/* dnsmasq is Copyright (c) 2000-2016 Simon Kelley This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991, or (at your option) version 3 dated 29 June, 2007. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "dnsmasq.h" static struct crec *cache_head = NULL, *cache_tail = NULL, **hash_table = NULL; #ifdef HAVE_DHCP static struct crec *dhcp_spare = NULL; #endif static struct crec *new_chain = NULL; static int cache_inserted = 0, cache_live_freed = 0, insert_error; static union bigname *big_free = NULL; static int bignames_left, hash_size; /* type->string mapping: this is also used by the name-hash function as a mixing table. */ static const struct { unsigned int type; const char * const name; } typestr[] = { { 1, "A" }, { 2, "NS" }, { 5, "CNAME" }, { 6, "SOA" }, { 10, "NULL" }, { 11, "WKS" }, { 12, "PTR" }, { 13, "HINFO" }, { 15, "MX" }, { 16, "TXT" }, { 22, "NSAP" }, { 23, "NSAP_PTR" }, { 24, "SIG" }, { 25, "KEY" }, { 28, "AAAA" }, { 33, "SRV" }, { 35, "NAPTR" }, { 36, "KX" }, { 37, "CERT" }, { 38, "A6" }, { 39, "DNAME" }, { 41, "OPT" }, { 43, "DS" }, { 46, "RRSIG" }, { 47, "NSEC" }, { 48, "DNSKEY" }, { 50, "NSEC3" }, { 249, "TKEY" }, { 250, "TSIG" }, { 251, "IXFR" }, { 252, "AXFR" }, { 253, "MAILB" }, { 254, "MAILA" }, { 255, "ANY" } }; static void cache_free(struct crec *crecp); static void cache_unlink(struct crec *crecp); static void cache_link(struct crec *crecp); static void rehash(int size); static void cache_hash(struct crec *crecp); static unsigned int next_uid(void) { static unsigned int uid = 0; uid++; /* uid == 0 used to indicate CNAME to interface name. */ if (uid == SRC_INTERFACE) uid++; return uid; } void cache_init(void) { struct crec *crecp; int i; bignames_left = daemon->cachesize/10; if (daemon->cachesize > 0) { crecp = safe_malloc(daemon->cachesize*sizeof(struct crec)); for (i=0; i < daemon->cachesize; i++, crecp++) { cache_link(crecp); crecp->flags = 0; crecp->uid = next_uid(); } } /* create initial hash table*/ rehash(daemon->cachesize); } /* In most cases, we create the hash table once here by calling this with (hash_table == NULL) but if the hosts file(s) are big (some people have 50000 ad-block entries), the table will be much too small, so the hosts reading code calls rehash every 1000 addresses, to expand the table. */ static void rehash(int size) { struct crec **new, **old, *p, *tmp; int i, new_size, old_size; /* hash_size is a power of two. */ for (new_size = 64; new_size < size/10; new_size = new_size << 1); /* must succeed in getting first instance, failure later is non-fatal */ if (!hash_table) new = safe_malloc(new_size * sizeof(struct crec *)); else if (new_size <= hash_size || !(new = whine_malloc(new_size * sizeof(struct crec *)))) return; for(i = 0; i < new_size; i++) new[i] = NULL; old = hash_table; old_size = hash_size; hash_table = new; hash_size = new_size; if (old) { for (i = 0; i < old_size; i++) for (p = old[i]; p ; p = tmp) { tmp = p->hash_next; cache_hash(p); } free(old); } } static struct crec **hash_bucket(char *name) { unsigned int c, val = 017465; /* Barker code - minimum self-correlation in cyclic shift */ const unsigned char *mix_tab = (const unsigned char*)typestr; while((c = (unsigned char) *name++)) { /* don't use tolower and friends here - they may be messed up by LOCALE */ if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c += 'a' - 'A'; val = ((val << 7) | (val >> (32 - 7))) + (mix_tab[(val + c) & 0x3F] ^ c); } /* hash_size is a power of two */ return hash_table + ((val ^ (val >> 16)) & (hash_size - 1)); } static void cache_hash(struct crec *crecp) { /* maintain an invariant that all entries with F_REVERSE set are at the start of the hash-chain and all non-reverse immortal entries are at the end of the hash-chain. This allows reverse searches and garbage collection to be optimised */ struct crec **up = hash_bucket(cache_get_name(crecp)); if (!(crecp->flags & F_REVERSE)) { while (*up && ((*up)->flags & F_REVERSE)) up = &((*up)->hash_next); if (crecp->flags & F_IMMORTAL) while (*up && !((*up)->flags & F_IMMORTAL)) up = &((*up)->hash_next); } crecp->hash_next = *up; *up = crecp; } #ifdef HAVE_DNSSEC static void cache_blockdata_free(struct crec *crecp) { if (crecp->flags & F_DNSKEY) blockdata_free(crecp->addr.key.keydata); else if ((crecp->flags & F_DS) && !