Annotation of embedaddon/libxml2/test/relaxng/docbook_0.xml, revision

1.1       misho       1: <?xml version="1.0"?>
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                     37:         <firstname>Daniel</firstname>
                     38:         <surname>Mueth</surname>
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                     40:           <address>
                     41:             <email></email>
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                     46:       <author>
                     47:         <firstname>Alexander</firstname>
                     48:         <surname>Kirillov</surname>
                     49:         <affiliation>
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                     51:             <email></email>
                     52:           </address>
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                     58:     <releaseinfo>
                     59:       This is a pre-release!
                     60:     </releaseinfo>
                     62:     <revhistory>
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                     65:           0.99
                     66:         </revnumber>
                     67:         <date>
                     68:          04.10.2000
                     69:         </date>
                     70:       </revision>
                     71:     </revhistory>
                     73:     <copyright>
                     74:       <year>2000</year>
                     75:       <holder>Red Hat, Inc., Daniel Mueth, and Alexander Kirillov</holder>
                     76:     </copyright>
                     78:     <legalnotice>
                     79:      <para>
                     80:       Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
                     81:       document under the terms of the <citetitle>GNU Free Documentation
                     82:       License</citetitle>, Version 1.1 or any later version published
                     83:       by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant Sections, no
                     84:       Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. You may obtain a copy
                     85:       of the <citetitle>GNU Free Documentation License</citetitle> from
                     86:       the Free Software Foundation by visiting <ulink type="http"
                     87:       url="">their Web site</ulink> or by writing to:
                     88:       Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
                     89:       Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
                     90:      </para>
                     91:      <para>
                     92:       Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products and
                     93:       services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names appear in any
                     94:       GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aware to the members
                     95:       of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have been printed in caps
                     96:       or initial caps.
                     97:      </para>
                     98:     </legalnotice>
                    100:     <title>The GNOME Handbook of Writing Software Documentation</title>
                    102:   </articleinfo>
                    104:   <!-- ################# Introduction ############### -->
                    106:   <sect1 id="intro">
                    107:     <title>Introduction</title>
                    109:     <!-- ####### Introduction | The GNOME Documentation Project ####### -->
                    111:     <sect2 id="gdp">
                    112:       <title>The GNOME Documentation Project</title>
                    114:       <sect3 id="goals">
                    115:         <title>Goals</title>
                    116:         <para>
                    117:           The GNOME Documentation Project (GDP) aims to provide GNOME
                    118:           and GNOME applications with a complete, intuitive, and clear
                    119:           documentation system.  At the center of the GDP is the
                    120:           <application>GNOME Help Browser</application>, which
                    121:           presents a unified interface to GNOME-specific documentation
                    122:           as well as other Linux documentation such as man pages and
                    123:           texinfo documents. The GNOME Help System provides a
                    124:           comprehensive view of documentation on a machine by
                    125:           dynamically assembling the documentation of GNOME
                    126:           applications and components which are installed. The GDP is
                    127:           responsible for writing numerous GNOME-related documents,
                    128:           both for developers and for users.  Developer documentation
                    129:           includes <ulink url=""
                    130:           type="http">APIs for the GNOME libraries</ulink>, <ulink
                    131:           url=""
                    132:           type="http"><citetitle>GNOME White
                    133:           Papers</citetitle></ulink>, GNOME developer <ulink
                    134:           url=""
                    135:           type="http">tutorials</ulink>, the <ulink
                    136:           url=""
                    137:           type="http"><citetitle>GNOME Developer
                    138:           FAQ</citetitle></ulink>, the <ulink
                    139:           url="" type="http">GNOME
                    140:           Developer's Website</ulink>, and <citetitle>GNOME
                    141:           Handbook</citetitle>'s, such as the one you are reading.
                    142:           User documentation include the <ulink
                    143:           url=""
                    144:           type="http"><citetitle>GNOME User's
                    145:           Guide</citetitle></ulink>, the <ulink
                    146:           url=""
                    147:           type="http"><citetitle>GNOME FAQ</citetitle></ulink>, and
                    148:           GNOME application documentation.  Most GNOME applications
                    149:           have their own manual in addition to context sensitive help.
                    150:         </para>
                    151:       </sect3>
                    153:       <sect3 id="joining">
                    154:        <title>Joining the GDP</title>
                    155:        <para>
                    156:          Documenting GNOME and all the numerous GNOME applications is
                    157:          a very large project.  The GDP is always looking for people
                    158:          to help write, update, and edit documentation.  If you are
                    159:          interested in joining the GDP team, you should join the
                    160:          <ulink url="">
                    161:          <citetitle>gnome-doc-list mailing list</citetitle> </ulink>.
                    162:          Read <xref linkend="gettingstarted" />, for help selecting a
                    163:          project to work on.  Feel free to introduce yourself on the
                    164:          gnome-doc-list mailing list and indicate which project you
                    165:          intend to work on, or else ask for suggestions of important
                    166:          documents which need work done. You may also want to join the
                    167:          #docs IRC channel on to meet other GDP members
                    168:          and discuss any questions you may have.  For a list of GDP
                    169:          projects and members, see the
                    170:          <ulink url="">
                    171:            <citetitle>GDP Website</citetitle></ulink>.
                    172:        </para>
                    173:       </sect3>
                    175:       <sect3 id="collaborating">
                    176:        <title>Collaborating with the GDP</title>
                    177:        <para>
                    178:         GNOME developers, packagers, and translators may not be
                    179:         writing GNOME documentation but will want to understand how
                    180:         the GNOME documentation system works and will need to
                    181:         collaborate with GDP members.  This document should help to
                    182:         outline the structure of how the GNOME documentation system
                    183:         works.  Developers who do not write the documentation for
                    184:         their applications are encouraged to find a GDP member to
                    185:         write the documentation.  This is best done by sending an
                    186:         email to the <ulink
                    187:         url="">
                    188:         <citetitle>gnome-doc-list mailing list</citetitle> </ulink>
                    189:         describing the application, where it can be downloaded from,
                    190:         and that the developer(s) would like a GDP member to write
                    191:         documentation for the application. The #docs IRC channel on
                    192: is another option for contacting GDP members.
                    193:        </para>
                    194:       </sect3>
                    195:     </sect2>
                    197:     <!-- ####### Introduction | Notation and Conventions  ####### -->
                    199:     <sect2 id="notation">
                    200:       <title>Notation and Conventions</title>
                    201:       <para>
                    202:         This Handbook uses the following notation:
                    203:         <informaltable frame="none">
                    204:           <tgroup cols="2">
                    205:             <tbody>
                    206:               <row>
                    207:                 <entry>
                    208:                   <filename class="directory">/usr/bin</filename>
                    209:                 </entry>
                    210:                 <entry>
                    211:                   Directory
                    212:                 </entry>
                    213:               </row>
                    214:               <row>
                    215:                 <entry>
                    216:                   <filename>foo.sgml</filename>
                    217:                 </entry>
                    218:                 <entry>
                    219:                   Filename
                    220:                 </entry>
                    221:               </row>
                    222:               <row>
                    223:                 <entry>
                    224:                   <command>command</command>
                    225:                 </entry>
                    226:                 <entry>
                    227:                   Command or text that would be typed.
                    228:                 </entry>
                    229:               </row>
                    230:               <row>
                    231:                 <entry>
                    232:                   <command><replaceable>replaceable</replaceable></command>
                    233:                 </entry>
                    234:                 <entry>
                    235:                   "Variable" text that can be replaced.
                    236:                 </entry>
                    237:               </row>
                    238:               <row>
                    239:                 <entry>
                    240:                   <literal>Program or Doc Code</literal>
                    241:                 </entry>
                    242:                 <entry>Program or document code</entry>
                    243:               </row>
                    244:             </tbody>
                    245:           </tgroup>
                    246:         </informaltable>
                    247:       </para>
                    248:     </sect2>
                    250:     <!-- ####### Introduction | About This Handbook  ####### -->
                    252:     <sect2 id="about">
                    253:       <title>About This Handbook</title>
                    254:       <para>
                    255:        This Handbook is a guide for both writing documentation for
                    256:        GNOME components and applications and for properly binding and
                    257:        packaging documentation into GNOME applications.
                    258:       </para>
                    259:       <para>
                    260:        This Handbook, like all GNOME documentation, was written in
                    261:        DocBook(SGML) and is available in several formats including
                    262:        SGML, HTML, PostScript, and PDF.  For the latest version, see
                    263:        <ulink
                    264:        url=""> 
                    265:        <citetitle>Getting The GNOME Handbook of Writing Software
                    266:        Documentation</citetitle> </ulink>.  Alternately, one may
                    267:        download it anonymously from GNOME CVS under <filename
                    268:        class="directory">gnome-docu/gdp</filename>.
                    269:       </para>
                    270:     </sect2>
                    271:   </sect1>
                    273: <!-- ################# Getting Started  ############### -->
                    275:   <sect1 id="gettingstarted">
                    276:     <title>Getting Started Writing GNOME Documentation</title>
                    278: <!--####### Getting Started | Selecting A Document ####### -->
                    280:     <sect2 id="selecting">
                    281:       <title>Selecting A Document</title>
                    283:       <sect3 id="know">
                    284:         <title>Document Something You Know</title>
                    285:         <para>
                    286:           The most frequently asked question of new contributors who
                    287:           join the GDP is "which document should I start
                    288:           with?". Because most people involved are volunteers, we do
                    289:           not <emphasis>assign</emphasis> projects and applications to
                    290:           write documents for. The first step is all yours - you must
                    291:           decide what about GNOME interests you most and find out if
                    292:           it has complete documents or not.
                    293:         </para>
                    294:         <para>
                    295:           It is also important to spend some time with GNOME to make
                    296:           sure you are familiar enough with it to be
                    297:           <emphasis>authoritative</emphasis>  in your writing. The
                    298:           best way to do this is to just sit down and play with GNOME
                    299:           as much as possible before starting to write.
                    300:         </para>
                    301:         <para>
                    302:           The easiest way to get started is to improve existing
                    303:           documentation. If you notice some inaccuracies or omissions
                    304:           in the documentation, or you think that you can explain the
                    305:           material more clearly, just send your suggestions to the
                    306:           author of the original documentation or to the GNOME
                    307:           documentation project at <email></email>.
                    308:         </para>
                    309:       </sect3>
                    311:       <sect3 id="doctable">
                    312:         <title>The GNOME Documentation Status Table</title>
                    313:         <para>
                    314:           The <citetitle>GDP Documentation Status Table</citetitle>
                    315:           (<citetitle>DocTable</citetitle>) (<ulink
                    316:           url=""
                    317:           type="http"></ulink>) is a
                    318:           web page which tracks the status of all the various
                    319:           documentation components of GNOME.  These components include
                    320:           application documentation, internal GNOME component
                    321:           documentation, user documentation, and developer
                    322:           documentation.  For each documentation item, it tracks the
                    323:           current status of the documentation, who is working on the
                    324:           particular document, where the documentation can be found,
                    325:           and provides a forum for the discussion of each item.
                    326:         </para>
                    327:         <para>
                    328:           You should use the <citetitle>DocTable</citetitle> to help
                    329:           you select a documentation item which needs work done.  Once
                    330:           you have selected an item to work on, please register
                    331:           yourself as an author so that other authors do not duplicate
                    332:           your work and may contact you to help or offer suggestions.
                    333:           Also be sure to keep the status icons up-to-date  so that
                    334:           the GDP team can easily identify which items need additional
                    335:           help.  The <citetitle>DocTable</citetitle> also allows
                    336:           people to make announcements and suggestions and to discuss
                    337:           issues in the comments section.
                    338:         </para>
                    339:         <note>
                    340:          <title>Note</title>
                    341:          <para>
                    342:           Note that the information in the
                    343:           <citetitle>DocTable</citetitle> may not always be up-to-date
                    344:           or accurate.  When you assign yourself to documenting an
                    345:           application, make sure you find out the latest status of
                    346:           documentation by contacting the application author.  
                    347:          </para>
                    348:         </note>
                    349:       </sect3>
                    350:     </sect2>
                    352: <!-- ####### Getting Started | Installing And Using DocBook ####### -->
                    354:     <sect2 id="docbook">
                    355:       <title>Installing and Using DocBook</title>
                    356:       <para>
                    357:         All documentation for the GNOME project is written in SGML
                    358:         using the DocBook DTD. There are many advantages to using
                    359:         this for documentation, not least of which is the single
                    360:         source nature of SGML. To contribute to the GDP you should
                    361:         learn to use DocBook.
                    362:       </para>
                    363:       <note>
                    364:         <title>NOTE</title>
                    365:         <para>
                    366:           To get started writing for the GDP you do not need to rush
                    367:           out and learn DocBook - if you feel it is too much to handle
                    368:           for now, you can submit plain ASCII text to the <ulink
                    369:           url="">
                    370:           <citetitle>gnome-doc-list mailing list</citetitle>
                    371:           </ulink>and a volunteer will mark it up for you. Seeing your
                    372:           document marked up will also be a great way for you to start
                    373:           learning DocBook.
                    374:         </para>
                    375:       </note>
                    376:       <sect3 id="installingdocbook">
                    377:         <title>Installing DocBook</title>
                    378:         <para>
                    379:           Download and install the following <ulink
                    380:           url=""
                    381:           type="ftp">DocBook Tools packages</ulink>: jade, docbook,
                    382:           jadetex, sgml-common, and stylesheets. (RPM users should note
                    383:           that jade is platform dependent (eg. i386), while the other packages
                    384:           are in the <filename class="directory">noarch</filename>
                    385:           directory.) You can find more 
                    386:           information on DocBook Tools <ulink url="
                    387: "
                    388:           type="http">here</ulink>.
                    389:         </para>
                    390:         <para>
                    391:           If you are an <application>Emacs</application> user you may
                    392:           want to grab the psgml package as well. This is a major mode
                    393:           for editing sgml files in <application>Emacs</application>.
                    394:         </para>
                    395:       </sect3>
                    397:       <sect3 id="gdpstylesheets">
                    398:         <title>GDP Stylesheets</title>
                    399:         <para>
                    400:           The GDP uses its own DocBook stylesheets.  To use the GDP
                    401:           stylesheets, you should download the file
                    402:           <filename>gdp-both.dsl</filename> from the <filename
                    403:           class="directory">gnome-docu/gdp/dsssl</filename> module in
                    404:           CVS (or from <ulink
                    405:           url="">
                    406:           GDP Custom DSSSL Stylesheet</ulink>)and copy it
                    407: <!--      into <filename
                    408:           class="directory">/usr/lib/sgml/stylesheets</filename>. You
                    409:           will need to point DocBook Tools to this stylesheet with the
                    410:           <command><option>-d</option></command> option:
                    411:           <command>db2html -d /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheets/gdp-both.dsl
                    412:           <replaceable>foo.sgml</replaceable></command>. (Creating an
                    413:           alias to include this option and path is convenient.)
                    414:           Alternately, you could overwrite
                    415:           <filename>/usr/lib/sgml/stylesheets/cygnus-both.dsl</filename>
                    416:           with <filename>gdp-both.dsl</filename>.
                    417: -->
                    418:           over the file
                    419:           <filename>/usr/lib/sgml/stylesheets/cygnus-both.dsl</filename>.
                    420:           Alternately, you can download and install the
                    421:           <ulink url=""
                    422:           type="http">gnome-doc-tools package</ulink> which will set
                    423:           up the stylesheets as well as the DTD discussed below.
                    424:         </para>
                    426: <!--        <note>
                    427:           <para>
                    428:             The current version of the DocBook Tools command
                    429:             <command>db2ps</command> does not have a
                    430:             <command><option>-d</option></command> option. In order to
                    431:             create PostScript output, you must overwrite
                    432:             <filename>/usr/lib/sgml/stylesheets/cygnus-both.dsl</filename>
                    433:             with <filename>gdp-both.dsl</filename>.
                    434:           </para>
                    435:         </note>
                    436: -->
                    437:       </sect3>
                    439:       <sect3 id="gdpdtd">
                    440:         <title>GDP DTD (PNG Image Support)</title>
                    441:         <para>
                    442:           Due to some license issues involved with the creation of
                    443:           gifs, the GNOME Documentation Project has decided to use the
                    444:           PNG image format for all images in GNOME documentation. You
                    445:           can read more about the issues involved with gifs at <ulink
                    446:           url=""
                    447:           type="http"></ulink>.
                    448:         </para>
                    449:         <para>
                    450:           The current DocBook DTD(3.1) does not include support for
                    451:           embedding PNG images in your documents.  Since the GDP uses
                    452:           many screenshots in its documentation, we use our own
                    453:           variation on the DocBook DTD which has PNG image support.
                    454:           We encourage everybody to use this DTD instead of the
                    455:           default DocBook DTD since your source document header and
                    456:           your output document appearance subtly vary between the two
                    457:           DTD's.  To install the GDP custom DTD with PNG image support
                    458:           by hand:
                    459:         </para>
                    460:         <itemizedlist mark="opencircle">
                    461:           <listitem>
                    462:             <para>
                    463:               Download <ulink
                    464:               url="">the
                    465:               GDP DocBook DTD for PNG support</ulink> and install it
                    466:               where you keep your DTD's. (On Red Hat use <filename
                    467:               class="directory">/usr/lib/sgml/</filename>.) Note that
                    468:               the 3.0 DTD is missing support for the
                    469:               <sgmltag>&lt;legalnotice></sgmltag> tag, so it is
                    470:               recommended that you use version 3.1
                    471:             </para>
                    472:           </listitem>
                    473:           <listitem override="bullet">
                    474:             <para>
                    475:               Add the new DTD to your SGML CATALOG file.  The location
                    476:               of your SGML CATALOG file may vary depending upon your
                    477:               distribution. (On Red Hat it is usually in
                    478:               /usr/lib/sgml/CATALOG.) Add the following line to this
                    479:               file:
                    480:               <programlisting>
                    481: PUBLIC "-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant V1.0//EN" "png-support-3.0.dtd"
                    482:               </programlisting> 
                    483:               If you are using the 3.1 DTD, use:
                    484:               <programlisting>
                    485: PUBLIC "-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant V1.1//EN" "png-support-3.1.dtd"
                    486:               </programlisting> 
                    487:             </para>
                    488:           </listitem>
                    489:         </itemizedlist>
                    490:         <para>
                    491:           Alternately, you can download and install the
                    492:           <ulink url=""
                    493:           type="http">gnome-doc-tools package</ulink> which will set
                    494:           up the custom stylesheets and DTD for you.
                    495:         </para>
                    496:         <para>
                    497:           To include PNG files in your documents, you will need to
                    498:           indicate that you are using this special DTD.  To do
                    499:           this, use the following headers:
                    500:         </para>
                    501:         <para>
                    502:           Articles:
                    503:           <programlisting>
                    504: <![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE Article PUBLIC "-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant
                    505: V1.1//EN"[]>]]>
                    506:           </programlisting>
                    507:         </para>
                    508:         <para>
                    509:           Books:
                    510:           <programlisting>
                    511: <![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE Book PUBLIC "-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant
                    512: V1.1//EN"[]>]]>
                    513:           </programlisting>
                    514:         </para>
                    516:       </sect3>
                    518:       <sect3 id="editors">
                    519:         <title>Editors</title>
                    520:         <para>
                    521:           There are many editors on Linux and UNIX systems available
                    522:           to you. Which editor you use to work on the sgml documents
                    523:           is completely up to you, as long as the editor is able to
                    524:           preserve sgml and produce the source in a format that is
                    525:           readable by everyone.
                    526:         </para>
                    527:         <para>
                    528:           Probably the two most popular editors available are
                    529:           <application>Emacs</application> and
                    530:           <application>vi</application>. These and other editors are
                    531:           used regularly by members of the GDP. Emacs has a major
                    532:           mode, psgml, for editing sgml files which can save you time
                    533:           and effort in adding and closing tags. You will find the
                    534:           psgml package in DocBook Tools, which is the standard set of
                    535:           tools for the GDP. You may find out more about DocBook Tools
                    536:           in <xref linkend="installingdocbook" />.
                    537:         </para>
                    538:       </sect3>
                    540:       <sect3 id="make-output">
                    541:         <title>Creating Something Useful with your Docs</title>
                    542:         <para>
                    543:           The tools available in DocBook Tools allow you to convert
                    544:           your sgml document to many different formats including html
                    545:           and Postscript. The primary tool used to do the conversion
                    546:           is an application called <application>Jade</application>. In
                    547:           most cases you will not have to work directly with
                    548:           <application>Jade</application>; Instead,  you will use the
                    549:           scripts provided by DocBook Tools.
                    550:         </para>
                    551:         <para>
                    552:           To preview your DocBook document, it is easiest to convert
                    553:           it to <filename>html</filename>. If you have installed the
                    554:           DocBook tools described above, all you have to do is to run
                    555:           the command <prompt>$</prompt><command>db2html
                    556:           mydocument.sgml</command>. If there are no sgml syntax
                    557:           errors, this will create a directory <filename
                    558:           class="directory">mydocument</filename> and place the
                    559:           resulting html files in it. The title page of the document
                    560:           will typically be
                    561:           <filename>mydocument/index.html</filename>.  If you have
                    562:           screenshots in your document, you will have to copy these
                    563:           files into the <filename
                    564:           class="directory">mydocument</filename> directory by
                    565:           hand. You can use any web browser to view your document.
                    566:           Note that every time you run <command>db2html</command>, it
                    567:           creates the <filename
                    568:           class="directory">mydocument</filename> directory over, so
                    569:           you will have to copy the screenshots over each time.
                    570:         </para>
                    571:         <para>
                    572:           You can also convert your document to PostScript by running
                    573:           the command <prompt>$</prompt><command>db2ps
                    574:           mydocument.sgml</command>, after which you can print out or
                    575:           view the resulting .ps file.  
                    576:         </para>
                    577:         <note>
                    578:           <title>NOTE</title>
                    579:           <para>
                    580:             The html files you get will not look quite the same as the
                    581:             documentation distributed with GNOME unless you have the
                    582:             custom stylesheets installed on your machine. DocBook
                    583:             Tools' default stylesheets will produce a different look
                    584:             to your docs. You can read more about the GDP stylesheets
                    585:             in <xref linkend="gdpstylesheets" />.
                    586:           </para>
                    587:         </note>
                    588:       </sect3>
                    590:       <sect3 id="jadeimages">
                    591:         <title>Images in DocBook Tools</title>
                    592:         <para>
                    593:           If your document uses images you will need to take note of a
                    594:           few things that should take place in order for you to make
                    595:           use of those images in your output.
                    596:         </para>
                    597:         <para>
                    598:           The DocBook Tools scripts and applications are smart enough
                    599:           to know that when you are creating html you will be using
                    600:           PNG files and when you are creating Postscript you will be
                    601:           using EPS files (you must use EPS with Postscript).
