Annotation of embedaddon/libxml2/python/libxml2class.txt, revision
1.1 misho 1: Generated Classes for libxml2-python
3: #
4: # Global functions of the module
5: #
8: # functions from module HTMLparser
9: htmlCreateMemoryParserCtxt()
10: htmlHandleOmittedElem()
11: htmlIsScriptAttribute()
12: htmlNewParserCtxt()
13: htmlParseDoc()
14: htmlParseFile()
15: htmlReadDoc()
16: htmlReadFd()
17: htmlReadFile()
18: htmlReadMemory()
20: # functions from module HTMLtree
21: htmlIsBooleanAttr()
22: htmlNewDoc()
23: htmlNewDocNoDtD()
25: # functions from module SAX2
26: SAXDefaultVersion()
27: defaultSAXHandlerInit()
28: docbDefaultSAXHandlerInit()
29: htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit()
31: # functions from module catalog
32: catalogAdd()
33: catalogCleanup()
34: catalogConvert()
35: catalogDump()
36: catalogGetPublic()
37: catalogGetSystem()
38: catalogRemove()
39: catalogResolve()
40: catalogResolvePublic()
41: catalogResolveSystem()
42: catalogResolveURI()
43: catalogSetDebug()
44: initializeCatalog()
45: loadACatalog()
46: loadCatalog()
47: loadCatalogs()
48: loadSGMLSuperCatalog()
49: newCatalog()
50: parseCatalogFile()
52: # functions from module chvalid
53: isBaseChar()
54: isBlank()
55: isChar()
56: isCombining()
57: isDigit()
58: isExtender()
59: isIdeographic()
60: isPubidChar()
62: # functions from module debugXML
63: boolToText()
64: debugDumpString()
65: shellPrintXPathError()
67: # functions from module dict
68: dictCleanup()
69: initializeDict()
71: # functions from module encoding
72: addEncodingAlias()
73: cleanupCharEncodingHandlers()
74: cleanupEncodingAliases()
75: delEncodingAlias()
76: encodingAlias()
77: initCharEncodingHandlers()
79: # functions from module entities
80: cleanupPredefinedEntities()
81: initializePredefinedEntities()
82: predefinedEntity()
84: # functions from module globals
85: cleanupGlobals()
86: initGlobals()
87: thrDefDefaultBufferSize()
88: thrDefDoValidityCheckingDefaultValue()
89: thrDefGetWarningsDefaultValue()
90: thrDefIndentTreeOutput()
91: thrDefKeepBlanksDefaultValue()
92: thrDefLineNumbersDefaultValue()
93: thrDefLoadExtDtdDefaultValue()
94: thrDefParserDebugEntities()
95: thrDefPedanticParserDefaultValue()
96: thrDefSaveNoEmptyTags()
97: thrDefSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue()
98: thrDefTreeIndentString()
100: # functions from module nanoftp
101: nanoFTPCleanup()
102: nanoFTPInit()
103: nanoFTPProxy()
104: nanoFTPScanProxy()
106: # functions from module nanohttp
107: nanoHTTPCleanup()
108: nanoHTTPInit()
109: nanoHTTPScanProxy()
111: # functions from module parser
112: createDocParserCtxt()
113: initParser()
114: keepBlanksDefault()
115: lineNumbersDefault()
116: newParserCtxt()
117: parseDTD()
118: parseDoc()
119: parseEntity()
120: parseFile()
121: parseMemory()
122: pedanticParserDefault()
123: readDoc()
124: readFd()
125: readFile()
126: readMemory()
127: recoverDoc()
128: recoverFile()
129: recoverMemory()
130: substituteEntitiesDefault()
132: # functions from module parserInternals
133: checkLanguageID()
134: copyChar()
135: copyCharMultiByte()
136: createEntityParserCtxt()
137: createFileParserCtxt()
138: createMemoryParserCtxt()
139: createURLParserCtxt()
140: htmlCreateFileParserCtxt()
141: htmlInitAutoClose()
142: isLetter()
143: namePop()
144: namePush()
145: nodePop()
