File:  [ELWIX - Embedded LightWeight unIX -] / embedaddon / libxml2 / doc / xmllint.xml
Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs - revision graph
Sun Jun 15 19:53:35 2014 UTC (10 years, 3 months ago) by misho
Branches: libxml2, MAIN
CVS tags: v2_9_1p0, v2_9_1, HEAD
libxml2 2.9.1

    1: <?xml version="1.0"?>
    2: <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"
    3:    href=""?>
    4: <!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
    5:     "" [
    7:     <!ENTITY xmllint "<command>xmllint</command>">
    8: ]>
   10: <refentry>
   12: <refentryinfo>
   13: 	<title>xmllint Manual</title>
   14: 	<productname>libxml2</productname>
   15: 	<copyright>
   16: 		<year>2001</year>
   17: 		<year>2004</year>
   18: 	</copyright>
   19: 	<authorgroup>
   20: 		<author>
   21: 			<firstname>John</firstname>
   22: 			<surname>Fleck</surname>
   23: 			<affiliation>
   24: 				<address>
   25: 					<email></email>
   26: 				</address>
   27: 			</affiliation>
   28: 		</author>
   29: 		<author>
   30: 			<firstname>Ziying</firstname>
   31: 			<surname>Sherwin</surname>
   32: 			<affiliation>
   33: 				<address>
   34: 					<email></email>
   35: 				</address>
   36: 			</affiliation>
   37: 		</author>
   38: 		<author>
   39: 			<firstname>Heiko</firstname>
   40: 			<surname>Rupp</surname>
   41: 			<affiliation>
   42: 				<address>
   43: 					<email></email>
   44: 				</address>
   45: 			</affiliation>
   46: 		</author>
   47: 	</authorgroup>
   48: 	<!-- date should be the date of the latest change or the release version -->
   49: 	<date>$Date: 2014/06/15 19:53:35 $</date>
   50: 	<!-- still a bit buggy output, will talk to docbook-xsl upstream to fix this -->
   51: 	<!-- <releaseinfo>This is release 0.5 of the xmllint Manual.</releaseinfo> -->
   52: 	<!-- <edition>0.5</edition> -->
   53: </refentryinfo>
   55: <refmeta>
   56: 	<refentrytitle>xmllint</refentrytitle>
   57: 	<manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
   58: </refmeta>
   60: <refnamediv>
   61: 	<refname>xmllint</refname>
   62: 	<refpurpose>command line <acronym>XML</acronym> tool</refpurpose>
   63: </refnamediv>
   65: <refsynopsisdiv>
   66: 	<cmdsynopsis>
   67: 	<command>xmllint</command>
   68: 		<group choice="opt">
   69: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--version</option></arg>
   70: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--debug</option></arg>
   71: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--shell</option></arg>
   72: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--xpath "<replaceable class="option">XPath_expression</replaceable>"</option></arg>
   73: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--debugent</option></arg>
   74: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--copy</option></arg>
   75: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--recover</option></arg>
   76: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--noent</option></arg>
   77: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--noout</option></arg>
   78: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--nonet</option></arg>
   79: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--path "<replaceable class="option">PATH(S)</replaceable>"</option></arg>
   80: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--load-trace</option></arg>
   81: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--htmlout</option></arg>
   82: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--nowrap</option></arg>
   83: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--valid</option></arg>
   84: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--postvalid</option></arg>
   85: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--dtdvalid <replaceable class="option">URL</replaceable></option></arg>
   86: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--dtdvalidfpi <replaceable class="option">FPI</replaceable></option></arg>
   87: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--timing</option></arg>
   88: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--output <replaceable class="option">FILE</replaceable></option></arg>
   89: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--repeat</option></arg>
   90: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--insert</option></arg>
   91: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--compress</option></arg>
   92: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--html</option></arg>
   93: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--xmlout</option></arg>
   94: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--push</option></arg>
   95: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--memory</option></arg>
   96: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--maxmem <replaceable class="option">NBBYTES</replaceable></option></arg>
   97: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--nowarning</option></arg>
   98: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--noblanks</option></arg>