                    602:         </para>
                    603:         <para>
                    604:           Thus, you should never explicitly
                    605:           include the extension of the image file, since DocBook
                    606:           Tools will automatically insert it for you. For example:
                    607:         </para>
                    608:         <programlisting>
                    609: <![CDATA[
                    610: <figure>
                    611:  <title>My Image</title>
                    612:  <screenshot>
                    613:   <screeninfo>Sample GNOME Display</screeninfo>
                    614:   <graphic  format="png" fileref="myfile" srccredit="me">
                    615:   </graphic>
                    616:  </screenshot>
                    617: </figure>
                    618: ]]>     </programlisting>
                    619:         <para>
                    620:           You will notice in this example that the file
                    621:           <filename>myfile.png</filename> was referred to as simply
                    622:           <filename>myfile</filename>. Now when you run
                    623:           <command>db2html</command> to create an html file, it will
                    624:           automatically look for <filename>myfile.png</filename> in
                    625:           the directory.
                    626:         </para>
                    627:         <para>
                    628:           If you want to create PostScript ouput, you will need to create an
                    629:           EPS version of your image file to be displayed in the
                    630:           PostScript file. There is a simple script available which
                    631:           allows you to change a PNG image into an EPS file
                    632:           easily. You can download this file - img2eps - from <ulink
                    633:           url=""
                    634:           type="html"></ulink>
                    635:           (look for the img2eps section).  Note that this script is
                    636:           included in the gnome-doc-tools package, so if you are using
                    637:           this package, you should already have
                    638:           <command>img2eps</command> on you system.
                    639:         </para>
                    640:       </sect3>
                    642:       <sect3 id="moredocbookinfo">
                    643:         <title>Learning DocBook</title>
                    644:         <para>
                    645:           There are many resources available to help you learn DocBook.
                    646:           The following resources on the web are useful for learning
                    647:           DocBook:
                    648:         </para>
                    649:         <itemizedlist mark="bullet">
                    650:           <listitem>
                    651:             <para>
                    652:               <ulink url=""
                    653:               type="http"></ulink>  - Norman
                    654:               Walsh's <citetitle>DocBook: The Definitive
                    655:               Guide</citetitle>.  Online O'Reilly book on using
                    656:               DocBook. Contains an excellent element reference. May be
                    657:               too formal for a beginner.
                    658:             </para>
                    659:           </listitem>
                    660:           <listitem>
                    661:             <para>
                    662:               <ulink
                    663:               url=""
                    664:               type="http">A Practical Introduction to DocBook</ulink>
                    665:               - The Open Source Writers Group's introduction to using
                    666:               DocBook. This is an excellent HOW-TO type article on
                    667:               getting started.
                    668:             </para>
                    669:           </listitem>
                    670:           <listitem>
                    671:             <para>
                    672:               <ulink
                    673:               url=""
                    674:               type="http">Getting Going with DocBook: Notes for
                    675:               Hackers</ulink> - Mark Galassi's introduction to DocBook
                    676:               for hackers. This has to be one of the first
                    677:               introductions to DocBook ever - still as good as it ever
                    678:               was.
                    679:             </para>
                    680:           </listitem>
                    681:           <listitem>
                    682:             <para>
                    683:               <ulink type="http" url="">
                    684:               FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer for New
                    685:               Contributors</ulink> - FreeBSD documentation project
                    686:               primer. Chapter 4.2 provides a very good introduction to
                    687:               writing documentation using DocBook. Note that it also
                    688:               describes some custom extensions of DocBook;
                    689:               fortunately, they are clearly marked as such.
                    690:             </para>
                    691:           </listitem>
                    692:         </itemizedlist>
                    693:         <para>
                    694:           Norman Walsh's book is also available in print.
                    695:         </para>
                    696:         <para>
                    697:           The following sections of this document are designed to help
                    698:           documentation authors write correct and consistent DocBook:
                    699:         </para>
                    700:         <itemizedlist mark="bullet">
                    701:           <listitem>
                    702:             <para>
                    703:               <xref linkend="docbookbasics" /> - Descriptions of
                    704:               commonly used DocBook tags.
                    705:             </para>
                    706:           </listitem>
                    707:         </itemizedlist>
                    708:         <para>
                    709:           You may also discuss specific DocBook questions with GDP
                    710:           members on the #docs IRC channel at and on the
                    711:           gnome-doc-list mailing list.
                    712:         </para>
                    713:       </sect3>
                    714:     </sect2>
                    716: <!-- ####### Getting Started | GDP Document Examples ####### -->
                    717: <!--
                    718:     <sect2 id="examples">
                    719:       <title>GDP Document Examples</title>
                    720:       <para>
                    721:         Examples of various types of GNOME documents are found in
                    722:         <xref linkend="examples" />.  There is also an example GNOME
                    723:         application with documentation called
                    724:         <application>gnome-hello</application> in GNOME cvs.
                    725:       </para>
                    726:     </sect2>
                    727: -->
                    728: <!-- ####### Getting Started | GDP Document Templates ####### -->
                    730:     <sect2 id="gdptemplates">
                    731:       <title>GDP Document Templates</title>
                    732:       <para>
                    733:         Templates for various types of GNOME documents are found in
                    734:         <xref linkend="templates" />.  They are kept in CVS in
                    735:         gnome-docu/gdp/templates. The easiest source to get them from
                    736:         is probably the <ulink
                    737:         url="" 
                    738:         type="http">GDP
                    739:         Document Templates</ulink> web page, which is typically kept
                    740:         completely up-to-date with CVS and has a basic description of
                    741:         each file from CVS.
                    742:       </para>
                    743:     </sect2>
                    745: <!-- ####### Getting Started | Screenshots ####### -->
                    747:     <sect2 id="screenshots">
                    748:       <title>Screenshots</title>
                    749:       <para>
                    750:         Most GNOME documents will have screenshots of the particular
                    751:         applet, application, GNOME component, or widget being
                    752:         discussed.  As discussed above in <xref linkend="gdpdtd"/> you
                    753:         will need to install the special GDP DocBook DTD which
                    754:         supports PNG images, the format used for all images in GNOME
                    755:         documentation. For the basic DocBook structure used to insert
                    756:         images in a document, see <xref linkend="jadeimages"/> above.
                    757:       </para>
                    758:       <sect3 id="screenshotappearance">
                    759:         <title>Screenshot Appearance</title>
                    760:         <para>
                    761:           For all screenshots of windows that typically have border
                    762:           decorations (e.g. applications and dialogs, but not applets
                    763:           in a <interface>panel</interface>), GDP standards dictate
                    764:           the appearance of the window.  (This is to minimize possible
                    765:           confusion to the reader, improve the appearance of GNOME
                    766:           documents, and guarantee the screenshot is readable when
                    767:           printed.) All screenshots should be taken with the SawFish
                    768:           (formerly known as Sawmill) window manager using the
                    769:           MicroGui theme and Helvetica 12pt font. (A different window
                    770:           manager can be used provided the MicroGui theme is available
                    771:           for this window manager and the appearance is identical to
                    772:           that when using the SawFish window manager.) The default
                    773:           GTK+ theme(gtk) and font (Helvetica 12 pt) should be used
                    774:           for all screenshots.  If you are unable to provide
                    775:           screenshots in this form, you should create screenshots as
                    776:           you wish them to appear and send them to the
                    777:           <ulink url="">
                    778:           <citetitle>gnome-doc-list mailing list</citetitle> </ulink>
                    779:           requesting a GDP member reproduce these screenshots in the
                    780:           correct format and email them to you.
                    781:         </para>
                    782:       </sect3>
                    783:       <sect3 id="screenshottools">
                    784:         <title>Screenshot Tools</title>
                    785:         <para>
                    786:           There are many tools for taking screenshots in
                    787:           GNOME/Linux. Perhaps the most convenient is the
                    788:           <application>Screen-Shooter Applet</application>. Just click
                    789:           on the window icon in the applet and then on the window you
                    790:           would like to take a screenshot of. (Note that
                    791:           at the time of this writing, PNG images taken by
                    792:           screenshooter do not appear properly in
                    793:           <application>Netscape</application> or the
                    794:           <application>GNOME Help Browser</application>.  You
                    795:           should save your screenshot as a GIF and
                    796:           then use <command>convert filename.gif
                    797:           filename.png</command>.) For applets
                    798:           in a <interface>Panel</interface>,
                    799:           <application>xv</application> can be used to crop the
                    800:           screenshot to only include the relevant portion of the
                    801:           <interface>Panel</interface>. Note that
                    802:           <application>xv</application> and 
                    803:           <application>gimp</application> can both be used for taking
                    804:           screenshots, cropping screenshots, and converting image
                    805:           formats. 
                    806:         </para>
                    807:       </sect3>
                    808:       <sect3 id="screenshotfiles">
                    809:         <title>Screenshot Files</title>
                    810:         <para>
                    811:           Screenshots should be kept in the main documentation
                    812:           directory with your SGML file for applets, or should be
                    813:           kept in a directory called "figs" for application and other
                    814:           documentation.  After you use <command>db2html</command> to
                    815:           convert your SGML file to HTML (see <xref
                    816:           linkend="make-output"/>), you will need to copy your
                    817:           screenshots (either the individual PNG files for applet
                    818:           documentation, or the whole "figs" directory for other
                    819:           documentation) into the newly created HTML directory.  Note
                    820:           that every time you use <command>db2html</command> the HTML
                    821:           directory is erased and rewritten, so do not store your only
                    822:           copy of the screenshots in that directory.  If you wish to
                    823:           create PostScript or PDF output, you will need to manually
                    824:           convert the PNG images to EPS as described in <xref
                    825:           linkend="jadeimages"/>, but will not need to copy these
                    826:           images from their default location, as they are included
                    827:           directly into the output(PostScript of PDF) file.
                    828:         </para>
                    829:       </sect3>
                    830:     </sect2>
                    833: <!-- ####### Getting Started | Application Bugs ####### -->
                    835:     <sect2 id="applicationbugs">
                    836:       <title>Application Bugs</title>
                    837:       <para>
                    838:         Documentation authors tend to investigate and test applets and
                    839:         applications more thoroughly than most 
                    840:         users.  Often documentation authors will discover one or
                    841:         more bugs in the software.  These bugs vary from small ones,
                    842:         such as mis-spelled words or missing
                    843:         <interface>About</interface> dialogs in the menu, to large
                    844:         ones which cause the applet to crash.  As all users, you
                    845:         should be sure to report these bugs so that application
                    846:         developers know of them and can fix them.  The easiest way to
                    847:         submit a bug report is by using the <application>Bug
                    848:         Buddy</application> applet which is part of the gnome-applets
                    849:         package.  
                    850:       </para>
                    851:     </sect2>
                    854: <!-- ####### Getting Started | Using CVS  ####### -->
                    856:     <sect2 id="cvs">
                    857:       <title>Using CVS</title>
                    858:       <para>
                    859:         CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is a tool that allows
                    860:         multiple developers to concurrently work on a set of
                    861:         documents, keeping track of the modifications made by each
                    862:         person.  The files are stored on a server and each developer
                    863:         checks files out, modifies them, and then checks in their
                    864:         modified version of the files.  Many GNOME programs and
                    865:         documents are stored in CVS.  The GNOME CVS server allows
                    866:         users to anonymously check out CVS files. Most GDP members
                    867:         will need to use anonymous CVS to download the most up-to-date
                    868:         version of documentation or programs.  Modified documents will
                    869:         typically be emailed to the the application developer. Core
                    870:         GDP members may also be granted login CVS privileges so they
                    871:         may commit modified files directly to CVS.
                    872:       </para>
                    874:       <sect3 id="anonymouscvs">
                    875:         <title>Anonymous CVS</title>
                    876:         <para>
                    877:           To anonymously check out documents from CVS, you must first
                    878:           log in.  From the bash shell, you should set your CVSROOT
                    879:           shell variable with <command>  export
                    880:           CVSROOT=''</command>
                    881:           and then login with <command>cvs login</command>(there is no
                    882:           password, just hit return). As an example, we will use the
                    883:           "gnome-docu/gdp" module which contains this and several
                    884:           other documents. To check these documents out for the first
                    885:           time, type <command>cvs -z3 checkout
                    886:           gnome-docu/gdp</command>. After you have this document
                    887:           checked out and you would like to download any updates on
                    888:           the CVS server, use <command>cvs -z3 update -Pd</command>.
                    889:         </para>
                    890:       </sect3>
                    892:       <sect3 id="logincvs">
                    893:         <title>Login CVS</title>  <para>  If you have been given a
                    894:         login for the GNOME CVS server,  you may commit your file
                    895:         modifications to CVS.  Be sure to read the following section
                    896:         on CVS etiquette before making any commits to CVS.  To log in
                    897:         to the CVS server as user
                    898:         <command><replaceable>username</replaceable></command> with a
                    899:         password, you must first set your CVSROOT shell variable with
                    900:         <command> export
                    901:         CVSROOT=':pserver:<replaceable>username</replaceable>'</command>.
                    902:         Log in with <command>cvs login</command> and enter your
                    903:         password. You may check out and update modules as described
                    904:         above for anonymous CVS access.  As a login CVS user, you may
                    905:         also check modified versions of a file into the CVS server.
                    906:         To check
                    907:         <command><replaceable>filename</replaceable></command> into
                    908:         the CVS server, type <command>cvs -z3 commit
                    909:         <replaceable>filename</replaceable></command>. You will be
                    910:         given a vi editor window to type in a brief log entry,
                    911:         summarizing your changes.  The default editor can be changed
                    912:         using the <varname>EDITOR</varname> environment variable or
                    913:         with the <command><option>-e</option></command> option. You
                    914:         may also check in any modifications to files in the working
                    915:         directory and subdirectories using <command>cvs -z3
                    916:         commit</command>.  To
                    917:         add a new file to the CVS server, use <command>cvs -z3 add
                    918:         <replaceable>filename</replaceable></command>, followed by the
                    919:         commit command.
                    920:         </para>
                    921:       </sect3>
                    923:       <sect3 id="cvsetiquette">
                    924:         <title>CVS Etiquette</title>
                    925:         <para>
                    926:           Because files in CVS are typically used and modified by
                    927:           multiple developers and documentation authors, users should
                    928:           exercise a few simple practices out of courtesy towards the
                    929:           other CVS users and the project leader.  First, you should
                    930:           not make CVS commits to a package without first discussing
                    931:           your plans with the project leader.  This way, the project
                    932:           leader knows who is modifying the files and generally, what
                    933:           sort of changes/development is being done.  Also, whenever a
                    934:           CVS user commits a file to CVS, they should make an entry in
                    935:           the CVS log and in the <filename>ChangeLog</filename> so
                    936:           that other users know who is making modifications and what
                    937:           is being modified.  When modifying files created by others,
                    938:           you should follow the indentation scheme used by the initial
                    939:           author.
                    940:         </para>
                    941:       </sect3>
                    942:     </sect2>
                    943:   </sect1>
                    945: <!-- ################# The GNOME Documentation System###############
                    946: -->
                    948:   <sect1 id="gnomedocsystem">
                    949:     <title>The GNOME Documentation System</title>
                    951: <!-- ####### The GNOME Documentation System | The GNOME Help Browser
                    952: ####### -->
                    954:     <sect2 id="gnomehelpbrowser">
                    955:       <title>The GNOME Help Browser</title>
                    956:       <para>
                    957:         At the core of the GNOME help system is the <application>GNOME
                    958:         Help Browser</application>. The <application>Help
                    959:         Browser</application> provides a unified interface to several
                    960:         distinct documentation systems on Linux/Unix systems: man
                    961:         pages, texinfo pages, Linux Documentation Project(LDP)
                    962:         documents, GNOME application documentation, and other GNOME
                    963:         documents.
                    964:       </para>
                    965:       <para>
                    966:         The <application>GNOME Help Browser</application> works by
                    967:         searching standard directories for documents which are to be
                    968:         presented.  Thus, the documentation that appears in the GHB is
                    969:         specific to each computer and will typically only represent
                    970:         software that is installed on the computer.
                    971:       </para>
                    972:     </sect2>
                    974: <!-- ####### The GNOME Documentation System | The GNOME Help Browser
                    975: ####### -->
                    977:     <sect2 id="gnomehelpbrowser2">
                    978:       <title>The GNOME Help Browser (GNOME-2.0)</title> <para> In
                    979:       GNOME 2.0, the <application>GNOME Help Browser</application>
                    980:       will be replaced by <application>Nautilus</application>.
                    981:       Nautilus will be the file manager/graphical shell for GNOME 2.0
                    982:       and will also implement a more sophisticated help system than
                    983:       that used by the <application>GNOME Help Browser</application>
                    984:       used in GNOME 1.0.  It will read and display DocBook files
                    985:       directly, avoiding the need for duplicating documents in both
                    986:       DocBook and HTML formats.  Its display engine for DocBook will
                    987:       be much faster than running <application>jade</application> to
                    988:       convert to HTML for rendering.  Because it uses the original
                    989:       DocBook source for documentation, it will be possible to do more
                    990:       sophisticated searching using the meta information included in
                    991:       the documents.  And since Nautilus is a virtual file system
                    992:       layer which is Internet-capable, it will be able to find and
                    993:       display documents which are on the web as well as those on the
                    994:       local file system. For more information on
                    995:       <application>Nautilus</application>, visit the #nautilus IRC
                    996:       channel on  </para>
                    997:     </sect2>
                    999: <!-- ####### The GNOME Documentation System | GNOME On-The-Fly
                   1000: Documentation Generation  ####### -->
                   1002:     <sect2 id="gnomehelponthefly">
                   1003:       <title>Dynamic Document Synthesis(GNOME-2.0)</title>
                   1004:       <para>
                   1005:         GNOME uses the documentation presented by all the various
                   1006:         GNOME components and applications installed on the system to
                   1007:         present a complete and customized documentation environment
                   1008:         describing only components which are currently installed on a
                   1009:         users system.  Some of this documentation, such as the manuals
                   1010:         for applets, will be combined in such a way that it appears to
                   1011:         be a single document.
                   1012:       </para>
                   1013:       <para>
                   1014:         By using such a system, you can be sure that any GNOME app you
                   1015:         install that has documentation will show up in the index,
                   1016:         table of contents, any search you do in the help browser.
                   1017:       </para>
                   1018:     </sect2>
                   1020: <!-- ####### The GNOME Documentation System | The GNOME Documentation
                   1021: Components  ####### -->
                   1023:     <sect2 id="gnomehelpcomponents">
                   1024:       <title>The GNOME Documentation Components</title>
                   1026:       <sect3 id="applicationmanualsintro">
                   1027:         <title>Application Manuals</title>
                   1028:         <para>
                   1029:           Every GNOME application should have an application manual.
                   1030:           An application manual is a document specific to the
                   1031:           particular application which explains the various windows
                   1032:           and features of the application.  Application Manuals
                   1033:           typically use screenshots (PNG format) for clarity.  Writing
                   1034:           application manuals is discussed in more detail in <xref
                   1035:           linkend="writingapplicationmanuals" /> below.
                   1036:         </para>
                   1037:       </sect3>
                   1039:       <sect3 id="applicationhelpintro">
                   1040:         <title>Application Help</title>
                   1041:         <para>
                   1042:           Applications should have a <guibutton>Help</guibutton>
                   1043:           button on screens on which users may need help.  These
                   1044:           <guibutton>Help</guibutton> buttons should pull up the
                   1045:           default help browser, determined by the
                   1046:           <varname>ghelp</varname> URL Handler (configured using the
                   1047:           <application>Control Center</application>), typically the
                   1048:           <application>GNOME Help Browser</application>.  The help
                   1049:           browser should show either the first page of the application
                   1050:           manual, or else the relevant page thereof. Application help
                   1051:           is described in more detail in <xref
                   1052:           linkend="applicationhelpbuttons" /> below.
                   1053:         </para>
                   1054:       </sect3>
                   1056:       <sect3 id="contextsensitivehelpintro">
                   1057:         <title>Application Context Sensitive Help (coming in
                   1058:         GNOME-2.0)</title>
                   1059:         <para>
                   1060:           Context sensitive help is a system which will allow the user
                   1061:           to query any part (button, widget, etc.) of an application
                   1062:           window.  This is done by either entering a CS Help mode by
                   1063:           clicking on an icon or by right clicking on the application
                   1064:           part and selecting "What's This" or whatever is decided on
                   1065:           at the time.  Context sensitive help is described in more
                   1066:           detail in <xref linkend="writingcontextsensitivehelp" />
                   1067:           below.
                   1068:         </para>
                   1069:       </sect3>
                   1071:       <sect3 id="userguide">
                   1072:         <title>The GNOME User Guide</title>
                   1073:         <para>
                   1074:           The <citetitle>GNOME User Guide</citetitle> describes the
                   1075:           GNOME desktop environment and core components of GNOME such
                   1076:           as the <application>panel</application> and
                   1077:           <application>control center</application>. In GNOME 1.x this
                   1078:           was the main and only source of documentation. In GNOME 2.0
                   1079:           this will become a document for the web and for printing
                   1080:           that is derived from various parts chosen in the system that
                   1081:           are necessary for the new user to understand.
                   1082:         </para>
                   1083:       </sect3>
                   1085:       <sect3 id="userdocs">
                   1086:         <title>User Documents</title>
                   1087:         <para>
                   1088:           Aside from the <citetitle>GNOME User Guide</citetitle>,
                   1089:           there are several other documents to help GNOME users learn
                   1090:           GNOME, including the <citetitle>GNOME FAQ</citetitle>,
                   1091:           <citetitle>GNOME Installation and Configuration
                   1092:           Guide</citetitle>, and the <citetitle>GNOME Administrators
                   1093:           Guide</citetitle>.
                   1094:         </para>
                   1095:       </sect3>
                   1097:       <sect3 id="developerdocs">
                   1098:         <title>Developer Documents</title>
                   1099:         <para>
                   1100:           There are many White Papers, Tutorials, HOWTO's and FAQ's to
                   1101:           make programming GNOME and GNOME applications as easy as
                   1102:           possible.
                   1103:         </para>
                   1104:         <para>
                   1105:           API documentation is also available for the GNOME libraries. This is
                   1106:           detailed documentation of the code that is used to build GNOME
                   1107:           apps. You can keep up with the GNOME API docs on the <ulink
                   1108:           url="" type="http">GNOME API
                   1109:           Reference</ulink> page.
                   1110:         </para>
                   1111:       </sect3>
                   1113:       <sect3 id="projectdocs">
                   1114:         <title>Project Documents</title>
                   1115:         <para>
                   1116:           Some GNOME projects have documentation to maintain
                   1117:           consistency in their product and to help new contributors
                   1118:           get up to speed quickly. Among these are the GDP documents,
                   1119:           such as the one you are reading now.
                   1120:         </para>
                   1121:       </sect3>
                   1122:     </sect2>
                   1123:   </sect1>
                   1126: <!-- ################# DocBook Basics ############### -->
                   1128:   <sect1 id="docbookbasics">
                   1129:     <title>DocBook Basics </title>  
                   1130: <!-- ####### DocBook Basics | Introduction to DocBook ####### -->
                   1132:     <sect2 id="introtodocbook">
                   1133:       <title>Introduction to DocBook</title>
                   1134:       <para>
                   1135:         To understand DocBook, a basic understanding of SGML is
                   1136:         helpful. SGML stands for Standard General Markup Language and
                   1137:         is one of the first markup languages every created. HTML is
                   1138:         actually derived from SGML and XML is a subset of SGML.  SGML
                   1139:         uses what is called a Document Type Definition to specify
                   1140:         <emphasis>elements</emphasis> which are contained between
                   1141:         brackets, &lt; and >. Text is marked by both beginning and
                   1142:         ending elements, for example in the DocBook DTD, one denotes a
                   1143:         title with <sgmltag>&lt;title></sgmltag>The
                   1144:         Title<sgmltag>&lt;/title></sgmltag>.