146: nodePush()
148: # functions from module python
149: SAXParseFile()
150: createInputBuffer()
151: createOutputBuffer()
152: createPushParser()
153: debugMemory()
154: dumpMemory()
155: htmlCreatePushParser()
156: htmlSAXParseFile()
157: memoryUsed()
158: newNode()
159: pythonCleanupParser()
160: setEntityLoader()
162: # functions from module relaxng
163: relaxNGCleanupTypes()
164: relaxNGInitTypes()
165: relaxNGNewMemParserCtxt()
166: relaxNGNewParserCtxt()
168: # functions from module tree
169: buildQName()
170: compressMode()
171: isXHTML()
172: newComment()
173: newDoc()
174: newPI()
175: newText()
176: newTextLen()
177: setCompressMode()
178: validateNCName()
179: validateNMToken()
180: validateName()
181: validateQName()
183: # functions from module uri
184: URIEscape()
185: URIEscapeStr()
186: URIUnescapeString()
187: buildRelativeURI()
188: buildURI()
189: canonicPath()
190: createURI()
191: normalizeURIPath()
192: parseURI()
193: parseURIRaw()
194: pathToURI()
196: # functions from module valid
197: newValidCtxt()
198: validateNameValue()
199: validateNamesValue()
200: validateNmtokenValue()
201: validateNmtokensValue()
203: # functions from module xmlIO
204: checkFilename()
205: cleanupInputCallbacks()
206: cleanupOutputCallbacks()
207: fileMatch()
208: iOFTPMatch()
209: iOHTTPMatch()
210: normalizeWindowsPath()
211: parserGetDirectory()
212: registerDefaultInputCallbacks()
213: registerDefaultOutputCallbacks()
214: registerHTTPPostCallbacks()
216: # functions from module xmlerror
217: lastError()
218: resetLastError()
220: # functions from module xmlreader
221: newTextReaderFilename()
222: readerForDoc()
223: readerForFd()
224: readerForFile()
225: readerForMemory()
227: # functions from module xmlregexp
228: regexpCompile()
230: # functions from module xmlschemas
231: schemaNewMemParserCtxt()
232: schemaNewParserCtxt()
234: # functions from module xmlschemastypes
235: schemaCleanupTypes()
236: schemaCollapseString()
237: schemaInitTypes()
238: schemaWhiteSpaceReplace()
240: # functions from module xmlstring
241: UTF8Charcmp()
242: UTF8Size()
243: UTF8Strlen()
244: UTF8Strloc()
245: UTF8Strndup()
246: UTF8Strpos()
247: UTF8Strsize()
248: UTF8Strsub()
249: checkUTF8()
251: # functions from module xmlunicode
252: uCSIsAegeanNumbers()
253: uCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms()
254: uCSIsArabic()
255: uCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA()
256: uCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB()
257: uCSIsArmenian()
258: uCSIsArrows()
259: uCSIsBasicLatin()
260: uCSIsBengali()
261: uCSIsBlock()
262: uCSIsBlockElements()
263: uCSIsBopomofo()
264: uCSIsBopomofoExtended()
265: uCSIsBoxDrawing()
266: uCSIsBraillePatterns()
267: uCSIsBuhid()
268: uCSIsByzantineMusicalSymbols()
269: uCSIsCJKCompatibility()
270: uCSIsCJKCompatibilityForms()
271: uCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs()
272: uCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement()
273: uCSIsCJKRadicalsSupplement()
274: uCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation()
275: uCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographs()
276: uCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA()
277: uCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB()
278: uCSIsCat()
279: uCSIsCatC()
280: uCSIsCatCc()
