Annotation of embedaddon/libpdel/tmpl/test/, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1:
! 2: Calling func1: @func1("arg1", "arg two")
! 3:
! 4: Calling func2(3): @func2(@func3())
! 5:
! 6: @set("foo", "bar")
! 7: foo="@get("foo")"
! 8: bar="@get("bar")"
! 9: @set("foo", "blab")
! 10: foo="@get("foo")"
! 11:
! 12: @set("foo", @error_test("this is", "a test"))
! 13:
! 14: HTML Escaping "!@#$%^&*()}{][-|\"';:?></.,~`" --> @htmlencode("!@#$%^&*()}{][-|\\\"';:?></.,~`")
! 15:
! 16: URL Encoding "!@#$%^&*()}{][-|\"';:?></.,~`" --> @urlencode("!@#$%^&*()}{][-|\\\"';:?></.,~`")
! 17:
! 18: An at sign looks like this: ``@@''
! 19:
! 20: Should@if(@not(@or("0", "not", "nope", @and("1", "2", "3"))))n't@endif see this.
! 21: Should@if(@and("0", @or("0", "1")))n't@endif see this.
! 22:
! 23: @@and("0", "0") = @and("0", "0")
! 24: @@and("0", "1") = @and("0", "1")
! 25: @@and("1", "0") = @and("1", "0")
! 26: @@and("1", "1") = @and("1", "1")
! 27: @@or("0", "0") = @or("0", "0")
! 28: @@or("0", "1") = @or("0", "1")
! 29: @@or("1", "0") = @or("1", "0")
! 30: @@or("1", "1") = @or("1", "1")
! 31:
! 32: @if(@not(@equal("abc", "def")))Should@else()Should not@endif see this.
! 33:
! 34: @parse error()
! 35: @parseerror(()
! 36: @parseerror(@okfunc(@okfunc(), loopindex()), @bad func())
! 37: @parseerror("bogus string\")
! 38: @parseerror("bogus string
! 39:
! 40: @foo_bar()
! 41: @foobar("abc")
! 42: @janfu("\x41\x42\x43")
! 43: @foobar("123",@janfu("\x41\x42\x43"))
! 44:
! 45: @loop("2")@loop("3")This is iteration @loopindex("1").@eval("@loopindex(\"0\")").
! 46: @endloop
! 47: @endloop
! 48:
! 49: @eval("just some random data here.")
! 50:
! 51: @loop("3")@loopindex()..@endloop..done
! 52: @eval("what follows was @@eval()'d:\nloop: @loop(\"3\")@loopindex()..@endloop..done")
! 53:
! 54: @error("error string")
! 55:
! 56: MARKER C
! 57:
! 58: @if ("0")
! 59: @elif ("2")
! 60: @loop ("3")
! 61: @endloop
! 62: @elif ("3")
! 63: @endif
! 64:
! 65: MARKER D
! 66:
! 67: @loop("3")
! 68: @if (@equal(@loopindex(), "0"))
! 69: First iteration
! 70: @elif (@equal(@loopindex(), "1"))
! 71: Second iteration
! 72: @elif (@equal(@loopindex(), "2"))
! 73: Last iteration
! 74: @else
! 75: Unexpected loopindex ``@loopindex()''
! 76: @endif
! 77: @endloop
! 78:
! 79: MARKER E
! 80:
! 81: This should be "abc": @eval("\"@cat(\"a\\x62c\")\"")
! 82: @if("0") should not see this
! 83: @if ( @equal( "a", "\x61" ) )
! 84: 1: should not see this
! 85: @else
! 86: 2: should not see this
! 87: @endif
! 88: @elif (@equal("abc", @eval("ab\x63")))
! 89: 3: should see this
! 90: @if (@equal( "a", "\x61" ))
! 91: 4: should see this
! 92: @else
! 93: 5: should not see this
! 94: @endif
! 95: @elif (@equal("def", "def"))
! 96: 6: should not see this
! 97: @else
! 98: 7: should not see this
! 99: @endif
! 100:
! 101:
! 102: @ notfunc()
! 103:
! 104: @set("foo", "4")
! 105: @while(@get("foo"))
! 106: Foo is @get("foo")
! 107: @if(@equal(@get("foo"), "4"))
! 108: @set("foo", "3")
! 109: @continue
! 110: @endif
! 111: @if(@equal(@get("foo"), "3"))
! 112: @set("foo", "2")
! 113: @continue
! 114: @endif
! 115: @if(@equal(@get("foo"), "2"))
! 116: @set("foo", "1")
! 117: @break
! 118: @endif
! 119: @if(@equal(@get("foo"), "1"))
! 120: Shouldn't see this
! 121: @endif
! 122: @set("foo", "notbar")
! 123: Shouldn't see this
! 124: @endwhile
! 125:
! 126: @define("dfunc")
! 127: Number of arguments is @get("argc")
! 128: @loop(@get("argc"))Argument #@loopindex() is "@get(@cat("arg", @loopindex()))".
! 129: @endloop
! 130: @enddef
! 131:
! 132: @invoke()
! 133: @set("argc", "1")
! 134: @invoke()
! 135: @set("arg0", "unknown_function")
! 136: @invoke()
! 137: @set("argc", "3")
! 138: @set("arg0", "dfunc")
! 139: @set("arg1", "1st argument")
! 140: @set("arg2", "2nd argument")
! 141: @invoke()
! 142:
! 143: 23 / 4 = @div("23", "4")
! 144: 123 / 0 = @div("123", "0")
! 145: -12 % 5 = @div("-12", "5")
! 146:
! 147: @dfunc("foo", "bar", "jan")
! 148:
! 149: @eval(@cat("@define(\"dfunc\")Another def'n of @get(\"arg0\")",
! 150: " (@get(\"argc\") args)\n@enddef"))
! 151:
! 152: @dfunc("foo", "jan")
! 153:
! 154: @define("recursive")@recursive(@get("arg1"), @get("arg2"))@enddef
! 155: @recursive("foo", "bar")
! 156:
! 157: last line
! 158:
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