                   1145:       </para>
                   1146:       <para>
                   1147:         The DTD (in the case of the GDP, DocBook) defines rules for how the
                   1148:         elements can be used. For example, if one element can only be used when
                   1149:         embedded within another, this is defined in the DTD.
                   1150:       </para>
                   1151:       <para> 
                   1152:        An SGML file is just a plain ASCII file containing the text
                   1153:        with the markup specified above. To convert it  to some easily
                   1154:        readable format, you need special tools. The GDP uses <emphasis>DocBook
                   1155:         Tools</emphasis>, a free package of utilities for working with DocBook
                   1156:         which includes <emphasis>Jade</emphasis>, which does the SGML/DSSL
                   1157:         parsing. You can read more about DocBook Tools in <xref
                   1158:         linkend="installingdocbook" />. 
                   1159:       </para>
                   1160:       <para>
                   1161:         The final appearance of the output (e.g. PostScript or HTML)
                   1162:         is determined by a
                   1163:         <emphasis>stylesheet</emphasis>. Stylesheets are files,
                   1164:         written in a special language (DSSSL &mdash; Document Style
                   1165:         Semantics and Specification Language), which  specify the
                   1166:         appearance of various DocBook elements, for example,
                   1167:         what fonts to use for titles and various inline elements, page
                   1168:         numbering style, and much more. DocBook tools come with a
                   1169:         collection of stylesheets (Norman Walsh's modular
                   1170:         stylesheets); GNOME Document Project uses some customized
                   1171:         version of this stylesheets &mdash; see <xref
                   1172:         linkend="gdpstylesheets"/>.   
                   1173:       </para>
                   1174:       <para>
                   1175:         The advantage of specifying the <emphasis>structure</emphasis>
                   1176:         of a document with SGML instead of specifying the
                   1177:         <emphasis>appearance</emphasis> of the document with a typical
                   1178:         word processor, or with html, is that the resulting document
                   1179:         can be processed in a variety of ways using the structural
                   1180:         information.  Whereas formatting a document for appearance
                   1181:         assumes a medium (typically written text on a standard-sized
                   1182:         piece of paper), SGML can be processed to produce output for a
                   1183:         large variety of media such as text, postscript, HTML,
                   1184:         Braille, audio, and potentially many other formats.
                   1185:       </para>
                   1186:       <para>
                   1187:         Using 'content' as the elements to define the text of a document also
                   1188:         allows for search engines to make use of the actual elements to make a
                   1189:         "smarter search". For example, if you are searching for all documents
                   1190:         written by the author "Susie" your search engine could be made smart
                   1191:         enough to only search &lt;author> elements, making for a faster and more
                   1192:         accurate search.
                   1193:       </para>
                   1194:       <para>
                   1195:         Since the overall appearance of the output is determined not by the DTD
                   1196:         or the SGML document, but rather by a stylesheet, the appearance of a
                   1197:         document can be easily changed just by changing the stylesheet. This
                   1198:         allows everyone in the project to create documents that all look the
                   1199:         same.
                   1200:       </para>
                   1201:       <para>
                   1202:         As stated before, the GDP uses the DocBook DTD.  For a list of
                   1203:         introductory and reference resources on DocBook, see <xref
                   1204:         linkend="resources" />.  The following sections also provide
                   1205:         convenient instructions on which markup tags to use in various
                   1206:         circumstances.  Be sure to read <xref linkend="conventions" />
                   1207:         for GDP documentation-specific guidelines.
                   1208:       </para>
                   1209:     </sect2>
                   1211:  <!-- ######  DocBook Basics | XML and SGML       ########--> 
                   1212:  <sect2 id="xml">
                   1213:       <title>XML and SGML</title>
                   1215:       <para> In not so distant future (probably before GNOME 2.0),
                   1216:       DocBook itself and GNOME Documentation project will migrate from
                   1217:       SGML to XML. This transition should be relatively painless:
                   1218:       (almost) all DocBook tags will remain the same. However, XML has
                   1219:       stricter syntax rules than SGML; thus, some constructions which
                   1220:       are valid in SGML will not be valid in XML. Therefore, to be
                   1221:       ready for this transistion, it is <emphasis>strongly
                   1222:       advised</emphasis> that the documentation writers conform to XML
                   1223:       syntax rules. Here are most important differences:
                   1224:       </para>
                   1226:       <variablelist>
                   1227:          <varlistentry>
                   1228:            <term> <emphasis>Minimization</emphasis></term> 
                   1229:            <listitem>
                   1231:            <para>
                   1232:              It is possible with some implementations of SGML to use
                   1233:              minimizations to close elements in a document by using
                   1234:              &lt;/>, for example:
                   1235:              <literal><sgmltag>&lt;title></sgmltag>The
                   1236:                Title<sgmltag>&lt;/></sgmltag></literal>. This is not
                   1237:               allowed in XML. You can use <command>sgmlnorm</command> command,
                   1238:               included in DocBook Tools package, to expand minimized tags;
                   1239:               if you are using <application>Emacs</application> with psgml
                   1240:               mode, you can also use menu command
                   1241:           <menuchoice>
                   1242:              <guimenu>Modify</guimenu>
                   1243:              <guimenuitem>Normalize</guimenuitem>
                   1244:           </menuchoice>.
                   1245:          </para> 
                   1246:            </listitem>
                   1247:            </varlistentry>
                   1248:          <varlistentry>
                   1249:            <term> <emphasis>Self-closing tags</emphasis></term> 
                   1250:            <listitem>
                   1252:          <para>
                   1253:             Also, in SGML some tags are allowed not to have closing
                   1254:             tags.  For example, it is legal for
                   1255:             <sgmltag>&lt;xref></sgmltag> not to have a closing tag: 
                   1256:             <literal><sgmltag>&lt;xref 
                   1257:                    linkend="someid"></sgmltag></literal>. In
                   1258:             XML, it is illegal; instead, you should use  
                   1259:             <literal><sgmltag>&lt;xref 
                   1260:                    linkend="someid"/></sgmltag></literal> (note the
                   1261:             slash!).
                   1262:           </para> 
                   1263:   </listitem>
                   1264:   </varlistentry>
                   1266:        <varlistentry>
                   1267:            <term> <emphasis>Case sensitive tags</emphasis></term> 
                   1268:            <listitem>
                   1269:            <para>
                   1270:              In XML, unlike SGML, tags are case-senstive
                   1271:              <sgmltag>&lt;title></sgmltag> and
                   1272:              <sgmltag>&lt;TITLE></sgmltag> are different tags!
                   1273:              Therefore, please always use lowercase tags (except for
                   1274:              things like <literal>DOCTYPE, CDATA</literal> and
                   1275:              <literal>ENTITY</literal>, which are not DocBook tags). 
                   1276:            </para>
                   1277:          </listitem>
                   1278:        </varlistentry>
                   1282: </variablelist> 
                   1283: </sect2>
                   1287:     <!-- ####### DocBook Basics | Structure Elements ####### -->
                   1290:     <sect2 id="structure"> <title> Structure Elements</title>
                   1292:       <sect3 id="section">
                   1293:         <title>Sections and paragraphs</title>
                   1294:         <para>
                   1295:           Top-level element of a book body must be
                   1296:           <sgmltag>&lt;chapter></sgmltag>; it may contain one or more
                   1297:           <sgmltag>&lt;sect1></sgmltag>, each of them may contain
                   1298:           <sgmltag>&lt;sect2></sgmltag> and so on up to
                   1299:           <sgmltag>&lt;sect5></sgmltag>. The top-level element of an
                   1300:           article body is always
                   1301:           <sgmltag>&lt;sect1></sgmltag>. Regardless of which elements
                   1302:           you use, give each structural element a unique id, so that
                   1303:           you can link to it. For usage example, see the template.
                   1304:         </para>
                   1305:         <para> Please try to avoid using deeply nested sections; for
                   1306:           most situations, <sgmltag>&lt;sect1></sgmltag> and
                   1307:           <sgmltag>&lt;sect2></sgmltag> should be sufficient. If not,
                   1308:           you probably should split your <sgmltag>&lt;sect1></sgmltag>
                   1309:           into several smaller ones.
                   1310:         </para>
                   1311:         <para> Use the tag <sgmltag>&lt;para></sgmltag> for
                   1312:           paragraphs, even if there is only one paragraph in a
                   1313:           section&mdash;see template for examples.
                   1314:         </para>
                   1315:       </sect3>
                   1317:       <sect3 id="notes">
                   1318:         <title>Notes, Warnings, And Tips</title>
                   1319:         <para>
                   1320:           For notes, tips, warnings, and important information, which
                   1321:           should be set apart from the main text (usually as a
                   1322:           paragraph with some warning sign on the margin), use tags
                   1323:           <sgmltag>&lt;note></sgmltag>, <sgmltag>&lt;tip></sgmltag>,
                   1324:           <sgmltag>&lt;warning></sgmltag>,
                   1325:           <sgmltag>&lt;important></sgmltag> respectively. For example:
                   1326:           <programlisting>
                   1327: <![CDATA[
                   1328: <tip>
                   1329:  <title>TIP</title>
                   1330:  <para>
                   1331:   To speed up program compilation, use <application>gcc</application>
                   1332:   compiler with Pentium optimization.
                   1333:  </para>
                   1334: </tip>]]> </programlisting>  produces
                   1335:         </para>
                   1336:         <tip id="extip">
                   1337:           <title>TIP</title>
                   1338:           <para>
                   1339:             To speed up program compilation, use
                   1340:             <application>gcc</application> compiler with Pentium
                   1341:             optimization.  </para>
                   1342:         </tip>
                   1343:         <para>
                   1344:           Note that this should not be inside a
                   1345:           <sgmltag>&lt;para></sgmltag> but between paragraphs.
                   1346:         </para>
                   1347:       </sect3>
                   1348:       <sect3 id="figures">
                   1349:         <title> Screenshots and other figures</title>
                   1350:         <para>
                   1351:           To include screenshots and other figures, use the following
                   1352:           tags:
                   1354:           <programlisting>
                   1355: <![CDATA[
                   1356: <figure id="shot1">
                   1357:  <title>Screenshot</title>
                   1358:  <screenshot>
                   1359:   <screeninfo>Screenshot of a program</screeninfo>
                   1360:   <graphic format="PNG"  fileref="figures/example_screenshot" srccredit="ME">
                   1361:   </graphic>
                   1362:  </screenshot>
                   1363: </figure>]]>
                   1364:           </programlisting>
                   1365:           replacing <filename>example_screenshot</filename> with the
                   1366:           actual file name (without extension). The result will look like this:
                   1368:           <figure id="shot1">
                   1369:             <title>Screenshot</title>
                   1370:             <screenshot>
                   1371:               <screeninfo>Screenshot of a program</screeninfo>
                   1372:               <graphic format="PNG"
                   1373:                       fileref="figures/example_screenshot" srccredit="ME"/>
                   1375:             </screenshot>
                   1376:           </figure>
                   1377:         </para>
                   1378:         <note>
                   1379:           <title>NOTE</title>
                   1380:           <para>
                   1381:             Notice in this example that the screenshot file name does
                   1382:             not include the file type extension &mdash; to find out
                   1383:             why, please read <xref linkend="jadeimages" />.
                   1384:           </para>
                   1385:         </note>          
                   1386:       </sect3>
                   1387:       <sect3 id="listing">
                   1388:         <title>Program listings and terminal session</title> <para>
                   1389:           To show a file fragment&mdash;for example, program
                   1390:           listing&mdash;use <sgmltag>&lt;programlisting></sgmltag> tag:
                   1391:           <programlisting>
                   1392: <![CDATA[
                   1393: <programlisting>
                   1394: [Desktop Entry] 
                   1395: Name=Gnumeric spreadsheet
                   1396: Exec=gnumeric 
                   1397: Icon=gnome-gnumeric.png 
                   1398: Terminal=0
                   1399: Type=Application
                   1400: </programlisting>]]>
                   1401:           </programlisting>
                   1402:           which produces
                   1403:           <programlisting>
                   1404: [Desktop Entry] 
                   1405: Name=Gnumeric spreadsheet 
                   1406: Exec=gnumeric
                   1407: Icon=gnome-gnumeric.png 
                   1408: Terminal=0 
                   1409: Type=Application
                   1410:           </programlisting>
                   1411:           As a matter of fact, all examples in this document were
                   1412:           produced using <sgmltag>&lt;programlisting></sgmltag>.
                   1413:         </para>
                   1414:         <para>
                   1415:           To show a record of terminal session&mdash;i.e., sequence of
                   1416:           commands entered at the command line&mdash;use
                   1417:           <sgmltag>&lt;screen></sgmltag> tag:
                   1418:           <programlisting>
                   1419: <![CDATA[
                   1420: <screen>
                   1421: <prompt>bash$</prompt><userinput>make love</userinput> 
                   1422: make: *** No rule to make target `love'. Stop.
                   1423: </screen>]]>
                   1424:           </programlisting>
                   1425:           which produces
                   1426:           <screen>
                   1427: <prompt>bash$</prompt><userinput>make love</userinput>  
                   1428: make: *** No rule to make target `love'.  Stop.
                   1429:           </screen>
                   1430:           Note the use of tags <sgmltag>&lt;prompt></sgmltag> and
                   1431:           <sgmltag>&lt;userinput></sgmltag> for marking system prompt
                   1432:           and commands entered by user.
                   1433:           <note>
                   1434:             <title>NOTE</title>
                   1435:             <para>
                   1436:               Note that both <sgmltag>&lt;programlisting></sgmltag>
                   1437:               and <sgmltag>&lt;screen></sgmltag> preserve linebreaks,
                   1438:               but interpret SGML tags (unlike LaTeX
                   1439:               <markup>verbatim</markup> environment). Take a look at
                   1440:               the source of this document to see how you can have SGML
                   1441:               tags literally shown but not interpreted,
                   1442:             </para>
                   1443:           </note>
                   1444:         </para>
                   1445:       </sect3>
                   1446:       <sect3 id="lists">
                   1447:        <title> Lists</title>
                   1448:        <para>
                   1449:          The most common list types  in DocBook are
                   1450:          <sgmltag>&lt;itemizedlist></sgmltag>,
                   1451:          <sgmltag>&lt;orderedlist></sgmltag>, and 
                   1452:          <sgmltag>&lt;variablelist></sgmltag>.
                   1453:        </para>
                   1454:        <variablelist>
                   1455:          <varlistentry>
                   1456:            <term> <sgmltag>&lt;itemizedlist></sgmltag></term> 
                   1457:            <listitem><para> 
                   1458:                This is the simplest unnumbered list, parallel to
                   1459:            <sgmltag>&lt;ul></sgmltag> in HTML. Here is an example: 
                   1460:                <programlisting>
                   1461: <![CDATA[
                   1462: <itemizedlist>
                   1463:   <listitem>
                   1464:     <para>
                   1465:       <guilabel>Show backup files</guilabel> &mdash; This will
                   1466:       show any backup file that might be on your system.
                   1467:     </para>
                   1468:   </listitem>
                   1469:   <listitem>
                   1470:     <para>
                   1471:       <guilabel>Show hidden files</guilabel> &mdash; This will
                   1472:       show all "dot files" or files that begin with a dot.  This
                   1473:       files typically include configuration files and directories.
                   1474:     </para>
                   1475:   </listitem>
                   1476:   <listitem>
                   1477:     <para>
                   1478:       <guilabel>Mix files and directories</guilabel> &mdash; This
                   1479:       option will  display files and directories in the order you
                   1480:       sort them instead of 
                   1481:       always having directories shown above files.
                   1482:     </para>
                   1483:    </listitem>
                   1484: </itemizedlist> 
                   1485: ]]>
                   1486:                </programlisting>
                   1487:                and output:
                   1488:                 </para>
                   1489:                <itemizedlist>
                   1490:                  <listitem>
                   1491:                    <para>
                   1492:                      <guilabel>Show backup files</guilabel> &mdash;
                   1493:                      This will show any backup file that might be on
                   1494:                      your system.
                   1495:                    </para>
                   1496:                  </listitem>
                   1498:                  <listitem>
                   1499:                    <para>
                   1500:                      <guilabel>Show hidden files</guilabel> &mdash;
                   1501:                      This will show all "dot files" or files that
                   1502:                      begin with a dot.  This files typically include
                   1503:                      configuration files and directories.
                   1504:                    </para>
                   1505:                  </listitem>
                   1507:                  <listitem>
                   1508:                    <para>
                   1509:                      <guilabel>Mix files and directories</guilabel>
                   1510:                      &mdash; This option will display files and
                   1511:                      directories in the order you sort them instead
                   1512:                      of always having directories shown above files.
                   1513:                    </para>
                   1514:                  </listitem>
                   1515:                </itemizedlist>
                   1516:               <para> Note the use of <sgmltag>&amp;mdash;</sgmltag>
                   1517:               for long dash (see <xref linkend="specsymb" />). Also,
                   1518:               please note that the result looks much nicer because the
                   1519:               terms being explained (<guilabel>Show backup
                   1520:               files</guilabel>, etc.) are set in a different font. In
                   1521:               this case, it was achieved by using <link
                   1522:               linkend="gui"><sgmltag>&lt;guilabel></sgmltag></link>
                   1523:               tag. In other cases, use appropriate tags such as
                   1524:               <link linkend="gui"><sgmltag>&lt;guimenuitem></sgmltag></link>,
                   1525:               <link
                   1526:               linkend="filenames"><sgmltag>&lt;command></sgmltag></link>,
                   1527:               or &mdash; if none of
                   1528:               this applies &mdash; use
                   1529:               <link linkend="gui"><sgmltag>&lt;emphasis></sgmltag></link>.
                   1530:              </para>
                   1531:            </listitem>
                   1532:          </varlistentry>
                   1533:          <varlistentry>
                   1534:            <term> <sgmltag>&lt;orderedlist></sgmltag></term> 
                   1535:            <listitem><para>
                   1536:                This list is completely analogous to
                   1537:                <sgmltag>&lt;itemizedlist></sgmltag> and has the same
                   1538:                syntax, but  it produces numbered list. By default,
                   1539:                this list uses Arabic numerals for numbering entries;
                   1540:                you can override this using <sgmltag>numeration</sgmltag>,
                   1541:                for example <sgmltag>&lt;orderedlist
                   1542:                  numeration="lowerroman"></sgmltag>. Possible values of
                   1543:                these attribute are <sgmltag>arabic</sgmltag>,
                   1544:                <sgmltag>upperalpha</sgmltag>,
                   1545:                <sgmltag>loweralpha</sgmltag>,
                   1546:                <sgmltag>upperroman</sgmltag>,
                   1547:                <sgmltag>lowerroman</sgmltag>.
                   1548:              </para></listitem>
                   1549:          </varlistentry>
                   1551:          <varlistentry>
                   1552:            <term> <sgmltag>&lt;variablelist></sgmltag></term>
                   1553:            <listitem><para> This list is used when each entry is
                   1554:            rather long, so it should be formatted as a block of text
                   1555:            with some subtitle, like a small subsection.  The
                   1556:            <sgmltag>&lt;variablelist></sgmltag> is more complicated
                   1557:            than itemizedlists, but for larger blocks of text, or when
                   1558:            you're explaining or defining something, it's best to use
                   1559:            them.  Their greatest advantage is that it's easier for a
                   1560:            computer to search.  The lines you are reading now were
                   1561:            produced by <sgmltag>&lt;variablelist></sgmltag>. The
                   1562:            source looked liked this:
                   1563:                <programlisting>
                   1564: <![CDATA[
                   1565: <variablelist>
                   1566:   <varlistentry>
                   1567:     <term> <sgmltag>&lt;itemizedlist></sgmltag></term> 
                   1568:     <listitem><para> 
                   1569:        This is the simplest unnumbered list, parallel to
                   1570:         <sgmltag>&lt;ul></sgmltag> in HTML. Here is an example:...
                   1571:     </para></listitem>
                   1572:     </varlistentry>
                   1573:     <varlistentry>              
                   1574:        <term> <sgmltag>&lt;orderedlist></sgmltag></term>
                   1575:      <listitem><para>  
                   1576:        This list is completely analogous to
                   1577:        <sgmltag>&lt;itemizedlist></sgmltag> 
                   1578:     </para></listitem>
                   1579:     </varlistentry>
                   1580:     <varlistentry>              
                   1581:        <term> <sgmltag>&lt;variablelist></sgmltag></term>
                   1582:      <listitem><para>  
                   1583:                This list is used when each entry is rather long,...
                   1584:     </para></listitem>
                   1585:     </varlistentry>
                   1586: </variablelist>        
                   1587: ]]>
                   1588:                </programlisting>               
                   1589:                </para>
                   1590:            </listitem>
                   1591:          </varlistentry>
                   1592:        </variablelist>
                   1593:        <para>
                   1594:        Lists can be nested; in this case, the stylesheets
                   1595:        are smart enough to change the numeration (for
                   1596:        <sgmltag>&lt;orderedlist></sgmltag>) or marks of each entry
                   1597:        (in  <sgmltag>&lt;itemizedlist></sgmltag>) for sub-lists
                   1598:        </para>
                   1599:       </sect3>
                   1601:     </sect2>
                   1603: <!-- ####### DocBook Basics | Inline Elements ####### -->
                   1605:     <sect2 id="inline">
                   1606:       <title>Inline Elements</title>
                   1608:       <sect3 id="gui">
                   1609:         <title>GUI elements</title>
                   1610:         <itemizedlist>
                   1611:           <listitem>
                   1612:             <para>
                   1613:               <sgmltag>&lt;guibutton></sgmltag> &mdash; used for
                   1614:               buttons, including checkbuttons and radio buttons
                   1615:             </para>
                   1616:           </listitem>
                   1618:           <listitem>
                   1619:             <para>
                   1620:               <sgmltag>&lt;guimenu></sgmltag>, 
                   1621:               <sgmltag>&lt;guisubmenu></sgmltag> &mdash;used for 
                   1622:              top-level menus and submenus
                   1623:               respectively, for example <literal><![CDATA[
                   1624:               <guisubmenu>Utilities</guisubmenu> submenu of the
                   1625:               <guimenu>Main Menu</guimenu>]]></literal>
                   1626:             </para>
                   1627:           </listitem>
                   1629:           <listitem>
                   1630:             <para>
                   1631:               <sgmltag>&lt;guimenuitem></sgmltag>&mdash;an entry in a
                   1632:               menu
                   1633:             </para>
                   1634:           </listitem>
                   1636:           <listitem>
                   1637:             <para>
                   1638:               <sgmltag>&lt;guiicon></sgmltag>&mdash;an icon
                   1639:             </para>
                   1640:           </listitem>
                   1642:           <listitem>
                   1643:             <para>
                   1644:               <sgmltag>&lt;guilabel></sgmltag>&mdash;for items which have
                   1645:               labels, like tabs, or bounding boxes. 