   99: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--nocdata</option></arg>
  100: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--format</option></arg>
  101: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--encode <replaceable class="option">ENCODING</replaceable></option></arg>
  102: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--dropdtd</option></arg>
  103: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--nsclean</option></arg>
  104: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--testIO</option></arg>
  105: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--catalogs</option></arg>
  106: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--nocatalogs</option></arg>
  107: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--auto</option></arg>
  108: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--xinclude</option></arg>
  109: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--noxincludenode</option></arg>
  110: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--loaddtd</option></arg>
  111: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--dtdattr</option></arg>
  112: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--stream</option></arg>
  113: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--walker</option></arg>
  114: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--pattern <replaceable class="option">PATTERNVALUE</replaceable></option></arg>
  115: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--chkregister</option></arg>
  116: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--relaxng <replaceable class="option">SCHEMA</replaceable></option></arg>
  117: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--schema <replaceable class="option">SCHEMA</replaceable></option></arg>
  118: 			<arg choice="plain"><option>--c14n</option></arg>
  119: 		</group>
  120: 		<group choice="req">
  121: 			<arg choice="plain" rep="repeat"><replaceable>XML-FILE(S)</replaceable></arg>
  122: 			<arg choice="plain" rep="norepeat">-</arg>
  123: 		</group>
  124: 	</cmdsynopsis>
  125: 	<cmdsynopsis>
  126: 		<command>xmllint</command>
  127: 		<arg choice="plain"><option>--help</option></arg>
  128: 	</cmdsynopsis>
  129: </refsynopsisdiv>
  131: <refsect1 id="description">
  132: 	<title>DESCRIPTION</title>
  133: 	<para>
  134: 		The &xmllint; program parses one or more <acronym>XML</acronym> files,
  135: 		specified on the command line as <replaceable>XML-FILE</replaceable>
  136: 		(or the standard input if the filename provided
  137: 		is <emphasis role="bold">-</emphasis> ). It prints various types of
  138: 		output, depending upon the options selected. It is useful for detecting
  139: 		errors both in <acronym>XML</acronym> code and in
  140: 		the <acronym>XML</acronym> parser itself.
  141: 	</para>
  142: 	<para>&xmllint; is included in <citerefentry>
  143: 		<refentrytitle>libxml</refentrytitle>
  144: 		<manvolnum>3</manvolnum>
  145: 	</citerefentry>.</para>
  146: </refsect1>
  148: <refsect1 id="options">
  149: 	<title>OPTIONS</title>
  150: 	<para>
  151: 		&xmllint; accepts the following options (in alphabetical order):
  152: 	</para>
  154: 	<variablelist>
  156: 		<varlistentry>
  157: 	<term><option>--auto</option></term>
  158: 	<listitem>
  159: 		<para>Generate a small document for testing purposes.</para>
  160: 	</listitem>
  161: 		</varlistentry>
  163: 		<varlistentry>
  164: 	<term><option>--catalogs</option></term>
  165: 	<listitem>
  166: 		<para>
  167: 			Use the <acronym>SGML</acronym> catalog(s) from <envar>SGML_CATALOG_FILES</envar>.
  168: 			Otherwise <acronym>XML</acronym> catalogs starting
  169: 			from <filename>/etc/xml/catalog</filename> are used by default.
  170: 		</para>
  171: 	</listitem>
  172: 		</varlistentry>
  174: 		<varlistentry>
  175: 	<term><option>--chkregister</option></term>
  176: 	<listitem>
  177: 		<para>
  178: 			Turn on node registration. Useful for developers testing <citerefentry>
  179: 		<refentrytitle>libxml</refentrytitle>
  180: 		<manvolnum>3</manvolnum>
  181: 	</citerefentry> node tracking code.
  182: 		</para>
  183: 	</listitem>
  184: 		</varlistentry>
  186: 		<varlistentry>
  187: 	<term><option>--compress</option></term>
  188: 	<listitem>
  189: 		<para>
  190: 			Turn on <citerefentry>
  191: 		<refentrytitle>gzip</refentrytitle>
  192: 		<manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
  193: 	</citerefentry> compression of output.
  194: 		</para>
  195: 	</listitem>
  196: 		</varlistentry>
  198: 		<varlistentry>
  199: 	<term><option>--copy</option></term>
  200: 	<listitem>
  201: 		<para>Test the internal copy implementation.</para>
  202: 	</listitem>
  203: 		</varlistentry>
  205: 		<varlistentry>
  206: 	<term><option>--c14n</option></term>
  207: 	<listitem>
  208: 		<para>
  209: 			Use the W3C <acronym>XML</acronym> Canonicalisation (<acronym>C14N</acronym>) to
  210: 			serialize the result of parsing to <filename class="devicefile">stdout</filename>.
