Annotation of embedaddon/freevrrpd/freevrrpd.cat8, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: FREEVRRPD(8) NetBSD System Manager's Manual FREEVRRPD(8)
! 2:
! 4: ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd - Virtual Redundancy Router Protocol Daemon
! 5:
! 7: ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd [--FF] [--ff _c_o_n_f_i_g___f_i_l_e] [--cc _c_h_r_o_o_t___d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y]
! 8:
! 10: ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd is a RFC2338 compliant daemon, you can use VRRP protocol with
! 11: multiple interfaces and multiple VRID. For each VRID defined in the con-
! 12: figuration file, ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd create a thread for managing a poll of one or
! 13: multiple virtual IP addresses. Thios daemon work only in IPv4 environ-
! 14: nement and not in IPv6 yet.
! 15:
! 16: you can eliminate all point of failures of your network with this util-
! 17: ity. When ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd is started, it reads /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf
! 18: file and go to background. All options are defined in this file. For more
! 19: informations, you can read comments on this file or go to configuration
! 20: section.
! 21:
! 22: ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd iiss ccoommppaattiibbllee wwiitthh FFrreeeeBBSSDD,, NNeettBBSSDD aanndd OOppeennBBSSDD..
! 23:
! 24: List of functionnalities :
! 25: ++oo Support of multiples VRID
! 26: ++oo Master announce state by sending multicast packets via BPF device
! 27: ++oo Changing routes and IP in 3 seconds
! 28: ++oo Doing gratuitous ARP requests to clean the ARP cache of all hosts
! 29: ++oo Election between differents SLAVE servers with differents priorities
! 30: ++oo Same host can be a SLAVE and MASTER at the same time for different
! 31: VRID
! 32: ++oo Autmatic downgrade to SLAVE state if a MASTER is up again
! 33: ++oo Support of plain text authentication described in RFC2338
! 34: ++oo Support netmask for virtual IP addresses
! 35:
! 37: ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd reads configuration data from /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf (or
! 38: the file specified with -f on the command line). The file contains key-
! 39: word-argument pairs, one per line. Each VRID definition is define by the
! 40: [VRID] keyword. Lines statring with '#' and empty lines are interpreted
! 41: as comments.
! 42:
! 43: The possible keywords and their meanings are as follows (note that key-
! 44: words and arguments are cas-sensitive):
! 45:
! 46: sseerrvveerriidd
! 47: This keyword is followed by a decimal number between 1 and 255
! 48: and represent the group identifier (Virtual Router Identifier).
! 49:
! 50: iinntteerrffaaccee
! 51: This keyword is followed by an interface name where multicast
! 52: VRRP annonce on the specified serverid group will be sent.
! 53:
! 54: uusseeVVMMAACC
! 55: Specifies wheter Virtual MAC adress (like 00:5E:00:...) is per-
! 56: mitted. The default is ``yes''. Note that disabling useVMAC is
! 57: a RFC infragment but must be necessary for some specific cases.
! 58: If disabled, ``sendgratuitousarp'' must be enabled.
! 59:
! 60: pprriioorriittyy
! 61: This keyword can be followed by a decimal number between 0 to
! 62: 255. a priority of 255 mean a MASTER server. a priority between 0
! 63: to 254 is a BACKUP priority. Note that 0 is the minimal BACKUP
! 64: priority and 254 is the higher. If the VRID MASTER fail, tha
! 65: higher BACKUP priority will become MASTER.
! 66:
! 67: aaddddrr Specifies all Virtual IP adresses separated by commas of the cor-
! 68: responded VRID. a VIP syntax will be: ``'' or
! 69: ``'' ``'' represent the
! 70: IP adress and ``yy'' is a netmask in CIDR format. device is an
! 71: optional device where VIP will be setted.
! 72:
! 73: mmoonniittoorreeddcciirrccttuuiiss
! 74: Specifies whether NIC monitoring is enabled. This option use a
! 75: special ioctl for getting carrier, duplex and health of the net-
! 76: work card. The default is ``yes''. Note that your NIC driver
! 77: must support mii bus functionnality. Some old drivers cannot use
! 78: this option and must be disabled.
! 79:
! 80: MMCCCClleeaarrEErrrroorrssCCoouunntt
! 81: This keyword can be followed by a decimal number that represent
! 82: the number of concurrent valid checks (monitored circuits) before
! 83: nberrors flag will be resetted at 0. The default is ``3600''.
! 84: Note that the default value mean that 30 concurrent checks ok on
! 85: a NIC by monitored circuits will reset the error counter for this
! 86: NIC. If a value of
! 87:
! 88: mmaasstteerrssccrriipptt
! 89: This keyword can be followed by a script name with an absolute
! 90: path and will be executed during MASTER transition state.
! 91:
! 92: bbaacckkuuppssccrriipptt
! 93: This keyword take same argument as ``masterscript'' except that
! 94: this script is executed during BACKUP transition state.
! 95:
! 96: vvrriiddssddeepp
! 97: This keyword can be followed by a list of VRID in decimal format
! 98: separated by commas and depends from this one. If this VRID
! 99: become BACKUP, all VRIDs specified will become BACKUP too.
! 100:
! 101: ppaasssswwoorrdd
! 102: This keyword can be followed by a password for authenticate VRRP
! 103: packets on a specific VRID. Note that the password will be
! 104: transmitted in clear with this method.
! 105:
! 106: AAHHeennccrryyppttiioonn
! 107: Not implemented yet
! 108:
! 109: uusseeIIKKEE Not implemented yet
! 110:
! 111: pprreesshhaarreeddkkeeyy
! 112: Not implemented yet
! 113:
! 115: This utility doesn't quit properly if you use the -KILL signal. If you
! 116: want to stop freevrrpd, you can use kill [PID] and not kill -9 [PID],
! 117: then it can delete virtual IP addresses and routes properly on shutdown.
! 118:
! 120: ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd is in active developpement, please send me bugs report and sug-
! 121: gestions.
! 122:
! 124: Sebastien Petit <>
! 125:
! 127: first appeared in FreeBSD-4.3
! 128:
! 129: FreeBSD 4.3 January 28, 2000 FreeBSD 4.3
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