                   1646:             </para>
                   1647:           </listitem>
                   1648:           <listitem>
                   1649:             <para>
                   1650:               <sgmltag>&lt;interface></sgmltag>&mdash; for most everything
                   1651:               else... a window, a dialog box, the Panel, etc.
                   1652:             </para>
                   1653:           </listitem>
                   1654:         </itemizedlist>
                   1655:         <para>
                   1656:           If you need to refer to a sequence of menu choices, such as
                   1657:           <menuchoice>
                   1658:             <guimenu>Main Menu</guimenu>
                   1659:             <guisubmenu>Utilities</guisubmenu> <guimenuitem>GNOME
                   1660:             terminal</guimenuitem>
                   1661:           </menuchoice>
                   1662:           there is a special construction for this, too:
                   1663:           <programlisting>
                   1664: <![CDATA[
                   1665: <menuchoice>
                   1666:  <guimenu>Main Menu</guimenu> <guisubmenu>Utilities</guisubmenu>
                   1667:  <guimenuitem>GNOME terminal</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>]]>
                   1668:           </programlisting>
                   1669:         </para>
                   1670:       </sect3>
                   1672:       <sect3 id="links">
                   1673:         <title>Links and references</title>
                   1674:         <para>
                   1675:           To refer to another place in the same document, you can use
                   1676:           tags <sgmltag>&lt;xref></sgmltag> and
                   1677:           <sgmltag>&lt;link></sgmltag>. The first of them
                   1678:           automatically inserts the full name of the element you refer
                   1679:           to (section, figure, etc.), while the second just creates a
                   1680:           link (in HTML output). Here is an example:
                   1681:           <programlisting>
                   1682: <![CDATA[An example of a <link linkend="extip">tip</link> was given in
                   1683: <xref linkend="notes" />.  ]]>
                   1684:           </programlisting>
                   1685:           which produces: An example of a <link
                   1686:           linkend="extip">tip</link> was given in  <xref
                   1687:           linkend="notes" />.
                   1688:         </para>
                   1689:         <para>
                   1690:           Here <sgmltag>notes</sgmltag> and <sgmltag>extip</sgmltag>
                   1691:           are the id attributes of <xref linkend="notes" /> and of the
                   1692:           example of a tip in it.
                   1693:         </para>
                   1694:         <para>  To produce a link  to an external source, such as a
                   1695:           Web page or a local file, use <sgmltag>&lt;ulink></sgmltag>
                   1696:           tag, for example:
                   1697:           <programlisting>
                   1698: <![CDATA[ To find more about GNOME, please visit <ulink type="http"
                   1699: url="">GNOME Web page</ulink> ]]>
                   1700:           </programlisting>
                   1701:           which produces:  To find more about GNOME, please visit
                   1702:           <ulink type="http" url="">The GNOME Web
                   1703:           Site</ulink> You can use any of the standard URL types, such
                   1704:           as <literal>http, ftp, file, telnet, mailto</literal> (in
                   1705:           most cases, however, use of <literal>mailto</literal> is
                   1706:           unnecessary&mdash;see discussion of
                   1707:           <sgmltag>&lt;email></sgmltag> tag).
                   1708:         </para>
                   1709:       </sect3>
                   1711:       <sect3 id="filenames">  <title>Filenames, commands, and other
                   1712:         computer-related things</title>
                   1713:         <para>
                   1714:           Here are some tags used to describe operating system-related
                   1715:           things:  
                   1716:         </para>
                   1717:        <itemizedlist>
                   1718:           <listitem>
                   1719:             <para>  <sgmltag>&lt;filename></sgmltag> &mdash; used
                   1720:               for filenames,
                   1721:               e.g.<sgmltag>&lt;filename></sgmltag>
                   1722:                     foo.sgml
                   1723:                   <sgmltag>&lt;/filename></sgmltag> 
                   1724:               produces: <filename>foo.sgml</filename>.
                   1725:             </para>
                   1726:           </listitem>
                   1727:           <listitem>
                   1728:             <para>  <sgmltag>&lt;filename
                   1729:               class="directory"></sgmltag> &mdash; used for
                   1730:               directories, e.g.<sgmltag>&lt;filename
                   1731:               class="directory"></sgmltag>/usr/bin
                   1732:                   <sgmltag>&lt;/filename></sgmltag>
                   1733:               produces: <filename
                   1734:               class="directory">/usr/bin</filename>.
                   1735:             </para>
                   1736:           </listitem>
                   1737:           <listitem>
                   1738:             <para>
                   1739:               <sgmltag>&lt;application></sgmltag> &mdash; used for
                   1740:               application names,
                   1741:               e.g. <sgmltag>&lt;application></sgmltag>Gnumeric
                   1742:               <sgmltag>&lt;/application></sgmltag> produces:
                   1743:               <application>Gnumeric</application>.
                   1744:             </para>
                   1745:           </listitem>
                   1746:           <listitem>
                   1747:             <para>
                   1748:              <sgmltag>&lt;envar></sgmltag> &mdash; used for
                   1749:              environment variables, e.g. 
                   1750:               <sgmltag>&lt;envar></sgmltag>PATH<sgmltag>&lt;/envar></sgmltag>. 
                   1751:             </para>
                   1752:           </listitem>
                   1754:           <listitem>
                   1755:             <para>
                   1756:               <sgmltag>&lt;command></sgmltag> &mdash; used for
                   1757:               commands entered on command line, e.g.
                   1758:               <sgmltag>&lt;command></sgmltag>make install
                   1759:               <sgmltag>&lt;/command></sgmltag> produces:
                   1760:               <command>make install</command>.
                   1761:             </para>
                   1762:           </listitem>
                   1763:           <listitem>
                   1764:             <para>
                   1765:               <sgmltag>&lt;replaceable></sgmltag> &mdash; used for
                   1766:               replaceable text, e.g.
                   1767:               <sgmltag>&lt;command></sgmltag>db2html<sgmltag>&lt;replaceable></sgmltag>
                   1768:               foo.sgml
                   1769:               <sgmltag>&lt;/replaceable></sgmltag><sgmltag>&lt;/command></sgmltag>
                   1770:               produces: <command>db2html
                   1771:               <replaceable>foo.sgml</replaceable></command>.
                   1772:             </para>
                   1773:           </listitem>
                   1774:         </itemizedlist>  
                   1775:       </sect3>
                   1777:       <sect3 id="keys">   
                   1778:         <title>Keyboard input</title> 
                   1779:         <para> To mark up text input by the user, use
                   1780:         <sgmltag>&lt;userinput></sgmltag>.
                   1781:         </para>
                   1782:         <para>  To mark keystrokes such as shortcuts and other
                   1783:           commands, use <sgmltag>&lt;keycap></sgmltag>. 
                   1784:           This is used for marking up what is printed on the top 
                   1785:           of the physical key on the keyboard. There are a couple of
                   1786:           other tags for keys, too: <sgmltag>&lt;keysym&gt;</sgmltag>
                   1787:           and <sgmltag>&lt;keycode&gt;</sgmltag>. However you are
                   1788:           unlikely to need these for most documentation. For reference,
                   1789:           <sgmltag>&lt;keysym&gt;</sgmltag> is for the <quote>symbolic
                   1790:           name</quote> of a key. <sgmltag>&lt;keycode&gt;</sgmltag> is
                   1791:           for the <quote>scan code</quote> of a key. These are not
                   1792:           terms commonly required in <acronym>GNOME</acronym> documentation,
                   1793:           although <sgmltag>&lt;keysym&gt;</sgmltag> is useful for marking
                   1794:           up control codes.
                   1795:        </para>
                   1796:        <para>
                   1797:           To mark up a combination of keystrokes, use the
                   1798:           <sgmltag>&lt;keycombo></sgmltag> wrapper:
                   1799:           <programlisting>
                   1800: <![CDATA[
                   1801: <keycombo>
                   1802:  <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
                   1803:  <keycap>Alt</keycap>
                   1804:  <keycap>F1</keycap>
                   1805: </keycombo>]]>
                   1806:           </programlisting>
                   1807:         </para>
                   1808:         <para>
                   1809:           Finally, if you want to show a shortcut for some menu
                   1810:           command, here are the appropriate tags (rather long):
                   1811:           <programlisting>
                   1812: <![CDATA[
                   1813: <menuchoice>
                   1814:  <shortcut>
                   1815:   <keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>q</keycap></keycombo>
                   1816:  </shortcut> 
                   1817:  <guimenuitem> Quit</guimenuitem> 
                   1818: </menuchoice>]]>
                   1819:           </programlisting>
                   1820:           which produces simply
                   1821:           <menuchoice>
                   1822:             <shortcut>   <keysym>Ctrl-q</keysym> </shortcut>
                   1823:             <guimenuitem> Quit</guimenuitem>
                   1824:           </menuchoice>
                   1825:         </para>
                   1826:       </sect3>
                   1828:       <sect3 id="email">
                   1829:         <title>E-mail addresses</title> <para>  To mark up e-mail
                   1830:         address, use <sgmltag>&lt;email></sgmltag>:
                   1831:           <programlisting>
                   1832: <![CDATA[ The easiest way to get in touch with me is by e-mail
                   1833: (<email></email>)]]>
                   1834:           </programlisting>
                   1835:           which produces: The easiest way to get in touch with me is
                   1836:           by e-mail  (<email></email>) Note that
                   1837:           <sgmltag>&lt;email></sgmltag> automatically produces a link
                   1838:           in html version.
                   1839:         </para>
                   1840:       </sect3>
                   1842:       <sect3 id="specsymb">
                   1843:        <title> Special symbols </title>
                   1844:        <para> 
                   1845:          DocBook also provides special means for entering
                   1846:        typographic symbols which can not be entered directly
                   1847:        form the keyboard (such as copyright sign). This is done using
                   1848:        <emphasis>entities</emphasis>, which is SGML analogue of
                   1849:        macros, or commands, of LaTeX. They generally have the form 
                   1850:          <sgmltag>&amp;entityname;</sgmltag>. Note that the semicolon
                   1851:        is required. 
                   1852:        </para>
                   1853:        <para>
                   1854:          here is partial list of most commonly used enitites:
                   1855:        </para>
                   1856:        <itemizedlist>
                   1857:          <listitem><para>
                   1858:              <sgmltag>&amp;amp;</sgmltag> &mdash; ampersend (&amp;)
                   1859:          </para></listitem>
                   1860:          <listitem><para>
                   1861:              <sgmltag>&amp;lt;</sgmltag> &mdash; left angle bracket (&lt;)
                   1862:          </para></listitem>
                   1863:          <listitem><para>
                   1864:              <sgmltag>&amp;copy;</sgmltag> &mdash; copyright sign (&copy;)
                   1865:          </para></listitem>
                   1866:          <listitem><para>
                   1867:              <sgmltag>&amp;mdash;</sgmltag> &mdash; long dash (&mdash;)
                   1868:          </para></listitem>
                   1869:          <listitem><para>
                   1870:              <sgmltag>&amp;hellip;</sgmltag> &mdash; ellipsis (&hellip;)
                   1871:          </para></listitem>
                   1872:        </itemizedlist>
                   1873:        <para>
                   1874:          Note that the actual look of the resulting symbols depends
                   1875:          on the fonts used by your browser; for example, it might
                   1876:          happen that long dash (<sgmltag>&amp;mdash;</sgmltag>) looks
                   1877:          exactly like the usual dash (-). However, in the PostScript
                   1878:          (and thus, in print) the output will look markedly better if
                   1879:          you use appropriate tags. 
                   1880:        </para>
                   1881:       </sect3>
                   1882:     </sect2>
                   1883:   </sect1>
                   1885: <!-- ################# GDP Documentation Conventions ############### -->
                   1887:   <sect1 id="conventions">
                   1888:     <title>GDP Documentation Conventions </title> 
                   1890: <!-- ####### GDP Documentation Conventions | All Documentation ####### -->
                   1892:     <sect2 id="conventionsalldocs">
                   1893:       <title>Conventions for All GDP Documentation</title>
                   1894:       <sect3 id="xmlcomp">
                   1895:        <title> XML compatibility </title>
                   1896:        <para>
                   1897:          All GNOME documentation  should conform to XML syntax
                   1898:          requirements, which are stricter than SGML ones &mdash; see
                   1899:          <xref linkend="xml" /> for more informaion.
                   1900:        </para>
                   1901:       </sect3> 
                   1903:       <sect3 id="authorsnames"> 
                   1904:        <title> Authors' names</title>
                   1905:        <para> 
                   1906:          All GNOME documentation should contain the names of both the
                   1907:          application authors and documentation authors, as well as a
                   1908:          link to the application web page (if it exists) and
                   1909:          information for bug submission &mdash; see templates for an
                   1910:          example. 
                   1911:          </para>
                   1912:       </sect3>
                   1913:     </sect2>
                   1915: <!-- ####### GDP Documentation Conventions | All Documentation ####### -->
                   1917:     <sect2 id="conventionsappdocs">
                   1918:       <title>Conventions for Application Documentation</title>
                   1920:       <sect3 id="applicationversionid">
                   1921:         <title>Application Version Identification</title>
                   1922:         <para>
                   1923:           Application documentation should identify the version of the
                   1924:           application for which the documentation is written:
                   1925:           <programlisting>
                   1926: <![CDATA[
                   1927: <sect1 id="intro">
                   1928:  <title>Introduction</title>
                   1929:  <para>
                   1930:   blah-blah-blah This document describes version 1.0.53 of gfoo.
                   1931:  </para>
                   1932: </sect1>]]>
                   1933:           </programlisting>
                   1934:         </para>
                   1935:       </sect3>
                   1936:       <sect3 id="license">
                   1937:        <title> Copyright information </title> 
                   1938:         <para> Application
                   1939:         documentation should contain a copyright notice, stating the
                   1940:         licensing terms. It is suggested that you use the GNU Free
                   1941:         Documentation License.  You could also use some other license
                   1942:         allowing free redistribution, such as GPL or Open Content
                   1943:         license.  If documentation uses some trademarks (such as UNIX,
                   1944:         Linux, Windows, etc.), proper legal junk should also be
                   1945:         included (see templates).
                   1946:        </para>
                   1947:       </sect3>
                   1948:       <sect3 id="license2">
                   1949:        <title>Software license</title>
                   1950:        <para> 
                   1951:          All GNOME applications must contain information about the
                   1952:        license (for software, not for documentation), either in the
                   1953:        "About" box or in the manual. 
                   1954:        </para>
                   1955:       </sect3>
                   1957:       <sect3 id="bugtraq">
                   1958:        <title> Bug reporting</title>   
                   1959:         <para> 
                   1960:          Application documentation should give an address for
                   1961:         reporting bugs and for submitting comments about the
                   1962:         documentaion (see templates for an example). 
                   1963:        </para>
                   1964:       </sect3>
                   1965:     </sect2>
                   1966:   </sect1>
                   1968: <!-- ################# Writing Application Manuals ###############-->
                   1970:   <sect1 id="writingapplicationmanuals">
                   1971:     <title>Writing Application and Applet Manuals</title>
                   1972:     <para>
                   1973:        Every GNOME application or applet should have a manual specific
                   1974:       to that particular application. This manual should be a complete
                   1975:       and authoritative guide.  The manual should describe what the
                   1976:       program does and how to use it.  Manuals will typically describe
                   1977:       each window or panel presented to the user using screenshots (in
                   1978:       PNG format only) when appropriate.  They should also describe
                   1979:       each feature and preference option available.
                   1980:     </para>
                   1981:     <note>
                   1982:       <title>Documentation Availability</title>
                   1983:       <para>
                   1984:         Applications and applets should not rely on documentation
                   1985:         which is only available on the internet.  All manuals and
                   1986:         other documentation should be packaged with the application or
                   1987:         applet and be made available to the user through the standard
                   1988:         GNOME help system methods described below.
                   1989:       </para>
                   1990:     </note>
                   1991:     <para> Application manuals should be based on the template in
                   1992:     <xref linkend="template1" />.  Applet manuals should be based on
                   1993:     the templates in <xref linkend="template2-1x" /> for GNOME
                   1994:     versions 1.x and the templates in <xref linkend="template2-2x" />
                   1995:     for GNOME versions 2.x.
                   1996:     </para>
                   1997:     <note>
                   1998:       <title>Manuals For Large Applications</title>
                   1999:       <para>
                   2000:         Manuals for very large applications, such as GNOME Workshop
                   2001:         components should be a <sgmltag>&lt;book></sgmltag> (and thus
                   2002:         use <sgmltag>&lt;chapter></sgmltag> for each primary section)
                   2003:         , instead of <sgmltag>&lt;article></sgmltag> which most
                   2004:         applications use(with each primary section being a
                   2005:         <sgmltag>&lt;sect1></sgmltag>).
                   2006:       </para>
                   2007:     </note>
                   2008:     <note>
                   2009:       <title>Applet Manuals in GNOME 2.0</title>
                   2010:       <para>
                   2011:         Note that applet manuals in GNOME 2.0 are treated in a special
                   2012:         way.  The manuals for all applets are merged into a single
                   2013:         virtual document by Nautilus.  For this reason, the header
                   2014:         information for applet manuals is omitted and the  first
                   2015:         section of each applet is
                   2016:         <sgmltag>&lt;sect1></sgmltag>. Applet manuals will typically
                   2017:         have several sections, each of which is
                   2018:         <sgmltag>&lt;sect2></sgmltag>.
                   2019:       </para>
                   2020:     </note>
                   2021:     <para>
                   2022:       Application manuals should be made available by having a
                   2023:       "Manual" entry in the <guimenu>Help</guimenu> pull-down menu
                   2024:       at the top of the 
                   2025:       application, as described in <xref linkend="listingdocsinhelpmenu" />.
                   2026:       Applets should make their manuals available by
                   2027:       right-clicking on the applet. 
                   2028:     </para>
                   2029:   </sect1>
                   2032: <!-- ############### Listing Documents in the Help Menu ############# -->
                   2034:   <sect1 id="listingdocsinhelpmenu">
                   2035:     <title>Listing Documents in the Help Menu</title>
                   2037:     <note>
                   2038:       <title>Developer Information</title>
                   2039:       <para>
                   2040:         This section is for developers.  Documentation authors
                   2041:         generally do not need to know this material.
                   2042:       </para>
                   2043:     </note>
                   2044:     <para>
                   2045:       Typically the application manual and possibly additional help
                   2046:       documents will be made available to the user under the
                   2047:       <guimenu>Help</guimenu> menu at the top right of the
                   2048:       application. To do this, you must first write a
                   2049:       <filename>topic.dat</filename> file. The format for this file is:
                   2050:       <programlisting>
                   2051: One line for each 'topic'.
                   2053: Two columns, as defined by perl -e 'split(/\s+/,$aline,2)'
                   2055: First column is the HTML file (and optional section) for the topic,
                   2056: relative to the app's help file dir.
                   2058: Second column is the user-visible topic name.
                   2059:       </programlisting>
                   2060:       For example, <application>Gnumeric</application>'s
                   2061:       <filename>topic.dat</filename> file is:
                   2062:       <programlisting>
                   2063: gnumeric.html   Gnumeric manual
                   2064: function-reference.html Gnumeric function reference
                   2065:       </programlisting>
                   2066:       When the application is installed, the
                   2067:       <filename>topic.dat</filename> file should be placed in the
                   2068:       <filename
                   2069:       class="directory">$prefix/share/gnome/help/<replaceable>appname</replaceable>/C/</filename> directory
                   2070:       where <replaceable>appname</replaceable> is replaced by the
                   2071:       application's name.  The application documentation (converted
                   2072:       from SGML into HTML with <command>db2html</command>) should be
                   2073:       placed in this directory too.
                   2074:     </para>
                   2075:     <note>
                   2076:       <para>
                   2077:        If the help files are not present in the correct directory, the
                   2078:        menu items will NOT appear when the program is run. 
                   2079:       </para>
                   2080:     </note>
                   2081:     <para>
                   2082:       The <filename>topic.dat</filename> file is used by the GNOME
                   2083:       menu building code to generate the <guimenu>Help</guimenu>
                   2084:       menu. When you define your menu:  
                   2085: <programlisting>
                   2086: GnomeUIInfo helpmenu[] = {
                   2087:               {GNOME_APP_UI_ITEM, 
                   2088:                N_("About"), N_("Info about this program"),
                   2089:                about_cb, NULL, NULL, 
                   2090:                GNOME_APP_PIXMAP_STOCK, GNOME_STOCK_MENU_ABOUT,
                   2091:                0, 0, NULL},
                   2092:                GNOMEUIINFO_SEPARATOR,
                   2093:                GNOMEUIINFO_HELP("<emphasis>appname</emphasis>"),
                   2094:                GNOMEUIINFO_END
                   2095:         };
                   2096: </programlisting>
                   2097:       the line specifying <varname>GNOMEUIINFO_HELP</varname> causes
                   2098:       GNOME to create a menu entry which is tied to the documentation
                   2099:       in the directory mentioned above. Also, all the topics in the
                   2100:       <filename>topic.dat</filename> file will get menu entries in the
                   2101:       <guimenu>Help</guimenu> menu. When the user selects any of these
                   2102:       topics from the <guimenu>Help</guimenu> menu, a help browser
                   2103:       will be started with the associated HTML documentation.
                   2104:     </para>
                   2105:   </sect1>
                   2108: <!-- ################# Application Help Buttons ############### -->
                   2110:   <sect1 id="applicationhelpbuttons">
                   2111:     <title>Application Help Buttons</title>
                   2113:     <note>
                   2114:       <title>Developer Information</title>
                   2115:       <para>
                   2116:         This section is for developers.  Documentation authors
                   2117:         generally do not need to know this material.
                   2118:       </para>
                   2119:     </note>
                   2120:     <para>
                   2121:       Most GNOME applications will have <guibutton>Help</guibutton>
                   2122:       buttons.  These are most often seen in Preference windows. (All
                   2123:       Preference windows should have <guibutton>Help</guibutton>
                   2124:       buttons.) Most <guibutton>Help</guibutton> buttons will connect
                   2125:       to the application manual, although some may connect to special
                   2126:       documents.  Because the <guibutton>Help</guibutton> buttons do
                   2127:       not generally have their own special documentation, the
                   2128:       documentation author(s) do not need to do very much.  However,
                   2129:       the application author must be careful to guarantee that the
                   2130:       application correctly opens the help documentation when the
                   2131:       <guibutton>Help</guibutton> buttons are pressed.  
                   2132:     </para>
                   2133:     <para>
                   2134:       To make the Help buttons call the correct document in the GNOME Help
                   2135:       Browser the developer should add code based on the following example:
                   2136:     </para>
                   2137:     <programlisting>
                   2138: gchar *tmp;
                   2139: tmp = gnome_help_file_find_file ("module", "page.html");
                   2140: if (tmp) {
                   2141:   gnome_help_goto(0, tmp);
                   2142:   g_free(tmp);
                   2143: }
                   2144:     </programlisting>
                   2145:     <note>
                   2146:       <title>NOTE</title>
                   2147:       <para>
                   2148:         The example above is in the C language, please refer to other
                   2149:         documentation or forums for other GNOME language bindings.