(crecp->flags & F_NEG)) blockdata_free(crecp->addr.ds.keydata); } #endif static void cache_free(struct crec *crecp) { crecp->flags &= ~F_FORWARD; crecp->flags &= ~F_REVERSE; crecp->uid = next_uid(); /* invalidate CNAMES pointing to this. */ if (cache_tail) cache_tail->next = crecp; else cache_head = crecp; crecp->prev = cache_tail; crecp->next = NULL; cache_tail = crecp; /* retrieve big name for further use. */ if (crecp->flags & F_BIGNAME) { crecp->name.bname->next = big_free; big_free = crecp->name.bname; crecp->flags &= ~F_BIGNAME; } #ifdef HAVE_DNSSEC cache_blockdata_free(crecp); #endif } /* insert a new cache entry at the head of the list (youngest entry) */ static void cache_link(struct crec *crecp) { if (cache_head) /* check needed for init code */ cache_head->prev = crecp; crecp->next = cache_head; crecp->prev = NULL; cache_head = crecp; if (!cache_tail) cache_tail = crecp; } /* remove an arbitrary cache entry for promotion */ static void cache_unlink (struct crec *crecp) { if (crecp->prev) crecp->prev->next = crecp->next; else cache_head = crecp->next; if (crecp->next) crecp->next->prev = crecp->prev; else cache_tail = crecp->prev; } char *cache_get_name(struct crec *crecp) { if (crecp->flags & F_BIGNAME) return crecp->name.bname->name; else if (crecp->flags & F_NAMEP) return crecp->name.namep; return crecp->name.sname; } char *cache_get_cname_target(struct crec *crecp) { if (crecp->addr.cname.uid != SRC_INTERFACE) return cache_get_name(crecp->addr.cname.target.cache); return crecp->addr.cname.target.int_name->name; } struct crec *cache_enumerate(int init) { static int bucket; static struct crec *cache; if (init) { bucket = 0; cache = NULL; } else if (cache && cache->hash_next) cache = cache->hash_next; else { cache = NULL; while (bucket < hash_size) if ((cache = hash_table[bucket++])) break; } return cache; } static int is_outdated_cname_pointer(struct crec *crecp) { if (!(crecp->flags & F_CNAME) || crecp->addr.cname.uid == SRC_INTERFACE) return 0; /* NB. record may be reused as DS or DNSKEY, where uid is overloaded for something completely different */ if (crecp->addr.cname.target.cache && (crecp->addr.cname.target.cache->flags & (F_IPV4 | F_IPV6 | F_CNAME)) && crecp->addr.cname.uid == crecp->addr.cname.target.cache->uid) return 0; return 1; } static int is_expired(time_t now, struct crec *crecp) { if (crecp->flags & F_IMMORTAL) return 0; if (difftime(now, crecp->ttd) < 0) return 0; return 1; } static struct crec *cache_scan_free(char *name, struct all_addr *addr, time_t now, unsigned short flags) { /* Scan and remove old entries. If (flags & F_FORWARD) then remove any forward entries for name and any expired entries but only in the same hash bucket as name. If (flags & F_REVERSE) then remove any reverse entries for addr and any expired entries in the whole cache. If (flags == 0) remove any expired entries in the whole cache. In the flags & F_FORWARD case, the return code is valid, and returns a non-NULL pointer to a cache entry if the name exists in the cache as a HOSTS or DHCP entry (these are never deleted) We take advantage of the fact that hash chains have stuff in the order ,, so that when we hit an entry which isn't reverse and is immortal, we're done. */ struct crec *crecp, **up; if (flags & F_FORWARD) { for (up = hash_bucket(name), crecp = *up; crecp; crecp = crecp->hash_next) { if (is_expired(now, crecp) || is_outdated_cname_pointer(crecp)) { *up = crecp->hash_next; if (!(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP | F_CONFIG))) { cache_unlink(crecp); cache_free(crecp); } continue; } if ((crecp->flags & F_FORWARD) && hostname_isequal(cache_get_name(crecp), name)) { /* Don't delete DNSSEC in favour of a CNAME, they can co-exist */ if ((flags & crecp->flags & (F_IPV4 | F_IPV6)) || (((crecp->flags | flags) & F_CNAME) && !(crecp->flags & (F_DNSKEY | F_DS)))) { if (crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP | F_CONFIG)) return crecp; *up = crecp->hash_next; cache_unlink(crecp); cache_free(crecp); continue; } #ifdef HAVE_DNSSEC /* Deletion has to be class-sensitive for DS and DNSKEY */ if ((flags & crecp->flags & (F_DNSKEY | F_DS)) && crecp->uid == addr->addr.dnssec.class) { if (crecp->flags & F_CONFIG) return crecp; *up = crecp->hash_next; cache_unlink(crecp); cache_free(crecp); continue; } #endif } up = &crecp->hash_next; } } else { int i; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 int addrlen = (flags & F_IPV6) ? IN6ADDRSZ : INADDRSZ; #else int addrlen = INADDRSZ; #endif for (i = 0; i < hash_size; i++) for (crecp = hash_table[i], up = &hash_table[i]; crecp && ((crecp->flags & F_REVERSE) || !(crecp->flags & F_IMMORTAL)); crecp = crecp->hash_next) if (is_expired(now, crecp)) { *up = crecp->hash_next; if (!(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP | F_CONFIG))) { cache_unlink(crecp); cache_free(crecp); } } else if (!