File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / freevrrpd / README
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Wed Jun 14 12:01:53 2017 UTC (7 years, 8 months ago) by misho
Branches: freevrrpd, MAIN
CVS tags: v1_1, HEAD
freevrrpd 1.1

FreeVRRPd is a BSD licensed version of the Virtual Router Reduncacy
Protoocol (RFCs 2338, 3768 and 5798) which implements both version 2
and version 3 of the protocol.

This software based on the original work by Sebastien Petit which covered
only Version 2 of the protocol but is now being actively updated to
conform to the latest standards.

Portions of this software were developed with support from
Rubicon Communications, LLC (Netgate).

FreeBSD-CVSweb <>