                   2150:       </para>
                   2151:     </note>
                   2152:  </sect1>
                   2154: <!-- ################# Packaging Applet Documentation ############### -->
                   2156:   <sect1 id="packagingappletdocs">
                   2157:     <title>Packaging Applet Documentation</title>
                   2158:     <sect2 id="appletfiles">
                   2159:       <title>Applet Documentation Files</title>
                   2160:       <para>
                   2161:         In GNOME 2.0 each applet will have its own documentation
                   2162:         installed separately, and the GNOME 2.0 help
                   2163:         browser (<application>Nautilus</application>) will dynamically
                   2164:         merge the applet documents into a single virtual book
                   2165:         called <citetitle>GNOME Applets</citetitle>. During the
                   2166:         transitionary stage between GNOME 1.0 and GNOME 2.0, each
                   2167:         applet in the gnome-applets package has its own manual(stored
                   2168:         with the applet in CVS), but they are merged together manually
                   2169:         to create the <citetitle>GNOME Applets</citetitle> book before
                   2170:         distribution.  Telsa 
                   2171:         <email></email> is the maintainer of
                   2172:         this document.  Applet documentation should be sent to Telsa
                   2173:         (or placed in CVS) who will make sure they are correctly
                   2174:         packaged with the applets.  The applet author should be
                   2175:         contacted to modify the menu items and help buttons to bind to
                   2176:         the applet documentation if necessary.
                   2177:       </para>
                   2178:       <para>
                   2179:         Images which are part of the applet documentation should be in
                   2180:         PNG format and should reside in the same directory as the SGML
                   2181:         document file in CVS(gnome-applets/APPLETNAME/help/C).
                   2182:       </para>
                   2183:       <para>
                   2184:         Applets which are not part of the gnome-applets package must
                   2185:         package their documentation with the particular applet
                   2186:         package. They should use the same applet template as other
                   2187:         applets.  However, the <sgmltag>&lt;xref></sgmltag> links to
                   2188:         the introductory chapter of the <citetitle>GNOME
                   2189:         Applets</citetitle>  book must be removed (as the 1.x
                   2190:         <application>GNOME Help Browser</application> does not allow
                   2191:         you to create links between separate documents) and replaced
                   2192:         with suitable text.  Note that since this document is not part
                   2193:         of the <citetitle>GNOME Applets</citetitle> book, you must
                   2194:         remember to add <sgmltag>&lt;legalnotice></sgmltag> and
                   2195:         <sgmltag>&lt;copyright></sgmltag> sections.
                   2196:       </para>
                   2197:     </sect2>
                   2199:     <sect2 id="appletmenu">
                   2200:       <title>Adding Documentation to an Applet Menu</title>
                   2201:       <note>
                   2202:         <title>Developer Information</title>
                   2203:         <para>
                   2204:           This section is for developers.  Documentation authors
                   2205:           generally do not need to know this material.
                   2206:         </para>
                   2207:       </note> 
                   2208:       <para>
                   2209:         Applets should have <guimenu>About</guimenu> and
                   2210:         <guimenu>Manual</guimenu> menu items, typically as the first
                   2211:         and second top-most items in the menu respectively.  This
                   2212:         section describes how the developer creates these menu items
                   2213:         and links them to the documentation.
                   2214:       </para>
                   2215:       <para>
                   2216:         To add an applet's manual to its applet menu, use:
                   2217: <programlisting>
                   2218: /* add an item to the applet menu */
                   2219: applet_widget_register_callback(APPLET_WIDGET(applet), "manual",
                   2220: _("Manual"), &amp;open_manual, NULL);
                   2221: </programlisting>
                   2222:         Here the second argument is an arbitrary name for the
                   2223:         callback, the third argument is the label which will appear
                   2224:         when the user right clicks on the applet, and the fourth
                   2225:         argument is the callback function.
                   2226:       </para>
                   2227:       <para>
                   2228:         You will need to write a simple callback function to open the
                   2229:         help browser to the appropriate document.  This is done using
                   2230:         the <function>gnome_help_file_find_file</function> function,
                   2231:         as described in <xref linkend="applicationhelpbuttons" />.
                   2232:       </para>
                   2233:       <para>
                   2234:         You will also want to add an <guimenu>About</guimenu> menu
                   2235:         item to the applet's menu.  This is a
                   2236:         stock menu item and is done:
                   2237: <programlisting>
                   2238: applet_widget_register_stock_callback (APPLET_WIDGET(applet), "about",
                   2239:        GNOME_STOCK_MENU_ABOUT, _("About"), &amp;my_applet_cb_about,
                   2240:        NULL);
                   2241: </programlisting>
                   2242:       </para>
                   2243:       <para>
                   2244:         More information can be found at <ulink type="http"
                   2245:         url="">Writing
                   2246:         GNOME panel applets using the GTK+/GTK-- widget set</ulink>.
                   2247:       </para>
                   2248:     </sect2>
                   2249:  </sect1>
                   2252: <!-- ################# Writing Context Sensitive Help ###############
                   2253: -->
                   2255:   <sect1 id="writingcontextsensitivehelp">
                   2256:     <title>Writing Context Sensitive Help (coming in GNOME-2.0)</title>
                   2257:     <para>
                   2258:       Context sensitive help, also known as "pop-up" help, will allow
                   2259:       a user to obtain help information about specific buttons or
                   2260:       parts of an application.
                   2261:     </para>
                   2262:     <para>
                   2263:       Context sensitive help is still under development and not all
                   2264:       the details are available at this time. However, the basics can
                   2265:       be shown here so that you can understand how the system will
                   2266:       work.
                   2267:     </para>
                   2268:     <para>
                   2269:       The Context Sensitive Help system is designed to allow the
                   2270:       developer to give an id to a particular portion of the User
                   2271:       Interface, for example, a button. Once the interface is complete
                   2272:       a Perl script can then be run against the interface code to
                   2273:       create a "map" file. This map file allows the developer or
                   2274:       writer to associate particular paragraph sections from an XML
                   2275:       document to the interface items.
                   2276:     </para>
                   2277:     <para>
                   2278:       The XML used for the document is a small XML DTD that is being
                   2279:       developed to use the same tags (albeit, much fewer) as DocBook
                   2280:       so that writers do not have to re-learn a new DTD.
                   2281:     </para>
                   2282:     <para>
                   2283:       Once the document is written and map file is complete, when the
                   2284:       user launches context sensitive help on the interface (either by
                   2285:       pressing a button and then clicking on the interface item they
                   2286:       want information on, or by right mouse clicking on the interface
                   2287:       item and selecting a pop-up menu item like "What's This") a
                   2288:       small transient window will appear with brief but detailed
                   2289:       information on the interface item.
                   2290:     </para>
                   2291:   </sect1>
                   2293: <!-- ################# Referring to Other GNOME Documentation
                   2294: ############# -->
                   2296:   <sect1 id="referring">
                   2297:     <title>Referring to Other GNOME Documentation (coming in
                   2298:     GNOME-2.0)</title>
                   2299:     <para>
                   2300:       In the GNOME 2.0 Help System, you will be able to create links
                   2301:       from one document to another.  The exact mechanism for doing
                   2302:       this is in development.
                   2303:     </para>
                   2304:   </sect1>
                   2307: <!-- ################# Basics of Documentation Style ############### -->
                   2309:   <sect1 id="basics">
                   2310:     <title>Basics of Documentation Style</title>
                   2311:     <para>
                   2312:        Most people have never enjoyed reading a software manual, and
                   2313:        they probably never will.  Many times, they'll read the
                   2314:        documentation only when they run into problems, and they'll be
                   2315:        frustrated and upset before they even read a word.  On the
                   2316:        other hand, some readers will read the manual all the way
                   2317:        through, or at least look at the introduction before they
                   2318:        start. Your document might serve as a reference for an expert
                   2319:        or a guide to a beginner, and it must have enough depth to
                   2320:        satisfy the first without overwhelming the second.  Ideally, it
                   2321:        will serve beginners as they <emphasis>become</emphasis>
                   2322:        experts. Remember, your goal is to produce <emphasis>complete,
                   2323:        intuitive and clear</emphasis> documentation.
                   2324:     </para>
                   2325:     <para>
                   2326:        In order to write useful documentation, you'll have to know who
                   2327:        your audience is likely to be.  Then, you can look for the
                   2328:        problems they're likely to run into, and solve them.  It will
                   2329:        also help if you focus on the tasks users will perform, and
                   2330:        group features accordingly, rather than simply describing
                   2331:        features at random.  
                   2332:     </para>
                   2334: <!--  *********** Basics of Documentation Style: planning -->
                   2336:     <sect2 id="styleplanning">
                   2337:       <title>Planning</title>
                   2338:       <para>
                   2339:          Begin documenting by learning how to use the application and
                   2340:          reading over any existing documentation.  Pay attention to
                   2341:          places where your document will differ from the template.  It
                   2342:          may help to develop a document skeleton: a valid XML or SGML
                   2343:          document that has little or no content.  For very large
                   2344:          applications, you will need to make significant departures
                   2345:          from the templates, since you'll be using the
                   2346:          <sgmltag>&lt;book></sgmltag> tag instead of
                   2347:          <sgmltag>&lt;chapter></sgmltag> or
                   2348:          <sgmltag>&lt;article></sgmltag>.
                   2349:       </para>
                   2350:     </sect2>
                   2353: <!-- ####### Basics of Documentation Style | Balance ####### -->
                   2354:     <sect2 id="balance">
                   2355:       <title>Achieving a Balanced Style</title>
                   2357:       <para> 
                   2358:          Just as you need to juggle expert and novice readers,
                   2359:          you'll have to juggle a number of other extremes as you write:
                   2360:          <itemizedlist>
                   2361:           <listitem>
                   2362:            <para>
                   2363:               Documents should be complete, yet concise.  You should
                   2364:               describe every feature, but you'll have decide how much
                   2365:               detail is really necessary.  It's not, for example,
                   2366:               necessary to describe every button and form field in a
                   2367:               dialog box, but you should make sure that your readers
                   2368:               know how to bring up the dialog and what it does.  If
                   2369:               you spend fewer words on the obvious, you can spend more
                   2370:               time clarifying the ambiguous labels and explaining
                   2371:               items that are more complex.
                   2372:             </para>
                   2373:           </listitem>
                   2374:          <listitem>
                   2375:            <para>
                   2376:               Be engaging and friendly, yet professional. Games
                   2377:               documents may be less formal than productivity
                   2378:               application documents (people don't
                   2379:               <emphasis>use</emphasis> games, they
                   2380:               <emphasis>play</emphasis> them), but all of them should
                   2381:               maintain a standard of style which holds the reader's
                   2382:               interest without resorting to jokes and untranslatable
                   2383:               allusions or puns.
                   2384:            </para>
                   2385:          </listitem>
                   2387:          <listitem>
                   2388:            <para>
                   2389:               Examples, tips, notes, and screenshots are useful to
                   2390:               break up long stretches of text, but too many can get in
                   2391:               the way, and make your documents too choppy to read.
                   2392:               It's good to provide a screenshot of any dialog windows
                   2393:               a user might run into, but if a dialog box has several
                   2394:               tabs, it's not usually necessary to have one for each.
                   2395:            </para>
                   2396:          </listitem>
                   2398:          <listitem>
                   2399:            <para>
                   2400:               The GDP strives to have all of its documentation conform
                   2401:               to certain standards of style and content, but every
                   2402:               document (and every writer) is different.  You will need
                   2403:               to use your judgement, and write documents to fit with
                   2404:               the rest of the project, without compromising the
                   2405:               individual needs of your subject, or your own
                   2406:               individuality as a writer.
                   2407:            </para>
                   2408:          </listitem>
                   2410:        </itemizedlist>
                   2411:        </para>
                   2412:     </sect2>
                   2415: <!-- ####### Basics of Documentation Style | Structure ####### -->
                   2417:     <sect2 id="stylestructure">
                   2418:       <title>Structure</title>
                   2419:       <para>
                   2420:          In general, you won't have to worry too much about structure,
                   2421:          because the templates provide you with an excellent example.
                   2422:          As a general rule, try to follow that structural example.
                   2423:          That means using links, hierarchical nesting, and, if
                   2424:          necessary, a glossary or index.  You probably won't need to
                   2425:          use every available structural tag, but take advantage of
                   2426:          what DocBook provides you.
                   2427:       </para>
                   2428:       <para>
                   2429:          As to linking, there's some disagreement about whether to use
                   2430:          <sgmltag>&lt;xref></sgmltag> <sgmltag>&lt;link></sgmltag>
                   2431:          when you make links within your documents.  You'll have to
                   2432:          decide, based on the different ways that they are presented
                   2433:          in output, which is more appropriate given the context.
                   2434:          Regardless of which you use, you should not forget to use
                   2435:          them.  Help your readers find information that relevant to
                   2436:          the issue at hand.
                   2437:       </para>
                   2438:       <para>
                   2439:          The table of contents will be generated automatically, but
                   2440:          you will probably have to develop your own index if you wish
                   2441:          to have one.  The Nautilus Help Browser will have new, and
                   2442:          currently unknown, indexing capabilities, so index style and
                   2443:          structure are still under discussion.  The GNOME User's Guide
                   2444:          will contain a glossary in its next versions; unless you're
                   2445:          writing a<sgmltag>&lt;book></sgmltag>, it will probably be best to
                   2446:          contribute to that rather than developing your own.
                   2447:       </para>
                   2448:     </sect2>
                   2449: <!-- ####### Basics of Documentation Style | Grammar & Spelling ####### -->
                   2451:     <sect2 id="stylegrammar">
                   2452:       <title>Grammar and Spelling</title>
                   2453:       <para>
                   2454:         Nobody expects you to be perfect; they just expect the
                   2455:         documentation for their software to be error-free.  That means
                   2456:         that, in the same way that developers look for bugs and accept
                   2457:         bug reports, writers must check for errors in their documents.
                   2458:         Poor grammar, bad spelling, and gross technical errors in
                   2459:         draft documents are fine.  However, if those problems show up
                   2460:         in a "real" release, they can count against the credibility of
                   2461:         GNOME and Linux.  They'll also make you look bad.
                   2462:       </para>
                   2463:       <para>
                   2464:         There is no substitute for a human proofreader; use a
                   2465:         spell-check program, then read it over yourself, and then find
                   2466:         someone else to help you.  Other GDP members are, of course,
                   2467:         willing and able to help you, but non-writers are often at
                   2468:         least as helpful.
                   2469:       </para>
                   2470:       <para>
                   2471:         Proofreading documents is both a also a good way to
                   2472:         familiarize yourself with documentation, and it certainly
                   2473:         makes you valuable to the GDP. Help other writers proof their
                   2474:         documents, and they will help you with yours.
                   2475:       </para>
                   2476:     </sect2>
                   2477:   </sect1>
                   2479: <!-- ################# Teamwork ############### -->
                   2481:   <sect1 id="teamwork">
                   2482:     <title>Teamwork</title>  <!-- ####### Teamwork | Working With The
                   2483: GDP Team ####### -->
                   2485:     <sect2 id="teamworkgdp">
                   2486:       <title>Working With The GDP Team</title>
                   2487:       <para>
                   2488:         The GDP team is a valuable resource for any documentation
                   2489:         author.  GDP members can answer most questions documentation
                   2490:         authors have during the course of their work. It is also
                   2491:         important to make sure you are not duplicating work of other
                   2492:         GDP members by visiting the <citetitle>GDP Documentation
                   2493:         Status Table</citetitle> (<ulink
                   2494:         url=""
                   2495:         type="http"></ulink>) and
                   2496:         assigning a documentation item to yourself.  This table also
                   2497:         provides a forum for making suggestions and announcements for
                   2498:         each documentation item.  The best way to get in touch with
                   2499:         GDP members is on the #docs IRC channel at or
                   2500:         else by emailing the <ulink type="http"
                   2501:         url="">
                   2502:         <citetitle>gnome-doc-list mailing list</citetitle></ulink>.
                   2503:       </para>
                   2504:       <para>
                   2505:         After an author has finished a document (or even a draft
                   2506:         version of the document), it is a good idea to ask a member of
                   2507:         the GDP team to read the document, checking it for grammar,
                   2508:         proper DocBook markup, and clarity.  One may typically find
                   2509:         another author to do this by either asking on the #docs IRC
                   2510:         channel at or by emailing the <ulink type="http"
                   2511:         url="">
                   2512:         <citetitle>gnome-doc-list mailing list</citetitle></ulink>.
                   2513:       </para>
                   2514:     </sect2>
                   2516: <!-- ####### Teamwork | Working With Developers ####### -->
                   2518:     <sect2 id="teamworkdevelopers">
                   2519:       <title>Working With Developers</title>
                   2520:       <para>
                   2521:         Writing documentation typically involves a certain amount of
                   2522:         interaction with the developers of GNOME or the application
                   2523:         which is being documented.  Often a document author will need
                   2524:         to ask the developer technical questions during the course of
                   2525:         writing a document. After the document is finished, it is good
                   2526:         idea to ask the developer to read the document to make sure it
                   2527:         is technically correct.  The documentation author should also
                   2528:         make sure that the application author correctly binds and
                   2529:         packages the documentation with the application.
                   2530:       </para>
                   2531:     </sect2>
                   2533: <!-- ####### Teamwork | Working With Users #######
                   2535:     <sect2 id="teamworkusers">
                   2536:       <title>Working With Users</title>
                   2537:       <para>
                   2538:         Some document authors may wish to get feedback on their
                   2539:         documents directly from users.  This may be done by ...
                   2540:       </para>
                   2541:     </sect2>-->
                   2542:   </sect1>
                   2544: <!-- ################# Finishing a Document ############### -->
                   2546:   <sect1 id="finishing">
                   2547:     <title>Finishing A Document</title>
                   2549: <!-- ####### Finishing a Document | Editting the Document ####### -->
                   2551:     <sect2 id="editting">
                   2552:       <title>Editing The Document</title>
                   2553:       <para>
                   2554:         When the document is finished, the document should be edited
                   2555:         by another member of the GDP for spelling, clarity, and
                   2556:         DocBook markup. It should also be read by an application
                   2557:         author to make sure the document is technically accurate.
                   2558:       </para>
                   2559:     </sect2>
                   2561: <!-- ####### Finishing a Document | Submitting the Document ####### -->
                   2563:     <sect2 id="submitting">
                   2564:       <title>Submitting The Document</title>
                   2565:       <para>
                   2566:         After the document has been edited and checked for technical
                   2567:         accuracy, it is ready to be combined with the application or
                   2568:         documentation package.  This is typically done by passing the
                   2569:         document to the application or package developer.  In some
                   2570:         cases, the documents can be committed directly into CVS,
                   2571:         however this should only be done after obtaining permission to
                   2572:         make CVS commits from the developer.  Note that in many cases,
                   2573:         the application may need to be modified to correctly link to
                   2574:         the documentation.  The packaging system (tarballs and binary
                   2575:         packages) may also need to be modified to include the
                   2576:         documentation in the package.  Generally, this should be done
                   2577:         by the developers.
                   2578:       </para>
                   2579:       <para>
                   2580:         The final step is to email the GNOME Translation Team at
                   2581:         <email></email> to notify them that
                   2582:         there is a new document for them to translate.
                   2583:       </para>
                   2584:     </sect2>
                   2585:   </sect1>
                   2587: <!-- ################# Resources ############### -->
                   2589:   <sect1 id="resources">
                   2590:     <title>Resources</title> 
                   2591: <!-- ####### Resources | Resources on the Web ####### -->
                   2593:     <sect2 id="resourcesweb">
                   2594:       <title>Resources On The Web</title> <para>  The <ulink
                   2595:       type="http" url="">GNOME
                   2596:       Documentation Project Web page</ulink> lists current GDP 
                   2597:       projects and members.
                   2598:       </para>
                   2599:       <para>
                   2600:         The <ulink url=""
                   2601:         type="http">GDP Documentation Status Table</ulink> tracks the
                   2602:         status of all the various documentation components of GNOME.
                   2603:       </para>
                   2604:       <para>
                   2605:         Norman Walsh's  <ulink url=""
                   2606:         type="http"> <citetitle>DocBook: The Definitive
                   2607:         Guide</citetitle></ulink> in an excellent book on DocBook,
                   2608:         available both online and in print.
                   2609:       </para>
                   2610:     </sect2>
                   2612: <!-- ####### Resources | Books ####### -->
                   2614:     <sect2 id="resourcesbooks">
                   2615:       <title>Books</title>
                   2616:       <para>
                   2617:         Docbook: The Definitive Guide is available in both printed
                   2618:         form and on the web at:
                   2619:         <ulink url="">
                   2620:         <citetitle>Docbook: The Definitive Guide</citetitle>
                   2621:         </ulink>
                   2622:       </para>
                   2623:     </sect2>
                   2625: <!-- ####### Resources | Mailing Lists ####### -->
                   2627:     <sect2 id="mailinglists">
                   2628:       <title>Mailing Lists</title>
                   2629:       <para>
                   2630:         The <emphasis>gnome-docs-list</emphasis> mailing list is the
                   2631:         main discussion area for all contributors to the GNOME
                   2632:         Documentation Project. You can find out how to subscribe to
                   2633:         this list on <ulink
                   2634:         url=""
                   2635:         type="http">GNOME Mailing Lists</ulink>.  This is a rather
                   2636:         low-volume list, so you will not be flooded with messages.
                   2637:       </para>
                   2638:     </sect2>
                   2640: <!-- ####### Resources | IRC ####### -->
                   2642:     <sect2 id="irc">
                   2643:       <title>IRC</title>
                   2644:       <para>
                   2645:         Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a fast and easy way to get in
                   2646:         touch with other GDP members.  There are generally at least a
                   2647:         few members here who can answer questions or discuss
                   2648:         documentation issues.  The IRC channel is #docs at
                   2650:       </para>
                   2651:     </sect2>
                   2652:   </sect1>
                   2654: <!-- ################# Example Docs ###############
                   2656:   <appendix id="exampledocs">
                   2657:     <title>Example Docs</title> 
                   2659: ####### Example Docs | Example 1: Application Manual ####### 
                   2661:     <sect1 id="ex1">
                   2662:       <title>Example 1: Application Manual</title>
                   2663:       <programlisting>
                   2664: <![CDATA[ (Put sgml here.)]]> </programlisting>
                   2665:     </sect1>
                   2667: ####### Example Docs | Example 2: Applet Manual ####### 
                   2669:     <sect1 id="ex2">
                   2670:       <title>Example 2: Applet Manual</title>
                   2671:       <programlisting>
                   2672: <![CDATA[(Put sgml here.)]]> </programlisting>
                   2673:     </sect1>
                   2675: ##### Example Docs | Example 3: Application Context Sensitive Help ####
                   2677:     <sect1 id="ex3">
                   2678:       <title>Example 3: Application Context Sensitive Help</title>
                   2679:       <programlisting>
                   2680: <![CDATA[(Put sgml here.)]]> </programlisting>
                   2681:     </sect1>
                   2683: ####### Example Docs | Example 4: Complete Application: gnome-hello  #######
                   2685:     <sect1 id="ex4">
                   2686:       <title>Example 4: Complete Application: gnome-hello</title>
                   2687:       <programlisting>
                   2688: <![CDATA[(Put sgml here.)]]> </programlisting>
                   2689:     </sect1>
                   2691: ####### Example Docs | Example 5: Tutorial #######
                   2693:     <sect1 id="ex5">
                   2694:       <title>Example 5: Tutorial</title>
                   2695:       <programlisting>
                   2696: <![CDATA[(Put sgml here.)]]> </programlisting>
                   2697:     </sect1>
                   2698:   </appendix>-->
                   2700: <!-- ################# Document Templates ############### -->
                   2702:   <appendix id="templates">
                   2703:     <title>Document Templates</title> 
                   2704: <!-- ####### Document Templates | Templates 1: Application Manual ####### -->
                   2706:     <sect1 id="template1">
                   2707:       <title>Template 1: Application Manual</title>
                   2708:       <para>
                   2709:         The following template should be used for all application
                   2710:         manuals.  You can always get the latest copy of this
                   2711:         template from  <ulink type="http"
                   2712:         url="">GDP
                   2713:         Documentation Templates</ulink>.