281: uCSIsCatCf()
282: uCSIsCatCo()
283: uCSIsCatCs()
284: uCSIsCatL()
285: uCSIsCatLl()
286: uCSIsCatLm()
287: uCSIsCatLo()
288: uCSIsCatLt()
289: uCSIsCatLu()
290: uCSIsCatM()
291: uCSIsCatMc()
292: uCSIsCatMe()
293: uCSIsCatMn()
294: uCSIsCatN()
295: uCSIsCatNd()
296: uCSIsCatNl()
297: uCSIsCatNo()
298: uCSIsCatP()
299: uCSIsCatPc()
300: uCSIsCatPd()
301: uCSIsCatPe()
302: uCSIsCatPf()
303: uCSIsCatPi()
304: uCSIsCatPo()
305: uCSIsCatPs()
306: uCSIsCatS()
307: uCSIsCatSc()
308: uCSIsCatSk()
309: uCSIsCatSm()
310: uCSIsCatSo()
311: uCSIsCatZ()
312: uCSIsCatZl()
313: uCSIsCatZp()
314: uCSIsCatZs()
315: uCSIsCherokee()
316: uCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks()
317: uCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols()
318: uCSIsCombiningHalfMarks()
319: uCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols()
320: uCSIsControlPictures()
321: uCSIsCurrencySymbols()
322: uCSIsCypriotSyllabary()
323: uCSIsCyrillic()
324: uCSIsCyrillicSupplement()
325: uCSIsDeseret()
326: uCSIsDevanagari()
327: uCSIsDingbats()
328: uCSIsEnclosedAlphanumerics()
329: uCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths()
330: uCSIsEthiopic()
331: uCSIsGeneralPunctuation()
332: uCSIsGeometricShapes()
333: uCSIsGeorgian()
334: uCSIsGothic()
335: uCSIsGreek()
336: uCSIsGreekExtended()
337: uCSIsGreekandCoptic()
338: uCSIsGujarati()
339: uCSIsGurmukhi()
340: uCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms()
341: uCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo()
342: uCSIsHangulJamo()
343: uCSIsHangulSyllables()
344: uCSIsHanunoo()
345: uCSIsHebrew()
346: uCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates()
347: uCSIsHighSurrogates()
348: uCSIsHiragana()
349: uCSIsIPAExtensions()
350: uCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters()
351: uCSIsKanbun()
352: uCSIsKangxiRadicals()
353: uCSIsKannada()
354: uCSIsKatakana()
355: uCSIsKatakanaPhoneticExtensions()
356: uCSIsKhmer()
357: uCSIsKhmerSymbols()
358: uCSIsLao()
359: uCSIsLatin1Supplement()
360: uCSIsLatinExtendedA()
361: uCSIsLatinExtendedAdditional()
362: uCSIsLatinExtendedB()
363: uCSIsLetterlikeSymbols()
364: uCSIsLimbu()
365: uCSIsLinearBIdeograms()
366: uCSIsLinearBSyllabary()
367: uCSIsLowSurrogates()
368: uCSIsMalayalam()
369: uCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols()
370: uCSIsMathematicalOperators()
371: uCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA()
372: uCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB()
373: uCSIsMiscellaneousSymbols()
374: uCSIsMiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows()
375: uCSIsMiscellaneousTechnical()
376: uCSIsMongolian()
377: uCSIsMusicalSymbols()
378: uCSIsMyanmar()
379: uCSIsNumberForms()
380: uCSIsOgham()
381: uCSIsOldItalic()
382: uCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition()
383: uCSIsOriya()
384: uCSIsOsmanya()
385: uCSIsPhoneticExtensions()
386: uCSIsPrivateUse()
387: uCSIsPrivateUseArea()
388: uCSIsRunic()
389: uCSIsShavian()
390: uCSIsSinhala()
391: uCSIsSmallFormVariants()
392: uCSIsSpacingModifierLetters()
393: uCSIsSpecials()
394: uCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts()
395: uCSIsSupplementalArrowsA()
396: uCSIsSupplementalArrowsB()
397: uCSIsSupplementalMathematicalOperators()
398: uCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA()