  211: 			It keeps comments in the result.
  212: 		</para>
  213: 	</listitem>
  214: 		</varlistentry>
  216: 		<varlistentry>
  217: 	<term><option>--dtdvalid <replaceable class="option">URL</replaceable></option></term>
  218: 	<listitem>
  219: 		<para>
  220: 			Use the <acronym>DTD</acronym> specified by
  221: 			an <replaceable>URL</replaceable> for validation.
  222: 		</para>
  223: 	</listitem>
  224: 		</varlistentry>
  226: 		<varlistentry>
  227: 	<term><option>--dtdvalidfpi <replaceable class="option">FPI</replaceable></option></term>
  228: 	<listitem>
  229: 		<para>
  230: 			Use the <acronym>DTD</acronym> specified by a Formal Public
  231: 			Identifier <replaceable>FPI</replaceable> for validation, note that this
  232: 			will require a catalog exporting that Formal Public Identifier to work.
  233: 		</para>
  234: 	</listitem>
  235: 		</varlistentry>
  237: 		<varlistentry>
  238: 	<term><option>--debug</option></term>
  239: 	<listitem>
  240: 		<para>
  241: 			Parse a file and output an annotated tree of the
  242: 			in-memory version of the document.
  243: 		</para>
  244: 	</listitem>
  245: 		</varlistentry>
  247: 		<varlistentry>
  248: 	<term><option>--debugent</option></term>
  249: 	<listitem>
  250: 		<para>Debug the entities defined in the document.</para>
  251: 	</listitem>
  252: 		</varlistentry>
  254: 		<varlistentry>
  255: 	<term><option>--dropdtd</option></term>
  256: 	<listitem>
  257: 		<para>Remove <acronym>DTD</acronym> from output.</para>
  258: 	</listitem>
  259: 		</varlistentry>
  261: 		<varlistentry>
  262: 	<term><option>--dtdattr</option></term>
  263: 	<listitem>
  264: 		<para>
  265: 			Fetch external <acronym>DTD</acronym> and populate the tree with
  266: 			inherited attributes.
  267: 		</para>
  268: 	</listitem>
  269: 		</varlistentry>
  271: 		<varlistentry>
  272: 	<term><option>--encode <replaceable class="option">ENCODING</replaceable></option></term>
  273: 	<listitem>
  274: 		<para>Output in the given encoding.</para>
  275: 	</listitem>
  276: 		</varlistentry>
  278: 		<varlistentry>
  279: 	<term><option>--format</option></term>
  280: 	<listitem>
  281: 		<para>
  282: 			Reformat and reindent the output. The <envar>XMLLINT_INDENT</envar>
  283: 			environment variable controls the indentation. The default value is two
  284: 			spaces &quot;  &quot;).
  285: 		</para>
  286: 	</listitem>
  287: 		</varlistentry>
  289: 		<varlistentry>
  290: 	<term><option>--help</option></term>
  291: 	<listitem>
  292: 		<para>Print out a short usage summary for &xmllint;.</para>
  293: 	</listitem>
  294: 		</varlistentry>
  296: 		<varlistentry>
  297: 	<term><option>--html</option></term>
  298: 	<listitem>
  299: 		<para>Use the <acronym>HTML</acronym> parser.</para>
  300: 	</listitem>
  301: 		</varlistentry>
  303: 		<varlistentry>
  304: 	<term><option>--htmlout</option></term>
  305: 	<listitem>
  306: 		<para>
  307: 			Output results as an <acronym>HTML</acronym> file. This
  308: 			causes &xmllint; to output the necessary <acronym>HTML</acronym>
  309: 			tags surrounding the result tree output so the results can be
  310: 			displayed/viewed in a browser.
  311: 		</para>
  312: 	</listitem>
  313: 		</varlistentry>
  315: 		<varlistentry>
  316: 	<term><option>--insert</option></term>
  317: 	<listitem>
  318: 		<para>Test for valid insertions.</para>
  319: 	</listitem>
  320: 		</varlistentry>
  322: 		<varlistentry>
  323: 	<term><option>--loaddtd</option></term>
  324: 	<listitem>
  325: 		<para>Fetch an external <acronym>DTD</acronym>.</para>
  326: 	</listitem>
  327: 		</varlistentry>
  329: 		<varlistentry>
  330: 	<term><option>--load-trace</option></term>
  331: 	<listitem>
  332: 		<para>
  333: 			Display all the documents loaded during the processing
  334: 			to <filename class="devicefile">stderr</filename>.
