Annotation of embedaddon/iperf/src/timer.h, revision

1.1       misho       1: /*
                      2:  * iperf, Copyright (c) 2014, The Regents of the University of
                      3:  * California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject
                      4:  * to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of
                      5:  * Energy).  All rights reserved.
                      6:  *
                      7:  * If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this
                      8:  * software, please contact Berkeley Lab's Technology Transfer
                      9:  * Department at
                     10:  *
                     11:  * NOTICE.  This software is owned by the U.S. Department of Energy.
                     12:  * As such, the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others
                     13:  * acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
                     14:  * worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, prepare derivative
                     15:  * works, and perform publicly and display publicly.  Beginning five
                     16:  * (5) years after the date permission to assert copyright is obtained
                     17:  * from the U.S. Department of Energy, and subject to any subsequent
                     18:  * five (5) year renewals, the U.S. Government is granted for itself
                     19:  * and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive,
                     20:  * irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce,
                     21:  * prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform
                     22:  * publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.
                     23:  *
                     24:  * This code is distributed under a BSD style license, see the LICENSE
                     25:  * file for complete information.
                     26:  *
                     27:  * Based on timers.h by Jef Poskanzer. Used with permission.
                     28:  */
                     30: #ifndef __TIMER_H
                     31: #define __TIMER_H
                     32: ! misho      33: #include <time.h>
1.1       misho      34: #include <sys/time.h>
                     35: ! misho      36: #include "iperf_time.h"
        !            37: 
1.1       misho      38: /* TimerClientData is an opaque value that tags along with a timer.  The
                     39: ** client can use it for whatever, and it gets passed to the callback when
                     40: ** the timer triggers.
                     41: */
                     42: typedef union
                     43: {
                     44:     void* p;
                     45:     int i;
                     46:     long l;
                     47: } TimerClientData;
                     49: extern TimerClientData JunkClientData; /* for use when you don't care */
                     51: /* The TimerProc gets called when the timer expires.  It gets passed ! misho      52: ** the TimerClientData associated with the timer, and a iperf_time in case
1.1       misho      53: ** it wants to schedule another timer.
                     54: */ ! misho      55: typedef void TimerProc( TimerClientData client_data, struct iperf_time* nowP );
1.1       misho      56: 
                     57: /* The Timer struct. */
                     58: typedef struct TimerStruct
                     59: {
                     60:     TimerProc* timer_proc;
                     61:     TimerClientData client_data;
                     62:     int64_t usecs;
                     63:     int periodic; ! misho      64:     struct iperf_time time;
1.1       misho      65:     struct TimerStruct* prev;
                     66:     struct TimerStruct* next;
                     67:     int hash;
                     68: } Timer;
                     70: /* Set up a timer, either periodic or one-shot. Returns (Timer*) 0 on errors. */
                     71: extern Timer* tmr_create( ! misho      72:     struct iperf_time* nowP, TimerProc* timer_proc, TimerClientData client_data,
1.1       misho      73:     int64_t usecs, int periodic );
                     75: /* Returns a timeout indicating how long until the next timer triggers.  You
                     76: ** can just put the call to this routine right in your select().  Returns
                     77: ** (struct timeval*) 0 if no timers are pending.
                     78: */ ! misho      79: extern struct timeval* tmr_timeout( struct iperf_time* nowP ) /* __attribute__((hot)) */;
1.1       misho      80: 
                     81: /* Run the list of timers. Your main program needs to call this every so often,
                     82: ** or as indicated by tmr_timeout().
                     83: */ ! misho      84: extern void tmr_run( struct iperf_time* nowP ) /* __attribute__((hot)) */;
1.1       misho      85: 
                     86: /* Reset the clock on a timer, to current time plus the original timeout. */ ! misho      87: extern void tmr_reset( struct iperf_time* nowP, Timer* timer );
1.1       misho      88: 
                     89: /* Deschedule a timer.  Note that non-periodic timers are automatically
                     90: ** descheduled when they run, so you don't have to call this on them.
                     91: */
                     92: extern void tmr_cancel( Timer* timer );
                     94: /* Clean up the timers package, freeing any unused storage. */
                     95: extern void tmr_cleanup( void );
                     97: /* Cancel all timers and free storage, usually in preparation for exiting. */
                     98: extern void tmr_destroy( void );
                    100: #endif /* __TIMER_H */

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