Annotation of embedaddon/ipsec-tools/src/racoon/cfparse.h, revision ! misho       1: /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.6.2.  */
1.1       misho       2: ! misho       3: /* Bison interface for Yacc-like parsers in C
1.1       misho       4: ! misho       5:       Copyright (C) 1984, 1989-1990, 2000-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
1.1       misho       6:    
                      7:    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
                      8:    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
                      9:    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
                     10:    (at your option) any later version.
                     12:    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
                     13:    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
                     14:    MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
                     15:    GNU General Public License for more details.
                     17:    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
                     18:    along with this program.  If not, see <>.  */
                     20: /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
                     21:    part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
                     22:    under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
                     23:    parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
                     24:    as a parser skeleton.  Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
                     25:    the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
                     26:    special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
                     27:    Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
                     28:    License without this special exception.
                     30:    This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
                     31:    version 2.2 of Bison.  */
                     32: ! misho      33: #ifndef YY_CFPARSE_H
        !            34: # define YY_CFPARSE_H
        !            35: /* Enabling traces.  */
        !            36: #ifndef YYDEBUG
        !            37: # define YYDEBUG 0
        !            38: #endif
        !            39: #if YYDEBUG
        !            40: extern int yydebug;
        !            41: #endif
1.1       misho      42: 
                     43: /* Tokens.  */
                     44: #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE
                     45: # define YYTOKENTYPE
                     46:    /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
                     47:       know about them.  */
                     48:    enum yytokentype {
                     49:      PRIVSEP = 258,
                     50:      USER = 259,
                     51:      GROUP = 260,
                     52:      CHROOT = 261,
                     53:      PATH = 262,
                     54:      PATHTYPE = 263,
                     55:      INCLUDE = 264,
                     56:      PFKEY_BUFFER = 265,
                     57:      LOGGING = 266,
                     58:      LOGLEV = 267,
                     59:      PADDING = 268,
                     60:      PAD_RANDOMIZE = 269,
                     61:      PAD_RANDOMIZELEN = 270,
                     62:      PAD_MAXLEN = 271,
                     63:      PAD_STRICT = 272,
                     64:      PAD_EXCLTAIL = 273,
                     65:      LISTEN = 274,
                     66:      X_ISAKMP = 275,
                     67:      X_ISAKMP_NATT = 276,
                     68:      X_ADMIN = 277,
                     69:      STRICT_ADDRESS = 278,
                     70:      ADMINSOCK = 279,
                     71:      DISABLED = 280,
                     72:      LDAPCFG = 281,
                     73:      LDAP_HOST = 282,
                     74:      LDAP_PORT = 283,
                     75:      LDAP_PVER = 284,
                     76:      LDAP_BASE = 285,
                     77:      LDAP_BIND_DN = 286,
                     78:      LDAP_BIND_PW = 287,
                     79:      LDAP_SUBTREE = 288,
                     80:      LDAP_ATTR_USER = 289,
                     81:      LDAP_ATTR_ADDR = 290,
                     82:      LDAP_ATTR_MASK = 291,
                     83:      LDAP_ATTR_GROUP = 292,
                     84:      LDAP_ATTR_MEMBER = 293,
                     85:      RADCFG = 294,
                     86:      RAD_AUTH = 295,
                     87:      RAD_ACCT = 296,
                     88:      RAD_TIMEOUT = 297,
                     89:      RAD_RETRIES = 298,
                     90:      MODECFG = 299,
                     91:      CFG_NET4 = 300,
                     92:      CFG_MASK4 = 301,
                     93:      CFG_DNS4 = 302,
                     94:      CFG_NBNS4 = 303,
                     95:      CFG_DEFAULT_DOMAIN = 304,
                     96:      CFG_AUTH_SOURCE = 305,
                     97:      CFG_AUTH_GROUPS = 306,
                     98:      CFG_SYSTEM = 307,
                     99:      CFG_RADIUS = 308,
                    100:      CFG_PAM = 309,