399: uCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB()
400: uCSIsSyriac()
401: uCSIsTagalog()
402: uCSIsTagbanwa()
403: uCSIsTags()
404: uCSIsTaiLe()
405: uCSIsTaiXuanJingSymbols()
406: uCSIsTamil()
407: uCSIsTelugu()
408: uCSIsThaana()
409: uCSIsThai()
410: uCSIsTibetan()
411: uCSIsUgaritic()
412: uCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics()
413: uCSIsVariationSelectors()
414: uCSIsVariationSelectorsSupplement()
415: uCSIsYiRadicals()
416: uCSIsYiSyllables()
417: uCSIsYijingHexagramSymbols()
419: # functions from module xmlversion
420: checkVersion()
422: # functions from module xpathInternals
423: valuePop()
426: #
427: # Set of classes of the module
428: #
432: Class xmlNode(xmlCore)
433: # accessors
434: ns()
435: nsDefs()
437: # functions from module debugXML
438: debugDumpNode()
439: debugDumpNodeList()
440: debugDumpOneNode()
441: lsCountNode()
442: lsOneNode()
443: shellPrintNode()
445: # functions from module tree
446: addChild()
447: addChildList()
448: addContent()
449: addContentLen()
450: addNextSibling()
451: addPrevSibling()
452: addSibling()
453: copyNode()
454: copyNodeList()
455: copyProp()
456: copyPropList()
457: docCopyNode()
458: docCopyNodeList()
459: docSetRootElement()
460: firstElementChild()
461: freeNode()
462: freeNodeList()
463: getBase()
464: getContent()
465: getLang()
466: getSpacePreserve()
467: hasNsProp()
468: hasProp()
469: isBlankNode()
470: isText()
471: lastChild()
472: lastElementChild()
473: lineNo()
474: listGetRawString()
475: listGetString()
476: newChild()
477: newNs()
478: newNsProp()
479: newNsPropEatName()
480: newProp()
481: newTextChild()
482: nextElementSibling()
483: noNsProp()
484: nodePath()
485: nsProp()
486: previousElementSibling()
487: prop()
488: reconciliateNs()
489: replaceNode()
490: searchNs()
491: searchNsByHref()
492: setBase()
493: setContent()
494: setContentLen()
495: setLang()
496: setListDoc()
497: setName()
498: setNs()
499: setNsProp()
500: setProp()
501: setSpacePreserve()
502: setTreeDoc()
503: textConcat()
504: textMerge()
505: unlinkNode()
506: unsetNsProp()
507: unsetProp()
509: # functions from module valid
510: isID()
511: isRef()
512: validNormalizeAttributeValue()
514: # functions from module xinclude
515: xincludeProcessTree()
516: xincludeProcessTreeFlags()
518: # functions from module xmlschemas
519: schemaValidateOneElement()
521: # functions from module xpath
522: xpathCastNodeToNumber()
523: xpathCastNodeToString()
524: xpathCmpNodes()
525: xpathNodeEval()
527: # functions from module xpathInternals
528: xpathNewNodeSet()
529: xpathNewValueTree()
530: xpathNextAncestor()
531: xpathNextAncestorOrSelf()
532: xpathNextAttribute()
533: xpathNextChild()
534: xpathNextDescendant()
535: xpathNextDescendantOrSelf()
536: xpathNextFollowing()
537: xpathNextFollowingSibling()
538: xpathNextNamespace()
539: xpathNextParent()
540: xpathNextPreceding()
541: xpathNextPrecedingSibling()
542: xpathNextSelf()
544: # functions from module xpointer
545: xpointerNewCollapsedRange()
546: xpointerNewContext()
547: xpointerNewLocationSetNodes()
548: xpointerNewRange()
549: xpointerNewRangeNodes()
552: Class xmlDoc(xmlNode)
554: # functions from module HTMLparser
555: htmlAutoCloseTag()
556: htmlIsAutoClosed()
558: # functions from module HTMLtree