(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP | F_CONFIG)) && (flags & crecp->flags & F_REVERSE) && (flags & crecp->flags & (F_IPV4 | F_IPV6)) && memcmp(&crecp->addr.addr, addr, addrlen) == 0) { *up = crecp->hash_next; cache_unlink(crecp); cache_free(crecp); } else up = &crecp->hash_next; } return NULL; } /* Note: The normal calling sequence is cache_start_insert cache_insert * n cache_end_insert but an abort can cause the cache_end_insert to be missed in which can the next cache_start_insert cleans things up. */ void cache_start_insert(void) { /* Free any entries which didn't get committed during the last insert due to error. */ while (new_chain) { struct crec *tmp = new_chain->next; cache_free(new_chain); new_chain = tmp; } new_chain = NULL; insert_error = 0; } struct crec *cache_insert(char *name, struct all_addr *addr, time_t now, unsigned long ttl, unsigned short flags) { struct crec *new; union bigname *big_name = NULL; int freed_all = flags & F_REVERSE; int free_avail = 0; /* Don't log DNSSEC records here, done elsewhere */ if (flags & (F_IPV4 | F_IPV6 | F_CNAME)) { log_query(flags | F_UPSTREAM, name, addr, NULL); /* Don't mess with TTL for DNSSEC records. */ if (daemon->max_cache_ttl != 0 && daemon->max_cache_ttl < ttl) ttl = daemon->max_cache_ttl; if (daemon->min_cache_ttl != 0 && daemon->min_cache_ttl > ttl) ttl = daemon->min_cache_ttl; } /* if previous insertion failed give up now. */ if (insert_error) return NULL; /* First remove any expired entries and entries for the name/address we are currently inserting. */ if ((new = cache_scan_free(name, addr, now, flags))) { /* We're trying to insert a record over one from /etc/hosts or DHCP, or other config. If the existing record is for an A or AAAA and the record we're trying to insert is the same, just drop the insert, but don't error the whole process. */ if ((flags & (F_IPV4 | F_IPV6)) && (flags & F_FORWARD) && addr) { if ((flags & F_IPV4) && (new->flags & F_IPV4) && new->addr.addr.addr.addr4.s_addr == addr->addr.addr4.s_addr) return new; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if ((flags & F_IPV6) && (new->flags & F_IPV6) && IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&new->addr.addr.addr.addr6, &addr->addr.addr6)) return new; #endif } insert_error = 1; return NULL; } /* Now get a cache entry from the end of the LRU list */ while (1) { if (!(new = cache_tail)) /* no entries left - cache is too small, bail */ { insert_error = 1; return NULL; } /* End of LRU list is still in use: if we didn't scan all the hash chains for expired entries do that now. If we already tried that then it's time to start spilling things. */ if (new->flags & (F_FORWARD | F_REVERSE)) { /* If free_avail set, we believe that an entry has been freed. Bugs have been known to make this not true, resulting in a tight loop here. If that happens, abandon the insert. Once in this state, all inserts will probably fail. */ if (free_avail) { static int warned = 0; if (!warned) { my_syslog(LOG_ERR, _("Internal error in cache.")); warned = 1; } insert_error = 1; return NULL; } if (freed_all) { struct all_addr free_addr = new->addr.addr;; #ifdef HAVE_DNSSEC /* For DNSSEC records, addr holds class. */ if (new->flags & (F_DS | F_DNSKEY)) free_addr.addr.dnssec.class = new->uid; #endif free_avail = 1; /* Must be free space now. */ cache_scan_free(cache_get_name(new), &free_addr, now, new->flags); cache_live_freed++; } else { cache_scan_free(NULL, NULL, now, 0); freed_all = 1; } continue; } /* Check if we need to and can allocate extra memory for a long name. If that fails, give up now, always succeed for DNSSEC records. */ if (name && (strlen(name) > SMALLDNAME-1)) { if (big_free) { big_name = big_free; big_free = big_free->next; } else if ((bignames_left == 0 && !(flags & (F_DS | F_DNSKEY))) || !(big_name = (union bigname *)whine_malloc(sizeof(union bigname)))) { insert_error = 1; return NULL; } else if (bignames_left != 0) bignames_left--; } /* Got the rest: finally grab entry. */ cache_unlink(new); break; } new->flags = flags; if (big_name) { new->name.bname = big_name; new->flags |= F_BIGNAME; } if (name) strcpy(cache_get_name(new), name); else *cache_get_name(new) = 0; if (addr) { #ifdef HAVE_DNSSEC if (flags & (F_DS | F_DNSKEY)) new->uid = addr->addr.dnssec.class; else #endif new->addr.addr = *addr; } new->ttd = now + (time_t)ttl; new->next = new_chain; new_chain = new; return new; } /* after end of insertion, commit the new entries */ void cache_end_insert(void) { if (insert_error) return; while (new_chain) { struct crec *tmp = new_chain->next; /* drop CNAMEs which didn't find a target. */ if (is_outdated_cname_pointer(new_chain)) cache_free(new_chain); else { cache_hash(new_chain); cache_link(new_chain); cache_inserted++; } new_chain = tmp; } new_chain = NULL; } struct crec *cache_find_by_name(struct crec *crecp, char *name, time_t now, unsigned int prot) { struct crec *ans; int no_rr = prot & F_NO_RR; prot &= ~F_NO_RR; if (crecp) /* iterating */ ans = crecp->next; else { /* first search, look for relevant entries and push to top of list also free anything which has expired */ struct crec *next, **up, **insert = NULL, **chainp = &ans; unsigned short ins_flags = 0; for (up = hash_bucket(name), crecp = *up; crecp; crecp = next) { next = crecp->hash_next; if (!is_expired(now, crecp) && !is_outdated_cname_pointer(crecp)) { if ((crecp->flags & F_FORWARD) && (crecp->flags & prot) && hostname_isequal(cache_get_name(crecp), name)) { if (crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP | F_CONFIG)) { *chainp = crecp; chainp = &crecp->next; } else { cache_unlink(crecp); cache_link(crecp); } /* Move all but the first entry up the hash chain this implements round-robin. Make sure that re-ordering doesn't break the hash-chain order invariants. */ if (insert && (crecp->flags & (F_REVERSE | F_IMMORTAL)) == ins_flags) { *up = crecp->hash_next; crecp->hash_next = *insert; *insert = crecp; insert = &crecp->hash_next; } else { if (!insert && !no_rr) { insert = up; ins_flags = crecp->flags & (F_REVERSE | F_IMMORTAL); } up = &crecp->hash_next; } } else /* case : not expired, incorrect entry. */ up = &crecp->hash_next; } else { /* expired entry, free it */ *up = crecp->hash_next; if (!(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP | F_CONFIG))) { cache_unlink(crecp); cache_free(crecp); } } } *chainp = cache_head; } if (ans && (ans->flags & F_FORWARD) && (ans->flags & prot) && hostname_isequal(cache_get_name(ans), name)) return ans; return NULL; } struct crec *cache_find_by_addr(struct crec *crecp, struct all_addr *addr, time_t now, unsigned int prot) { struct crec *ans; #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 int addrlen = (prot == F_IPV6) ? IN6ADDRSZ : INADDRSZ; #else int addrlen = INADDRSZ; #endif if (crecp) /* iterating */ ans = crecp->next; else { /* first search, look for relevant entries and push to top of list also free anything which has expired. All the reverse entries are at the start of the hash chain, so we can give up when we find the first non-REVERSE one. */ int i; struct crec **up, **chainp = &ans; for (i=0; iflags & F_REVERSE); crecp = crecp->hash_next) if (!is_expired(now, crecp)) { if ((crecp->flags & prot) && memcmp(&crecp->addr.addr, addr, addrlen) == 0) { if (crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP | F_CONFIG)) { *chainp = crecp; chainp = &crecp->next; } else { cache_unlink(crecp); cache_link(crecp); } } up = &crecp->hash_next; } else { *up = crecp->hash_next; if (!(crecp->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_DHCP | F_CONFIG))) { cache_unlink(crecp); cache_free(crecp); } } *chainp = cache_head; } if (ans && (ans->flags & F_REVERSE) && (ans->flags & prot) && memcmp(&ans->addr.addr, addr, addrlen) == 0) return ans; return NULL; } static void add_hosts_cname(struct crec *target) { struct crec *crec; struct cname *a; for (a = daemon->cnames; a; a = a->next) if (hostname_isequal(cache_get_name(target), a->target) && (crec = whine_malloc(sizeof(struct crec)))) { crec->flags = F_FORWARD | F_IMMORTAL | F_NAMEP | F_CONFIG | F_CNAME; crec->ttd = a->ttl; crec->name.namep = a->alias; crec->addr.cname.target.cache = target; crec->addr.cname.uid = target->uid; crec->uid = next_uid(); cache_hash(crec); add_hosts_cname(crec); /* handle chains */ } } static void add_hosts_entry(struct crec *cache, struct all_addr *addr, int addrlen, unsigned int index, struct crec **rhash, int hashsz) { struct crec *lookup = cache_find_by_name(NULL, cache_get_name(cache), 0, cache->flags & (F_IPV4 | F_IPV6)); int i, nameexists = 0; unsigned int j; /* Remove duplicates in hosts files. */ if (lookup && (lookup->flags & F_HOSTS)) { nameexists = 1; if (memcmp(&lookup->addr.addr, addr, addrlen) == 0) { free(cache); return; } } /* Ensure there is only one address -> name mapping (first one trumps) We do this by steam here, The entries are kept in hash chains, linked by ->next (which is unused at this point) held in hash buckets in the array rhash, hashed on address. Note that rhash and the values in ->next are only valid whilst reading hosts files: the buckets are then freed, and the ->next pointer used for other things. Only insert each unique address once into this hashing structure. This complexity avoids O(n^2) divergent CPU use whilst reading large (10000 entry) hosts files. Note that we only do this process when bulk-reading hosts files, for incremental reads, rhash is NULL, and we use cache lookups instead. */ if (rhash) { /* hash address */ for (j = 0, i = 0; i < addrlen; i++) j = (j*2 +((unsigned char *)addr)[i]) % hashsz; for (lookup = rhash[j]; lookup; lookup = lookup->next) if ((lookup->flags & cache->flags & (F_IPV4 | F_IPV6)) && memcmp(&lookup->addr.addr, addr, addrlen) == 0) { cache->flags &= ~F_REVERSE; break; } /* maintain address hash chain, insert new unique address */ if (!lookup) { cache->next = rhash[j]; rhash[j] = cache; } } else { /* incremental read, lookup in cache */ lookup = cache_find_by_addr(NULL, addr, 0, cache->flags & (F_IPV4 | F_IPV6)); if (lookup && lookup->flags & F_HOSTS) cache->flags &= ~F_REVERSE; } cache->uid = index; memcpy(&cache->addr.addr, addr, addrlen); cache_hash(cache); /* don't need to do alias stuff for second and subsequent addresses. */ if (!nameexists) add_hosts_cname(cache); } static int eatspace(FILE *f) { int c, nl = 0; while (1) { if ((c = getc(f)) == '#') while (c != '\n' && c != EOF) c = getc(f); if (c == EOF) return 1; if (!isspace(c)) { ungetc(c, f); return nl; } if (c == '\n') nl = 1; } } static int gettok(FILE *f, char *token) { int c, count = 0; while (1) { if ((c = getc(f)) == EOF) return (count == 0) ? EOF : 1; if (isspace(c) || c == '#') { ungetc(c, f); return eatspace(f); } if (count < (MAXDNAME - 1)) { token[count++] = c; token[count] = 0; } } } int read_hostsfile(char *filename, unsigned int index, int cache_size, struct crec **rhash, int hashsz) { FILE *f = fopen(filename, "r"); char *token = daemon->namebuff, *domain_suffix = NULL; int addr_count = 0, name_count = cache_size, lineno = 0; unsigned short flags = 0; struct all_addr addr; int atnl, addrlen = 0; if (!f) { my_syslog(LOG_ERR, _("failed to load names from %s: %s"), filename, strerror(errno)); return cache_size; } eatspace(f); while ((atnl = gettok(f, token)) != EOF) { lineno++; if (inet_pton(AF_INET, token, &addr) > 0) { flags = F_HOSTS | F_IMMORTAL | F_FORWARD | F_REVERSE | F_IPV4; addrlen = INADDRSZ; domain_suffix = get_domain(addr.addr.addr4); } #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, token, &addr) > 0) { flags = F_HOSTS | F_IMMORTAL | F_FORWARD | F_REVERSE | F_IPV6; addrlen = IN6ADDRSZ; domain_suffix = get_domain6(&addr.addr.addr6); } #endif else { my_syslog(LOG_ERR, _("bad address at %s line %d"), filename, lineno); while (atnl == 0) atnl = gettok(f, token); continue; } addr_count++; /* rehash every 1000 names. */ if (rhash && ((name_count - cache_size) > 1000)) { rehash(name_count); cache_size = name_count; } while (atnl == 0) { struct crec *cache; int fqdn, nomem; char *canon; if ((atnl = gettok(f, token)) == EOF) break; fqdn = !!strchr(token, '.'); if ((canon = canonicalise(token, &nomem))) { /* If set, add a version of the name with a default domain appended */ if (option_bool(OPT_EXPAND) && domain_suffix && !fqdn && (cache = whine_malloc(sizeof(struct crec) + strlen(canon)+2+strlen(domain_suffix)-SMALLDNAME))) { strcpy(cache->name.sname, canon); strcat(cache->name.sname, "."); strcat(cache->name.sname, domain_suffix); cache->flags = flags; cache->ttd = daemon->local_ttl; add_hosts_entry(cache, &addr, addrlen, index, rhash, hashsz); name_count++; } if ((cache = whine_malloc(sizeof(struct crec) + strlen(canon)+1-SMALLDNAME))) { strcpy(cache->name.sname, canon); cache->flags = flags; cache->ttd = daemon->local_ttl; add_hosts_entry(cache, &addr, addrlen, index, rhash, hashsz); name_count++; } free(canon); } else if (!nomem) my_syslog(LOG_ERR, _("bad name at %s line %d"), filename, lineno); } } fclose(f); if (rhash) rehash(name_count); my_syslog(LOG_INFO, _("read %s - %d addresses"), filename, addr_count); return name_count; } void cache_reload(void) { struct crec *cache, **up, *tmp; int revhashsz, i, total_size = daemon->cachesize; struct hostsfile *ah; struct host_record *hr; struct name_list *nl; struct cname *a; struct interface_name *intr; #ifdef HAVE_DNSSEC struct ds_config *ds; #endif cache_inserted = cache_live_freed = 0; for (i=0; ihash_next; if (cache->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_CONFIG)) { *up = cache->hash_next; free(cache); } else if (!(cache->flags & F_DHCP)) { *up = cache->hash_next; if (cache->flags & F_BIGNAME) { cache->name.bname->next = big_free; big_free = cache->name.bname; } cache->flags = 0; } else up = &cache->hash_next; } /* Add CNAMEs to interface_names to the cache */ for (a = daemon->cnames; a; a = a->next) for (intr = daemon->int_names; intr; intr = intr->next) if (hostname_isequal(a->target, intr->name) && ((cache = whine_malloc(sizeof(struct crec))))) { cache->flags = F_FORWARD | F_NAMEP | F_CNAME | F_IMMORTAL | F_CONFIG; cache->ttd = a->ttl; cache->name.namep = a->alias; cache->addr.cname.target.int_name = intr; cache->addr.cname.uid = SRC_INTERFACE; cache->uid = next_uid(); cache_hash(cache); add_hosts_cname(cache); /* handle chains */ } #ifdef HAVE_DNSSEC for (ds = daemon->ds; ds; ds = ds->next) if ((cache = whine_malloc(sizeof(struct crec))) && (cache->addr.ds.keydata = blockdata_alloc(ds->digest, ds->digestlen))) { cache->flags = F_FORWARD | F_IMMORTAL | F_DS | F_CONFIG | F_NAMEP; cache->ttd = daemon->local_ttl; cache->name.namep = ds->name; cache->addr.ds.keylen = ds->digestlen; cache->addr.ds.algo = ds->algo; cache->addr.ds.keytag = ds->keytag; cache->addr.ds.digest = ds->digest_type; cache->uid = ds->class; cache_hash(cache); } #endif /* borrow the packet buffer for a temporary by-address hash */ memset(daemon->packet, 0, daemon->packet_buff_sz); revhashsz = daemon->packet_buff_sz / sizeof(struct crec *); /* we overwrote the buffer... */ daemon->srv_save = NULL; /* Do host_records in config. */ for (hr = daemon->host_records; hr; hr = hr->next) for (nl = hr->names; nl; nl = nl->next) { if (hr->addr.s_addr != 0 && (cache = whine_malloc(sizeof(struct crec)))) { cache->name.namep = nl->name; cache->ttd = hr->ttl; cache->flags = F_HOSTS | F_IMMORTAL | F_FORWARD | F_REVERSE | F_IPV4 | F_NAMEP | F_CONFIG; add_hosts_entry(cache, (struct all_addr *)&hr->addr, INADDRSZ, SRC_CONFIG, (struct crec **)daemon->packet, revhashsz); } #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_UNSPECIFIED(&hr->addr6) && (cache = whine_malloc(sizeof(struct crec)))) { cache->name.namep = nl->name; cache->ttd = hr->ttl; cache->flags = F_HOSTS | F_IMMORTAL | F_FORWARD | F_REVERSE | F_IPV6 | F_NAMEP | F_CONFIG; add_hosts_entry(cache, (struct all_addr *)&hr->addr6, IN6ADDRSZ, SRC_CONFIG, (struct crec **)daemon->packet, revhashsz); } #endif } if (option_bool(OPT_NO_HOSTS) && !daemon->addn_hosts) { if (daemon->cachesize > 0) my_syslog(LOG_INFO, _("cleared cache")); } else { if (!option_bool(OPT_NO_HOSTS)) total_size = read_hostsfile(HOSTSFILE, SRC_HOSTS, total_size, (struct crec **)daemon->packet, revhashsz); daemon->addn_hosts = expand_filelist(daemon->addn_hosts); for (ah = daemon->addn_hosts; ah; ah = ah->next) if (!(ah->flags & AH_INACTIVE)) total_size = read_hostsfile(ah->fname, ah->index, total_size, (struct crec **)daemon->packet, revhashsz); } #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY set_dynamic_inotify(AH_HOSTS, total_size, (struct crec **)daemon->packet, revhashsz); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_DHCP struct in_addr a_record_from_hosts(char *name, time_t now) { struct crec *crecp = NULL; struct in_addr ret; while ((crecp = cache_find_by_name(crecp, name, now, F_IPV4))) if (crecp->flags & F_HOSTS) return *(struct in_addr *)&crecp->addr; my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_WARNING, _("No IPv4 address found for %s"), name); ret.s_addr = 0; return ret; } void cache_unhash_dhcp(void) { struct crec *cache, **up; int i; for (i=0; ihash_next) if (cache->flags & F_DHCP) { *up = cache->hash_next; cache->next = dhcp_spare; dhcp_spare = cache; } else up = &cache->hash_next; } static void add_dhcp_cname(struct crec *target, time_t ttd) { struct crec *aliasc; struct cname *a; for (a = daemon->cnames; a; a = a->next) if (hostname_isequal(cache_get_name(target), a->target)) { if ((aliasc = dhcp_spare)) dhcp_spare = dhcp_spare->next; else /* need new one */ aliasc = whine_malloc(sizeof(struct crec)); if (aliasc) { aliasc->flags = F_FORWARD | F_NAMEP | F_DHCP | F_CNAME | F_CONFIG; if (ttd == 0) aliasc->flags |= F_IMMORTAL; else aliasc->ttd = ttd; aliasc->name.namep = a->alias; aliasc->addr.cname.target.cache = target; aliasc->addr.cname.uid = target->uid; aliasc->uid = next_uid(); cache_hash(aliasc); add_dhcp_cname(aliasc, ttd); } } } void cache_add_dhcp_entry(char *host_name, int prot, struct all_addr *host_address, time_t ttd) { struct crec *crec = NULL, *fail_crec = NULL; unsigned short flags = F_IPV4; int in_hosts = 0; size_t addrlen = sizeof(struct in_addr); #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 if (prot == AF_INET6) { flags = F_IPV6; addrlen = sizeof(struct in6_addr); } #endif inet_ntop(prot, host_address, daemon->addrbuff, ADDRSTRLEN); while ((crec = cache_find_by_name(crec, host_name, 0, flags | F_CNAME))) { /* check all addresses associated with name */ if (crec->flags & (F_HOSTS | F_CONFIG)) { if (crec->flags & F_CNAME) my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_WARNING, _("%s is a CNAME, not giving it to the DHCP lease of %s"), host_name, daemon->addrbuff); else if (memcmp(&crec->addr.addr, host_address, addrlen) == 0) in_hosts = 1; else fail_crec = crec; } else if (!