                    101:      CFG_LDAP = 310,
                    102:      CFG_LOCAL = 311,
                    103:      CFG_NONE = 312,
                    104:      CFG_GROUP_SOURCE = 313,
                    105:      CFG_ACCOUNTING = 314,
                    106:      CFG_CONF_SOURCE = 315,
                    107:      CFG_MOTD = 316,
                    108:      CFG_POOL_SIZE = 317,
                    109:      CFG_AUTH_THROTTLE = 318,
                    110:      CFG_SPLIT_NETWORK = 319,
                    111:      CFG_SPLIT_LOCAL = 320,
                    112:      CFG_SPLIT_INCLUDE = 321,
                    113:      CFG_SPLIT_DNS = 322,
                    114:      CFG_PFS_GROUP = 323,
                    115:      CFG_SAVE_PASSWD = 324,
                    116:      RETRY = 325,
                    117:      RETRY_COUNTER = 326,
                    118:      RETRY_INTERVAL = 327,
                    119:      RETRY_PERSEND = 328,
                    120:      RETRY_PHASE1 = 329,
                    121:      RETRY_PHASE2 = 330,
                    122:      NATT_KA = 331,
                    123:      ALGORITHM_CLASS = 332,
                    124:      ALGORITHMTYPE = 333,
                    125:      STRENGTHTYPE = 334,
                    126:      SAINFO = 335,
                    127:      FROM = 336,
                    128:      REMOTE = 337,
                    129:      ANONYMOUS = 338,
                    130:      CLIENTADDR = 339,
                    131:      INHERIT = 340,
                    132:      REMOTE_ADDRESS = 341,
                    133:      EXCHANGE_MODE = 342,
                    134:      EXCHANGETYPE = 343,
                    135:      DOI = 344,
                    136:      DOITYPE = 345,
                    137:      SITUATION = 346,
                    138:      SITUATIONTYPE = 347,
                    139:      CERTIFICATE_TYPE = 348,
                    140:      CERTTYPE = 349,
                    141:      PEERS_CERTFILE = 350,
                    142:      CA_TYPE = 351,
                    143:      VERIFY_CERT = 352,
                    144:      SEND_CERT = 353,
                    145:      SEND_CR = 354,
                    146:      MATCH_EMPTY_CR = 355,
                    147:      IDENTIFIERTYPE = 356,
                    148:      IDENTIFIERQUAL = 357,
                    149:      MY_IDENTIFIER = 358,
                    150:      PEERS_IDENTIFIER = 359,
                    151:      VERIFY_IDENTIFIER = 360,
                    152:      DNSSEC = 361,
                    153:      CERT_X509 = 362,
                    154:      CERT_PLAINRSA = 363,
                    155:      NONCE_SIZE = 364,
                    156:      DH_GROUP = 365,
                    157:      KEEPALIVE = 366,
                    158:      PASSIVE = 367,
                    159:      INITIAL_CONTACT = 368,
                    160:      NAT_TRAVERSAL = 369,
                    161:      REMOTE_FORCE_LEVEL = 370,
                    162:      PROPOSAL_CHECK = 371,
                    163:      PROPOSAL_CHECK_LEVEL = 372,
                    164:      GENERATE_POLICY = 373,
                    165:      GENERATE_LEVEL = 374,
                    166:      SUPPORT_PROXY = 375,
                    167:      PROPOSAL = 376,
                    168:      EXEC_PATH = 377,
                    169:      EXEC_COMMAND = 378,
                    170:      EXEC_SUCCESS = 379,
                    171:      EXEC_FAILURE = 380,
                    172:      GSS_ID = 381,
                    173:      GSS_ID_ENC = 382,
                    174:      GSS_ID_ENCTYPE = 383,
                    175:      COMPLEX_BUNDLE = 384,
                    176:      DPD = 385,
                    177:      DPD_DELAY = 386,
                    178:      DPD_RETRY = 387,
                    179:      DPD_MAXFAIL = 388,
                    180:      PH1ID = 389,
                    181:      XAUTH_LOGIN = 390,
                    182:      WEAK_PHASE1_CHECK = 391,
                    183:      REKEY = 392,
                    184:      PREFIX = 393,
                    185:      PORT = 394,
                    186:      PORTANY = 395,
                    187:      UL_PROTO = 396,
                    188:      ANY = 397,
                    189:      IKE_FRAG = 398,
                    190:      ESP_FRAG = 399,
                    191:      MODE_CFG = 400,
                    192:      PFS_GROUP = 401,
                    193:      LIFETIME = 402,
                    194:      LIFETYPE_TIME = 403,
                    195:      LIFETYPE_BYTE = 404,
                    196:      STRENGTH = 405,
                    197:      REMOTEID = 406,
                    198:      SCRIPT = 407,
                    199:      PHASE1_UP = 408,
                    200:      PHASE1_DOWN = 409,
                    201:      PHASE1_DEAD = 410,
                    202:      NUMBER = 411,
                    203:      SWITCH = 412,
                    204:      BOOLEAN = 413,
                    205:      HEXSTRING = 414,
                    206:      QUOTEDSTRING = 415,
                    207:      ADDRSTRING = 416,
                    208:      ADDRRANGE = 417,
                    209:      UNITTYPE_BYTE = 418,
                    210:      UNITTYPE_KBYTES = 419,