559: htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput()
560: htmlDocContentDumpOutput()
561: htmlDocDump()
562: htmlGetMetaEncoding()
563: htmlNodeDumpFile()
564: htmlNodeDumpFileFormat()
565: htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput()
566: htmlNodeDumpOutput()
567: htmlSaveFile()
568: htmlSaveFileEnc()
569: htmlSaveFileFormat()
570: htmlSetMetaEncoding()
572: # functions from module debugXML
573: debugCheckDocument()
574: debugDumpDocument()
575: debugDumpDocumentHead()
576: debugDumpEntities()
578: # functions from module entities
579: addDocEntity()
580: addDtdEntity()
581: docEntity()
582: dtdEntity()
583: encodeEntities()
584: encodeEntitiesReentrant()
585: encodeSpecialChars()
586: newEntity()
587: parameterEntity()
589: # functions from module relaxng
590: relaxNGNewDocParserCtxt()
591: relaxNGValidateDoc()
592: relaxNGValidateFullElement()
593: relaxNGValidatePopElement()
594: relaxNGValidatePushElement()
596: # functions from module tree
597: copyDoc()
598: copyNode()
599: copyNodeList()
600: createIntSubset()
601: docCompressMode()
602: dump()
603: elemDump()
604: formatDump()
605: freeDoc()
606: getRootElement()
607: intSubset()
608: newCDataBlock()
609: newCharRef()
610: newDocComment()
611: newDocFragment()
612: newDocNode()
613: newDocNodeEatName()
614: newDocPI()
615: newDocProp()
616: newDocRawNode()
617: newDocText()
618: newDocTextLen()
619: newDtd()
620: newGlobalNs()
621: newReference()
622: nodeDumpOutput()
623: nodeGetBase()
624: nodeListGetRawString()
625: nodeListGetString()
626: reconciliateNs()
627: saveFile()
628: saveFileEnc()
629: saveFileTo()
630: saveFormatFile()
631: saveFormatFileEnc()
632: saveFormatFileTo()
633: searchNs()
634: searchNsByHref()
635: setDocCompressMode()
636: setListDoc()
637: setRootElement()
638: setTreeDoc()
639: stringGetNodeList()
640: stringLenGetNodeList()
642: # functions from module valid
643: ID()
644: isID()
645: isMixedElement()
646: isRef()
647: removeID()
648: removeRef()
649: validCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue()
650: validNormalizeAttributeValue()
651: validateDocument()
652: validateDocumentFinal()
653: validateDtd()
654: validateDtdFinal()
655: validateElement()
656: validateNotationUse()
657: validateOneAttribute()
658: validateOneElement()
659: validateOneNamespace()
660: validatePopElement()
661: validatePushElement()
662: validateRoot()
664: # functions from module xinclude
665: xincludeProcess()
666: xincludeProcessFlags()
668: # functions from module xmlreader
669: NewWalker()
670: readerWalker()
672: # functions from module xmlschemas
673: schemaNewDocParserCtxt()
674: schemaValidateDoc()
676: # functions from module xpath
677: xpathNewContext()
678: xpathOrderDocElems()
680: # functions from module xpointer
681: xpointerNewContext()
684: Class parserCtxt(parserCtxtCore)
685: # accessors
686: doc()
687: isValid()
688: lineNumbers()
689: loadSubset()
690: pedantic()
691: replaceEntities()
692: validate()
693: wellFormed()
695: # functions from module HTMLparser
696: htmlCtxtReadDoc()
697: htmlCtxtReadFd()
698: htmlCtxtReadFile()
699: htmlCtxtReadMemory()
700: htmlCtxtReset()
701: htmlCtxtUseOptions()
702: htmlFreeParserCtxt()
703: htmlParseCharRef()
704: htmlParseChunk()
705: htmlParseDocument()
706: htmlParseElement()
708: # functions from module parser