(crec->flags & F_DHCP)) { cache_scan_free(host_name, NULL, 0, crec->flags & (flags | F_CNAME | F_FORWARD)); /* scan_free deletes all addresses associated with name */ break; } } /* if in hosts, don't need DHCP record */ if (in_hosts) return; /* Name in hosts, address doesn't match */ if (fail_crec) { inet_ntop(prot, &fail_crec->addr.addr, daemon->namebuff, MAXDNAME); my_syslog(MS_DHCP | LOG_WARNING, _("not giving name %s to the DHCP lease of %s because " "the name exists in %s with address %s"), host_name, daemon->addrbuff, record_source(fail_crec->uid), daemon->namebuff); return; } if ((crec = cache_find_by_addr(NULL, (struct all_addr *)host_address, 0, flags))) { if (crec->flags & F_NEG) { flags |= F_REVERSE; cache_scan_free(NULL, (struct all_addr *)host_address, 0, flags); } } else flags |= F_REVERSE; if ((crec = dhcp_spare)) dhcp_spare = dhcp_spare->next; else /* need new one */ crec = whine_malloc(sizeof(struct crec)); if (crec) /* malloc may fail */ { crec->flags = flags | F_NAMEP | F_DHCP | F_FORWARD; if (ttd == 0) crec->flags |= F_IMMORTAL; else crec->ttd = ttd; crec->addr.addr = *host_address; crec->name.namep = host_name; crec->uid = next_uid(); cache_hash(crec); add_dhcp_cname(crec, ttd); } } #endif int cache_make_stat(struct txt_record *t) { static char *buff = NULL; static int bufflen = 60; int len; struct server *serv, *serv1; char *p; if (!buff && !(buff = whine_malloc(60))) return 0; p = buff; switch (t->stat) { case TXT_STAT_CACHESIZE: sprintf(buff+1, "%d", daemon->cachesize); break; case TXT_STAT_INSERTS: sprintf(buff+1, "%d", cache_inserted); break; case TXT_STAT_EVICTIONS: sprintf(buff+1, "%d", cache_live_freed); break; case TXT_STAT_MISSES: sprintf(buff+1, "%u", daemon->queries_forwarded); break; case TXT_STAT_HITS: sprintf(buff+1, "%u", daemon->local_answer); break; #ifdef HAVE_AUTH case TXT_STAT_AUTH: sprintf(buff+1, "%u", daemon->auth_answer); break; #endif case TXT_STAT_SERVERS: /* sum counts from different records for same server */ for (serv = daemon->servers; serv; serv = serv->next) serv->flags &= ~SERV_COUNTED; for (serv = daemon->servers; serv; serv = serv->next) if (!(serv->flags & (SERV_NO_ADDR | SERV_LITERAL_ADDRESS | SERV_COUNTED | SERV_USE_RESOLV | SERV_NO_REBIND))) { char *new, *lenp; int port, newlen, bytes_avail, bytes_needed; unsigned int queries = 0, failed_queries = 0; for (serv1 = serv; serv1; serv1 = serv1->next) if (!(serv1->flags & (SERV_NO_ADDR | SERV_LITERAL_ADDRESS | SERV_COUNTED | SERV_USE_RESOLV | SERV_NO_REBIND)) && sockaddr_isequal(&serv->addr, &serv1->addr)) { serv1->flags |= SERV_COUNTED; queries += serv1->queries; failed_queries += serv1->failed_queries; } port = prettyprint_addr(&serv->addr, daemon->addrbuff); lenp = p++; /* length */ bytes_avail = bufflen - (p - buff ); bytes_needed = snprintf(p, bytes_avail, "%s#%d %u %u", daemon->addrbuff, port, queries, failed_queries); if (bytes_needed >= bytes_avail) { /* expand buffer if necessary */ newlen = bytes_needed + 1 + bufflen - bytes_avail; if (!(new = whine_malloc(newlen))) return 0; memcpy(new, buff, bufflen); free(buff); p = new + (p - buff); lenp = p - 1; buff = new; bufflen = newlen; bytes_avail = bufflen - (p - buff ); bytes_needed = snprintf(p, bytes_avail, "%s#%d %u %u", daemon->addrbuff, port, queries, failed_queries); } *lenp = bytes_needed; p += bytes_needed; } t->txt = (unsigned char *)buff; t->len = p - buff; return 1; } len = strlen(buff+1); t->txt = (unsigned char *)buff; t->len = len + 1; *buff = len; return 1; } /* There can be names in the cache containing control chars, don't mess up logging or open security holes. */ static char *sanitise(char *name) { unsigned char *r; if (name) for (r = (unsigned char *)name; *r; r++) if (!isprint((int)*r)) return ""; return name; } void dump_cache(time_t now) { struct server *serv, *serv1; char *t = ""; my_syslog(LOG_INFO, _("time %lu"), (unsigned long)now); my_syslog(LOG_INFO, _("cache size %d, %d/%d cache insertions re-used unexpired cache entries."), daemon->cachesize, cache_live_freed, cache_inserted); my_syslog(LOG_INFO, _("queries forwarded %u, queries answered locally %u"), daemon->queries_forwarded, daemon->local_answer); #ifdef HAVE_AUTH my_syslog(LOG_INFO, _("queries for authoritative zones %u"), daemon->auth_answer); #endif #ifdef HAVE_DNSSEC blockdata_report(); #endif /* sum counts from different records for same server */ for (serv = daemon->servers; serv; serv = serv->next) serv->flags &= ~SERV_COUNTED; for (serv = daemon->servers; serv; serv = serv->next) if (!(serv->flags & (SERV_NO_ADDR | SERV_LITERAL_ADDRESS | SERV_COUNTED | SERV_USE_RESOLV | SERV_NO_REBIND))) { int port; unsigned int queries = 0, failed_queries = 0; for (serv1 = serv; serv1; serv1 = serv1->next) if (!(serv1->flags & (SERV_NO_ADDR | SERV_LITERAL_ADDRESS | SERV_COUNTED | SERV_USE_RESOLV | SERV_NO_REBIND)) && sockaddr_isequal(&serv->addr, &serv1->addr)) { serv1->flags |= SERV_COUNTED; queries += serv1->queries; failed_queries += serv1->failed_queries; } port = prettyprint_addr(&serv->addr, daemon->addrbuff); my_syslog(LOG_INFO, _("server %s#%d: queries sent %u, retried or failed %u"), daemon->addrbuff, port, queries, failed_queries); } if (option_bool(OPT_DEBUG) || option_bool(OPT_LOG)) { struct crec *cache ; int i; my_syslog(LOG_INFO, "Host Address Flags Expires"); for (i=0; ihash_next) { char *a = daemon->addrbuff, *p = daemon->namebuff, *n = cache_get_name(cache); *a = 0; if (strlen(n) == 0 && !