@echo off @rem Script to build libnet with MSVC. @rem Dependencies are: @rem winpcap, specifically, the winpcap developer pack @rem We assume WpdPack\ and libnet-master\ to have the same path, @rem and that this script is executed from either a VS2015 Developer Command Prompt @rem or an elevated Command Prompt. :start @if "%1" == "" goto x86 @setlocal @set userinput=%1 @if not "%1"=="x86" @if not "%1"=="x64" @if not "%1"=="x86_x64" goto usage @if "%1"=="x86" goto x86 @if "%1"=="x64" goto x64 @if "%1"=="x86_x64" goto x86_x64 @endlocal :x86 if not exist "%VCINSTALLDIR%bin\vcvars32.bat" goto path call "%VCINSTALLDIR%bin\vcvars32.bat" goto msvcbuild32 :x64 if not exist "%VCINSTALLDIR%bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat" goto path call "%VCINSTALLDIR%bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat" goto msvcbuild64 :x86_x64 if not exist "%VCINSTALLDIR%vcvarsall.bat" goto path call "%VCINSTALLDIR%vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64 goto msvcbuild64 :msvcbuild32 @echo on @setlocal @set MYCOMPILE=cl /nologo /MD /O2 /W4 /c /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /Fowin32\ @set MYLINK=link /nologo @set MYMT=mt /nologo @set VERSION=1.2 @rem relative to C code in src/ @set WINPCAP=..\..\..\WpdPack if not exist "src\win32\" mkdir "src\win32\" if not exist "lib\x86\" mkdir "lib\x86\" copy win32\libnet.h include\ copy win32\stdint.h include\libnet\ copy win32\config.h include\ copy win32\getopt.h include\ cd src %MYCOMPILE% /I..\include /I%WINPCAP%\Include libnet_a*.c libnet_build_*.c libnet_c*.c libnet_dll.c libnet_error.c libnet_i*.c libnet_link_win32.c libnet_p*.c libnet_raw.c libnet_resolve.c libnet_version.c libnet_write.c %MYLINK% /DLL /libpath:%WINPCAP%\Lib /out:..\lib\x86\libnet%VERSION%.dll win32\*.obj Advapi32.lib if exist libnet.dll.manifest^ %MYMT% -manifest libnet.dll.manifest -outputresource:libnet.dll;2 cd .. exit /b %errorlevel% :msvcbuild64 @echo on @setlocal @set MYCOMPILE=cl /nologo /MD /O2 /W4 /c /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /Fowin64\ @set MYLINK=link /nologo @set MYMT=mt /nologo @set VERSION=1.2 @rem relative to C code in src/ @set WINPCAP=..\..\..\WpdPack if not exist "src\win64\" mkdir "src\win64\" if not exist "lib\x64\" mkdir "lib\x64\" copy win32\libnet.h include\ copy win32\stdint.h include\libnet\ copy win32\config.h include\ copy win32\getopt.h include\ cd src %MYCOMPILE% /I..\include /I%WINPCAP%\Include libnet_a*.c libnet_build_*.c libnet_c*.c libnet_dll.c libnet_error.c libnet_i*.c libnet_link_win32.c libnet_p*.c libnet_raw.c libnet_resolve.c libnet_version.c libnet_write.c %MYLINK% /DLL /libpath:%WINPCAP%\Lib\x64 /out:..\lib\x64\libnet%VERSION%.dll win64\*.obj Advapi32.lib if exist libnet.dll.manifest^ %MYMT% -manifest libnet.dll.manifest -outputresource:libnet.dll;2 cd .. exit /b %errorlevel% :usage echo Invalid option "%*". The correct usage is: echo %0 [option] echo : echo where [option] is: x86 ^| x64 ^| x86_x64 echo : echo The script will verify and set the appropriate environment variables. echo If no options are provided, x86 is assumed. echo : echo Usage examples: echo %0 x86 echo %0 x64 echo %0 x86_x64 echo : echo If your build computer is 32-bit and you want to build for 64-bit echo (aka Cross), choose "x86_x64" echo : echo Please make sure Visual Studio or the C++ Build SKU is installed, echo and that this script is executed from a Developer Command Prompt. echo : goto end :path call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" if not exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" goto fail goto start :fail echo Visual Studio or the C++ Build SKU do not seem to be installed. echo Please Install either of them or try to executed this script echo from a Developer Command Prompt. goto end :end