709: byteConsumed()
710: clearParserCtxt()
711: ctxtReadDoc()
712: ctxtReadFd()
713: ctxtReadFile()
714: ctxtReadMemory()
715: ctxtReset()
716: ctxtResetPush()
717: ctxtUseOptions()
718: initParserCtxt()
719: parseChunk()
720: parseDocument()
721: parseExtParsedEnt()
722: setupParserForBuffer()
723: stopParser()
725: # functions from module parserInternals
726: decodeEntities()
727: handleEntity()
728: namespaceParseNCName()
729: namespaceParseNSDef()
730: nextChar()
731: parseAttValue()
732: parseAttributeListDecl()
733: parseCDSect()
734: parseCharData()
735: parseCharRef()
736: parseComment()
737: parseContent()
738: parseDocTypeDecl()
739: parseElement()
740: parseElementDecl()
741: parseEncName()
742: parseEncodingDecl()
743: parseEndTag()
744: parseEntityDecl()
745: parseEntityRef()
746: parseExternalSubset()
747: parseMarkupDecl()
748: parseMisc()
749: parseName()
750: parseNamespace()
751: parseNmtoken()
752: parseNotationDecl()
753: parsePEReference()
754: parsePI()
755: parsePITarget()
756: parsePubidLiteral()
757: parseQuotedString()
758: parseReference()
759: parseSDDecl()
760: parseStartTag()
761: parseSystemLiteral()
762: parseTextDecl()
763: parseVersionInfo()
764: parseVersionNum()
765: parseXMLDecl()
766: parserHandlePEReference()
767: parserHandleReference()
768: popInput()
769: scanName()
770: skipBlankChars()
771: stringDecodeEntities()
772: stringLenDecodeEntities()
775: Class xmlAttr(xmlNode)
777: # functions from module debugXML
778: debugDumpAttr()
779: debugDumpAttrList()
781: # functions from module tree
782: copyProp()
783: copyPropList()
784: freeProp()
785: freePropList()
786: removeProp()
788: # functions from module valid
789: removeID()
790: removeRef()
793: Class xmlAttribute(xmlNode)
794: Class catalog()
796: # functions from module catalog
797: add()
798: catalogIsEmpty()
799: convertSGMLCatalog()
800: dump()
801: remove()
802: resolve()
803: resolvePublic()
804: resolveSystem()
805: resolveURI()
808: Class xmlDtd(xmlNode)
810: # functions from module debugXML
811: debugDumpDTD()
813: # functions from module tree
814: copyDtd()
815: freeDtd()
817: # functions from module valid
818: dtdAttrDesc()
819: dtdElementDesc()
820: dtdQAttrDesc()
821: dtdQElementDesc()
824: Class xmlElement(xmlNode)
827: Class xmlEntity(xmlNode)
829: # functions from module parserInternals
830: handleEntity()
831: Class Error()
832: # accessors
833: code()
834: domain()
835: file()
836: level()
837: line()
838: message()
840: # functions from module xmlerror
841: copyError()
842: resetError()
845: Class xmlNs(xmlNode)
847: # functions from module tree
848: copyNamespace()
849: copyNamespaceList()
850: freeNs()
851: freeNsList()
852: newChild()
853: newDocNode()
854: newDocNodeEatName()
855: newDocRawNode()
856: newNodeEatName()
857: newNsProp()
858: newNsPropEatName()
859: newTextChild()
860: setNs()
861: setNsProp()
862: unsetNsProp()
864: # functions from module xpathInternals
865: xpathNodeSetFreeNs()
868: Class outputBuffer(ioWriteWrapper)
870: # functions from module HTMLtree
871: htmlDocContentDumpFormatOutput()
872: htmlDocContentDumpOutput()
873: htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput()
874: htmlNodeDumpOutput()
876: # functions from module tree
877: nodeDumpOutput()
878: saveFileTo()
879: saveFormatFileTo()
881: # functions from module xmlIO
