--- embedaddon/libxml2/doc/devhelp/libxml2-valid.html 2012/02/21 23:37:59 1.1 +++ embedaddon/libxml2/doc/devhelp/libxml2-valid.html 2014/06/15 19:53:35 @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ The content of this structure is not made public by th

xmlValidatePushCData ()

int	xmlValidatePushCData		(xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * data,
int len)

check the CData parsed for validation in the current stack

ctxt:the validation context
data:some character data read
len:the lenght of the data
Returns:1 if no validation problem was found or 0 otherwise
ctxt:the validation context
data:some character data read
len:the length of the data
Returns:1 if no validation problem was found or 0 otherwise

xmlValidatePushElement ()

int	xmlValidatePushElement		(xmlValidCtxtPtr ctxt, 
xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr elem,
const xmlChar * qname)

Push a new element start on the validation stack.