Annotation of embedaddon/libiconv/man/iconv.1.html, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: <!-- Creator     : groff version 1.18.1 -->
        !             2: <!-- CreationDate: Tue Jun 30 22:52:08 2009 -->
        !             3: <html>
        !             4: <head>
        !             5: <meta name="generator" content="groff -Thtml, see">
        !             6: <meta name="Content-Style" content="text/css">
        !             7: <title>ICONV</title>
        !             8: </head>
        !             9: <body>
        !            10: 
        !            11: <h1 align=center>ICONV</h1>
        !            12: <a href="#NAME">NAME</a><br>
        !            13: <a href="#SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</a><br>
        !            14: <a href="#DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION</a><br>
        !            15: <a href="#EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES</a><br>
        !            16: <a href="#CONFORMING TO">CONFORMING TO</a><br>
        !            17: <a href="#SEE ALSO">SEE ALSO</a><br>
        !            18: 
        !            19: <hr>
        !            20: <a name="NAME"></a>
        !            21: <h2>NAME</h2>
        !            22: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !            23: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !            24:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !            25: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !            26: <td width="10%"></td>
        !            27: <td width="89%">
        !            28: <p>iconv &minus; character set conversion</p>
        !            29: </td>
        !            30: </table>
        !            31: <a name="SYNOPSIS"></a>
        !            32: <h2>SYNOPSIS</h2>
        !            33: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !            34: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !            35:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !            36: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !            37: <td width="10%"></td>
        !            38: <td width="89%">
        !            39: <pre>iconv [<i>OPTION</i>...] [<b>&minus;f</b> <i>encoding</i>] [<b>&minus;t</b> <i>encoding</i>] [<i>inputfile</i> ...]
        !            40: iconv <b>&minus;l
        !            41: </b></pre>
        !            42: </td>
        !            43: </table>
        !            44: <a name="DESCRIPTION"></a>
        !            45: <h2>DESCRIPTION</h2>
        !            46: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !            47: 
        !            48: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !            49:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !            50: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !            51: <td width="10%"></td>
        !            52: <td width="89%">
        !            53: <p>The <b>iconv</b> program converts text from one encoding
        !            54: to another encoding. More precisely, it converts <b>from</b>
        !            55: the encoding given for the <b>&minus;f</b> option <b>to</b>
        !            56: the encoding given for the <b>&minus;t</b> option. Either of
        !            57: these encodings defaults to the encoding of the current
        !            58: locale. All the <i>inputfile</i>s are read and converted in
        !            59: turn; if no <i>inputfile</i> is given, the standard input is
        !            60: used. The converted text is printed to standard output.</p>
        !            61: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !            62: <p>The encodings permitted are system dependent. For the
        !            63: libiconv implementation, they are listed in the
        !            64: iconv_open(3) manual page.</p>
        !            65: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !            66: <p>Options controlling the input and output format:</p>
        !            67: </td>
        !            68: </table>
        !            69: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !            70: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !            71:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !            72: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !            73: <td width="10%"></td>
        !            74: <td width="89%">
        !            75: <p><b>&minus;f</b> <i>encoding</i>,
        !            76: <b>&minus;&minus;from&minus;code=</b><i>encoding</i></p></td>
        !            77: </table>
        !            78: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !            79: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !            80:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !            81: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !            82: <td width="21%"></td>
        !            83: <td width="77%">
        !            84: <p>Specifies the encoding of the input.</p>
        !            85: </td>
        !            86: </table>
        !            87: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !            88: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !            89:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !            90: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !            91: <td width="10%"></td>
        !            92: <td width="89%">
        !            93: <p><b>&minus;t</b> <i>encoding</i>,
        !            94: <b>&minus;&minus;to&minus;code=</b><i>encoding</i></p></td>
        !            95: </table>
        !            96: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !            97: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !            98:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !            99: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           100: <td width="21%"></td>
        !           101: <td width="77%">
        !           102: <p>Specifies the encoding of the output.</p>
        !           103: </td>
        !           104: </table>
        !           105: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           106: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           107:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           108: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           109: <td width="10%"></td>
        !           110: <td width="89%">
        !           111: <p>Options controlling conversion problems:</p>
        !           112: </td>
        !           113: </table>
        !           114: <!-- TABS -->
        !           115: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           116:        cols="4" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           117: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           118: <td width="13%"></td>
        !           119: <td width="2%">
        !           120: 
        !           121: <p><b>&minus;c</b></p>
        !           122: </td>
        !           123: <td width="5%"></td>
        !           124: <td width="77%">
        !           125: 
        !           126: <p>When this option is given, characters that cannot be
        !           127: converted are silently discarded, instead of leading to a
        !           128: conversion error.</p>
        !           129: </td>
        !           130: </table>
        !           131: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           132: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           133:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           134: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           135: <td width="10%"></td>
        !           136: <td width="89%">
        !           137: 
        !           138: <p><b>&minus;&minus;unicode&minus;subst=</b><i>formatstring</i></p></td>
        !           139: </table>
        !           140: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           141: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           142:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           143: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           144: <td width="21%"></td>
        !           145: <td width="77%">
        !           146: <p>When this option is given, Unicode characters that cannot
        !           147: be represented in the target encoding are replaced with a
        !           148: placeholder string that is constructed from the given
        !           149: <i>formatstring</i>, applied to the Unicode code point. The
        !           150: <i>formatstring</i> must be a format string in the same
        !           151: format as for the <i>printf</i> command or the
        !           152: <i>printf()</i> function, taking either no argument or
        !           153: exactly one unsigned integer argument.</p>
        !           154: </td>
        !           155: </table>
        !           156: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           157: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           158:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           159: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           160: <td width="10%"></td>
        !           161: <td width="89%">
        !           162: 
        !           163: <p><b>&minus;&minus;byte&minus;subst=</b><i>formatstring</i></p></td>
        !           164: </table>
        !           165: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           166: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           167:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           168: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           169: <td width="21%"></td>
