/* * ui.c: * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "addr_hash.h" #include "serv_hash.h" #include "iftop.h" #include "resolver.h" #include "sorted_list.h" #include "options.h" #include "screenfilter.h" #define HOSTNAME_LENGTH 256 #define HISTORY_DIVISIONS 3 #define HELP_TIME 2 #define HELP_MESSAGE \ "Host display: General:\n"\ " n - toggle DNS host resolution P - pause display\n"\ " s - toggle show source host h - toggle this help display\n"\ " d - toggle show destination host b - toggle bar graph display\n"\ " t - cycle line display mode B - cycle bar graph average\n"\ " T - toggle cummulative line totals\n"\ "Port display: j/k - scroll display\n"\ " N - toggle service resolution f - edit filter code\n"\ " S - toggle show source port l - set screen filter\n"\ " D - toggle show destination port L - lin/log scales\n"\ " p - toggle port display ! - shell command\n"\ " q - quit\n"\ "Sorting:\n"\ " 1/2/3 - sort by 1st/2nd/3rd column\n"\ " < - sort by source name\n"\ " > - sort by dest name\n"\ " o - freeze current order\n"\ "\n"\ "iftop, version " IFTOP_VERSION /* 2, 10 and 40 seconds */ int history_divs[HISTORY_DIVISIONS] = {1, 5, 20}; #define UNIT_DIVISIONS 4 char* unit_bits[UNIT_DIVISIONS] = { "b", "Kb", "Mb", "Gb"}; char* unit_bytes[UNIT_DIVISIONS] = { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB"}; typedef struct host_pair_line_tag { addr_pair ap; double long total_recv; double long total_sent; double long recv[HISTORY_DIVISIONS]; double long sent[HISTORY_DIVISIONS]; } host_pair_line; extern hash_type* history; extern int history_pos; extern int history_len; extern options_t options ; void ui_finish(); hash_type* screen_hash; hash_type* service_hash; sorted_list_type screen_list; host_pair_line totals; int peaksent, peakrecv, peaktotal; #define HELP_MSG_SIZE 80 int showhelphint = 0; int persistenthelp = 0; time_t helptimer = 0; char helpmsg[HELP_MSG_SIZE]; int dontshowdisplay = 0; /* * Compare two screen lines based on bandwidth. Start comparing from the * specified column */ int screen_line_bandwidth_compare(host_pair_line* aa, host_pair_line* bb, int start_div) { int i; for(i = start_div; i < HISTORY_DIVISIONS; i++) { if(aa->recv[i] + aa->sent[i] != bb->recv[i] + bb->sent[i]) { return(aa->recv[i] + aa->sent[i] < bb->recv[i] + bb->sent[i]); } } return 1; } /* * Compare two screen lines based on hostname / IP. Fall over to compare by * bandwidth. */ int screen_line_host_compare(struct in_addr* a, struct in_addr* b, host_pair_line* aa, host_pair_line* bb) { char hosta[HOSTNAME_LENGTH], hostb[HOSTNAME_LENGTH]; int r; /* This isn't overly efficient because we resolve again before display. */ if (options.dnsresolution) { resolve(a, hosta, HOSTNAME_LENGTH); resolve(b, hostb, HOSTNAME_LENGTH); } else { strcpy(hosta, inet_ntoa(*a)); strcpy(hostb, inet_ntoa(*b)); } r = strcmp(hosta, hostb); if(r == 0) { return screen_line_bandwidth_compare(aa, bb, 2); } else { return (r > 0); } } int screen_line_compare(void* a, void* b) { host_pair_line* aa = (host_pair_line*)a; host_pair_line* bb = (host_pair_line*)b; if(options.sort == OPTION_SORT_DIV1) { return screen_line_bandwidth_compare(aa, bb, 0); } else if(options.sort == OPTION_SORT_DIV2) { return screen_line_bandwidth_compare(aa, bb, 1); } else if(options.sort == OPTION_SORT_DIV3) { return screen_line_bandwidth_compare(aa, bb, 2); } else if(options.sort == OPTION_SORT_SRC) { return screen_line_host_compare(&(aa->ap.src), &(bb->ap.src), aa, bb); } else if(options.sort == OPTION_SORT_DEST) { return screen_line_host_compare(&(aa->ap.dst), &(bb->ap.dst), aa, bb); } return 1; } void readable_size(float n, char* buf, int bsize, int ksize, int bytes) { int i = 0; float size = 1; /* Convert to bits? */ if(bytes == 0) { n *= 8; } while(1) { if(n < size * 1000 || i >= UNIT_DIVISIONS - 1) { snprintf(buf, bsize, " %4.0f%s", n / size, bytes ? unit_bytes[i] : unit_bits[i]); break; } i++; size *= ksize; if(n < size * 