Annotation of embedaddon/libxml2/test/schemas/bug145246.xsd.imp, revision 1.1

1.1     ! misho       1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        !             2: <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
        !             3:            xmlns=""
        !             4:            targetNamespace=""
        !             5:            elementFormDefault="qualified"
        !             6:            attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
        !             7: 
        !             8:   <xs:annotation>
        !             9:     <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
        !            10:       DCMES 1.1 XML Schema
        !            11:       XML Schema for namespace
        !            12: 
        !            13:       Created 2003-04-02
        !            14: 
        !            15:       Created by 
        !            16: 
        !            17:       Tim Cole (
        !            18:       Tom Habing (
        !            19:       Jane Hunter (
        !            20:       Pete Johnston (,
        !            21:       Carl Lagoze (
        !            22: 
        !            23:       This schema declares XML elements for the 15 DC elements from the
        !            24: namespace.
        !            25: 
        !            26:       It defines a complexType SimpleLiteral which permits mixed content 
        !            27:       and makes the xml:lang attribute available. It disallows child elements by
        !            28:       use of minOcccurs/maxOccurs.
        !            29: 
        !            30:       However, this complexType does permit the derivation of other complexTypes
        !            31:       which would permit child elements.
        !            32: 
        !            33:       All elements are declared as substitutable for the abstract element any, 
        !            34:       which means that the default type for all elements is dc:SimpleLiteral.
        !            35: 
        !            36:     </xs:documentation>
        !            37: 
        !            38:   </xs:annotation>
        !            39: 
        !            40: 
        !            41:   <xs:import namespace=""
        !            42:              schemaLocation="xml.xsd"> 
        !            43:   </xs:import>
        !            44:        <!-->
        !            45:   <xs:complexType name="SimpleLiteral">
        !            46:         <xs:annotation>
        !            47:         <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
        !            48:             This is the default type for all of the DC elements.
        !            49:             It permits text content only with optional
        !            50:             xml:lang attribute.
        !            51:             Text is allowed because mixed="true", but sub-elements
        !            52:             are disallowed because minOccurs="0" and maxOccurs="0" 
        !            53:             are on the xs:any tag.
        !            54: 
        !            55:            This complexType allows for restriction or extension permitting
        !            56:             child elements.
        !            57:        </xs:documentation>
        !            58:        </xs:annotation>
        !            59: 
        !            60:    <xs:complexContent mixed="true">
        !            61:     <xs:restriction base="xs:anyType">
        !            62:      <xs:sequence>
        !            63:       <xs:any processContents="lax" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="2"/>
        !            64:      </xs:sequence>
        !            65:      <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang" use="optional"/>
        !            66:     </xs:restriction>
        !            67:    </xs:complexContent>
        !            68:   </xs:complexType>
        !            69: 
        !            70:   <xs:element name="any" type="SimpleLiteral" abstract="true"/>
        !            71: 
        !            72:   <xs:element name="title" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            73:   <xs:element name="creator" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            74:   <xs:element name="subject" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            75:   <xs:element name="description" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            76:   <xs:element name="publisher" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            77:   <xs:element name="contributor" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            78:   <xs:element name="date" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            79:   <xs:element name="type" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            80:   <xs:element name="format" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            81:   <xs:element name="identifier" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            82:   <xs:element name="source" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            83:   <xs:element name="language" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            84:   <xs:element name="relation" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            85:   <xs:element name="coverage" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            86:   <xs:element name="rights" substitutionGroup="any"/>
        !            87: 
        !            88:   <xs:group name="elementsGroup">
        !            89:        <xs:annotation>
        !            90:        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
        !            91:            This group is included as a convenience for schema authors
        !            92:             who need to refer to all the elements in the 
        !            93:    namespace.
        !            94:        </xs:documentation>
        !            95:        </xs:annotation>
        !            96: 
        !            97:   <xs:sequence>
        !            98:     <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        !            99:       <xs:element ref="any"/>
        !           100:     </xs:choice>
        !           101:     </xs:sequence>
        !           102:   </xs:group>
        !           103: 
        !           104:   <xs:complexType name="elementContainer">
        !           105:        <xs:annotation>
        !           106:        <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">
        !           107:                This complexType is included as a convenience for schema authors who need to define a root
        !           108:                or container element for all of the DC elements.
        !           109:        </xs:documentation>
        !           110:        </xs:annotation>
        !           111: 
        !           112:     <xs:choice>
        !           113:       <xs:group ref="elementsGroup"/>
        !           114:     </xs:choice>
        !           115:   </xs:complexType>
        !           116: 
        !           117: 
        !           118: </xs:schema>
        !           119: 

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