        !           170: <td width="77%">
        !           171: <p>When this option is given, bytes in the input that are
        !           172: not valid in the source encoding are replaced with a
        !           173: placeholder string that is constructed from the given
        !           174: <i>formatstring</i>, applied to the byte&rsquo;s value. The
        !           175: <i>formatstring</i> must be a format string in the same
        !           176: format as for the <i>printf</i> command or the
        !           177: <i>printf()</i> function, taking either no argument or
        !           178: exactly one unsigned integer argument.</p>
        !           179: </td>
        !           180: </table>
        !           181: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           182: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           183:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           184: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           185: <td width="10%"></td>
        !           186: <td width="89%">
        !           187: 
        !           188: <p><b>&minus;&minus;widechar&minus;subst=</b><i>formatstring</i></p></td>
        !           189: </table>
        !           190: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           191: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           192:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           193: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           194: <td width="21%"></td>
        !           195: <td width="77%">
        !           196: <p>When this option is given, wide characters in the input
        !           197: that are not valid in the source encoding are replaced with
        !           198: a placeholder string that is constructed from the given
        !           199: <i>formatstring</i>, applied to the byte&rsquo;s value. The
        !           200: <i>formatstring</i> must be a format string in the same
        !           201: format as for the <i>printf</i> command or the
        !           202: <i>printf()</i> function, taking either no argument or
        !           203: exactly one unsigned integer argument.</p>
        !           204: </td>
        !           205: </table>
        !           206: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           207: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           208:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           209: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           210: <td width="10%"></td>
        !           211: <td width="89%">
        !           212: <p>Options controlling error output:</p>
        !           213: </td>
        !           214: </table>
        !           215: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           216: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           217:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           218: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           219: <td width="10%"></td>
        !           220: <td width="89%">
        !           221: <p><b>&minus;s</b>, <b>&minus;&minus;silent</b></p></td>
        !           222: </table>
        !           223: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           224: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           225:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           226: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           227: <td width="21%"></td>
        !           228: <td width="77%">
        !           229: <p>When this option is given, error messages about invalid
        !           230: or unconvertible characters are omitted, but the actual
        !           231: converted text is unaffected.</p>
        !           232: </td>
        !           233: </table>
        !           234: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           235: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           236:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           237: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           238: <td width="10%"></td>
        !           239: <td width="89%">
        !           240: <p>The <b>iconv &minus;l</b> or <b>iconv
        !           241: &minus;&minus;list</b> command lists the names of the
        !           242: supported encodings, in a system dependent format. For the
        !           243: libiconv implementation, the names are printed in upper
        !           244: case, separated by whitespace, and alias names of an
        !           245: encoding are listed on the same line as the encoding
        !           246: itself.</p>
        !           247: </td>
        !           248: </table>
        !           249: <a name="EXAMPLES"></a>
        !           250: <h2>EXAMPLES</h2>
        !           251: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           252: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           253:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           254: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           255: <td width="10%"></td>
        !           256: <td width="89%">
        !           257: <p><b>iconv &minus;f ISO&minus;8859&minus;1 &minus;t
        !           258: UTF&minus;8</b></p></td>
        !           259: </table>
        !           260: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           261: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           262:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           263: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           264: <td width="21%"></td>
        !           265: <td width="77%">
        !           266: <p>converts input from the old West-European encoding
        !           267: ISO&minus;8859&minus;1 to Unicode.</p>
        !           268: </td>
        !           269: </table>
        !           270: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           271: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           272:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           273: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           274: <td width="10%"></td>
        !           275: <td width="89%">
        !           276: <pre><b>iconv &minus;f KOI8&minus;R &minus;&minus;byte&minus;subst=&quot;&lt;0x%x&gt;&quot;
        !           277:                 &minus;&minus;unicode&minus;subst=&quot;&lt;U+%04X&gt;&quot;
        !           278: </b></pre>
        !           279: </td>
        !           280: </table>
        !           281: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           282: 
        !           283: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           284:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           285: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           286: <td width="20%"></td>
        !           287: <td width="79%">
        !           288: <p>converts input from the old Russian encoding KOI8&minus;R
        !           289: to the locale encoding, substituting an angle bracket
        !           290: notation with hexadecimal numbers for invalid bytes and for
        !           291: valid but unconvertible characters.</p></td>
        !           292: </table>
        !           293: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           294: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           295:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           296: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           297: <td width="10%"></td>
        !           298: <td width="89%">
        !           299: <p><b>iconv &minus;&minus;list</b></p></td>
        !           300: </table>
        !           301: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           302: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           303:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           304: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           305: <td width="21%"></td>
        !           306: <td width="77%">
        !           307: <p>lists the supported encodings.</p>
        !           308: </td>
        !           309: </table>
        !           310: <a name="CONFORMING TO"></a>
        !           311: <h2>CONFORMING TO</h2>
        !           312: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           313: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           314:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           315: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           316: <td width="10%"></td>
        !           317: <td width="89%">
        !           318: <p>POSIX:2001</p>
        !           319: </td>
        !           320: </table>
        !           321: <a name="SEE ALSO"></a>
        !           322: <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
        !           323: <!-- INDENTATION -->
        !           324: <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
        !           325:        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
        !           326: <tr valign="top" align="left">
        !           327: <td width="10%"></td>
        !           328: <td width="89%">
        !           329: <p><b>iconv_open</b>(3), <b>locale</b>(7)</p>
        !           330: </td>
        !           331: </table>
        !           332: <hr>
        !           333: </body>
        !           334: </html>

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