  335: 		</para>
  336: 	</listitem>
  337: 		</varlistentry>
  339: 		<varlistentry>
  340: 	<term><option>--maxmem <replaceable class="option">NNBYTES</replaceable></option></term>
  341: 	<listitem>
  342: 		<para>
  343: 			Test the parser memory support. <replaceable>NNBYTES</replaceable>
  344: 			is the maximum number of bytes the library is allowed to allocate.
  345: 			This can also be used to make sure batch processing
  346: 			of <acronym>XML</acronym> files will not exhaust the virtual memory
  347: 			of the server running them.
  348: 		</para>
  349: 	</listitem>
  350: 		</varlistentry>
  352: 		<varlistentry>
  353: 	<term><option>--memory</option></term>
  354: 	<listitem>
  355: 		<para>Parse from memory.</para>
  356: 	</listitem>
  357: 		</varlistentry>
  359: 		<varlistentry>
  360: 	<term><option>--noblanks</option></term>
  361: 	<listitem>
  362: 		<para>Drop ignorable blank spaces.</para>
  363: 	</listitem>
  364: 		</varlistentry>
  366: 		<varlistentry>
  367: 	<term><option>--nocatalogs</option></term>
  368: 	<listitem>
  369: 		<para>Do not use any catalogs.</para>
  370: 	</listitem>
  371: 		</varlistentry>
  373: 		<varlistentry>
  374: 	<term><option>--nocdata</option></term>
  375: 	<listitem>
  376: 		<para>Substitute CDATA section by equivalent text nodes.</para>
  377: 	</listitem>
  378: 		</varlistentry>
  380: 		<varlistentry>
  381: 	<term><option>--noent</option></term>
  382: 	<listitem>
  383: 		<para>
  384: 			Substitute entity values for entity references. By default, &xmllint;
  385: 			leaves entity references in place.
  386: 		</para>
  387: 	</listitem>
  388: 		</varlistentry>
  390: 		<varlistentry>
  391: 	<term><option>--nonet</option></term>
  392: 	<listitem>
  393: 		<para>
  394: 			Do not use the Internet to fetch <acronym>DTD</acronym>s or entities.
  395: 		</para>
  396: 	</listitem>
  397: 		</varlistentry>
  399: 		<varlistentry>
  400: 	<term><option>--noout</option></term>
  401: 	<listitem>
  402: 		<para>
  403: 			Suppress output. By default, &xmllint; outputs the result tree.
  404: 		</para>
  405: 	</listitem>
  406: 		</varlistentry>
  408: 		<varlistentry>
  409: 	<term><option>--nowarning</option></term>
  410: 	<listitem>
  411: 		<para>Do not emit warnings from the parser and/or validator.</para>
  412: 	</listitem>
  413: 		</varlistentry>
  415: 		<varlistentry>
  416: 	<term><option>--nowrap</option></term>
  417: 	<listitem>
  418: 		<para>Do not output <acronym>HTML</acronym> doc wrapper.</para>
  419: 	</listitem>
  420: 		</varlistentry>
  422: 		<varlistentry>
  423: 	<term><option>--noxincludenode</option></term>
  424: 	<listitem>
  425: 		<para>
  426: 			Do XInclude processing but do not generate XInclude start and end nodes.
  427: 		</para>
  428: 	</listitem>
  429: 		</varlistentry>
  431: 		<varlistentry>
  432: 	<term><option>--nsclean</option></term>
  433: 	<listitem>
  434: 		<para>Remove redundant namespace declarations.</para>
  435: 	</listitem>
  436: 		</varlistentry>
  438: 		<varlistentry>
  439: 	<term><option>--output <replaceable class="option">FILE</replaceable></option></term>
  440: 	<listitem>
  441: 		<para>
  442: 			Define a file path where &xmllint; will save the result of parsing.
  443: 			Usually the programs build a tree and save it
  444: 			on <filename class="devicefile">stdout</filename>, with this option
  445: 			the result <acronym>XML</acronym> instance will be saved onto a file.