                   2714:         <programlisting>
                   2716: <![CDATA[
                   2717: <!DOCTYPE Article PUBLIC "-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant V1.1//EN"[
                   2718:         <!-- if not using PNG graphic, replace reference above with
                   2719:              .....PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"[
                   2720:          -->
                   2721: <!ENTITY version "1.0.53">
                   2722:         <!-- replace version above with actual application version number-->
                   2723:        <!--  Template Version: 1.0.1  (do not remove this line) -->
                   2724: ]>
                   2727: <!-- This is a GNOME documentation template, designed by the GNOME
                   2728:   Documentation Project Team. Please use it for writing GNOME
                   2729:   documentation, making obvious changes. In particular, all the words
                   2730:   written in UPPERCASE (with the exception of GNOME) should be
                   2731:   replaced. As for "legalnotice", please leave the reference
                   2732:   unchanged.
                   2734:   Remember that this is a guide, rather than a perfect model to follow
                   2735:   slavishly. Make your manual logical and readable.  And don't forget
                   2736:   to remove these comments in your final documentation!  ;-)
                   2737:   -->
                   2739: <!-- =============Document Header ============================= -->
                   2741: <article id="index"> <!-- please do not change the id -->
                   2743:   <artheader>
                   2744:     <title>MY-GNOME-APP</title>
                   2745:     <copyright>
                   2746:       <year>2000</year>
                   2747:       <holder>ME-THE-AUTHOR</holder>
                   2748:     </copyright>
                   2750:   <!-- translators: uncomment this:
                   2752:   <copyright>
                   2753:    <year>2000</year>
                   2754:    <holder>ME-THE-TRANSLATOR (Latin translation)</holder>
                   2755:   </copyright>
                   2757:    -->
                   2759:   <!-- do not put authorname in the header except in copyright - use
                   2760:   section "authors" below -->
                   2762:     <legalnotice>
                   2763:       <para>
                   2764:         Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
                   2765:         document under the terms of the <citetitle>GNU Free
                   2766:         Documentation License</citetitle>, Version 1.1 or any later
                   2767:         version published by the Free Software Foundation with no
                   2768:         Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
                   2769:         Texts. You may obtain a copy of the <citetitle>GNU Free
                   2770:         Documentation License</citetitle> from the Free Software
                   2771:         Foundation by visiting <ulink type="http"
                   2772:         url="">their Web site</ulink> or by writing
                   2773:         to: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
                   2774:         330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
                   2775:       </para>
                   2776:       <para>
                   2777:         Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their
                   2778:         products and services are claimed as trademarks. Where those
                   2779:         names appear in any GNOME documentation, and those trademarks
                   2780:         are made aware to the members of the GNOME Documentation
                   2781:         Project, the names have been printed in caps or initial caps.
                   2782:       </para>
                   2783:     </legalnotice>
                   2785:   <!-- this is the version of manual, not application --> 
                   2786:     <releaseinfo>
                   2787:        This is version 1.0 of MY-GNOME-APP manual.
                   2788:     </releaseinfo>
                   2790:   </artheader>
                   2792:  <!-- ============= Document Body ============================= -->
                   2794:  <!-- ============= Introduction ============================== -->
                   2795:   <sect1 id="intro">
                   2796:     <title>Introduction</title>
                   2798:     <para>
                   2799:      <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application> is an application which
                   2800:      proves mathematical theorems.  It has all the basic features
                   2801:      expected from a mathematical theorem prover, as well as a number
                   2802:      of advanced ones, such as proof by confusion.  In fact, many of
                   2803:      the proofs produced by <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application>
                   2804:      are so complex that they are capable of proving almost anything
                   2805:      with a virtually null likelihood of being disproven.  It also has
                   2806:      the very popular predecessor of proof by confusion, proof by
                   2807:      dialog, first implemented by Plato.
                   2808:     </para>
                   2809:     <para>
                   2810:       It also allows you to save and print theorem proofs and to add
                   2811:       comments to the proofs it produces.
                   2812:     </para>
                   2814:     <para>
                   2815:       To run <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application>, select
                   2816:       <menuchoice>
                   2817:        <guisubmenu>SUBMENU</guisubmenu>
                   2818:        <guimenuitem>MY-GNOME-APP</guimenuitem>
                   2819:       </menuchoice>
                   2820:       from the <guimenu>Main Menu</guimenu>, or type
                   2821:       <command>MYGNOMEAPP</command> on the command line.
                   2822:   </para>
                   2824:     <para>
                   2825:       <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application> is included in the
                   2826:       <filename>GNOME-PACKAGE</filename> package, which is part of the
                   2827:       GNOME desktop environment. This document describes version
                   2828:       &version; of <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application>.
                   2829:     </para>
                   2830:   </sect1>
                   2833:  <!-- ================ Usage ================================ -->
                   2834:  <!-- This section should describe basic usage of the application. -->
                   2836:   <sect1 id="usage">
                   2837:     <title>Using MY-GNOME-APP</title>
                   2838:     <para>
                   2839:       <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application> can be used to produce a
                   2840:       perfect proof of <emphasis>any</emphasis> mathematical theorem
                   2841:       (provided, of course, that this theorem is correct), thus
                   2842:       providing for new users an easy-to-use graphical interface to
                   2843:       modern mathematics. This section describes basic usage of
                   2844:       <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application>.
                   2845:     </para>
                   2847:     <!-- ========= Basic Usage =========================== -->
                   2848:     <sect2 id="mainwin">
                   2849:       <title>Basic usage</title>
                   2850:       <para>
                   2851:         Starting <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application> opens the
                   2852:         <interface>Main window</interface>, shown in <xref
                   2853:         linkend="mainwindow-fig">. The window is at first empty.
                   2855:         <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
                   2856:         <figure id="mainwindow-fig">
                   2857:          <title>MY-GNOME-APP Main Window</title>
                   2858:          <screenshot>
                   2859:            <screeninfo>MY-GNOME-APP Main Window</screeninfo>
                   2860:            <graphic fileref="SCREENSHOT" format="png" srccredit="ME">
                   2861:             </graphic>
                   2862:          </screenshot>
                   2863:        </figure>
                   2864:     <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
                   2865:       </para> 
                   2868:  <!-- For this app, one could put "proving" or "edit" (probably even
                   2869:       both of them) as sect2's seperate from the main window
                   2870:       section. Since they were both so closely involved with the main
                   2871:       window, I decided to have them as sect3's isntead. Judgement
                   2872:       call. -->
                   2874:       <sect3 id="proving">
                   2875:        <title>Proving a Theorem</title>
                   2876:        <para>
                   2877:           To get a proof of a theorem, select
                   2878:           <menuchoice>
                   2879:            <guisubmenu>File</guisubmenu>
                   2880:            <guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem>
                   2881:          </menuchoice>,
                   2882:             which will
                   2883:            bring up the <interface>New Proof</interface> dialog box.
                   2884:            Enter the statement of the theorem in the
                   2885:            <guilabel>Theorem statement</guilabel> field, select your
                   2886:            desired proof type from the drop-down menu, and and press
                   2887:            <guibutton>Prove!</guibutton>.
                   2888:         </para>
                   2889:        <para>
                   2890:           If <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application> cannot prove the
                   2891:           theorem by the method you have chosen, or if you have not
                   2892:           selected a proof type at all,
                   2893:           <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application> will attempt to
                   2894:           choose the one that it thinks is most conclusive.  In order,
                   2895:           it will attempt to prove the theorem with the following techniques: 
                   2897:                 <variablelist>
                   2898:            <varlistentry>
                   2899:              <term>Deduction</term>
                   2900:              <listitem>
                   2901:                <para>
                   2902:                   This is a proof method that is generally accepted
                   2903:                   for full credit by Logic professors.
                   2904:                 </para>
                   2905:              </listitem>
                   2906:            </varlistentry>
                   2907:            <varlistentry>
                   2908:             <term>Induction</term>
                   2909:            <listitem>
                   2910:              <para>
                   2911:                 This logical style will also earn you full credit on
                   2912:                 your homework.
                   2913:              </para>
                   2914:            </listitem>
                   2915:             </varlistentry>
                   2916:            <varlistentry>
                   2917:              <term>Dialog</term>
                   2918:              <listitem>
                   2919:              <para>
                   2920:                 This logical method is best for Philosophy classes,
                   2921:                 and will probably only merit partial credit on Logic
                   2922:                 or Mathematics homework.
                   2923:               </para>
                   2924:            </listitem>
                   2925:             </varlistentry>
                   2926:             <varlistentry>
                   2927:              <term>Confusion</term>
                   2928:              <listitem>
                   2929:              <para>
                   2930:                 Suitable only for political debates, battles of wits
                   2931:                 against the unarmed, and Philosophy classes focusing
                   2932:                 on the works of Kant. Use with caution.
                   2933:               </para>
                   2934:              </listitem>
                   2935:            </varlistentry>
                   2936:          </variablelist>
                   2937:           </para>
                   2939:    <!-- You might want to include a note, warning, or tip, e.g. -->
                   2941:        <warning>
                   2942:          <title>Proving Incorrect Theorms</title>
                   2943:          <para>
                   2944:             <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application> cannot prove
                   2945:             incorrect theorems. If the theorem you have entered is not
                   2946:             demonstrably true, you will get a message to that effect
                   2947:             in the main window.  To disprove a theorem, ask
                   2948:             <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application> to prove its
                   2949:             logical inverse.
                   2950:           </para>
                   2951:        </warning>
                   2952:       </sect3>
                   2953:       <sect3 id="editing">
                   2954:        <title>Editing Proofs</title>
                   2955:        <para>
                   2956:           Once you have proven the theorem, it will be displayed in
                   2957:           the <interface>main window</interface>.  There, you can read
                   2958:           it over, choose text styles for different portions of it,
                   2959:           and make comments on it. This section will guide you through
                   2960:           that process.
                   2961:         </para>
                   2962:        <para>
                   2963:           To alter text styles, first select the statement you wish to
                   2964:           change by clicking on it once.  You can select several
                   2965:           statements by Then, choose the style you want to apply from
                   2966:           the <guisubmenu>Style</guisubmenu> submenu of the
                   2967:           <guimenu>Edit</guimenu> menu.
                   2968:           <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application> will convert the
                   2969:           text to that style.
                   2970:         </para>
                   2971:         <para>
                   2972:           You can also enter comments on a statement by selecting that
                   2973:           statement, and then beginning to type.  Comments will appear
                   2974:           after the statement you have selected.
                   2975:         </para>
                   2977:        <note>
                   2978:          <title>Altering The Proofs Themselves</title>
                   2979:           <para>
                   2980:             <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application> does not allow you
                   2981:             to alter a proof it has produced itself.  You can, save
                   2982:             your proof as a plain text file (using the
                   2983:             <guimenuitem>Save as...</guimenuitem> menu), and alter it
                   2984:             that way.  Be aware, however, that
                   2985:             <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application> uses its own file
                   2986:             format for saved proofs, and cannot re-open a file unless
                   2987:             it is in the .mga format.
                   2988:           </para>
                   2989:        </note>
                   2990:       </sect3>
                   2993:   <!-- If there are other functions performed from the main window,
                   2994:        they belong here.   -->
                   2996:     </sect2>
                   2998:     <!-- ========================================================= 
                   2999:       Additional Sect2's should describe additional windows, such as
                   3000:       larger dialog boxes, or functionality that differs significantly
                   3001:       from the most immediate functions of the application. Make the
                   3002:       structure logical.
                   3003:       =============================================================  -->
                   3006:     <sect2 id="toolbar">
                   3007:       <title>Toolbar</title>
                   3008:       <para>
                   3009:         The toolbar (shown in <xref linkend="figure-usage-toolbar">)
                   3010:         provides access to several commonly used routines.
                   3011:         <figure id="figure-usage-toolbar">
                   3012:          <title>MY-GNOME-APP Toolbar</title>
                   3013:          <screenshot>
                   3014:            <screeninfo>MY-GNOME-APP Toolbar</screeninfo>
                   3015:            <graphic fileref="usage-toolbar.png" format="png"></graphic>
                   3016:          </screenshot>
                   3017:        </figure>
                   3018:         <variablelist>
                   3019:          <varlistentry>
                   3020:            <term>New</term>
                   3021:            <listitem>
                   3022:              <para>
                   3023:                 Brings up the <interface>New Theorem</interface>
                   3024:                 dialog.
                   3025:               </para>
                   3026:            </listitem>
                   3027:          </varlistentry>
                   3028:          <varlistentry>
                   3029:            <term>Open</term>
                   3030:            <listitem>
                   3031:              <para>
                   3032:                  Open an exisiting theorem you want to prove, or a
                   3033:                  completed proof you wish to print or format.
                   3034:                </para>
                   3035:            </listitem>
                   3036:          </varlistentry>
                   3037:          <varlistentry>
                   3038:            <term>Save</term>
                   3039:            <listitem>
                   3040:              <para>
                   3041:                 Save the current theorem permanently in a
                   3042:                 file.
                   3043:                </para>
                   3044:            </listitem> 
                   3045:          </varlistentry>
                   3046:        </variablelist>
                   3047:        </para>
                   3048:     </sect2>
                   3049:     <!-- ========= Menus =========================== --> 
                   3051:     <sect2 id="menubar">
                   3053:        <!-- Describing the menubar ensures comprehensive feature
                   3054:        coverage. Nest itemizedlists inside variablelists so that each
                   3055:        menu is easily located by indexing software. Proper indentation
                   3056:        makes it easier! -->
                   3058:       <title>Menus</title>
                   3059:       <para>
                   3060:        The menu bar, located at the top of the <interface>Main
                   3061:        Window</interface>, contains the following menus:
                   3062:        </para>
                   3063:       <variablelist>
                   3064:        <varlistentry>
                   3065:          <term><guimenu>File</guimenu></term>
                   3066:          <listitem>
                   3067:            <para>
                   3068:               This menu contains:
                   3069:               <itemizedlist>
                   3070:                <listitem>
                   3071:                  <para>
                   3072:                    <menuchoice>
                   3073:                      <shortcut>
                   3074:                        <keycap>F3</keycap>
                   3075:                      </shortcut>
                   3076:                      <guimenuitem>Open</guimenuitem>
                   3077:                     </menuchoice>
                   3078:                     &mdash; This opens a file which is saved on your computer.
                   3079:                   </para>
                   3080:                </listitem>
                   3081:                <listitem>
                   3082:                  <para>
                   3083:                     <menuchoice>
                   3084:                      <shortcut>
                   3085:                        <keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>S</keycap></keycombo>
                   3086:                      </shortcut>
                   3087:                      <guimenuitem>Save</guimenuitem>
                   3088:                    </menuchoice>
                   3089:                    &mdash; This saves your file.
                   3090:                  </para>
                   3091:                </listitem>
                   3092:                <listitem>
                   3093:                  <para>
                   3094:                     <menuchoice>
                   3095:                      <shortcut>
                   3096:                        <keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>W</keycap></keycombo>
                   3097:                      </shortcut>
                   3098:                      <guimenuitem>Close</guimenuitem>
                   3099:                    </menuchoice>
                   3100:                    &mdash; This closes your file.
                   3101:                  </para>
                   3102:                </listitem>
                   3103:                <listitem>
                   3104:                  <para>
                   3105:                    <menuchoice>
                   3106:                      <shortcut>
                   3107:                        <keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo>
                   3108:                      </shortcut>
                   3109:                      <guimenuitem>Exit</guimenuitem>
                   3110:                    </menuchoice>
                   3111:                    &mdash; This quits the application.
                   3112:                  </para>
                   3113:                </listitem>
                   3114:              </itemizedlist>
                   3115:          </para>
                   3116:          </listitem>
                   3117:        </varlistentry>
                   3119:        <varlistentry>
                   3120:          <term><guimenu>Edit</guimenu></term>
                   3121:          <listitem>
                   3122:            <para>
                   3123:           This menu contains:
                   3124:           <itemizedlist>
                   3125:                <listitem>
                   3126:                  <para>
                   3127:                    <menuchoice>
                   3128:                      <shortcut>
                   3129:                        <keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>X</keycap></keycombo>
                   3130:                      </shortcut>
                   3131:                      <guimenuitem>Cut</guimenuitem>
                   3132:                    </menuchoice>
                   3133:                    &mdash; This removes any text or data which is selected and
                   3134:                    places it in the buffer.
                   3135:                  </para>
                   3136:                </listitem>
                   3137:                <listitem>
                   3138:                  <para>
                   3139:                    <menuchoice>
                   3140:                      <shortcut>
                   3141:                        <keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>
                   3142:                      </shortcut>
                   3143:                      <guimenuitem>Copy</guimenuitem>
                   3144:                    </menuchoice>
                   3145:                    &mdash; This copies any text or data which is selected into
                   3146:                    the buffer.
                   3147:                  </para>
                   3148:                </listitem>
                   3149:                <listitem>
                   3150:                  <para>
                   3151:                   <menuchoice>
                   3152:                      <shortcut>
                   3153:                        <keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>V</keycap></keycombo>
                   3154:                      </shortcut>
                   3155:                      <guimenuitem>Paste</guimenuitem>
                   3156:                    </menuchoice>
                   3157:                    &mdash; This pastes any text or data which is copied into
                   3158:                    the buffer.
                   3159:                </para>
                   3160:                </listitem>
                   3161:                <listitem>
                   3162:                  <para>
                   3163:                     <guimenuitem>COMMAND1&hellip;</guimenuitem>
                   3164:                     &mdash; This opens the <interface>COMMAND1</interface>
                   3165:                     dialog, which is used to ....
                   3166:                  </para>
                   3167:                </listitem>
                   3168:                <listitem>
                   3169:                  <para>
                   3170:                    <guimenuitem>COMMAND2</guimenuitem>
                   3171:                    &mdash; This ....
                   3172:                  </para>
                   3173:                </listitem>
                   3174:              </itemizedlist>
                   3175:            </para>
                   3176:          </listitem>
                   3177:        </varlistentry>
                   3180:        <varlistentry>
                   3181:          <term><guimenu>Settings</guimenu></term>
                   3182:          <listitem>
                   3183:            <para>
                   3184:           This menu contains:
                   3185:           <itemizedlist>
                   3186:                <listitem>
                   3187:                  <para>
                   3188:              <guimenuitem>Preferences&hellip;</guimenuitem>
                   3189:               &mdash; This opens the <link
                   3190:               linkend="prefs"><interface>Preferences
                   3191:               Dialog</interface></link>, which allows you to configure
                   3192:               many settings.
                   3193:             </para>
                   3194:                </listitem>
                   3195:                <listitem>
                   3196:                  <para>
                   3197:                    <guimenuitem>COMMAND3</guimenuitem> &mdash;
                   3198:                    This command does something.
                   3199:                   </para>
                   3200:                </listitem>
                   3201:              </itemizedlist>
                   3202:            </para>
                   3203:          </listitem>
                   3204:        </varlistentry>
                   3206:        <varlistentry>
                   3207:          <term><guimenu>Help</guimenu></term>
                   3208:          <listitem>
                   3209:            <para>
                   3210:              This menu contains:
                   3211:               <itemizedlist>
                   3212:                <listitem>
                   3213:                  <para>
                   3214:                     <guimenuitem>Manual</guimenuitem> &mdash; This
                   3215:                      opens the <application>GNOME Help
                   3216:                      Browser</application> and displays this manual.
                   3217:                  </para>
                   3218:                </listitem>
                   3220:                <listitem>
                   3221:                  <para>
                   3222:                    <guimenuitem>About</guimenuitem> &mdash; This
                   3223:                    opens the <interface>About</interface> dialog
                   3224:                    which shows basic information about
                   3225:                    <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application>, such as
                   3226:                    the author's name, the application version number,
                   3227:                    and the URL for the application's Web page if one
                   3228:                    exists.
                   3229:                  </para>
                   3230:                </listitem>
                   3231:              </itemizedlist>
                   3232:             </para>
                   3233:          </listitem>
                   3234:        </varlistentry>
                   3235:       </variablelist>
                   3236:     </sect2>
                   3237:   </sect1>
                   3241:  <!-- ============= Customization ============================= -->
                   3243:  <sect1 id="prefs">
                   3244:   <title>Customization</title>
                   3245:   <para>
                   3246:    To change the application settings, select
                   3247:    <menuchoice>
                   3248:     <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
                   3249:     <guimenuitem>Preferences...</guimenuitem>
                   3250:    </menuchoice>.  This opens the
                   3251:    <interface>Preferences</interface> dialog, shown in <xref
                   3252:    linkend="preferences-fig">.
                   3253:   </para>
                   3255:   <figure id="preferences-fig">
                   3256:    <title>Preferences Dialog</title>
                   3257:    <screenshot>
                   3258:     <screeninfo>Preferences Dialog</screeninfo>
                   3259:     <graphic fileref="SCREENSHOT" format="png"
                   3260:      srccredit="ME">
                   3261:     </graphic>
                   3262:    </screenshot>
                   3263:   </figure>
                   3265:   <para>
                   3266:    The properties in the <guilabel>PREFSTABNAME</guilabel> tab are:
                   3268:    <!--many people use itemizedlists in cases like this. Variablelists
                   3269:    are more appropriate -->
                   3271:       <variablelist>
                   3272:        <varlistentry>
                   3273:          <term> <guilabel>Default Text Style</guilabel></term>
                   3274:          <listitem>
                   3275:            <para>
                   3276:               Select the default text style for statements in your
                   3277:               proof.  You can still change the style for individual
                   3278:               proofs or sections of a proof at a later date.