882: getContent()
883: write()
884: writeString()
887: Class inputBuffer(ioReadWrapper)
889: # functions from module xmlIO
890: grow()
891: push()
892: read()
894: # functions from module xmlreader
895: Setup()
896: newTextReader()
897: Class xmlReg()
899: # functions from module xmlregexp
900: regexpExec()
901: regexpIsDeterminist()
902: regexpPrint()
903: Class relaxNgParserCtxt()
905: # functions from module relaxng
906: relaxNGParse()
907: relaxParserSetFlag()
908: Class relaxNgSchema()
910: # functions from module relaxng
911: relaxNGDump()
912: relaxNGDumpTree()
913: relaxNGNewValidCtxt()
915: # functions from module xmlreader
916: RelaxNGSetSchema()
919: Class relaxNgValidCtxt(relaxNgValidCtxtCore)
921: # functions from module relaxng
922: relaxNGValidateDoc()
923: relaxNGValidateFullElement()
924: relaxNGValidatePopElement()
925: relaxNGValidatePushCData()
926: relaxNGValidatePushElement()
928: # functions from module xmlreader
929: RelaxNGValidateCtxt()
930: Class SchemaParserCtxt()
932: # functions from module xmlschemas
933: schemaParse()
934: Class Schema()
936: # functions from module xmlreader
937: SetSchema()
939: # functions from module xmlschemas
940: schemaDump()
941: schemaNewValidCtxt()
944: Class SchemaValidCtxt(SchemaValidCtxtCore)
946: # functions from module xmlreader
947: SchemaValidateCtxt()
949: # functions from module xmlschemas
950: schemaIsValid()
951: schemaSetValidOptions()
952: schemaValidCtxtGetOptions()
953: schemaValidCtxtGetParserCtxt()
954: schemaValidateDoc()
955: schemaValidateFile()
956: schemaValidateOneElement()
957: schemaValidateSetFilename()
958: Class xmlTextReaderLocator()
960: # functions from module xmlreader
961: BaseURI()
962: LineNumber()
965: Class xmlTextReader(xmlTextReaderCore)
967: # functions from module xmlreader
968: AttributeCount()
969: BaseUri()
970: ByteConsumed()
971: Close()
972: CurrentDoc()
973: CurrentNode()
974: Depth()
975: Encoding()
976: Expand()
977: GetAttribute()
978: GetAttributeNo()
979: GetAttributeNs()
980: GetParserColumnNumber()
981: GetParserLineNumber()
982: GetParserProp()
983: GetRemainder()
984: HasAttributes()
985: HasValue()
986: IsDefault()
987: IsEmptyElement()
988: IsNamespaceDecl()
989: IsValid()
990: LocalName()
991: LookupNamespace()
992: MoveToAttribute()
993: MoveToAttributeNo()
994: MoveToAttributeNs()
995: MoveToElement()
996: MoveToFirstAttribute()
997: MoveToNextAttribute()
998: Name()
999: NamespaceUri()
1000: NewDoc()
1001: NewFd()
1002: NewFile()
1003: NewMemory()
1004: NewWalker()
1005: Next()
1006: NextSibling()
1007: NodeType()
1008: Normalization()
1009: Prefix()
1010: Preserve()
1011: QuoteChar()
1012: Read()
1013: ReadAttributeValue()
1014: ReadInnerXml()
1015: ReadOuterXml()
1016: ReadState()
1017: ReadString()
1018: RelaxNGSetSchema()
1019: RelaxNGValidate()
1020: RelaxNGValidateCtxt()
1021: SchemaValidate()
1022: SchemaValidateCtxt()
1023: SetParserProp()
1024: SetSchema()
1025: Setup()
1026: Standalone()
1027: String()
1028: Value()
1029: XmlLang()
1030: XmlVersion()
1031: Class URI()
1032: # accessors
1033: authority()
1034: fragment()
1035: opaque()
1036: path()
1037: port()
1038: query()
1039: queryRaw()
1040: scheme()
1041: server()
1042: setAuthority()
1043: setFragment()
1044: setOpaque()
1045: setPath()
1046: setPort()
1047: setQuery()