                    211:      UNITTYPE_MBYTES = 420,
                    212:      UNITTYPE_TBYTES = 421,
                    213:      UNITTYPE_SEC = 422,
                    214:      UNITTYPE_MIN = 423,
                    215:      UNITTYPE_HOUR = 424,
                    216:      EOS = 425,
                    217:      BOC = 426,
                    218:      EOC = 427,
                    219:      COMMA = 428
                    220:    };
                    221: #endif
                    222: /* Tokens.  */
                    223: #define PRIVSEP 258
                    224: #define USER 259
                    225: #define GROUP 260
                    226: #define CHROOT 261
                    227: #define PATH 262
                    228: #define PATHTYPE 263
                    229: #define INCLUDE 264
                    230: #define PFKEY_BUFFER 265
                    231: #define LOGGING 266
                    232: #define LOGLEV 267
                    233: #define PADDING 268
                    234: #define PAD_RANDOMIZE 269
                    235: #define PAD_RANDOMIZELEN 270
                    236: #define PAD_MAXLEN 271
                    237: #define PAD_STRICT 272
                    238: #define PAD_EXCLTAIL 273
                    239: #define LISTEN 274
                    240: #define X_ISAKMP 275
                    241: #define X_ISAKMP_NATT 276
                    242: #define X_ADMIN 277
                    243: #define STRICT_ADDRESS 278
                    244: #define ADMINSOCK 279
                    245: #define DISABLED 280
                    246: #define LDAPCFG 281
                    247: #define LDAP_HOST 282
                    248: #define LDAP_PORT 283
                    249: #define LDAP_PVER 284
                    250: #define LDAP_BASE 285
                    251: #define LDAP_BIND_DN 286
                    252: #define LDAP_BIND_PW 287
                    253: #define LDAP_SUBTREE 288
                    254: #define LDAP_ATTR_USER 289
                    255: #define LDAP_ATTR_ADDR 290
                    256: #define LDAP_ATTR_MASK 291
                    257: #define LDAP_ATTR_GROUP 292
                    258: #define LDAP_ATTR_MEMBER 293
                    259: #define RADCFG 294
                    260: #define RAD_AUTH 295
                    261: #define RAD_ACCT 296
                    262: #define RAD_TIMEOUT 297
                    263: #define RAD_RETRIES 298
                    264: #define MODECFG 299
                    265: #define CFG_NET4 300
                    266: #define CFG_MASK4 301
                    267: #define CFG_DNS4 302
                    268: #define CFG_NBNS4 303
                    269: #define CFG_DEFAULT_DOMAIN 304
                    270: #define CFG_AUTH_SOURCE 305
                    271: #define CFG_AUTH_GROUPS 306
                    272: #define CFG_SYSTEM 307
                    273: #define CFG_RADIUS 308
                    274: #define CFG_PAM 309
                    275: #define CFG_LDAP 310
                    276: #define CFG_LOCAL 311
                    277: #define CFG_NONE 312
                    278: #define CFG_GROUP_SOURCE 313
                    279: #define CFG_ACCOUNTING 314
                    280: #define CFG_CONF_SOURCE 315
                    281: #define CFG_MOTD 316
                    282: #define CFG_POOL_SIZE 317
                    283: #define CFG_AUTH_THROTTLE 318
                    284: #define CFG_SPLIT_NETWORK 319
                    285: #define CFG_SPLIT_LOCAL 320
                    286: #define CFG_SPLIT_INCLUDE 321
                    287: #define CFG_SPLIT_DNS 322
                    288: #define CFG_PFS_GROUP 323
                    289: #define CFG_SAVE_PASSWD 324
                    290: #define RETRY 325
                    291: #define RETRY_COUNTER 326
                    292: #define RETRY_INTERVAL 327
                    293: #define RETRY_PERSEND 328
                    294: #define RETRY_PHASE1 329
                    295: #define RETRY_PHASE2 330
                    296: #define NATT_KA 331
                    297: #define ALGORITHM_CLASS 332
                    298: #define ALGORITHMTYPE 333
                    299: #define STRENGTHTYPE 334
                    300: #define SAINFO 335
                    301: #define FROM 336
                    302: #define REMOTE 337
                    303: #define ANONYMOUS 338
                    304: #define CLIENTADDR 339
                    305: #define INHERIT 340
                    306: #define REMOTE_ADDRESS 341
                    307: #define EXCHANGE_MODE 342
                    308: #define EXCHANGETYPE 343
                    309: #define DOI 344
                    310: #define DOITYPE 345
                    311: #define SITUATION 346
                    312: #define SITUATIONTYPE 347
                    313: #define CERTIFICATE_TYPE 348
                    314: #define CERTTYPE 349
                    315: #define PEERS_CERTFILE 350
                    316: #define CA_TYPE 351
                    317: #define VERIFY_CERT 352
                    318: #define SEND_CERT 353
                    319: #define SEND_CR 354
                    320: #define MATCH_EMPTY_CR 355
                    321: #define IDENTIFIERTYPE 356