                   3279:             </para>
                   3280:          </listitem>
                   3281:        </varlistentry>
                   3282:        <varlistentry>
                   3283:          <term>(Configuration Item Label)</term>
                   3284:          <listitem>
                   3285:            <para>
                   3286:              (Description of Configuration)
                   3287:              </para>
                   3288:          </listitem>
                   3289:        </varlistentry>
                   3290:        <varlistentry>
                   3291:          <term>(Configuration Item Label)</term>
                   3292:          <listitem>
                   3293:            <para>
                   3294:              (Description of Configuration)
                   3295:              </para>
                   3296:          </listitem>
                   3297:        </varlistentry>
                   3298:       </variablelist>
                   3299:     </para>
                   3301:     <para>
                   3302:      The properties in the <guilabel>SECONDTABNAME</guilabel> tab are:
                   3303:        <variablelist>
                   3304:        <varlistentry>
                   3305:          <term>(Configuration Item Label)</term>
                   3306:          <listitem>
                   3307:            <para>
                   3308:              (Description of Configuration)
                   3309:              </para>
                   3310:          </listitem>
                   3311:        </varlistentry>
                   3312:        <varlistentry>
                   3313:          <term>(Configuration Item Label)</term>
                   3314:          <listitem>
                   3315:            <para>
                   3316:              (Description of Configuration)
                   3317:              </para>
                   3318:          </listitem>
                   3319:        </varlistentry>
                   3320:       </variablelist>
                   3321:     </para>
                   3323:   <para>
                   3324:     After you have made all the changes you want, click on
                   3325:     <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to apply the changes and close the
                   3326:     <interface>Properties</interface> dialog. To cancel the changes
                   3327:     and return to previous values, click the
                   3328:     <guibutton>Close</guibutton> button.
                   3329:   </para>
                   3331:  </sect1>
                   3334:  <!-- ============= Various Sections ============================= -->
                   3336:  <!-- Here you should add, if necessary, several more sect1's,
                   3337:  describing other windows (besides the main one), file formats,
                   3338:  preferences dialogs,  etc. as appropriate. Try not to make any of
                   3339:  these sections too long. -->
                   3342:  <!-- ============= Bugs ================================== -->
                   3343:  <!-- This section should describe known bugs and limitations of
                   3344:       the program if there are any - please be frank and list all
                   3345:       problems you know of. -->
                   3346:  <sect1 id="bugs">
                   3347:   <title>Known Bugs and Limitations</title>
                   3348:   <para>
                   3349:    This application has no known bugs.
                   3350:   </para>
                   3351:  </sect1>
                   3354: <!-- ============= Authors ================================ -->
                   3356:  <sect1 id="authors">
                   3357:   <title>Authors</title>
                   3358:   <para>
                   3359:    <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application> was written by GNOME-HACKER
                   3360:    (<email></email>). To find more information about
                   3361:    <application>MY-GNOME-APP</application>, please visit the <ulink
                   3362:    url="" type="http">MY-GNOME-APP Web
                   3363:    page</ulink>.  Please send all comments, suggestions, and bug
                   3364:    reports to the <ulink url="" type="http">GNOME
                   3365:    bug tracking database</ulink>. (Instructions for submitting bug
                   3366:    reports can be found <ulink
                   3367:    url="" type="http">
                   3368:    on-line</ulink>.)  You can also use <application>Bug Report
                   3369:    Tool</application> (<command>bug-buddy</command>), available in the
                   3370:    <guisubmenu>Utilities</guisubmenu> submenu of <guimenu>Main
                   3371:    Menu</guimenu>, for submitting bug reports.
                   3372:   </para>
                   3374:   <para>
                   3375:    This manual was written by ME
                   3376:    (<email>MYNAME@MYADDRESS</email>). Please send all comments and
                   3377:    suggestions regarding this manual to the <ulink type="http"
                   3378:    url="">GNOME Documentation 
                   3379:    Project</ulink> by sending an email to 
                   3380:    <email></email>. You can also add your comments online 
                   3381:    by using the <ulink type="http" 
                   3382:    url="">GNOME Documentation Status
                   3383:    Table</ulink>.
                   3384:   </para>
                   3386:   <!-- For translations: uncomment this:
                   3388:   <para>
                   3389:    Latin translation was done by ME
                   3390:    (<email>MYNAME@MYADDRESS</email>). Please send all  comments  and
                   3391:    suggestions regarding this translation to SOMEWHERE.
                   3392:   </para>
                   3394:   -->
                   3396:  </sect1>
                   3399:  <!-- ============= Application License ============================= -->
                   3401:  <sect1 id="license">
                   3402:   <title>License</title>
                   3403:   <para>
                   3404:    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
                   3405:    modify it under the terms of the <citetitle>GNU General Public
                   3406:    License</citetitle> as published by the Free Software Foundation;
                   3407:    either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
                   3408:    version.
                   3409:   </para>
                   3410:   <para>
                   3411:    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
                   3412:    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
                   3413:    MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
                   3414:    <citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle> for more details.
                   3415:   </para>
                   3416:   <para>
                   3417:    A copy of the <citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle> is
                   3418:    included as an appendix to the <citetitle>GNOME Users
                   3419:    Guide</citetitle>.  You may also obtain a copy of the
                   3420:    <citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle> from the Free
                   3421:    Software Foundation by visiting <ulink type="http"
                   3422:    url="">their Web site</ulink> or by writing to
                   3423:    <address>
                   3424:     Free Software Foundation, Inc.
                   3425:     <street>59 Temple Place</street> - Suite 330
                   3426:     <city>Boston</city>, <state>MA</state> <postcode>02111-1307</postcode>
                   3427:     <country>USA</country>
                   3428:    </address>
                   3429:   </para>
                   3430:  </sect1>
                   3431: </article>
                   3441: ]]>
                   3444: </programlisting>
                   3445:       </para>
                   3446:     </sect1>
                   3448: <!-- ####### Document Templates | Templates 2-1.x: Applet Manual ####### -->
                   3450:     <sect1 id="template2-1x">
                   3451:       <title>Template 2: Applet Manual For GNOME 1.x</title>
                   3452:       <para>
                   3453:         The following templates should be used for all applet
                   3454:         manuals in GNOME 1.x releases.  You can always get the latest
                   3455:         copy of these templates from  <ulink type="http"
                   3456:         url="">GDP
                   3457:         Documentation Templates</ulink>.  Note that the template
                   3458:         consists of two files; the first file calls the second as an
                   3459:         entity. You should name the first file
                   3460:         <filename><replaceable>appletname</replaceable>-applet.sgml</filename>
                   3461:         and the second file should be named
                   3462:         <filename><replaceable>appletname</replaceable>.sgml</filename>,
                   3463:         where
                   3464:         <filename><replaceable>appletname</replaceable></filename> is
                   3465:         the name of the applet.
                   3466:         <programlisting>
                   3468: <![CDATA[
                   3469: <!DOCTYPE Article PUBLIC "-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant V1.1//EN"[
                   3470:  <!entity APPLETNAME.sgml SYSTEM "applet_template_1.sgml">
                   3471:         <!--  Template Version: 1.0.1  (do not remove this line) -->
                   3472: ]>
                   3474: <!-- This is a GNOME documentation template, designed by the GNOME
                   3475:   Documentation Project Team. Please use it for writing GNOME
                   3476:   documentation, making obvious changes. In particular, all the words
                   3477:   written in UPPERCASE (with the exception of GNOME) should be
                   3478:   replaced. As for "legalnotice", please leave the reference
                   3479:   unchanged,make sure to add/remove trademarks to the list as
                   3480:   appropriate for your document.
                   3482:   Please don't forget to remove these comments in your final documentation,
                   3483:   thanks ;-).
                   3484: -->
                   3486: <article id="index"> <!-- please do not change the id -->
                   3488:  <!-- ============= Document Header ============================= -->
                   3489:  <artheader> 
                   3490:   <title>APPLETNAME Applet</title>
                   3491:   <copyright>
                   3492:    <year>2000</year>
                   3493:    <holder>YOURFULLNAME</holder>
                   3494:   </copyright>
                   3496:   <!-- translators: uncomment this:
                   3498:   <copyright>
                   3499:    <year>2000</year>
                   3500:    <holder>ME-THE-TRANSLATOR (Latin translation)</holder>
                   3501:   </copyright>
                   3503:    -->
                   3505:   <!-- do not put authorname in the header except in copyright - use
                   3506:   section "authors" below -->
                   3508:   <legalnotice>
                   3509:    <para>
                   3510:     Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
                   3511:     document under the terms of the <citetitle>GNU Free Documentation
                   3512:     License</citetitle>, Version 1.1 or any later version published
                   3513:     by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant Sections, no
                   3514:     Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. You may obtain a copy
                   3515:     of the <citetitle>GNU Free Documentation License</citetitle> from
                   3516:     the Free Software Foundation by visiting <ulink type="http"
                   3517:     url="">their Web site</ulink> or by writing to:
                   3518:     Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
                   3519:     Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
                   3520:    </para>
                   3521:    <para>
                   3522:     Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products and
                   3523:     services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names appear in any
                   3524:     GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aware to the members
                   3525:     of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have been printed in caps
                   3526:     or initial caps.
                   3527:    </para>
                   3528:   </legalnotice>
                   3530:   <releaseinfo>
                   3531:    This is version XXX of the APPLETNAME applet manual.
                   3532:   </releaseinfo>
                   3533:  </artheader>
                   3535:  <!-- ============= Document Body ============================= -->
                   3537:  &APPLETNAME.sgml;
                   3539: </article>
                   3542: ]]>
                   3545: </programlisting>
                   3546:         <programlisting>
                   3547: <![CDATA[
                   3548:         <!--  Template Version: 1.0.1  (do not remove this line) -->
                   3550:  <sect1 id="APPLET">
                   3551:   <title>APPLET Applet</title>
                   3553:   <para>
                   3554:    <application>APPLET</application> applet, shown in <xref
                   3555:    linkend="APPLETapplet-fig">, allows you to &hellip;.  To add this
                   3556:    applet to a <interface>Panel</interface>, 
                   3557:    right-click on the <interface>Panel</interface> and choose
                   3558:    <menuchoice>
                   3559:     <guimenu>Panel</guimenu>
                   3560:     <guisubmenu>Add to panel</guisubmenu>
                   3561:     <guisubmenu>Applet</guisubmenu>
                   3562:     <guisubmenu>SECTION</guisubmenu>
                   3563:     <guimenuitem>APPLET</guimenuitem>
                   3564:    </menuchoice>.
                   3565:   </para>
                   3567:   <figure id="APPLETapplet-fig">
                   3568:    <title>APPLET Applet</title>
                   3569:    <screenshot>
                   3570:     <screeninfo>APPLET Applet</screeninfo>
                   3571:     <graphic format="png" fileref="APPLET_applet" 
                   3572:     srccredit="YOURNAME">
                   3573:     </graphic>
                   3574:    </screenshot>
                   3575:   </figure>
                   3577:   <!-- ============= Usage  ================================ -->
                   3578:   <sect2 id="APPLET-usage">
                   3579:    <title>Usage</title>
                   3580:    <para>
                   3581:     (Place a short description of how to use the applet here.)
                   3582:    </para>
                   3584:    <para>
                   3585:     Right-clicking on the applet brings up a menu containing the
                   3586:     following items:
                   3587:     <itemizedlist>
                   3589:      <listitem>
                   3590:       <para>
                   3591:        <guimenuitem>Properties&hellip;</guimenuitem> &mdash;
                   3592:        opens the <link linkend="APPLET-prefs">
                   3593:        <guilabel>Properties</guilabel></link> dialog.
                   3594:       </para>
                   3595:      </listitem>
                   3597:      <listitem>
                   3598:       <para>
                   3599:        <guimenuitem>Help</guimenuitem> &mdash;
                   3600:        displays this document.
                   3601:       </para>
                   3602:      </listitem>
                   3604:      <listitem>
                   3605:       <para>
                   3606:        <guimenuitem>About&hellip;</guimenuitem> &mdash;
                   3607:        shows basic information about <application>APPLET
                   3608:        Applet</application>, including the applet's version and the
                   3609:        author's name.
                   3610:       </para>
                   3611:      </listitem>
                   3613:     </itemizedlist>
                   3614:    </para>
                   3615:   </sect2>
                   3618:   <!-- ============= Customization ============================= -->
                   3619:   <sect2 id="APPLET-prefs">
                   3620:     <title>Customization</title>
                   3621:     <para>
                   3622:       You can customize <application>APPLET</application>
                   3623:       applet by right-clicking on it and choosing
                   3624:       <guimenuitem>Properties&hellip;</guimenuitem>. This will open the
                   3625:       <interface>Properties</interface> dialog(shown in <xref
                   3626:       linkend="APPLET-settings-fig">), which allows you to
                   3627:       change various settings.
                   3628:     </para>
                   3630:     <figure id="APPLET-settings-fig">
                   3631:      <title>Properties dialog</title>
                   3632:      <screenshot>
                   3633:       <screeninfo>Properties dialog</screeninfo>
                   3634:       <graphic format="png" fileref="APPLET_settings"
                   3635:       srccredit="YOURNAME">
                   3636:       </graphic>
                   3637:      </screenshot>
                   3638:     </figure>
                   3640:     <para>
                   3641:      The properties are:
                   3642:      <itemizedlist>
                   3644:       <listitem>
                   3645:        <para>
                   3646:         (Configuration Item Label) &mdash; If this button is
                   3647:         checked&hellip;(description)
                   3648:        </para>
                   3649:       </listitem>
                   3651:       <listitem>
                   3652:        <para>
                   3653:         (Configuration Item Label) &mdash; Selecting this
                   3654:         button&hellip;(description)
                   3655:        </para>
                   3656:       </listitem>
                   3658:       <listitem>
                   3659:        <para>
                   3660:         (Configuration Item Label) &mdash; Enter the name of
                   3661:         &hellip;(description)
                   3662:        </para>
                   3663:       </listitem>
                   3664:      </itemizedlist>
                   3665:     </para>
                   3667:     <para> 
                   3668:       After you have made all the changes you want, click on
                   3669:       <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to apply the changes and close the
                   3670:       <interface>Properties</interface> dialog. To cancel the changes
                   3671:       and return to previous values, click the
                   3672:       <guibutton>Close</guibutton> button.
                   3673:     </para>
                   3674:   </sect2>
                   3677:   <!-- ============= Bugs ================================== -->
                   3678:   <!-- This section should describe known bugs and limitations of
                   3679:        the program if there are any - please be frank and list all
                   3680:        problems you know of -->
                   3681:   <sect2 id="bugs">
                   3682:    <title>Known Bugs and Limitations</title>
                   3683:    <para>
                   3684:     This applet has no known bugs.
                   3685:    </para>
                   3686:   </sect2>
                   3689:   <!-- ============= Authors ================================ -->
                   3691:   <sect2 id="authors">
                   3692:    <title>Authors</title>
                   3693:    <para>
                   3694:     <application>APPLET</application> was written by GNOME-HACKER
                   3695:     (<email></email>).  Please send all comments,
                   3696:     suggestions, and bug 
                   3697:     reports to the <ulink url="" type="http">GNOME
                   3698:     bug tracking database</ulink>. (Instructions for submitting bug
                   3699:     reports can be found <ulink
                   3700:     url="" type="http">
                   3701:     on-line</ulink>.  You can also use <application>Bug Report
                   3702:     Tool</application> (<command>bug-buddy</command>), available in the
                   3703:     <guisubmenu>Utilities</guisubmenu> submenu of <guimenu>Main
                   3704:     Menu</guimenu>, for submitting bug reports.
                   3705:    </para>
                   3707:    <para>
                   3708:     This manual was written by ME
                   3709:     (<email>MYNAME@MYADDRESS</email>). Please send all comments and
                   3710:     suggestions regarding this manual to the <ulink type="http"
                   3711:     url="">GNOME Documentation
                   3712:     Project</ulink>  by sending an email to
                   3713:     <email></email>. You can also submit comments online
                   3714:     by using the <ulink type="http"
                   3715:     url="">GNOME Documentation
                   3716:     Status Table</ulink>.
                   3717:    </para>
                   3719:    <!-- For translations: uncomment this:
                   3721:    <para>
                   3722:     Latin translation was done by ME
                   3723:     (<email>MYNAME@MYADDRESS</email>). Please send all  comments  and
                   3724:     suggestions regarding this translation to SOMEWHERE.
                   3725:    </para>
                   3727:    -->
                   3729:   </sect2>
                   3732:   <!-- ============= Application License ============================= -->
                   3734:   <sect2 id="license">
                   3735:    <title>License</title>
                   3736:    <para>
                   3737:     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
                   3738:     modify it under the terms of the <citetitle>GNU General Public
                   3739:     License</citetitle> as published by the Free Software Foundation;
                   3740:     either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
                   3741:     version.
                   3742:    </para>
                   3743:    <para>
                   3744:     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
                   3745:     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
                   3746:     MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the
                   3747:     <citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle> for more details.
                   3748:    </para>
                   3749:    <para>
                   3750:     A copy of the <citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle> is
                   3751:     included as an appendix to the <citetitle>GNOME Users
                   3752:     Guide</citetitle>.  You may also obtain a copy of the
                   3753:     <citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle> from the Free
                   3754:     Software Foundation by visiting <ulink type="http"
                   3755:     url="">their Web site</ulink> or by writing to
                   3756:     <address>
                   3757:      Free Software Foundation, Inc.
                   3758:      <street>59 Temple Place</street> - Suite 330
                   3759:      <city>Boston</city>, <state>MA</state> <postcode>02111-1307</postcode>
                   3760:      <country>USA</country>
                   3761:     </address>
                   3762:    </para>
                   3763:   </sect2>
                   3765:  </sect1>
                   3770: ]]>
                   3774: </programlisting>
                   3775:       </para>
                   3776:     </sect1>
                   3778: <!-- ####### Document Templates | Templates 2-2.x: Applet Manual ####### -->
                   3780:     <sect1 id="template2-2x">
                   3781:       <title>Template 2: Applet Manual For GNOME 2.x</title>
                   3782:       <para>
                   3783:         The following templates should be used for all applet
                   3784:         manuals in GNOME 2.x releases.  You can always get the latest
                   3785:         copy of these templates from  <ulink type="http"
                   3786:         url="">GDP
                   3787:         Documentation Templates</ulink>.
                   3788:       </para>
                   3789:       <para>
                   3790:         Note that this template consists of two files.  The first file
                   3791:         is an introductory chapter. You should not modify this
                   3792:         chapter. The second file is the actual applet document, which
                   3793:         you should modify to describe the applet you are documenting.
                   3794:         You can name the first file whatever you like, such as
                   3795:         <filename>gnome-applets.sgml</filename>.  Name the second file
                   3796:         according to the applet's name:
                   3797:         <filename><replaceable>appletname</replaceable>-applet.sgml</filename>.
                   3798:         Make sure you update the entity
                   3799:         at the top of the shell document to reflect the new name of
                   3800:         the applet document.
                   3801:       </para>
                   3802:       <para>
                   3803:         <programlisting>
                   3804: <![CDATA[
                   3805: <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant V1.1//EN"[
                   3806: <!ENTITY TEMPLATE-APPLET SYSTEM "gnome-applet-template.sgml.part">
                   3808: ]>
                   3810: <book id="gnome-applets">
                   3812:  <bookinfo>
                   3813:   <title>GNOME Applets</title>
                   3814:   <authorgroup>
                   3815:    <author><firstname>Telsa</firstname><surname>Gwynne</surname></author>
                   3816:    <author><firstname>John</firstname><surname>Fleck</surname></author>
                   3817:    <author><firstname>David</firstname><surname>Mason</surname>
                   3818:       <affiliation><orgname>Red Hat, Inc.</orgname></affiliation>
                   3819:     </author>
                   3820:     <author><firstname>Dan</firstname><surname>Mueth</surname></author>
                   3821:     <author><firstname>Alexander</firstname><surname>Kirillov</surname></author>
                   3822:   </authorgroup>
                   3823:   <edition>GNOME Applets version 0.1 for GNOME 1.1.5</edition>
                   3824:   <pubdate>2000</pubdate>
                   3825:   <copyright>
                   3826:    <year>2000</year>
                   3827:    <holder>Telsa Gwynne, John Fleck, Red Hat Inc., Dan Mueth, and
                   3828:     Alexander Kirillov</holder> 
                   3829:   </copyright>
                   3830:   <legalnotice>
                   3831:    <para>
                   3832:     Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
                   3833:     manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
                   3834:     preserved on all copies.
                   3835:    </para>
                   3836:    <para>
                   3837:     Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
                   3838:     this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
                   3839:     the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
                   3840:     permission notice identical to this one.
                   3841:    </para>
                   3842:    <para>
                   3843:     Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
                   3844:     manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
                   3845:     versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
                   3846:     translation approved by the Free Software Foundation.
                   3847:    </para>
                   3848:    <para>
                   3849:     Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products and
                   3850:     services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names appear in any
                   3851:     GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aware to the members
                   3852:     of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have been printed in caps
                   3853:     or initial caps.
                   3854:    </para>
                   3855:   </legalnotice>
                   3856:  </bookinfo>
                   3858:  <!-- #### Introduction ###### -->
                   3859:  <chapter id="applets-intro">
                   3860:   <title>Introduction</title> 
                   3862:   <!-- #### Intro | What Are Applets? ###### -->
                   3863:   <sect1 id="applets-what-are">
                   3864:    <title>What Are Applets?</title> 
                   3865:    <para>
                   3866:     Applets are one of the most popular and useful objects you can add
                   3867:     to your <interface>Panel</interface> to customize your desktop.
                   3868:     An applet is a small application which runs inside a small area of
                   3869:     your <interface>Panel</interface>. Applets have been written for
                   3870:     a wide range of purposes.  Some are very powerful interactive
                   3871:     tools, such as the <application>Tasklist</application> Applet
                   3872:     which allows you to easily 
                   3873:     control all of your main applications.  Others are simple system
                   3874:     monitors, displaying information such as the amount of power left
                   3875:     in the battery on your laptop (see <application>Battery Charge
                   3876:     Monitor</application>) or weather
                   3877:     information(see <application>GNOME Weather</application>).  Some
                   3878:     are simply for amusement(see <application>Fish</application>).
                   3879:    </para>
                   3881:    <para>
                   3882:     Applets are similar to swallowed applications in that both of them
                   3883:     reside within the <interface>Panel</interface>. However, 
                   3884:     swallowed applications are generally applications which were
                   3885:     not designed to run within the <interface>Panel</interface>.
                   3886:     Typically one will swallow an application which already exists in
                   3887:     the main <interface>desktop</interface> area, putting it into your
                   3888:     <interface>Panel</interface>.  The application will continue to
                   3889:     run in the <interface>Panel</interface> until you end the
                   3890:     application or  unswallow it,  placing it back onto the main part of
                   3891:     your desktop when you need to.
                   3892:    </para>
                   3894:    <para>
                   3895:     <figure id="example-applets-fig">
                   3896:      <title>Example Applets</title>
                   3897:      <screenshot>
                   3898:       <screeninfo>Example Applets</screeninfo>
                   3899:        <graphic fileref="example_applets" format="png"
                   3900:        srccredit="muet">
                   3901:        </graphic>
                   3902:      </screenshot>
                   3903:     </figure>
                   3904:     Several example applets are shown in <xref
                   3905:     linkend="example-applets-fig">.  From left to right, they are: (1)
                   3906:     <application>Mixer Applet</application>, which allows you to turn
                   3907:     on/off sound and control its volume by clicking on the applet.  (2)
                   3908:     <application>Sound Monitor</application> Applet, which displays
                   3909:     the current volume of sound being played and allows you to control
                   3910:     various sound features.  (3) <application>GTCD</application>
                   3911:     Applet, a CD player which has all its controls
                   3912:     available in the applet and displays the track and time. (4)
                   3913:     <application>Drive Mount</application> Applet, used to mount and
                   3914:     unmount drives with a single click of the mouse. (5)
                   3915:     <application>Desk Guide</application> which allows you to view
                   3916:     and control multiple virtual screens. (6)
                   3917:     <application>Tasklist</application> Applet which allows you to
                   3918:     control your various windows and applications.
