by network/netmask. */
                     66: void scan_subnet(pcap_t * pcap_socket,         /* Pointer to pcap device. Can't be NULL */
                     67:                uint32_t from_ip,                               /* Source IP address. If == 0 - using random value */
                     68:                const uint8_t * from_eth,               /* Source ethernet address. */
                     69:                const uint32_t network,                 /* Destination network */
                     70:                const uint32_t netmask);                /* Network mask */
                     72: /* ARP scan network on interface 'pcap_socket' in IP range 'start_range' - 'end_range'
                     73:  * Return zero if success, error code otherwise. */
                     74: int arp_scan(pcap_t * pcap_socket,             /* Pointer to pcap device. Can't be NULL */
                     75:                const uint32_t start_range,             /* Start IP range. Host byte order! */
                     76:                const uint32_t end_range,               /* End IP range. Host byte order! */
                     77:                uint32_t from_ip,                               /* Source IP address */
                     78:                const uint8_t * from_ether);    /* Source ethernet address */
                     80: /* Return 0 if success, or error code otherwise. */
                     81: int send_arpreq(pcap_t * pcap_socket,  /* Pointer to pcap device. Can't be NULL */
                     82:                const uint32_t to_ip,                   /* Destination of ARP request */
                     83:                const uint32_t from_ip,                 /* Source IP address */
                     84:                const uint8_t * from_ether);    /* Source ethernet address */
                     86: /* Waiting ARP responses on interface 'pcap_socket' */
                     87: int get_arpresps(pcap_t * pcap_socket, /* Pointer to pcap device. Can't be NULL */
                     88:                int timeout);                                   /* Timeout in seconds */
                     90: #ifdef  _WIN32
                     91: /* Keyboard interrupt handler */
                     92: BOOL WINAPI int_sign(DWORD signal);
                     94: /* Generate DHCP flood - one thread. Windows version. */
                     95: unsigned __stdcall start_flood( void* arg );
                     97: #else
                     98: /* Keyboard interrupt handler */
                     99: int int_sign(int32_t signal);
                    100: /* Generate DHCP flood - one child. UNIX-like version. */
                    101: int start_flood( void* arg );
                    102: #endif
                    104: /* Create new child process (for UNIX) or new thread (for Windows) for generate DHCP flood. */
                    105: void new_child(const struct flood_params * p, const int child_num);
                    107: /* Wait unless all child DHCP flood processes (in UNIX)/ threads (in Windows) finished. */
                    108: void wait_children(const struct flood_params * p);
                    110: /* Make filter expression for pcap_setfilter() function for discover
                    111:  * DHCP servers in network. Return 0 if success, or error code otherwise. */
                    112: int make_serverdiscover_filter(char * out_filter, const int max_filter_len,
                    113:                const struct config_params * config, const char * src_etheraddr);
                    115: /* Make filter expression for pcap_setfilter() function for ARP scanning
                    116:  * network. Return 0 if success, or error code otherwise. */
                    117: int make_arp_filter(char * out_filter, const int max_filter_len, const char * src_etheraddr);
                    119: /* Make filter expression for pcap_setfilter() function to drop
                    120:  * DHCP servers specified in 'server_ethaddr'. Using client Ethernet address
                    121:  * specified in 'src_etheraddr'. Return 0 if success, or error code otherwise. */
                    122: int make_serverdrop_filter(char * out_filter, const int max_filter_len,
                    123:                const struct config_params * config,
                    124:                const char * src_etheraddr, const char * server_ethaddr);
                    126: /* Set filter specified in 'filter_expression' to interface 'pcap_socket'.
                    127:  * Return 0 if success, or error code otherwise. */
                    128: int set_pcap_filter(pcap_t * pcap_socket, char * filter_expression);
                    130: /* Create and send DHCPDISCOVER from pseudo-client 'ether_src'.
                    131:  * Return 0 if success, or error code otherwise. */
                    132: int send_dhcp_discover(pcap_t * pcap_socket,   /* Can't be NULL */
                    133:                const struct config_params * config,    /* Can't be NULL */
                    134:                uint8_t * ether_src,                                    /* May be NULL */
                    135:                const uint32_t xid);
                    137: /* Create and send DHCPDISCOVER from pseudo-client 'ether_src' to DHCP server.
