--- embedaddon/libxml2/doc/html/libxml-xpointer.html 2012/02/21 23:37:59 +++ embedaddon/libxml2/doc/html/libxml-xpointer.html 2013/07/22 01:22:26 @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ A:link, A:visited, A:active { text-decoration: underli Module xpointer from libxml2
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Module xpointer from libxml2

API Menu
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API to handle XML Pointers Base implementation was made accordingly to W3C Candidate Recommendation 7 June 2000

Table of Contents

Structure xmlLocationSet
struct _xmlLocationSet + Module xpointer from libxml2
Action against software patentsGnome2 LogoW3C LogoRed Hat Logo
Made with Libxml2 Logo

Module xpointer from libxml2

API Menu
API Indexes
Related links

API to handle XML Pointers Base implementation was made accordingly to W3C Candidate Recommendation 7 June 2000

Table of Contents

Structure xmlLocationSet
struct _xmlLocationSet
Typedef xmlLocationSet * xmlLocationSetPtr
xmlNodePtr	xmlXPtrBuildNodeList	(xmlXPathObjectPtr obj)
xmlXPathObjectPtr	xmlXPtrEval	(const xmlChar * str, 
xmlXPathContextPtr ctx)