10) { snprintf(buf, bsize, " %4.2f%s", n / size, bytes ? unit_bytes[i] : unit_bits[i]); break; } else if(n < size * 100) { snprintf(buf, bsize, " %4.1f%s", n / size, bytes ? unit_bytes[i] : unit_bits[i]); break; } } } /* Barchart scales. */ static struct { int max, interval; } scale[] = { { 64000, 10 }, /* 64 kbit/s */ { 128000, 10 }, { 256000, 10 }, { 1000000, 10 }, /* 1 Mbit/s */ { 10000000, 10 }, { 100000000, 100 }, { 1000000000, 100 } /* 1 Gbit/s */ }; static int rateidx = 0, wantbiggerrate; static int get_bar_interval(float bandwidth) { int i = 10; if(bandwidth > 100000000) { i = 100; } return i; } static float get_max_bandwidth() { float max; if(options.max_bandwidth > 0) { max = options.max_bandwidth; } else { max = scale[rateidx].max; } return max; } /* rate in bits */ static int get_bar_length(const int rate) { float l; if (rate <= 0) return 0; if (rate > scale[rateidx].max) wantbiggerrate = 1; if(options.log_scale) { l = log(rate) / log(get_max_bandwidth()); } else { l = rate / get_max_bandwidth(); } return (l * COLS); } static void draw_bar_scale(int* y) { float i; float max,interval; max = get_max_bandwidth(); interval = get_bar_interval(max); if(options.showbars) { float stop; /* Draw bar graph scale on top of the window. */ move(*y, 0); clrtoeol(); mvhline(*y + 1, 0, 0, COLS); /* i in bytes */ if(options.log_scale) { i = 1.25; stop = max / 8; } else { i = max / (5 * 8); stop = max / 8; } /* for (i = 1.25; i * 8 <= max; i *= interval) { */ while(i <= stop) { char s[40], *p; int x; /* This 1024 vs 1000 stuff is just plain evil */ readable_size(i, s, sizeof s, options.log_scale ? 1000 : 1024, 0); p = s + strspn(s, " "); x = get_bar_length(i * 8); mvaddch(*y + 1, x, ACS_BTEE); if (x + strlen(p) >= COLS) x = COLS - strlen(p); mvaddstr(*y, x, p); if(options.log_scale) { i *= interval; } else { i += max / (5 * 8); } } mvaddch(*y + 1, 0, ACS_LLCORNER); *y += 2; } else { mvhline(*y, 0, 0, COLS); *y += 1; } } int history_length(const int d) { if (history_len < history_divs[d]) return history_len * RESOLUTION; else return history_divs[d] * RESOLUTION; } void draw_line_total(float sent, float recv, int y, int x, option_linedisplay_t linedisplay, int bytes) { char buf[10]; float n; switch(linedisplay) { case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_TWO_LINE: draw_line_total(sent, recv, y, x, OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_ONE_LINE_SENT, bytes); draw_line_total(sent, recv, y+1, x, OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_ONE_LINE_RECV, bytes); break; case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_ONE_LINE_SENT: n = sent; break; case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_ONE_LINE_RECV: n = recv; break; case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_ONE_LINE_BOTH: n = recv + sent; break; } if(linedisplay != OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_TWO_LINE) { readable_size(n, buf, 10, 1024, bytes); mvaddstr(y, x, buf); } } void draw_bar(float n, int y) { int L; mvchgat(y, 0, -1, A_NORMAL, 0, NULL); L = get_bar_length(8 * n); if (L > 0) mvchgat(y, 0, L + 1, A_REVERSE, 0, NULL); } void draw_line_totals(int y, host_pair_line* line, option_linedisplay_t linedisplay) { int j; int x = (COLS - 8 * HISTORY_DIVISIONS); for(j = 0; j < HISTORY_DIVISIONS; j++) { draw_line_total(line->sent[j], line->recv[j], y, x, linedisplay, options.bandwidth_in_bytes); x += 8; } if(options.showbars) { switch(linedisplay) { case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_TWO_LINE: draw_bar(line->sent[options.bar_interval],y); draw_bar(line->recv[options.bar_interval],y+1); break; case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_ONE_LINE_SENT: draw_bar(line->sent[options.bar_interval],y); break; case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_ONE_LINE_RECV: draw_bar(line->recv[options.bar_interval],y); break; case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_ONE_LINE_BOTH: draw_bar(line->recv[options.bar_interval] + line->sent[options.bar_interval],y); break; } } } void draw_totals(host_pair_line* totals) { /* Draw rule */ int y = LINES - 4; int j; char buf[10]; int x = (COLS - 8 * HISTORY_DIVISIONS); y++; draw_line_totals(y, totals, OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_TWO_LINE); y += 2; for(j = 0; j < HISTORY_DIVISIONS; j++) { readable_size((totals->sent[j] + totals->recv[j]) , buf, 10, 1024, options.bandwidth_in_bytes); mvaddstr(y, x, buf); x += 8; } } extern history_type history_totals; void screen_list_init() { screen_list.compare = &screen_line_compare; sorted_list_initialise(&screen_list); } void screen_list_clear() { sorted_list_node* nn = NULL; peaksent = peakrecv = peaktotal = 0; while((nn = sorted_list_next_item(&screen_list, nn)) != NULL) { free(nn->data); } sorted_list_destroy(&screen_list); } void calculate_totals() { int i; /** * Calculate peaks and totals */ for(i = 0; i < HISTORY_LENGTH; i++) { int j; int ii = (HISTORY_LENGTH + history_pos - i) % HISTORY_LENGTH; for(j = 0; j < HISTORY_DIVISIONS; j++) { if(i < history_divs[j]) { totals.recv[j] += history_totals.recv[ii]; totals.sent[j] += history_totals.sent[ii]; } } if(history_totals.recv[i] > peakrecv) { peakrecv = history_totals.recv[i]; } if(history_totals.sent[i] > peaksent) { peaksent = history_totals.sent[i]; } if(history_totals.recv[i] + history_totals.sent[i] > peaktotal) { peaktotal = history_totals.recv[i] + history_totals.sent[i]; } } for(i = 0; i < HISTORY_DIVISIONS; i++) { int t = history_length(i); totals.recv[i] /= t; totals.sent[i] /= t; } } void make_screen_list() { hash_node_type* n = NULL; while(hash_next_item(screen_hash, &n) == HASH_STATUS_OK) { host_pair_line* line = (host_pair_line*)n->rec; int i; for(i = 0; i < HISTORY_DIVISIONS; i++) { line->recv[i] /= history_length(i); line->sent[i] /= history_length(i); } /* Don't make a new, sorted screen list if order is frozen */ if(!options.freezeorder) { sorted_list_insert(&screen_list, line); } } } /* * Zeros all data in the screen hash, but does not remove items. */ void screen_hash_clear() { hash_node_type* n = NULL; while(hash_next_item(screen_hash, &n) == HASH_STATUS_OK) { host_pair_line* hpl = (host_pair_line*)n->rec; memset(hpl->recv, 0, sizeof(hpl->recv)); memset(hpl->sent, 0, sizeof(hpl->sent)); } } void analyse_data() { hash_node_type* n = NULL; if(options.paused == 1) { return; } // Zero totals memset(&totals, 0, sizeof totals); if(options.freezeorder) { screen_hash_clear(); } else { screen_list_clear(); hash_delete_all(screen_hash); } while(hash_next_item(history, &n) == HASH_STATUS_OK) { history_type* d = (history_type*)n->rec; host_pair_line* screen_line; union { host_pair_line **h_p_l_pp; void **void_pp; } u_screen_line = { &screen_line }; addr_pair ap; int i; int tsent, trecv; tsent = trecv = 0; ap = *(addr_pair*)n->key; /* Aggregate hosts, if required */ if(options.aggregate_src) { ap.src.s_addr = 0; } if(options.aggregate_dest) { ap.dst.s_addr = 0; } /* Aggregate ports, if required */ if(options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_DEST || options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_OFF) { ap.src_port = 0; } if(options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_SRC || options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_OFF) { ap.dst_port = 0; } if(options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_OFF) { ap.protocol = 0; } if(hash_find(screen_hash, &ap, u_screen_line.void_pp) == HASH_STATUS_KEY_NOT_FOUND) { screen_line = xcalloc(1, sizeof *screen_line); hash_insert(screen_hash, &ap, screen_line); screen_line->ap = ap; } screen_line->total_sent += d->total_sent; screen_line->total_recv += d->total_recv; for(i = 0; i < HISTORY_LENGTH; i++) { int j; int ii = (HISTORY_LENGTH + history_pos - i) % HISTORY_LENGTH; for(j = 0; j < HISTORY_DIVISIONS; j++) { if(i < history_divs[j]) { screen_line->recv[j] += d->recv[ii]; screen_line->sent[j] += d->sent[ii]; } } } } make_screen_list(); calculate_totals(); } void sprint_host(char * line, struct in_addr* addr, unsigned int port, unsigned int protocol, int L) { char hostname[HOSTNAME_LENGTH]; char service[HOSTNAME_LENGTH]; char* s_name; union { char **ch_pp; void **void_pp; } u_s_name = { &s_name }; ip_service skey; int left; if(addr->s_addr == 0) { sprintf(hostname, " * "); } else { if (options.dnsresolution) resolve(addr, hostname, L); else strcpy(hostname, inet_ntoa(*addr)); } left = strlen(hostname); if(port != 0) { skey.port = port; skey.protocol = protocol; if(options.portresolution && hash_find(service_hash, &skey, u_s_name.void_pp) == HASH_STATUS_OK) { snprintf(service, HOSTNAME_LENGTH, ":%s", s_name); } else { snprintf(service, HOSTNAME_LENGTH, ":%d", port); } } else { service[0] = '\0'; } sprintf(line, "%-*s", L, hostname); if(left > (L - strlen(service))) { left = L - strlen(service); if(left < 0) { left = 0; } } sprintf(line + left, "%-*s", L-left, service); } void ui_print() { sorted_list_node* nn = NULL; char host1[HOSTNAME_LENGTH], host2[HOSTNAME_LENGTH]; static char *line; static int lcols; int y = 0; if (dontshowdisplay) return; if (!line || lcols != COLS) { xfree(line); line = calloc(COLS + 1, 1); } /* * erase() is faster than clear(). Dunno why we switched to * clear() -pdw 24/10/02 */ erase(); draw_bar_scale(&y); if(options.showhelp) { mvaddstr(y,0,HELP_MESSAGE); } else { int i = 0; while(i < options.screen_offset && ((nn = sorted_list_next_item(&screen_list, nn)) != NULL)) { i++; } /* Screen layout: we have 2 * HISTORY_DIVISIONS 6-character wide history * items, and so can use COLS - 12 * HISTORY_DIVISIONS to print the two * host names. */ if(i == 0 || nn != NULL) { while((y < LINES - 5) && ((nn = sorted_list_next_item(&screen_list, nn)) != NULL)) { int x = 0, L; host_pair_line* screen_line = (host_pair_line*)nn->data; if(y < LINES - 5) { L = (COLS - 8 * HISTORY_DIVISIONS - 4) / 2; if(options.show_totals) { L -= 4; } if(L > HOSTNAME_LENGTH) { L = HOSTNAME_LENGTH; } sprint_host(host1, &(screen_line->ap.src), screen_line->ap.src_port, screen_line->ap.protocol, L); sprint_host(host2, &(screen_line->ap.dst), screen_line->ap.dst_port, screen_line->ap.protocol, L); if(!screen_filter_match(host1) && !screen_filter_match(host2)) { continue; } mvaddstr(y, x, host1); x += L; switch(options.linedisplay) { case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_TWO_LINE: mvaddstr(y, x, " => "); mvaddstr(y+1, x, " <= "); break; case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_ONE_LINE_BOTH: mvaddstr(y, x, "<=> "); break; case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_ONE_LINE_SENT: mvaddstr(y, x, " => "); break; case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_ONE_LINE_RECV: mvaddstr(y, x, " <= "); break; } x += 4; mvaddstr(y, x, host2); if(options.show_totals) { draw_line_total(screen_line->total_sent, screen_line->total_recv, y, COLS - 8 * (HISTORY_DIVISIONS + 1), options.linedisplay, 1); } draw_line_totals(y, screen_line, options.linedisplay); } if(options.linedisplay == OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_TWO_LINE) { y += 2; } else { y += 1; } } } } y = LINES - 3; mvhline(y-1, 0, 0, COLS); mvaddstr(y, 0, "TX: "); mvaddstr(y+1, 0, "RX: "); mvaddstr(y+2, 0, "TOTAL: "); /* Cummulative totals */ mvaddstr(y, 16, "cumm: "); readable_size(history_totals.total_sent, line, 10, 1024, 1); mvaddstr(y, 22, line); readable_size(history_totals.total_recv, line, 10, 1024, 1); mvaddstr(y+1, 22, line); readable_size(history_totals.total_recv + history_totals.total_sent, line, 10, 1024, 1); mvaddstr(y+2, 22, line); /* peak traffic */ mvaddstr(y, 32, "peak: "); readable_size(peaksent / RESOLUTION, line, 10, 1024, options.bandwidth_in_bytes); mvaddstr(y, 39, line); readable_size(peakrecv / RESOLUTION, line, 10, 1024, options.bandwidth_in_bytes); mvaddstr(y+1, 