Annotation of embedaddon/dhcp/contrib/ms2isc/readme.txt, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: Copyright: please read the top of the source code.
! 2:
! 3: Usage:
! 4: Objective: please read the help screen by executing the program without any
! 5: parameter.
! 6:
! 7: Revision:
! 8: SMC: Shu-Min Chang
! 9:
! 10: Who When What
! 11: --- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------
! 12: SMC 021107 Initial release Version 1.0 to ISC DHCP repository
! 13: SMC 030129 Fixed inclusion range calculation by sorting exclusion before
! 14: passing to FindInclusionRanges
! 15: SMC 030228 release 1.0.1 to ISC DHCP repository
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