v1.04: Jul 08 2010 - `-c' option - pcap filter expression - moved from verbose to debug some ARP-sanity checks (irix at ukr.net) v1.04 beta: Apr 14 2010 - CIDR IP masks in `ethers' file - ipguard.gentoo Linux OpenRC script - now can be started without `ethers' file - `-k' option - periodic regenerate fake MAC v1.02: Nov 24 2008 - improved daemonize mode - chdir()/dup2() - removed useless sdr valid MAC send with `-z' option (irix at ukr.net) - rcNG script for FreeBSD tested and working now - corrected some spellings in man page (girish1729 at gmail.com) v1.00 release: Sep 22 2008 - removed unwanted pause in packet_send() - fixed bug with `-z' option and wildcard IP (irix at ukr.net) v1.00 pre: Sep 08 2008 - added `broadcast-headshot.patch' from irix at ukr.net - cosmetic code cleaning v1.00 beta5: Sep 04 2008 - some more debug messages - another change for `ethers' behavior to first pair match v1.00 beta4: Sep 01 2008 - fixed bug with weird gratuitous and wildcard MAC (irix at ukr.net) - `-z' fix broadcast now works for poison pirates MAC too (irix at ukr.net) - fixed bug in fix broadcast feature - `-s' option isn't buggy anymore - `-s' option now sets GID too, takes it from getpwuid() v1.00 beta3: Aug 20 2008 - added another one fake reply to pirate (as in ip-sentinel) - `-j' option - disable default MAC-IP pair (irix at ukr.net) v1.00 beta2: Jun 11 2008 - ipguard FreeBSD RCNG script (isn't tested) - fixed some bugs added in beta1 - additional docs v1.00 beta: Jan 30 2008 - Linux port at last - more `-ddd' debug and diagnostics - SIGINT SIGTERM now works instantly - SIGUSR2 dump bad MAC-IP buffer in ethers(5) format - /etc/ethers file now supports FQDN (nuclight at RusNet) - `-z' option - send who-has broadcast to fix broken tables - `-g' option - invert default policy to grant access - `-s' option - set user after libnet/bpf init (buggy abit) - support for Linux/MacOS/Vista weird gratuitous ARP - changed /etc/ethers behavior from any match to first match - totally rewritten all of packet_check() logic - moved to libnet-1.1 . reorganized most of libnet_* API - docs fixes v0.08 beta1: Jul 04 2006 - `-t' option - time between fake replies - check stale pid/process (citrin at RusNet) v0.04 release: Jul 04 2005 - OpenBSD port - docs updated - some minor fixes v0.04 beta1: May 31 2005 - improved bad MAC/IP buffer - pid file check - `-n' option - number of fake replies - random macs: `de:ad:xx:xx:xx:xx' x == rand() % 16 v0.02: Mar 30 2005 - `-b' option - bad MACs buffer - added interface name to log and pid file names - fixed bug with usleep() interrupted by signal (thx 2 citrin) - `-x' option - duplex mode v0.01 release: Mar 10 2005 - sending two fake replies - log file reopen on SIGHUP - man page, docs cleanup - some bugfixes v0.01 beta1: Feb 28 2005 - `-i == hidden' option - /etc/ethers autoupdate - arp/pcap statistics - mac/ip statistics v0.01 alpha2-alpha4... v0.01 alpha1: Feb 04 2005 - first alpha version