                   3919:    </para>
                   3920:    <para>
                   3921:     There are many other applets to choose from.  The rest of this
                   3922:     chapter will explain the basic information to get you started
                   3923:     adding, moving, and removing applets from your
                   3924:     <interface>Panels</interface> and using them. The following
                   3925:     chapters go through each of the standard GNOME applets describing
                   3926:     them in detail.  There are also additional applets which can be
                   3927:     downloaded off the Web.   See <ulink type="http"
                   3928:      url="">The GNOME
                   3929:     Software Map</ulink> for lists of additional GNOME applications
                   3930:     and applets. 
                   3931:    </para>
                   3932:    <para>
                   3933:     As you read through the the rest of this chapter, you should try
                   3934:     adding and removing applets from your <interface>Panel</interface> and
                   3935:     experiment with them freely.  
                   3936:    </para>
                   3937:   </sect1>
                   3939:   <!-- #### Intro | Adding, Moving, and Removing Applets ###### -->
                   3940:   <sect1 id="applet-add-move-replace">
                   3941:    <title>Adding, Moving, and Removing Applets</title>
                   3943:    <sect2 id="adding-applets">   
                   3944:     <title>Adding Applets to a Panel</title>
                   3945:     <para>
                   3946:      To add an applet to a <interface>Panel</interface>, right-click
                   3947:      on the <interface>Panel</interface> and select 
                   3948:      <menuchoice><guimenu>Panel</guimenu><guisubmenu>Add to panel</guisubmenu>
                   3949:      <guisubmenu>Applet</guisubmenu></menuchoice>. This will show you
                   3950:      the menu of all the applets on your system, divided into
                   3951:      categories. Choosing any applet from this menu will add it to the
                   3952:      <interface>Panel</interface>.
                   3953:     </para>
                   3954:    </sect2>
                   3956:    <sect2 id="moving-applets">
                   3957:     <title>Moving Applets In or Between Panels</title>
                   3958:     <para>
                   3959:      It is easy to move applets in a <interface>Panel</interface> or
                   3960:      between two <interface>Panels</interface>. If you have a
                   3961:      three-button mouse, just move the mouse over the applet, depress
                   3962:      the middle mouse button and drag the applet to its new location,
                   3963:      releasing the middle mouse button when you are finished.  Note
                   3964:      that you can drag applets within a <interface>Panel</interface>
                   3965:      or between two <interface>Panels</interface> this way. If you
                   3966:      don't have a three-button mouse, just 
                   3967:      right-click on the applet and choose
                   3968:      <guimenuitem>Move</guimenuitem>. The cursor will turn into a
                   3969:      cross and the applet will move with your mouse until you press
                   3970:      any mouse button to indicate you are finished moving it.
                   3971:      If, in the course of this movement, it hits
                   3972:      other objects, the behavior depends on the global preferences
                   3973:      you have set for your <interface>Panels</interface> in the
                   3974:      <application>GNOME Control Center</application>: the applet you are
                   3975:      moving can switch places with other objects, "push" all objects
                   3976:      it meets, or "jump" over all other objects without disturbing
                   3977:      them. You can also override the default behavior by holding
                   3978:      <keycap>Shift</keycap> button (for "push" mode),
                   3979:      <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> (for "switched" mode), or
                   3980:      <keycap>Alt</keycap> (for "free" mode, i.e. jumping other other
                   3981:      objects without disturbing them) button while dragging.
                   3982:     </para>
                   3983:     <para>
                   3984:      To change the global Panel preferences, right-click on any applet
                   3985:      or <interface>Panel</interface> and select 
                   3986:      <menuchoice>
                   3987:       <guimenu>Panel</guimenu>
                   3988:       <guimenuitem>Global Preferences...</guimenuitem>
                   3989:      </menuchoice>.
                   3990:      The <guilabel>Default movement mode</guilabel> is set under the
                   3991:      <guilabel>Applets</guilabel> tab.
                   3992:     </para>
                   3993:    </sect2>
                   3995:    <sect2 id="removing-applets">
                   3996:     <title>Removing Applets from a Panel</title> 
                   3997:     <para>  
                   3998:      To remove an applet from a <interface>Panel</interface>,
                   3999:      right-click on the applet and select <guimenuitem>Remove from
                   4000:      panel...</guimenuitem>. 
                   4001:     </para>
                   4002:    </sect2>
                   4003:   </sect1>
                   4006:   <!-- #### Intro | The Right-Click Pop-Up Menu ###### -->
                   4007:   <sect1 id="right-click-pop-up-menu">
                   4008:    <title>The Right-Click Pop-Up Menu</title>
                   4009:    <para>
                   4010:     Clicking the right mouse button on any applet brings up
                   4011:     a <guimenu>pop-up menu</guimenu>. This 
                   4012:     menu always has certain standard menu items in it and
                   4013:     often has additional items which vary depending on the particular
                   4014:     applet. 
                   4015:    </para>
                   4016:    <sect2 id="standard-right-click-items"> 
                   4017:     <title>Standard Pop-Up Items</title>
                   4018:     <para>
                   4019:      All applets should have the following items in their right-click
                   4020:      <guimenu>pop-up menu</guimenu>:
                   4021:      <variablelist>
                   4022:       <varlistentry>
                   4023:        <term>Remove from panel</term>
                   4024:        <listitem>
                   4025:         <para>
                   4026:          The <guimenuitem>Remove from panel</guimenuitem> menu item
                   4027:          removes the applet from the <interface>Panel</interface>. 
                   4028:         </para>
                   4029:        </listitem>
                   4030:       </varlistentry>
                   4032:       <varlistentry>
                   4033:        <term>Move</term>
                   4034:        <listitem>
                   4035:         <para>
                   4036:          After selecting <guimenuitem>Move</guimenuitem>, your mouse
                   4037:          pointer will change appearance (typically to a cross with
                   4038:          arrows in each direction). As you move your mouse, the applet
                   4039:          will move with it.  When you have finished moving the applet,
                   4040:          click any mouse button and the applet will anchor in its
                   4041:          current position.  Note that applets can be moved between two
                   4042:          <interface>Panels</interface> this way.
                   4043:         </para>
                   4044:        </listitem>
                   4045:       </varlistentry>
                   4047:       <varlistentry>
                   4048:        <term>Panel</term>
                   4049:        <listitem>
                   4050:         <para>
                   4051:          The <guisubmenu>Panel</guisubmenu> submenu contains various
                   4052:          items and submenus for adding and removing
                   4053:          <interface>Panels</interface> and applets and for changing
                   4054:          the configuration.
                   4055:         </para>
                   4056:        </listitem>
                   4057:       </varlistentry>
                   4059:       <varlistentry>
                   4060:        <term>About</term>
                   4061:        <listitem>
                   4062:         <para>
                   4063:          The <guimenuitem>About...</guimenuitem> menu item brings up a 
                   4064:          dialogue box containing various information about the applet,
                   4065:          typically including the applet's  name, version, author,
                   4066:          copyright, license and desciption. 
                   4067:         </para>
                   4068:        </listitem>
                   4069:       </varlistentry>
                   4071:       <varlistentry>
                   4072:        <term>Help</term>
                   4073:        <listitem>
                   4074:         <para>
                   4075:          The <guimenuitem>Help</guimenuitem> menu item brings up the help
                   4076:          manual for the applet. 
                   4077:         </para>
                   4078:        </listitem>
                   4079:       </varlistentry>
                   4080:      </variablelist>
                   4081:     </para>
                   4082:    </sect2>
                   4084:    <sect2 id="applet-properties-dialog"> 
                   4085:     <title>The Applet Properties Dialog</title>
                   4086:     <para>
                   4087:      Many applets have customizable properties.  These applets will
                   4088:      have a <guimenuitem>Properties...</guimenuitem> menu item in their
                   4089:      right-click <guimenu>pop-up menu</guimenu> which brings up the
                   4090:      <interface>Properties</interface> dialog where you can alter the 
                   4091:      appearance or behaviour of the applet.
                   4092:      <figure id="example-props-dialog-fig">
                   4093:       <title>An Example Applet Properties Dialog</title>
                   4094:       <screenshot>
                   4095:        <screeninfo>An Example Applets Properties Dialog</screeninfo>
                   4096:        <graphic fileref="applet_props_dialog" format="png"
                   4097:         srccredit="muet">
                   4098:        </graphic>
                   4099:       </screenshot>
                   4100:      </figure>
                   4101:      All <interface>Properties</interface> dialogs have the following
                   4102:      buttons at the bottom of the dialog:
                   4103:      <itemizedlist>
                   4104:       <listitem>
                   4105:        <para>
                   4106:         <guibutton>OK</guibutton> &mdash;
                   4107:         Pressing <guibutton>OK</guibutton> will activate any changes
                   4108:         in the properties you have made and close the
                   4109:         <interface>Properties</interface> dialog.
                   4110:        </para>
                   4111:       </listitem>
                   4112:       <listitem>
                   4113:        <para>
                   4114:         <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> &mdash;
                   4115:         Pressing <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> at any time will
                   4116:         make your changes active without closing the
                   4117:         <interface>Properties</interface> dialog.  This is helpful if
                   4118:         you would like to test the effects of the changes you have
                   4119:         made but may want to continue changing the properties.
                   4120:        </para>
                   4121:       </listitem>
                   4122:       <listitem>
                   4123:        <para>
                   4124:         <guibutton>Close</guibutton> &mdash;
                   4125:         Pressing <guibutton>Close</guibutton> will close the
                   4126:         <interface>Properties</interface> dialog.  Only changes in the
                   4127:         configuration which were previously applied with the
                   4128:         <guibutton>Apply</guibutton> button will persist.  Other
                   4129:         changes will not be made active.
                   4130:        </para>
                   4131:       </listitem>
                   4132:       <listitem>
                   4133:        <para>
                   4134:         <guibutton>Help</guibutton> &mdash;
                   4135:         Pressing <guibutton>Help</guibutton> brings up the manual for
                   4136:         the application, opening it to the page describing the
                   4137:         <interface>Properties</interface> dialog.
                   4138:        </para>
                   4139:       </listitem>
                   4140:      </itemizedlist>
                   4141:     </para>
                   4142:    </sect2>
                   4144:    <sect2 id="common-right-click-items"> 
                   4145:     <title>Other Common Pop-Up Items</title>
                   4146:     <para>
                   4147:      Many applets also have one or more of the following items in their
                   4148:      right-click pop-up menu:
                   4149:      <variablelist>
                   4150:       <varlistentry>
                   4151:        <term>Run...</term>
                   4152:        <listitem>
                   4153:         <para>
                   4154:          The <guimenuitem>Run...</guimenuitem> menu item generally
                   4155:          invokes a program  which is related to the applet in some way
                   4156:          but which runs in its own window rather than in the
                   4157:          panel. For example: 
                   4158:         </para>
                   4159:         <orderedlist>
                   4160:          <listitem>
                   4161:           <para>
                   4162:            The <application>CPU Load</application> applet, which monitors
                   4163:            what programs are running, has a <guimenuitem>Run
                   4164:            gtop...</guimenuitem>  menu item. Selecting this menu item
                   4165:            starts <application>GTop</application>, which allows you to
                   4166:            view and control programs which are running.
                   4167:           </para>
                   4168:          </listitem>
                   4169:          <listitem>
                   4170:           <para>
                   4171:            The <application>CD Player</application> applet has a
                   4172:            <guimenuitem>Run gtcd...</guimenuitem> menu item which
                   4173:            starts the GNOME <application>CD Player</application> when
                   4174:            selected, which has more capabilities than the applet.
                   4175:           </para>
                   4176:          </listitem>
                   4177:         </orderedlist>
                   4178:        </listitem>
                   4179:       </varlistentry>
                   4180:      </variablelist>
                   4181:     </para>
                   4182:    </sect2>
                   4183:   </sect1>
                   4185:   <sect1 id="feedback">
                   4186:    <title>Feedback</title>
                   4187:    <sect2 id="reporting-bugs"> 
                   4188:     <title>Reporting Applet Bugs</title>
                   4189:     <para>
                   4190:      GNOME users are encouraged to report bugs to <ulink type="http"
                   4191:      url="">The GNOME Bug Tracking
                   4192:      System</ulink>.  The easiest way to submit bugs is to use the
                   4193:      <application>Bug Report Tool</application> program by selecting
                   4194:      <menuchoice>
                   4195:       <guimenu>Main Menu</guimenu> <guisubmenu>Utilities</guisubmenu>
                   4196:       <guimenuitem>Bug Report Tool</guimenuitem> 
                   4197:      </menuchoice>.
                   4198:      Be sure to be complete in describing what you did to cause the
                   4199:      bug to surface and, if possible, describe how the developer can
                   4200:      reproduce the the scenario.
                   4201:     </para>
                   4202:    </sect2>
                   4203:    <sect2 id="documentation-feedback"> 
                   4204:     <title>Providing Feedback</title>
                   4205:     <para>
                   4206:      GNOME users are welcome to provide suggestions for how
                   4207:      applications and documentation can be improved.  Suggestions for
                   4208:      application changes should be submitted using the
                   4209:      <application>Bug Report Tool</application> discussed above.
                   4210:      Suggestions for documentation changes can be emailed directly to
                   4211:      the documentation author (whose email should be included in the
                   4212:      "Authors" section of the document) or by sending an email to
                   4213:      <email></email>. 
                   4214:     </para>
                   4215:    </sect2>
                   4216:    <sect2 id="joining-gnome">  
                   4217:     <title>Joining GNOME</title>
                   4218:     <para>
                   4219:      GNOME is a community project, created by hundreds of programmers,
                   4220:      documentation writers, icon design artists, web masters, and
                   4221:      other people, most of whom work on a volunteer basis.  New GNOME
                   4222:      contributors are always welcome. To join the GNOME team, visit
                   4223:      these web sites: developers &mdash; <ulink type="http"
                   4224:      url="">The GNOME Development
                   4225:      Site</ulink>, documentation writers &mdash; <ulink type="http"
                   4226:      url="">The GNOME Documentation
                   4227:      Project</ulink>, icon design artists &mdash; <ulink type="http"
                   4228:      url="">Gnome Icon Web</ulink>,
                   4229:      general &mdash; <ulink type="http"
                   4230:      url="">Helping GNOME</ulink>,
                   4231:      or just join the gnome-list email list (see <ulink type="http"
                   4232:      url="">GNOME Mailing
                   4233:      Lists</ulink>) to discuss what you are interested in doing.
                   4234:     </para>
                   4235:    </sect2>
                   4236:   </sect1>
                   4237:  </chapter>
                   4239:  <!-- ############### Template Applets ##################### -->
                   4240:  <chapter id="template-applets">
                   4241:   <title>Template Applets</title>
                   4243:   &TEMPLATE-APPLET
                   4245:  </chapter>
                   4247: </book>
                   4255: ]]>
                   4256:        </programlisting>
                   4258:         <programlisting>
                   4259: <![CDATA[
                   4261:   <!-- Please replace everywhere below GNOMEAPPLET with the name of -->
                   4262:   <!-- your applet. Most importantly, all id attributes should start -->
                   4263:   <!-- with the name of your applet - this is necessary to avoid name -->
                   4264:   <!-- conflict among different applets --> 
                   4265:   <!-- Please replace YOUR-NAME with your name and YOUR-EMAIL with your email-->
                   4266:   <!-- Please replace HACKER-NAME with the applet author's name and -->
                   4267:   <!-- HACKER-EMAIL with the applet author's email -->
                   4269:   <!-- You should name your file: GNOMEAPPLET-applet.sgml -->
                   4270:   <!-- Screenshots should be in PNG format and placed in the -->
                   4271:   <!-- same directory as GNOMEAPPLET-applet.sgml -->
                   4273:   <!-- Applet docs will be merged into <chapter>'s inside a -->
                   4274:   <!-- <book>. Thus, the indentation below (2 spaces before the <sect1>) is -->
                   4275:   <!-- correct.-->
                   4277:   <!-- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of -->
                   4278:   <!-- this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission -->
                   4279:   <!-- notice are  preserved on all copies. -->
                   4280:   <!-- -->
                   4281:   <!-- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of -->
                   4282:   <!-- this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided -->
                   4283:   <!-- that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the -->
                   4284:   <!-- terms of a permission notice identical to this one. -->
                   4285:   <!-- -->
                   4286:   <!-- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this -->
                   4287:   <!-- manual into another language, under the above conditions for -->
                   4288:   <!-- modified versions, except that this permission notice may be -->
                   4289:   <!-- stated in a translation approved by the Foundation. -->
                   4291:   <!-- ###############   GNOMEAPPLET   ############### -->
                   4292:   <sect1 id="GNOMEAPPLET">
                   4293:    <title>GNOMEAPPLET Applet</title> 
                   4295:    <para> 
                   4296:     <application>GNOMEAPPLET</application> applet, shown in <xref
                   4297:     linkend="GNOMEAPPLET-fig">, does this and that. To learn how to
                   4298:     add this applet to a <interface>Panel</interface>, see <xref
                   4299:     linkend="adding-applets">. 
                   4300:    </para>
                   4303:    <figure id="GNOMEAPPLET-fig">
                   4304:    <title>GNOMEAPPLET</title>
                   4305:    <screenshot>
                   4306:     <screeninfo>GNOMEAPPLET</screeninfo>
                   4307:     <graphic format="png" fileref="GNOMEAPPLET-fig" srccredit="ME">
                   4308:     </graphic>
                   4309:    </screenshot>
                   4310:    </figure>
                   4312:    <sect2 id="GNOMEAPPLET-usage">
                   4313:     <title>Usage</title>
                   4314:     <para>
                   4315:      This applet does nothing. To use it, just
                   4316:      left-click on it and it will instantly do nothing.   
                   4317:     </para>
                   4318:    </sect2>
                   4320:    <sect2 id="GNOMEAPPLET-right-click">
                   4321:     <title>Right-Click Pop-Up Menu Items</title>
                   4322:     <para> 
                   4323:      In addition to the standard menu items (see <xref
                   4324:      linkend="standard-right-click-items">), the right-click pop-up menu has 
                   4325:      the following items: 
                   4326:      <itemizedlist>    
                   4327:       <listitem>
                   4328:        <para>
                   4329:         <guimenuitem>Properties...</guimenuitem> &mdash; This menu
                   4330:         item opens the <interface>Properties</interface> dialog (see
                   4331:         <xref linkend="GNOMEAPPLET-properties">) which allows you to
                   4332:         customize the appearance and behavior of this applet.
                   4333:        </para>
                   4334:       </listitem>
                   4335:       <listitem>
                   4336:        <para>
                   4337:         <guimenuitem>Run Hello World...</guimenuitem> &mdash; This
                   4338:         menu item starts the program <application>Hello
                   4339:         World</application>, used to say "hello" to the world. 
                   4340:        </para>
                   4341:       </listitem>
                   4342:      </itemizedlist>
                   4343:     </para>
                   4344:    </sect2>
                   4346:    <sect2 id="GNOMEAPPLET-properties">
                   4347:     <title>Properties</title>
                   4348:     <para>
                   4349:      You can configure <application>GNOMEAPPLET</application> applet by
                   4350:      right-clicking on the applet and choosing the
                   4351:      <guimenuitem>Properties...</guimenuitem> menu item. This will open the
                   4352:      <interface>Properties</interface> dialog, shown in <xref
                   4353:      linkend="GNOMEAPPLET-properties-fig">.
                   4354:     </para>
                   4355:     <figure id="GNOMEAPPLET-properties-fig">
                   4356:      <title>Properties Dialog</title>
                   4357:      <screenshot>
                   4358:       <screeninfo>Properties Dialog</screeninfo> 
                   4359:       <graphic format="png" fileref="GNOMEAPPLET-properties" srccredit="ME">
                   4360:       </graphic>
                   4361:      </screenshot>
                   4362:     </figure>
                   4364:     <para> 
                   4365:      To change the color of the applet, click on the
                   4366:      <guibutton>color</guibutton> button. To change other properties,
                   4367:      click on other buttons. 
                   4368:     </para>
                   4370:     <para>
                   4371:      For more information on the <interface>Properties</interface>
                   4372:      dialog, including descriptions of the <guibutton>OK</guibutton>,
                   4373:      <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>, <guibutton>Cancel</guibutton>, and
                   4374:      <guibutton>Help</guibutton> buttons, see <xref
                   4375:      linkend="applet-properties-dialog">.
                   4376:     </para>
                   4377:    </sect2>
                   4379:    <sect2 id="GNOMEAPPLET-bugs">
                   4380:     <title> Known Bugs and Limitations</title>
                   4381:     <para>
                   4382:      There are no known bugs in the
                   4383:      <application>GNOMEAPPLET</application> applet. 
                   4384:     </para>
                   4385:    </sect2>
                   4387:    <sect2 id="GNOMEAPPLET-authors">
                   4388:     <title>Authors</title>
                   4389:     <para>
                   4390:      This applet was writen by HACKER-NAME
                   4391:      <email>HACKER-EMAIL</email>.  The documentation for this applet
                   4392:      which you are reading now was written by
                   4393:      YOUR-NAME <email>YOUR-EMAIL</email>. For information on submitting
                   4394:      bug reports and suggestions for improvements, see <xref
                   4395:      linkend="feedback">. 
                   4396:     </para>
                   4397:    </sect2>
                   4399:   </sect1>
                   4405: ]]>
                   4408: </programlisting>
                   4409:       </para>
                   4410:     </sect1>
                   4412: <!-- ####### Document Templates | Templates 3: Application Help ####### 
                   4414:     <sect1 id="template3">
                   4415:       <title>Template 2: Application Help</title>
                   4416:       <programlisting>
                   4417: <![CDATA[(Put sgml here.)]]> </programlisting>
                   4418:     </sect1>
                   4420: ####### Document Templates | Templates 4: Application Context Sensitive Help #######
                   4422:     <sect1 id="template4">
                   4423:       <title>Template 3: Application Context Sensitive Help</title>
                   4424:       <para>
                   4425:         Context sensitive help is still in development.
                   4426:       </para>
                   4427:     </sect1>
                   4429: ####### Document Templates | Templates 5: Complete Application: gnome-hello  ####### 
                   4431:     <sect1 id="template5">
                   4432:       <title>Template 4: Complete Application: gnome-hello</title>
                   4433:       <programlisting>
                   4434: <![CDATA[(Put sgml here.)]]>
                   4435:       </programlisting>  
                   4436:     </sect1>
                   4438: ####### Document Templates | Templates 6: Tutorial ####### 
                   4440:     <sect1 id="template6">
                   4441:       <title>Template 5: Tutorial</title>
                   4442:       <programlisting>
                   4443: <![CDATA[(Put sgml here.)]]>
                   4444:       </programlisting>  
                   4445:     </sect1>-->
                   4446:   </appendix>
                   4448: </article>

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