File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / iftop / Makefile.OLD
Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs - revision graph
Tue Feb 21 16:57:34 2012 UTC (13 years ago) by misho
Branches: iftop, MAIN
CVS tags: v0_17p0, v0_17, HEAD

# Makefile:
# Makefile for iftop.
# $Id: Makefile.OLD,v 2012/02/21 16:57:34 misho Exp $

VERSION = 0.11pre1

# C compiler to use.
#CC = gcc

# Give the location of pcap.h here:
CFLAGS += -I/usr/include/pcap -g
# CFLAGS += -I/usr/pkg/include
# CFLAGS += -pg -a

# Give the location of libpcap here if it's not in one of the standard
# directories:
# LDFLAGS += -L/usr/local/lib
# LDFLAGS += -pg -a

# Do you want to use curses or ncurses? Probably ncurses, unless curses
# is ncurses on your machine.
CURSES = ncurses
#CURSES = curses

# Name resolution. Sensible systems have gethostbyaddr_r, which is reentrant
# and can be called from several threads of a multithreaded program. Other
# systems don't, or their implementations don't work ([cough] FreeBSD). For
# these you can use gethostbyaddr (not recommended, since then only one thread
# can resolve a name at once), libresolv (not recommended and may not work
# depending on which header files you have), or ares, an asynchronous DNS
# resolution library from
# For systems without a working gethostbyaddr_r, this is recommended.
# Leave exactly one of these uncommented, or comment all of them out if you
# don't care about name resolution at all.

# On some machines, gethostbyaddr_r returns int; on others, struct hostent*.
# Comment out this line if you are using one of the latter.

# Uncomment if you are using libresolv.
#LDLIBS += -lresolv # or /usr/lib/libresolv.a on Linux?

# Uncomment if you are using ares.
#LDLIBS += -lares 
# ... and uncomment these if your libares is in an unusual place.
#CFLAGS += -I/software/include
#LDFLAGS += -L/software/lib

# Solaris needs a library to make sockets go and lacks inet_aton.
LDLIBS += -lsocket -lnsl

# PREFIX specifies the base directory for the installation.
PREFIX = /usr/local
#PREFIX = /software

# BINDIR is where the binary lives relative to PREFIX (no leading /).
BINDIR = sbin

# MANDIR is where the manual page goes.
MANDIR = man
#MANDIR = share/man     # FHS-ish

# You shouldn't need to change anything below this point.
LDFLAGS += -g #-pthread
LDLIBS += -lpcap -l$(CURSES) -lm -lpthread

SRCS = iftop.c addr_hash.c hash.c ns_hash.c resolver.c ui.c util.c sorted_list.c\
       options.c serv_hash.c threadprof.c edline.c screenfilter.c
HDRS = addr_hash.h hash.h iftop.h ns_hash.h resolver.h sorted_list.h ui.h options.h sll.h\
       serv_hash.h threadprof.h ether.h ip.h tcp.h screenfilter.h token.h llc.h \
       extract.h ethertype.h
SPECFILE = iftop.spec

OBJS = $(SRCS:.c=.o)

iftop: $(OBJS) Makefile
	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LDLIBS) 

integers.h: integers

install: iftop
	install -D iftop   $(PREFIX)/$(BINDIR)/iftop
	install -D iftop.8 $(PREFIX)/$(MANDIR)/man8/iftop.8

	rm -f $(PREFIX)/$(BINDIR)/iftop $(PREFIX)/$(MANDIR)/man8/iftop.8

%.o: %.c Makefile
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<

	rm -f *~ *.o core iftop iftop.spec

tarball: depend $(SRCS) $(HDRS) $(TXTS) $(SPECFILE)
	mkdir iftop-$(VERSION)
	set -e ; for i in Makefile depend $(SRCS) $(HDRS) $(TXTS) $(SPECFILE) ; do cp $$i iftop-$(VERSION)/$$i ; done
	tar cvf - iftop-$(VERSION) | gzip --best > iftop-$(VERSION).tar.gz
	rm -rf iftop-$(VERSION)

tags :
	etags *.c *.h

depend: $(SRCS)
	$(CPP) $(CFLAGS)  -MM $(SRCS) > depend

	rm -f depend

iftop.spec: Makefile
	sed 's/__VERSION__/$(VERSION)/' < > iftop.spec
include depend

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