Annotation of embedaddon/libxml2/test/schematron/zvon5.sct, revision 1.1
1.1 ! misho 1: <schema xmlns="" >
! 2: <pattern name="Select empty elements CCC">
! 3: <rule context="CCC">
! 4: <assert test="normalize-space(.) and *">Source contains an empty element CCC </assert>
! 5: <report test="normalize-space(.) = ''">[1]An element CCC does not contain any text</report>
! 6: <assert test="normalize-space(.)">[2]An element CCC does not contain any text</assert>
! 7: <report test="not(*)">[1]An element CCC does not contain any child element</report>
! 8: <assert test="*">[2]An element CCC does not contain any child element</assert>
! 9: </rule>
! 10: </pattern>
! 11: </schema>
! 12:
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