                    322: #define IDENTIFIERQUAL 357
                    323: #define MY_IDENTIFIER 358
                    324: #define PEERS_IDENTIFIER 359
                    325: #define VERIFY_IDENTIFIER 360
                    326: #define DNSSEC 361
                    327: #define CERT_X509 362
                    328: #define CERT_PLAINRSA 363
                    329: #define NONCE_SIZE 364
                    330: #define DH_GROUP 365
                    331: #define KEEPALIVE 366
                    332: #define PASSIVE 367
                    333: #define INITIAL_CONTACT 368
                    334: #define NAT_TRAVERSAL 369
                    335: #define REMOTE_FORCE_LEVEL 370
                    336: #define PROPOSAL_CHECK 371
                    337: #define PROPOSAL_CHECK_LEVEL 372
                    338: #define GENERATE_POLICY 373
                    339: #define GENERATE_LEVEL 374
                    340: #define SUPPORT_PROXY 375
                    341: #define PROPOSAL 376
                    342: #define EXEC_PATH 377
                    343: #define EXEC_COMMAND 378
                    344: #define EXEC_SUCCESS 379
                    345: #define EXEC_FAILURE 380
                    346: #define GSS_ID 381
                    347: #define GSS_ID_ENC 382
                    348: #define GSS_ID_ENCTYPE 383
                    349: #define COMPLEX_BUNDLE 384
                    350: #define DPD 385
                    351: #define DPD_DELAY 386
                    352: #define DPD_RETRY 387
                    353: #define DPD_MAXFAIL 388
                    354: #define PH1ID 389
                    355: #define XAUTH_LOGIN 390
                    356: #define WEAK_PHASE1_CHECK 391
                    357: #define REKEY 392
                    358: #define PREFIX 393
                    359: #define PORT 394
                    360: #define PORTANY 395
                    361: #define UL_PROTO 396
                    362: #define ANY 397
                    363: #define IKE_FRAG 398
                    364: #define ESP_FRAG 399
                    365: #define MODE_CFG 400
                    366: #define PFS_GROUP 401
                    367: #define LIFETIME 402
                    368: #define LIFETYPE_TIME 403
                    369: #define LIFETYPE_BYTE 404
                    370: #define STRENGTH 405
                    371: #define REMOTEID 406
                    372: #define SCRIPT 407
                    373: #define PHASE1_UP 408
                    374: #define PHASE1_DOWN 409
                    375: #define PHASE1_DEAD 410
                    376: #define NUMBER 411
                    377: #define SWITCH 412
                    378: #define BOOLEAN 413
                    379: #define HEXSTRING 414
                    380: #define QUOTEDSTRING 415
                    381: #define ADDRSTRING 416
                    382: #define ADDRRANGE 417
                    383: #define UNITTYPE_BYTE 418
                    384: #define UNITTYPE_KBYTES 419
                    385: #define UNITTYPE_MBYTES 420
                    386: #define UNITTYPE_TBYTES 421
                    387: #define UNITTYPE_SEC 422
                    388: #define UNITTYPE_MIN 423
                    389: #define UNITTYPE_HOUR 424
                    390: #define EOS 425
                    391: #define BOC 426
                    392: #define EOC 427
                    393: #define COMMA 428
                    397: #if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
                    398: typedef union YYSTYPE
                    399: { ! misho     400: /* Line 2049 of yacc.c  */
        !           401: #line 247 "cfparse.y"
1.1       misho     402: 
                    403:        unsigned long num;
                    404:        vchar_t *val;
                    405:        struct remoteconf *rmconf;
                    406:        struct sockaddr *saddr;
                    407:        struct sainfoalg *alg;
                    409: ! misho     410: /* Line 2049 of yacc.c  */
        !           411: #line 412 "cfparse.h"
1.1       misho     412: } YYSTYPE;
                    413: # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1
                    414: # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
                    415: # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1
                    416: #endif
                    418: extern YYSTYPE yylval;
                    419: ! misho     420: #ifdef YYPARSE_PARAM
        !           421: #if defined __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus
        !           422: int yyparse (void *YYPARSE_PARAM);
        !           423: #else
        !           424: int yyparse ();
        !           425: #endif
        !           426: #else /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
        !           427: #if defined __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus
        !           428: int yyparse (void);
        !           429: #else
        !           430: int yyparse ();
        !           431: #endif
        !           432: #endif /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
1.1       misho     433: ! misho     434: #endif /* !YY_CFPARSE_H  */

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