(cache->flags & F_REVERSE)) n = ""; p += sprintf(p, "%-30.30s ", sanitise(n)); if ((cache->flags & F_CNAME) && !is_outdated_cname_pointer(cache)) a = sanitise(cache_get_cname_target(cache)); #ifdef HAVE_DNSSEC else if (cache->flags & F_DS) { if (!(cache->flags & F_NEG)) sprintf(a, "%5u %3u %3u", cache->addr.ds.keytag, cache->addr.ds.algo, cache->addr.ds.digest); } else if (cache->flags & F_DNSKEY) sprintf(a, "%5u %3u %3u", cache->addr.key.keytag, cache->addr.key.algo, cache->addr.key.flags); #endif else if (!(cache->flags & F_NEG) || !(cache->flags & F_FORWARD)) { a = daemon->addrbuff; if (cache->flags & F_IPV4) inet_ntop(AF_INET, &cache->addr.addr, a, ADDRSTRLEN); #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 else if (cache->flags & F_IPV6) inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &cache->addr.addr, a, ADDRSTRLEN); #endif } if (cache->flags & F_IPV4) t = "4"; else if (cache->flags & F_IPV6) t = "6"; else if (cache->flags & F_CNAME) t = "C"; #ifdef HAVE_DNSSEC else if (cache->flags & F_DS) t = "S"; else if (cache->flags & F_DNSKEY) t = "K"; #endif p += sprintf(p, "%-40.40s %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s ", a, t, cache->flags & F_FORWARD ? "F" : " ", cache->flags & F_REVERSE ? "R" : " ", cache->flags & F_IMMORTAL ? "I" : " ", cache->flags & F_DHCP ? "D" : " ", cache->flags & F_NEG ? "N" : " ", cache->flags & F_NXDOMAIN ? "X" : " ", cache->flags & F_HOSTS ? "H" : " ", cache->flags & F_DNSSECOK ? "V" : " "); #ifdef HAVE_BROKEN_RTC p += sprintf(p, "%lu", cache->flags & F_IMMORTAL ? 0: (unsigned long)(cache->ttd - now)); #else p += sprintf(p, "%s", cache->flags & F_IMMORTAL ? "\n" : ctime(&(cache->ttd))); /* ctime includes trailing \n - eat it */ *(p-1) = 0; #endif my_syslog(LOG_INFO, daemon->namebuff); } } } char *record_source(unsigned int index) { struct hostsfile *ah; if (index == SRC_CONFIG) return "config"; else if (index == SRC_HOSTS) return HOSTSFILE; for (ah = daemon->addn_hosts; ah; ah = ah->next) if (ah->index == index) return ah->fname; #ifdef HAVE_INOTIFY for (ah = daemon->dynamic_dirs; ah; ah = ah->next) if (ah->index == index) return ah->fname; #endif return ""; } char *querystr(char *desc, unsigned short type) { unsigned int i; int len = 10; /* strlen("type=xxxxx") */ const char *types = NULL; static char *buff = NULL; static int bufflen = 0; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(typestr)/sizeof(typestr[0])); i++) if (typestr[i].type == type) { types = typestr[i].name; len = strlen(types); break; } len += 3; /* braces, terminator */ len += strlen(desc); if (!buff || bufflen < len) { if (buff) free(buff); else if (len < 20) len = 20; buff = whine_malloc(len); bufflen = len; } if (buff) { if (types) sprintf(buff, "%s[%s]", desc, types); else sprintf(buff, "%s[type=%d]", desc, type); } return buff ? buff : ""; } void log_query(unsigned int flags, char *name, struct all_addr *addr, char *arg) { char *source, *dest = daemon->addrbuff; char *verb = "is"; if (!option_bool(OPT_LOG)) return; name = sanitise(name); if (addr) { if (flags & F_KEYTAG) sprintf(daemon->addrbuff, arg, addr->addr.log.keytag, addr->addr.log.algo, addr->addr.log.digest); else { #ifdef HAVE_IPV6 inet_ntop(flags & F_IPV4 ? AF_INET : AF_INET6, addr, daemon->addrbuff, ADDRSTRLEN); #else strncpy(daemon->addrbuff, inet_ntoa(addr->addr.addr4), ADDRSTRLEN); #endif } } else dest = arg; if (flags & F_REVERSE) { dest = name; name = daemon->addrbuff; } if (flags & F_NEG) { if (flags & F_NXDOMAIN) dest = "NXDOMAIN"; else { if (flags & F_IPV4) dest = "NODATA-IPv4"; else if (flags & F_IPV6) dest = "NODATA-IPv6"; else dest = "NODATA"; } } else if (flags & F_CNAME) dest = ""; else if (flags & F_RRNAME) dest = arg; if (flags & F_CONFIG) source = "config"; else if (flags & F_DHCP) source = "DHCP"; else if (flags & F_HOSTS) source = arg; else if (flags & F_UPSTREAM) source = "reply"; else if (flags & F_SECSTAT) source = "validation"; else if (flags & F_AUTH) source = "auth"; else if (flags & F_SERVER) { source = "forwarded"; verb = "to"; } else if (flags & F_QUERY) { source = arg; verb = "from"; } else if (flags & F_DNSSEC) { source = arg; verb = "to"; } else if (flags & F_IPSET) { source = "ipset add"; dest = name; name = arg; verb = daemon->addrbuff; } else source = "cached"; if (strlen(name) == 0) name = "."; if (option_bool(OPT_EXTRALOG)) { int port = prettyprint_addr(daemon->log_source_addr, daemon->addrbuff2); if (flags & F_NOEXTRA) my_syslog(LOG_INFO, "* %s/%u %s %s %s %s", daemon->addrbuff2, port, source, name, verb, dest); else my_syslog(LOG_INFO, "%u %s/%u %s %s %s %s", daemon->log_display_id, daemon->addrbuff2, port, source, name, verb, dest); } else my_syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %s %s %s", source, name, verb, dest); }