39, line); readable_size(peaktotal / RESOLUTION, line, 10, 1024, options.bandwidth_in_bytes); mvaddstr(y+2, 39, line); mvaddstr(y, COLS - 8 * HISTORY_DIVISIONS - 8, "rates:"); draw_totals(&totals); if(showhelphint) { mvaddstr(0, 0, " "); mvaddstr(0, 1, helpmsg); mvaddstr(0, 1 + strlen(helpmsg), " "); mvchgat(0, 0, strlen(helpmsg) + 2, A_REVERSE, 0, NULL); } move(LINES - 1, COLS - 1); refresh(); /* Bar chart auto scale */ if (wantbiggerrate && options.max_bandwidth == 0) { ++rateidx; wantbiggerrate = 0; } } void ui_tick(int print) { if(print) { ui_print(); } else if(showhelphint && (time(NULL) - helptimer > HELP_TIME) && !persistenthelp) { showhelphint = 0; ui_print(); } } void ui_curses_init() { (void) initscr(); /* initialize the curses library */ keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* enable keyboard mapping */ (void) nonl(); /* tell curses not to do NL->CR/NL on output */ (void) cbreak(); /* take input chars one at a time, no wait for \n */ (void) noecho(); /* don't echo input */ halfdelay(2); } void showhelp(const char * s) { strncpy(helpmsg, s, HELP_MSG_SIZE); showhelphint = 1; helptimer = time(NULL); persistenthelp = 0; tick(1); } void ui_init() { char msg[20]; ui_curses_init(); erase(); screen_list_init(); screen_hash = addr_hash_create(); service_hash = serv_hash_create(); serv_hash_initialise(service_hash); snprintf(msg,20,"Listening on %s",options.interface); showhelp(msg); } void showportstatus() { if(options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_ON) { showhelp("Port display ON"); } else if(options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_OFF) { showhelp("Port display OFF"); } else if(options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_DEST) { showhelp("Port display DEST"); } else if(options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_SRC) { showhelp("Port display SOURCE"); } } void ui_loop() { /* in edline.c */ char *edline(int linenum, const char *prompt, const char *initial); /* in iftop.c */ char *set_filter_code(const char *filter); extern sig_atomic_t foad; while(foad == 0) { int i; i = getch(); switch (i) { case 'q': foad = 1; break; case 'n': if(options.dnsresolution) { options.dnsresolution = 0; showhelp("DNS resolution off"); } else { options.dnsresolution = 1; showhelp("DNS resolution on"); } tick(1); break; case 'N': if(options.portresolution) { options.portresolution = 0; showhelp("Port resolution off"); } else { options.portresolution = 1; showhelp("Port resolution on"); } tick(1); break; case 'h': case '?': options.showhelp = !options.showhelp; tick(1); break; case 'b': if(options.showbars) { options.showbars = 0; showhelp("Bars off"); } else { options.showbars = 1; showhelp("Bars on"); } tick(1); break; case 'B': options.bar_interval = (options.bar_interval + 1) % 3; if(options.bar_interval == 0) { showhelp("Bars show 2s average"); } else if(options.bar_interval == 1) { showhelp("Bars show 10s average"); } else { showhelp("Bars show 40s average"); } ui_print(); break; case 's': if(options.aggregate_src) { options.aggregate_src = 0; showhelp("Show source host"); } else { options.aggregate_src = 1; showhelp("Hide source host"); } break; case 'd': if(options.aggregate_dest) { options.aggregate_dest = 0; showhelp("Show dest host"); } else { options.aggregate_dest = 1; showhelp("Hide dest host"); } break; case 'S': /* Show source ports */ if(options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_OFF) { options.showports = OPTION_PORTS_SRC; } else if(options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_DEST) { options.showports = OPTION_PORTS_ON; } else if(options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_ON) { options.showports = OPTION_PORTS_DEST; } else { options.showports = OPTION_PORTS_OFF; } showportstatus(); break; case 'D': /* Show dest ports */ if(options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_OFF) { options.showports = OPTION_PORTS_DEST; } else