File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / libpdel / README
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Tue Feb 21 23:25:53 2012 UTC (13 years ago) by misho
Branches: libpdel, MAIN
CVS tags: v0_5_3, HEAD

libpdel - the Packet Design Embedded Library

About libpdel

The Packet Design Embedded Library (PDEL) is a C library containing an
assorted collection of code useful for developing embedded applications:

-   C data structure run-time introspection library: structs(3)
    -   Support for automated conversion to/from XML
    -   Pre-defined types for most C data structures
-   Threaded HTTP client/server library: http_server(3)
    -   SSL support
    -   User-definable C "servlets": http_servlet(3)
    -   Several pre-defined servlets
    -   Support for XML/HTTP and XML-RPC: http_xml(3)
-   PPP stack library (FreeBSD only): pdel_ppp(3)
    -	Netgraph(4) based for kernel data packet handling
    -	Servers for PPTP and L2TP
-   Application configuration framework: app_config(3)
-   Heap memory accounting and sanity checking: typed_mem(3)
-   File template library: tmpl(3)
-   Routines to configure networking interfaces, ARP table, and routing
    table (FreeBSD only): if_util(3), route_msg(3), uroute(3)
-   Logging library: alog(3)
    -   Automated storage into circular file: logfile(3)
    -   syslog(3) compatibile
-   Generic TCP server: tcp_server(3)
-   Generic hash table implementation: ghash(3)
-   Generic balanced tree implementation: gtree(3)
-   FILE * enhancements:
    -   Generic data "filters": filter_fopen(3)
    -   MIME boundary input streams: boundary_fopen(3)
    -   Fixed length input streams: count_fopen(3)
    -   String buffer input/output streams: string_fp(3)
    -   Timeout streams: timeout_fdopen(3)
    -   SSL streams: ssl_fp(3)
-   Base-64 encoding/decoding: base64(3)
-   Events and actions with automated locking: paction(3), pevent(3)
-   Generalized per-thread variables: tinfo(3)
-   Message ports: mesg_port(3)
-   Digital signature creation/verification: rsa_util_sign(3)
-   Filesystem mounting/unmounting (FreeBSD only): fs_mount(3)
-   String quoting/parsing: string_enquote(3)

For more details, see the individual man pages referenced above.

This library has been tested on FreeBSD and RedHat Linux.
Other versions of Linux and other operating systems are not
tested but "should work".

There are a few demonstration/test programs in various test
sub-directories scattered about.

Note: this is still considered 'alpha' code until the version number
reaches "1.0.0". Therefore, API's may change between versions. Please
consult the "Changes" for a list of changes.

Installing libpdel

If you are using FreeBSD, just install the FreeBSD port:


1. Type 'make' to build the library
2. Become root
3. Type 'make install' to install the library

$Id: README,v 2012/02/21 23:25:53 misho Exp $

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