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1.1 ! misho 1: SAX.setDocumentLocator() ! 2: SAX.startDocument() ! 3: SAX.internalSubset(html, , ) ! 4: SAX.startElement(html) ! 5: SAX.ignorableWhitespace( ! 6: , 5) ! 7: SAX.startElement(head) ! 8: SAX.ignorableWhitespace( ! 9: , 9) ! 10: SAX.startElement(title) ! 11: SAX.characters(omg, 3) ! 12: SAX.endElement(title) ! 13: SAX.ignorableWhitespace( ! 14: , 9) ! 15: SAX.startElement(noscript) ! 16: SAX.startElement(link, rel='stylesheet', href='') ! 17: SAX.endElement(link) ! 18: SAX.endElement(noscript) ! 19: SAX.ignorableWhitespace( ! 20: , 5) ! 21: SAX.endElement(head) ! 22: SAX.ignorableWhitespace( ! 23: , 5) ! 24: SAX.startElement(body, id='xxx') ! 25: SAX.characters( ! 26: , 9) ! 27: SAX.startElement(p) ! 28: SAX.characters(yo, 2) ! 29: SAX.endElement(p) ! 30: SAX.characters( ! 31: , 5) ! 32: SAX.endElement(body) ! 33: SAX.ignorableWhitespace( ! 34: , 1) ! 35: SAX.endElement(html) ! 36: SAX.ignorableWhitespace( ! 37: , 1) ! 38: SAX.endDocument()