1048: setQueryRaw()
1049: setScheme()
1050: setServer()
1051: setUser()
1052: user()
1054: # functions from module uri
1055: parseURIReference()
1056: printURI()
1057: saveUri()
1060: Class ValidCtxt(ValidCtxtCore)
1062: # functions from module valid
1063: validCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue()
1064: validateDocument()
1065: validateDocumentFinal()
1066: validateDtd()
1067: validateDtdFinal()
1068: validateElement()
1069: validateNotationUse()
1070: validateOneAttribute()
1071: validateOneElement()
1072: validateOneNamespace()
1073: validatePopElement()
1074: validatePushCData()
1075: validatePushElement()
1076: validateRoot()
1077: Class xpathContext()
1078: # accessors
1079: contextDoc()
1080: contextNode()
1081: contextPosition()
1082: contextSize()
1083: function()
1084: functionURI()
1085: setContextDoc()
1086: setContextNode()
1088: # functions from module python
1089: registerXPathFunction()
1090: xpathRegisterVariable()
1092: # functions from module xpath
1093: xpathContextSetCache()
1094: xpathEval()
1095: xpathEvalExpression()
1096: xpathFreeContext()
1098: # functions from module xpathInternals
1099: xpathNewParserContext()
1100: xpathNsLookup()
1101: xpathRegisterAllFunctions()
1102: xpathRegisterNs()
1103: xpathRegisteredFuncsCleanup()
1104: xpathRegisteredNsCleanup()
1105: xpathRegisteredVariablesCleanup()
1106: xpathVariableLookup()
1107: xpathVariableLookupNS()
1109: # functions from module xpointer
1110: xpointerEval()
1111: Class xpathParserContext()
1112: # accessors
1113: context()
1115: # functions from module xpathInternals
1116: xpathAddValues()
1117: xpathBooleanFunction()
1118: xpathCeilingFunction()
1119: xpathCompareValues()
1120: xpathConcatFunction()
1121: xpathContainsFunction()
1122: xpathCountFunction()
1123: xpathDivValues()
1124: xpathEqualValues()
1125: xpathErr()
1126: xpathEvalExpr()
1127: xpathFalseFunction()
1128: xpathFloorFunction()
1129: xpathFreeParserContext()
1130: xpathIdFunction()
1131: xpathLangFunction()
1132: xpathLastFunction()
1133: xpathLocalNameFunction()
1134: xpathModValues()
1135: xpathMultValues()
1136: xpathNamespaceURIFunction()
1137: xpathNextAncestor()
1138: xpathNextAncestorOrSelf()
1139: xpathNextAttribute()
1140: xpathNextChild()
1141: xpathNextDescendant()
1142: xpathNextDescendantOrSelf()
1143: xpathNextFollowing()
1144: xpathNextFollowingSibling()
1145: xpathNextNamespace()
1146: xpathNextParent()
1147: xpathNextPreceding()
1148: xpathNextPrecedingSibling()
1149: xpathNextSelf()
1150: xpathNormalizeFunction()
1151: xpathNotEqualValues()
1152: xpathNotFunction()
1153: xpathNumberFunction()
1154: xpathParseNCName()
1155: xpathParseName()
1156: xpathPopBoolean()
1157: xpathPopNumber()
1158: xpathPopString()
1159: xpathPositionFunction()
1160: xpathRoot()
1161: xpathRoundFunction()
1162: xpathStartsWithFunction()
1163: xpathStringFunction()
1164: xpathStringLengthFunction()
1165: xpathSubValues()
1166: xpathSubstringAfterFunction()
1167: xpathSubstringBeforeFunction()
1168: xpathSubstringFunction()
1169: xpathSumFunction()
1170: xpathTranslateFunction()
1171: xpathTrueFunction()
1172: xpathValueFlipSign()
1173: xpatherror()
1175: # functions from module xpointer
1176: xpointerEvalRangePredicate()
1177: xpointerRangeToFunction()
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