  446: 		</para>
  447: 	</listitem>
  448: 		</varlistentry>
  450: 		<varlistentry>
  451: 	<term><option>--path "<replaceable class="option">PATH(S)</replaceable>"</option></term>
  452: 	<listitem>
  453: 		<para>
  454: 			Use the (space- or colon-separated) list of filesystem paths specified
  455: 			by <replaceable>PATHS</replaceable> to load <acronym>DTD</acronym>s or
  456: 			entities. Enclose space-separated lists by quotation marks.
  457: 		</para>
  458: 	</listitem>
  459: 		</varlistentry>
  461: 		<varlistentry>
  462: 	<term><option>--pattern <replaceable class="option">PATTERNVALUE</replaceable></option></term>
  463: 	<listitem>
  464: 		<para>
  465: 			Used to exercise the pattern recognition engine, which can be used
  466: 			with the reader interface to the parser. It allows to select some
  467: 			nodes in the document based on an XPath (subset) expression. Used
  468: 			for debugging.
  469: 		</para>
  470: 	</listitem>
  471: 		</varlistentry>
  473: 		<varlistentry>
  474: 	<term><option>--postvalid</option></term>
  475: 	<listitem>
  476: 		<para>Validate after parsing has completed.</para>
  477: 	</listitem>
  478: 		</varlistentry>
  480: 		<varlistentry>
  481: 	<term><option>--push</option></term>
  482: 	<listitem>
  483: 		<para>Use the push mode of the parser.</para>
  484: 	</listitem>
  485: 		</varlistentry>
  487: 		<varlistentry>
  488: 	<term><option>--recover</option></term>
  489: 	<listitem>
  490: 		<para>Output any parsable portions of an invalid document.</para>
  491: 	</listitem>
  492: 		</varlistentry>
  494: 		<varlistentry>
  495: 	<term><option>--relaxng <replaceable class="option">SCHEMA</replaceable></option></term>
  496: 	<listitem>
  497: 		<para>
  498: 			Use RelaxNG file named <replaceable class="option">SCHEMA</replaceable>
  499: 			for validation.
  500: 		</para>
  501: 	</listitem>
  502: 		</varlistentry>
  504: 		<varlistentry>
  505: 	<term><option>--repeat</option></term>
  506: 	<listitem>
  507: 		<para>Repeat 100 times, for timing or profiling.</para>
  508: 	</listitem>
  509: 		</varlistentry>
  511: 		<varlistentry>
  512: 	<term><option>--schema <replaceable>SCHEMA</replaceable></option></term>
  513: 	<listitem>
  514: 		<para>
  515: 			Use a W3C <acronym>XML</acronym> Schema file
  516: 			named <replaceable>SCHEMA</replaceable> for validation.
  517: 		</para>
  518: 	</listitem>
  519: 		</varlistentry>
  521: 		<varlistentry>
  522: 	<term><option>--shell</option></term>
  523: 	<listitem>
  524: 		<para>
  525: 			Run a navigating shell. Details on available commands in shell mode
  526: 			are below (see <xref linkend="shell"/>).
  527: 		</para>
  528: 	</listitem>
  529: 		</varlistentry>
  531: 		<varlistentry>
  532: 	<term><option>--xpath "<replaceable class="option">XPath_expression</replaceable>"</option></term>
  533: 	<listitem>
  534: 		<para>
  535: 			Run an XPath expression given as argument and print the
  536: 			result. In case of a nodeset result, each node in the
  537: 			node set is serialized in full in the output. In case
  538: 			of an empty node set the "XPath set is empty" result
  539: 			will be shown and an error exit code will be returned.
  540: 		</para>
  541: 	</listitem>
  542: 		</varlistentry>
  544: 		<varlistentry>
  545: 	<term><option>--stream</option></term>
  546: 	<listitem>
  547: 		<para>
  548: 			Use streaming <acronym>API</acronym> - useful when used in combination
  549: 			with <option>--relaxng</option> or <option>--valid</option> options
  550: 			for validation of files that are too large to be held in memory.
  551: 		</para>
  552: 	</listitem>
  553: 		</varlistentry>
  555: 		<varlistentry>
  556: 	<term><option>--testIO</option></term>
  557: 	<listitem>
  558: 		<para>Test user input/output support.</para>
  559: 	</listitem>
  560: 		</varlistentry>
  562: 		<varlistentry>
  563: 	<term><option>--timing</option></term>
  564: 	<listitem>
  565: 		<para>
  566: 			Output information about the time it takes &xmllint; to perform the
  567: 			various steps.
