/* * net_functios.c * * Created on: 30.07.2009 * Copyright (C) 2009 by Chebotarev Roman * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "common_includes.h" #include "dhcp.h" #include "dhcdrop_types.h" #include "net_functions.h" int is_timeout; uint16_t rs_crc(const unsigned short *buffer, int length) { uint32_t crc = 0; /* Calculate CRC */ while (length > 1) { crc += *buffer++; length -= sizeof (unsigned short); } if (length) crc += *(unsigned char*) buffer; crc = (crc >> 16) + (crc & 0xFFFF); crc += (crc >> 16); return (uint16_t)(~crc); } void assemble_net_header_arp(struct arp_packet_net_header * net_header, const uint8_t * ether_src, uint16_t op_code) { /* Fill ethernet header */ memcpy(net_header->eth_head.ether_shost, ether_src, sizeof(net_header->eth_head.ether_shost)); memset(net_header->eth_head.ether_dhost, 0xFF, sizeof(net_header->eth_head.ether_dhost)); net_header->eth_head.ether_type = htons(ETHERTYPE_ARP); /* Fill ARP header */ net_header->arp_head.arp_hwtype = htons(1); /* Ethernet */ net_header->arp_head.arp_proto = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP); net_header->arp_head.arp_hwlen = ETH_ALEN; net_header->arp_head.arp_palen = IPV4_ALEN; net_header->arp_head.arp_oper = op_code; } void assemble_net_header_dhcp ( struct dhcp_packet_net_header * header, const int data_len, const struct config_params * params, const uint8_t * ether_src, const uint32_t dst_ip, const uint32_t src_ip ) { /* Fill ethernet header */ memcpy(header->eth_head.ether_shost, ether_src, sizeof(header->eth_head.ether_shost)); memset(header->eth_head.ether_dhost, 0xFF, sizeof(header->eth_head.ether_dhost)); header->eth_head.ether_type = htons(ETHERTYPE_IP); /* Fill IP header */ bzero(&header->ip_header, sizeof(struct iphdr)); header->ip_header.ihl = IP_HDR_LEN; header->ip_header.version = 4; header->ip_header.tos = 0x10; header->ip_header.tot_len = htons(B_IP_HDR_LEN + sizeof(struct udphdr) + data_len); header->ip_header.id = (uint16_t) rand(); header->ip_header.frag_off = 0; header->ip_header.ttl = DEF_TTL; header->ip_header.protocol = IPPROTO_UDP; header->ip_header.check = 0; header->ip_header.saddr = src_ip; if(dst_ip) header->ip_header.daddr = dst_ip; else memset(&header->ip_header.daddr, 0xFF, sizeof(uint32_t)); /*Set dst IP =*/ header->ip_header.check = rs_crc((unsigned short*)&header->ip_header, sizeof(struct iphdr)); header->udp_header.source = htons(params->client_port); header->udp_header.dest = htons(params->server_port); header->udp_header.len = htons(sizeof(struct udphdr) + data_len); header->udp_header.check = 0; /* Don't use because CRC for UDP - optional parametr */ return; } int send_packet(pcap_t* descr, enum packet_types packet_type, const uint8_t *snd_data, const int data_len, const struct config_params * config, const uint8_t * ether_src, const uint32_t dst_ip) { int header_size = 0; static unsigned char pack_buf[DHCP_MTU_MAX]; bzero(pack_buf, sizeof(pack_buf)); /* Create net-header */ switch(packet_type) { case dhcp_packet: if(!config) return 0; assemble_net_header_dhcp((struct dhcp_packet_net_header *)pack_buf, data_len, config, ether_src, dst_ip, 0);//((struct dhcp_packet *) snd_data)->ciaddr.s_addr); header_size = sizeof(struct dhcp_packet_net_header); break; case arp_packet: assemble_net_header_arp((struct arp_packet_net_header *) pack_buf, ether_src, ARP_OP_REQ); header_size = sizeof(struct arp_packet_net_header); break; default: printf("send_packet(): unknown type of packet.\n"); return 0; } /* Copy user data to send buffer */ memcpy(pack_buf + header_size, snd_data, data_len); if(pcap_inject(descr, pack_buf, header_size + data_len) == -1) { pcap_perror(descr, "pcap_inject"); return 0; } return 1; } void packet_handler(u_char *out_packet, const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, const u_char *packet) { if(h->len > DHCP_MTU_MAX) { printf("Received too long packet: %d. Can't dispatch!\n", h->len); return; } memcpy(out_packet, (u_char*)packet, h->len); return; } int get_packet(pcap_t * descr, u_char * ether_packet, const int wait_seconds) { int ret = 0; uint32_t t; if(wait_seconds > 0) { is_timeout = 0; t = timer_start(wait_seconds, timeout); } else is_timeout = 1; while(1) { if(wait_seconds) usleep(CAP_TIMEOUT); /* Waiting 100 microseconds for avoid CPU overload */ ret = pcap_dispatch(descr, 1, packet_handler, (u_char*)ether_packet); if(ret < 0) { perror("pcap_dispatch"); return -1; } if(is_timeout || ret) { timer_stop(t); break; } } return ret; } #ifdef _WIN32 void CALLBACK timeout(UINT uTimerID, UINT uMsg, DWORD_PTR dwUser, DWORD_PTR dw1, DWORD_PTR dw2) #else void timeout(int signal) #endif { is_timeout = 1; } /* Opening and testing device */ pcap_t * get_device(const struct config_params * params) { char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; pcap_t * pcap_socket = pcap_open_live(params->if_name, DHCP_MTU_MAX, 1, PCAP_OPEN_LIVE_TIMEOUT, errbuf); if(pcap_socket == NULL) { printf("Opening device error! %s\n",errbuf); exit(ERR_OPENDEV); } if(pcap_datalink(pcap_socket) != DLT_EN10MB) { printf("Can't work on this link layer type! Exit.\n"); exit(ERR_INVALID_DEV); } #ifdef __linux__ /* Set nonblock mode for processing DHCP timeouts */ if(pcap_setnonblock(pcap_socket, 1, errbuf) == -1) { printf("pcap_setnoblock error: '%s'\n", errbuf); pcap_close(pcap_socket); exit(ERR_SETNOBLOCK); } #endif return pcap_socket; }