--- embedaddon/libxml2/doc/html/libxml-xmlregexp.html 2012/02/21 23:37:59 1.1 +++ embedaddon/libxml2/doc/html/libxml-xmlregexp.html 2014/06/15 19:53:36 @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ A:link, A:visited, A:active { text-decoration: underli Module xmlregexp from libxml2
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Module xmlregexp from libxml2

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basic API for libxml regular expressions handling used for XML Schemas and validation.

Table of Contents

Structure xmlExpCtxt
struct _xmlExpCtxt + Module xmlregexp from libxml2
Action against software patentsGnome2 LogoW3C LogoRed Hat Logo
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Module xmlregexp from libxml2

API Menu
API Indexes
Related links

basic API for libxml regular expressions handling used for XML Schemas and validation.

Table of Contents

Structure xmlExpCtxt
struct _xmlExpCtxt The content of this structure is not made public by the API.
Typedef xmlExpCtxt * xmlExpCtxtPtr
Structure xmlExpNode
struct _xmlExpNode @@ -91,15 +91,15 @@ The content of this structure is not made public by th

Free an expression context

ctxt:an expression context

Function: xmlExpGetLanguage

int	xmlExpGetLanguage		(xmlExpCtxtPtr ctxt, 
xmlExpNodePtr exp,
const xmlChar ** langList,
int len)

Find all the strings used in @exp and store them in @list

ctxt:the expression context
exp:the expression
langList:where to store the tokens
len:the allocated lenght of @list
Returns:the number of unique strings found, -1 in case of errors and -2 if there is more than @len strings

Function: xmlExpGetStart

int	xmlExpGetStart			(xmlExpCtxtPtr ctxt, 
xmlExpNodePtr exp,
const xmlChar ** tokList,
int len)
ctxt:the expression context
exp:the expression
langList:where to store the tokens
len:the allocated length of @list
Returns:the number of unique strings found, -1 in case of errors and -2 if there is more than @len strings

Function: xmlExpGetStart

int	xmlExpGetStart			(xmlExpCtxtPtr ctxt, 
xmlExpNodePtr exp,
const xmlChar ** tokList,
int len)

Find all the strings that appears at the start of the languages accepted by @exp and store them in @list. E.g. for (a, b) | c it will return the list [a, c]

ctxt:the expression context
exp:the expression
tokList:where to store the tokens
len:the allocated lenght of @list
Returns:the number of unique strings found, -1 in case of errors and -2 if there is more than @len strings

Function: xmlExpIsNillable

int	xmlExpIsNillable		(xmlExpNodePtr exp)
ctxt:the expression context
exp:the expression
tokList:where to store the tokens
len:the allocated length of @list
Returns:the number of unique strings found, -1 in case of errors and -2 if there is more than @len strings

Function: xmlExpIsNillable

int	xmlExpIsNillable		(xmlExpNodePtr exp)

Finds if the expression is nillable, i.e. if it accepts the empty sequqnce

exp:the expression
Returns:1 if nillable, 0 if not and -1 in case of error

Function: xmlExpMaxToken

int	xmlExpMaxToken			(xmlExpNodePtr expr)

Indicate the maximum number of input a expression can accept

expr:a compiled expression
Returns:the maximum length or -1 in case of error

Function: xmlExpNewAtom

xmlExpNodePtr	xmlExpNewAtom		(xmlExpCtxtPtr ctxt, 
const xmlChar * name,
int len)

Get the atom associated to this name from that context

ctxt:the expression context
name:the atom name
len:the atom name lenght in byte (or -1);
Returns:the node or NULL in case of error

Function: xmlExpNewCtxt

xmlExpCtxtPtr	xmlExpNewCtxt		(int maxNodes, 
xmlDictPtr dict)
ctxt:the expression context
name:the atom name
len:the atom name length in byte (or -1);
Returns:the node or NULL in case of error

Function: xmlExpNewCtxt

xmlExpCtxtPtr	xmlExpNewCtxt		(int maxNodes, 
xmlDictPtr dict)

Creates a new context for manipulating expressions

maxNodes:the maximum number of nodes
dict:optional dictionnary to use internally
Returns:the context or NULL in case of error

Function: xmlExpNewOr

xmlExpNodePtr	xmlExpNewOr		(xmlExpCtxtPtr ctxt, 
xmlExpNodePtr left,
xmlExpNodePtr right)

Get the atom associated to the choice @left | @right Note that @left and @right are consumed in the operation, to keep an handle on them use xmlExpRef() and use xmlExpFree() to release them, this is true even in case of failure (unless ctxt == NULL).