Annotation of embedaddon/dhcp/contrib/3.0b1-lease-convert, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: #!/usr/bin/perl
! 2: #
! 3: # Start Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 14:24:09 +0200
! 4: # Time-stamp: <Monday, 26 March 2001 16:09:44 by brister>
! 5: # File:
! 6: # RCSId: $Id: 3.0b1-lease-convert,v 1.1 2001-04-18 19:17:34 mellon Exp $
! 7: #
! 8: # Description: Convert 3.0b1 to 3.0b2/final lease file format
! 9: #
! 10:
! 11: require 5.004;
! 12:
! 13: my $rcsID =<<'EOM';
! 14: $Id: 3.0b1-lease-convert,v 1.1 2001-04-18 19:17:34 mellon Exp $
! 15: EOM
! 16:
! 17: use strict;
! 18:
! 19: my $revstatement =<<'EOS';
! 20: switch (ns-update (delete (1, 12, ddns-rev-name, null))) {
! 21: case 0:
! 22: unset ddns-rev-name;
! 23: break;
! 24: }
! 25: EOS
! 26:
! 27: my $fwdstatement =<<'EOS';
! 28: switch (ns-update (delete (1, 1, ddns-fwd-name, leased-address))) {
! 29: case 0:
! 30: unset ddns-fwd-name;
! 31: break;
! 32: }
! 33: EOS
! 34:
! 35:
! 36: if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ m!^-!) {
! 37: usage();
! 38: }
! 39:
! 40:
! 41:
! 42: # read stdin and write stdout.
! 43: while (<>) {
! 44: if (! /^lease\s/) {
! 45: print;
! 46: } else {
! 47: my $lease = $_;
! 48: while (<>) {
! 49: $lease .= $_;
! 50: # in a b1 file we should only see a left curly brace on a lease
! 51: # lines. Seening it anywhere else means the user is probably
! 52: # running a b2 or later file through this.
! 53: # Ditto for a 'set' statement.
! 54: if (m!\{! || m!^\s*set\s!) {
! 55: warn "this doesn't look like a 3.0b1 file. Ignoring rest.\n";
! 56: print $lease;
! 57: dumpRestAndExit();
! 58: }
! 59:
! 60: last if m!^\}\s*$!;
! 61: }
! 62:
! 63: # $lease contains all the lines for the lease entry.
! 64: $lease = makeNewLease($lease);
! 65: print $lease;
! 66: }
! 67: }
! 68:
! 69:
! 70:
! 71: sub usage {
! 72: my $prog = $0;
! 73: $prog =~ s!.*/!!;
! 74:
! 75: print STDERR <<EOM;
! 76: usage: $prog [ file ]
! 77:
! 78: Reads from the lease file listed on the command line (or stdin if not filename
! 79: given) and writes to stdout. Converts a 3.0b1-style leases file to a 3.0b2
! 80: style (for ad-hoc ddns updates).
! 81: EOM
! 82:
! 83: exit (0);
! 84: }
! 85:
! 86:
! 87:
! 88: # takes a string that's the lines of a lease entry and converts it, if
! 89: # necessary to a b2 style lease entry. Returns the new lease in printable form.
! 90: sub makeNewLease {
! 91: my ($lease) = @_;
! 92:
! 93: my $convertedfwd;
! 94: my $convertedrev;
! 95: my $newlease = "";
! 96: foreach (split "\n", $lease) {
! 97: if (m!^(\s+)(ddns-fwd-name|ddns-rev-name)\s+(\"[^\"]+\"\s*;)!) {
! 98: $newlease .= $1 . "set " . $2 . " = " . $3 . "\n";
! 99:
! 100: # If there's one of them, then it will always be the -fwd-. There
! 101: # may not always be a -rev-.
! 102: $convertedfwd++;
! 103: $convertedrev++ if ($2 eq "ddns-rev-name");
! 104: } elsif (m!^\s*\}!) {
! 105: if ($convertedfwd) {
! 106: $newlease .= "\ton expiry or release {\n";
! 107: $newlease .= $revstatement if $convertedrev;
! 108: $newlease .= $fwdstatement;
! 109: $newlease .= "\t on expiry or release;\n\t}\n";
! 110: }
! 111: $newlease .= "}\n";
! 112: } else {
! 113: $newlease .= $_ . "\n";
! 114: }
! 115: }
! 116:
! 117: return $newlease;
! 118: }
! 119:
! 120:
! 121: sub dumpRestAndExit {
! 122: while (<>) {
! 123: print;
! 124: }
! 125: exit (0);
! 126: }
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