                    138:  * Return 0 if success, or error code otherwise. */
                    139: int send_dhcp_request(pcap_t * pcap_socket, const struct config_params * config,
                    140:        uint8_t * src_ether,    /* Pseudo-client source ethernet address. Can't be NULL */
                    141:     const uint32_t server_ip_address,  /* DHCP server IP address. Can't be NULL */
                    142:     const uint32_t req_ip_addr,                        /* Required client IP address. Can't be NULL */
                    143:     const int32_t xid);                                                        /* DHCP transcaction XID */
                    145: int send_dhcp_release(pcap_t * pcap_socket, const struct config_params * config,
                    146:        const uint8_t * src_ether,      /* Pseudo-client source ethernet address. Can't be NULL */
                    147:     const uint32_t server_ip_address,  /* DHCP server IP address. Can't be NULL */
                    148:     const uint32_t cl_ip_addr,                 /* Released client IP address. Can't be NULL */
                    149:     const int32_t xid
                    150: );
                    152: /* Waiting DHCP response of type specified in 'resp_type' from server.
                    153:  * Return: -1 if timeout; 0 if DHCP server responded or error code otherwise. */
                    154: int get_dhcp_response(pcap_t * pcap_socket,                    /* Can't be NULL */
                    155:                const int timeout, const uint8_t resp_type,     /* Timeout in seconds */
                    156:                const uint32_t xid,                                             /* DHCP transcaction XID */
                    157:                struct dhcp_packet_net_header * net_header,             /* Function store network header (Ethernet, IP, UDP)
                    158:                                                                                                                here. Can't be NULL */
                    159:                struct dhcp_packet * response,                          /* Function store DHCP response here. Can't be NULL */
                    160:                int * dhcp_data_len);                                           /* Function store DHCP data length here. Can't be NULL*/
                    162: /* Function that implements a list of legal DHCP server list. */
                    163: struct ignored_mac_node * ignor_servers_list(
                    164:                enum list_operations operation, /* Operation type. See enum 'list_operations'
                    165:                                                                                        in dhcdrop_types.h */
                    166:                char * ether_addr);                                     /* Ethernet address of DHCP server */
                    168: /* Function that implements a list of legal IP networks on interface */
                    169: uint32_t legal_nets_list(enum list_operations operation, /* Operation type. See enum 'list_operations'
                    170:                                                                                                                        in dhcdrop_types.h */
                    171:                const uint32_t * value);                                                /* Network IP address */
                    172: /* Function that implements a list of hosts */
                    173: int    hosts_list(enum list_operations operation,  /* Operation type. See enum 'list_operations'
                    174:                                                                                                                        in dhcdrop_types.h */
                    175:                uint32_t ip_addr,                                               /* Host IP address */
                    176:                uint8_t * ether_addr);                                  /* Host ethernet address */
                    178: /* Executed on programm finished. */
                    179: void cleanup(void);
                    181: /* Misc functions */
                    183: /* Decode and print DHCP message. Return DHCP message type is success, 0 otherwise. */
                    184: int decode_dhcp(const struct dhcp_packet * packet, const uint16_t dhcp_data_len);
                    186: /* Print usage message. Print help message if 'help' != 0 */
                    187: void usage(const char help);
                    189: /* Convert network mask to CIDR notation */
                    190: uint32_t to_cidr(uint32_t mask);
                    192: /* Convert a numeric IP address to a string */
                    193: char *iptos(const uint32_t in);
                    195: /* Print information about network interface */
                    196: void ifprint(const pcap_if_t *dev);
                    198: /* Convert ethernet address specified in 'str_addr' to binary format and store to 'bin_addr'.
                    199:  * Return >0 if success. */
                    200: int etheraddr_str_to_bin(const char * str_addr, uint8_t * bin_addr);
                    202: /* Convert ethernet address specified in 'bin_addr' to string format and store to 'str_addr'.
                    203:  * Return >0 if success. */
                    204: inline int etheraddr_bin_to_str(const uint8_t * bin_addr, char * str_addr);
                    206: /* Replase all '-' symbols in string 'str_ether' to ':' */
                    207: inline void replace_semicolons(char * str_ether);
                    209: /* Print ethernet address as hex-digits string */
                    210: inline void print_ether(const uint8_t * ether_addr);
                    212: /* Create random ethernet address and store to string 'str_mac_addr' */
                    213: inline void rand_ether_addr(char * str_mac_addr);
                    215: #endif /* ifdef DHCDROP_H*/

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