Introduction ------------ That is only a brief overview of tests in ISC DHCP. For more thorough description, see ISC DHCP Developer's Guide. You can generate it, by having Doxygen installed and doing: cd doc make devel and then opening doc/html/index.html Tests Overview -------------- In DHCP, a unit test exercises a particular piece of code in isolation. There is a separate unit test per module or API. Each unit test lives in a directory beneath the code it is designed to exercise. So, we (will eventually) have: server/tests/ client/tests/ common/tests/ dhcpctl/tests/ And so on. We are using ATF (Automated Test Framework) as a framework to run our unittests. See ISC DHCP Developer's Guide for much more thorough description of unit-test and ATF framework in general. Running Unit Tests ------------------ In order to run the unit tests for DHCP, enable ATF support during configure: $ ./configure --with-atf And then use: $ make check This will run all of the unit tests. Make sure that ATF is actually installed and that you have atf-run and atf-report tool in your PATH. You can run a single test by going to the appropriate test directory and invoking the test directly: $ cd server/tests $ atf-run | atf-report There are also a number of options that you can use when running a test. See atf-run and atf-report documentation. Adding a New Unit Test ---------------------- See ISC DHCP Developer's Guide. Adding a New Unit Test Program ------------------------------ See ISC DHCP Developer's Guide.