  568: 		</para>
  569: 	</listitem>
  570: 		</varlistentry>
  572: 		<varlistentry>
  573: 	<term><option>--valid</option></term>
  574: 	<listitem>
  575: 		<para>
  576: 			Determine if the document is a valid instance of the included
  577: 			Document Type Definition (<acronym>DTD</acronym>).
  578: 			A <acronym>DTD</acronym> to be validated against also can be
  579: 			specified at the command line using the <option>--dtdvalid</option>
  580: 			option. By default, &xmllint; also checks to determine if the
  581: 			document is well-formed.
  582: 		</para>
  583: 	</listitem>
  584: 		</varlistentry>
  586: 		<varlistentry>
  587: 	<term><option>--version</option></term>
  588: 	<listitem>
  589: 		<para>
  590: 			Display the version of <citerefentry>
  591: 		<refentrytitle>libxml</refentrytitle>
  592: 		<manvolnum>3</manvolnum>
  593: 	</citerefentry> used.
  594: 		</para>
  595: 	</listitem>
  596: 		</varlistentry>
  598: 		<varlistentry>
  599: 	<term><option>--walker</option></term>
  600: 	<listitem>
  601: 		<para>
  602: 			Test the walker module, which is a reader interface but for a
  603: 			document tree, instead of using the reader <acronym>API</acronym> on
  604: 			an unparsed document it works on an existing in-memory tree. Used for
  605: 			debugging.
  606: 		</para>
  607: 	</listitem>
  608: 		</varlistentry>
  610: 		<varlistentry>
  611: 	<term><option>--xinclude</option></term>
  612: 	<listitem>
  613: 		<para>Do XInclude processing.</para>
  614: 	</listitem>
  615: 		</varlistentry>
  617: 		<varlistentry>
  618: 	<term><option>--xmlout</option></term>
  619: 	<listitem>
  620: 		<para>
  621: 			Used in conjunction with <option>--html</option>. Usually
  622: 			when <acronym>HTML</acronym> is parsed the document is saved with
  623: 			the <acronym>HTML</acronym> serializer. But with this option the
  624: 			resulting document is saved with the <acronym>XML</acronym>
  625: 			serializer. This is primarily used to
  626: 			generate <acronym>XHTML</acronym> from <acronym>HTML</acronym> input.
  627: 		</para>
  628: 	</listitem>
  629: 		</varlistentry>
  631: 	</variablelist>
  632: </refsect1>
  634: <refsect1 id="shell">
  635: 	<title>SHELL COMMANDS</title>
  636: 	<para>
  637: 		&xmllint; offers an interactive shell mode invoked with
  638: 		the <option>--shell</option> command. Available commands in shell mode
  639: 		include (in alphabetical order):
  640: 	</para>
  641: 	<variablelist>
  643: 		<varlistentry>
  644: 	<term><command>base</command></term>
  645: 	<listitem>
  646: 		<para>Display <acronym>XML</acronym> base of the node.</para>
  647: 	</listitem>
  648: 		</varlistentry>
  650: 		<varlistentry>
  651: 	<term><command>bye</command></term>
  652: 	<listitem>
  653: 		<para>Leave the shell.</para>
  654: 	</listitem>
  655: 		</varlistentry>
  657: 		<varlistentry>
  658: 	<term><command>cat <replaceable>NODE</replaceable></command></term>
  659: 	<listitem>
  660: 		<para>Display the given node or the current one.</para>
  661: 	</listitem>
  662: 		</varlistentry>
  664: 		<varlistentry>
  665: 	<term><command>cd <replaceable>PATH</replaceable></command></term>
  666: 	<listitem>
  667: 		<para>
  668: 			Change the current node to the given path (if unique) or root if no
  669: 			argument is given.
  670: 		</para>
  671: 	</listitem>
  672: 		</varlistentry>
  674: 		<varlistentry>
  675: 	<term><command>dir <replaceable>PATH</replaceable></command></term>
  676: 	<listitem>
  677: 		<para>
  678: 			Dumps information about the node (namespace, attributes, content).