if(options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_SRC) { options.showports = OPTION_PORTS_ON; } else if(options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_ON) { options.showports = OPTION_PORTS_SRC; } else { options.showports = OPTION_PORTS_OFF; } showportstatus(); break; case 'p': options.showports = (options.showports == OPTION_PORTS_OFF) ? OPTION_PORTS_ON : OPTION_PORTS_OFF; showportstatus(); // Don't tick here, otherwise we get a bogus display break; case 'P': if(options.paused) { options.paused = 0; showhelp("Display unpaused"); } else { options.paused = 1; showhelp("Display paused"); persistenthelp = 1; } break; case 'o': if(options.freezeorder) { options.freezeorder = 0; showhelp("Order unfrozen"); } else { options.freezeorder = 1; showhelp("Order frozen"); persistenthelp = 1; } break; case '1': options.sort = OPTION_SORT_DIV1; showhelp("Sort by col 1"); break; case '2': options.sort = OPTION_SORT_DIV2; showhelp("Sort by col 2"); break; case '3': options.sort = OPTION_SORT_DIV3; showhelp("Sort by col 3"); break; case '<': options.sort = OPTION_SORT_SRC; showhelp("Sort by source"); break; case '>': options.sort = OPTION_SORT_DEST; showhelp("Sort by dest"); break; case 'j': options.screen_offset++; ui_print(); break; case 'k': if(options.screen_offset > 0) { options.screen_offset--; ui_print(); } break; case 't': options.linedisplay = (options.linedisplay + 1) % 4; switch(options.linedisplay) { case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_TWO_LINE: showhelp("Two lines per host"); break; case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_ONE_LINE_SENT: showhelp("Sent traffic only"); break; case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_ONE_LINE_RECV: showhelp("Received traffic only"); break; case OPTION_LINEDISPLAY_ONE_LINE_BOTH: showhelp("One line per host"); break; } ui_print(); break; case 'f': { char *s; dontshowdisplay = 1; if ((s = edline(0, "Net filter", options.filtercode))) { char *m; if (s[strspn(s, " \t")] == 0) { /* Empty filter; set to NULL. */ xfree(s); s = NULL; } if (!(m = set_filter_code(s))) { xfree(options.filtercode); options.filtercode = s; /* -lpcap will write junk to stderr; we do our best to * erase it.... */ move(COLS - 1, LINES - 1); wrefresh(curscr); showhelp("Installed new filter"); } else { showhelp(m); xfree(s); } } dontshowdisplay = 0; ui_print(); break; } case 'l': { #ifdef HAVE_REGCOMP char *s; dontshowdisplay = 1; if ((s = edline(0, "Screen filter", options.screenfilter))) { if(!screen_filter_set(s)) { showhelp("Invalid regexp"); } } dontshowdisplay = 0; ui_print(); #else showhelp("Sorry, screen filters not supported on this platform") #endif break; } case '!': { #ifndef NO_SYSTEM char *s; dontshowdisplay = 1; if ((s = edline(0, "Command", "")) && s[strspn(s, " \t")]) { int i, dowait = 0; erase(); refresh(); endwin(); errno = 0; i = system(s); if (i == -1 || (i == 127 && errno != 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "system: %s: %s\n", s, strerror(errno)); dowait = 1; } else if (i != 0) { if (WIFEXITED(i)) fprintf(stderr, "%s: exited with code %d\n", s, WEXITSTATUS(i)); else if (WIFSIGNALED(i)) fprintf(stderr, "%s: killed by signal %d\n", s, WTERMSIG(i)); dowait = 1; } ui_curses_init(); if (dowait) { fprintf(stderr, "Press any key...."); while (getch() == ERR); } erase(); xfree(s); } dontshowdisplay = 0; #else showhelp("Sorry, subshells have been disabled."); #endif break; } case 'T': options.show_totals = !options.show_totals; if(options.show_totals) { showhelp("Show cummulative totals"); } else { showhelp("Hide cummulative totals"); } ui_print(); break; case 'L': options.log_scale = !options.log_scale; showhelp(options.log_scale ? "Logarithmic scale" : "Linear scale"); ui_print(); break; case KEY_CLEAR: case 12: /* ^L */ wrefresh(curscr); break; case ERR: break; default: showhelp("Press H or ? for help"); break; } tick(0); } } void ui_finish() { endwin(); }