basic API for libxml regular expressions handling used for XML Schemas and validation. Table of ContentsStructure xmlExpCtxt struct _xmlExpCtxt
The content of this structure is not made public by the API.
Typedef xmlExpCtxt * xmlExpCtxtPtr
Structure xmlExpNode struct _xmlExpNode
@@ -91,15 +91,15 @@ The content of this structure is not made public by th
Free an expression context
ctxt: | an expression context |
Function: xmlExpGetLanguageint xmlExpGetLanguage (xmlExpCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlExpNodePtr exp, const xmlChar ** langList, int len)
Find all the strings used in @exp and store them in @list
-ctxt: | the expression context | exp: | the expression | langList: | where to store the tokens | len: | the allocated lenght of @list | Returns: | the number of unique strings found, -1 in case of errors and -2 if there is more than @len strings |
Function: xmlExpGetStartint xmlExpGetStart (xmlExpCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlExpNodePtr exp, const xmlChar ** tokList, int len)
+ctxt: | the expression context | exp: | the expression | langList: | where to store the tokens | len: | the allocated length of @list | Returns: | the number of unique strings found, -1 in case of errors and -2 if there is more than @len strings |
Function: xmlExpGetStartint xmlExpGetStart (xmlExpCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlExpNodePtr exp, const xmlChar ** tokList, int len)
Find all the strings that appears at the start of the languages accepted by @exp and store them in @list. E.g. for (a, b) | c it will return the list [a, c]
-ctxt: | the expression context | exp: | the expression | tokList: | where to store the tokens | len: | the allocated lenght of @list | Returns: | the number of unique strings found, -1 in case of errors and -2 if there is more than @len strings |
Function: xmlExpIsNillableint xmlExpIsNillable (xmlExpNodePtr exp)
+ctxt: | the expression context | exp: | the expression | tokList: | where to store the tokens | len: | the allocated length of @list | Returns: | the number of unique strings found, -1 in case of errors and -2 if there is more than @len strings |
Function: xmlExpIsNillableint xmlExpIsNillable (xmlExpNodePtr exp)
Finds if the expression is nillable, i.e. if it accepts the empty sequqnce
exp: | the expression | Returns: | 1 if nillable, 0 if not and -1 in case of error |
Function: xmlExpMaxTokenint xmlExpMaxToken (xmlExpNodePtr expr)
Indicate the maximum number of input a expression can accept
expr: | a compiled expression | Returns: | the maximum length or -1 in case of error |
Function: xmlExpNewAtomxmlExpNodePtr xmlExpNewAtom (xmlExpCtxtPtr ctxt, const xmlChar * name, int len)
Get the atom associated to this name from that context
-ctxt: | the expression context | name: | the atom name | len: | the atom name lenght in byte (or -1); | Returns: | the node or NULL in case of error |
Function: xmlExpNewCtxtxmlExpCtxtPtr xmlExpNewCtxt (int maxNodes, xmlDictPtr dict)
+ctxt: | the expression context | name: | the atom name | len: | the atom name length in byte (or -1); | Returns: | the node or NULL in case of error |
Function: xmlExpNewCtxtxmlExpCtxtPtr xmlExpNewCtxt (int maxNodes, xmlDictPtr dict)
Creates a new context for manipulating expressions
maxNodes: | the maximum number of nodes | dict: | optional dictionnary to use internally | Returns: | the context or NULL in case of error |
Function: xmlExpNewOrxmlExpNodePtr xmlExpNewOr (xmlExpCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlExpNodePtr left, xmlExpNodePtr right)
Get the atom associated to the choice @left | @right Note that @left and @right are consumed in the operation, to keep an handle on them use xmlExpRef() and use xmlExpFree() to release them, this is true even in case of failure (unless ctxt == NULL).