  679: 		</para>
  680: 	</listitem>
  681: 		</varlistentry>
  683: 		<varlistentry>
  684: 	<term><command>du <replaceable>PATH</replaceable></command></term>
  685: 	<listitem>
  686: 		<para>
  687: 			Show the structure of the subtree under the given path or the current node.
  688: 		</para>
  689: 	</listitem>
  690: 		</varlistentry>
  692: 		<varlistentry>
  693: 	<term><command>exit</command></term>
  694: 	<listitem>
  695: 		<para>Leave the shell.</para>
  696: 	</listitem>
  697: 		</varlistentry>
  699: 		<varlistentry>
  700: 	<term><command>help</command></term>
  701: 	<listitem>
  702: 		<para>Show this help.</para>
  703: 	</listitem>
  704: 		</varlistentry>
  706: 		<varlistentry>
  707: 	<term><command>free</command></term>
  708: 	<listitem>
  709: 		<para>Display memory usage.</para>
  710: 	</listitem>
  711: 		</varlistentry>
  713: 		<varlistentry>
  714: 	<term><command>load <replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></command></term>
  715: 	<listitem>
  716: 		<para>Load a new document with the given filename.</para>
  717: 	</listitem>
  718: 		</varlistentry>
  720: 		<varlistentry>
  721: 	<term><command>ls <replaceable>PATH</replaceable></command></term>
  722: 	<listitem>
  723: 		<para>List contents of the given path or the current directory.</para>
  724: 	</listitem>
  725: 		</varlistentry>
  727: 		<varlistentry>
  728: 	<term><command>pwd</command></term>
  729: 	<listitem>
  730: 		<para>Display the path to the current node.</para>
  731: 	</listitem>
  732: 		</varlistentry>
  734: 		<varlistentry>
  735: 	<term><command>quit</command></term>
  736: 	<listitem>
  737: 		<para>Leave the shell.</para>
  738: 	</listitem>
  739: 		</varlistentry>
  741: 		<varlistentry>
  742: 	<term><command>save <replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></command></term>
  743: 	<listitem>
  744: 		<para>
  745: 			Save the current document to the given filename or to the original name.
  746: 		</para>
  747: 	</listitem>
  748: 		</varlistentry>
  750: 		<varlistentry>
  751: 	<term><option>validate</option></term>
  752: 	<listitem>
  753: 		<para>Check the document for errors.</para>
  754: 	</listitem>
  755: 		</varlistentry>
  757: 		<varlistentry>
  758: 	<term><command>write <replaceable>FILENAME</replaceable></command></term>
  759: 	<listitem>
  760: 		<para>Write the current node to the given filename.</para>
  761: 	</listitem>
  762: 		</varlistentry>
  764: 	</variablelist>
  765: </refsect1>
  767: <refsect1 id="environment">
  768: 	<title>ENVIRONMENT</title>
  769: 	<variablelist>
  771: 		<varlistentry>
  772: 	<term><envar>SGML_CATALOG_FILES</envar></term>
  773: 	<listitem>
  774: 		<para><acronym>SGML</acronym> catalog behavior can be changed by redirecting
  775: 			queries to the user's own set of catalogs. This can be done by setting
  776: 			the <envar>SGML_CATALOG_FILES</envar> environment variable to a list
  777: 			of catalogs. An empty one should deactivate loading the
  778: 			default <filename>/etc/sgml/catalog</filename> catalog.
  779: 		</para>
  780: 	</listitem>
  781: 		</varlistentry>
  783: 		<varlistentry>
  784: 	<term><envar>XML_CATALOG_FILES</envar></term>
  785: 	<listitem>
  786: 		<para><acronym>XML</acronym> catalog behavior can be changed by redirecting
  787: 			queries to the user's own set of catalogs. This can be done by setting
  788: 			the <envar>XML_CATALOG_FILES</envar> environment variable to a list
  789: 			of catalogs. An empty one should deactivate loading the
  790: 			default <filename>/etc/xml/catalog</filename> catalog.
  791: 		</para>
  792: 	</listitem>
  793: 		</varlistentry>
  795: 		<varlistentry>
  796: 	<term><envar>XML_DEBUG_CATALOG</envar></term>
  797: 	<listitem>
  798: 		<para>Setting the environment variable <envar>XML_DEBUG_CATALOG</envar>
  799: 			to <parameter>non-zero</parameter> using the <command>export</command>
  800: 			command outputs debugging information related to catalog operations.
