File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / freevrrpd / freevrrpd.cat8
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Wed Jun 14 12:01:53 2017 UTC (7 years, 8 months ago) by misho
Branches: freevrrpd, MAIN
CVS tags: v1_1, HEAD
freevrrpd 1.1

FREEVRRPD(8)            NetBSD System Manager's Manual            FREEVRRPD(8)

     ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd - Virtual Redundancy Router Protocol Daemon

     ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd [--FF] [--ff _c_o_n_f_i_g___f_i_l_e] [--cc _c_h_r_o_o_t___d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y]

     ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd is a RFC2338 compliant daemon, you can use VRRP protocol with
     multiple interfaces and multiple VRID. For each VRID defined in the con-
     figuration file, ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd create a thread for managing a poll of one or
     multiple virtual IP addresses. Thios daemon work only in IPv4 environ-
     nement and not in IPv6 yet.

     you can eliminate all point of failures of your network with this util-
     ity. When ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd is started, it reads /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf
     file and go to background. All options are defined in this file. For more
     informations, you can read comments on this file or go to configuration

     ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd iiss ccoommppaattiibbllee wwiitthh FFrreeeeBBSSDD,, NNeettBBSSDD aanndd OOppeennBBSSDD..

     List of functionnalities :
     ++oo   Support of multiples VRID
     ++oo   Master announce state by sending multicast packets via BPF device
     ++oo   Changing routes and IP in 3 seconds
     ++oo   Doing gratuitous ARP requests to clean the ARP cache of all hosts
     ++oo   Election between differents SLAVE servers with differents priorities
     ++oo   Same host can be a SLAVE and MASTER at the same time for different
     ++oo   Autmatic downgrade to SLAVE state if a MASTER is up again
     ++oo   Support of plain text authentication described in RFC2338
     ++oo   Support netmask for virtual IP addresses

     ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd reads configuration data from /usr/local/etc/freevrrpd.conf (or
     the file specified with -f on the command line). The file contains key-
     word-argument pairs, one per line. Each VRID definition is define by the
     [VRID] keyword. Lines statring with '#' and empty lines are interpreted
     as comments.

     The possible keywords and their meanings are as follows (note that key-
     words and arguments are cas-sensitive):

             This keyword is followed by a decimal number between 1 and 255
             and represent the group identifier (Virtual Router Identifier).

             This keyword is followed by an interface name where multicast
             VRRP annonce on the specified serverid group will be sent.

             Specifies wheter Virtual MAC adress (like 00:5E:00:...) is per-
             mitted.  The default is ``yes''.  Note that disabling useVMAC is
             a RFC infragment but must be necessary for some specific cases.
             If disabled, ``sendgratuitousarp'' must be enabled.

             This keyword can be followed by a decimal number between 0 to
             255. a priority of 255 mean a MASTER server. a priority between 0
             to 254 is a BACKUP priority.  Note that 0 is the minimal BACKUP
             priority and 254 is the higher. If the VRID MASTER fail, tha
             higher BACKUP priority will become MASTER.

     aaddddrr    Specifies all Virtual IP adresses separated by commas of the cor-
             responded VRID. a VIP syntax will be: ``'' or
             ``'' ``'' represent the
             IP adress and ``yy'' is a netmask in CIDR format. device is an
             optional device where VIP will be setted.

             Specifies whether NIC monitoring is enabled. This option use a
             special ioctl for getting carrier, duplex and health of the net-
             work card.  The default is ``yes''.  Note that your NIC driver
             must support mii bus functionnality. Some old drivers cannot use
             this option and must be disabled.

             This keyword can be followed by a decimal number that represent
             the number of concurrent valid checks (monitored circuits) before
             nberrors flag will be resetted at 0.  The default is ``3600''.
             Note that the default value mean that 30 concurrent checks ok on
             a NIC by monitored circuits will reset the error counter for this
             NIC.  If a value of

             This keyword can be followed by a script name with an absolute
             path and will be executed during MASTER transition state.

             This keyword take same argument as ``masterscript'' except that
             this script is executed during BACKUP transition state.

             This keyword can be followed by a list of VRID in decimal format
             separated by commas and depends from this one. If this VRID
             become BACKUP, all VRIDs specified will become BACKUP too.

             This keyword can be followed by a password for authenticate VRRP
             packets on a specific VRID.  Note that the password will be
             transmitted in clear with this method.

             Not implemented yet

     uusseeIIKKEE  Not implemented yet

             Not implemented yet

     This utility doesn't quit properly if you use the -KILL signal. If you
     want to stop freevrrpd, you can use kill [PID] and not kill -9 [PID],
     then it can delete virtual IP addresses and routes properly on shutdown.

     ffrreeeevvrrrrppdd is in active developpement, please send me bugs report and sug-

     Sebastien Petit <>

     first appeared in FreeBSD-4.3

FreeBSD 4.3                    January 28, 2000                    FreeBSD 4.3

FreeBSD-CVSweb <>