  801: 		</para>
  802: 	</listitem>
  803: 		</varlistentry>
  805: 		<varlistentry>
  806: 	<term><envar>XMLLINT_INDENT</envar></term>
  807: 	<listitem>
  808: 		<para>Setting the environment variable <envar>XMLLINT_INDENT</envar>
  809: 			controls the indentation. The default value is two spaces &quot;  &quot;.
  810: 		</para>
  811: 	</listitem>
  812: 		</varlistentry>
  814: 	</variablelist>
  815: </refsect1>
  817: <refsect1 id="diagnostics">
  818: 	<title>DIAGNOSTICS</title>
  819: 	<para>
  820: 		&xmllint; return codes provide information that can be used when
  821: 		calling it from scripts.
  822: 	</para>
  823: 	<!-- better use segmentedlist element later,
  824: 	     which is currently only supported in snapshots -->
  825: 	<variablelist>
  827: 		<varlistentry>
  828: 	<term><errorcode>0</errorcode></term>
  829: 	<listitem>
  830: 		<para>No error</para>
  831: 	</listitem>
  832: 		</varlistentry>
  834: 		<varlistentry>
  835: 	<term><errorcode>1</errorcode></term>
  836: 	<listitem>
  837: 		<para>Unclassified</para>
  838: 	</listitem>
  839: 		</varlistentry>
  841: 		<varlistentry>
  842: 	<term><errorcode>2</errorcode></term>
  843: 	<listitem>
  844: 		<para>Error in <acronym>DTD</acronym></para>
  845: 	</listitem>
  846: 		</varlistentry>
  848: 		<varlistentry>
  849: 	<term><errorcode>3</errorcode></term>
  850: 	<listitem>
  851: 		<para>Validation error</para>
  852: 	</listitem>
  853: 		</varlistentry>
  855: 		<varlistentry>
  856: 	<term><errorcode>4</errorcode></term>
  857: 	<listitem>
  858: 		<para>Validation error</para>
  859: 	</listitem>
  860: 		</varlistentry>
  862: 		<varlistentry>
  863: 	<term><errorcode>5</errorcode></term>
  864: 	<listitem>
  865: 		<para>Error in schema compilation</para>
  866: 	</listitem>
  867: 		</varlistentry>
  869: 		<varlistentry>
  870: 	<term><errorcode>6</errorcode></term>
  871: 	<listitem>
  872: 		<para>Error writing output</para>
  873: 	</listitem>
  874: 		</varlistentry>
  876: 		<varlistentry>
  877: 	<term><errorcode>7</errorcode></term>
  878: 	<listitem>
  879: 		<para>
  880: 			Error in pattern (generated when <option>--pattern</option> option is used)
  881: 		</para>
  882: 	</listitem>
  883: 		</varlistentry>
  885: 		<varlistentry>
  886: 	<term><errorcode>8</errorcode></term>
  887: 	<listitem>
  888: 		<para>
  889: 			Error in Reader registration (generated
  890: 			when <option>--chkregister</option> option is used)
  891: 		</para>
  892: 	</listitem>
  893: 		</varlistentry>
  895: 		<varlistentry>
  896: 	<term><errorcode>9</errorcode></term>
  897: 	<listitem>
  898: 		<para>Out of memory error</para>
  899: 	</listitem>
  900: 		</varlistentry>
  902: 	</variablelist>
  903: </refsect1>
  905: <refsect1 id="seealso">
  906: 	<title>SEE ALSO</title>
  907: 	<para><citerefentry>
  908: 			<refentrytitle>libxml</refentrytitle>
  909: 			<manvolnum>3</manvolnum>
  910: 		</citerefentry>
  911: 	</para>
  912: 	<para>
  913: 		More information can be found at
  914: 		<itemizedlist>
  915: 			<listitem>
  916: 				<para><citerefentry>
  917: 						<refentrytitle>libxml</refentrytitle>
  918: 						<manvolnum>3</manvolnum>
  919: 					</citerefentry> web page <ulink url=""/>
  920: 				</para>
  921: 			</listitem>
  922: 			<listitem>
  923: 				<para>W3C <acronym>XSLT</acronym> page <ulink url=""/>
  924: 				</para>
  925: 			</listitem>
  926: 		</itemizedlist>
  927: 	</para>
  928: </refsect1>
  930: </refentry>

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